Ways to hide the number on a megaphone. Antiaon Megafon. How to hide your number

28.12.16, 13:50 Megaphone 0

Mobile operators provide communication services to millions of subscribers across the country. They allow us to be always in touch with family and friends. They offer a huge variety of free and paid services. One of the nice mobile communication options is caller ID. That is, we always see who is calling us and from what number. This allows us to independently decide whether we want to answer the call of a certain subscriber at the moment. But is it possible to hide your number and make an incognito call? The operator Megafon gives a positive answer to this question and offers the AntiAON service.

Description of the anti-ion megaphone service.

For everyone who wants to make outgoing calls anonymously, the operator offers to connect a megaphone number identifier. It allows you to make outgoing incognito calls to numbers of any mobile network operators, regardless of tariff and geographic location. However, the service applies only to calls, which means that we will not be able to send anonymous SMS or MMS messages.

The AntiAon service from Megafon is connected free of charge, and its subscription fee is 7 rubles for a one-time request or 5 rubles per day, when activating the service "Number identification restriction". Thus, there are two types of AntiAON service from Megafon: "One-time AntiAON" and "Anti-Alert".

"One-time AntiAON" does not require additional connection from the Megafon subscriber, all Megafon users have the opportunity to use the service one time. The service is billed based on the fact of use. To use this option, dial # 31 # before the subscriber's number and press the call button. For example, # 31 # 89254657897, call button. Also you can connect via call settings. To do this, in the call settings, you need to find the "Transfer your number" section and select the "No" parameter there. Now you can make anonymous calls without the # 31 # prefix. The cost of the call will correspond to your tariff and 5 rubles per request will be added to it. The "One-time AntiAON" service is not provided in roaming.

The "Number identification restriction" service requires special activation, later we will analyze all possible ways to activate this service. The cost of the service is debited daily and is 5 rubles per day. This service allows you to call from a "hidden" number an unlimited number of times. If you want to make a call from a designated number, then dial * 31 # before the subscriber's number. This will make your number "visible" in a particular case.

The only limitation of "One-time AntiAON" and "Number identification restriction" services is the use of the "SuperAON" service by the called subscriber. In this case, the subscriber will see the number from which the call is made.

How to enable anti-caller ID megaphone?

There are three ways that answer the question of how to connect an anti-ion on a megaphone. The simplest of these is using the USSD command. The second method is associated with registration and authorization in the "Personal Account" service from Megafon. The third way is to visit the Megafon sales office and then contact a sales consultant. Let's examine each of them in more detail.

USSD command

In order to connect the anti-caller ID, you need to use a special USSD command that will enable this option for you. The command consists of the following symbols: * 221 # and a call button. After completing this action, do not forget in the call settings of your phone, go to the "Transfer your number" section and make sure that there is the "no" parameter, which means "do not transmit" or "Set by the network". This will mean that your number is hidden from the subscribers receiving the call. This method is the simplest. It is available to all subscribers of the Megafon operator.

The connection cost is 10 rubles, the subscription fee is 5 rubles per day.

Service "Personal account"

How to connect anti-ion on a megaphone via the Internet? The official website of Megafon has a special service that allows users to manage their number. First of all, you need to get into the "Personal Account". To do this, you need to go through the authorization procedure by filling in the "password" and "login" fields in a special form. Login is your phone number, you must receive a password when registering with the service. If you have not yet registered in the service, then press the button "Registration" in the same form, you will be asked to fill out a short form, after which you will receive your password in the form of an SMS message. Go through the authorization procedure. After authorization, you will find yourself on the main page of the "Personal Account" service from Megafon, it contains several sections. You need to select the section "Services and options".

After you have gone to the section "Services and options", a page will open in front of you, on which all services possible for connection will be listed in the form of a list. Find in this list the "Call Line Identifier" service and click the "Connect" button, which will be located opposite the option name. After this action, the service will be connected, but everyone should check this fact. To do this, go to the phone settings in the "Transfer your number" section and check whether the parameter is "no" or "Set by the network", this will mean that the service is connected.

Personal visit to Megafon communication salon

The last method consists in a personal visit to the megaphone sales office, followed by contacting a consultant with your problem. You can choose any operator's sales office convenient for you. This method has several limitations.

First, the sim-art must be registered to you. Otherwise, you have no right to manipulate the number and the consultant will be forced to refuse your service. However, there is a way out of this situation. If the SIM card belongs to another person, then you can carry out transactions with it, if you have a power of attorney on behalf of the owner of the number. Such a power of attorney can be obtained from a lawyer or from the Megafon sales office. The power of attorney must necessarily state that you are allowed to carry out operations with this number. Secondly, regardless of who the SIM card is registered to, you must have an identity document with you. For example, a passport. Only if it is available, you will be provided with the service for activating the option "Number identification restriction".

How to disable caller ID on a megaphone?

It is quite easy to deactivate the "Call Line Identifier" service. This can also be done through the "My Account" service, following all the same steps as when connecting. Only instead of the "Connect" button there will be a "Disconnect" button, which you will have to press.

To disable the option using the USSD command, dial * 221 # and press the call button. After this action, the service will be disabled.

You can contact the Megafon communication salon and the consultant will turn off the service for you. However, here it is worth remembering the above conditions for the provision of services in the Megafon sales office.

Need to make an anonymous call or multiple calls to specific numbers? For subscribers of the MegaFon network, the services "AntiAON" and "One-off AntiAON" are available. Within these services it is possible. The first service makes all outgoing calls anonymous and provides a daily subscription fee. It is not always advisable to connect this service. If you need to make one call to a specific number anonymous, then the One-Time AntiAON service will be more convenient and profitable. MegaFon.

The service is convenient because it does not require connection. To prevent the called subscriber from identifying your phone number, just dial # 31 # before the number. There is a one-time payment for each anonymous call. Therefore, if you plan to often hide the number, it will be more profitable. If your goal is to hide the number for one time, then read the full article. We will tell you how to do this and under what conditions this service is provided.

  • Important
  • The "One-time AntiAON" service is not available in roaming.

Description of the service "One-time AntiAON"

The purpose of the MegaFon One-Time AntiAON service is to allow the subscriber to hide the number for one call. You do not have to additionally activate the service, just dial a special combination of numbers before the number and instead of your number the called subscriber will see the inscription “Number is hidden”. For each fact of anonymous call, a certain amount of money will be withdrawn from the balance one time... The subscription fee may differ depending on the region. For example, subscribers of Moscow and the Moscow region will have to pay 7 rubles for one-time hiding of the number. You can clarify the current information for your region on the official website of the operator. In addition to the price, the "One-time AntiAON" service has other features that you should familiarize yourself with before using it. Let's consider them in more detail.

Features of the service "One-time AntiAON":

  • The cost of a one-time AntiAON, for each request is 7 rubles;
  • The "One-time AntiAON" service is not provided in roaming;
  • The call is paid according to the terms of the tariff;
  • One-time AntiAON service does not require activation;
  • It is impossible to use the service if there is an additional city number service;
  • The service is useless if the called subscriber is connected.

It is also worth noting that some older phone models may not support the service. How to understand if your device supports this service. In fact, everything is simple. You will understand this after you try to hide the number. A corresponding notification will appear on the phone screen. If there are no notifications, then everything is in order.

  • Important
  • In some cases, your number may be identified (when calling another network, when sending an SMS or when your interlocutor uses the SuperAON service).

How to use the service "One-time AntiAON"

The "One-time AntiAON" service does not require activation. Anonymous calls are made by dialing a special combination of numbers. To hide the number once, just dial the combination on the phone: # 31 # number of the called party. For example, if you need to anonymously call 89203814227, the command will look like this: # 31 # 89203814227). After dialing the number in this form, the called subscriber will see the inscription "Number is hidden" on the screen of his phone. The only exceptions are cases when the subscriber has activated the SuperAON service.... In this case, your number will be visible. Also, the operator does not guarantee the anonymity of the number when calling numbers from other networks. However, as practice shows, the number is hidden regardless of which network subscriber you are calling.

Today all cellular operators provide a whole range of free options, paid additional services, a variety of tariffs, and so on. One of these services is an anti-identifier or AntiAON from the mobile operator Megafon. If you do not use any special options, then during an outgoing call, your number will always be identified by the person you are calling. If you want to keep it secret, you can use the AntiAON service. Then, when you call, instead of the caller's phone, the screen will display an inscription like "Unknown or hidden number". In other words, the subscriber will not know who exactly is calling him.

Option Features

A distinctive feature of this option is the fact that it can be connected on an ongoing basis or used in exceptional cases:

Unlimited anti-identifier

This service allows you to make calls while hiding your phone an unlimited number of times;

One-time AntiAON

The one-time anti-identifier option allows you to hide the phone once during an outgoing call. The AntiAON option has one drawback - if the SuperAON option is connected on the SIM card of the subscriber you are calling, then it will always see your phone, even when you use unlimited AntiAON.

Attention! If the "Additional city number" option is enabled on your SIM card, then it will be impossible to use the anti-identification service.

How to connect

To connect a one-time anti-identifier option on the phone, you need to fill in the following combination of characters:

# 31 # the number of the person you are calling in this form 89 *********.

A similar service can be activated through telephone settings. To do this, go to the "Call settings" menu item and select the "Send your number" sub-item and select the "no" option there.

To activate "Unlimited AntiAON", you should dial a combination of symbols * 105 * 501 #.

If, with an unlimited anti-identifier connected, you need to show the called subscriber your phone, then you need to dial a combination of the following characters:

* 31 # subscriber number in this form 89 *********.

There are other ways to connect this service:

  • Through the personal account of the self-service system;
  • By means of an empty SMS to the following number: 000105501;
  • You should contact the consultants in the Megafon salon or the 0050 information and reference network.


To disable the "Unlimited AntiAON" option, dial the command USSD * 105 * 501 * 0 # on your phone and press the call button or send an SMS with the following content to the number 000105501: stop or stop. After disabling the unlimited anti-identifier option, 7 ₽ will be deducted from the account for each call from an undefined number.

So that after disabling the option, money is not debited from your account, in the phone menu, in the call settings folder in the "Number transfer" item, select the option "yes" or "set by the network". You can also disable one-time AntiAON using the USSD request * 105 * 499 #.

Service cost

If you decide to use the anti-caller ID one-time, then 7 rubles will be charged from your account for each such call. The activation and deactivation of such a service is free of charge. When activating the "Unlimited AntiAON" option, the subscriber is charged 10 rubles for the connection and a subscription fee of 5 rubles per day.

Attention! Depending on the region, the cost of one-time service "AntiAON" and the option "Unlimited anti-caller ID" may differ. In addition, the numbers for USSD commands and SMS messages depend on the specific region. The exact cost of the service should be found out from the operator of the region of registration of the SIM card.

From the article you will learn the features of using the Automatic Caller ID service, as well as the SuperAON option.

Standard service "Caller ID"

The standard service "Automatic Caller ID" allows the user to recognize the caller's phone number - it will be displayed on the screen of the device. "Caller ID" allows you to synchronize a phone number with a picture and a call melody set for it.

The service provides an opportunity to easily view missed calls and call back the subscriber, without having to look for his number in the phone book.

Combination of services with tariffs

The "Caller ID" option works on almost all tariff plans. In most cases, she included in the package of services provided... If necessary, you can connect it yourself.

The cost

The Caller ID service is attached to the line of MegaFon's tariff plans, and its cost is already included in the package of options provided. You will not need to pay separately for using the function.

If after disconnecting "Caller ID" the subscriber again wants to track who calls are coming from, the service can be reconnected. At the same time, the cost for connection will not be charged, and reuse does not require payment either.


It is not required to additionally activate the “Caller ID” service, since such an option is included in the package of services of almost all tariffs of the cellular operator “Megafon”.

Features of the SuperAON service

The standard “ANON” may not work if the caller has activated the “AntiAON” option. To bypass this limitation, you will need to connect the SuperAON option.
The option is valid even in an area that is out of the reach of the home network. In addition, you can use the service when traveling outside the Russian Federation.

The option cannot be used if the phone balance is in the red.

The SuperAON service can be used on all modern mobile phones. Only older models can be considered an exception. For more information, contact the support operators at 0500.

Connection of "SuperAON"

There are several ways to activate the service.


To activate the SuperAON service, send an empty SMS message to 5502. After processing it by the operator, the subscriber will be sent another message, which will contain confirmation of the success of the operation.

USSD request

The next way to activate the service is a USSD request. You need to dial the combination * 502 # and press the call key. After the activation is completed, the required amount will be debited from the subscriber, and the option will take effect. The client will receive a notification that the service has been activated.

Disconnecting "SuperAON"

If you no longer plan to use this service, you can deactivate it to avoid unnecessary debiting of funds. To do this, use the following methods:

  1. USSD-command * 502 * 4 #. After processing, the service is disabled, and the user will be notified by SMS.
  2. SMS message with the text "stop" or "off" to 5502. After that, you will receive a notification confirming the success of the deactivation.

You can also use the Service Guide application to deactivate it.

The cost of "SuperAON"

The subscription fee is 1,500 rubles per month. The amount will not be debited one-time. Funds are charged daily in equal amounts. This allows you to use the option for only one day for 50 rubles.

Connection and disconnection of "SuperAON" is free of charge. At the same time, the number of activations of this option is not limited.

Subscribers' questions

Is it possible to identify the number when calling from a subscriber of another operator?

The subscriber has the ability to determine the number on a call received from a user of another cellular operator, but sometimes there are exceptions.

Is it possible to determine the hidden number that called before SuperAON was activated?

Determination of the hidden number is possible after the SuperAON service is activated.

The Caller ID service is provided to all MegaFon subscribers. But if another user uses the "AntiAON" option, then a paid "SuperAON" service is required to determine his number.

Cellular users make dozens of calls every day, and not always only to close people. Sometimes you have to call a retail network, Internet service providers, a bank and other organizations. Such calls often lead to the fact that then the subscriber is pestered with callbacks, which are not always appropriate and desired. The "AntiAON" Megafon service allows you to call without specifying your phone number.

How AntiAON works

Users often ask themselves what the AntiAON service is and how it works. With this add-on, all outgoing calls are encrypted. On the phone screen of the caller, instead of the usual dialing of numbers, a text is displayed stating that the number is unknown. Thus, all outgoing calls can be made anonymous. The service can be permanent or one-time.

"One-time AntiAON". Before making a call to be made from a classified number, the option must be activated.

Clients who do not want to advertise their contact details are offered an additional function "AntiAON", which allows all outgoing calls to be made without specifying their phone number.

The service has several features in use:

  • the service does not work when sending text and multimedia messages, it is applicable only for outgoing calls;
  • stable operation of the option is guaranteed only in the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe operator and to Megafon numbers;
  • you can activate the service through Megafon resources. Launching it from the smartphone menu will enable a one-time provision of an opportunity, which will be charged before disconnection, for each outgoing call;
  • the option is incompatible with such add-ons "Call at the expense of a friend", "Additional city number" and "Voice for pumping", and also does not work if the called user has the "Super Caller ID" option activated;
  • when the client changes the tariff plan, the service is not automatically disabled and will be active;
  • with enabled anti-identifier, you can optionally enable the identification of the number through the device menu directly during dialing.

Connection to the resource is provided free of charge. In this case, the cost for the anti-identifier and the single version is different. The first one will cost the consumer 5 rubles a day, and the second 7 rubles for each call.

Service management

To use the anti-identifier from the Megafon company as comfortably as possible, use 2 commands:

  1. "One-time AntiAON" for making an outgoing call # 31 # + 7XXXXXXXXXX and a call button. Where + 7XXXXXXXXXX is the called party's phone number.
  2. You can enable contact identification by dialing a call using the same combination # 31 # + 7XXXXXXXXXX– and the call key.

Attention! The function is the same, so care should be taken when using it to avoid the opposite effect. When the anti-identifier is connected on a permanent basis, it will open the caller's phone, and without it, it will activate a one-time service.

How to enable and disable an option

A one-time add-on is available to all subscribers of a mobile operator, without exception, simultaneously with the connection of the contract and does not require disconnection, since it is provided optionally at the user's request.

A fixed add-on is permanently connected:

  • in the corresponding section of your personal account;
  • via the command * 221 # and call;
  • or by sending a request from the service page, on the company's website, indicating your number, in response to which you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code.

When the need to hide your contact has disappeared, you can disconnect AntiAON from Megafon using one of the following methods:

  • section for managing connected services in your personal account on the operator's website;
  • deactivate the USSD service by a request with the combination * 221 #.

How to determine a number with anti-identifier function

If you are harassed by calls from numbers classified by anti-identifier, and you want to find out the caller's phone number, use the opposite SuperAON function, which allows you to identify any classified phone.

For the first 7 days, the option to declassify all calls is provided to the client free of charge. To activate the test mode, it is enough:

  • write a message with the text "YES" to the phone 5502;
  • send a short command * 502 # and call button;
  • activate in the service menu of your personal account on the Megafon website.

In custody

"AntiAON" on Megafon can help you contact a person who, for one reason or another, ignores the caller. The option will make it possible to make outgoing calls without worrying about the fact that they will call back with annoying requests and suggestions. Suitable for connection to operators of information services or for private life with frequent calls to commercial organizations that collect database numbers for cold sales.

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