Homemade antennas for the Internet. Do-it-yourself cellular amplifier

All mobile operators that offer Internet access via the 3G network (MTS, Megafon, Beeline, etc.) have a certain coverage area. If you are behind it, the Internet connection will be very weak, the connection will be unstable, the speed will be slow. In such cases, you can use options that will enhance the signal of the 3g modem.

How to Amplify 3G Modem Signal Using Speakers

The first option, how to amplify the signal of a 3g modem with your own hands, which you can try at home without unnecessary waste and effort, is to use ordinary sound speakers. Mobile Internet users noted that if you move them closer to the modem, the signal level increases by 10-20%. This is not very much, but with poor connection quality it gives a tangible increase. To get rid of annoying clicks from the speakers, the sound should be set to a minimum.

Signal amplifier for 3g copper wire modem

Another way, how to easily amplify the signal of a 3g modem with your own hands, will require you a little more action than the option with speakers. You need to make a structure of wire and a tin can, which would act as an antenna. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Take copper wire (preferably a long piece).
  2. Open the gadget and make 5-6 turns around the SIM card.
  3. Pull the other end to the window.
  4. Take a can or cut off the neck to make a "glass". He will act as a reflector that enhances communication.
  5. Tie the free end of the wire to the bottom of the can.
  6. Rotate the neck towards the nearest operator's tower. The increase in the quality of the Internet will be up to 90-95%.

How to strengthen the signal of a 3G modem with network settings

Before tinkering with antennas with your own hands, you should try another method, how to strengthen the reception of the 3g modem signal. Some mobile Internet users do not know that by default, when the connection quality is low, the device automatically switches to 2g communication mode, with which it is impossible to work normally. In this case, the transition occurs even in the presence of 2-3 "sticks". To avoid such situations, it should be clearly indicated through the device settings that only a 3g connection should be used. To change an option:

  1. run the network setup program;
  2. select the "Connection" tab (or with a similar name);
  3. further, the network search mode must be changed from automatic to 3g.

This will force the device to only operate on those frequencies, without dropping the connection to a slower speed. Some modems do not have such an item in the interface of the device application. In this case, you should look for a combination to activate the built-in command in the instructions for the device or on specialized forums. Each modem model has its own order of enabling the option.

Strengthening the signal of a 3G modem with a USB extension cable

This is not the best, but a working way to easily amplify the signal of a 3g modem with your own hands. Suitable for people who do not want to disassemble, re-solder their device. The design works on the principle of a satellite dish. To make it, you need to buy a "reflector" (jar, bowl, CD), USB cable "mom-dad" 3 meters. The creation process is as follows:

  1. In the middle of the disc, make a mount for a flash drive, or tape it with tape.
  2. Connect one end of the cable to the computer and the other to the modem.
  3. You can use a stick instead of the holder, or simply attach the disc from the street side to the facade of the house.
  4. Point the USB stick in the direction where the signal is strongest.

The increase in connection quality is not very large, because the USB cable loses some of it due to the length, but it still improves the connection. The CD mirror surface acts as an amplifier. It is recommended to use a bowl instead of a disc because its reflective plane is larger and the reception will be even better. Enamelled options are not suitable, use stainless steel products.

Dedicated external 3g modem signal booster

Operators are aware of communication problems, so they are constantly trying to expand the coverage area. As an intermediate solution, for example, a 3g signal amplifier was created for the Megafon modem and other companies. This is an antenna that operates at the required frequencies, and you need to connect it directly to the device. When choosing a model, you should rely on the characteristics of the radiation pattern and gain.

For effective operation of the antenna, it must be directed towards the tower of the mobile operator, which is closest to your home. Attach the stand so that the pins are perpendicular to the ground. Please note that the longer the cable length, the greater the signal loss along its length. A short cord will provide sufficient connection gain if it is of good quality. If you bought an amplifier, then you should not save on the cable.

How to amplify a 3G signal with your own hands using a repeater

The most effective is amplification using a special device - a 3G repeater. Amplification is possible only if the phone picks up at least a minimal 3G signal. This approach can be called fully professional, since after installing the repeater you will receive:

  • maximum possible amplification of the 3G signal;
  • the maximum speed of the mobile Internet that a mobile operator is capable of providing;
  • stable reception area within the coverage radius of the internal antenna;
  • getting rid of problems that arise with a weak signal: disconnections, subscriber inaccessibility, interruptions during a call, and others.

A repeater is, in a house or apartment, which itself is only part of the 3G signal amplification circuit. To create a complete system, you will need an external antenna that picks up the cellular operator's signal from the base station and an indoor antenna that "distributes" the cellular signal to subscribers indoors. All this is commutated with a coaxial cable. In difficult cases, boosters, attenuators, splitters and other equipment may be needed. In normal cases, for example, to amplify a 3G signal in a country house or in a cottage, it is enough to buy a ready-made kit, for example, VEGATEL VT-3G-kit. This kit is optimal in terms of price / quality, it works reliably and you can easily install it yourself. VEGATEL equipment is manufactured in Russia and has all the necessary certificates.

How to improve the reception of a 3G modem signal with an internal antenna

Another option, how to strengthen the 3g modem signal with your own hands, is to use additional devices to connect to the internal antenna. Every such device has it, but some have an open connector, you can easily connect to it, while in others it is hidden in the case, and to use it you will have to re-solder part of the device. In the first case, you just need to buy an amplifier or use a TV antenna as a receiver.

If the connector does not exist, then you can take the device to a service center, where for a reasonable fee the wizard will make it possible for you to connect a repeater that will improve communication with the nearest operator's tower. The main disadvantage of the method is that it will no longer be possible to use the modem only with an internal antenna, so you only need to decide on such a step if you know for sure that you will no longer need it.

Video: a signal amplifier for a 3g modem with your own hands

Nowadays, many people work directly on the Internet; they do not have to sit in an office to conduct their business. Many problems are solved through the network, so it is extremely important that a high-quality Internet signal is absolutely everywhere. If the dacha is located far enough from the city, plus the tower is not nearby, then you can not hope for high-quality Internet. But what to do in this case, not to go to the country? Build a tower near you? Everything is much simpler: you just need to make an Internet signal amplifier for a summer residence with your own hands.

A bit of theory

Before you learn how to make the best internet signal booster for a summer residence, you need to understand a little what 3G and 4G are, and also why a bad signal can occur.

Not so long ago, many summer residents used satellite Internet, but this technology has almost completely outlived itself, but now the overwhelming majority of people use which gives a very good speed for comfortable work on the network. Today there are three communication formats in Russia - 2G, 3G and 4G. As reported a little earlier, in 2 years, in 2020, the most modern format will appear - 5G.

To understand how the classification of communication formats differs, you need to know the following:

  • 2G, aka EDGE, is the slowest mobile Internet, its speed does not exceed 40 Kb / s, and is practically not used anywhere today.
  • 3G is the first high-speed Internet, thanks to which you can surf the pages very comfortably. The speed of this communication format does not exceed 800 Kb / s.
  • 4G - today in Russia - the fastest mobile Internet, its speed is 2-5 Mb / s.
  • 5G - since the introduction of this format has not yet taken place, it is rather difficult to say exact numbers, but approximately the speed should be about 1 Gb / s.

These statistics are approximate, because theoretically the speed can increase for each of the points, it all depends on the operator's bandwidth.

Mobile internet signal booster for summer cottages

Each person can personally enhance the signal quality of the 4G modem, which can be purchased in any mobile store of the selected operator. To use the Internet through such a modem, you need a computer or laptop. But you should also take into account the factor of connection stability, if the operator is not able to maintain an uninterrupted signal (even at a low speed), then it is rational to simply change it. Otherwise, the user will still receive a poor-quality Internet connection.

There are several possible options for how to amplify the signal. The most popular are:

  1. Extend the USB cable through which the modem is connected to a computer or laptop. Thanks to this, the modem can be placed somewhere higher or even taken out into the street, while the quality of communication will significantly improve.
  2. UTP extender for 3 or 4G modem. A regular USB extension cable will not work properly if the cord is longer than 4 meters. In this case, the extension cord can have a high-quality connection to the computer at a distance of up to 20 meters. Therefore, the modem can even be taken out on the roof of the house.
  3. Purchase a special internet signal booster. Not the cheapest way, because the cost of a complete set will cost about 2800 rubles. ($ 50), however, the end result is really worth the money.
  4. With your own hands, make a special antenna that will improve the quality of communication.
  5. Change operator. At first glance, such a banal procedure may be the most effective.
  6. Select "3G only" or "4G only" mode.

We figured out the main methods of improving Internet connection, now in more detail about each of them.

Extend the modem via USB cable

To improve the signal quality, it should be understood that this is a wave that spreads unevenly in different parts of the house. This means that you first need to determine where the signal is strongest and most stable. This will take a little time and patience, when this place is determined, you should proceed to the next step.

Almost all modems display the dBm value, and it is worth paying attention to it. If this value is less than 70, the signal is simply excellent and this is where it is best to place an Internet access point. When the signal level is in the range of 70-80 dBm - an average indicator, if there is no better indicator in the house, then you will not notice strong discomfort when surfing pages. But when the dBm value is more than 100, the signal is very weak.

In practice, it is known that the strongest signal exists near windows and closer to the ceiling. It is best to place the modem somewhere near the roof. In this case, you should not worry about the device. All modems are not afraid of winds, rains and frosts, but it is undesirable to expose the device where there is a lot of sunlight.

So, if the location is determined, now you need to head to the store and simply purchase a USB extension cable of the desired length. It is important to remember that if it is more than 4 meters long, then this procedure loses its whole meaning, the signal quality will again be bad.

UTP extender

If four meters of extension cable is not enough to seriously improve the signal quality, then in this case, you should purchase a special UTP extension cable. Such a device can qualitatively lengthen the modem up to 20 meters. Therefore, if the access point needs to be taken out to the roof, this is exactly what you need.

The extension cord consists of three parts:

  1. USB port that plugs into a laptop or computer.
  2. The port where the modem is connected.
  3. UTP cable that connects the two ports. You can use a classic UTP-5E cable.

But if 20 meters of cable is not enough for you, then in this case you should purchase a more expensive one. High-quality information transfer will be stable at a distance of up to 50 meters.

for giving

Often in stores you can see special antennas that are designed to amplify the signal. They are purchased together with the required amount of cable; the antenna should be installed on the roof of the house.

The difficulty of installation lies in the fact that one person cannot do it. Before installing the antenna, you should choose its exact direction, in which direction the signal will be of the highest quality. The process goes something like this: one person slowly turns the Internet signal amplifier to give, and the second on the computer looks at the dBm frequency and where the value will be the lowest, in this direction the device should be fixed.

The antenna itself is connected to the modem, and the modem, already with a cable, is connected to the computer. It is also worth noting that the modem must be no further than two meters from the signal amplifier, otherwise there will be no result. There are also some more connection difficulties. Not all modems have antenna outputs, and those that do are of insufficient quality, so it is likely that you will have to re-solder the input yourself. If you do not know how to do this, then it is better to attribute the modem to the craftsmen who have soldered more than a dozen of such devices.

This method is very complicated and costly, moreover, the antenna must be grounded. However, in some cases, it is the antenna that becomes the savior. If the tower is far enough away (more than 10 km), then this is the only correct solution.

Antenna for amplifying the signal with your own hands

A homemade antenna can be used not only in the country, but also on a hike, it is quite simple to make it. You need to wind copper wire on a USB modem, how many turns you need to say is quite difficult, but there should be quite a few of them. Most of the wire should be wound where the SIM card is located. At the end of the wire, you need to make a small screen from an ordinary tin can, and if you have an unnecessary CD, then it is generally ideal for a homemade antenna. Such a simple Internet signal amplifier for a summer residence can improve the quality of communication by up to 20%, which is a very good indicator.

The second version of a homemade antenna

There is also a stationary version of the antenna. Two rhombuses should be made from a sufficiently thick copper wire. In appearance, the antenna should resemble an unrounded figure eight. A regular antenna cable should be soldered to the joints of the rhombuses, wrap the modem with the other end of the cable, as indicated in the previous example. Mount the antenna with the modem on the roof of the house or put it out the window, and connect the modem to the computer using a USB or UTP extension cable.

Operator change

The quality of the Internet signal directly depends on the proximity of the towers located and the quality of the equipment. Therefore, before tinkering with something, it is worth trying to simply change the operator, sometimes this is the simplest and most effective method of signal amplification.

User opinion

And what do they say about what he really is - the best Internet signal amplifier for giving, user reviews? Of all the methods described above, people most often prefer conventional extension cords. In most cases, they are the ones who help solve the problem. Also, many people respond well to purchased antennas. As for homemade devices, opinions are divided here. Some do-it-yourself antennas helped, while others complain that there was no improvement in the signal at all. However, do not forget that people could simply not adhere to the instructions or it is corny to do something wrong.

In this article, we will look at how you can assemble an outdoor antenna for 3G internet. There is little such information on the Internet, and all I could find worthwhile was an antenna with a gain of up to 16.3 dB. Perhaps some of the readers will have an idea how to assemble an antenna with a gain of up to 24 dB or more using this principle.

As for the materials, such antennas are often assembled from aluminum, but here the author did not bother and assembled everything from steel. Everything works great, he said. All units are assembled by welding. The main thing is to observe accuracy, the quality of the antenna's performance depends on this.

The antenna has the following parameters:

Rod diameter 18 mm
The diameter of the looped virbator is 4 mm
The reflector / deflector diameter is 4 mm
The reflector is located from the beginning of the rod at a distance of 30 mm and has a length of 81 mm
Wavelength \u003d MHZ 139 mm
Design frequency \u003d Yagi 2150.00

Materials and tools for assembling a 3G antenna:
- welding;
- welding electrodes (to create elements);
- steel pipe with a diameter of 18 mm (this will be the supporting rod);
- PVC pipe connector (will act as a holder for the vibrator);
- drill;
- hanger type "hangers";
- self-tapping screws;
- marker;
- a tool for marking.

Let's start making the antenna:

Step one. Vibrator manufacturing and installation
The vibrator is made on the basis of the indicated scheme. It must be installed at a distance of 58 mm from the beginning of the rod and 28 mm from the reflector.

To mount the vibrator, you need a PVC pipe connector, it is attached to the bar with self-tapping screws. As for fixing the vibrator, a through hole is drilled into the PVC for it, and then it is glued with epoxy resin.

Step two. Bar mark
Now you need to mark the bar for the installation of the elements. To do this, you need to draw a line on the pipe, and then mark the drilling spots in accordance with the diagram. The distance between the elements affects the antenna power, here you already need to choose the parameters in accordance with the presented table.

Step three. Installation of elements. The final stage

Holes can now be drilled in the bar to accommodate the cross members. The holes must be drilled very accurately without tilting or offset. Well, then you can prepare and install the elements, they are made from electrodes. The length is also selected in accordance with the table. To evenly install the elements, you need to find the middle, and then add half the diameter of the pipe to each side. Then marks are made in these places. From such a mark, after installing the element, it is easy to determine whether it stands clearly in the center of the pipe. Well, when the element is installed, you can safely weld the electrodes to the pipe.

That's all, the 3G antenna YAGI is ready, you can proceed to testing. As you can see in the picture, the author's speed increased from 0.11 Mbit / s to 3.21 Mbit / s, that is, before the antenna was connected, there was practically no speed, not counting 10 Kbit / s.

Modern life without Internet access is already unthinkable. But providers are far from always able to provide a high-quality connection line to their customers, because reliable communication is possible only in the field of reliable reception. And it, in turn, is limited by the power of the transmitter, the location of the terrain (in the lowlands, the signal is uncertain), as well as the distance. You can improve the quality of the signal and expand the range of its reception by connecting to the Kharchenko antenna for 3G or 4G.

With the appropriate settings, this antenna is both an amplifier and a receiver. The inventor and scientist Kharchenko suggested using this biquadrat as an antenna. Biquadrat is a subspecies of loop antennas, which are primarily classified as zigzag.

K.P. Kharchenko proposed this device as an antenna in the middle of the last century (1961) for use as a television receiver. There is a good reason for this: it is a historical, recorded fact that, having tuned his antenna to a frequency of 14 megahertz and giving it the necessary position, the scientist received a signal from America.

Now a signal amplifier for mobile communications and the Internet can be bought without any problems in special stores or you can make a Kharchenko antenna with your own hands.

Among the factory models of antenna amplifiers, it is easy to find powerful devices with high performance. But quite often you can get by with a simple design, which is easy to assemble from improvised means with your own hands. It is enough to use the well-known development of Kharchenko.

According to the research of the creator, according to the output parameters, the antenna reliably enhances the operation of digital devices operating on mobile platforms, forming an increase in signal reception up to 3-4 dB, even without using a reflector, and with its introduction - up to 8-9.

To create a Kharchenko antenna for a 4G modem with your own hands, as well as to amplify a 3G signal, you can get by with the smallest set of devices and devices that any home craftsman has. Required:

If there is no glue, you can make it yourself. To do this, dissolve ordinary foam plastic with gasoline or acetone at the bottom of the glassware.

Device and optimal dimensions

As you know, a 4G modem operates at a frequency of 2100 MHz. It is equivalent to a wavelength of 143 millimeters. Now there are still models that are created for 900 MHz, and those that use a composite order, but they are already losing their relevance.

The key components of the amplifier are:

  • vibrator - waves of magnetoelectric oscillations are induced on it, which are sent by the transmitter of the 4G provider;
  • an antenna wire with a matching element that transmits an induced radio signal from the vibrator;
  • signal transmission unit from the wire to the modem input;
  • a reflector that eliminates signal interruptions and reflective noise - it is needed to increase the receive power.

It is important to pay attention to the type of metal used. For the amplifier, copper or aluminum is usually used. In domestic situations, taking into account the small parameters of the vibrator, it is easier to connect the cable by soldering. For this reason, you must immediately dwell on copper, without even evaluating a number of its other positive aspects.

The configuration and dimensions of the cross section play a special role. It is recommended to build a Kharchenko antenna from a wire with a cross-section of at least 5 mm² and a diameter of 2.5 mm, since these parameters, according to popular experience, are the most favorable. Immediately it is worth making a reservation that it is allowed to take a thickness of 2.3 mm with a cross section of 4 mm², which will not significantly reduce the reception characteristics. If necessary, it is permissible to carry out installation with a cross section of 2.5 mm², but this will already spoil the quality of the signal, increase its extinction. Although for any particular case or location it may be quite possible - it should be approached individually.

To receive a reliable signal, you need to pay attention to the symmetry of the squares and the equivalent size of the side surfaces.

The main difference from standard antennas that a private technician may encounter is the size of the wave resistance, which can be 75 or 50 ohms. To reduce power loss, it is safer to use a wire with less resistance. It is more suitable for electronic indicators, more consistent, guarantees the least signal loss. However, using one of these types of wires, it is better to more accurately select the mechanical dimensions of the vibrator for it. In this case, the signal power leaks will be the smallest.

Any steel plate can be used as a screen. It can be cut out of tin or cut out of an unnecessary aluminum pan with a grinder. If there is no metal either, then you can get out of the situation and take plywood or cardboard and paste over it with foil. You don't have to worry about the result - there will be no tangible difference. In any case, the resulting design will be able to block the passing wave background from different sides.

The used DVD-disc shows itself perfectly. You can increase its effectiveness by covering one of the sides with aluminum foil. This option does an excellent job of reflecting waves. Its additional plus is its aesthetic appearance and significant ease of work.

To use the disc, you just need to anoint it with glue and fix it on a plastic bottle cap. You also need to adjust the distance of the vibrator from the reflector. This can be done using additional washers (you can take from the screws) or trimming excess thickness.

When assembling the amplifier, you need to pay attention to the parallelism of the areas of the vibrator and the reflector.

The first thing to do is create a vibrator. Size and symmetry are paramount. To give maximum symmetry to the installation, it is necessary to make all the faces of the squares exactly the same. This can be achieved in two ways:

  • be sure to preliminary mark the wire with a marker;
  • apply a test pattern of a specific length.

In the first method, the pliers are placed on the wire markings and bend the latter at an angle of 90 degrees to control the bend along the square.

In the second case, it is required to separate a part of the wire on a scale slightly larger in size than the sides of the square, and then sharpen it with a file or a coarse sandpaper to a control size. The completed template, together with the wire, is placed in the jaws of the pliers so that one end simultaneously with the wire rests on a solid plane, and the other meets the output plane of the pliers. Also, to guarantee the flatness of the surfaces, you can make a calculation online using the Kharchenko antenna calculator specially designed for such purposes.

Thereafter, the vibrator is bent by hand force using a control template for each edge of the square. After the wire is completely bent, its remaining part is removed with side cutters. There is a verification measurement of the edges, which ensures symmetry in the position of each of the sides in the same plane.

Connection and signal transmission options

In the middle of the bottle cap, a hole is drilled or cut with a knife, slightly smaller than the diameter of the cable (so that the structure is more stable). The end of the wire is inserted. After that, it is disassembled so that the central core is exposed with a place for tinning and soldering.

The connection of the wires is carried out with any soldering iron (you can even make a homemade one). When the soldering is over, the cover is pulled over the vibrator, leading along the cable.

The reliability of the connection can be increased by applying glue and making small cuts in the plastic cork.

The DVD-disk is inserted through the central hole into the cable and glued to the end of the plug. In this installation, the reflector and the vibrator do not imply electrical contact with each other.

The antenna vibrator assembled in this way, together with the reflector, guarantee a good reception of the electromagnetic wave signal from the transmitter without contact and redirect it along the coaxial wire. Now all that remains is to redirect it to the modem.

Redirecting 4G signal to modem can be settled in two ways:

  • make a direct connection of the coaxial cable cables directly to the modem board;
  • use the made antenna of Kharchenko as an intermediate gain link and, using it, transmit the received signal to the integrated antenna of the receiving device.

The first method, in turn, involves two solutions, depending on whether the modem has a special connector for connecting to an external antenna or it is absent.

If there is a connector, then this will save the amateur craftsman from solving additional problems. Then you only need to solder the ends of the coaxial wire to the second part of the connector and connect the antenna through it.

If there is no connector, then to organize a direct connection to the modem board, you will need not only disassembling the coaxial cable, but also soldering the core core with the screen layer to the microcircuit tracks. This is a very complex and delicate technical work that needs to be done accurately, safely and in full adherence to technology. Otherwise, the modem will fail, and then you will have to buy it again.

Anyone can handle this task. It will be necessary to solder electrodes to the output points of the coaxial wire - they will become a generator unit and will emit a generally accepted and intense magnetoelectric wave directly to the modem's antenna. You need to make one turn with any thread along the outer contour of the modem case and measure its size with a ruler. After that, you need to add 5 mm and cut a couple of strips of 75 mm in length and 45 and 27 in width from foil or a tin can.

The wide part for the core core must be bent according to the modem configuration, and for the screen - in a semicircle, and then soldered to the Kharchenko antenna.

The electrodes must be separated a small distance and directed in such a way that they produce and address the received magnetoelectric signal to the integrated antenna of the modem. Their best location can be found empirically.

Everything is now ready. It remains only to insert the 4G modem into the laptop connector, and then check the quality of the network.

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