Updating Windows installer for 7. Why are not programs installed from .msi files? Windows installer does not work

Let's start with why, in principle, this program is needed on a PC, and what functions it performs.

Usually those who were unable to access the installer service Windows Installerfall into a stupor. In this article, we will try once and for all to dispel the terrible myths about the criticality of this error, consider the main points and, just in case, other effective methods of solving the problem, some will be in the next parts.

Operating system service Windows Installer is an important link, a small subsystem of your main Windows system. It provides installation (installation) of most programs. Hence a different name follows - the installer. You will not be able to use programs that require installation for their work without it (just like that, for some types of programs, installation is not required, however, since you are already reading this article, then the case is different). Has, accordingly, the format .msi... There is nothing terrible or incomprehensible in the letters of this format, just an abbreviation for the name of the early version MicroSoft Installer.

The most common error and error messages are as follows:

  • The Windows Installer service is not available;
  • Windows OS Installer Service could not be accessed. This is usually due to an incorrectly installed Windows operating system installer;
  • Problems with the Windows Installer service installer: could not access the service Windows Installer Windows 7/8 / XP;
  • The most common problem: Windows Installer just not installed.

Now let's move on to the optimal and effective solutions to these problems.

Your first task will be to check whether the Windows installer service is running or not running on your OS, and indeed, to check the list of programs installed on the system for its presence. You may have to download at all Windows Installer for Windows 7 x32, if you have such an OS. on it he may be absent especially often.

In most cases, this is the case for ordinary PC users. There can be quite a few reasons for this outcome: from viruses picked up on bad sites to incorrect or incorrectly working programs. However, the problem, one way or another, must be solved.

First, you need to check the list of services for your OS. To do this, press the key combination on the keyboard Windows (checkbox) + R(in this order), a window called "Run" should immediately appear on the screen of your PC. Next, to understand why the service cannot be accessed Windows Installer, in an empty field we type services.msc (It is not necessary to enter in italics, here I indicate it for clarity). There is nothing complicated, everything will be something like this:

Next, click on the button called OK... A window will appear in front of you called "Services" ... In the list, you will need to leaf through a little, strain your eyes and find a service called Windows Installer:

It may be that you will not find it - then you need to download it for free Windows Installer for Windows 7/8, etc. (you can do this at the end of the page). If you find it - great - click the left mouse button twice, look at the following pictures. Here I give you examples for OS versions of Windows 7 and Windows 8. The only difference between them is that on Windows 7, the user can switch the startup parameters between automatically and manually. On Windows 8, this can only be done by force.

If you own Windows 7, try to select the automatic startup type of the Windows installer. Reboot your iron friend after this procedure and try again to install the program you need.

In the event that your attempts to find something concerning Windows Installer are not successful, you will need to install it. Hide-Info has its versions for any Windows - for example, Windows Installer x64 for Windows 7 can be downloaded for free from the link below.

However, if you still did not manage to solve the problem, and you believe that your access is not restricted by anyone, and the old versions of the program have not been found, then you can refer to the function "Reset service parameters in the registry". This information is available on the Microsoft website. For Windows 8, this method may not lead to the desired result, but, in any case, in order to implement it, you will need to familiarize yourself with the official website. However, more often it is just enough to download Windows Installer for Windows 7 32 bit and 64 bit without making any changes to the registry body.

Below are links to other methods of dealing with this problem, download links Windows Installer , as well as an official support forum, although if you carefully familiarize yourself with other methods and follow the instructions, then the official site will no longer be useful to you.

The operating system consists of a huge number of programs and services, each of which performs its own functions. For example, to install new programs on your computer, Windows Installer is used - an installer service for Windows 7. It is responsible for unpacking files and entering data into the system registry. Some users, when trying to install applications, encounter the error "Failed to access the service", as a result of which the installation of the program becomes impossible. This article provides solutions to the problem.

A similar error can occur if the corresponding service has been disabled, system files or registry entries are damaged. The following are ways to solve these problems.

Scan now command

If any important system files responsible for Installer have been damaged as a result of viruses or system failures, you can use a special command for the troubleshooting console. You need to do the following:

After that, try calling Installer again by running the installation of an application. If the problem is not resolved - go to the next paragraph of the guide.

Service manager

The Installer may not be working due to a disabled service that is responsible for it. Try to open the manager and turn it on. If you do not know how to do this, follow the instructions:

If the required item is not in the presented list, call the command line. How to do this is described above, in the previous section of the manual. In the console you need to enter the command "net start MSIServer" and press Enter. If there are no problems, you will see the message "Windows Installer has started successfully."

Export registry

You can also find a copy of someone else's registry key online and import it to your computer. The directory you need is called "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ services \\ msiserver".

When installing any program with the .msi extension, it writes about a problem with the Windiws Installer service, and when this service starts, it writes: The service could not be started on the local computer ... Error 2: The specified file cannot be found. Or the service is not listed.

Follow these guidelines to restore the Windows Installer service.

How to repair Windows Installer

Check your computer for viruses

The first thing to do is to make sure that the computer is not infected with viruses. To do this, we recommend checking your computer with an anti-virus program installed in the system. And also download the cure utility from dr.web (dr.web cureit! ®) and perform the check again with this utility.

Check what type of startup the Windows Installer service has

To do this, open Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services. Locate the Windows Installer service in the center. Right-click on it and select Properties from the context menu. See which startup type is set. Change it to automatic, restart your computer and check if the problem recurs or not.

If the service is not in the list, or the problem persists, read below.

Does the windows installer itself start

If the problem recurs or the startup type was already automatic, then check whether the windows installer itself starts. To do this, click Start - Run - Type msiexec and press enter. This should open a window in which the windows installer version and available commands will be written.

Files required for Windows Installer to function may be damaged

To check system files for integrity, open a command prompt as administrator (click Start - All Programs - Accessories - Right-click Command Prompt - Run as Administrator) and in the command prompt run the command

Sfc / scannow

Restart your computer and check if the error persists or not.

If this does not help, open a command prompt as administrator and enter the following commands in sequence, pressing enter after each of them:

Msiexec / unreg msiexec / regserver net stop msiserver regsvr32 / u / s% windir% \\ System32 \\ msi.dll regsvr32 / u / s% windir% \\ System32 \\ msihnd.dll regsvr32 / u / s% windir% \\ System32 \\ msisip. dll regsvr32 / s% windir% \\ System32 \\ msi.dll regsvr32 / s% windir% \\ System32 \\ msihnd.dll regsvr32 / s% windir% \\ System32 \\ msisip.dll net start msiserver

Restart your computer and test the Windows Installer.

If the problem persists, compare the contents of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ services \\ msiserver registry branch with the same branch on another computer and, if necessary, correct the values \u200b\u200bon the problem computer.

It's no secret that the lion's share of the world's population uses the operating system from Microsoft on their PCs. It can be Windows 7, the same Windows 8.1, or the ultra-modern Windows 10. Naturally. It is for these operating systems that there are a huge number of programs. From the simplest, no installation required, to giants like Photoshop.

But there are such unpleasant moments when any of these applications simply refuses to be installed on a computer. What should be done in this case? There is a solution - all you need to do is download the required application on Windows 7 and install it on your computer. Below we will talk about how to do this correctly and describe all possible deviations from the course and how to work around them.

What is the app?

Windows Installer (aka Windows installer) is a part of the operating system, due to which we can install or uninstall an application with the .msi extension. Thanks to this component, you can not only install or uninstall any application, but also make changes to it (we hope you understand the importance of the installer). You can download and install Windows installer for free.

Reasons for the inoperability of the program

If you started installing any program on your PC, but instead of the coveted window you saw the inscription: "Cannot access Windows Installer", then reading this article, you are moving in the right direction. The component is supplied as part of the Microsoft OS, but there are situations when you need to force it to start or reinstall it. The malfunction of the program is possible for the following reasons:

Restricting access when logging in with a second account

To solve this problem, you just need to log in with your main account (administrator). If you do not have this opportunity, you need to contact the person who installed this OS or configured it.

Disabled Windows Installer Service

To start a stopped service, open the "Search" menu and enter the word "Services".

You can also hold Win + R. In the small window, write services.msc and click "OK":

Look for Windows Installer in the list, then double-click on it and click "Run".

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