How to find out the Facebook page comes in. Facebook guests - how to find out who visited your Facebook page

Facebook is the most popular social network in the world. The number of its users has reached 2 billion people. In recent years, more and more interest in it and the residents of the post-Soviet space. Many of them have already had experience in using domestic social networks, such as and. Therefore, users often wonder if Facebook has similar functionality to them. In particular, they would like to be able to know who visited their page on the social network, similar to how it is implemented in Odnoklassniki. How this can be done on Facebook will be discussed in the article.

By default, Facebook does not have the function of viewing your page guests. This does not mean that this network is more technically backward than other similar resources. It's just the policy of the Facebook owners. But what is not directly accessible to the user can be found in another way. More on this later.

Method 1: List of possible acquaintances

By opening his Facebook page, the user can see the section "You May Know Them"... It can be displayed as a horizontal ribbon, or as a list on the right side of the page.

How does the system form this list? After analyzing it, you can understand that they get there:

  • Friends of friends;
  • Those who studied with the user in the same educational institutions;
  • Colleagues.

Surely you can find some other criteria that unite the user with these people. But after reading the list more carefully, you can find there those with whom you cannot establish any intersection points. This situation gave rise to a widespread opinion that this list includes not only common acquaintances, but also those who have recently visited the page. Therefore, the system concludes that they may be familiar with the user, and informs him about it.

How effective this method is, it is impossible to judge with absolute certainty. Moreover, if one of the friends came to the page, they will not be displayed in the list of possible acquaintances. But as one of the simplest clues to satisfy your curiosity, it may well be considered.

Method 2: View the source code of the page

The lack of opportunities to view guests on your Facebook page does not mean that such visits are not kept by the system in any way. But how to get this information out? One way is to view the source code of your profile page. Many users, far from the sphere of information technology, may be frightened off by the word “code” itself, but everything is not at all as complicated as it seems at first glance. To find out who viewed the page, you need to do the following:

After completing the above actions and pressing the key Enter, you can open the profile of the user who visited your page. Having done such manipulations with all identifiers, you can get a list of all guests.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is effective only in relation to those users who are in the friends list. The rest of the page visitors will remain undetected. In addition, this method cannot be used on a mobile device.

Method 3: Using Internal Search

Another way you can try to recognize your guests on Facebook is by using the search function. To use it, you only need to enter one letter in it. As a result, the system will display a list of users whose names begin with this letter.

The highlight here is that the first on the list will be the people you visited or who were interested in your profile. By eliminating the former, you can get an idea of \u200b\u200byour guests.

Naturally, this method gives a very rough result. In addition, it is necessary to try the entire alphabet in turn. But even in this way there is an opportunity to satisfy your curiosity at least a little.

At the end of the review, I would like to note that the Facebook developers categorically deny any possibility of viewing the guest list on the user's page. Therefore, the article deliberately did not consider such methods as various hook applications, browser extensions that complement the Facebook interface and other similar tricks. Using them, the user runs the risk of not only not achieving the desired result, but also putting his computer at risk of being infected with malware or completely losing access to his page on the social network.

You are an active user of social platforms. Among the huge number of friends and just visitors to your accounts, you decided to find out who visits your profile more often. And the question that we will consider today is whether it is possible to see who visited the page on Facebook?

You can see who logged in on Facebook - how you can check it

Initially, let's decide on the main question - on Facebook you can see who went to the profile or not? Neither in applications nor from a stationary device will you see who visited your account page. This is not provided by the site developers.

So, the answer to the question: "Can you see who logged in on Facebook?" - "No, you can't see!" However, the internet is teeming with offers from various third party apps to view your guest codes. One of these is Google Chrome. Is this really so, and whether this browser is able to reveal the secret about your guests on Facebook, we will now consider. But first I want to invite you to think about how to increase the popularity of your page on FaceBook and contact specialists to address this issue.

See who visited the Facebook page - description

Let's take a look at what this browser offers us in order to see who visited the Facebook page.

  1. Log into your account only from a computer and using the Google Chrome browser.
  2. On your profile page, right-click and find the line "show home page".
  3. InitialChatFriendsList - This link allows you to find the information you need. Then enter the link you can open the code of any page.
  4. In the top search line, all letters and symbols are followed by numbers. These numbers are personalized for each Facebook user.
  5. In the same way, copy the search string and change the numerical values. This will gradually open all the pages of users who have visited your profile.

How to find out who visited the Facebook page and whether it is necessary

And now, in essence, the question is how to find out who visited the Facebook page. In fact, the site developers did not initially provide this function. And as we know from reliable sources, such an opportunity will not open in the near future. All these tricks with applications or opening page codes using the Google Chrome browser do not bring any results. Even if Google opens the code of the pages, then these are only approximate pages of your potential guests, based on statistics. And it is not possible to check the reliability of this information.

It turns out that all these browser tricks are just a gimmick. And how sad to admit, all this will lead nowhere.

So, the answer to the question: "How to find out who visited the Facebook page?" - no way.

Many users are eager to comprehend the information on how to find out who visited my Facebook page. A similar service is available on Odnoklassniki, but the American social network facebook is more reserved in terms of privacy. Directly, you cannot trace who and when visited your page, but you are able to find out about this indirectly.

Ways to monitor guests on the Facebook social network

Method 1. Trap links.Trap links will help you to determine the person, or rather the account from which this person came to your page. They record profile visitors after installing a dedicated user accounting application.

This program generates a special link, which is necessary set to your profile as a hyperlink... For example, you can install it in the "Information" section. By clicking on the link, the guest of your page will be noticed and exposed. However, many are aware of this trick, which makes it an unreliable method of internet monitoring.

Method 2. Likes and comments.The social network was invented in order to share information. If someone has "inherited" on your page, you will find out about it using notifications.

However, this method is only applicable to open, sincere users. If you are interested in the question of whether your ill-wisher has visited your page, you will not know about it. Since such a user usually remains passive and leaves no traces.

Method 3. Heading "You May Know Them."It's not in the "Police Wanted" area. This is one of the ways how to find out who visited my Facebook page. In this case, the guest is determined by the frequency and duration of visits. The section "You may know them" often contains profiles of those users who last visited your page and may be familiar with you.
This method is also imperfect - there is no possibility to determine exactly who and when visited your page. This method is just as imprecise as the two previous ones, but with its help you can find new friends and acquaintances, as well as monitor who was the last to visit your page. Please note that any information or request to install any application on your device is fraud or deception. At the moment, it is impossible to view guests on Facebook, and this function is not planned by the developers in the future.

Method 4. Identifying visitors using the browser code.To know for sure who entered and viewed your page, use the browser code. It will take some time, but the result is worth it.

We've covered several ways to view your guests on Facebook. Apply and enjoy!

Many users are interested in how to view guests on Facebook. In fact, the question of how to catch users who have visited your profile puzzles people from different social networks. This is sometimes not only interesting, but also useful. True, it will not be possible to quickly answer the question of how to recognize guests (on Facebook). After all, this task is not so simple. Nevertheless, we will try to find out the details.

Can this be done at all?

Before looking at guests on Facebook, you often have to wonder - is there such a possibility at all? Maybe the desire is simply unrealistic? Fortunately, many users assure that, in principle, such a feature exists. You can watch guests on social networks, but using a variety of clever methods. Which ones exactly? Let's try to figure it out. After all, if you know the approaches to solving the problem, then you can always choose the best option for yourself.


So how do you see guests on Facebook? Try to find specialized online applications that provide this opportunity for their users. They are usually found in the games section of social networks.

All you need to do is install the application and place the link that it will give you in your profile. Now, just wait. Users who clicked on your page address will be marked as guests. You can easily and easily track who visits your profile. Nothing difficult, right?

But, as practice shows, such applications are quickly blocked. And you have to think again how to diversify the standard features of Facebook. Guests, the pages they visited - all this is so interesting. Fortunately, online apps are not the only solution. And if you try, you can quickly find another way.


For example, quite often users try to use a variety of third-party services. They allegedly help to sort out the question of how to view guests on Facebook. It is enough to log in to the site using your account on the social network, and then place a special link in your profile. Much the same as with online apps.

But, as practice shows, this technique is used by fraudsters to steal other people's accounts. After authorization on the hosting, you lose access to the profile. Moreover, you will not be able to recover your login information. This is how curiosity often ruins people and social networks. Sometimes you may be asked for money to return access - from 100 to 500 rubles. Do not believe such promises, because more often than not this is also a deception.

Additional ways

Another solution to the problem is much more common than any other. When a user thinks about how to view guests on Facebook or another social network, special programs come to the rescue. They guarantee the expansion of the standard features present in the system.

True, this is often a paid pleasure. You will have to pay from 50 to 400 rubles on average to activate applications to spy on your page. After that, you will need to log in to Facebook or any other social network. And that's all, the job is done: you will have a special tab in the application, where all the guests of the profile will be entered. A very tempting offer.

By the way, users are eager to trust such strange programs. And they, as practice shows, also often turn out to be viruses. You not only lose access to your social network account, but also add spies to the operating system. If you do not take action to eliminate the infection in time, you can even lose your bank card. Remember, there are no real options for viewing guests on Facebook. All offers are a common fraud and money scam.

This article will look at ways to view visitors to a page on the Facebook social network.


In the modern world there is a huge variety of social networks, but the Russian-speaking user is closest to VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. However, the first social network of this kind was Facebook. And many Russian-speaking users began to master this social network. It allows you to join groups, view news and videos, listen to music, find new people, chat with them, and much, much more. And of course, there are tons of other people there, so many are interested in who visited their page and how to view guests on Facebook. There are several options.

How to see guests on Facebook

When the developers created this social network, they did not provide for such a function. There is no separate tab or page where you can see the statistics of visits to your page on Facebook. This was done in order to maintain anonymity, because everyone has the right to privacy. Thus, you can guess for a long time who viewed your page, but there are no official ways to see guests on Facebook. However, indirectly, this can still be achieved.

Ways to view guests on Facebook

There are several ways to see who has visited your Facebook page. However, they are all indirect and do not allow obtaining accurate statistics, but, on the other hand, this is still at least something.

The first way to see guests on Facebook is pretty simple. You just need to refresh the page as often as possible and you will see which friends have visited it.

The second method, in principle, is also not very difficult. You just need to click on the "Find Friends" button, and you will be presented with a "You may know them" list. Using this list, you can find friends who came to your page. However, you will not be able to get any exact data (when and how much you visited, who visited, how many times), but this is at least some information.

You can also go this way. Click on the "View all" button, and you will see a list of all guests. Again, you won't get accurate information. Of course, you can go in every day and see if someone came to your page or not. That is, for example, today you clicked a button and see that there are no visits, and tomorrow you will go in, and there will be a notification that someone has visited your page.

If you are seriously interested in the question of whether it is possible to see guests on Facebook, then there is another way. To do this, you can use your friends list. Yes, that's right, the usual list of friends. The list of your best friends is not created just like that, but based on special algorithms. Facebook keeps track of who you corresponded with most often, to whom you sent videos and pictures, whose page you visited, and who visited your page. Based on these criteria, Facebook ranks your friends in order of how often you interact with them. Accordingly, in order to understand who visited your page, you need to go to the list of your best friends and carefully study it. If you find there a person with whom you do not communicate much, but at the same time he is quite high in the list of friends, then this means that he quite often visits your page and is interested in your life. Here is such a simple, but at the same time effective way.

Third party programs and applications

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