Board add php add ad business. Place an ad. Invalid e-mail address entered

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Hello everyone, today I want to tell you about one quick way by which you will learn how to build quality bulletin boards in your country or region.

A day ago, I received an offer to sell the goods that the owners had left after the business closed, of course, creating a website and draining traffic through the context is out of the question, and bulletin boards are very good for this business and give a quick result.

And if there are few views on ads, you can use / Yandex.Direct or paid services of bulletin boards (raise to the top, highlight, etc.), since you can pay for them in any convenient way WebMoney, Privat24 or.

By the way, since I started talking about paid services, I want to immediately share with you the experience of accommodation paid ads on the site + offline newspaper in the desired region:

Can you imagine? And so 3 times in a row, I created ads, filled in a bunch of fields, and after moderation, I can’t edit the ad, because they fucking delete them. However, the situation with boards in Ukraine is very sad, we can single out only one worthy and convenient for users, this is, everything is thought out to the smallest detail...

But, since we need a large coverage of the target audience, we will not manage with one board. And there is no point in posting to everyone, because many are spammed to the very end, or they don’t have traffic at all. That's what I want to talk with you today and show you how to quickly and effectively cut off such illiquid shit for any region or even country.

I think every person, when searching for boards, drinks in the query "list of bulletin boards + region / country" and finds some shitty directories with dead sites with zero exhaust. But, we will be smarter and compile the list ourselves, just in case, I will publish the list for Ukraine at the bottom of the post, though it’s not a fact that it will be relevant in a couple of months. And so let's get started:

How to collect a list of traffic boards?

No way!

Just kidding of course)

1. The first thing to do is to collect a list of existing boards in the desired region, for this I used the FastTrust software, which has already grown into an online version, you need to check the quality of links with it, but we will use it to parse boards and sort them by quality.

2. Go to FastTrust and open the tool "search output" and select first for example Google:

- Specify the region or domain zone, etc.
- Select the desired number of results in the issue
- We write the request "Board of announcements"

We get a list of sites!

3. We repeat step 2 for the Yandex search engine, according to the same principle.

4. In steps 2 and 3, we change the queries, for example, "publish an ad for free", "ad board + region", "auto ad board", etc. What is your imagination enough for, if you don’t have it, use the selection of Wordstat queries

The result should be a solid list of boards:

Naturally, there are duplicates here and we must clean them up using the magic button in FastTrust:

381 sites, you will not find so many in one list. If you need this list, you can download it:

6. Now we need to remove important parameters for the next site analysis in order to exclude low-visited sites. Although you can not do this, but place ads on all sites.

If you rely on the Pareto law (principle 80/20) wiki, then 20% of the sites from the list will give 80% of the traffic / views, and the remaining 80% of the sites will give only 20%. Now we will try to find these golden 20%.

To do this, select the following parameters in the program:

- Attendance on

In my case, statistics are worth very little where, in the ua segment they use stats from BigMir,, Mail, or the stat is simply completely closed. In Runet, LiveInternet is more popular, but still we will not exclude it, because even if not everywhere, it is worth it, which means that we can draw conclusions about site traffic.

7. Clear the list with Alexa Global Rank "-1":

Sort column " Daily attendance" and mark in it data more than 10K traffic per day, then sort by " Alexa"(the lower the better), I chose a value up to 100,000, I removed everything that is more than 100 thousand from the list (except for those who have more than 10K traffic):

8. Now you need to clean the database from non-thematic and narrow-profile sites:

In my case, these are auto boards, sites with vacancies and other rubbish that I don’t need now.

In total, I got 17 high-quality and visited bulletin boards out of 381, I am sharing the list with you, as I promised at the beginning of the post:

main mirrorTICDaily attendance by 79794 2140
http://prom.ua20 -1 4238 9 4400 44069 4856
http://olx.ua1400 28743 5232 -1 19081 -1 19757

One of the useful functions provided by the PHP language is the possibility of file input / output, which allows you to save and display the data entered by visitors on the site later, which cannot be done using standard HTML tools. This allows PHP to be used to create dynamic structures such as bulletin boards and WEB forums. In addition to supporting standard input-output operations to a text file, PHP also supports SQL queries, MySQL ( is usually used for this purpose, but a description of the interaction between PHP and SQL is beyond the scope of this article.

To illustrate the possibilities of PHP, let's create a simple bulletin board for a website. The work of our bulletin board will be supported by the following files:

  • A file for displaying messages in the bulletin board and a form for entering a new ad. (board.php)
  • Form Input Results Processing File ( submit.php)
  • A text file containing the entered messages. ( data.txt)
  • File for administering our bulletin board ( admin.php)
  • Means of protection against unauthorized access to conference data

Users will be given the opportunity to enter data into the form, which will later be displayed on the HTML page. Forms are a standard HTML element, and are defined using the following directive:

action- defines the script to be processed.

method- defines the method of passing data to this script. There are only two methods: post - all form data is passed in the request body, and get - data is passed at the end of the URL. We will use the post method.

Inside the form tag are its elements - text fields, text areas, confirm or reset buttons, etc. Text fields and buttons are defined using the INPUT tag, for a text field it has the following format:

name- defines the name of the variable in which the entered data is stored

size- the length of the text field in the browser

maxlength- the maximum allowable number of characters entered in the field

value- the value displayed in the text field by default.

For buttons to confirm and cancel data entry, the Input tag has the following format:

button type- submit for the button to confirm the form input and reset - for the button to reset the form data Example buttons:

To enter multiline text, a text area is used, which is defined using the Textarea tag:

name- defines the name of the variable in which the entered data is stored.

rows- the number of lines in the text area.

cols- the number of columns in the text area.

Text area example

To enter data into our bulletin board, we will use three text fields: the name and e-mail of the person who wants to post a message, as well as the subject of the message, one text area (message text) and two buttons: confirmation of data entry and reset. Below is the source text of the form:

Your name:

Your e-mail:



So, the user entered the data and clicked on the confirmation button. Form data handling control passed to file submit.php. Let's consider it in more detail. First of all, we need to make sure that the user has entered the correct data into the form, namely, filled in all the required fields and the "@" symbol is included in the "e-mail" column:

//Check for empty fields if ($FIO == ""): print "

The field "Your name" is not filled

"; else: if ($tema == ""): print "

The field "Subject" is empty

"; else: // Check for "@" character in e-mail $eml=stristr($email,"@"); if ($eml == false): print "

Invalid e-mail address entered

"; else:

If the data is entered in compliance with the rules established by us, we will write them to a text file, observing the following conditions:

  1. each message occupies one line in the text file and is separated by the newline character "/n",
  2. sections of the message are separated using the "|" character,
  3. the data entered by the user must not contain the characters "","%", which should protect our bulletin board from hacking and spam.
//open file for addition $fd = fopen("data.txt","a"); // Checking if the user has entered illegal characters "|","","%" and "\n" // inside the message and deleting them. $FIO = str_replace("|","", $FIO); $FIO = str_replace("","", $FIO); $FIO = str_replace("%","", $FIO); $email = str_replace("|","", $email); $email = str_replace("","", $email); $email = str_replace("%","", $email); $tema = str_replace("|","", $tema); $tema = str_replace("","", $tema); $tema = str_replace("%","", $tema); $zakaz = str_replace("|","", $zakaz); $zakaz = str_replace("","", $zakaz); $zakaz = str_replace("%","", $zakaz); $zakaz = str_replace("\n"," ", $zakaz); // forming a row for writing to a file $user_row = $FIO. "|".$email."|".$tema."|".$zakaz."\n"; //write a string to a file fwrite($fd, $user_row); // close the file fclose($fd);

After processing the data entered by the user, either the processed data is displayed in the form in which they will be displayed on the bulletin board, or the reason why the data was not entered into it.

//display valid data



end_input1($write_file1); endif; endif; endif;

In file board.php before the form, we will introduce the operation of extracting data from the data.txt file and displaying them in a readable form:

// read all messages from the file into an array, where each element of the array is one // line $work_file = file("data.txt"); // start processing data if the file is not empty. if ($work_file != ""): //calculate the number of lines $numbers = count($work_file); if ($numbers != "0"): // process all lines sequentially and display them on the screen for ($numbers; $numbers > 0 ;$numbers -= 1): $work_str = array_shift($work_file); $FIO = strtok($work_str,"|"); $email = strok("|"); $tema = strtok("|"); $zakaz = strtok("|");


endfor; endif; endif;

The pictures below show the view of the pages board.php And submit.php after data entry.

Visitors can, of course, enter any messages on the bulletin board, but this of course does not mean that all of them will suit us. Of course, we can simply remove unwanted lines from the file data.txt directly by going to the server via FTP, but this is naturally not convenient. It's better to do this with a dedicated admin HTML page. Let's consider how to do this in more detail.

First of all, let's define that the administration password is stored in a separate file called password.txt. Let's extract the password from this file:

$pass_file = file("password.txt"); $password = array_shift($pass_file); The figure shows the form for entering a password:

In the administration file, a sequential call of several forms is applicable; to ensure this, we apply the processing of the form by one script, i.e. assign a string variable the form for entering a password:

$form = "

Enter administrator password

"; The list of messages is displayed only if the password is correct: if ($password == $entpass): // Read the file with messages $work_file = file("data.txt"); // If the file is not empty, then display messages if ($work_file != ""): $numbers = count($work_file); if ($numbers != 0): for ($numbers; $numbers > 0 ;$numbers -= 1): $work_str = array_shift($work_file); $FIO = strtok ($work_str,"|"); $email = strtok ("|"); $tema = strtok ("|"); $zakaz = strtok ("|"); ? >


Message output is similar to that used in board.php with one difference - after each message a form with a Submit button is displayed. Clicking this button will store in the del_msg variable the number of the page we wish to delete.

Back"; endif; endif; else: // A link to the start page of the conference is displayed here, which will allow you // to exit the mode of deleting records without performing deletion. print "


"; endif;

Deleting a record is as follows - we completely read all the lines from the file into an array, where each element of the array is one line, then open the file for overwriting, and write it completely without the line marked for deletion.

$work_file = file("data.txt"); $numbers = count($work_file); $fd = fopen("data.txt","w"); for ($numbers; $numbers > 0 ;$numbers -= 1): $work_str = array_shift($work_file); if ($del_msg != $numbers): fwrite($fd, $work_str); else: print"

The selected message has been deleted!

"; endif; endfor; fclose($fd);

After clicking on the "Delete" button, a message is displayed that the message was successfully deleted and a link is offered to return to the message board home page.

The presence of the password file in the bulletin board directory forces us to organize protection against viewing it by visitors directly via http. To do this, we will place a file in the bulletin board directory containing directives for Apache that would prohibit direct viewing of files with the .txt extension. The file will be named .htaccess and will contain the following directives:

order allow,deny deny from all

The bulletin board described in the article is the simplest example of such structures; among the possible ways to complicate it, one can note the introduction of a form for entering a password, splitting messages into topics by which users can group their messages, specifying the date and time the message was posted, etc.

Basic information on placing ads on the site portal

  • This section is intended for placing free ads and searching for goods and services where ads from individuals and legal entities are published.
  • Both registered and non-registered users of the site can submit ads to the site.
  • All advertisements must comply with the laws of the Russian Federation and these rules.
  • After the publication of the announcement, the announcements are checked by the moderator.
  • Carefully and correctly fill in all fields in the ad form.
  • The fields in the advertisement form must be filled in according to their purpose.
  • One advertisement may contain information about only one object of sale, service, exchange or demand.
  • It is forbidden to submit several ads related to one object of sale, service, exchange or demand.

It is forbidden to post:

  • announcements that contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • advertisements of a commercial nature containing advertisements for commercial firms, shops, services, etc.
  • ads containing obscene, abusive language;
  • ads that directly or indirectly advertise websites;
  • ads that deliberately mislead users with or without commercial gain...
  • ads with embedded photos that are not related to the ad, as well as contrary to the current legislation of the Russian Federation and moral standards.

Rules for posting ads

  • The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the advertisements.
  • Not accepted for publication are advertisements for the purchase and sale of: foreign currency, all types of weapons and means of active protection, medicines, including biologically active additives, poisons, narcotic and poisonous substances, exotic wild animals and plants.
  • It is not allowed to publish announcements with a request for prepayment, postage by cash on delivery or in an envelope of monetary amounts, as well as other attachments.
  • Announcements whose content violates the law (contain propaganda of violence, racial hatred, pornography, etc.) are not allowed to be published.
  • Not allowed to publish ads, the content of which violates the generally accepted norms of morality and ethics.

Ads can also be removed from the site for the following reasons:

  • The same ad was submitted to the site within one day;
  • The main fields of the ad are not filled;
  • The information contained in the ad is contrary to the policy of the site;
  • The information contained in the ad is incorrect;
  • The title of the ad does not contain information about the offered/demanded product/service.
  • The title text of the ad is written in upper case, except for the first letters of capital words and proper names. Only abbreviations can be written entirely in upper case.
  • The title of the ad contains repeated exclamation and question marks, ellipsis.
  • The text or title of the ad contains multiple spelling and punctuation errors, there are no separating spaces.

Allowed attachment of photos with extensions: .jpg, .jpeg or .JPG, .JPEG and no larger than 10 MB.
It is forbidden to upload photos that are not related to the ad, as well as those that are contrary to the current legislation of the Russian Federation and moral standards.

The project administration reserves the right not to enter into correspondence with the authors of the ads.
The administration reserves the right to remove ads without prior notice and explanation.
Ads that do not meet the above conditions will be removed.

The posted ad will be available for public viewing ONLY after it has been checked and approved by a moderator.

In order to sell or buy the necessary goods, non-robustness, auto or service, you can add a free quote to our website. Every day, thousands of koristuvachiv look at the same side, so you can know, buy or sell. Everything you need is just add your voice and check the reaction of zatsіkavlenih people.

If you want to attach special respect to your own propositions of food - put your voice in such a way that you could see a lot of similar ones and screw up your respect. Otzhe, as you vyrishili razmіstiti bezkoshtovne ogoloshennya, inquire about those who were literate and accustomed.

We at any time do not call you to give false information, to overdo it, or to promote it. We are glad to say, we rely on the absolute reliability of the information given in the voiced information. Do not go around talking vaguely describing the name power of the product you are selling. You have more than a few hundreds of symbols in order to give a cost-free voicing. Don't stain it.

Why can you be completely dumbfounded?

First, on which they give respect, - that's the headline. If you want to add voicing without cost, focus on the headline yourself. It is necessary to work in such a way that you will be intrigued and at the same time be as clear and concise as possible. Zalezhno, in the light of your voiceless voice, choose the target audience.

How did you say spread out the slander about car sales, be more specific. In the heading of such a goloshennya, it is very important to indicate all the important parameters, which are necessary for the purchase. For example, if it’s an item of clothing for inter "єru, try to intrigue, even if you try to get the purchase yourself up to your erysipelas, and not up to a dozen similar ones.

It’s not a problem to add a vowel without a cost in our hour, for such a great risk will lose its incomparable. If you need a quick result, let's keep the voice down and, importantly, short. At such a time, we will make every chance but we will succumb and read to the end.

Do not forget: the more information, the greater the chance of success. Be honest and informative. important file a vote, in which there will be such principles as the price, the power of the product, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the date of issue and the term of applicability, such as such.

Another important (and sometimes virishal) factor is the price of the photograph. Having given potential buyers (sellers) the possibility of visual acquaintance with a description of the fact, you take +1 to the rating of your slander. zir - one of the most important organs of the mind, and we all vibrated, spiraling on yoga data.

Nareshti, varto think about contacts. Try to do everything you can, so that the callers of the koristuvachi will manually call you. If a person is ignoring the slander only because the author requires you to sign mobile phones. skype, id in social media is a smut, so that you can get in contact with and receive a quick reply on your request.

Now you know how to publish the voicing without cost so that you will be remembered and read. Store and publish them on our doshtsi, and we will succeed in your operations.

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