My page is in my world. My World - social network

Now it is widely believed that it’s enough to create and you will immediately have a page, but this is not so. Yes, for registration (absolutely free) on this service you must have such mail, but it still happens separately. The intuitive interface, colorful instructions, and registration in the pages will not cause any problems.

Created in 2007, today a social network is visited by up to 30 million people every month. This is a huge number. One of the 3 largest services - My World, is constantly evolving and improving its interface. So, in 2012, a rather serious update was carried out, which affected all areas of the service.

A special function allows you to immediately see visitors coming to the page. See where they come from, find out their preferences and tastes.

Log in to my page from right now

You can use it for free, but some additional services still require certain investments. For example, for a fee, you can set Vip status, which gives additional features to the account.

This guide will help you register on the site My World, a popular social network that is part of You need to take only a few simple steps, for each of which we give an explanation. Registration in My World is absolutely free.

Start registering

You can open registration in My World using this link - a new window will open, then you can switch between it and this instruction. Just come back here and read what to do next.

Another way: you can get to register a page in My World from the main page of

How to open My World through home page

   Open and come back here: open in a new window. On the main page of there are two options where you can click: either the small link “My World” at the top or the link “My World” is larger, which is located below:

Click on any of these links.

You will be taken to a page inviting you to open your World:

And here is a small question:

Do you have mail on or not?

There are two options: either you are already registered in or not. Registration in the mail is necessary to create a page in the world.

If there is no mail on yet

If NOT registered, press the large button "Register now."  You will be taken to the usual registration in the mail:

About registration in the mail to - first do everything as described there, then return here to register in My World.

If mail on already exists

If ALREADY registered in, you need to enter a name and password a little lower:

Pay attention:  if the tail of the mailing address is not @, but some other one - for example, @ - select it there from the list by clicking on the black triangle.

Now click "To come in".

Create a page

You will see the Welcome page, something like this:

Click on "Join",  and your page in My World will be created. It will open immediately:

Confirm page

Notice that in the corner (on a green background) hangs a proposal to confirm your page. This is necessary so that all the features of the site become available to you. Click "Confirm"  and indicate your mobile number:

You need to bind the page to a mobile phone number for your safety, so that the page is not hacked. They don’t take any money for it.

A free SMS will come with a confirmation code, which will need to be entered on the site. That's all it takes to confirm.

Important:  Confirm the page in My World only with your personal phone number!

Open your new page

To open your page in My World, click on the link "My page"  in the left column:

Fill in personal data

The page at the beginning is almost blank, and now you can start filling it out. For example, to upload a photo from a computer - click on the silhouette of a little man, where it says "Add photo".

We also recommend that you provide information about yourself so that friends and acquaintances can find you on them. And if you are going to meet new people, then a good completed questionnaire will help them to get to know you better. Click on the word "Profile"  and then on "Edit personal data":

There are several pages between which you can switch: “Personal Information”, “About Me”, “Education”, “Career”, “Locations”, “Army”.  On each of the pages you can specify information about yourself, then click "Save."

So, we registered in My World! Now you can write something on your page, add photos and videos, listen to music, play games, look for friends, relatives, classmates, meet new people and chat.

How to enter My World?

For quick access to a page in the World do not forget to connect it on the start page. If you set the site as the start page in the browser (click on "Make Start Page" in the upper left corner), then you can go to My World or with one click, and also always know in advance whether you have new letters or messages.

the site even shows which of your friends is currently online! In general, it is very convenient, try it.  - the most popular Internet postal service in the CIS. The resource also includes thematic news sections, social networks, a messenger and a search engine. A nice mailbox interface and simple setup allows it to bypass similar Google and Yandex services. Service Portal - Home


When registering, we indicate personal data, a phone to restore access, if a password is lost or forgotten, we select on which of the service domains your box will be located -


When specifying the name of the box, you can see what name options the service has generated for you to help. Can stop at one of the proposed options or enter your own.

You can have several mailboxes at once and connect them to one, not even just So you can view all mail from one account. To do this, go to the top panel “More \u003d\u003e Settings \u003d\u003e Mail from other mailboxes”  and add already registered mailboxes:

  • Yahoo
  • Gmail
  • Yandex
  • Outlook et al.

Just click the "Add Box" button and enter your email address.


To make your mailbox unique, you can select a ready-made topic in the tab on the top panel, which is called “Themes”. Choose and install, try and reinstall as much as your soul desires.

As a background, you can select any theme or color.

There is another point in the execution of letters, which is desirable to configure - this is your signature at the bottom of the letter. This is what the recipient usually sees at the end like “Sincerely, Ivan Ivanov.” This can be written in “More \u003d\u003e Settings \u003d\u003e Name and Signature”  and the signature will be automatically added to each letter.

You can use the original signature if you do not conduct official correspondence.

You can also configure how the response will be sent - with or without the contents of the received message - “More \u003d\u003e Settings \u003d\u003e Work with letters”. Just leave or uncheck the “Sending letters” section. There are many more useful parameters that make it easier to work with the box:

  1. Adding new contacts to the Address Book.
  2. Display incoming messages in a folder.
  3. Grouping letters.

As you can see, in this tab you can create, delete, edit and clean folders.

Work with folders

To better organize your mail, additional folders are sometimes required. You can create a new one by right-clicking on the list of folders. It can become an archive, a subfolder of an existing folder, store important information and be password protected, or serve as a separate correspondence.

You can set a password for the confidential mail folder.

In this case, the filter option is useful - “More \u003d\u003e Settings \u003d\u003e Filtering Rules”, with which you can set so that letters from a specific sender are moved to a specified folder. You can use it to create a blacklist and translate emails into the spam category.

Can be used to create a blacklist. mail settings are not complicated at all. You may also be interested in the Notifications and Answering Machine tabs. You can configure them yourself.

My Mir Mail.Ru is a social network site where you can chat with your friends and find new ones. Looking through the news feed (section "What's New?"), You are always aware of what is happening with them. You can watch photos and videos that they post (and give ratings), read what they write, answer them, share their photos and videos, listen to music, play games. There are other interesting features - gifts, holidays, interest groups in which you can chat. There are also great opportunities for the design of your page to make it unique and unlike others - covers, themes.

The first question is - do you already have mail on If not, then create it first (it's quick):

After that, you can create My World. Some people think that if you have mail on, that is, My World is not so. My World is created at will.

Registration in My World is absolutely free, we have detailed instructions with pictures:

The peculiarity of My World is that there are many people from the regions. The proportion of users from Moscow and St. Petersburg there is less than in other social networks. About 30 million people use My World per month - a lot! As many as 800 thousand people use only My World and do not sit on other similar sites. In addition, in My World there are slightly more women than the average on the Russian Internet, and they are much more active than men.

You can fill out your questionnaire in sufficient detail, indicating personal data, city of residence, place of study, work, military service so that you can be found by colleagues, acquaintances, former colleagues and all who are not indifferent to you. Inside My World there is a search by name, surname, age, city, school and other parameters - this is one of the easy ways to find old friends or meet interesting people. However, the broader possibilities are to search for people on the start page of the Login, which searches for a person on all social networks at once.

If someone came to your page, you will see it in your “Guests” block. You can immediately go to any of the visitors and see what kind of person this is and where it comes from. This also contributes to the emergence of new friends. In My World it is very easy to get acquainted and communicate.

Users of My World are especially fond of playing games, watching videos, listening to music. There is a lot of all this. Content, that is, content that is watched and listened to, is one of the main directions of social network development; it actively works with TNT, STS and other copyright holders so that users can legally watch the latest series, films and programs. At the same time, it is known that people watch mostly short entertaining videos there.

Also, My World is closely connected with Answers, where people ask questions or answer them (if they know the answer). When someone asked a question or answered, it also falls into the feed and a person’s friends can participate in the search for an answer. Those who answer questions well have a growing reputation and receive various ranks.

My World is one of three social networks owned and operated by Mail.Ru Group (the other two are VKontakte and Odnoklassniki). My World began to work in 2007, initially it grew from blogs on, to which photo and video services were added. Blogs themselves are now closed. In 2012, My World was seriously updated. There was an attempt to gradually unite My World with Odnoklassniki, but users did not like it, so these projects are still developing separately from each other.

As already mentioned, you can use My World for free, but there are some paid services: for example, if you do not want someone to know that you have visited his page, you can buy a VIP status (it gives other advantages). If you want to meet new people, you can get into the "I want to chat" block, and many other users will see you. For these and other services you pay email  (currency of My World). It is possible to replenish your account from a mobile phone, from a credit card, through Qiwi terminals and in other ways.

You can also sit in this social network from a mobile phone, there are applications for iPhone and Android. To download, you just need to go on the phone to where they install the application (App Store or Google Play) and search for “My World”. Then press the install button. The application is free.

E-mail, in our time, is needed everywhere: make an appointment with a doctor, buy tickets online, register on social networks. Therefore, I will tell you how to quickly and free create a new mailbox on

Register a mailbox on

To register, go to the site  (enter in the address bar of the browser). This will open a page on which in the upper left corner there will be a special form.

Start of registration in the mail

  Register a new mailbox on

Page opens registration. There is nothing complicated in filling out the registration form. Name 1, surname 2, date of birth 3, are required, but no one will check whether you wrote honestly or not. Choose your gender by switching button 4.

How to choose a mailbox name (mailing address)

In the line Desired postal address 5, there will appear options for email names, compiled automatically, taking into account your first name, last name, date of birth. You can choose from the list, and you can choose a good name yourself.

The name must be 4-31 characters long. In addition to Latin (English) letters, you can use numbers, underscores (_), periods, or hyphens (-), but the mailbox name cannot begin with these characters. Get ready for the fact that the simple name that you want to use is already taken and you will get the answer that "A box with the same name already exists."

You can choose the name of the mailbox in four domains:,,, Your email, depending on this, may look like this: [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

If a beautiful name is taken in one domain, then check in other domains. To do this, click on the domain that is visible in window 6 (in my example -, a list of four domains will open, and you select the one you like from the list. When you finish choosing the name of the mailbox - proceed to enter the password.

How to choose a strong password for your mailbox

If you are going to use e-mail for a long time and for serious purposes, then password 7 must be reliable. Russian letters are not allowed. And although we love to use meaningful words, it’s best not to. If your password is hacked, you will not only lose letters, but it will still be difficult for you to return your mailbox.

The password must consist of at least 6 characters, but it must not consist of single numbers. It must contain English letters, numbers, as well as symbols (for example: $,%, #). Letters must be used, both lowercase and uppercase. As you type, the prompts will change to the right of the password: weak password, medium password, strong password. Make your password secure - then you can sleep peacefully!

To make sure that the password you entered is correct, in the next field 8 enter the same password again. After that, immediately write down the name of the electronic mailbox and password in the notebook until you forget!

Enter your mobile number

Phone 9 field must be filled in case you forget the password and cannot get to your inbox. Foresee such a nuisance!

To do this, select your country from the drop-down list and enter your mobile phone number. Within a minute you will receive a message with a confirmation code.

  Enter confirmation code

Enter the Code received via SMS in the appropriate field and click Continue.

How to register a mailbox without a mobile phone?

If you do not want to indicate a mobile phone number, then click on the link I do not have a mobile phone 10. An additional field opens. Enter an additional e-mail in this field, if you have one, and click Continue. . In principle, you can not specify anything, but keep in mind that in case of breaking the password, or losing it, it will be difficult for you to return your mailbox.

When you register mail without a phone number, a window will appear in which you need to enter the code from the picture. I, for such cases, keep a magnifier on hand. And, anyway, you have to click the link 2-3 times I don’t see the code so that the picture is updated to a more legible one!

Registration without a mobile phone

Have you entered the code? Now click the Continue button, and you will find yourself in your new mailbox. There you will find 3 letters from the Team with congratulations and recommendations on working with e-mail.

Although no! You will see the contents of your new mailbox, but a settings window will appear in front of it.

Setting up your new mailbox on mail ru in 3 steps

So, I’m showing you how to quickly complete the mail setup.

  Step 1. Upload a photo and create a signature

At the first step, a window will appear with which you can upload your photo and create a signature that will be inserted into each sent letter. After these steps, click the Save button. However, if you don’t have a photograph at hand, and you have not decided on a signature yet, then click on the Skip button and you will be at the next step.

  Step 2. Select a topic for the mailbox

In the second step, you have to choose a topic that will decorate the mailbox during your work with letters. After choosing your favorite theme, click the Save button. You can click the Skip button - then the Classic theme will remain. As I see, for most users, it is she who remains.

  Step 3. Install the mail ru mobile application

The third step is to install a mobile application from If you register on a smartphone, you can immediately click the App Store or Google play button (depending on the model of your smartphone) and install the application on your phone.

If you create a mailbox on a PC or laptop, then that's okay! As soon as you have a smartphone, you can install the application from the mail ru and, using the login and password, connect your e-mail with this application.

And now click the Finish button, and you will find yourself in your new mailbox. Write and send your letters, receive and re-read letters from friends!

Mail registration mail - video tutorial on registering and setting up a mail box

The video tutorial shows how to register yourself an e-mail on the popular mail server Video of 2017 from the Virtual Computer Academy

  1. We find the registration page in May
  2. How to choose the name of an email address?
  3. Enter a strong password!
  4. We receive a confirmation code via SMS.
  5. We go into your inbox.

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