VKontakte Like Limit. Vkontakte limits: what they are and how to get around them

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Many of you work with vk.com   , when writing scripts and macros, you need to take into account the limits and limitations of Vkontakte, since without knowing them in a minute your account can fly away in a ban.

My audios

  • Audio recordings per page (correct display) - 6000 audio recordings
  • Max. audio recordings can be uploaded per page per day - 50 audio recordings
  • Max. audio recording duration - 24 hours
  • Max. the number of audio recordings in the album - 1000 audio recordings
  • Max. number of My Audio Records - 32767 audio recordings
  • Max. audio recording size - 200 Mb
  • Min audio recording duration - 5 seconds

My Videos

  • Max. videos per page - 5,000 videos
  • Max. video comments - 4096 comments
  • Max. video recording size - 2 GB

My Groups

  • Max. community name length - 48 characters
  • Max. the number of albums in the group at which the link "Browse Photos" appears - 20
  • Max. the number of friends who can be invited to the group per day - 40
  • Max. number of places (marks on the map) in the community - 50
  • Max. the number of subscribers to remove the public - 100 subscribers
  • Max. the number of communities you can join (subscribe) - 5000 communities
  • Maximum wiki page length is 16,294 characters
  • The maximum number of administrators in the community is 155 at least (resources are not yet enough for accurate verification)
  • The maximum number of videos in a group is 10,000
  • The maximum number of links in a community is 100 links

My friends

  • The number of friends and subscriptions that can be hidden - 30 friends
  • Max. friends with submitted applications - 10,000 friends
  • Max. friend requests per day - - 50 requests
  • Max. the number of friends, so that the link from the logo leads to your page, and not to the news - 5 friends (including submitted applications)
  • Max. number of private friend lists - 24 lists
  • Min the number of friends or communities so that possible friends are no longer displayed in the ad unit - 100 friends
  • Min the number of friends or communities so that offers of interesting people and communities disappear - 25
  • Min number of friends to have a Birthday button leading to the Calendar - 10 friends
  • Min the number of subscribers to display in the “Interesting Pages” - 1000 subscribers

My bookmarks

  • Max. number of people in bookmarks - 500 users
  • In the Photos section, only the latest are displayed - 1000 photos

My news

  • The number of subscribers for the appearance of the link Statistics in the “Answers” \u200b\u200b-\u003e 50 subscribers
  • Max. the number of people and communities that can be hidden in the "Edit" filter in the News - 1000
  • How long is the storage period in My News? News and Comments - 10 days

My Messages

  • Max. investments in drugs - 10 investments
  • Max. message length - 4096 characters
  • Max. gift message length - 250 characters
  • Max. the number of interlocutors in the dialogs - 30 interlocutors
  • Max. messages to "friends" per day - 20 messages
  • The restriction “Everything except” in “Who can write me private messages” comes into force after 7 days

My photos

  • You can upload at a time - not\u003e 200 photos
  • Max. "Weight" of the uploaded photo - 5 megabytes
  • Max. photo description length - 255 characters
  • Max. the number of albums on the page at which the “Browse Photos” link appears - 70
  • Max. comments on the photo - 2048 entries
  • Max. marks on the photo - 35 people
  • Max. the size of the main profile photo is 200? 500 pixels
  • Max. the size of the main profile photo (loaded without compression) - 2560? 2048 pixels
  • Max. the size of the photo after compression is 1280x1024 pixels
  • Max. the sum of the length and width of the photo is 10,000 pixels
  • Max. photos in the “Photos from the Wall” album - 32767
  • Max. photos in one album - 500 photos
  • Min the size of the main profile photo is 200? 200 pixels
  • The limit of the proportion of the main profile photo (it will not be established from the computer, but set from the * album with the inability to mark thumbnails - error 4 in both cases) - 2: 1
  • The proportions of the sides of the photograph - 1:20
  • Group avatar size (resolution 72 pixels / inch) - 200x500 pixels

My page

  • Password length - 6-32 characters
  • The number of minutes that the user will hang “online” after the release is 15 minutes
  • Max. siblings to add to your profile - 15 siblings
  • Max. children who can be added to the profile - 15 children
  • Max. status length - 140 characters
  • Max. the number of “Like” marks per day - 500
  • Max. the number of characters in the “favorite quotes” is 3864, including spaces
  • Max. indicated places on the page - 30 places
  • Max. number of work places - 7 places
  • Min short name length - 5 characters
  • After registration, the ad starts showing to the user after 3 months

Messages in those. support

  • Min the interval between questions is 1 hour.
  • Frequency of messages from blocked and trolls - 1 question, 3 comments - per week
  • The frequency of messages from normal users is 3 comments per hour, 10 comments per day, 9 questions per week.
  • Frequency of messages from normal users: For questions: 1 per hour, 1 per day, 3 per week. For comments: 2 per hour, 7 per day.
  • The number of hours during which you can edit a post on the wall is 4
  • Max. poll answers 10 for personal pages, 20 for communities
  • Max. attachments to the record on the wall - 10 attachments
  • Max. note size - 15895 characters
  • The timer can be attached if you have -\u003e 100 subscribers

In contact with

To class

A few days ago, VKontakte introduced a new restriction - no more than 50 posts per day for each public or group. This is done in connection with the huge number of shit in the news feed from second-rate publics or quotes.

Naturally, the "struggle" with this innovation began, as it once was with " Durov, return the wall!", straight nostalgia.

There was even such nonsense:

And all would be fine, but what if you want to plan more than 50 messages, even if not on the same day? Schedule 20 messages a day, but for a week ahead, for example (you get 140 posts - they hit the limit). In this situation, two of my favorite services will help you.

SmmBox - The Best Public Filling Tool

The first tool I recommend is. I have already briefly reviewed this service. One of the main functions of the service, which will help to bypass the limit of 50 planned posts, is saving publications on your server.

What is the trick. You decided to plan a large amount of news at once. If you do this through SmmBox, then after the limit of 50 posts has been exhausted, the posts will be stored on the service servers. Gradually, as you publish, SmmBox will load the scheduled news into your public or group.

This is how simple and effective SmmBox bypasses the limit of posts per day.

Attention! The guys give out a promotional code for SmmBox at a discount. Yuzayte, boys:

Sociate - Monetization Also

Another tool worth mentioning is Sociate. I have long written a voluminous post about VKontakte auto-posting, and among the services existing at that time it was the best. Here is the link, by the way:.

At the time of publication, Sociate wildly lagged, which is very strange and not typical of this service. But as far as I remember - there is a similar functionality there to get around the limitation. If anyone can check - let me know in the comments if this feature remains, please. : D

And yes, another plus of this service, besides the functionality - the ability to monetize your pages.

Good afternoon, dear friends, many of us starting to unwind our group or a new project, or in ways of extracting traffic from the social network VK, I begin to add friends to our personal page for the subsequent discharge of traffic. Today we will consider the main limits and restrictions on adding VKontakte friends, answer the question of how many friends per day you can add VK and how to safely make friends and not go into a ban

Are there any general restrictions and limits on the number of VK friends?

On VKontakte, there are general limits on the number of friends of 10,000 friends, including subscribers and outgoing requests, you can’t make friends more than this amount, we recommend twisting friends up to 9k and stop here so as not to arouse suspicion among VK moderators and not attract the attention of filters

How many friends can I add to VKontakte per day (per day)?

Vkontakte has a restriction on adding friends of 50 people at 12 o’clock; if you choose the right time, for example, at 9 am and 9 pm, you can add 100 friends a day. However, this restriction does not apply to the number of friend requests per day, by the method of tricky manipulations and for a very modest time of half an hour a day, you can twist 500 people a day, but more on that below

How to make friends safely and are not afraid that you will be banned?

Are there any bans for cheating friends? Yes - VK is usually called suspicious activity. In order to avoid VK ban on cheating friends, you should remember a few simple rules: do not add friends without avatars, as in most cases these are just bots; try to add friends to people with whom you have the most common friends, this helps us chip vk similar or recommended friends. The more friends you have, the more recommendations. If you use groups for mutual PR, I highly recommend not using software, but doing everything manually, so much longer, but the chance of being banned is reduced to zero.

Where to get friends on VK for free?

There are some easy ways to make VK friends:

  1. Services cheat likes and subscribers.

    The bottom line is that you perform tasks to add friends and spend earned points to add people to you
    pros   : very fast
    Minuses   : on such services 5-10% of live people, the rest of the bots and there will be little sense

  2. Spam by PR groups (software or hands)

    The next way is spamming the walls and comments of groups (PR, add as a friend, etc.). You can spam in 2 ways with your hands or software. Soft is faster, but how it costs money, and there is a chance of a ban. Hands slower but better, but you should remember that you should not send more than 5 identical messages to different groups, you should change the text of the message.
    pros   : safe, if you automate software, then no time costs
    Minuses   : again, bots and fakes are usually 30-40% of living people

  3. Search for people in related groups.

    The slowest, but the highest quality way to search for
    The bottom line is that people are twisted into friends for a specific purpose, someone in their community, someone on binary or hype, etc.
      Suppose you are going to invite all these friends to your group in the future, select groups from 100 to 500k, leaf through the list of participants somewhere in the middle, start browsing and adding users to friends. I advise you in advance to prepare unsubscribing questions: Are you familiar? Reasons for adding, etc.
    pros   : the highest quality audience, 100% of living people, ta strictly for your tasks
    Minuses   : very slowly from 50 sent applications at best 10-15 people are added

There are many other ways, but I recommend sticking with these.

Due to certain circumstances, VKontakte has a restriction on the commission of certain actions. And while many are familiar with the limits on sending applications to friends and invitations to a group, not everyone has encountered restrictions on sending personal messages. Today I will tell you about how many messages can be sent to VKontakte to friends, what other limits are there for drugs and how to get around them.

Why does the question of drug limit arise?

For some people, VKontakte is not just a place for communication and free time, but also a platform for promoting their goods or services. Often, promotion in the VC involves performing the same type of actions, including sending messages. A too active implementation of these actions is not very like the site administration. That is why all these limits were introduced.

And even despite the fact that the system does not allow you to perform more than a certain number of actions per day, the daily implementation of the permitted “norm” can cause suspicions on the site administration. Knowing the limits will allow you to perform 3-5 actions less than allowed by the social network, which, in turn, will allow you to avoid blocking or freezing the VK profile.

How many messages can I send to VKontakte?

If we are talking about sending drugs to friends, then there are no restrictions. Communicate on health. Limitations that you should know about in this case:

  • The maximum possible number of attachments (videos, photos, audio, documents) in one message is 10 pieces;
  • Maximum message length - 4096 characters (including spaces);
  • The maximum number of dialogs is 500;
  • The maximum number of participants in one conversation is 500 people.

I think most of you have come across only the first point. This restriction is easily circumvented by sending a new drug. The remaining limits are not so scary, as they are reached extremely rarely.

If we are talking about users who are not your friends, then there is a more tangible limitation. If you start actively sending drugs to people outside your friends list, then after a while you will encounter such an error that appears in the left corner of the site.

So how many messages can you send to VKontakte to your friends? Having performed simple counting operations, we can conclude that the daily limit for sending drugs to people who are not friends is 20 pieces.

How to get around the limit?

For some users, 20 messages per day will not be enough for friends. For the rest, this will not be enough. What to do in such situations? How to remove this restriction?

I must say right away that you can’t send more than 20 drugs to non-friends in a day. At least from one account. Therefore, if you want to bypass this limit - create additional VK pages. You can do this in two ways: buy or register yourself. If you do not have free phone numbers to register a new account, and money to buy it, ask one of your friends to write to the right person.

Another way to get around this limitation is to first add the user as a friend. It is such an algorithm of actions that I suggest you use. Firstly, you will not send unnecessary messages to “enemies”, which will allow you to avoid approaching the limit border. Secondly, you can avoid unnecessary suspicions from the administration of the site, since sending out drugs to people outside your friends list is a much more suspicious activity.

It’s no secret to anyone that in order to successfully conduct a business using the VKontakte social network, you need to know your goals and, of course, the capabilities of the system itself. VKontakte has many different restrictions that prevent the spread of spam, various cheating and more. Thanks to this review, you will definitely know the limits that should be considered when working with VKontakte.

  Knowing these limitations will not only save you from difficulties and delays when working, but also allow you to better know the system with which you work, and possibly avoid blocking your page.

The list of restrictions was negotiated with VKontakte technical support and updated according to real data. The list is current as of January 25, 2015.

Restrictions in the section "My audio recordings":
  • the maximum number of audio recordings per page for correct display is 6000.
  • max. audio recordings can be uploaded to the page per day - 50.
  • max. The duration of the downloaded audio recording is 24 hours.
  • max. the number of audio recordings in the album - 1000.
  • max. the number of audio recordings in the section My Audio Recordings - 32767.
  • max. The size of the downloaded audio recording is 200 Mb.
  • min audio recording duration - 5 seconds.
Restrictions in the "My Videos" section:
  • max. videos per page - 5000.
  • max. comments on the video - 4096.
  • max. video recording size - 2 GB.
Limitations in the My Groups section:
  • max. Community name is 48 characters.
  • max. the number of albums in the group at which the "Browse Photos" link appears - 20.
  • max. the number of friends who can be invited to the group per day is 40.
  • max. the number of places (marks on the map) in the community is 50.
  • max. the number of subscribers to remove a public is 100.
  • max. the number of communities you can join (subscribe to) is 5,000.
  • the maximum length of a wiki page is 16,294 characters.
  • the maximum number of administrators in a community is 100.
  • the maximum number of videos in a group is 10,000.
  • the maximum number of links in a community is 100.
Restrictions in the section "My friends":
  • max. The number of friends and subscriptions that can be hidden is 30.
  • max. the number of friends on the account, taking into account the submitted applications - 10,000.
  • max. friend requests per day - 50.
  • max. the number of friends, including applications submitted, so that the link from the logo leads to your page, and not to the news - 5.
  • max. The number of private friend lists is 24.
  • min the number of friends or communities so that possible friends are no longer displayed in the ad unit - 100.
  • min the number of friends or communities so that offers of interesting people and communities disappear - 25.
  • min the number of friends to have the Birthday button leading to the Calendar - 10.
  • min the number of subscribers to display in Interesting Pages is 1000.
Limitations in the My Bookmarks section:
  • max. the number of people in bookmarks is 500.
  • in the Photos section only the latest ones are displayed - 1000 photos.
Restrictions in the section "My News":
  • min the number of subscribers for the appearance of the Statistics link in the Answers section is 50.
  • max. the number of people and communities that can be hidden in the “Edit” filter in the News is 1000.
  • the storage period in My News and Comments is 10 days.
Restrictions in the "My Messages" section:
  • max. investments in drugs - 10.
  • max. message length - 4096 characters.
  • max. gift message length - 250 characters.
  • max. the number of interlocutors in the dialogs is 50.
  • max. Messages to "not friends" per day - 20.
  • the restriction “Everything except” in “Who can write me private messages” comes into force after - 7 days.
Restrictions in the "My Photos" section:
  • at a time you can upload - no more than 200 photos.
  • max. "Weight" of the uploaded photo is 5 megabytes.
  • max. The length of the photo description is 255 characters.
  • max. the number of albums on the page at which the link "Browse Photos" appears - 70.
  • max. comments to the photo - 2048.
  • max. marks on the photo - 35.
  • max. The size of the main profile photo is 200x500 pixels.
  • max. the size of the main profile photo (loaded without compression) - 2560x2048 pixels.
  • max. The size of the photo after compression is 1280x1024 pixels.
  • max. the sum of the length and width of the photo is 10,000 pixels.
  • max. Photos in the “Photos from the Wall” album - 32767.
  • max. 500 photos in one album.
  • min The size of the main profile photo is 200x200 pixels.
  • the limit of the proportion of the main profile photo (it will not be set from the computer, but set from the album with the inability to mark the thumbnail - error 4 in both cases) - 2: 1.
  • the aspect ratio of the photo is 1:20.
  • group avatar size (resolution 72 pixels / inch) - 200x500 pixels.
Restrictions in the section "My Page":
  • password length: 6 - 1024 characters, but some characters may take up more "space".
  • the number of minutes that the user will hang online after the release is 15 minutes.
  • max. brothers and sisters, which can be added to the profile - 15.
  • max. children who can be added to the profile - 15.
  • max. the length of the status is 140 characters.
  • max. the number of “Like” marks per day is 500.
  • max. the number of characters in the “favorite quotes” is 3864, including spaces.
  • max. indicated places on the page - 30.
  • max. number of work places - 7.
  • min the short name for the page is 5.
  • after registration, the advertisement begins to appear to the user in 3 months.
Restrictions in the section "Tech. support":
  • min the interval between questions is 1 hour.
  • frequency of messages from blocked and trolls - 1 question, 3 comments per week.
  • the frequency of messages from normal users is 3 comments per hour, 10 comments per day, 9 questions per week.
Restrictions in the “Wall” section:
  • the number of hours during which you can edit the recording on the wall is 24.
  • max. answer options in the survey for personal pages - 10.
  • max. community survey responses - 20.
  • max. attachments to the record on the wall - 10.
  • max. note size - 15895 characters.
  • min the number of subscribers at which you can attach a timer is 100.
  Here is the entire list of restrictions on the social network VKontakte. I hope you find it useful. If you notice that some data is out of date, please let us know in the comments.
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