Creating avatars for groups in contact. Secrets of Vkontakte. Creation of a single block "Avatar and Menu"

The Vkontakte avatar is a very important element of not only a personal page, but also a group. Doing it yourself for the group will not be difficult. Let's figure out exactly how to bring this idea to life.

What should the avatar contain?

Before you start making a group avatar, there are several factors you should consider that should influence the first impression of the group.

  • Background - it will not be superfluous to choose it according to the theme of the group;
  • Logo;
  • Motto - if any;
  • Information - for example, a brief description of the activity, if required. It is also necessary to indicate the site / skype / phone number for communication or for additional information.

All these components should be harmoniously located on the group's avatar so that it is convenient for visitors to read, and if something happens they could quickly contact you.

Avatar making process


  1. Open your chosen image in Photoshop.
  2. You put a logo on it. How to make a logo, you can learn from the article.
  3. Distribute other information site / phone / skype, brief description;
  4. Save. Do not forget to keep track of how the avatar for the "Vkontakte" group looks in real size - this will help to avoid many mistakes.
  5. Now that the avatar is ready, open our group and click on the image (on a ready-made one or on an empty image) and select "Upload Image". Done!

If you need an avatar, but you do not want to make it yourself, you can contact a freelancer. Just find someone who will make it for you quickly, efficiently and without problems.

In this article we will tell you how to make a wide horizontal avatar in a VKontakte group... Using a clear example, we will show how a wide VK avatar is made, as well as give useful practical recommendations.

First of all, I immediately want to say about the importance of such a graphic element of the VK group as a wide horizontal avatar. Compared to the usual vertical VKontakte avatar, the horizontal one has a large area and is displayed on mobile devices, which allows you to use it with greater efficiency.
Before directly installing a wide avatar, I would like to draw your attention to the icon of your group, which is displayed on the left opposite each post. It is taken directly from the miniature of the standard vertical avatar. If possible, it should be in the same style as the future hat. If the header is planned in a different style, then first upload a regular avatar, and then go to a wide horizontal one.

So, let's move on directly to considering the process of installing a wide VKontakte avatar.

Instructions on how to create a horizontal profile picture in a VK group.

1) Preparing a wide avatar with a size of 1590 × 400 pixels in a graphic editor.
A wide horizontal avatar is the face of your group that forms the first impression and attitude of visitors. Care must be taken when creating an avatar, as this will determine the future success of your community.
For example, consider the avatar we prepared for the demonstration:

The main elements that are commonly used in a header are:

  • Logo - Sets the basic graphic association with the group.
  • Title - Briefly and clearly tells what the group is about and for whom.
  • Graphic elements with descriptions give more complete information about what the group offers, what the group's advantages and features.

The main elements should be placed closer to the center and to the bottom, leaving at least 100 pixels from the top border and at least 220 pixels from the side borders. So, you will ensure the normal display of a wide avatar on mobile devices.

2) Moving on to community management.

3) Click Download, opposite the community cover field.

4) Load the previously created horizontal avatar.

5) We check the correctness of displaying the avatar in the group from a computer and a mobile device.

As you can see making a wide horizontal avatar is not difficult at all... It is important to know only a few features.
Also, I want to draw your attention to the fact that the avatar is not the only graphic element that determines the style of the group. The overall picture is also formed by the design of posts, albums, products and other sections of your group. This should also be considered.

If you need help writing group posts, creating product cards, and writing similar content, you can contact us within.

We can also help with group design... For help in creating a wide horizontal avatar-header, a standard vertical group logo, a wiki menu, branded graphics, and other design elements, please contact us.
To order services and for all questions, write.

We are used to the fact that an avatar is an impersonation of a user on a social network, his "image", which we kind of refer to if we want to write something to someone. Therefore, it is easy to guess how important the image is, which is installed on the profile splash screen.

True, not all people pay so much attention to the picture of their page. Let's just say that all users (if we are talking specifically about this issue) can be divided into two groups: those who install their picture on their avatar, and those who do not care about the profile picture. They either leave a standard image, or they use some kind of third-party image.

If we talk about groups, then the situation is different. If your group doesn't have an engaging, informative photo, chances are, no one will even join. Therefore, community administrators often ask themselves the question: how to make an avatar for the VKontakte group? In this article we will look at several options for creating it, and also consider the features of group photos.

What should be the group's avatar?

So let's start with a general theory of what your group photo should look like. Based on this information, you will understand how to make an avatar for the VKontakte group so that users would like it and attract new members.

Obviously, the photo in the group should be relevant to the content that is posted in the community. This is a basic requirement for a picture: its content should be related to what you are writing about. The second requirement is the attractiveness of the image. Since all that the visitor sees about your group is the name and the picture, then, accordingly, the latter should be as attractive as possible so that the user would like to click and go to the page of the community itself. When you want to make an avatar for the VKontakte group, please consider this. The last requirement for the group's photo would be information content. Roughly speaking: it would be advisable to depict on the avatar what the user hints about what the group is doing. This can be done, for example, using labels.

Looking for a finished picture

In the list of ways to create a group photo, the search for the finished image is the most popular and easiest at the same time. All you have to do is go to the site with images and find a category of images related to your group's theme. The best photo can be saved and edited (or even just posted on the community page without changes).

Making an avatar using online editors

The second option is to edit ready-made images (or create new ones) using online editors. Fortunately, now there are many services that allow you to develop your avatar both "from scratch" and using one of the ready-made templates. You just need to decide what you would like to see in the image for ava, and then how to make an avatar for the VKontakte group without Photoshop, you don't even have to worry - the resource will do everything in automatic mode. There are a lot of such ready-made solutions on the Web now. They are free and feature rich. The only disadvantage of working with such sites is the address of the resource that the avatar made for you, posted somewhere in the lower corner.

Making an avatar in Photoshop

If you don't know how to make an avatar for the VKontakte group without a link to someone else's site, you will have to use the most popular This is Photoshop. Working with it is quite simple, the main thing is to understand the basics, to deal with elementary concepts and categories with which the program functions. If you already have at least minimal experience of interacting with her, it will not be difficult to create an avatar for you. If you don't know at all how to make an avatar for the VKontakte group in Photoshop, you will have two options. The first is to ask for help from a person who knows how to work in the program, the second is to study the features of the editor yourself: find lessons, examples of work, practice yourself.

Create an avatar

Finally, after we answered the question “How to make an avatar for the VKontakte group?”, It is time to think about what will be shown in the photo in the group. As noted, it should be something themed, engaging, and informative. We suggest you take a piece of paper and a pen and sketch out your community logo. After that, you can start creating the image.

This can be done in one of the above ways. If you don't know which avatar is better, you can resort to a simple but effective method of identifying: voting within the group itself. Let people decide which photo is best.


Open Adobe Photoshop and create a new document. Immediately set the desired width to 200px and height to 500px. Set the resolution higher, but the bitness of the color mode is not so important, you can leave it at the default 8 bits.

Start with the background. You can simply fill it with color using the Fill tool in the panel on the left, or by applying a Gradient. In this case, a picture was used as the main background. To prevent it from distorting when typing in, hold down Ctrl and drag the corner, increasing or decreasing the image to the desired size.

Insert a photo that best reflects who you are or who you want to appear in front of your page visitors. After all, it is by the avatar that they will judge you in the first place. If you don't want to put a photo, then you can write your nickname in the background. In this case, it is worth playing with the text - use additional fonts, change the transparency and fill level, and the properties of the layer itself. In this case, the shadow and inner glow effects were used, and the layer overlay was darkened.

Add artistic effects with brushes. You can use the standard ones or find kits on specialized sites. Before using the brush, create a new layer by pressing Shift + Ctrl + N.

Create another layer to add a frame. Then select the Rectangular Selection tool and with its help select not the whole picture, but depart from the edges by a couple of millimeters. Press Shift + Ctrl + I, the selection is inverted. Fill it with white and set the Blending Method to Soft Light.

If you want to get a high-quality image, work in a professional graphics editor. If you do not know how to use it, then open a photo or picture in Paint and crop it approximately so that the image fits into the required frames. The inconvenience of the built-in editor is that you will not be able to precisely set the required dimensions.

Photo lengthening is a simple procedure, but it still requires some skill. In particular, doing this in Adobe Photoshop, you should be aware of the existence of the Free Transform command.

You will need

  • - Russified version of Adobe Photoshop CS5


Launch the Adobe Photoshop CS5 editor and add the required photograph: click the menu item "File"\u003e "Open" (or click the hotkeys Ctrl + O), select the desired file and click "Open". We will verbally designate this document as D1.

Click Image\u003e Image Size. In the window that opens, there will be "Width" and "Height" fields, remember these values \u200b\u200b- these are the dimensions of the image that you added in Photoshop.

To open the window for creating a new document, click the menu item "File"\u003e "New" (or using the hot keys Ctrl + N). Leave the height the same as for the photo, the dimensions of which you determined in the second step of this instruction, and make the width about one and a half times larger. Click OK. We will verbally designate this document as D2.

Select the Move tool (hotkey V), drag the image from D1 to D2 and align it to the left.

Call the free transformation command. This can be done in two ways. First, click the Edit\u003e Free Transform menu item. Second - click the hotkeys Ctrl + T. Transparent square markers appear on the sides and corners of the layer. Move the cursor over the marker on the right side of the image. The cursor turns into a double arrow. Hold down the left button and drag the mouse to the right to the very edge, thereby stretching the image. Press Enter to commit the result.

To save the result, click the "File"\u003e "Save As" menu item (or use the Ctrl + Shift + S hotkeys), select the path for the future file, enter its name, in the "Files of type" field, specify Jpeg and click "Save".

To undo the previous action, use the hotkeys Ctrl + Z. To undo more than one action, use the History window (Window\u003e History menu item).

Related Videos

Today it is difficult to find a student who is not registered in the largest social network in Russia, VKontakte. Apart from the entertaining component of this resource, it is often useful for communication with friends and acquaintances at the university, communication with them and solving joint issues. How to indicate to VKontakte which institution of higher education you study at will be discussed further.

You will need

  • internet access


Go to your VKontakte account. To do this, enter in the address bar of your browser, in the page that opens, enter your e-mail (or username) and password and click "Login".

In order to go to the page for editing your higher education, click on the "Edit" inscription located opposite the "Education" heading on the right side of the page, or click on the "Edit" button located next to the "My page" inscription in the upper left corner and select the "Education" section. Then click on the "Higher Education" tab located to the right of the active "Secondary Education" tab.

Now you can proceed directly to the choice of your university. To do this, select in turn: the country in which you are studying, the city where your university is located, the higher educational institution itself, the form of study, your status and the date of graduation. After that click "Save"

If necessary, you can indicate more than one higher education institution on your page. To do this, after saving the first university, click on the inscription "Add education" and again do all the steps described in the previous paragraph.

After completing the selection of the universities in which you studied or are studying, return to your page and make sure that the information you added appears under the heading "Education".


In order to add a higher educational institution VKontakte, you need to know its abbreviation.

Useful advice

Remember the login details for your VKontakte page.

You can attract many visitors to your page on a social network or declare yourself on the forum using a spectacular avatar or a loud nika... Skillfully selected, these attributes will be able to express your attitude to the world around you, without your participation, they will tell virtual interviews nikaabout who you are as a person. With the help of programs for generating nicknames, it is possible to make a new nickname memorable and original.

Greetings friends.

In this article, I will show you how make an avatar for free using three services (which, in my opinion, are the best).

But, first, a few words about what an avatar is, why you need it, and why, in fact, you need it on a blog.

Avatar Is a graphic image (most often not animated) that “represents” you on the Internet (on social networks, on a blog, etc.). Most often, a photograph is used as an avatar, as well as cartoon and movie characters.

Why do you need an avatar?

An avatar is needed primarily to identify you as a living person, not a bot. Anyway, a person with an avatar is perceived better, there is more trust in him (at least in me). Bots (robots, “inanimate” network members) practically never have an avatar.

If you make yourself an unusual, memorable avatar, it will also favorably distinguish you from others.

So, I want to introduce you to three services that will help you make an avatar online.

Service for creating an ava in the South Park style. Previously, and now, avatraks in this style are very popular. The created images look pretty good and interesting. This is what my avatar looks like.

In order to make an online avatar using the Sp-studio service, you need:

1. Go to the site

2. Click on the image of the man

3. From the character creation menu, select a background, skin color, hair, etc.


Another service for creating a cartoon character. It is also quite an interesting service, the avatars are beautiful and unusual. Here is my avatar made in this service.

So, in order to make an avatar online using the Faceyourmanga service, you need:

2. Register on Sarvis (to do this, click on the big green button in the center "Sign UP")

3. After registration, select "Create"

4. Choose which avatar you will create, man or woman.

5. Now choose the appropriate avatar values \u200b\u200b(everything is easy here)

6. After creating the image, save it by clicking the "Save" button

Service for processing photos. With this service you can create a beautiful "hand-drawn" avatar. Here, for example, mine (as if painted in oil).

In order to make an avatar for free using the Fotosketcher service, you need:

1. Go to the service website -

2. Go to the "Download" section, download a special program for creating effects

3. Download and install the program

4. Run the program, open your photo or any other image in it

5. Click the "Picture Options" button, and select the appropriate effect, click the "Draw" button

6. Save the resulting image.

Using my instructions, you can easily make an avatar for free, with the help of useful services.

VIDEO LESSON "How to make an avatar for social networks and for a blog"

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