How much does it cost to activate VIP status in classmates. How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki? What this subscription gives

VIP status pitfalls

As soon as such a VIP service appeared on the site, many users rushed to try it out. After a while, some of them discovered that about 500 rubles were being debited from their bank card. Many accused OK administrators of fraud, but still, in fact, users lost money through their own inattention.

VIP status is provided free of charge for only three days. After this period, it is automatically renewed, but in a paid version. And if the user has linked a bank card to his profile, then the payment for the VIP for the next month will be debited from it. If he has OKs on his account, then the cost of the VIP will be paid by them. Today, such a status for a month costs 249 OKs (currently 1 OK \u003d 1 ruble).

To get rid of the monthly auto-renewal is to go to how to turn off the subscription to the VIP status in Odnoklassniki. How to do this from a computer and phone, we will tell you below.

How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki from a computer

To save yourself from objectively meaningless write-off of funds is simple:

  1. Go to your profile and click under your avatar on the inscription "Buy OK".
  2. Pay attention to the list on the left side of the screen - select "My Paid Features".
  3. How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki? Find it in the list of paid options.
  4. Check the box next to "Unsubscribe". Done!

We draw your attention to the fact that even after this operation you will have this status until the day on which you paid for it.

How to disable the extension of VIP status in Odnoklassniki from your phone

You can disable this status through the official Odnoklassniki app as follows:

  1. Go to the pop-up menu, select "Paid Features".
  2. Opposite the line "VIP-status" put the slider in the inactive position (it will turn from green to gray).

Another way, suggesting how to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki:

  1. From your smartphone's browser, open your profile in OK.
  2. Select "Full Site" from the menu.
  3. Follow the path detailed in the previous sub-heading: "Buy OK" - "Paid features" - check the "Unsubscribe" checkbox opposite the VIP status.

VIP status is an option that gives only virtual advantages in Odnoklassniki. In order not to pay real money for it, do not forget to deactivate it after a free three-day subscription.

"Mamba" is a dating site, the services of which can be used for free. There are enough tools for finding a soul mate. This is evidenced by the experience of a large number of couples who appeared precisely thanks to a resource called Mamba and their reviews.

For those who want to speed up the search process, additional services are offered for money. All of them are combined into a package called VIP status. We will talk about it in this article.

What does VIP give?

If they offer to get something for a fee, then the potential buyer needs to understand the value of the product, decide for himself whether to buy or not. Let's start with this.

To find out what is included in the VIP status, you need to find a link with the text about the offer of services on a dating site called "Mamba", click on the question mark or the button "Learn more".

This is roughly what it is called. This can be done on the main page of the resource, or by logging into your profile, for example.

As a result, the user will see a window with a list of services and their descriptions. They are as follows:

    1. Stealth mode. Those who, for example, used a similar service from Odnoklassniki, should have a rough idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is at stake. VIP-status on "Mamba" makes it possible to hide the fact of your presence on the site, disable the collection of information about when you were present on the Internet resource. Who can benefit from this? Firstly, for those who are not happy with initiatives from other users. At first glance, the desire to hide while on a dating site may seem strange. But it often occurs among a popular user who has no end to candidates for lovers or spouses. As soon as a person comes to the site, dozens of users immediately write to him. This is annoying. Secondly, you can view the profiles of other users without advertising yourself. For some, this will be a serious advantage.
    2. Advanced Search. Without purchasing services, people can be searched only by age, gender and place of residence. Paid status allows you to remove this limitation. Filters can be set for a variety of parameters: from height and weight, to sex preferences. This is obviously very convenient and saves a lot of time. Let's say a man is not interested in model-looking girls. You are welcome! We indicate the limits of the weight of a potential partner - and the system eliminates all unnecessary.
    3. Highlighting the questionnaire in the search results. It takes into account a moment that is characteristic of the physiology and psychology of people. The fact is that the questionnaires highlighted in color in the search are more noticeable for both the eye and the brain. This is an indisputable fact. It's another matter when such profiles, on the contrary, are repulsive. Some believe that VIP status is acquired by the rich, or by scammers who want to attract attention, or those who want to meet, but not for a serious relationship. However, this is not at all the case.
    4. Filter of incoming messages. This type of service allows you to communicate only with those you like. Other users simply won't be able to send their message. This function is also very convenient for people who do not like unnecessary attention from the outside.
    5. No restrictions on sending messages. Users with free accounts have a message forwarding limit. It was introduced deliberately so that the site owners could make money. VIP users can easily lift such a ban.
    6. Possibility of choosing an individual design. The function is more additional than basic. Probably not worth buying a VIP just for the sake of it. What is written in the questionnaire is more important than how it is framed. However, the same principle applies as with highlighting a page in search: an interesting design will attract other users, and this will increase the chances of a good acquaintance.
    7. Sets of stickers for messages. VIP users can send funny pictures while chatting. How important it is in dating is hard to say. Most likely, it does not greatly affect the success of building relationships. Just stickers make the correspondence more interesting. By the way, they are actively used in social networks. For example, in "Vkontakte" there are paid and free sets. On "Mamba" you need to pay for the opportunity to write by adding stickers.
    8. Return to thumbnail photos. Also a useful service. Sometimes it is important to focus on what at first seemed uninteresting or irrelevant.

    Thus, VIP status has a number of advantages. Many, having familiarized themselves with the list of services, having read their description, will want to use all of the above. The question naturally arises about the cost of the subscription. It's one thing to activate stealth mode for 20 rubles, another - for a thousand. In the second case, the majority will prefer to have only basic capabilities.

    Let's figure out the cost of the listed services.

    VIP in monetary terms

    After clicking the "Get VIP" button, a window opens on the site with a slider. With its help, you can set the number of days for which you want to enable a special status. The minimum is a decade. The activation cost will be 200 rubles. For a month - 300. The general rule is this: the longer you choose, the cheaper the price of one day. Those who are interested in purchasing additional services for a long time are also given special discounts. Both sides win: the client connects VIP at a bargain price, and the site owners get a more serious amount than in 1-2 months or 10 days.

    Unfortunately, there is no information on the site about the trial period of using the status. It is either impossible to turn on the demo mode, or this option is simply silent.

    Subscription procedure

    Something has already been said about him: you just need to find the button "Get VIP" on any page of the site. Naturally, first you need to log in to "Mamba" using a password and email address or through an account on social networks. If the profile has not been created on the site, you will need to go through a simple registration procedure.

    All this can be done both in a browser on a computer, and through the official application for "iPhone", "Android" or just a mobile version of the resource. You can download a special client in the stores of manufacturers of operating systems for phones. Everything is clear there, in Russian.

    Then, using the slider, you need to select what the paid period will be. Accordingly, the tariff and the price of the service for a specific period of time will be set.

    It is very pleasant that you can choose the most convenient payment method from several of the most popular ones:

    • bank card;
    • a number of e-wallets;
    • world payment systems.

    After you have chosen the method in which you are going to pay for the VIP - for example, entered the card number, its validity period and other details - you must press the button indicating the consent to the withdrawal of funds.

    Particular attention should be paid to the placement of the various checkboxes.

    For example, there is one: “Remember card”. The function is automatically enabled. But not everyone wants their payment instrument data to be stored somewhere on the network. There are small risks that scammers will get this information and try to withdraw funds.

    Even more problems for inattentive users are caused by the "Auto payment" checkbox. If it is not removed, it will mean that the person agrees to write off money by default, once in a certain period.

    Auto-renewal, of course, can be canceled, but you have to spend some time communicating with the support team. It is easier to turn off the function immediately before activating it than to try to cancel it later.

Become a VIP client of Megafon and get access to special benefits and tariffs.

Among the huge variety of all kinds of functions, services, opportunities provided by mobile operators in our time, it is not at all surprising to get lost. But are they all as needed as the companies claim they are? Today we will consider one of the services, the purpose of which is not entirely clear to most subscribers: VIP privileges from Megafon. What it is, why you need it, how to become a VIP-client and how much it will cost - read in this material.

  • Individual service;
  • Exclusive tariff options for VIP clients;
  • How to become a VIP client?

What is VIP status and what is it for?

Megafon's VIP client is a special status that provides clients with access to opportunities that are not available to the bulk of subscribers.
Basically, VIP status is just another type of loyalty program, the goal of which is to retain customers for as long as possible as company users. But you will have to pay for such a status according to its name.

The VIP-client status is most suitable for wealthy Megafon subscribers who are constantly traveling in Russia or abroad, because it is the unique tariff options that are the main feature of this status.

What does VIP status include, besides a sense of self-importance:

  1. access to unique tariff options not available to other subscribers;
  2. Individual service, including a separate contact center number;
  3. special conditions for the provision of the Promised Payment service.

Let's consider each provided service separately.

Individual service

What do you imagine when you hear the phrase "Personalized service"? A special kind attitude towards yourself as a privileged subscriber and, possibly, several beautiful girls who fulfill any of your requests and consider it a great honor. Let's take a closer look at what Megafon presents under the individual service:

  1. Extraordinary priority service in the Contact Center using a dedicated toll-free number (+7 926 111-00-77 - for calls to the Contact Center from roaming). Attractive girls on the other end of the line solving your problems are counted.
  2. Special conditions for the provision of the Promised Payment service:
    - the maximum established amount of the promised payment - 2,000 rubles.;
    - validity - 7 days;
    - short combination of numbers to activate - * 106 # [call button].

As we can see, the individual conditions are not so diverse and the wealth is not particularly different. And it is not a fact that the girls in the Contact Center will consider solving your problem as their privilege and honor. Nevertheless, if you do not want to wait in line for a call to the operator - which, by the way, is practically nonexistent. - then VIP status is an excellent solution for you.

Exclusive rate options for VIP clients

Since the individual service does not look particularly attractive, it is somehow necessary to justify the VIP status in some way. This is intended to make special tariff options available only to privileged customers.

"Unlimited communication in a single network" Megafon "

This option provides access to unlimited incoming and outgoing calls, SMS messages to numbers of any Russian mobile operator, as well as to unlimited Internet throughout Russia.

Option connection - is free;
Subscription fee - RUB 600 (VAT included).

The service does not apply to Internet traffic included in the established tariff plan, and starts at the moment the subscriber leaves the home region.

We remind you that the home region is the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the subscriber has entered into an agreement with the Megafon company.

The option is not valid on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

"International VIP-roaming"

This option provides a 50% discount on all incoming and outgoing calls, as well as sending SMS messages to numbers in Russia and the country in which you are in roaming. The package is valid in international roaming

Option connection - is free;
Subscription fee - 38 rub / day,including VAT;
calls to the Contact Center at +7 926 111–05–00 - is free

The package does not provide a discount on numbers starting from 8-800

"VIP-package of long-distance calls"

This option provides subscribers with 1,000 minutes. calls to any mobile and landline numbers in Russia.

Connection options - is free;
Subscription fee - RUB 600 (VAT included).

The package is valid only when the subscriber is within the Home region.

All tariff options are available for connection in the Personal Account, but only after purchasing the VIP-client status.

As we can see, all tariff options presented as VIP privileges will be useful only to those subscribers who are constantly on the move and need universal tariffs throughout the country or while in roaming.

How to become a VIP client?

It is quite easy to become the owner of the privileged client status: you just need to be connected to the "Connect! Premium" tariff. VIP privileges are assigned once a year, and after this period, the company revises the conditions for granting the status and double-checks how the subscriber meets the conditions for granting the status.

This status is not available to subscribers of other tariffs. When you switch to any other tariff plan from the "Turn on! Premium" tariff, the status is not saved.
In addition, the operator has the right to unilaterally exclude the client from the VIP program and deprive all privileges corresponding to this status.

To become a VIP client, you need to meet three simple requirements:

  1. The number must be registered to a private person;
  2. The number of registered numbers should not exceed 5 pieces;
  3. Average expenses for the last three months on one issue should exceed 3,000 rubles.

When you switch to the "Switch on! Premium" tariff, the VIP-client status is assigned automatically.

To switch to the "Connect! Premium" tariff, you need to log in to your personal account and press the "Tariff" button

Then you need to click on "Change tariff"

After that, in the list of all tariffs you need to find "Turn on! Premium" and click on "Switch to tariff"

In the new window, you need to click "Connect" and the transition to the tariff will take place with a monthly fee

You can check if you have the opportunity to become a privileged client using the command * 700 # [call button].

Whether or not to become a VIP client is, of course, up to the subscribers to decide. Our task was only to tell you about this program provided by Megafon. For a complete acquaintance with the tariff plan "Turn on! Premium", through which access to the VIP-status is provided, you can use the relevant material or using the document attached below.

Anyone who at least once downloaded the application or visited the Topface website, probably came across an offer to acquire the VIP VIP Topface status. What is it, and what advantages does a VIP user get over a regular user? ..

VIP Topface status

VIP allows:

  • turn on stealth mode... At the same time, no one will know who visited his status;
  • to individually design your profile, which will make it stand out from all the others;
  • send so-called Bright messagesthat will stand out from others;
  • find out who has viewed your profile (of course, if this user has not activated Invisibility);
  • find out who has liked in the Likes game;
  • send stickers, presents and Admiration;
  • finally, and most importantly, it will be possible to read messages from other VIP users. The fact is that only another VIP can communicate with a VIP. An ordinary user will not even be allowed to read a message sent from a paid account.

How to enable VIP status

Problems with how activate VIP, should not arise. When you try to perform an action on Topface, an offer to purchase a Premium account will pop up very soon. You can purchase it at different times and use many payment options.

How to turn off VIP status

The problem may be that the VIP is automatically renewed. A user who has subscribed to a VIP at least once may be surprised to find that after the expiration of the paid period, the Premium account was renewed, and a certain amount was debited from a bank card or mobile phone ... The point is that you need to cancel the VIP subscription.

In how disable VIP status, there is nothing difficult. You need to log into your account, for example, on Facebook and go to the section for editing your profile. There will be many sections available in the left column of the menu. You need to select the item "Payments". In this section, disable automatic payment for using the VIP.

Premium status is perhaps a vital necessity for those who really want to find on Topface serious dating... After all, practically nothing worthwhile on the resource can be done without it. However, purchasing VIP for hard earned money, or limiting yourself to a free subscription period, or getting points by completing tasks from Topface is, of course, the business of every user.

Odnoklassniki, like many other free social networks, are famous for the fact that for additional payment with real money they provide their users with certain options "for the elite". One of them is VIP-status, which made a lot of noise in its time and caused a lot of discontent. Let's figure out what it is and how to disable it.

What is VIP status

VIP-status in Odnoklassniki is a set of additional functions that are not available to mere mortal users. In addition, he is one of the ways to emphasize his special position and, to some extent, financial solvency - a crown and the inscription VIP appear on the user's profile.

This paid status includes the following features:

  • "invisible" mode - none of the users will know about your visit to his page and will not see that you are online - unless, of course, you yourself want to;
  • return (cashback) of OKs (site currency purchased for real money) that the user spent in games - up to 10%;
  • free use of all emoticons and stickers on the site, access to special stickers for VIPs;
  • changing the design of your page by establishing exclusive "live" (animated) themes;
  • the ability to decorate your avatar with a variety of frames;
  • the ability to hide information in your profile from outsiders;
  • an exclusive set of gifts that you can send to your friends for free;
  • priority when contacting the support service - a VIP application is considered one of the first.

Despite all this diversity, many still think about how to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki. Why - read on.

VIP status pitfalls

As soon as such a VIP service appeared on the site, many users rushed to try it out. After a while, some of them discovered that about 500 rubles were being debited from their bank card. Many accused OK administrators of fraud, but still, in fact, users lost money through their own inattention.

VIP status is provided free of charge for only three days. After this period, it is automatically renewed, but in a paid version. And if the user has linked a bank card to his profile, then the payment for the VIP for the next month will be debited from it. If he has OKs on his account, then the cost of the VIP will be paid by them. Today, such a status for a month costs 249 OKs (currently 1 OK \u003d 1 ruble).

To get rid of the monthly auto-renewal is to go to how to turn off the subscription to the VIP status in Odnoklassniki. How to do this from a computer and phone, we will tell you below.

How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki from a computer

To save yourself from objectively meaningless write-off of funds is simple:

  1. Go to your profile and click under your avatar on the inscription "Buy OK".
  2. Pay attention to the list on the left side of the screen - select "My Paid Features".
  3. How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki? Find it in the list of paid options.
  4. Check the box next to "Unsubscribe". Done!

We draw your attention to the fact that even after this operation you will have this status until the day on which you paid for it.

How to disable the extension of VIP status in Odnoklassniki from your phone

You can disable this status through the official Odnoklassniki app as follows:

  1. Go to the pop-up menu, select "Paid Features".
  2. Opposite the line "VIP-status" put the slider in the inactive position (it will turn from green to gray).

Another way, suggesting how to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki:

  1. From your smartphone's browser, open your profile in OK.
  2. Select "Full Site" from the menu.
  3. Follow the path detailed in the previous sub-heading: "Buy OK" - "Paid features" - check the "Unsubscribe" checkbox opposite the VIP status.

VIP status is an option that gives only virtual advantages in Odnoklassniki. In order not to pay real money for it, do not forget to deactivate it after a free three-day subscription.

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