Congratulations on the day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs information service. Publications

The day of formation of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is one of the professional holidays of the staff of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, celebrated every year on October 7. On this memorable day in 1918, the Information and Instructor Departments were formed within the framework of the Main Directorate of the Worker and Peasant Police of the NKVD. After a while, the departments were combined into one, called the Instructor-Inspector. In 1919, the department was included in the Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of Police. Over the years, the headquarters service has undergone significant changes. Only in 1982, the headquarters began to function in all departments and ministries of the interior. Today, the tasks of the Main Directorate of the Internal Affairs are to carry out operational preventive, anti-terrorist and other measures, to ensure communication in the event of interaction with law enforcement agencies and structures, and to assist in investigating crimes “without delay” by managing resources.

In an era of significant reforms, innovations,
The headquarters was endowed with a management task,
And the role, significant, of staff units,
Marked by October daylight.

In the fight against organized crime -
No delay, no idleness, no laziness.
Power law, the supremacy of integrity,
In the charter of all headquarters units.

The work of the headquarters is inconspicuous in the common cause,
But how much mental expense is invested in it,
Interaction with the "security forces" on the aisle,
To guarantee a successful result.

Staff member - analyst and strategist,
Organizer and intermediary between structures.
Headquarters departments are always composed of those
Who is the essence of the tasks "enough on the fly."

How do you overcome the greatness of scale,
And the complexity of all the tasks assigned?
You are omnipotent, a native employee of the headquarters,
Omnipresent, omnipresent, and all sighted!

And let the spiritual core given to you,
It will be exalted and unbending forever.
The bosses should always be held in high esteem,
And your valuable work will be respected by all.

To be headquarters staff -
This is not at all weak!
To lead people
You really have to be smart.
I congratulate all the staff
I wish you to be happy
Get a lot of money
Reach the general!

Work on incoming information
And an analytical review,
Development of important operations,
Provision for anti-terror measures.

Congratulations today -
Good health, success and success!
On your holiday, headquarters day,
We wish you efficiency in solving problems!

I congratulate the staff on this day,
The core and center of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
We appreciate, love, respect you forever,
Good luck in serving you and in fate.

May there be enough strength, mind, health, nerves,
So that your honor is never stained
We wish you to be the first everywhere
Good luck is there to always go.

The headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs today celebrates
We congratulate them today from the bottom of our hearts,
May service always bring joy to them,
Say "Thank you" we are in a hurry to all of them!

Their work is held in high esteem, it is needed and important,
Let life give them only happiness and warmth,
We wish every employee
To always be lucky everywhere.

Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, congratulations!
We wish you good health and patience,
Your service will be calm now,
Only friendship is waiting in the team!

Let the wallet grow from replenishment,
Wish for your cherished fulfillment,
Let the past day be pleasant
Getting to work with a smile is not laziness!

Headquarters - hope and support,
Everyone knows this,
Wish you today
Inspirations, friends.

We will be under your protection
May success not forget you
Happiness, joy, peace,
And in the work of pleasure.

I wish all the headquarters units
Great happiness on a large scale!
Let for valiant and honest work
You are respected, always respected and cherished!
After all, who else, answer, if not you,
Does it care about the tranquility of the country?
I wish you want to have everything you need
For your service to succeed,
So that you get a medal for courage,
Good luck, strength and health to you, like steel!

Happy Headquarters Day
Important service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
Happiness, joyful moments
And success in work

We wish you this holiday!
And add from the heart -
May luck not tease you
And it will help to live a cool life!

May she find you in life
Important reward
Congratulations on your day
My headquarters employee.

Service glorious I wish
And recognition in labor
Well, let on the personal front
You are always lucky.

Congratulations: 25   in verse.

Communication Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs -
The service is very important.
Won't leave us in trouble
After all, she is brave.

All employees now
Happy holiday
The service you need for all of us!
Happiness, prosperity!

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has a communications service,
It was created
To make all the work easier
Better to do things
All employees of that service
Congratulations, we are now
We wish them luck
And patience stock!

Congratulations on the Day of the creation of the communication service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and I wish you established, uninterrupted, excellent communication in your activity, as well as a successful connection with good luck and great prospects for life.

Happy holiday, signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
Joy to you all in fate
At work, every victory
Be happy away from troubles!

Signalers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Service Creation Day.
Your work, dear friends,
We all really need it.

You are for the homeland mountain.
Glory to the officers!
I wish you good luck
All of you at gunpoint.

Today is a special day for Russia,
After all, many, many years ago,
They created a communication service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
And everyone is very, very happy!

I wish you all happiness on this day
Employees tolerance, kindness,
So that everything is always in order
Interference so that never arose!

An important task for the communication service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is
Keep information safe everywhere
Transfer it across all channels
In excellent appearance pristine.
Let everyone celebrate and love you on holiday
We wish from the heart success in the difficult matter.

All signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Celebrate the holiday.
You worthy guys
I wish for happiness.

May the dreams come true
Let him always be lucky in everything.
I wish you good health,
Never to know adversity.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs communications service was created on this day,
We sincerely wish a reliable connection to all.
Let everyone strive for progress,
The quality of labor is growing,
We wish you an interesting
You work ahead.

Congratulations on your day.
Russia needs you.
For work, we press a hand.
We have not forgotten:

Communication Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
It works great.
To create it on this day -
The decision was right.

Modern devices
Let them skillfully help you,
And the authorities are supportive
Raises your salary.

Communication Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Birthday notes
Won't leave us in trouble
And does not disappoint in anything!

Let the connection be great
All employees are healthy
And the criminals, afraid
Everyone will be ready to surrender!

Day of creation of information units of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation - professional holiday   employees and employees of the Main Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, information centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation according to the Federal District, the Internal Affairs Directorate. Celebrated annually. The day of the creation of information units of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation - 23 September.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    Solemn graduation at KRU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - 2017


History and Celebration

September 23, 1918 the decision of the Board of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR approved the "Regulation on the statistical department of the Commissariat of Internal Affairs", the functioning of which ensured the collection, synthesis and storage of statistical information on the state and dynamics of crime in the country.

By Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 24, 2000 No. 296 "On Announcing the Day of Information Units of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation" - September 23 was declared the Day of Information Units - GIAC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Internal Affairs Directorate of the Subjects of the Russian Federation, UT Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for .


  • Main Information and Analytical Center (website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Since September 1918, the statistical department of the NKVD, territorial statistical apparatuses have become a permanent component of the system of internal affairs bodies. Under the Central Administration, registration and fingerprint bureaus are created in the provinces and autonomous republics. In the subsequent period (1930-1939), registration and accounting apparatuses were created at the Main Directorates and independent departments of the NKVD (under the Main Directorate of Workers 'and Peasants' Police).

During the period from 1918 to 1968, the divisions of the information service, improving professionally and structurally, went through a difficult, sometimes dramatic, but glorious path, actively participating in the fight against crime. This grateful work continued during the years of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, when the Soviet police and soldiers of the NKVD troops shoulder to shoulder with the Soviet Army in arms at the front and in the rear fought a deadly battle with the Nazi invaders, their accomplices criminals of all stripes.

In 1968, at the OTU MVD, the Information and Computing Center of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was organized. In November 1970, the Main Information Center at the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was created on its basis. In April 1972, by order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the first special departments were renamed information centers. The stage of strengthening local information centers has begun.

All employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in their activities are guided by this or that information: operational reference, archival, operational-search, scientific, technical, and statistical. It is the employees of information centers who, along with others, make a significant contribution to the fight against crime and offenses, this professional holiday is dedicated to.

When passes

The day of the creation of information units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is celebrated on September 23. The annual celebration of the date was announced on March 24, 2000 by Order of the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 296. The document was ratified by Colonel General V. Rushailo. In 2019, the event is celebrated for the 20th time.

Who notes

The day of the creation of information divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is celebrated by employees and employees of such departments as statistical and operational records, as well as forensic, search and tracing of persons, the provision of public services, special funds and rehabilitation of victims of political repression, operational reference information, the office and other services directly related to information and analytical activities, including veterans of these centers.

history of the holiday

On September 23, 1918, the Board of the NKVD of the RSFSR ratified the "Regulation on the statistical department of the Commissariat of the Interior." This unit was engaged in collecting statistical information about crime in the state, its analysis, generalization and storage (taking into account changes in development and its condition). This date was chosen for the annual celebrations.

About the profession

In addition to providing the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other persons established by law with various kinds of information (including fingerprints and photocards, as well as registers of disqualified persons), the specialists of these units participate in the development and implementation of automatic information systems (a single information space), data banks, and carry out their software. In addition, they provide information security (including protection against computer viruses), the location of the computer network, provide technical support during the transfer of information, connect users of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and provide them with access to databases and accounts, maintain a uniform registration procedure. Their responsibilities also include the enforcement of legislation on archival affairs and the rehabilitation of citizens who have been subjected to political repression.

Employees must have an analytical mindset, excellent memory, and also be morally stable. Loyalty and dedication are the main factors in the work of these specialists.

The number of disclosed crimes shows that the role of information units is growing every year. In 1976, 4% was disclosed, in 1996 - already 25%, in 2000 - about 50%, in 2005 - more than 70%, in 2009 - about 80%, in 2011 - almost 90%.

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