What is twitter in simple words. What does it mean to tweet and retweet? About the history of appearance

All around tweet and repost something, but you have no idea what all this means? Then it's time for you to find out what Twitter is and how to use it! You will find all this here.

It is hardly worth asking about what your grandmother is Tweeter - most likely, she will decide that you were engaged in some kind of obscenity and are interested in sexually transmitted diseases. It’s easier to turn to Wikipedia, read this article, or even try to get to everything using the “poke method” (read “google”).

If you try to answer the question of what Twitter is and why you need it, then you can go in two ways. Firstly, to say something like: Twitter is a social network based on the exchange of small (no more than 127 characters) messages - tweets. Secondly, you can do with the human language and say this: imagine that absolutely everything except your friends list and status bar has been removed from your cozy VKontakte - this will be Twitter.

If you still do not understand what Twitter is and why you need it, then imagine the following situation. You are a popular person whose lives are monitored by hundreds, thousands or millions of people. Of course, you can start a blog, but its maintenance will take quite a lot of time. In addition, it is unlikely that the message “I had lunch in a new cafe - I liked it!” Will be a full-fledged post. On Twitter, it is precisely these messages that make up the bulk. For example, some popular actor can announce a new film, as Jeff Daniels and Jim Carrey did with his “Dumb and Dumber - 2”:

What's the point?

Now some may say, well, I know what Twitter is ... and how to use it? Using this network is quite easy - register, and then recruit subscribers, subscribe yourself, post tweets, retweets and like other people's posts. Surely among your friends there will be many people who are interested in what you are doing at the moment.

Now that you know the word Twitter, what it is and how to use it roughly, it’s worth saying a few words about the practical application of this network. Today, Twitter is used in one of three cases:

  1. Let subscribers know what you think on a particular issue;
  2. Talk about the promotion of a project;
  3. Promote the site. Yes, many website promoters are actively using Twitter, but this is a topic for a separate article (or even a book).

Nevertheless, we recommend that you register right now in this social network and keep up with life. In the end, even Medvedev has his own Twitter, and yet he is no longer even the president! Why are you worse? Also, the next time someone asks: Twitter - what is it? You will always have an answer ready.

In March 2006, in America, in San Francisco, the first transmission of a short message took place - a tweet. This happened on March 21 at 20 hours Pacific Time. At that moment, Jack Dorsey relayed the message: "just setting up my twttr." So began the era of Twitter.

And if they exceed, then what? Then the rule to be simple and concise comes into force. But this rule is empirical. That is, on the one hand it acts, but on the other it does not. A message that is too long can be split into two or three short messages. And to exist in this form.

In general, the possibilities of this social network are much wider than you can imagine. At first, only posts could be posted. Later, the system improved and photos and video files began to be added to them. In addition, links can be added to the text.

Why is it necessary

It would seem, why such a thing may be necessary at all ?! But in reality, this format quickly found application and became very popular. Comments, jokes, opinions - all this people love. And Twitter just under this and "imprisoned."

Just because of this brevity, famous people began to actively use the social network: politicians, musicians, writers and representatives of other public professions. Indeed, on the one hand, they need to be open, and on the other, not shake up anything superfluous.

How to register

one . We open the official website twitter.com  , fill out the small form on the right side and click "Register".

2. If everything is filled out correctly (there is a bird next to each item), click “Register” again.

3. Then the system will ask for a phone number.

You can skip this step, but it's better to add your number. Otherwise, your page may be hacked at any time.

four . And the last step is choosing a username. You need to come up with an English name for your twitter, one that is not yet in the system. You can choose one of those indicated in the "Recommendations".

You can also skip this step, but then the system will give your twitter a random name. Usually it is not very pretty. Agree, it is much nicer when the name is @nazvanie, and not this: @bCbMjODYcAfqqAb

That's all! It remains to make some settings (answer a couple of questions) and the personal page is ready.

You can also subscribe to other people's pages, like posts, comment on them, retweet (repost on your page).

Famous people twitter

I'll start with our domestic celebrities:

Dmitry Medvedev: @MedvedevRussia

Vera Brezhneva : @VeraBrezhneva

Pavel Volya .

What is twitter?

Initially, Twitter was conceived as a project that would answer the question: “What are you doing now?” And convey your answer to a wide audience. This is a kind of analogue of SMS. Twitter service differs from other social networks in that. Microblogs are designed for live communication. There is no static form of communication. An interesting feature of microblogging twitter is the fact that one message is limited to 140 characters. At first it seems uncomfortable, since there is no way to go into details. But the service was originally conceived for the concise presentation of their thoughts, actions and news. Twitter is a resource for exchanging information, communicating. And if there is a lot of information, then you can always insert a link to the resource, as most do. Thus, twitter is an indispensable resource for news distribution.

For example, you went to some software portal, found out that there are programs for sale at a special price - powerpoint, and now you can tell all your friends about this. Thus, you maintain your microblogging and at the same time give useful information to your friends.

Users communicate with each other through mutual reading of microblogging. You can give comments, reply to private messages, and add friends as well as on social networks. In order to answer another person to his message, you must write the answer starting with the @ symbol and then indicate the nickname of the person to whom the answer is addressed. And even if he is not your follower, he will still receive your message, which will be visible to everyone. Thus, you can make new acquaintances, as if you answer this person several times, he will notice you, and you will be able to discuss common topics through personal correspondence.

Sign up on Twitter does not take much time, and, of course, it's free. There is also no need to enter all your personal data and personal details. After successful registration, the system will send an email with an activation code to your email. A very convenient feature is provided to all registered users of Twitter - this is the ability to use your account to register on other sites.

Achieving twitter is that its service is used by many famous people. Among them are stars of show business, sports, cinema. Some well-known Russian politicians also maintain their blogs. You can add as a friend, i.e. Become a “follower” of any person who interests you. Or do not add to friends, but simply receive updates from such a person. Then it’s called “following.”

What to write about on Twitter?

To diversify your feed on Twitter and make new friends, you need your blog to be interesting to others. Otherwise, they will simply stop reading you.

  Here's a pretty original video tip on what you still need to post on Twitter.

Social networks have entered our lives relatively recently. But now we can hardly imagine a world without them. Facebook, Vkontakte, Instagram - all these names are known to everyone, the icons of these social networks can be seen on almost any modern site. The high popularity of such services is explained by the fact that with their help people can share information about themselves, read about the lives of others, communicate with friends regardless of their location, and show their photos and videos to the world. In other words, social networks provide a ton of opportunities for active social life.

Twitter features

  • one message cannot be longer than 140 characters;
  • tweets can be made both on the site and through SMS;
  • news distribution speed is higher than on other resources;
  • twitter has been trendy lately.

What is Twitter

The name of this social network comes from the English word “twitt”, which in translation into Russian means “chatting”, “tweeting”. This is the best way possible means the whole essence of this service. Twitter created for quick short messaging. It is convenient for both ordinary users and celebrities who can add to their popularity thanks to such brief life sketches. For example, Barack Obama gained as much as 6% of the vote before the first election thanks to Twitter. Also famous people like Justin Bieber, Britney Spears, Katy Perry and many others use this site.

Twitter has also established itself as a great news resource. The fact is that every text message, photo and video published in it becomes known to the whole world within five minutes. This speed of information distribution is one of the highest, leaving behind both television and radio. Therefore, Twitter is ideal for news companies, and it also acts as a great advertising platform for any business.

It is popular among various scientific and informative resources. For example, you have your own Twitter page national Geographic, Wikipedia and NASA.

Internal terminology

  • tweet - this is the shortest message that is published on the user’s page;
  • retweet - publication of your message by another user on his page;
  • follower - a person subscribed to a user's publication;
  • tweeples or Tweeters - directly the users themselves, the population of Twitter;
  • privacy mode - the ability to publish messages for reading only by a narrow circle of people, in this case it will be possible to read your tweets to those who are in the list of friends or subscribers.

What to do on Twitter

Each message will instantly appear in the news feed of your subscribers. And then it's up to them. If the tweet is of great interest, then the followers will begin to share it on their pages, where an even wider circle of people will see it. Those, in turn, can also retweet this message. Thus, tweets gain a large number of views and bring you new subscribers.

Many of these messages receive real world fame, and they do not always belong to some celebrities. For example, not so long ago a video was posted in which a little boy showed a new way to learn how to tie shoelaces. This video has gained enormous popularity, it has been watched by several million users and caused a lively response from people from all over the world.

How to start using Twitter

First of all, you need to go through a simple registration procedure. Only after that you will get access to all the resources of this social network. The registration process should be approached carefully, since the user cannot create more than one account.

To register, you need to enter some data in a special form:

  • login (username);
  • phone number;
  • e-mail address;
  • password that you will use to enter your page.

Typically, Twitter does not require you to specify both your phone and mail. Can get by with an e-mail. By the way, in this case, it is possible to avoid limiting the number of created accounts. For example, you can create another profile, but specify in it not mail, as in the previous one, but a phone number.

When all the fields in the form are completed, you will need to confirm the creation of the profile. If during registration you indicated a phone number, then you will receive a confirmation code on it, which will need to be entered in a special column. And those who prefer to use an email address will receive an email with a link that they will need to go through to activate their account.

After confirming the creation of the profile, registration will be completed, and you can use Twitter without restrictions.

Twitter Terms

There are several internal rules.which must be observed in order to avoid account lockout and legal issues.


In any civilized society accepted observe some rules of etiquette. Twitter was no exception. Of course, compliance with the rules of communication is just a recommendation, the violation of which will not entail any sanctions. But if you want your page to be interesting and pleasing to people, then etiquette should still be given increased attention.

If you are open to the world and like to share interesting events in your life, then Twitter is just what you need.

Today, there are dozens of popular social networks where the number of registered users exceeds hundreds of millions of people. Each such service has its own characteristics, its own style and communication formats that attract certain circles of people. Despite the fact that all social. Networks of such a scale are internationally recognized - this does not mean that every Internet user must have an account on such a site so as not to seem ignorant. The main thing in all this diversity is to choose a resource that is truly suitable for you where you will feel comfortable, receive the necessary information in the form you need and communicate with people of interest to you. Twitter is not an exception, which is not suitable for all Internet users.

What is Twitter

Twitter is a microblogging service where users share various information, links, news, photos and videos with each other. The text of messages on Twitter should not exceed 140 characters, which forces members of the social network to write briefly, vividly and in essence. One of the predominant topics for recordings is the operational coverage of news and the publication of links to articles with a brief announcement.

By visiting the user’s profile on Twitter, you can see the statistics of the page where it will be displayed:

  • Tweets - the number of posts written by the user on the page for the entire existence of his account;
  • Reads - the number of subscriptions to the pages of other users;
  • Readers - the number of subscribers per user page;
  • Lists - the number of lists.

The list is  a group of recommended Twitter users, with the help of such lists you can group tweets according to your interests.

Why Twitter

If you are a public person, the site administrator, or just love blogging, then Twitter will allow you to find an audience that will be interested in your materials, creativity or activities. You can quickly share up-to-date information with your subscribers, publish links to interesting articles on your website, post thematic videos and photos you shot.

If you don’t have a goal to write news every day, but at the same time you like to be in the know about the latest events, you can find interesting information on Twitter. Many social personalities, companies and websites (politicians, show business stars, businessmen, news and thematic resources, etc.) maintain their social network accounts. By subscribing to profiles that interest you, you will create the information background that is interesting to you. Now it is not necessary to go to different sites to find out if they wrote something interesting there, this information will be available for you in one place. Reading short headlines will not take you a lot of time, and when you see the news that interests you, you can refer to the original source.

Why sign up for Twitter

Registering on Twitter opens up great opportunities for interaction with the audience of a social network. By registering, you can create your own news feed that will save you from jumping from one profile to another, all the most relevant and latest materials will be available on your page. Also authorized members of the social. Networks can add their favorite news to their page and subsequently return to them if necessary.

If you need to browse the page you are interested in on a social network once and then you no longer need Twitter, then this can be done without registering.

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