The best password in the world. ZenMate Academy: how to come up with a strong password

Over the past few years, Internet users have become smarter. No seriously. If earlier my friends complained about the constant hacking of their mailboxes or pages on social networks like VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, today they deal with such a problem less often. Not least, this is due to the password - the most important part of any account, which for some reason is often neglected. And in vain.

Imagine that you have a page in the social network or, for example, an account in Skype. If some attacker gets access to the same Skype, it can spend the money in your account. In this case, the company itself, you can not present anything, because they themselves are responsible for your account. Or another case - someone opened yours and started sending spam to your friends. Who can it be nice? No one, and only you will be guilty.

But before we start talking about the main topic of our article today, I would like to make a small digression. I want to tell you that even an extremely complicated password consisting of 50 characters cannot protect you if you neglect simple security rules. Why?

  • First reason: you save the password in the browser. Never, remember, never do it under any circumstances! There is a type of trojan that, when it hits the user's computer, checks the saved contents of the browser and, when finding the saved data, transmits the information to the attacker, and you won’t even know about it! Therefore, all important data (the same password) always write in the diary or on a sheet of paper, access to which only you have.
  • The second reason: it is a continuation of the first. If someone has acquired data from your account in a social network, then he will certainly try to apply this password to other resources, where you are also registered. That is why some users just lose their mailboxes   - they use only one password everywhere! So you can not do! For each site, create your own unique character combination!
  • The third reason: phishing sites. Alas, not one of us is insured against them. Phishing site is a fake, the design of which completely copies some popular resource. Very often, for example, forges the same “VKontakte” - you go to its exact copy, which is not on the domain, but, say, on After you enter data from your profile, they will instantly get to the attacker, although you yourself will not be able to go to your page - because this is a completely different site, only externally similar to VK! Therefore, always carefully follow the domain names of sites where you enter a valuable username and password. (The phishing site can also be accessed by changing hosts file, but we will break down about it next time).
  • Fourth reason: keyloggers. A keylogger is a small program that is usually launched without notifying the user, which remembers all his actions: each keystroke, mouse movement, etc. Mostly keyloggers are used by jealous people who want to catch their soul mate by writing a love letter to an unknown person, but often such programs get on the computer from the world wide web and are used by bad uncles to steal data, because everything typed on the keyboard is stored in a file, which is then sent to intruders.

You are not tired yet? I hope not, but modern reality is a very cruel thing and you have to be prepared for it. These are just a few of the main reasons why people lose access to their accounts. Therefore, follow the rules about which we wrote a little higher and then the risk of falling into such a situation will be reduced to a minimum.

How to come up with a complex password?

Well, friends, now we come to the most interesting, namely, we will learn to create complex passwords. In fact, nothing new in the system, which will be discussed further, no, just many users do not even know about it.

Where to begin? Perhaps this is why - the minimum number of characters can not be less than 8. Why is it 8? According to recent studies, words of 7 numbers or less are chosen much faster than of 8, not to mention something more (for some reason, the difference in the selection over time is very large). Nevertheless, we advise you to slightly increase the number of digits to at least 12-14 - in this case, it will be almost impossible to pick up the characters programmatically, it will take years!

So, now about the most important thing. Take some simple Russian word. Suppose the word is "wallet". Now we take and write it on the English layout, that is, we did it, evf; ybr. A wonderful set of characters, it should be noted. Now at the beginning or at the end we add one capital letter - V. It turns out V, evf; ybr. Quite good, but that's not all. In the final part, we add some arbitrary number, for example, the year of your birth - 1975. The final password is as follows: V, evf; ybr1975. It has 13 characters, including letters of different registers, numbers and special characters. Believe me, it will be so hard for an attacker to pick up this word that he most likely cannot even do it!

The password, which you can see a little higher, is given only for the purpose of familiarization and DO NOT NEED to use it! You can create it yourself by following our instructions. Just do not forget the password! Whatever happens, write down the set of characters with your diary or in some notebook and hide it away from human eyes. You do not need to record it in the phone - there someone can see it, and if the phone is also stolen, then ...

By the way, there are special programs for automatic generation and storage of passwords on a computer, but I do not recommend using them - despite the fact that the data is securely hidden in the program, something can happen to the computer and then you can tell your data the word "Goodbye "... Be careful!

Password from email   - this is your key.

The password should be simple enough for you not to forget it, but not so much that it can be hacked and used to use your address.

Passwords that often crack

  • e-mail, because you can get access to all the services for which you have registered,
  • ICQ, especially short numbers that sell, or just bully on your behalf,
  • Skype, for the same reason
  • In contact with.

Passwords that are easy to crack

  • date of Birth,
  • 111, 333, 777 or something like that,
  • 12345 or qwert - letters of the keyboard coming in a row.
  • simple names - sergey, vovan, lena ...
  • russian word typed in English, for example. Sergey will turn out Cthutq.

The most common passwords in the world

  1. 123456 (290,731)
  2. 12345 (79,078)
  3. 123456789 (76,790)
  4. Password (61,958)
  5. iloveyou (51,622)
  6. princess (35,231)
  7. rockyou (22,588)
  8. 1234567 (21,726)
  9. 12345678 (20,553)
  10. abc123 (17,542)
  11. Nicole (17,168)
  12. Daniel (16,409)
  13. babygirl (16,094)
  14. monkey (15,294)
  15. Jessica (15,162)
  16. Lovely (14,950)
  17. michael (14,898)
  18. Ashley (14,329)
  19. 654321 (13,984)
  20. Qwerty (13,856)
List of most common passwords

Password protected

  • long (8-12-15 characters),
  • it is difficult to crack a password in which there are CAPITAL LETTERS, small letters and numbers (not the date of birth!),
  • not from the dictionary, that is, not a word, not a name ...
  • separate password for each individual service.
  • unrelated to you (address. cell number ...).
  If you have to register a lot, then why not make a group of passwords, for example. one password for all forums where you register because there’s nothing to steal (unless you are a famous person, unless your friends make a joke).


  Insiders are people who have direct access to your data, for example, employees, where your mail is located, or Odnoklassniki, VKontakte sites. A dishonest employee can simply take your password. Therefore, we do not use questionable services. was found to sell passwords.
  Reliable are Google services, Yandex.

There should not be identical passwords.

  • to access e-mail,
  • email payment systems (WebMoney, RBK Money, Yandex.Money ...).

Same passwords

  For ease of remembering a password, people use the same password for everything.
  It is recommended to have a unique password: for email and payment systems.
  The remaining passwords can be grouped. For example:
  • Simple password and login to register in all temporary and non-important places. Let's say we want to download something on this site, and we are required to register. There is little chance that we will go there at all, we have nothing to protect, because we write something simple and unique (so that it is free). For example login sim sim   password open up.
  • Strong password for all forums and social networks   etc.
  Therefore, no matter how complicated your password is - we do not do one password for everything !!!

The most difficult and protected password

  This is your email password. If you get access to your mail, you can get access to all the places where you registered. Therefore, this password must be strong.
  It is convenient to store passwords in special programs -

Today we will talk with you about the most complex passwords. How to come up with them? Is it possible to remember? Or is it better to write down on a piece of paper and carry it everywhere? Let's try to deal with you in this difficult question.

Mastery basics

So, the first thing is to try the basic techniques used to create difficult passwords, which the owner easily remembers. Now we will learn this maneuver with you.

The most difficult passwords are usually created from simple characters. However, if you make the combination meaningful to you, then you can hope for easy memorization. For example, base some important date or person’s name. The main thing is try not to tell your friends about your idea. Otherwise you can easily be hacked.

In addition, the most complex password in the world contains any word. Or a name. All that you wish. Come up with something that you can remember yourself. The name of your pet, friend's name or your own nickname - all this is attributed to the base. And best of all before her. So you can easily and easily come up with a password, which will be quite difficult to find out.

Also a good technique is to use a mirror combination of special characters: tildes, "krakozyabry", asterisks, percentages, and so on. The most difficult passwords should be concluded in similar "gate". Thus, if someone is able to unravel the basis of your password, it is unlikely for attackers to reveal the mirror combination.

To each his own

Well, now let's try to figure out how not to get confused in numerous passwords. After all, it is best to use something different on each site. If you are an active Internet user, you will not be able to do without a special rule for remembering and compiling passwords.

It consists in putting a note on which site you are using a password before starting the combination (or rather, before you write the first "mirror" displays). For example, from "Skype" - sk, "ICQ" - icq, and so on.

You can also write these letters at the end of the main password. Also quite an interesting move. Few will break over such a head. In addition, now the burglars are not able to unravel such intricate passwords. This means that the data will be safe and sound for a long time. However, let's continue to look at how the most complex passwords are composed. There is another interesting rule that will help you.


One small piece of advice: with long-term use of the same password, it is better to slightly modify it. But it is worth doing so that you yourself are not confused. The most interesting way is to assign a change at the end of the password of the year. For example, if you decide to edit in 2014, then after the “mirror” combination, you should assign the number 14.

Something like this will look like the most complex passwords, the list of which is based on the foregoing:

- ~ & alexia1995vk & ~ 14;

- ^ - ^ nikki85sk ^ - ^ 09;

- $ -) astral967rutack (- $ 2015.

Try to invent something for yourself. In fact, it is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. However, if you still do not get anything worthwhile, you can use another one in a rather interesting way. Now we take a look at it.


Now the people are very popular special programs-password generators. In a single click, they are able to give you some very complicated (and sometimes hard to remember) combination that will protect your personal data for a long time.

Unfortunately, even the most complex passwords generated by such a program can be cracked. Enough to pick up the right approach. So the most reliable way to protect is self-invented password. Practice a little and you will notice that the proposed rules help.

We continue the topic of security. We have already talked about, and methods to protect your page.

In any case, we will come to the conclusion that the security level of the account will largely depend on how complex the password you set for VC (see).

For some reason, many users are not very difficult, and use the simplest combinations. But such negligence can go sideways (see).

How to come up with a complex password VKontakte

Yes, in fact, like any other site. Use a few basic principles.

  • Use letters and numbers.
  • Type the password in different keyboard layouts
  • Do not store data on the computer
  • Password length - at least 8 characters

What can be learned from this? You should not be limited to a standard password, in the spirit of:

Well at least that on many sites have introduced a rule to use the letters of the Latin alphabet, and at least one number or a special character. But in fact, it turns out not much better:

As you can guess, hack or pick up such a combination, for the attacker will not be difficult.

So what password can be called secure? Here is an example:

12! @Avi # @ $

Here numbers, letters in different layouts and special characters are used.

Video lesson: what password can you think up for the VKontakte page


What else do I want to tell you. Refrain from storing your passwords on the computer. You should not write them in a notebook, and keep it on your desktop. Chances of them being stolen.

In contact with

Most Internet fraudsters do not bother with sophisticated password theft methods. Their goal is easily guessed combinations. 1% of all existing passwords are selected from 4 attempts.

How is this possible? Very simple. Here are the magnificent four of the most common combinations in the world: password, 123456, 12345678, qwerty. After sorting through these options, on average 1% of all “doors” open. Brute force is a system that allows you to try all possible versions of a password in order. For a 5-digit password, this is 100 thousand combinations. The program copes with this task in seconds. Decent mail services do not allow infinitely enter incorrect passwords, but such protection is not configured everywhere.

In addition to the top 5 most primitive passwords, there are common mistakes that careless users make. Using sequential combinations and repeating characters like “222222”, “abcdefg”, or a combination of adjacent letters on the keyboard will not be a strong password. Also, the replacement of similar numbers and symbols resembling letters, for example, @ in the word “p @ p @”, is an obvious move for fraudsters too.

And finally: do not use as a password your name or the names of your relatives, date of birth, insurance policy number, login or other personal information. This data in the hands of fraudsters will be immediately used against you.

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