What does relevant mean. Why does a search sometimes return irrelevant pages? Hit the point

Relevance is the degree to which information is displayed at the user's request. Most often this word can be found in the work of many people related to the filling of Web sites, creating content and layout of html pages.

People in the profession of SMM and SMO (content managers) actively use this term to create content that will meet the expectations of the user who is looking for him.

Content in search engines is issued by the degree of its relevance (ie, matching the request) depending on the number of keywords, “water content”, “spamming” and “uniqueness”.

Uniqueness shows how original the available content is - for example, the text copied from Wikipedia and inserted into the article will have reduced uniqueness as it coincides with the information already available on the Internet.

The origin of the word relevance

The word relevant (from the English. Relevare - understand, facilitate) comes to us from the scientific field of computer science. The concept of relevance is very important for computer science, as it can relate not only to the field of analysis and text processing, but also when performing practical programming tasks - the analysis of large data arrays.

Relevance (in information technology) is divided into two types: meaningful relevance and formal relevance. Content relevance shows the conformity of the document to the requested data obtained informally, and formal relevance is based on comparing the user’s request for available information using a specific algorithm.

It is on such algorithms that search engine robots work - Google, Yandex, Rambler. An interesting fact is that each language needs its own unique algorithm that will search for the text the user needs.

Use of the word relevance

The word relevance, as described above, is used in semantics, programming, Web - layout, Web - design, SMM and SMO, as well as copywriting. Copywriting is a field of work that deals with writing articles to order. Quite often there are articles that will be designed for SEO - optimization, specifically this type of article should be as relevant as possible.

The word relevance is also found in specialized technical literature - instructions, manuals and other sources of information. In everyday speech, one can also use the word relevance, for example, in situations where a person answers a question from a distance, incorrectly - an irrelevant answer to a question.

Also, relevance can be said as a measurable value - how relevant is this article or information?

SEO relevance

SEO relevance is a guarantee that people will find and read your site, blog or community. The easiest way for a person to find information is to enter a query into a search engine - Google, Yahoo, Rambler or Yandex.

Programs - robots that work in these search engines search for content on demand using special algorithms. Keyword search is one of the simplest and most common.

For a deeper and more accurate, and therefore relevant search in SEO, search engines research the text stored on the site. We study the percentage of its “Zapamlennost” - the frequency of the repetition of certain words, “water” - words that do not carry important semantic load, uniqueness, academic nausea, and many other factors that allow the search engine to find relevant content.

Relevance and Keywords

In this part of the article, we give an example of the successful use of keywords so that the reader can best understand how they are used and what is being discussed. Keywords are combinations of words that allow you to grasp the most important essence of text or content.

For example, the keywords in the relevant text will be the following phrases:

  • “Buy goods”;
  • “Buy goods in Moscow”;
  • “Buy goods in Moscow inexpensively with home delivery”;
  • “The services of a private lawyer are inexpensive”;
  • "How to perform a specific action",
  • "Do-it-yourself TV repair at home."

So we see that keywords and relevance play a huge role in modern life. If relevance did not exist, then there would be no high-quality Internet.

Try to open the Chinese search engine Badoo and enter the query there in Russian - and you will receive completely insane, completely unexpected irrelevant content. Although the relevance originally came to us from computer science, we still use it in Russian, literature, mathematics, physics and other sciences.

Search engines are constantly introducing special algorithms to improve the quality of search results and give the user what he is looking for in the search. And once relevance was taken into service. What is it, how to determine whether your site is relevant and how to increase the relevance of pages to search queries, we will describe in this article.

how to get to the top using queries?

What is relevance and how does it affect search results?

Relevance  - this is the criterion for the correspondence of the page of the site to the key phrase regarding the issuance. The higher the relevance, the more chances to see your site in the top. Of course, the high relevance in the link “request-content of the page” is not an accurate guarantee of getting into the top ten, but this is a significant indicator of internal page optimization.

The concept of relevance was introduced by search engines for site ranking simplification. Initially, when placing sites, search engines took into account only the presence of keywords on the page. However, this option soon became obsolete, as webmasters began to abuse it, creating meaningless SEO texts, randomly setting keywords and taking care only of search engines, without taking into account the interests of the user.

Now the situation has fundamentally changed, and search engine algorithms have become more complicated. To the factors influencing relevance, a lot of points were added. Because search engines rarely reveal secrets about their algorithms, no one can name the exact number of such parameters. However, according to old school seoshniki, some principles have already become an axiom. These include:

  • the number of occurrences of keywords
  • location of keywords
  • the presence of query words in meta tags,
  • the number of words and characters on the page,
  • page length and text volume.

How to calculate the optimal numerical component for each of these items? How many occurrences of keywords should be, what should be the “nausea” of keywords in the text, in which meta tags should keywords be present?

And no one will give you the only correct answer to this question. After all, it all depends on each specific area and topic. One way out: calculate all these parameters for sites that are in the top and, when optimizing the pages of your site, focus on competitors.

Special services will help you here. Choose a few of them or use everything in a complex to compare the results and get as close as possible to the ideal relevance parameters of your site.

Method 1

You just have to make your site data match the average of competitors from the top.

Method 5

Well, and finally, we’ll dwell on the Prodvigator service, with which you will also find out how relevant the page is to the search query. Relevance is calculated based on the following parameters:

1. frequency of use on the keywords page,

2. the presence on the page of the search query in the exact entry,

3. tagging keywords

4. the number of keywords that appear on the page,

5. page length.

Service helps:

  • determine which pages on the site are most relevant to specific search queries;
  • evaluate the relevance of the page (which must be compared with similar competitors);
  • get specific keywords that should be added to the page in order to increase its relevance.

So, we work as follows:

We’ll enter a query into a service search, select a region, go to the “Search Queries” section. Save the list of received phrases (by ticking them), give the list a name and click on “Add”.


This list will be automatically saved in the “Tools” section under the name “Lists of phrases for relevance calculation”. Let's go there:

lists of phrases for relevance calculation

Let’s enter the page url in a special column, select the phrases with a tick and click on “Calculate relevance”:

everything is simple and clear

In the received service report, the services with the highest relevance score will be in the first places. The “missing words” column will suggest phrases that are not on the page and could potentially increase its relevance.

We want to note, no matter what data your competitors have, blindly equalizing their performance is absolutely impossible. This is especially true for the number of keywords and their location on the page. A competitor can be at a high level with the search engine, because it has authority in his eyes, thanks to a number of factors. The search engine can forgive him for some errors in internal optimization and spam, but this will not give you.

Be vigilant, do not copy everything from your competitors, study indicators in a complex, evaluate critical results and you will be relevant!

Conclusion: from the editors

Today it became known that Prodvigator has turned into Serpstat. Hence the first question to the author of the article - will the old functions remain or will it be something fundamentally new?

For readers. Post your questions in the comments, subscribe to the blog newsletter and you will not miss a single useful material!

The development of innovative technologies has led everyone to search for the information they need on the Internet. A special search algorithm performs the task.

It contains special tools to ensure the provision of information on a specific search query, depending on its relevance. In this article, you will learn what it is all about and what benefits you can get in practice.

Relevance what is it

Relevance is one of the main terms in the field of search engine promotion, which determines the degree to which the query matches the results. But so experts say. And if in plain language, relevance, what is it all about? Let's look at a few examples.

The first example. You wanted to cook chicken, but do not know how to do it. Naturally, go to the search engine and enter the phrase "how to cook chicken."

In a second you will see the results. They will be relevant only if, when clicking on the links, the final page will contain a recipe for cooking chicken.

An example of the second. Your car has broken down and you don’t know what could be the reason. We enter the phrase “the car (model) will not start”, and we get several tens of thousands of results.

The material will be irrelevant if, based on the search results, you get to a page in which instead of the causes of problems with the engine you are told about the history of the specified vehicle.

Search relevance what are these simple words

If you have not heard of such a thing as relevance, that these are in simple words you will understand the first time. In fact, this is the logical correspondence of your search query to the article received in the search results.

That is, if when searching for a specific recipe you found it in Google or Yandex, the article is relevant. In all other cases, when the user lands on texts with "water" content, articles are considered irrelevant.

We can talk a lot about the value, because this is almost the most important criterion for success. In our case, it is necessary to understand that its popularity in the search system depends on the relevance of the material.

A user who comes to you from the same Google or Yandex, must definitely find answers to questions that he posed to himself before entering the keyword in the search bar. If he does not receive answers to his questions, we can assume that the article is of little use, therefore, accordingly, it is irrelevant.

  New methods for getting a relevant article

At a time when the SEO sphere was just in its infancy, many beginning optimizers preferred to insert a large number of keywords in order to rise as high as possible in the top ten ranking of SERPs.

At the moment, this technique can be attributed to the category of “black search promotion”, for which the portal will either be completely removed from the index or its rating in the issue will be greatly reduced.

And not only users - including search engines. Google, for example, has already learned to determine the degree of relevance by the behavior of the visitor. It is very good if a person visits the site and does not close the page for at least 40 seconds.

According to statements by representatives of the American search system, if a maximum of two to three seconds, then there is no information on the topic. Accordingly, what relevance can we talk about?

It does not get any easier. This is because every day thousands of new sites appear on the web. And the amount of garbage that is regularly posted on the network can no longer be counted.


Relevance is a term for the degree to which a search result matches user expectations. In other words, if the user found what he was looking for, the material found was called relevant. If not, it is called irrelevant.

Briefly about the main thing

Any modern search system has its own relevance assessment algorithms, and not only the entire site as a whole is analyzed, but each material that has been posted on its open spaces. As a result, adjusting to the requirements, for example, of a search engine, no one can guarantee the same degree of relevance to Google. Today, before you increase relevance, you have to spend a lot of time analyzing existing content. Only then can one proceed with practical actions.

How is relevance determined?

The relevance of certain information and the proposed query is determined using innovative search algorithms. They include the attitude of all keywords to the total volume of the article published on the page. When creating a page, each search engine determines its optimal percentage of occurrence. And how to increase relevance in such a way as to rise in SERP? Many people prefer to adhere to a five percent ratio of keys to the total amount of text. But it also happens that content authors face difficulties. The main problem of any webmaster is that any deviation from this ratio can lead to the page moving to ignore. In addition, a strong exaggeration of the percentage of occurrences will lead to the fact that the search engine will completely block the delivery, identifying the content as undesirable for viewing (spam).

Initially, the relevance of information was determined by a number of internal criteria, for example, the frequency of the keys in the headings, the density of key phrases in the text, meta tags, text design elements, and so on. Since sites soon appeared that were used to redirect to a promoted resource, there was a need to modernize search parameters to match relevance.

Increase relevance

Increasing relevance is not very complicated. But it requires a lot of time, and one must always be prepared for this. There are a number of recommendations to improve the relevance of the page or site as a whole.

How to increase relevance?

Search Query and Relevance

In order for users to be sent to the site from a search engine, it will not be enough just to have presence in the search results. It is necessary to strive as much as possible to get to the very top of the issue.

Criteria that affect the position of a site’s link on search results pages are conventionally divided into two broad categories:

  • textual
  • non-text.

Already by the name it is clear that the text criteria are the characteristics of the text component of the site. At the same time, non-textual criteria are necessary in order to evaluate page links. Text information published on the pages does not play any role. Text criteria by which the relevance of words is checked are taken into account even at the stage of creating both articles and the site as a whole. Non-textual materials are available for processing after the website has been uploaded to the Internet and submitted for indexing.

Indexing Search Engines

When working with indexing search engines, it is important to remember that the search in the system begins only after the search queries are entered and confirmed. This can be a word, a group of words, a phrase, a phrase, and so on.

Very often, when entering phrases, a gap occurs. The search engine is in no way responsible for what the user thinks when entering text. The user, in turn, does not see any difference between the concepts of "wrong" and "right" queries.

As a result, before creating a specific website, you must first familiarize yourself with the form in which users most often request information that interests them on the network. On the territory of the Runet there is only one source that allows you to get reliable search queries - Yandex.Direct.

Page Relevance Check

Of course, you can do your own work on determining the approximate degree of relevance of pages by simply reading the material. But what if the site has not one page of text, but thousands or even more - tens of thousands? Self-checking will take too much time and effort. To facilitate the work, special online services have been created that allow you to check relevance within a few seconds. Not every site owner prefers to turn to them for help, because sometimes it is clear that written posts have a high degree of compliance with search queries. Nevertheless, it is better to dispel all doubts once again and breathe a sigh of relief.

The simplest method for obtaining the exact degree of relevance is pr-cy - a specialized Russian tool designed for high-precision analysis of content. The information submitted on this tool indicates everything you need: the number of keys, relevance, density of occurrences, and so on. The service is convenient, but not as much as its competitor - MegaIndex. It is intended for website promotion, but its functionality has a large number of free tools that are useful to the optimizer. Information is analyzed in two simultaneously - Yandex and Google. However, this service guarantees accurate relevancy verification with minimal error.


Relevance - that’s what any optimizer and site owner should be guided by. By providing users with content that meets their expectations, you will achieve that the popularity of the project will grow steadily. Then you can not only promote your site well and efficiently, but also make decent money on it. You just need to start working, and in the future, both experience and self-confidence will come. Good luck in your endeavors.

In a more general sense, one of the closest to the concept of quality "Relevance" - "adequacy", that is, not only an assessment of the degree of compliance, but also the degree practical applicability  result as well as degree social applicability  options for solving the problem.

Relevance Types

Compliance of a document with an information request, determined informally.

Formal relevance

The match is determined by comparing the image of the search query with the search image of the document according to a specific algorithm.

One method for assessing relevance is the TF-IDF method. Its meaning boils down to the fact that the greater the local frequency of a term (query) in a document (TF) and the more “rarity” (that is, the less often it appears in other documents) of a term in a collection (IDF), the higher the weight of this document to the term - that is, the document will be issued earlier in the search results for this term. The author of the method is Gerard Salton (further developed by Karen Sparck Jones).



see also

  • Ranging


  • Kapustin V. A. Fundamentals of information search on the Internet. Toolkit. - SPb .: Open Society Institute. St. Petersburg branch, 1998. - 13 s (see p. 5 - about continent)
  • Pertinence // Brief Dictionary of Terms and Notation

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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      - (eng. relevant, relevant, relevant) semantic correspondence between the information request and the received message. New dictionary of foreign words. by EdwART, 2009 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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