Ultra low frequency keywords. How to move forward under the RF request. RF requests and manual moderation

To compose a semantic core (SY) and do it absolutely free, you need to: use the wonderful, and most importantly - free, service from the Yandex search engine called Yandex Wordstat. This service is available at wordstat.yandex.ru. In addition to the specified service, we will also use a free program klooch.

How to use Yandex.Wordstat?

In a special field for input, we write phrases or single words whose frequency we want to check and select similar ones. Then click on the button "Pick up".

After the selection, we will see the statistics of queries in the specified search engine, which will include the phrase or word indicated by us. In addition, there we will see other queries that were indicated by people using the words we indicated. Phrases and words will be in the column on the left, and other queries will be on the right.

  Each number will display some numbers. They give some preliminary forecast of the number of impressions per month. And perhaps we’ll get this number of impressions when we specify this query as keywords or a word. Let’s say a certain number next to the word “laptop” will indicate the number of impressions with the word “laptop” for all queries, such as: “compare laptop”, “buy a laptop”, “a laptop is broken” and so on ..

You can also specify “All regions” and then the selection of words and phrases will come from “the whole world”. Or specify a specific region or regions and the selection will correspond to requests only from the specified region.

Why we will not select words with the Slovoeb program?

The thing is that this program has recently often been not so much happy that it issues 50 requests at once. Also, the requirement to introduce captcha appears very often.

What is a program? klooch ?

With the help of this free program you can easily determine the so-called freebiness of a particular request. More on this will be described below.

How to determine the frequency of the request?

There is no absolutely definite indication to determine the frequency of the request! For example, for non-commercial requests this level is higher than for commercial requests.

Without insisting on anything, you can define it like this:

Micro-low-frequency (mF) - from 0 to 200 requests per month;
Low-frequency (LF) - from 200 to 1200;
  Mid-frequency (MF) - from 1500 to 5000;
  High frequency (HF) - from 5000 and almost to no limit.

You can also highlight Mega frequency (mHF), but you should not delve into it.

How to determine the competitiveness of the request?

The competitiveness of requests can be determined by formulas, or it can be done “by eye”. For example, you can see the number of documents that appears in the issuance for a specific request:

1) Results from a million or more - highly competitive (VK);

2) From 100,000 to 1 million - medium competitive (UK);

3) Up to 100,000 - low competitive.
  This sorting will never tell you exactly, so we will not take it into account. Competition can also be determined by a direct entry in the title of the article - the more entries, the worse for us; according to the total number of optimized articles - the fewer such articles, the better; by the number of main pages in the issue - the smaller the faces, the better; on the site trust from the issuance - a smaller trust is better.

There are a lot of such divisions, we indicated the main ones. First, we need to determine the subject of the request. For example, the subject of our site is games. So, you don’t need to take the request “how to train cats”, as this request does not combine with our theme. And for search engines, all this is not very good.

For example, take all the same themes of the “game”. We enter into Yandex.Wordstat a request for a general topic, such as "play in ....", ".... finish the game":

  After that, we select a rarer query, such as "play racing."
  We see the following:

  Now select the low frequency query. But, there are also many generalized queries. Therefore, we need to go to the second page and select the query "play racing against zombies." Number of requests per month - 516:

  We carry out the analysis:

  According to the Klooch program, there are no matches in Title in Yandex. Therefore, you can easily get into TOP10 or even in TOP3. How now to determine a freebie request ?!
  Suppose in Title there are five matches - then you can easily get to top6. That is - the fewer matches in Title, the better for us. For the main pages the situation is similar.

Next, copy all the queries found in Exel. But! A frequency of 500 requests per month does not interest us. You need to find the medium frequency queries. Let us consider in more detail on the example of the query "race to play online makvin.

We carry out the analysis:

This is a medium frequency long tail request. This request is low competitive. There are few pages for this request. It can also be included in the semantic core.
  Now it's time to find a free high-frequency query, for example, "cars to play racing."

What frequency indicates, what are the most profitable websites promotion requests, how are the stages of purchasing goods and requests of different frequencies related.

The frequency of the request is its popularity among Internet users. Some keywords are set several times a month, others - 200-300, others - thousands, tens of thousands of times. The specific ranges depend on the subject and other factors. Conventionally, search queries are divided into groups depending on the frequency: high-frequency, mid-frequency and low-frequency.

High Frequency Inquiries

High-frequency (RF queries) users request thousands, tens of thousands of times:

High Frequency Query Examples

Typically, RF queries consist of 1-2 words.

Examples: “repair”, “travel”, “home”, “work”.

These are information requests: site visitors are interested in general information. Each person has his own thoughts on what he wants to find. How many visitors - so many needs.

For example, for the query “travel”, someone is looking for ideas for inspiration, someone is just looking for a beautiful picture, options for tours for the next vacation, film or cartoon. It is impossible to please everyone, and it is not necessary.

And what interests the user who has driven the word “repair” into the search line:

A person wants to repair a house or apartment, car or refrigerator. And even the requests “car repair” or “apartment repair” still do not give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe specific needs of users.

Promoting pages on RF requests is difficult for a number of reasons:

    It is expensive.A person is just starting to collect information about a product or service. It will take a long time to “warm up” it in order to push it to purchase. Resource-intensive mission.

    Sometimes it makes no sense   promote on some high-frequency queries. For example, for online stores, service companies. By the same request, “machine repair” is unclear what exactly the user is looking for. Maybe he wants to make a do-it-yourself repair. Then a visitor who switched to the site with this intention will be inappropriate, and will worsen the site’s performance, as Yandex experts have repeatedly said.

Mid-frequency (MF queries) users request several hundred times a month.

Examples of mid-range queries: “bathroom repair price”, “turnkey repair Moscow”, “travel to the Maldives”.

Such queries are called qualifying because they clarify in which direction users are looking.

Mid-Range Query Examples

Low-frequency (low-frequency queries) users search less often. 5-8 words are driven into the search line, which further detail the visitor’s wishes.

Examples of low-frequency queries: “turnkey price three-room apartment repair Moscow”, “honeymoon trip to the Maldives”, “travel to the Maldives on your own”.

Examples of low-frequency queries

Low-frequency commercial requests attract visitors who are most ready to buy.

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HF Inquiries - Pros and Cons

A high-frequency query is a phrase that can attract the maximum number of visitors to a site. Every webmaster would like to enter the TOP on high-frequency keywords of their subject. With a successful promotion, one RF request can give more traffic than a dozen mid-range phrases or a hundred.

Most high-frequency queries consist of one or two words. They characterize an entire industry or a wide group of products. For example: “air conditioners”, “plastic windows”, “cleaning services”. HF queries are characterized by a fantastically high level of competition. Therefore, in order to take positions in the TOP 10 for these keys, you need to have a solid budget and the skills of a professional optimizer.

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High Frequency Queries - Comparative

This table will help you compare the pros and cons of SEO optimization for high-frequency queries.

It makes no sense to try to get into the TOP 10 using RF keys until the site acquires some trust. Usually, promotion on such requests begins if the site is at least 12 months old.

It is necessary to consider the possibility of unfair competition. Some webmasters   They prefer to look for weaknesses at competitor sites and report them to the PS support service, instead of developing their own projects. The better the site is promoted, the more he has such "well-wishers." Therefore, those who are going to advance under high-frequency queries should forget about the “black” and “gray” optimization methods.

RF requests and manual moderation

It is known that assessors in the manual mode analyze the search results and then exclude substandard sites from it. Particularly close attention of assessors deserve high-frequency queries, both commercial and informational. Analyzing the site, assessors pay attention to the following parameters:

  • informational value of content (how comprehensive is the answer to an established question);
  • design and ease of navigation;
  • for electronic stores - the range and quality of services provided;
  • page loading speed;
  • the presence / absence of elements of "black" SEO.

A website promoting a high-frequency query should have a high-quality link mass and a high level of trust. It is also necessary that web ct   It was valuable to Internet users. Otherwise, the site will not be able to stay in the TOP of search engines for a long time.

How to move forward under the RF request

First of all, it is necessary to optimize the content - add a keyword to the title, use it several times in the text of the page (preferably in various word forms). The keyword phrase is also entered in the meta tags Title, Description, Keywords. You can mention the request in the descriptions of the illustrations that are present on the page.

Next, refer to the promoted document from the relevant pages of your own web site. An anchor list should be as diverse as possible. In other words, it is recommended to use as an anchor not only a high-frequency query in direct occurrence, but also word forms of the selected phrase and un anchored links such as “here”, “here”, etc.

The final stage is the purchase of external links. Donor sites are selected according to criteria such as topics, domain age, trust, spam, traffic, tIC   and PR. Anchor hyperlinks are diluted with non-anchor links in at least 50% of cases.

At the same time, do not forget that besides such obvious points of website optimization, you need to work with many other factors, for example, behavioral. Only a truly high-quality site can count on success in advancing on high-frequency requests.

  Yes, yes, these incomprehensible letters from the title will be the topic of this chapter :-)

Three key issues in compiling a site’s semantic core are frequency, competition, and conversion.

Request frequency   determines how many times during a month people search for a given phrase. The higher the frequency, the more visitors we get when we get into the TOP.

Request competitiveness determines with whom we will have to compete for a place in extradition.

Conversion   answers the question - what percentage of visitors in this phrase will become buyers, i.e. will bring us some kind of financial return.

Traditionally, requests are divided into high, medium and low frequencies. And denoted by the letters HF MF LF.

The competition is similar. VK SC NC indicate respectively high, medium and low competitive requests.

Very conditionally, the frequency of requests can be divided into the following gradations:

High frequency - more than 10,000 requests per month
  Mid-frequency - from 1000 to 10.000
  Low-frequency - less than 1000 calls per month

Semantic core query frequency . The frequency and level of competition are related nonlinearly. Those. in most cases, a higher frequency request is in turn more competitive, but not always. The converse is also true. There are low-frequency, but very selling requests, for which there is a real battle in the TOP.

High-frequency queries at first glance seem the most “delicious”. Wow, let’s get to the top by the request “air conditioners” - something will start in life!

In fact, these keywords often become the trap that inexperienced webmasters fall into. The advantages of such requests are obvious - a large influx of visitors. Consider the cons:

High-frequency queries, as a rule, are very blurry, fuzzy. I already gave an example with air conditioners - it is not clear what exactly a person is looking for by the word "air conditioners". Accordingly, conversion and financial returns will be very low.

TOP on RF requests is often clogged with such "monsters" that it is almost impossible to compete with them for a young site.

In any case, getting into the top ten on very frequent and competitive requests can take two years. Therefore, even if you have all the opportunities to "push" competitors, expect that this will not happen immediately.

Total, an attempt to immediately focus on very high-frequency queries can lead to a "drain" of the budget for promotion without achieving any results.

However, I’ll tell you one little secret how to use RF queries even to a young site a little lower.

Midrange queries.   It is on them that most commercial sites should focus. As a rule, they are already more specific and provide a good conversion. Competition is also feasible, other resources will be about your level.

Low frequency queries. And here the fun begins. In seo there is such a term “long tail” or “long train” of requests.

Beginners will be surprised, but 70-80% of visitors come to the site precisely on low-frequency and ultra-low-frequency requests. Even surprisingly sometimes, how people formulate their thoughts. Phrases of the form " rent a one-room apartment in Alushta on Lenin street 28 near the market with parking»Occur once every five years, but their diversity is so great that they constitute the lion's share of traffic.

It is unrealistic to optimize the site specifically for such requests, and it is not necessary. But in the process of moving along the midrange, the “long train” will catch up by itself.

And here I go to VK HF requests. Take "website promotion" - the request is very popular and definitely themed for me. But in the first place, it is geo-dependent, and my site is “without regional affiliation,” in the second one it’s somewhat blurry, and in the third one the top ones are full of mega, just mega-untwisted offices. Ingate, Ashmanov, BdBd, etc. They have been promoting for 20 years now, and what budgets are “buzzed” to sit firmly in the TOP-10 I’m even afraid to imagine.

There are truths and miracles, for example, the old version of this textbook has been taking a stable first place in Yandex.Moscow for many years at the request of “site optimization”. Not a penny has been invested in promoting this request, and the page has “squeezed” an order of magnitude stronger competitors. But this is rather the exception.

So, I’m not going to break into the top with the phrase “website promotion”. But here I will certainly use the words “promotion”, “promotion”, “optimization” in the textbook. And this I will collect the very "long train" of search queries. Here is the advice for you - use high-frequency keywords in your texts, but do not make them the main goal.

Estimation of possible traffic.   Google and Yandex have their own keyword selection services that allow you to view query statistics. They allow you to evaluate the approximate traffic that our site will receive when it reaches one place or another in the TOP.

First of all, I bring the CTR (clickability) table, depending on the place in the TOP.

Position Clickthrough rate
  1st place 30%
  2nd place 20%
  3rd place 12%
  4th place 9%
  5th place 8%
  6th place 5%
  7th place 5%
  8th place 4%
  9th place 4%
  10 place 5%

As you can see, even at the first site in the issue, at best, only a third of visitors go! At first glance, this is disheartening. You take some target phrase, watch the competition, evaluate the financial costs ... and then you count the number of possible visitors and you just have to cry :-)

But not everything is so sad. Let's take the phrase with the popularity of 1000 requests per month according to Yandex statistics (Google has its own service, but I’m more comfortable and convenient to work with Yandex, and its data is enough with my head).

We calculate the flow of visitors for the 5th place. Achievement of TOP-1 is unpredictable, for some requests the site occupies it easily, and for others, at least push with a bulldozer. We consider the 5th place as a good, real result.

1000 requests * 8% \u003d 80 visitors per month. It seems to be not so hot. But there is also Google. Its popularity is slightly inferior to Yandex, but for a rough forecast, I just multiply the figure by two. Round off and get 150 visitors already. Well, the most important thing further - remember what I said about the “long train”. Traffic for our specific keyword, which we have chosen and are carefully promoting, will be only 20% of the total number of visits. We multiply 150 by 5 and get a forecast of attendance of 750 people per month.

The estimation accuracy is plus or minus a kilometer, but you got the idea. CTR is frighteningly low, but the “long train” is surprisingly long.

My book is in paper form.   If this textbook turned out to be useful to you, then you can thank me not only morally, but also quite tangibly.
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