Creation and filling of databases in Microsoft Access. What is Access? Creating a database in Microsoft Access

Hello everyone! I am often asked how and where to download Microsoft Access for free. To be honest, I'm tired of explaining the same thing for the hundredth time, so I decided to write a short article on how and where to download Microsoft Access for free. Be sure to read this text to the end, you will find a lot of useful information for yourself, as well as a small bonus.

Method 1: Official site of Microsoft developer

To begin with, Microsoft Access is part of the Microsoft Office suite of programs, in which you can also find Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, etc. Apart from the entire Office Microsoft Access package, you cannot but buy or download. If you are interested in a licensed product, then the first thing you should do is go to the official Microsoft website in the "buy Office" section to select the appropriate version. As of mid-October 2017, the available versions in the official Microsoft store are Office 365 and office 2016.

As you can see, Microsoft Access is included in the Office 365 Home package, which costs 3,399 rubles per year (or 339 rubles per month), and the Office 365 Personal package, which costs less than 2,699 rubles per year (269 rubles in month). You can see the advantages of both versions in the screenshot. Also note that Microsoft Access is not included in Office 2016.
Expensive or not, everyone decides for himself.

Method 2: Microsoft Access Runtime

The second no less popular question: I downloaded Microsoft Access from the official site, but my database does not open. Most likely, we are not talking about full-fledged Microsoft Access, but about the Microsoft Access runtime. This software can indeed be downloaded for free from the developer's official website, but at the end you will receive a "cropped" Access, which will allow you to distribute Access applications among users who do not have full-fledged Access installed. In other words, you can only view databases, but you cannot edit or create new databases.

Method 3: search the internet

If you are not satisfied with the first two options, then you can try to find and download Microsoft Access for free on the Internet through search engines. I warn you right away that this option is not legal, and you take all the risks of downloading unlicensed software. For requests such as “download Microsoft Access” or “Microsoft Access for free” there are millions of sites on the Internet, which I highly recommend against using. There can be both outright "leftist" sites that distribute all kinds of viral software, and just dummy sites, on which you will not get anything but spent nerves.

Method 4: torrents

The fourth way how and where to download Microsoft Access for free is torrent trackers. This is a safer method than downloading from regular sites, but in any case, the torrent tracker should be verified and not suspicious. From practice I will say that you can trust such giants as rutracker and nnm-club. But again, you must understand that downloading Microsoft Access even from trackers is not legal. Although it seems that using torrents should not cause difficulties, many questions still arise, how and where to download Microsoft Access for free on a torrent.
Back to the beginning of the article, I will remind you that Microsoft Access is part of the Microsoft Office suite. Many people on the torrent are looking not for Microsoft Office, but for Microsoft Access and, accordingly, find little.


In this article, I told 4 ways how and where to download Microsoft Access for free. Which option is right for you is, of course, up to you to decide. Thanks for reading the article to the end, so the promised bonus is below. In any case, it is strongly recommended to use only licensed Microsoft Access. But, if you need, download Microsoft Access for free for informational purposes only, i.e. a couple of verified links below. Once again, the links are presented for informational purposes only, so after getting acquainted with Microsoft Access, it is recommended to remove it from your PC and purchase the full version in the official Microsoft store.

Microsoft Access 2003 is one of the first versions of the popular database management system. With this program, you can collect information from spreadsheets, process text documents, as well as the most common database formats. The application is capable of analyzing data, as well as creating web pages and a variety of applications. Naturally, you will need some skills to work with Access 2003, but compared to managing professional programs, they will be minimal. And the product, unlike its other analogues, is distributed free of charge.

Access 2003 can be downloaded for both home and corporate purposes, but in the latter case, the software will be more useful. You can use it as a DBMS for stand-alone management or file servers. You can interact with other sources using "linked tables" and "server queries".

Microsoft Access 2007

Microsoft Access 2007 is a database program that allows you to make changes to them, organize reporting and share documents. Even those users who do not have special knowledge will be able to develop applications using ready-made free templates.

Access 2007 allows you to tailor your designs to meet the needs of your business.

Microsoft Access 2010

Microsoft Access 2010 is an application that allows you to combine information from different sources in one database. This version was released under the motto "Simplicity in everything" - you don't need to be a specialist to work with it. The added web databases significantly improved the interaction with information, simplified the processes of data tracking, reporting and sharing.

Ribbon management, fully implemented in Access 2010, provides only the most essential tools, without allowing the user to get confused by the many commands and settings.

Microsoft Access 2013

Microsoft Access 2013 is one of the new versions of the database management system (DBMS). In the app, you will find the necessary features and tools to help you organize data maintenance, improve reporting and share information with a large number of users.

You can also download the program to create a web application. In the version of Access 2013, you only need to select the type of tracked data (projects, tasks, contacts), after which the application will independently create a structure to which you can add information. Basic commands and navigation will be built into the project, so after creation, you can immediately jump into use.

Microsoft Access 2016

Microsoft Access 2016 is much more than a simple database design program. It's a whole system for tracking information, generating reports, and sharing information. It helps to make informed and balanced conclusions and choose the best solutions for certain tasks. Not very experienced users can download and use Access 2016, because even if you don't have a lot of knowledge in this area, you can quickly develop the necessary application by converting free ready-made templates for your needs.

This version of the program offers bases of a new type: a web application is created in MS Access 2016, and is used through a browser as a SharePoint service. To create it, you need to decide on the type of data that you need to track, after which the program will independently generate the necessary structure. It will have basic commands and navigation built in so you can start working right away.

Microsoft Access is a database creation program that makes it easy to manage and edit databases. It is suitable for literally everything from small projects to large business, it is very visual. This makes it an excellent helper for data entry and storage, since the user does not need to deal with tables and graphs. Get started reading to get the most out of Microsoft Access.


Part 1

Creating a new database

Create a query to create a table

    Select the table (s) from which you want to extract data. Double click on the table from which you want to extract information. You can use multiple tables at once if required.

    Select the fields from which you want to extract data. Double click on each field to add. It will be added to the query grid.

    Set the required criteria. If you need specific information from the fields, set the filter by criteria. See the “Create a Criteria Select Request” section above for more information.

    Test your query to make sure it produces the results you want. Before creating the table, run a query to make sure it retrieves the information you need. Adjust criteria and fields until you get the result you want.

    Save your query. Press Ctrl + S to save the query for later use. It will appear in the navigation column on the left side of the screen. If you click on this query, you can use it again, then go to the Design tab.

    Click on the "Create table" button in the query type selection group. A window will appear asking for the name of the new table. Enter a name for the table and click OK.

    Click the Run button. A new table will be created according to the established queries. The table will appear in the navigation column on the left.

Create an add request

    Open the previously created request. You can use an append query to add information to a table that has already been created in another table. This is useful when you need to add more data to the prepared table created by the table create request.

    Click the Add button in the Design tab. A dialog box will open. Select the table you want to add.

    Modify your query criteria to match the information you add. For example, if you created a table with the criterion "2010" in the "Year" field, change this value according to the information you add, such as "2011".

    Choose where exactly you want to add information. Make sure to add data in the appropriate fields for each column you add. For example, if you make the changes above, the information should be added to the Year field on each line.

    Complete your request. Click the Run button on the Design tab. The request will be processed and the information will be added to the table. You can open the spreadsheet to verify that the data entered is correct.

Part 5

Creating and using forms

    Select the table for which you want to create a form. Forms display data for each field and allow you to easily switch between records or create new ones. Forms are a necessary tool for long periods of information entry; most users find that forms are much easier to use than tables.

    Click the Form button in the Create tab. A form will be automatically created based on the data from the table. Access automatically creates the fields that are the size you want, but you can always resize or move them if you want.

    • If you do not want to display a certain field in the form, open the context menu with the right mouse button and click "Delete".
    • If the tables are linked, a description appears above each record showing the combined data. This makes editing this data much easier. For example, each sales representative can be assigned a customer base.
  1. Navigate the new form. Arrow pointers allow you to navigate from one record to another. The fields will be filled with your data the moment you switch between them. You can use the buttons along the edges to jump directly to the first or last entry. ...

Today, any user of Windows-based computer systems knows that the standard office suite from Microsoft includes a unique editor called Access. What is this program and how to work with it, we will now consider. In this article, of course, only the basic questions of the program will be given. A full description of all the features of this application will take more than one page.

Access: what is it?

What is Microsoft Access? Access is a fully featured program designed to work with any type of database. This program is based on the model of dynamic data exchange with Internet publications and other applications. This program provides for the use of tools for automating the processing of any type of information presented in a structured form. Among other things, Access is also a software package that provides support for ActiveX controls. This significantly expands the capabilities of the program in the sense that it can use not only text and tabular components, but also objects from the Internet and multimedia. Links established in the application between databases (DB), make it possible to accurately track changes in any of them and automatically adjust the parameters in others.

Access: key uses of the app

It is not at all surprising that in most cases Microsoft Access is used to fully automate data analysis processes in business, accounting, and so on. The program, due to its universal structure, can eliminate the appearance of the so-called data redundancy, when it is necessary to change some parameter not by entering a new one, but by correcting the old one, moreover, in such a way that this change is reflected in all related databases. An enterprise can use Access to keep track of suppliers, customers, and events in which they are involved. Suppose a supplier changes bank details. Then it will be enough to change them in the database, and the automatic correction will affect the rest of the databases. In this case, the data will be replaced, and not new information will be entered along with the existing one. This change will only affect related events. In a sense, the user gets complete automation. The same applies to warehouse accounting. Suppose a group of goods is sold through the corresponding division of the enterprise. Then the commodity items will be automatically written off in the database of the goods available in the warehouse. It should be noted that these are only the simplest examples. The application actually has more features.

Microsoft Access: structure

If we talk about ease of use, then it can be achieved due to the presence of basic elements that play an important role in the analysis and processing of data. The main elements include the following:

  1. A table is an element that stores basic information in a specific format (text, numeric, graphic);
  2. A query is a means of accessing related items, other databases, or third-party programs;
  3. A form is the provision of data or information in a user-friendly way;
  4. A report is an output of processed results;
  5. A macro is an executable element that allows, when an event occurs, to perform certain actions, generate a report, create a request;
  6. Module - is a tool of the Visual Basic language that allows you to significantly expand the capabilities of a program based on the use of numerous functions and creating procedures;

Microsoft Access: communication with external databases and other programs

As it should already be clear, Microsoft Access allows you not only to use your own data entered by the user, but also to link them together. The capabilities of the program are such that information can be imported from various applications, for example, Paradox, FoxPro, Excel, Word, and so on. To simplify procedures, data can not be imported, but linked, and not only with these programs, but also with sources on the Internet or networked environment. The linking process itself is based on queries like how SQL databases work. By the way, Access also supports them.

How do I create databases from templates?

In Microsoft Access, the main element is a table. This component is very similar in appearance to Excel spreadsheets, but it has more capabilities. And the principle of working with these elements has its own distinctive features. However, creating your own database at startup is fairly straightforward. After the welcome window appears, the user is given a choice of templates, on the basis of which the future database structure in the form of a table will be created. This view is also called Backstage. Here you can also find built-in templates that you will need when performing specific tasks. If none of the presented templates meets the user's requirements, which is unlikely, you can turn to the search on the official Microsoft resource. When the required template is selected, it will need to be saved as a file, specifying the name and location. The application will then automatically generate the required table structure.

How do I create a database from scratch?

In this matter, it is worth considering a number of restrictions. For example, databases for desktop personal computers do not support Internet publishing. The webbases are inconsistent with some of the previous features. After the initial table is created, you can proceed to entering information. It is worth paying special attention to the point that data can only be entered into adjacent rows and columns. You should also not add blank cells between them, as is done in Excel, the most important condition is that each column must contain only one type of data. Thus, if the format is originally intended to use date and time, then the information entered in the column with calculations based on the exponent will not be recognized. If possible, you should plan the table in this particular view. To make things easier, you can use a special design mode.

Features of importing and linking data with other sources

If we talk about importing data, then Microsoft Access has almost unlimited possibilities. The main condition is that the imported data must be split according to the tabular type, as is done in Word or Excel. If the import is carried out, for example, in the text version of the "Notepad" program, then to create such a structure, you can use the "Tab" key (tabulator). You can also use Share Point Lists and Data Bindings to make things easier. For this purpose, a special command is used on the external data tab, which is located in the binding and import group. It also offers ready-made solutions (Word, Excel, etc.). If you choose, you will only need to specify the location of the required file, the storage location in the current database, and then confirm your choice.


This is how Access looks like. At the moment, this program is very popular among a wide range of users, since its developers tried to combine the capabilities of other programs of this type in it. This allowed us to make this application very flexible in automating most of the necessary functions and customization. It can only be added that Microsoft Access is a powerful software product for data processing. Access makes it easy to create and manage databases. This software product is suitable for both small projects and large businesses. Access is a great helper for storing all kinds of information.

Any user of Windows-based computer systems knows that Microsoft's standard office suite of any version includes a unique Access editor. This is what the program is, how to work with it, now it will be considered. Naturally, only the initial basics will be given here, since a description of absolutely all the features of the application will take more than one page.

What is Access?

What is this program? Access is a fully functional system for working with any type of relational model with the ability to dynamically exchange data with other applications or Internet publications. It provides for the use of tools for automating the processing of information of any type, which is presented in a structured form.

In addition, Access is also a package that provides support for ActiveX controls, which significantly expands the program's capabilities in terms of the fact that it can use not only tabular or text components, but also multimedia and objects on the Internet. Connections set in the application allow precise tracking of changes in any of them with automatic adjustment of parameters in others.

The main directions of using the application

It is not surprising that in most cases it is used to fully automate the analysis of some processes in accounting, business, etc. Due to its universal structure, the program can eliminate the appearance of so-called data redundancy when it is necessary to change one parameter not by entering a new one. , but by correcting the old one, and so that its change is displayed in all related databases.

For example, an enterprise uses Access to keep track of suppliers, customers, and the events in which they are involved. One vendor changes bank details. It is enough to change them, as the automatic adjustment will affect all other databases. The data will be replaced, and not new ones will be introduced along with the existing ones. And this change will affect the same related activities. That is, in a sense, the user gets complete automation.

The same applies, for example, when a certain group of goods is sold through the corresponding division of the enterprise, the commodity items are automatically written off in the database of the goods that are in stock. But these are the simplest examples. In fact, the application has much broader capabilities.

Microsoft Access structure

As for the convenience of work, it is achieved due to the presence of the main elements that play a crucial role in the analysis and processing of database data. Among the main elements are the following:

  • table - an element that stores basic information in a specific format (numerical, text, graphic, etc.);
  • query - a means of accessing related items, other databases, or third-party programs;
  • form - presentation of information or data in a user-friendly form;
  • report - output of processed results;
  • a macro is an executable element that allows you to perform certain actions when an event occurs, a request is created, a report is generated;
  • module - means of the Visual Basic language that allows you to significantly expand the capabilities of the program based on the creation of procedures and the use of numerous functions.

Communication with other programs and external databases

As it is already clear, Access is a program that allows you not only to use your own data entered by the user, but also to link them together. The capabilities of the application are such that information can be imported from other applications (FoxPro, Paradox, Excel, Word, etc.). To simplify procedures, the data can not be imported, but linked, and not only with the specified programs, but also with sources in the network environment or on the Internet.

The linking process itself is based on queries like how SQL databases work (Access also supports them).

Creation from templates

In Access, the table is the main element. In appearance, this component is very similar to Excel spreadsheets, but Access is much more powerful, and the principles of working with such elements have their own distinctive features.

However, it is quite easy to create your own database at startup. After the appearance of the welcome window, the user is given a choice of templates, on the basis of which the future database structure will be created in the form of a table. This is the so-called Backstage view. Here you can find built-in templates that are useful for specific tasks, or refer to the search on the official Microsoft resource if none of them in the list meet the user's needs (although this is unlikely).

Database from scratch

If nothing suits the user and he wants to make a database on his own, when creating a new file in the corresponding menu, select an empty database. There are some limitations to consider here. For example, desktop databases do not support web publishing, and web databases are inconsistent with some of the previous features.

Having created the initial table, you can proceed to entering data. Note that data can only be entered in adjacent columns and rows. Also, you should not add empty cells between them, as is done in Excel. In addition, the most important condition is that each column must contain data of only one type, that is, if the format initially provides for the use of date and time, the information with calculations based on the exponent entered in the column will not be recognized. So, if possible, you should plan your table from this perspective. To simplify the work, you can also use a special constructor mode.

The nuances of importing and linking data with other sources

As for importing data, the program's capabilities are practically unlimited. The main condition is only that the imported data must be split according to the type of tabular (like tables in Excel or Word). If the import is made, for example, in a text version from Notepad, you can create a similar structure using the tabulator (Tab key).

You can use SharePoint lists and also link data to make things easier. To do this, use a special command on the external data tab located in the import and bind group. It offers ready-made solutions (Excel, Word, etc.). When choosing, it remains only to indicate the location of the desired file, the save location in the current database and confirm the selection.


This is the Access application. The program is very popular among a wide range of users, since its developers have tried to combine in it the capabilities of other software products of this type. And this is what made this application very flexible in configuring and automating most of the functions. It remains to add that Access is a very powerful data manipulation tool, even though only the basics of the application have been covered here.

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