What is the beeline help number. Beeline, contact center. How to call the Beeline contact center

Any self-respecting company is open to its customers. Beeline is no exception in this. All questions on the technical, material or financial part will be helped by the Beeline support service, which works in several modes: technical support by phone or on the website. It is important for the company that clients can always get the help of a consultant 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. How to call the support service and other ways of contacting the company's operators - all this can be found in this article.

The most popular way to contact the Beeline operator is by phone

Each subscriber (even the most inveterate user, who seems to be surprised by nothing) will always have some questions.

Whether it is a transfer to another tariff plan, or connecting or disconnecting services, or, on the contrary, find out information about the connected options to a specific number. Even sometimes, information about the opening hours of the nearest branch is of interest to clients.

All this and more can be solved by calling technical support using a short number - 0611 ... A call to this number is completely free for all users registered in Beeline.

By calling this number, the subscriber will be able to choose the topic of interest from the proposed voice menu, and if his question is not in the list, then he can ask it during personal contact with a specialist, with whom he will be immediately connected.

For calls from landline telephones, as well as from users of other operators, a hot line is allocated 8 800 700 0611. This is a multichannel phone by which any subscriber can contact the technical support center and, moreover, it can also be done free of charge, even when in another region.

Reference! For completely "lazy" users, Beeline offers to press the "1" button in the voice menu in order to order feedback from the operator.

In addition, in order not to load the line, the company has allocated several separate telephones, by calling which you can solve questions specifically on a given topic.

These are the phone numbers:

  • +74959748888 - free phone support for subscribers in international roaming.
  • 88007000080 – technical assistance for those subscribers who have a USB modem from Beeline.
  • 88007002111 - you need to call this number if you need personal WiFi assistant.
  • 88007008000 - a specially dedicated line for those who are interested home internet, television or telephone.
  • 88007000007 - separate line for clients - legal entities.
  • 0758 - application help desk "Mobile Security".

You can also use a paid help desk

Online contacts of the telecom operator Beeline

If you do not have the desire or time to call a technical support consultant, there is an alternative solution - customer support via the Internet. To do this, go to the official website of the company in the main menu, select "Help and support".

In this section, you can find the answer to all questions and guidance on using the Beeline mobile network, as well as its other products. All contacts are available on the site in order to complain about the quality of the services provided or make suggestions for improving them.

To resolve the issue as soon as possible - each specific section has its own mailbox, moreover, in each region the mail to which the letter needs to be sent may differ. In order to find out the desired e-mail address, you need to select your city in the top menu of the site.

It will be helpful to review:

There are several addresses to which you can send service inquiries:

  • [email protected] - issues related to mobile communications, the Internet, modem maintenance are resolved here. Here you can write a complaint online about the quality of the aforementioned services, apply for their connection or disconnection.
  • [email protected] - all wishes and suggestions related to home Internet, television should be sent to this box and consultants will contact you as soon as possible. To do this, do not forget to leave a contact phone number or other way of contact.
  • [email protected] Is another mail account where you can drop your Wi-Fi questions.

Sample letter

Alternative support channels

In addition to the above methods of communication with the operator, you can also resolve your issues by sending a request for SMS support 0622.

The function of an assistant is also possessed by your personal account, in which you can register on the same official website of the company.

To ensure a comfortable use of services, Beeline often uses advanced technologies. It is far from always that ordinary customers can independently figure out the wide range and possibilities of new options. For this, a special service was created. As a result of contacting its representatives, you can get comprehensive information and assistance on the specifics and conditions of using various services of the company. Beeline support contacts are diverse.

Beeline technical support phones

As a result of contacting technical support, you can at any time receive the required information on the provision of various services. In a short period of time, the company's specialists will help you choose the most favorable tariff, activate or deactivate useful options, as well as correctly configure the equipment used. The choice of phones for this service depends on the issue on which the clients apply.

In many cases, you can call a mobile company specialist who will quickly help you find a way out of the problem. But, in the present period, it is also quite possible to use other phones. It should be borne in mind that for calls to any numbers across the country, you will not need to pay an additional fee. You can use the specially created line 0611 only from the Beeline number, which is within the range of activity of this network.

Contacts for subscriber support:

  • for mobile services: + 7-495-974-88-88, 8-800-700-0611 or 0611;
  • to ensure the operation of the USB modem: 8-800-700-0080;
  • on the use of home telephones, Internet and TV services: 8-800-700-8000;
  • for Wi-Fi service of this company: 8-800-700-2111.

How else to contact the Beeline support service?

If you do not want to wait for a short time for communication with the operator or follow the voice prompts in the menu, you can contact the support service representatives on specific issues.

Options for contacting technical support:

1. Send a question via email. mail to the company's service: [email protected] In addition, at any time you can also use other addresses of services that are responsible for different services:

2. Submit an application on the company's website for a call back from a technical support representative, for chatting or email. mail. To do this, you must use the special link "Ask a question". It is located at the top right of the menu. After opening it, you must select the appropriate section for contact.

Treatment options:

  • in the "chat with a specialist" tab, you can send questions and receive answers as soon as possible, and after communication it is proposed to evaluate the service and, if necessary, save the correspondence;
  • in the "feedback" window it is proposed to indicate the question or problem that has arisen and then indicate the options for the specialist's answer - using the phone at a certain time or by email. mail.

3. Send an appeal to the SMS support service to the corresponding number 0622. You can get an answer to it in the very near future.

In addition to the above methods, you can also make a personal visit to any of the company's offices. Its representatives will be able to quickly solve the problems that have arisen and provide detailed advice on all issues: choose the most attractive tariff, make the required phone and equipment settings, activate or deactivate useful options.

Reference phone numbers "Beeline" - 3.3 out of 5 based on 7 votes

Most likely, every user of the mobile network at least once made a call to the operator's help desk. This is natural, because sometimes difficulties or questions arise that are very difficult for a person without special knowledge and skills to solve. To resolve such problems, the subscriber support service works - 24 hours a day without breaks and days off

All calls and requests for technical support are absolutely free and available at any time. You can contact the operator with any question or request regarding the conditions for using mobile communications: for example, how to connect or disconnect any service, replenish an account or take a loan, what to do if settings are lost, and many different questions. Contact mobile communication specialists Beeline you can either by phone (then in most cases you first have a conversation with an answering machine) or by e-mail or SMS. Most users prefer to call the help desk and use an answering machine to connect with an employee to immediately resolve the problem.

Technical support phones

You can talk to a specialist from a smartphone, any phone and tariff (from a city phone or being a subscriber of another operator). So, call any of the above numbers:

  1. 0611 ... This is the standard telephone of the Beeline information operator, where most of the basic tasks and issues are solved. Calls are received by an answering machine with the subsequent possibility of communicating with company employees.
  2. 8-800-700-0611 or 8-800-700-0080... Numbers work throughout the country and even in network roaming. Most often used to answer questions related to modem devices.
  3. 8-800-700-2111 ... The number is provided to help people who have home internet and a Wi-Fi router.
  4. 8-800-700-8000 ... This call was introduced for home phone, internet and TV users.
  5. 8-800-700-9966 ... You can dial this number if you have any questions about a landline phone or home Internet (Light).
  6. 88001234567 ... Help about parameters for mobile Internet.
  7. +74959748888 ... Designed for free communication with users who are in a state of international roaming.

Short reference queries

In addition to calls, you are given the opportunity to send simple commands that will help you solve some tasks yourself: *110*09# (list of services on your number), *110*05# (information about your TP), *111# (connection / disconnection of services), *110*10# (your mobile number), 064012 (what to do if there is no money in the account), 0676 (how to save money in roaming), 0717 (mobile internet settings), 068044 (protection from intruders), 0603 (filtering numbers), 0533 (payments using your bank card), 065050 (country and city codes), 0678 (profitable calls and messages).

The answer to the request can immediately be displayed on the screen or come in the form of an SMS message - then you will have to wait a few minutes.

Alternative communication options

If you have the opportunity to wait for a decision, you can use other methods of contacting technical support: on the website website (registration is optional) in the corner, select " Ask a Question»And select the topic of the question and feedback (indicate your mobile contacts or a link to your email). If you want to get an answer right away, go to the private form of communication with a company employee.

There is a post office This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. that responds to all user messages. To reference number 0611 send a message explaining your problem, and in response you will receive an SMS with information about its resolution. If you did not wait for the connection with a specialist, order the "Call me back" service - and the released operator will dial your number himself.

Today, social networks on the Internet (for example, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and others) are very popular for simple and business communication, where you can also contact the online service. The Youtube channel publishes a video about all the capabilities of the Beeline operator, and on social networks you can not only contact the operators in the group (the group is marked as official), but also keep abreast of all the news (the Twitter blog also provides the same opportunity).

Rooms are also available to you 8-800-700-0628 (support for legal entities) and 8-800-700-7007 (for consulting legal entities with a certain form of communication). Thus, you have every opportunity to receive qualified "mobile" assistance.

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