192.168 0.1 entrance to the dir 615 router. Firmware configuration: web interface for managing the router

Every user is faced with the problem of changing the factory settings of a new router. This publication will discuss the issue of changing the default preset password and wi-fi key for the D-link dir 615 router.

So, to start configuring the D-link dir 615 wi-fi router, or, more precisely, changing access keys, you first need to go to the device's authorization home page. The web interface of the router is located at the standard address, which is written in the address bar of the working browser -

Change the factory password

When purchasing a new device, the first thing each user needs to do is to change the authorization key without fail. This step is very important, because by setting a reliable access key to the web interface, this blocks the paths for fraudulent actions on the part of attackers. Through the settings page of the D-link dir 615 router, you can not only find out the necessary key for wi-fi, but also steal user information for accessing the services of an Internet provider.

Often, after purchasing a router, delivery managers change the password in the settings in advance to the serial number (S / N) of the access point. This number is always indicated on the factory box and is duplicated on the device's brand label. It is very convenient to use this number as an authorization code, since it is unique, difficult to select, and it is simply impossible to lose it.

To configure a new password, in the interface of the D-link dir 615 router, you need to find and click on the "Tools" link. Then open the section "Administration (Admin)". In the window that opens, there will be special lines in which you need to enter a new password. In the “Password” field, enter a new code, and in the “Verify Password” line, repeat the characters entered earlier to set them as a new password.

Now that all the keys have been entered, all that remains is to save the changed values \u200b\u200bby clicking the “Save Sattings” button. The D-link dir 615 router will then reload the options page and prompt you to log in again using the new login options.

How to set up a wireless password

Usually, new devices do not have a ban on the use of a wi-fi network, which means that neighbors can use it completely free of charge. Everything would be fine, but due to the large number of devices connected to the Internet through one access point, the connection speed is noticeably reduced, which means that it is simply necessary to limit the number of connected devices.

To put a new wifi access key, you still need to open the web interface of the D-link dir 615 access point. Find and select the "Setup" section, then in the left column, click the "Wireless Settings" link. And in the new window that opens, at the bottom of it, click on the "Manual Wireless Network Setup" button.

It remains only to set the necessary parameters and you can start using the wireless private wi-fi network.

All settings must be made exactly as shown in the picture above. In the first section "Wi-fi Protected Setup", it will be better if you uncheck the "Enable" checkbox, otherwise, otherwise, problems may arise in working with wireless wi-fi devices, since not all wifi adapters support this technology.

  • Set the checkbox "Enable Wireless", "Always".
  • In the "Wireless Network name" column, indicate the name of the new wi-fi network.
  • Security mode: "WPA-Personal"
  • WPA mode: "WPA-Only"
  • Cipher type: "AES"
  • Pre-Shared Key: here you need to put the same key for accessing wi-fi, for which all these settings were made.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, you need to use the serial number so as not to lose the access key, so we look for the S / N number on the back of the wifi device, and then you need to put it as an access code.

After all the necessary values \u200b\u200bhave been changed, all new parameters must be saved by pressing the "Save Settings" button. After that the D-link dir 615 router will reboot and you can start working.

Most ISPs suggest using D-link routers, especially the Dir-615 model. Before using the device to access the Internet, you must correctly configure it by setting not only the basic network parameters, but also passwords for authorization and connection to it. This can be done quite easily and quickly on your own, without involving specialists.

PC connection

Before starting the configuration, the router must be connected to a PC. This can be done in two ways:

With a cable

You need to find the patch cord in the box with the accessories. This is a special cable with connectors, one end of which is connected to the router, and the other to a special connector on a computer or laptop.

Using Wi-Fi

This is done as follows:
  1. Go to "Control Panel".
  2. Open the tab "Network and Internet".
  3. Find "Network and Sharing Center".
  4. Next select "Connect to the network"... A window will appear on the right.
  5. Find a network called "Dir-615" and click on the button "To plug".
  6. If the system asks for a password, you need to look at it on the sticker on the router. The value is indicated in the WPS PIN line.

Reset parameters

If the router was previously configured by experts or it was used to connect to the Internet through another provider, you must reset all settings to the factory settings.

This is quite easy to do. You need to take a toothpick or a needle, turn on the device and find the "Reset" button behind, hidden under the case. Then click on it and support a few seconds... After that, wait for the router to reboot.

Panel Login

You can open the menu of any router through a browser. For example, consider setting up a very common model D-link Dir-615 E4. We perform the following actions:
  1. We open the browser, you can use the standard Explorer, or you can use the one that you use constantly.
  2. Type in the address bar.
  3. Load the settings page by clicking on the arrow at the end of the line or by pressing the Enter key.
  4. A page with an authorization window will appear in the browser.
  5. In line Username enter "admin".
  6. Leave the Password line empty.
  7. In some cases, a value can be specified. Then we use the standard password "admin".

Change password

First, we recommend changing the access code to the "Settings Panel". To do this, we perform the following actions:
  1. Open the tab « Tools» located at the top of the panel.
  2. On the left, we find and open the item « Admin» .
  3. In sections « Admin Password» and « User Password» enter the password you invented in the line « Password» and we confirm it in the line “Verify Password» .
  4. Save changes using the button "Save Settings".

Network configuration

Before setting up, be sure to find:
  • login;
  • internet access password.

This data is indicated in the service agreement or in the network card issued to you by the provider.

Log in again "Control panels" using the password we set earlier. Now we do the following:
  1. Select the tab in the top menu "SETUP".
  2. On the left, open the item "Internet".
  3. We go down and find the button "Manual Internet Connection Setup"... Click on it.
  4. A new window should open in front of us called "WAN".
We configure the parameters in it as follows:
  • for the line " My Internet Connection is " in the drop-down menu, select "Russia PPPoE (Dual Access)";
  • User name - enter the login specified in the papers;
  • Password - we enter the password specified in the same document;
  • Verifi Password - we confirm the password.
To save the entered data, press "Save Settings".

The system will ask you to wait about a minute, after which you need to click on "Continue" and log in again.

The second important point is to configure the router so that you can only connect to it with a password. This will exclude neighbors from connecting to your Internet and prevent traffic theft.

We configure everything in the same menu "Setup".

Go to the menu "Wireless Settings", located on the left. Now click on « Manual Wireless Network Setup» and fill in the lines as follows:
  • Wireless Network Name - enter the name of the network. It can contain both numbers and letters of the Latin or Cyrillic alphabet.
  • 11 Mode - select the value in the drop-down list « Mixed 802.11 n, 802.11 g, 802.11 b» ;
  • Channel Width - install "Auto 20/40 MHz";
  • Security Mode - open the list and install « WPA Personal» .
After these operations, another list with settings will open. We fill it like this:
  • WPA Mode- choose "Auto (WPA or WPA2)";
  • Cipher Type - set the value « TKIP and AES» ;
  • Pre- Shared Key - enter the password you invented. Must be 8 characters long. You can use letters and numbers.
Next, we save the entered settings using the button already known to us « Save Settings» ... We are waiting for the reboot and click on « Continue» ... Your router is ready to go.

Configuring TTK D-link Dir-615

Let's consider separately setting up the TTK router. It has a slightly different interface: it is designed in the provider's red and white colors and is Russified. It connects to a PC in the same way as a regular D-link Dir-615 router, the entrance to the settings panel is described above.

To configure, select at the bottom of the panel "Advanced settings".

Network connection

For the correct operation of the Internet, we configure the router. For this we find "Network" and open the sub-item "WAN". In the window that opens, there is a line of dynamic IP. If your provider uses the PPPoE protocol, then this connection you need to delete and create a new one.

For this:

  1. Open the installed connection type and scroll down the page.
  2. Find the button "Delete" and click on it.
  3. After deleting, we find ourselves on page "WAN" and click on the button Add.
  4. We fill in the lines in the window that opens as follows: Connection type - choose PPPoE, and Name - specify the name of the network;
  5. Fill in the fields "Username" and "Password"according to the data specified in the contract.
  6. At the very bottom of the page in the section "Miscellanea" put a tick in front of the following items - NAT and firewall.
  7. Push Apply.

Wi-fi network operation

Go to the menu "Advanced settings" and open Wi-Fi - basic settings. We fill in the fields:
  • SSID- we write the name of the network invented by you;
  • for parameter "Channel" choose "Auto";
  • for parameter "Wireless mode"set the value "802.11 B / G / N mixed".
Open the menu in the same way. "Security Settings"... Here you need to make a change to the fields:
  • Network authentication - enter the name of the network.
  • Encryption key PSK - in this paragraph we indicate the password for connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi.
We save the changes made using the button "Apply".

If you want a stronger Wi-Fi signal, read it.

Video tutorial on setting up a router

Are you afraid to make a mistake when setting up? Check out the video instructions for setting up D-Link DIR 615. A specialist will tell you in detail how to set up a router and show you exactly which values \u200b\u200bneed to be changed and which should be left unchanged.

Before using the Internet, the D-Link DIR 615 router must be configured correctly. This action does not take much time. All that is needed is to connect the device to a personal computer, open the control panel and make some changes to the "default" settings.

The D-Link DIR 615 device is one of the most widespread types of routers in Russia. It is characterized by low cost, functionality, stability, and ease of customization. But nevertheless, bringing it to a functional state may require the user to consider a large number of nuances - for example, reflecting the specifics of setting up a device in a particular modification or the specifics of its connection to the infrastructure of a particular provider. What to look for when setting up this router? In what order can it be produced?

We connect the device to the PC correctly

The first step is to correctly connect the device to the computer in order to configure its software options before further use. It is necessary to perform the following actions:

  • connect all cables supplied with the router in the kit to this device;
  • connect the power cable to the outlet, Ethernet to the port of the computer's network card.

After that, you need to connect the communication cable coming from the provider to the corresponding connector on the router. For example, if the Internet is supplied via Ethernet, then the cable will most likely need to be plugged into the WAN port located at the back of the device.

Let us now consider directly how to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router for using the Internet.

Setting up a router for the Internet: an algorithm of actions

The solution to this problem will consist of several stages:

  • firmware updates;
  • configuring the software options of the router;
  • setting the required parameters in Windows.

Let's study these stages of working with the router in more detail.

Internet setup: firmware update

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router so that the firmware is updated correctly? In principle, the solution to this problem does not imply significant difficulties. In many cases, you can do without updating the firmware, but having the latest one helps to ensure more stable operation of the router. Therefore, experts, one way or another, recommend performing the corresponding operation, especially since it is not too complicated.

In order to update the firmware on the router, you need:

  • using any other computer that can access the Internet, download the latest firmware on the D-Link website (preferably, in order not to be mistaken with the version of the corresponding software, first check with a competent specialist or directly with the company's support service which specific file you need to download) ;
  • copy the downloaded firmware to the computer to which the configured router is connected.

After that, you need to enter the router management software interface. Immediately, we note that this software shell can be considered the most reliable branded tool through which you can configure the D-Link DIR 615 Wi-Fi router in terms of firmware. As a rule, there is no need to use third-party solutions.

Firmware setup: web-based router control

It's very easy to get into the setup interface of the device in question. You must open any browser available on the computer to which the router is connected. For example, Internet Explorer, which is almost always present in Windows by default, will do. Having opened the browser, you need to enter the following numbers in its address bar: In some cases, you will need to enter others, but finding out which ones is very simple: you need to take a router, turn it over, and see which IP address is indicated on the label that is glued to the bottom of the device case. The login and password for access to the device control interface will also be indicated there. Usually, in both cases, this word is admin.

We enter the corresponding username and password on the page that will open after entering the specified IP address in the address bar of the browser or reflected on the label that is pasted on the case.

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router further? The interface in question is most often Russian-speaking if the router is purchased in Russia. Therefore, you need to select the "Configure manually" option in the window that opens. Then go to the "System" tab, then select the "Software update" option.

The next step is to select the firmware file that must be downloaded to the computer before. The router will update in a few minutes.

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router further? The next step is to configure the software options for the device. Let's study its features.

Configuring router software options

How to set up a D-Link DIR 615 router (the step-by-step instructions we are considering takes into account, mainly, the general points of working with the device) in terms of software options, taking into account the peculiarities of the provision of services by a particular telecom operator?

First of all, it should be noted that there are 2 options for setting the required options in the router settings interface - manual and semi-automatic. In general, the first option is not required, since it involves making adjustments mainly to those settings that are considered the most unified, the same for a large number of providers.

In addition, it is recommended to make these adjustments just the same to qualified specialists who can correctly, taking into account the necessary nuances, configure the D-Link DIR 615 router. Rostelecom and other providers have such people on staff, and you can always contact them through the service support.

But in the semi-automatic mode, in most cases, even a user with minimal experience can configure the router. In order to use this option, you need to enter the software interface for managing the router - again through the browser in the way that we have discussed above.

After downloading it, in the page that opens, you need to select the "Advanced settings" option. Then go to the WAN tab, which is located in the "Network" section. Then you need to click on the "Add" button and create a new type of connection. What specific options will be chosen in this case depends on the specifics of the provider's services: they just belong to those that are least unified. Perhaps at this stage you will need to call the support service of the communication service provider to find out how in this case it will be correct to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router. Beeline, Rostelecom usually provide such consultations quite quickly.

Connection settings: information from the provider

The support service will need to find out which ones should be indicated in the corresponding interface:

  • connection type - in general, it is PPPoE, but there may be others, you need to clarify;
  • username, password of the subscriber (as a rule, they are also indicated in the service agreement);

Other options may not need to be adjusted. You can try to leave those that are installed in the default interface and try to change them - again, in agreement with the support service, only if the Internet does not work after configuring the router.

So, we enter the settings, save them, wait, if necessary, to reboot the router. If all the settings are correct, then the Internet should work on the computer to which the router is connected. You can check this by launching the same browser with which you entered the device management interface and entering the address of a website.

It is possible that the portal will load, but slower than expected at the speed that is reflected in the provider's tariff. In this case, it makes sense to call the support service or to competent specialists, and clarify how to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router so as not to cut the speed. But in the general case, such problems should not arise, since the software speed limit is set in separate device settings, and if you do not touch them, then the router should not apply speed limits.

The considered device allows for wireless data transmission via Wi-Fi. Therefore, the next step in configuring it will be to bring Wi-Fi modules into operational readiness.

Wi-Fi setup

How to set up D-Link DIR 615 router? The step-by-step instruction that we are considering does not imply any special complex actions, however, it requires paying attention to a number of important details in order for the wireless interfaces to work correctly.

To solve the problem under consideration, it is necessary to reload the start page of the device management interface. Then go to the Wi-Fi section, then select the "General settings" option. The next step is to enable the wireless connection. Then you need to select the "Basic settings" option in the Wi-Fi section, and then enter the network name - SSID in the interface that opens. It will subsequently appear in the list of Windows wireless connections.

Setting up network security

But before connecting to Wi-Fi via Windows, you must also set up your network security settings. To do this, go back to the Wi-Fi menu, then select the "Security Settings" option. The next step is to select the WPA-PSK2 function opposite the item that sets the network authentication parameters. In addition, you will need to enter the PSK password. Then we save the settings.

You can then try connecting to a wireless network through Windows. If the connection to the network cannot be established, or the sites will not load at a speed corresponding to the tariff, then you will need to check a number of settings in the operating system.

Windows settings

How to configure D-Link DIR 615 router on Windows 7 or similar OS in terms of functions? You must click on "Start", then - "Control Panel", then - "Network Connections". Then you need to right-click on the "Network Connection" icon, then select "Properties".

The next step is to select the "TCP / IP Protocol" option. Then you need to click on "Properties" and specify that the IP address and DNS address should be obtained automatically. Then we save the Windows settings. After that, the connection should function.

The nuances of setting up a router: the specifics of device modifications

Of course, there are many other options for setting up the device in question. So, many users are thinking about how to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router as a repeater - a device used to provide a wireless signal broadcast over a large area. The capabilities of the software interface for controlling the device in question allow you to solve this problem very quickly. However, it is still useful to get additional advice from a competent specialist on working with these options, since in the repeater mode the device will broadcast a signal from another router, the settings of which can be carried out according to principles that differ significantly from those that characterize the work with the D-Link DIR 615 device ...

In many cases, working with the device in question may have features based on the specifics of its particular modification - for example, K1, K2 or E4. How to set up a D-Link 615 E4 router can be considered in the context of completely different approaches to working with a device than in the case of other modifications of the device.

Configuring a router: specifics of the provider's infrastructure

In addition, it is worth considering the specifics of the provider's communication infrastructure. How to set up a D-Link DIR 615 E4 (Beeline) router can be studied by considering the nuances that are completely uncharacteristic for setting the router options in the appropriate modification when it is connected to the infrastructure of Rostelecom or some other provider.


So, we examined the main features of solving the problem of setting up the popular D-Link DIR 615 router in Windows OS when using the branded management interface for this router, as well as the operating system software. This task usually does not imply difficulties if the user has all the necessary data from the provider at his disposal.

The most important thing in configuring the router is to set the correct parameters of the network connection when using the channel provided by the provider, set the Wi-Fi security settings, and also make sure that the options in Windows are optimized. In many cases, it will also be useful to update the router's firmware - in the order we have discussed above.

Connecting your home to the Internet is very simple and often even cheap. However, not all Internet companies provide router configuration for you. Therefore, the first user, the buyer, has to independently configure the router.

To avoid any setup problems, just follow our simple instructions for setting up the D-Link DIR-615.

Features and appearance of the router

There is almost nothing to say about the characteristics of the D-Link 615, because they are extremely similar to all such devices. The 802.11n technology is used, antennas are built-in, 4 network ports, the operating frequency is about 2.4 Gigahertz. Data transmission speed through cable up to 100 megabits per second, through wireless network up to 300 megabits per second.

On the front panel there are several, or to be more precise, 8 lamps that act as indicators:

  • The first indicator is "Power", this light is responsible for powering the device, connecting to electricity.
  • The indicator is signed "WPS", it shows the status of this function.
  • Light "Internet". It's not hard to guess what she is responsible for. This is the state of being connected to the world wide web.
  • The rest of the indicators are responsible for ports. The first one is "WLAN". This is wifi mode.
  • 4 more ports for connection via LAN cables.

There is only one WPS button on the side panel, which can make a quick connection.

On the back panel there are two special places for attaching our device to the wall. And below are the various ports and buttons:

  • First there are 4 local ports where you can insert a network cable to connect your home computer directly.
  • One port for internet connection.
  • The button is located inside the "Reset" hole. To press it, you need to use some thin object, such as a paper clip. Hold this button for 7-10 seconds. After that, the device will be restored to factory settings.
  • Power connector for the router. This is where you plug in the power cord with the other side of the socket.
  • Power on / off key of the router. This button can be used to reboot the router.

After we have learned exactly the location of all the connectors and indicators we need, we can proceed to installing the D-Link DIR-615 router, we will configure it a little later.

Replacing the router

We choose a place that would be approximately in the middle of our house or apartment. This is to ensure that the signal is approximately the same in different rooms. There should be an outlet nearby and an Internet cable should reach there.

We attach it to the wall, insert the power supply, turn it on with the power button, connect a laptop or computer to it via the LAN port. There is one more point here that is important in further customization. If the Internet immediately appeared on the computer, then you can immediately determine what IP-address your provider has.

If the Internet immediately appeared, then you have a dynamic IP address. Through the WLAN wire, the provider immediately redirects incoming traffic to you.

There shouldn't be any questions about how to connect or how to install a 615 router for Rostelecom, because each connector meets its own wire.

To make a static IP, you need to forward D-Link 615 ports. Let's go directly to the D Link settings. We will write about how to open ports on a D-Link router in a separate article.

Full device customization

To begin with, immediately after connecting the 615s router to your computer, you should reset the settings. So, to set up D-Link DIR-615 from the very beginning:


To reset the settings, you just need to hold down the "Reset" button located on the back of the device in the hole. Press and hold the key for 7-10 seconds. All settings of the D-Link DIR-615 router will become factory settings. This is an especially important step for those who have purchased the device after someone else has used it.

You can also reset the password for those who have forgotten their password. To set the default password and login on the D-Link Wi-Fi router. Then the reconfiguration is performed.

Firmware problems

After that, it should be noted that routers usually have an old firmware version, the oldest. You can also work with it, but it's better to save your nerves and strength - download the update. We are downloading the latest firmware to keep up with the world.

On the underside of our device is a serial code and a bunch of other update information. We are interested in the line "H / W Ver.:**". The asterisks should be replaced by the version of your D-Link DIR-615 router. We have it K1.

Now, before entering the settings, we go to the official site http://ftp.DLink.ru/pub/Router/, we do everything clearly according to the screenshots. Here's an example of updating K1.

Now we have the software for our router, which we needed to update. Now, in fact, we will learn how to flash a D-Link DIR-615 router.

To do this, go to the settings on the router debugging site in the router settings, this is the address or Enter the name and password - "admin" - these are the factory settings of router D. Now you can see the interface. The firmware version is written on top. If it is version 1.0.0, then go to "Configure manually". Then "System", select "Software update", select the file that was downloaded a little earlier and update the modem.

This completes the flashing.

Debugging WEB connection

We go into the same router settings at, enter admin / admin, click "enter". In the updated firmware, at the bottom, click on the advanced settings. Then select WAN from the list, this item is located in the "Network" block.

We press the "Add" button, thereby creating a new connection to the network. Here you need to enter the data provided by your provider. The type of connection, login and password must be specified in the contract, do not forget to clarify these points with him. This is required to connect to an Internet. Click "Save".

Now the Internet should appear on the local network, that is, on those computers that are connected via local LAN cords.

Debugging a wireless network

In the "Wi-Fi" block, click on the general settings. All this is in the same advanced settings, in case anyone has forgotten. Here we press "Enable wireless connection", put a tick and save. As you can see, setting up the D-Link DIR-615 Wi Fi router is a fairly simple task.

After that, in the SSID field, enter the name of your wi-fi, it will be visible to everyone. Write in English. We choose our country, we leave the channel automatic and the mode is the same.

Now in the Wi-Fi block, select the security settings. In the first Wifi setting point, set WPA-PSK2. The next field is where the encryption key is. This is the Wi-Fi password. On the same tab, the answer to the question of how to change the password or how to put a password on Wi-Fi.

Now you have figured out how to configure the D-Link DIR-615 router thanks to our step-by-step instructions.

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