Dictionary of newfangled and incomprehensible terms. What is GM on Instagram? Hashtag meaning

Bloggers and even regular users use the #GM hashtag on their Instagram! And we are sure that this pair of letters has already caught your eye more than once. Want to know what it means? Then this post is exactly what you need.

First, let's say a few words about the origin of hashtags. They arose long before the appearance of Instagram and the social networks we are used to. What are they for? It's simple - hashtags made it possible to group information on the Internet by general topic. Thanks to this, narrow-profile specialists, for example, web designers, could quickly find the necessary material.

Well, now hashtags have become an integral part of Instagram and social networks!

And now about the hashtag #GM

The hashtag gm is an abbreviation for the English phrase "Good Morning". Translated into Russian means "Good morning".

So, #GM is basically our usual wish for a good day! Usually, those photos that are posted in the morning are signed in this way. Thus, you can wish good morning to your subscribers. By the way, gm is most often used by girls.

Agree a short abbreviation is much more convenient than a long "Good Morning". If you click on the #GM tag, you will see a lot of morning shots that in a matter of minutes will cheer you up and motivate you to new achievements!

It is customary to use this designation only for photos posted in the morning, but inappropriate for evening shots on Instagram. Unless, of course, there is another meaning behind this abbreviation.

Other meanings

On rare occasions, GM can stand for "General Motors". A photo with cars produced by the largest US concern is marked with this hashtag.

Sometimes the abbreviation can be deciphered as "Game Master" (literally - the game master). Here, the hashtag is used to mark an excellent ability for something or to praise a certain skill. It can be applied not only in the context of computer games.

Um - comes from the English phrase game master or guild master, and has two meanings - technical support employee or the head of the guild. What is um in online games? This term refers to a person who solves technical problems in the game or leads a guild.

Game master

The GM in the game is responsible for the software settings, fixes bugs and errors, and solves other problems. In the game interface, his name is highlighted with a special color, and the character has decals so that players can see that they are a representative of the developer company.

They turn to gm if there are obvious bugs and shortcomings, for example, there are no monsters, you cannot change weapons, the door does not open, characteristics and other software glitches have disappeared. After contacting him, he must solve the problem and write a response in the interface or by e-mail.

Gamemaster sends out messages about server availability, updates and planned maintenance. He also warns people about hacks, communicates security rules and does other useful work.

You should not distract gamemasters and send 5-10 at a time, just one call, which describes the problem in detail. If you send several identical tickets, then it can be considered spam, the person will be blocked, and it will be much more difficult to prove something. Therefore, we advise not to interfere with the work of gamemasters, communicate respectfully and describe the problem in detail so that they can quickly solve it.

Guild master

A guild master runs a guild or clan - a society of players who spend time together, communicate, complete tasks and fight with other guilds. Guild Master is the head of the guild. He rules the community, defines goals and objectives, starts and ends wars.

The Guild Master plays a crucial role in a clan or guild. It depends on how successful the development will be and the final place in the ranking. The most successful communities in different games grab the attention of sponsors, participate in ranked championships, win prizes and become famous. Therefore, gm in a clan is the most important and responsible position for which not every person is suitable.

Examples of

"Um, they have a cool one, brought it to the top in just six months"

"Um, promise to update at the end of the month"

“Um, my character on this map does not move, does not react at all. How to fix?"

Hashtags appeared long before the appearance of social networks in general, and Instagram in particular. With the help of them, it was possible to implement a mechanism for grouping information in a network of general topics. However, if earlier they were used only by narrow specialists, such as web designers, then with the advent of social networks and Instagram hashtags began to be used by ordinary network users. The #GM hashtag is one of the most common. At the same time, not all users, especially the Russian-speaking segment, understand what GM is on Instagram.

The answer to this question is quite simple. These two letters are an abbreviation for an English expression "Good Morning", translated into Russian as "Good morning". In other words, this is a classic wish for a good day, which is usually expressed at the beginning of it. On Instagram, it is used in an appropriate manner. Morning photos are signed with the hashtag #GM. Thus, users share their morning mood, and wish well to their subscribers. Using an abbreviation instead of a long expression makes communication with readers more concise and informative. In addition, any user by clicking on this tag can view all morning photos and get a positive charge at the beginning of the day.

GM is not appropriate to use to describe pictures taken at a different time of day, unless it makes some other sense. I am sure now that you have learned what GM is, the description of posts on Instagram will be clearer.

Variations and other meanings of GM

By analogy with GM, there are other hashtags that have a similar meaning and are used for the same purpose of simplifying the transfer of information and the convenience of finding thematic posts.

These hashtags include:

  • A variation of the hashtag "Good Morning", which stands for "Good night". Used to mark evening or night posts on social networks, including Instagram;
  • GG. This hashtag is most often used by gamers, less often by athletes. It stands for "Good Game", which literally translates as "Good Game". Used to indicate a good game in a game or sport.

This abbreviation is used not only on social networks, but also inside the game itself at the end of the match. This expression also implies some kind of respect for the opponent, salutes his skills.

  • GD. Good Day - Have a nice day. The widest variation of the hashtag, can be used not only in the morning, but throughout the day.

In addition, the hashtag #GM itself has other meanings. In other words, these two letters do not always mean "Good morning", although this is the most common decoding. They may have a different meaning. More often than others, the following decryptions can be used:

Where else is GM used?

We have analyzed what Good Morning post means, now let's think about where else this abbreviation can be found on the Internet. The abbreviation GM is used for more than just a hashtag. Initially, it arose in the development of text communication on the Internet. It's no secret that on the Web, the user is constantly striving to simplify as much as possible. This is due to the need to speed up the correspondence and make it more concise. That is why such abbreviations began to appear. GM is used in this conversation as a greeting if the conversation is in the morning.

More and more newfangled words regularly appear under Instagram photos and become hashtags. We constantly hear more and more incomprehensible terms on radio and television. And more and more articles on topical problems are replenished with phrases that we have not seen anywhere else before. What is happening in the world? What is #bodypositive, #gm and #slut-shaming? Today we will explain everything to you!


#gm is the favorite hashtag of millions of girls on Instagram. She just woke up, but already managed to upload a photo of her legs against the background of a white blanket with a cup of coffee and the meaningful caption "#gm, dear subscribers" (and it doesn't matter that there are only 47 of them, because she loves them all very much). #gm is short for good morning, which is just good morning.


Slut shaming is something that we all sin at least to a small extent ... Slut is a girl of easy virtue, and shaming is, frankly, throwing mud. Only now, the discussion and condemnation of such girls is not at all connected with the number of her boyfriends, but with the defiant appearance.


Everything is simpler here. Fat means “fat” in English, and we have already met the word shaming. Having built a small logical chain, you will understand that people involved in "fat shaming" hate fat people and shout about it at every corner. In much the same way as (34), who openly announced to the public last summer that she "does not like fat people."

# PP

The hashtag # PP is most often found in the accounts of the so-called fitonyash and means nothing more than proper nutrition.


Think of any cafe in the city center, where you regularly meet people sitting for hours at a laptop and a cup of coffee. This cafe is a coworking space - a space where you can find everything you need for people who prefer to work both outside the office and outside the home.


The term “ageism” is derived from the word age, which means “age”. Ageism is usually called discrimination on the basis of age, and such nonsense mainly affects adolescents who are not taken seriously.

Body positive

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