Traffic light and traffic rules. Traffic light: colors in order, description and meaning

6.2. Round traffic signals have the following meanings:

- Green signal permits movement;

If the traffic lights are green, movement in any direction is allowed, unless additional restrictions are imposed by signs and markings (Fig. 42). When driving on a road that has more than one lane in one direction, it is necessary to take into account the so-called "lane rule" (clause 8.5 of the Rules).

A green flashing signal allows movement and informs that its duration expires and the prohibiting signal will be switched on soon (digital displays can be used to inform drivers about the time in seconds remaining until the end of the green signal); (Fig. 43)

A green flashing light, like a green continuous light, allows movement. Etc. When deciding whether to stop or continue driving, you should take into account that 3-4 seconds usually pass from the start of flashing before the yellow signal turns on, as well as the distance that your vehicle travels in 1 second. For a rough estimate of this distance, divide your current speed (km / h) by ten and multiply by three.

If you are not sure that you will be able to enter an intersection with a permit signal, then slow down and stop.

A yellow signal prohibits movement, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 6.14 of the Rules, and warns of the impending change of signals; (Fig. 44)

The yellow signal, included after the red one, always prohibits movement. If yellow, the signal is turned on after green, then in exceptional cases when it is necessary to resort to emergency braking to stop the movement, the Rules (clause 6.14) are allowed to continue driving.

A yellow flashing signal allows movement and informs about the presence of an unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing, warns of danger; (Fig. 45)

- A red signal, including a blinking one, prohibits movement, (Article 12.12 of the Administrative Code) (Fig. 46)

The combination of red and yellow signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming switching on of the green signal. (Fig. 47)

6.3. Traffic light signals, made in the form of arrows in red, yellow and green, have the same meaning as round signals of the corresponding color, but their effect applies only to the direction (s) indicated by the arrows. In this case, the arrow, allowing a left turn, also allows a U-turn, if this is not prohibited by the corresponding road sign.

The green arrow in the additional section has the same meaning. The off signal of the additional section means the prohibition of movement in the direction regulated by this section.

In this clause of the Rules, we are talking about two types of traffic lights.

First - directional traffic lights. They have arrows on all three lenses of the main signals (Fig. 48). Directional traffic lights regulate traffic in each lane over which they are located, making it easier for drivers to orientate. Their signals are similar to those of a regular traffic light.

The second type of traffic lights - these are traffic lights with additional sections (Fig. 49). Movement in the direction of the arrow included in the additional section is allowed only when it is switched on. However, if the green arrow in the additional section is turned on simultaneously with the red signal of the main section of the traffic light, then you should give way to vehicles moving from other directions (clause 13.5 of the Rules).

6.4. If a black outline arrow (arrows) is marked on the main green traffic light, it informs drivers about the presence of an additional section of the traffic light and indicates other permitted directions of movement than the signal of the additional section.

Such a black contour arrow is used to exclude an erroneous turn or U-turn at night, when the switched off additional section may not be visible to the driver.

6.5. If the traffic signal is made in the form of a silhouette of a pedestrian (bicycle), then its effect applies only to pedestrians (cyclists). In this case, the green signal allows, and the red prohibits the movement of pedestrians (cyclists).

To regulate the movement of cyclists, a traffic light with round signals of reduced size, complemented by a white rectangular plate measuring 200 x 200 mm with a black bicycle image, can also be used.

6.6. To inform blind pedestrians about the possibility of crossing the carriageway, traffic light signals can be supplemented with a sound signal.

6.7. To regulate the movement of vehicles along the lanes of the carriageway, in particular those in which the direction of movement can be reversed, reversible traffic lights with a red X-shaped reversing signal and a green signal in the form of an arrow pointing down are used. These signals respectively prohibit or permit movement on the lane over which they are located.

"Reverse" translated from Latin is reverse. To increase the capacity of roads, a lane or several lanes can be allocated on the carriageway, the direction of movement along which is changed depending on the intensity of the traffic flow. Such lanes are called reversible, they are distinguished by a double dashed marking line 1.9 and a reversible traffic light is installed above each of them.

Driving is prohibited only in the lane above which there is a reverse traffic light with a red X-shaped signal on (Fig. 50).

The main signals of a reversing traffic light can be supplemented with a yellow signal in the form of an arrow tilted diagonally down to the right or left, the activation of which informs about the impending change of the signal and the need to change to the lane indicated by the arrow. (Fig. 51)

The use of this signal allows you to speed up the release of the reversing lane and reduces the time required to change the direction of traffic.

When the signals of the reverse traffic light, which is located above the lane marked on both sides by marking 1.9, are turned off, entry into this lane is prohibited. (fig. 52)

6.8. To regulate the movement of trams, as well as other route vehicles moving along the lane allocated for them, one-color traffic lights with four round signals of white-moon color arranged in the form of the letter "T" can be used. Movement is allowed only when the lower signal and one or more upper ones are turned on simultaneously, of which the left one allows movement to the left, the middle one - straight ahead (Fig. 53), the right one - to the right (Fig. 54 and 55). If only the top three signals are on, then movement is prohibited.

Green signal traffic light allows all vehicles, including trams, to move in all directions; pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway.

When driving at a green traffic light, the driver of a non-rail vehicle should consider the following:

regardless of the location of the tram tracks and the direction of movement, the tram enjoys the priority right of movement. Therefore, before crossing the tramway track, you must make sure that there is no tram, and when it approaches, stop and not interfere with its movement;

in order to turn left or turn around to move in the opposite direction, you should go to the middle of the intersection, let vehicles moving from the opposite direction straight or to the right, as well as completing overtaking in the same direction (Fig. 16);

when turning left or right, you should allow pedestrians walking at the green traffic light.

Green flashing signal traffic light warns that the yellow signal will be on soon. It does not prohibit entry into an intersection or other regulated area. However, when approaching the regulated section, where a green flashing signal turned on in the traffic light, it is necessary to take into account that the duration of its flashing is 4-7 s, therefore, depending on the speed of movement and the distance to the "Stop" line, the driver must either drive with this signal, not increasing the speed of movement, or take measures for smooth braking and stopping.

Yellow signaltraffic lights prohibits exit to an intersection or pedestrian crossing, and if this signal caught the driver at an intersection or pedestrian crossing, then you should continue driving and free the intersection (pedestrian crossing). If the yellow signal turned on after the green signal, when the driver was at a very close distance from the intersection and could not stop the vehicle without creating the danger of a collision with him from behind or a skid due to sudden braking, he must continue to move and clear the intersection.

Pedestrians with a yellow traffic light are prohibited from entering the carriageway to cross the street, and those of them who were at the pedestrian crossing at the moment the yellow signal was turned on must complete the crossing or stop at the - "safety island", and in its absence - in the middle of the carriageway parts.

Yellow flashing signal traffic light warns drivers about the danger of crossing the intersection (pedestrian crossing), but it does not prohibit traffic. In this case, the sequence of driving through intersections is the same as at unregulated intersections: drivers must be guided by priority signs.

Red traffic lightprohibits the movement of vehicles, including trams, as well as pedestrians. A red flashing traffic light prohibits the movement of all vehicles, including trams, as well as pedestrians.

The red light, which is on at the same time as the yellow one, warns that the green light will be on soon. Movement with this combination of signals is prohibited.

Arrow in additional sectiontraffic light serves as a signal allowing movement through the intersection in the indicated direction, but before turning on the arrow, it is prohibited to move in the direction it faces. With an arrow indicating a left turn, a U-turn is also allowed. The "arrow" signal permits movement in the indicated direction at any main traffic signal: green, red or yellow, however, the right of drivers to move at different signals is not the same. If the "arrow" in the additional section is turned on simultaneously with the green traffic light, the driver has the priority right to pass the intersection in the direction indicated by it. At the same time, signals given by traffic lights in other directions are switched on in such a way that there is no mutual interference with traffic. If the "arrow" is turned on with a red or yellow traffic light, drivers, passing the intersection in the direction indicated by the arrow, must give way to all vehicles passing from other directions.

In traffic lights designed to regulate traffic on individual lanes, green arrow-shaped signal, directed downwards, allows movement in the lane above which it is located.

When the traffic lights are off, entry to the lane indicated by double longitudinal dashed lines is prohibited.

Signals from traffic lights designed to regulate the movement of trams, trolleybuses and shuttle buses (Fig. 17) have the following meaning when switched on:

all four signals - straight ahead, right and left turns, as well as a U-turn (Fig. 17, a) are allowed;

two signals - lower and upper middle - movement is allowed straight (Fig. 17, b);

two signals - lower and upper left - allowed to turn left and turn (Fig. 17, c);

two signals - lower and upper right - allowed to turn to the right (Fig. 17, d);

three signals - lower, upper middle and upper left - allowed to move straight, turn left and turn (Fig. 17, e);

three signals - lower, upper middle and upper right - allowed to move straight and turn right (Fig. 17, f);

three signals - lower, upper right and upper left - turns to the right and left are allowed; as well as a U-turn (Fig. 17, g);

three upper signals - movement is prohibited (Fig. 17, h).

Traffic light signals designed to regulate pedestrian traffic are simple and their semantic meaning follows from a symbolic image or inscriptions. Pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway only at a green signal (silhouette) of this traffic light. The flashing green signal of this traffic light warns that the red signal will be on soon.

Traffic lights are controlled manually or automatically. With manual control, the controller turns the handle or presses the button of the control panel (switch) installed nearby. With automatic control of signal change, individual automata,. serving only one intersection, or special devices installed at the central station, with which the traffic lights are connected by an electric cable. Applied machines with so-called "ringing" devices. At the same time, a green signal is sent to one of the streets (roads), which has a significantly higher intensity. When vehicles approach an intersection along a secondary road, they act on sensors built into the surface of the carriageway or installed near the road, and the machine, after a certain time, switches the traffic light signals, which then automatically switch to their original position.

Various systems of coordinated automated traffic control are becoming widespread. With the most common coordinated system, the signals in traffic lights located on the same road are switched so that the car, which passed the first traffic light with a green signal and moves at the speed set for this road, would pass all intersections without delay (the so-called "green wave" principle) ...

More perfect is the use of special electronic sensors and calculating devices in the equipment providing the "green wave", which automatically change the estimated speed of the "wave" (depending on traffic conditions), in combination with a light board indicating the recommended vehicle speed.

Together with traffic lights at the intersection, road signs 2.4 "Yield" or 2.5 "Continuous traffic is prohibited" are installed. During the normal operation of traffic lights, these signs do not have any meaning for establishing the order of movement. The meaning of their installation is that when a traffic light fails or when it is switched to yellow blinking mode, the signs come into effect, and drivers are obliged to follow them. Thus, if the traffic lights fail to work, traffic safety conditions are ensured through the installation of these signs.

  • GREEN the signal allows movement;
  • GREEN FLASHING the signal permits movement and informs that its duration expires and the prohibiting signal will soon be turned on (digital displays can be used to inform drivers about the time in seconds remaining until the end of the green signal);
  • YELLOW the signal prohibits movement, except for the cases provided for in clause 6.14 of the Rules, and warns of the impending change of signals;
  • YELLOW FLASHING the signal allows movement and informs about the presence of an unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing, warns of danger;
  • RED signal, including flashing one, prohibits movement.
  • Combination RED and YELLOW signals prohibits movement and informs about the forthcoming inclusion of the green signal.

What does the flashing green traffic light mean?

Answer. To inform drivers about the upcoming change from the green traffic light to yellow, the Rules provide for the possibility of flashing the green signal. This signal allows the vehicle to move. The duration of the blinking should be 3 seconds.

1. Make way for the tram.
2. Go through the intersection first.
3. You will wait for the permission signal of a special traffic light and only then turn.

Answer. A green traffic light allows you to turn left. Tram movement at this intersection is regulated by a single-color signaling light in the form of the letter "T". Considering that with such a signal, the tram is prohibited, you can go through the intersection first.

When are you obliged to give way to a tram?

Answer. When the turn signal is on, it informs you that the paths of your vehicle and the tram intersect at an intersection. Given that this traffic light simultaneously allows you and the tram driver to move, you must give way to the tram.

You intend to turn left. Your actions?

Answer. A green traffic light gives you the right to move left. In this case, you must leave in the intended direction regardless of the traffic signal at the exit from the intersection.

You intend to turn left. Your actions?

Answer. A green traffic light gives you the right to move left. But, since there is a stop line at this intersection in front of the traffic light installed on the dividing strip, you must stop in front of it while waiting for the green signal.

1. Make way for the tram.
2. Go through the intersection first.

Answer. The included tram direction indicator informs that the paths of your car and the tram intersect at an intersection. Given that the green traffic light allows you to go straight, and the T-shaped tram traffic light prohibits the tram from turning right, you can go through the intersection first.

You intend to drive straight ahead at the intersection. Your actions?

Answer. The green traffic light gives you and the oncoming vehicle the right to move. In this case, you must give way only to the tram. An oncoming passenger car is not allowed to pass the intersection with the tram.

What does the flashing yellow traffic light mean?

Answer. A yellow flashing light warns of a potential hazard and is used to indicate an unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing.

When turning left you:

1. Should give way only to a passenger car.
2. You have the right to go through the intersection first.
3. Must give way to both vehicles.

Answer. The green traffic light gives the right to move all vehicles. But, turning left, you must give way to a tram, which has an advantage over trackless vehicles, as well as to an oncoming passenger car (SDA 13.4).

A red flashing light or two alternating flashing red signals of a traffic light installed at a railway crossing means:

1. Traffic is permitted with extreme caution.
2. Movement Prohibition.
3. Traffic light signaling defective.

Answer. A red flashing light or two alternating flashing red traffic lights prohibit movement. This signaling is mainly used at level crossings.

You intend to turn left. Who should make way?

1. Only the car.
2. Only a tram.
3. Car and tram.
4. Nobody.

Answer. The green traffic light gives you and the oncoming vehicle the right to move. Wherein,

6.1. Traffic lights use light signals of green, yellow, red and white-moon colors.

Depending on the purpose, traffic signals can be round, in the form of an arrow (arrows), a silhouette of a pedestrian or a bicycle, and X-shaped.

Traffic lights with round signals can have one or two additional sections with signals in the form of a green arrow (arrows) that are located at the level of the green round signal.

6.2. Round traffic signals have the following meanings:

  • GREEN SIGNAL allows movement;
  • GREEN FLASHING SIGNAL permits movement and informs that its duration expires and a prohibition signal will soon be turned on (digital displays can be used to inform drivers about the time in seconds remaining until the end of the green light);
  • YELLOW SIGNAL prohibits movement, except for the cases provided for in clause 6.14 of the Rules, and warns of the upcoming change of signals;
  • YELLOW FLASHING SIGNAL allows traffic and informs about the presence of an unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing, warns of danger;
  • RED SIGNAL, including blinking, prohibits movement.

The combination of red and yellow signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming activation of the green signal.

6.3. Traffic light signals, made in the form of arrows in red, yellow and green, have the same meaning as round signals of the corresponding color, but their effect applies only to the direction (s) indicated by the arrows. In this case, the arrow, allowing a left turn, also allows a U-turn, if this is not prohibited by the corresponding road sign.

The green arrow in the additional section has the same meaning. The switched off signal of the additional section or the switched on light signal of the red color of its outline means the prohibition of movement in the direction regulated by this section.

6.4. If a black outline arrow (arrows) is marked on the main green traffic light, it informs drivers about the presence of an additional section of the traffic light and indicates other permitted directions of movement than the signal of the additional section.

6.5. If the traffic signal is made in the form of a silhouette of a pedestrian and (or) a bicycle, then its effect applies only to pedestrians (cyclists). In this case, the green signal allows, and the red prohibits the movement of pedestrians (cyclists).

To regulate the movement of cyclists, a traffic light with round signals of reduced size can also be used, supplemented by a white rectangular plate measuring 200 x 200 mm with a black bicycle.

6.6. To inform blind pedestrians about the possibility of crossing the carriageway, traffic light signals can be supplemented with a sound signal.

6.7. To regulate the movement of vehicles along the lanes of the carriageway, in particular, those in which the direction of movement can be reversed, reversible traffic lights with a red X-shaped signal and a green signal in the form of an arrow pointing down are used. These signals respectively prohibit or permit movement on the lane over which they are located.

The main signals of a reverse traffic light can be supplemented with a yellow signal in the form of an arrow tilted diagonally downward to the right or left, the inclusion of which informs of the impending change of the signal and the need to change to the lane indicated by the arrow.

When the signals of the reverse traffic light are turned off, which is located above the lane marked on both sides with markings 1.9, entry into this lane is prohibited.

6.8. To regulate the movement of trams, as well as other route vehicles moving along the lane allocated for them, traffic lights of one-color signaling with four round signals of white-moon color arranged in the form of the letter "T" can be used. Movement is allowed only when the lower signal and one or more upper ones are turned on simultaneously, of which the left one allows movement to the left, the middle one - straight ahead, the right one - to the right. If only the top three signals are on, then movement is prohibited.

6.9. A round white-moon flashing light located at the level crossing allows vehicles to cross the level crossing. When the flashing white-moon and red signals are off, movement is allowed if there is no train (locomotive, railcar) approaching the crossing within sight.

6.10. The traffic controller signals have the following meanings:


    from the left and right sides, the tram is allowed to move straight, trackless vehicles straight and to the right, pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway;

    from the side of the chest and back, the movement of all vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited.


    from the left side, trams are allowed to move to the left, trackless vehicles in all directions;

    from the side of the chest, all vehicles are allowed to move only to the right;

    from the side of the right side and back, the movement of all vehicles is prohibited;

    pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway behind the back of the traffic controller.


    the movement of all vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited in all directions, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 6.14 of the Rules.

The traffic controller can give hand gestures and other signals understandable to drivers and pedestrians.

For better visibility of signals, the traffic controller can use a baton or disc with a red signal (reflector).

6.11. The request to stop the vehicle is given by means of a loudspeaker device or by a hand gesture directed at the vehicle. The driver must stop at the place indicated to him.

6.12. An additional signal is given by a whistle to attract the attention of road users.

Pedestrians who were on the carriageway when the signal was given must free it, and if this is not possible, stop on the line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions.

6.15. Drivers and pedestrians must comply with the signals and orders of the traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic signals, road signs or markings.

In the event that the meanings of traffic lights contradict the requirements of road signs of priority, drivers should be guided by the traffic lights.

6.16. At level crossings, simultaneously with a red flashing traffic light, a sound signal can be given, additionally informing road users about the prohibition of movement through the crossing.

Today, everyone understands what a traffic light is. Colors: red, yellow and green are familiar even to a child.

However, there was a time when these optical devices were not available, and it was not very easy to cross the street. Especially in big cities, passers-by had to let endless horse-drawn carriages pass for a long time.

On the cross streets there was confusion and endless disputes.

A small excursion into history

Initially, the traffic light was invented by the British. It was staged in London at the end of 68 of the 19th century. Man controlled it. The mechanism had two hands. When they were in a horizontal position, traffic was prohibited, and when they were lowered, passage was allowed. At night, a gas burner was turned on, with the help of which a red and green signal was given. It turned out to be unsafe. The gas exploded, injured the policeman, and the traffic light was removed.

It was only at the beginning of the twentieth century that an automatic traffic light was patented in America. Colors were not used in it, their inscriptions were replaced.

The red color is very clearly visible in any weather: when the sun is shining brightly, it is raining, or there is fog. From a physical point of view, red has a maximum wavelength. This is probably why he was chosen as forbidden. All over the world, the meaning of red is the same.

Another signal at a traffic light is green. This is the color of calmness, pacification. It has a relaxing effect on the human brain. Green allows movement. It can be seen far enough, any driver sees this color long before passing the traffic light and calmly, without braking, overcomes the intersection.

However, as they say, there is an unspoken rule according to which, when passing a dangerous intersection, it is still worth slowing down, even when the traffic light shows green. This action often helps to avoid serious accidents.

Yellow - pay attention

Traffic light yellow is intermediate. It carries a warning function and encourages road users to pay attention. The color yellow is said to symbolize intelligence, intuition and quick wits. It usually lights up after red, urging drivers to prepare for movement. As practice shows, many drivers perceive a yellow traffic light as a permitting signal and start driving. This is wrong, although it is not subject to penalties. When the yellow light turns on, you need to squeeze the clutch, get ready, but to start moving, it is better to wait for the green one, especially since you only need to wait a couple of seconds.

In reverse order: green, yellow, red - the traffic light does not work. In modern devices, after green, red immediately lights up, while in the last minutes green starts flashing.

You may also occasionally see a continuously flashing yellow traffic light. This indicates that the traffic light is disabled or broken. Most often, traffic lights flash yellow at night.

Pedestrian traffic light

There is also a traffic light to regulate pedestrian traffic. What colors are used in it? Red and green are unambiguous, but yellow is absent as unnecessary. A person does not need special preparation for crossing the road.

They are usually depicted on walking men. For the convenience of pedestrians, a time counter has recently been used. A special stopwatch counts down how many seconds are left before the opposite signal turns on.

As with ordinary traffic lights, red prohibits traffic, and green indicates that the passage is open.

When driving through an intersection, drivers should be aware that pedestrians are taking advantage. So, for example, at an intersection, a car turns right at a green traffic light, while pedestrians crossing a perpendicular road are also green. In this case, the motorist must let all pedestrians pass and only then continue driving.

What is the "green wave"

In large metropolitan areas, motorway traffic is accompanied by a large number of traffic lights that regulate traffic. A traffic light, the colors of which are known to everyone, switches them at regular intervals. This frequency is automatically adjusted and ensures the safety of vehicles.

Green Wave is tied to vehicle speed. It is assumed that, moving at a certain average speed, the driver, having hit the green traffic light, will also hit the green light along the entire length of the highway. The three traffic light colors switch at regular intervals, and there is consistency between the set of traffic lights. At all intersections of the route, agreed on this principle, there is the same cyclicality.

"Green Wave" was developed for the convenience of crossing intersections; technically, this is not difficult to implement. As a rule, on such highways, signs are additionally installed with the recommended speed, which will ensure non-stop passage of intersections.

The driver's and pedestrian's assistant is a three-eyed traffic light. The colors are switched in order and adjust the course, ensuring the safety of all road users. By observing in good faith, serious accidents and unpleasant situations on the roads can be avoided.

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