M2M technologies: areas of application and prospects. MTS Telematics tariff plan - description, connection and disconnection M2m personal account

M2M – AREAS OF APPLICATION ATMs, POS terminals, trading and payment terminals; Remote measurements (sensors in the housing and public utilities system or production, measuring liquid/gas flow, temperature, and other parameters); Monitoring of moving objects (tracking the location of a car/taxi/truck, its condition and communication with the driver); Telematics in personal cars (information about traffic jams, panic button, call for roadside assistance); Security and anti-theft systems; Consumer electronics (navigators, trackers, household appliances). Telematics Areas of application - combining telecommunications and information technologies for integrated processing and transmission of information; M2M (machine-to-machine) - interaction of remote devices using communication technologies for processing and exchanging information.

M2M manager is a convenient universal tool for managing remote technological equipment – ​​M2M devices. The service provides an opportunity to obtain objective and complete status, statistical and other information about the operation of remote devices. Service capabilities: Real-time indication of SIM card status (active/blocked, network registration status, etc.); Prompt change of card status (blocking/unblocking; setting limits, notifications), including group operations; Cost optimization (full traffic control and operational regulation capabilities); Powerful reporting system to track trends and identify incorrect equipment operation. SOLUTION FROM MTS – “M2M MANAGER”

ADVANTAGES OF THE SERVICE Business efficiency Reduced costs of owning a fleet of M2M devices; Transparency in managing remote objects. Expanded opportunities for developing your business Monitoring and statistics Convenient display of information using filters, groupings and group operations; Possibility of obtaining statistics and graphs of SIM card usage in the form of reports. Operational management Ability to change the status of your own SIM cards and set limits for their operation (limitations on traffic, number of SMS, etc.) in real time; Possibility of carrying out single and group operations on SIM cards - blocking/unblocking, setting limits, creating reports and statistics; Notifications about SIM card states: exceeding limits, blocking, etc. via SMS or. Unified access to contracts in different regions Ease of use Personal user account for monitoring the status and managing your SIM cards used in M2M devices; Convenient and intuitive interface; All actions available through the portal are also available through the external API; Ability to access the system with different rights and create a hierarchy of devices.

HOW DOES THE SERVICE WORK? As part of the service, the client is provided with a web interface (API) to the platform, which allows him to quickly and clearly control and change the parameters of services (SIM cards); The platform is interconnected with the main nodes of the MTS network, which allows for monitoring and execution of operations online.

SPECIAL OFFER FOR MANUFACTURERS OF M2M EQUIPMENT 6 PARTNER New features: -SIM card monitoring capabilities -SIM cards are not on your balance sheet -No receivables for SIM modules -Clear customer structure -Reduced technical support costs

INTERFACE FEATURES Configuring notifications about events with sending to or SMS

M2Mnews.ru / 04/19/2015

What are M2M technologies?

M2M is an abbreviation for “machine-to-machine”, i.e. "machine-to-machine". M2M technology allows you to combine remote objects and systems to automate business processes. It is with the help M2M technologies our life becomes easier. The scope of application of M2M technologies is very wide. This technology has become so firmly established in our lives that we can no longer imagine a comfortable civilized existence without it. Payment terminals, ATMs, security and control systems, vehicle monitoring and much more. All this works precisely thanks to M2M technologies.

Let's look at the use of M2M in a little more detail using an example. Let's take an ATM. It can automatically transmit information via GSM networks if it has run out of cash or check paper, or, conversely, has accumulated too much cash and requires the arrival of collectors. Or let’s take transport as an example. Using M2M technologies, you can monitor a wide variety of information about a car: coordinates, fuel consumption, speed, temperature characteristics, diagnose engine operation, and more.

Wireless and wired M2M technologies

When we talk about M2M technologies, we primarily mean the wireless method of data transmission. But M2M is also widely used for wired communications. However, first things first.

Usage wireless M2M technologies cheap and technologically advanced. They allow you to avoid spending money on laying cable infrastructure, save time and allow you to minimize human resources. Wireless M2M technologies also help to increase the mobility of working personnel. M2M using wireless communications is widespread at the highest level: border security, government rescue services and law enforcement agencies. Wireless M2M technologies allow for fast response from the communication center. M2M also allows you to monitor mobile objects - for example, the movement of vehicles, the location of goods in a warehouse, and learn about the status of a vending machine. In addition, wireless M2M technologies use sensors to monitor the mechanical stress of high-rise buildings and bridges.

Signal coverage of cellular operators in developed countries is close to 100%, however, given the widespread development of wireless M2M technologies, they will not be left without work. M2M technologies are a very promising market for cellular operators, and its potential capacity is large.

However, one should not think that wired M2M technologies- this is the last century. They not only play an important role, but one cannot do without them, for example, in production, when wireless M2M technologies in the conditions of steel structures and reinforced concrete around simply do not work, due to non-penetration of the signal.

Areas of application of M2M technologies

Let's look at the areas of application of M2M technologies in a little more detail.

M2M technologies for the Internet. This is the most popular area of ​​M2M application today. Almost everyone in their home has a modem that provides Wi-Fi communication.

M2M technologies for cars. Taxi services and transportation companies are buying GPS trackers en masse and installing them on their fleet. This device helps the robotic dispatcher know the exact location and speed of the vehicle. This greatly increases the efficiency of transport.

M2M technologies for the home. Using M2M, you can remotely control the temperature in your home and ensure its safety. Also, using M2M technologies, you can control electrical equipment in your home. All you have to do is send an SMS.

M2M technologies for housing and communal services. Today we record water and electricity meter readings and submit these readings to the relevant organizations. In the future, these readings will be read automatically and remotely. Perhaps the bank will also join this process - funds will be debited automatically.

M2M technologies for health. M2M sensors can monitor a person’s temperature, blood pressure and pulse. You can also find out the location of the patient. All this allows you to take timely measures and send help if necessary.

M2M technologies for automated accounting. Any product in the warehouse has an electronically readable sticker. By scanning the product, you can monitor the movement of goods and stock. Warehouse management using M2M technologies can be fully automated.

M2M technologies for security. After leaving your dacha or your own apartment, you can use a camera to remotely monitor the safety of the premises. When motion is detected, the sensors will immediately send you an SMS or mms with a picture of what is happening.

M2M technologies for vending machines. M2M equipment allows you to remotely control coffee machines, payment terminals, banking machines, protect this vending equipment, and monitor its performance.

The future of M2M technologies in Russia

Experts talk about the rapid growth of M2M technologies in our country. First of all, because the number of industries where M2M is used is growing. And this is greatly facilitated by crisis phenomena in the economy, because M2M technologies help reduce costs.

A pilot project has already been created in Moscow, within the framework of which about 150 thousand apartments in one block are equipped with M2M modules for taking readings from various meters. New medical equipment has emerged that requires remote wireless access. Also, “smart” traffic lights and stops are appearing on the streets of Russian cities. There is also talk of creating entire “smart” cities, the infrastructure of which will be managed by an automated system using M2M technologies, rather than by people. And finally, “cloud technologies”, which are in a global trend today, will also use M2M through web interfaces.

Special corporate tariff for data transfer. It is interesting for its “non-human” essence, additional functionality and the possibility of flexible customization to suit the needs of a specific client.

The tariff parameters can be found on the website; the main areas of application of SIM cards with this tariff are listed below:

  • Monitoring of transport and moving objects - receiving information about the location and route of the vehicle (freight transport, courier delivery, taxi, etc.) to the control panel;
  • Monitoring of pipeline systems - remote measurements of liquid (gas) flow, temperature, and other parameters of the process environment.
  • Payment systems – transfer of transactions to the processing center from ATMs, POS terminals, street payment terminals, etc.;
  • Security – transmission of a signal and additional data (for example, coordinates) by pressing an alarm button, anti-theft systems, video surveillance, etc.

An important feature of the tariff is the lack of voice communication; this service is not provided on Telematics at all. It is still not possible to make “voice” calls from such SIM cards, but the registration can be simplified and the likelihood of misuse is almost zero.

Was it necessary to create a special tariff for such seemingly niche projects? Moreover, in terms of its basic price parameters, “Telematics” does not differ from the publicly available “Online” tariff, the same 4.75 rubles. per megabyte of traffic with kilobyte session rounding. As it turned out, the Telematics tariff itself is only one of the components of a new direction, which MTS intends to actively develop. Yuri Ostrovsky, head of the product development department of the department for the development of convergent solutions, shared his vision of the near future especially for Mobile-Review.

The M2M (machine-to-machine) direction is extremely promising and dynamically developing. Now there are relatively few such “mechanical” subscribers, but potentially there may be no less of them than live users. And this market is growing very quickly. Already today it would be difficult or cost-ineffective to abandon mobile data transfer between devices. ATMs and payment terminals are located at every step and almost all of them are equipped with GPRS modules; it would be too expensive to run a cable to each “iron box”.

By the way, I have always been wary of the inconspicuous GSM antennas on ATMs. Cash and non-cash money moves through them, and packet data transfer is not 100% reliable. It turns out that a fragment of the network is overloaded with voice at the wrong time, and there is no data transmission. Yuri explained that the reliability required in these cases is achieved by double redundancy; if necessary, data can be transmitted via a CSD (Circuit Switched Data) switched communication channel and even via SMS exchange.

In order not to retell it in your own words, a small quote from the material carefully prepared by the MTS press service:

“Assessing the global M2M market, experts cite the following figures: today there are about 100 million devices in the world that remotely transmit data to information processing centers. According to experts, the optimal way to transmit M2M data is through wireless networks. In addition to the obvious savings on cabling, wireless data transfer provides a significant reduction in the duration of sessions between devices: in a mobile network, the average duration of a data transfer session today is about 5 seconds. versus about 20 sec. for a public wired network. The predicted growth of the M2M market in the world, according to the agencies Future World Consultancy, RSA, Allied Business, Berg Insight, ABI Research, is 80-120% per year until 2012.

M2M services in Russia and the CIS countries today are at the initial stage of development. For example, according to our estimates, the number of M2M modules in the MTS network in the most developed market in this regard, in Moscow, today is less than one percent of the subscriber base. At the same time, the Russian M2M market is growing rapidly, and MTS expects to become a leader in this promising market segment. The Telematics tariff is the first step of MTS in the development strategy of M2M services. Over the next five years, according to our conservative estimates, the number of users of MTS M2M services in Russia will exceed 3 million.”

The average monthly income from a “mechanical” subscriber is usually 5-8 dollars, but such “users” are predictable and loyal, this is important. Replacing a SIM card in a modem is not a simple operation and no one will do it for the sake of momentary penny savings. What if there are hundreds or thousands of terminals? What if SIM cards are installed in systems that monitor pressure in a pipeline somewhere at the end of the world? Here you will inevitably become a 100% loyal subscriber.

The consumption of GPRS traffic by such subscribers is small. Devices used on vehicles consume 5-15 MB. per month, a bank terminal can “eat up” more than 50 MB. per month. Despite the modest profitability of each individual SIM card, the stable and rapidly growing total revenue is encouraging. The company has taken this market segment seriously and intends to develop a set of comprehensive offers and turnkey solutions. As examples of already completed projects, they talk about the positive experience of cooperation with the Zelenograd Automobile Plant, which, through the use of vehicle monitoring technologies, managed to reduce non-production vehicle miles and consumption of fuel and lubricants by 5% and thereby ensure a reduction in costs by 6.1 million. rub. in year. In November 2009, MTS and the Moscow United Energy Company (MOEK) launched a joint project in the metropolitan area to ensure control of energy consumption. SIM cards are installed in energy consumption meters, which ensure continuous transmission of information to the server of the Central Energy Accounting System of MOEK.

This market segment also looks attractive from the point of view of subscriber base growth, because each “mechanical” subscriber is counted in statistics as an ordinary one. So far, the number of such SIM cards is relatively small, but if the predicted rapid growth takes place, it will become more difficult for analysts to calculate the average number of SIM cards per “living subscriber soul”.

Actually the tariff

As already written, voice calls are not provided. Only GPRS, MMS, SMS and data transfer via dial-up channel with a price of 1.35 rubles. per minute for both outgoing and incoming calls. The tariff is a kind of “hybrid”: for small occasional needs, you can use the basic option without a monthly fee; for more noticeable “appetites” of the device, you can connect one of the provided packages from 5 to 90 MB. The connected package is valid indefinitely, renewed on the 1st of every month. The subscription fee for the GPRS traffic package is debited in full on the 2nd day of each month. The connected package will be valid until it is changed or disconnected by the subscriber. The traffic included in the package can be spent within a calendar month; the unused balance of traffic is not carried over to the next month.

Other important features include a single price for data transfer in intranet roaming and per-kilobyte session rounding; with a large number of micro-sessions generated by the machine, this is a significant plus. As with any other corporate tariff, Telematics provides a matrix of discounts depending on the volume of charges and the number of connected SIM cards.

For private users, the tariff is not of particular interest; in the basic version, “Online” is more profitable (discount at night). And for large volumes of traffic it is more rational to use “Connect”. A small user niche – those that consistently consume relatively small volumes (less than 100 MB) of traffic, in this case “Telematics” with the connected package will allow you to save a little. Another potential consumer is a person who needs a guaranteed backup Internet access channel when traveling. 1.35 rub./min. for CSD access in intranet roaming is a completely humane price. Yes, in the 3G era the speed is 9.6 Kbps. causes healthy laughter, a megabyte of data will be transferred in about 15 minutes. But access to the network is almost guaranteed, regardless of the availability/operability of GPRS. You can also recall complaints about Trojan programs that initiate expensive calls unnoticed by the user during an Internet session; such a trick will not work on a tariff with voice communications disabled.

Strong global growth in the M2M space is predicted. We decided to write about this area: what businesses need M2M, who is involved in machine-to-machine interaction in Russia and the world.

M2M (Machine-to-Machine) is the general name for technologies that allow devices to exchange information with each other. These are wired and wireless sensor systems that transmit information from one device to another.

M2M market

There are more than 2 billion “connections” between 200 million devices in the world. It is expected that by 2022 the number of such connections will be 18 billion.

Experts estimate the volume of the global market at $250 billion, and by 2022 they predict up to $1.2 trillion. This growth is associated with the development of cloud computing technologies and the growth of smartphone sales.

According to Deloitte research, smartphone penetration increased 19% year-on-year in 2014 to reach 66%.

Will M2M save mobile operators?

Every year, users buy less and less mobile services from mobile operators (subscription to weather news, etc.). For this reason, some operators are starting to look for alternative sources of income - and are becoming more involved in M2M solutions. Now operators offer not only communication between devices, but also other services - for example, analytics.

Currently, M2M connections account for 3% of the total number of all mobile connections. In the world, 428 mobile operators offer M2M - and this is 40% of all mobile operators.

The key players in the Russian M2M market are mobile operators and the banking sector. Analysts estimated the Russian market at $3 billion at the end of 2013.

The largest M2M market is Asia (42%). Then Europe (28%), North America (18%) and Latin America (8%).

The largest markets by country for M2M are Sweden (23%), Norway (15%), New Zealand (14%) and Finland (11%). Interestingly, the USA is only in 8th place.

Today, M2M solutions are used in logistics, security, consumer electronics, industry, medicine, energy, trade, housing and communal services and many other industries.

Why is M2M needed?

Increasing IT efficiency for business and government.

Public and private organizations can benefit greatly from automated business processes, resource planning (ERP), and customer relationship management (CRM) optimization.

M2M adds new features to your products and services. For example, electronics can be directly linked to security systems or an insurance company to prevent problems in a timely manner.

Allows companies to comply with regulatory requirements.

Sometimes government regulation involves constantly taking readings from instruments. This factor can give a strong impetus to growth for M2M in the next 2-3 years.


Real-time M2M helps optimize processes. For example, in a car park, M2M can reduce the amount of time it takes to find a free space - thereby reducing the amount of vehicle exhaust released into the air.

M2M Leaders

Now the global leaders in the field of M2M are American (AT&T, Sprint, Verizone, etc.) and European (Telenor Connexion, Vodafone, Telstra, etc.) operators.

The formation of the Russian M2M market began in the 2000s - then cellular operators had appropriate tariffs for corporate users.

The first consumers were large fleets that track the location of their vehicles. Then they were joined by customers from the financial sector, using M2M to communicate with cash registers in stores. The market received a big boost in development due to the widespread distribution of payment terminals for services.

In Russia, mobile operators offer their solutions: MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2 and others.

Despite the fact that M2M is directly related to the sphere (IoT), we will consider only horizontal solutions - directly Machine-to-Machine. There are very few such solutions, even those not related to cellular operators, in Russia. You can note the company M2M-Telematics.

Young players are also emerging - for example, the Skolkovo Foundation resident company GO+. Using the platform, you can both deploy existing M2M networks and create new ones based on the provided APIs. The founders of the project report that the system is not tied to a specific type or manufacturer of equipment. The solution is presented for both free and commercial use - All-in-One. Access to the client part of the service is provided through a browser or mobile application.

This year the project became a finalist in the Startup Village competition and won the Intel-Skolkovo Global nomination. The project was also selected as a semi-finalist of the SLUSH 2013 startup competition and presented its project in Helsinki.

One of the founders of GO+, Alexander Grankin, believes that M2M in Russia is primarily necessary for transport infrastructure equipment and modern medical devices.

Will cloud services be able to displace mobile operators?

As for the market prospects, Alexander Grankin admits that for some time the monopoly in M2M will remain with cellular operators.

We decided to ask the experts: do cloud M2M services not associated with cellular operators have the opportunity to displace these same operators?

Leonid Sergeevich Voskov - Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Systems and Networks at MIEM NRU HSE - believes that cloud systems will find their niche along with cellular operators.

He also predicts a problem: more and more electricity will be needed to process volumes of information, so there will not be enough electricity.

Anatoly Levenchuk - President of TechInvestLab - believes that “cloudiness” is not a determining factor in the development of M2M solutions.

He says the future of M2M depends less on new technologies than on government non-intervention.

Anatoly Levenchuk

President of TechInvestLab

If you have a radio channel of a certain range, then you can only have licensed radio stations in it - this is the artificial restriction of the state that cellular operators operate by exploiting their licenses. Only modern radio communication technologies, carefully introduced in unlicensed narrow bands of the radio spectrum, can change this. The driver for this is new inventions being tested today in these unlicensed ranges (here, for example, is one of the relatively new ones).

The problem of canceling the old spectrum licensing regime used by antediluvian technology devices is called Open Spectrum. Here is a popular film on this topic.

While spectrum regulation reform is only talked about in narrow circles, cellular operators will dominate: their dominance is protected by the state. Well, then there will be a redistribution of the market, as always in a situation of technology change.

That is, development in this industry does not depend on technological and business solutions, but on lobbying, politics and other unsavory nasty things between big business and the state in terms of forced regulation of the use of radio frequencies.

How do you think M2M can help your business?

MTS became the first telecommunications company in Russia to systematically promote a portfolio of M2M-based products at the federal level.

The first step in the development strategy for M2M services was the launch of a secure data transmission service, a telematic solution for monitoring vehicles “NIKA” and the launch in December 2009 of the “Telematics” tariff, created specifically for corporate clients and focused on data transfer between electronic devices. The next step is the launch of an innovative product for the M2M market - reliable and durable heat-resistant SIM cards in March 2010. Such SIM cards became widespread in the world only in 2008-2009, and no operator had such offers on the Russian market before. And in January 2011, MTS launched a new generation of SIM cards - in the microchip form factor for data transfer devices. MTS plans to further expand the functionality of M2M services, in particular, through new capabilities of M2M SIM cards, new options for telematic tariffs, and also actively use Comstar fixed communication lines for additional protection of transmitted data. In September 2011, MTS launched the M2M Manager service, which allows you to configure and control the operation of various M2M equipment in the MTS network in real time from the screen of any computer.

The company plans to modernize services and introduce additional functions, including expanding the functionality of the M2M SIM card management system and optimizing MTS telematics tariffs.

World experience

M2M began to develop in the world somewhat earlier than similar services came to Russia. But already now Russian dynamics are almost at the global level. Research agency Yankee Group believes that the global M2M market will demonstrate one of the highest growth rates in the wireless communications services segment over the next decade. Yankee Group predicts an increase in the number of M2M connections between devices in the world to 217.5 million in 2015 from 81.8 million during 2011. Operators’ income from providing M2M services over the same period will more than double: to $6.7 billion in 2015 from $3.1 billion in 2011.

The Infonetics Research agency, in turn, estimated the number of m2m connections between devices in the world in 2010 at 87 million and expects such connections to grow to 428 million by 2014. The agency expects the CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of wireless m2m services in the world to be 38% over this period.

Research and forecasts of the global M2M market indicate a steady growth of 25-45% per year. The average ARPU of a service (based on a sample of 15 large European companies) ranges from 2 to 15 dollars (depending on the type of service).

Growth of the M2M market in Russia


According to MTS estimates, the volume of the Russian M2M services market for the first nine months of 2014 compared to the same period in 2013 increased by 14% and reached 5.5 million SIM cards. Over the nine months of 2014, from January to September, the number of M2M SIM cards in the MTS network grew faster than the market by two percentage points and increased by 16% (by approximately 400 thousand) and amounted to 2.9 million SIM cards. This represents 53% of the total number of telematic SIM cards in Russia.

Over the year from September 2013 to September 2014, the number of telematic SIM cards in the MTS network increased by 26%.

The number of M2M SIM cards used in the MTS network in Moscow and St. Petersburg increased by 132 thousand pieces and reached 1.02 million. At the same time, the share of Moscow and St. Petersburg is 35% of the total number of M2M SIM cards in the MTS network. The most active among Russian regions in the use of M2M services based on the results of nine months of 2014 is the Krasnodar Territory, where more than 75 thousand MTS telematic SIM cards are used.

Areas of application of M2M solutions among MTS corporate clients in 2014

  • The leading area of ​​M2M application in 2014 remains transport monitoring. The share of SIM cards used in the transport sector in the total volume of M2M SIM cards in the MTS network increased by two percentage points compared to the results of 2013 and amounted to 43%. The total number of transport M2M-sims increased by 225 thousand and is the main growth driver of MTS telematics services this year.
  • The number of MTS SIM cards used in security systems increased by 80 thousand compared to the end of 2013 and reached 580 thousand. The share of this segment remained at 20%.
  • Despite the difficulties in the banking market and the closure of a number of credit institutions, major financial market participants continue to increase the number of ATMs and payment terminals. The number of SIM cards used in the MTS network in this segment increased by 50 thousand to 348 thousand. The share of this segment has not changed and is 12%.
  • The share of the industrial segment decreased by one percent. In quantitative terms, the share of those employed at M2M-sim production enterprises increased by 19 thousand to 320 thousand.
  • The use of telematics services in housing and communal services (metering of water, heat, light in residential premises, as well as use in elevators and intercoms) increased by 69 thousand to 319 thousand. The share in the structure of areas of M2M use increased by one percent to 11%.

  • The share of consumer electronics and smart insurance in M2M accounts for approximately 0.5% each. At the same time, if the share of consumer electronics in physical terms does not increase compared to 2013, then smart insurance services are one of the most promising in the M2M sector in the coming years. MTS is developing this area together with the largest insurance companies: Renaissance Insurance and Intouch Insurance.


The volume of the Russian M2M services market at the end of 2013 grew by 40% and amounted to about 4.8 million SIM cards. According to MTS forecasts, by 2017 the volume of the Russian market will reach 18.5 million SIM cards, while the global market for telematics services will amount to 400 million devices by 2017.

Over the last six months of 2013, from July to December, the number of M2M SIM cards used by MTS increased by 450 thousand and exceeded 2.5 million SIM cards. According to MTS estimates, this represents 52% of the total number of telematic SIM cards in Russia.

The most active regions for the use of M2M, in addition to Moscow and St. Petersburg, which account for more than 35% of all MTS telematics projects, are Kazan, Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk.

Areas of application of M2M solutions among MTS corporate clients in 2013

The leading sectors of M2M application in 2013 were transport monitoring (more than one million SIM cards) and security systems (500 thousand SIM cards).

The share of SIM cards used in the transport sector in the total volume of M2M SIM cards increased by one percentage point compared to the results of 2012 and amounted to 41%. At the same time, the total number of transport M2M-sim cards has doubled to one million cards from 520 thousand in 2012. The share of SIM cards used in security systems did not change during 2013. At the same time, the total number of these SIM cards increased to 500 thousand from 290 thousand SIM cards in 2012.

The share of SIM cards used in ATMs and payment terminals decreased by three percentage points in the total volume of SIM cards to 12%. At the same time, the number of SIM cards involved in this area increased in quantitative terms by 83 thousand to 300 thousand.

The housing and communal services and medicine industries have become leaders in the growth dynamics of M2M SIM cards. Over the year, the number of SIM cards used in housing and communal services has increased two and a half times, and in the medical industry - three times. The number of SIM cards used in these areas was 250 thousand (housing and communal services) and 75 thousand (medicine).

The share of consumer electronics in M2M accounts for one percent of SIM cards - 25 thousand. At this stage of market development, this industry has the highest growth potential due to the increased penetration of M2M devices - trackers, custom navigation equipment, smart insurance services, and the development of client applications for computers and smartphones.


In 2011, m2m services growth rates exceeded initial forecasts. At the end of the first half of 2011, the number of MTS SIM cards used in telematics increased to 820 thousand, an increase of 60%. Growth by the end of the year could be about 100%.

MTS expects that in 2011 the number of SIM cards used in telematics services will double compared to the previous period. The m2m market in Russia at the end of 2011 will amount to about 2.5-2.7 million subscribers, MTS intends to maintain its market share in the telematics sector at the level of 40-45%.

M2M projects in the North-West region

The use of M2M MTS services in the North-West region over the 8 months of 2011 increased 3 times. The greatest demand is for the MTS Telematics tariff, which is specifically focused on data transfer using M2M technology in the field of monitoring transport and moving objects, payment systems and security systems, at housing and communal services enterprises.

The maximum, two-fold increase in the use of M2M services occurred in the field of vehicle monitoring: transferring information about the location and route, as well as fuel consumption, to the transport monitoring center. The use of M2M services has increased more than one and a half times in security organizations (anti-theft systems), in housing and communal services enterprises (remote measurements of liquid, gas and other parameters) and in the field of working with payment terminals (transfer of transaction data to the processing center from ATMs, POS - terminals, street payment terminals for services).

The number of users of MTS thermo SIM cards for 8 months of 2011 doubled compared to 2010. MTS Thermo SIM cards are able to operate uninterruptedly in the most difficult climatic and production conditions, from the far north to the hot south, which is especially important for the northern regions of the North-West.

“The M2M services sector in the field of mobile communications is actively developing - today business and municipal enterprises are looking for ever new opportunities to optimize costs and save resources. From the point of view of using M2M solutions, the most promising industries today are utilities, transport, healthcare and security. Thanks to M2M services, MTS clients have the opportunity to significantly reduce their costs by reducing personnel and energy costs, reduce accident rates thanks to online monitoring, and improve the quality of services provided,” said Ivan Zolochevsky, director of MTS in the North-West regions.
    • MTS provides M2M services to the largest companies in the region. MTS provides data transmission services to Rosokhrana Telecom LLC, a leading provider of services for organizing communication channels for private security in St. Petersburg. MTS provided Rosokhrana Telecom LLC with 1,500 SIM cards connected to a special tariff for data exchange “Telematics”, which are used in private security systems to transmit service information about the status of the protected object.
    • MTS provides monitoring of security systems of the company Caesar Satellite LLC - the largest company providing satellite anti-theft systems that carry out security monitoring of the car using GPS navigation. In case of danger, information about the movement of objects connected to the system using data transfer technology between devices is promptly sent to a special Dispatch Center. Today, Caesar Satellite LLC uses about 27,000 MTS SIM cards for automatic data exchange.
    • The security company An Security LLC uses more than 300 MTS SIM cards in terminals installed in retail facilities: chain supermarkets and hypermarkets, car dealerships, chain gas stations.
    • LLC "Arkan" - a federal operator of security services, uses about 10,000 MTS SIM cards to provide remote monitoring of the status of objects. You can also pay for the security services of Arkan LLC in MTS stores.

Key growth factors for the m2m segment:

  • high penetration of cellular communications with stable quality (MTS networks cover more than 90% of the populated territory of Russia, MTS implements projects to build networks in remote regions, in partnership with clients - the largest manufacturing and mining companies, this allows you to install SIM cards at remote sites, in difficult climatic conditions);
  • development of solutions for integrated management of telematic SIM cards (“M2M manager”)

improvement of technologies in the field of M2M (thermal SIM cards, development of solutions for built-in SIM cards, etc.).

  • already implemented government programs to modernize economic sectors such as transport, energy, and medicine.

Prospects for the use of M2M services by Russian companies

In Russia, the number of industries where it is advisable to use M2M technologies has increased significantly. This is, in particular, due to the fact that the crisis has forced many companies to look for ways to reduce costs and increase business efficiency through the introduction of innovative technologies.

The most promising segments from the point of view of the development of M2M services, in our opinion, are:

  • monitoring and transport management. This segment accounts for about 40% of all clients of MTS M2M services. Projects in this area have been implemented by MTS in Ryazan, Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Bryansk, Zelenograd, Moscow, Kazan, Saratov;
  • remote measurements of sensor indicators. Here, M2M services are used to control the operation of fuel and energy systems and raw material production/processing/transportation systems, for example, for remote monitoring of pressure in pipelines. In the housing and communal services sector, telematics services are used to monitor energy supply systems, for example, to control pressure and temperatures in heating systems; they can be used in water and electricity consumption meters, to monitor the operation of elevators, and garbage collection services. This segment accounts for about 20% of MTS M2M service clients;
  • security and anti-theft systems (about 10% of MTS M2M service clients);
  • ATMs and automated payment systems (about 20% of MTS M2M service clients);
  • vending machines and automated points of sale (about 5% of MTS M2M service clients). Another 5% comes from other telematics services.

MTS also includes the healthcare sector (mobile cardiographs, monitoring of ambulances) among the promising industries for the development of M2M technologies.

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