Jackal card game. Jackal Jackal board game review

Many, for sure, know the Jackal game, according to legend, it was once invented by students of Moscow State University and actively promoted recently by the MosIgra company in the form of two (own) publications - Jackal and VIP Jackal. But even if you have not heard anything about this game, today we will analyze this game into “bones”.

Why exactly "on the bones"? Because with this post, I decided to start the review column Frankly, without pretense talking about board games. And the Jackal, in my opinion, is quite suitable for this rubric.

So let's get started...

In the review, I will use the description of the game from the official website of the publisher-seller - the MosIgra company.

What is this game?

In the game "Jackal" you have to lead a pirate gang - and look for treasures on the island. Of the four rival factions, only one will win - the one that finds or loots the most gold.

Purpose of the game

You sail to the "treasure island" on different ships. The task is to take out as much gold as possible in any way (and at any cost) and load it into the holds of your ship. The winner is the one who remains the richest after the "plunder" of the island.

Game process

The playing field (island) consists of small plates, each of which is "responsible" for its own type of terrain and objects. A wide variety of adventures await you on the island: scouting new lands, you can either stumble upon an abandoned fort or meet a native lekart, or find treasure or fall into a trap.

Let's take a look at the playing field. It consists of square (rounded) tiles laid out on a table in the shape of an island:

And it is in the playing field that the first flaw of the game lies. The gameplay at the beginning of the game is to explore the island, which actually means gradually turning over the tiles lying face down. During a turn, it happens that you have to flip up to several pieces, since there are tiles with arrows that redirect the explorer chip further, to the next tile.

The problem lies in inconvenient flipping tiles. Everywhere (in the rules and on the official site) the field is depicted in the form of tightly lying tiles, and subconsciously, at the first layout, the players do just that. Moreover, with a dense arrangement, the field looks better, since the tiles lie evenly. But when flipping, in order to pick up a tile, you have to involuntarily move the neighboring ones, which somehow leads (especially with several flips per turn) to pushing the field apart, warping other tiles and constantly having to level the field from the edges.

It seems that the game was not tested, or it was tested, but the tiles were turned over by the power of thought or by some special means without direct contact with the field.

Partially the problem can be solved, laying out at the beginning of the game the tiles at a small (several mm) distance from each other. BUT a) the playing field loses its attractiveness, which immediately affects the playing atmosphere; b) the size of the table required for layout increases markedly, which results in unnecessary inconvenience; c) the inconvenience is not completely solved, since picking up the tiles themselves is more convenient for owners of a long manicure, while the rest are still uncomfortable.

The random factor

The stumbling block, the reason why a board game often gathers dust on the shelves of board gamers, is the random factor. There are different levels in different games. For example, in a game of dice, it is almost maximum.

How is it with randomness in the Jackal? Here's what the publisher says:

Randomness affects the game only at the very beginning, when the map of the island is "created". In the future, everything depends solely on your ability to assess the situation and make the right tactical and strategic decisions. Of course, some layouts give a slight advantage to the enemy (for example, it is not very fun to parachute from the ship directly into the den of the ogre), but an experienced player is able to use all the landscape objects to his advantage.
In general, except for very extreme cases, randomness practically does not affect the game: everything depends entirely on you.

The phrase is quite interesting because it starts with a grain of truth, and ends with almost hypnotic nonsense, so as not to scare off the buyer, of course. Let's take a closer look.

Randomness does not really affect, but forms a large part of the future game situation already at the very beginning of the game, when tiles are laid out on the table. A similar mechanism is present in the Colonizers at the starting layout of hexes, but only if in the Colonizers all (except one) hexes bring resources and the layout affects relative the location of resources and all players, as a result, will get the edges of resource hexes, then in Jackal the layout can lead to a strong imbalance due to hitting the only resource (chests with gold) in the form of gold-intensive tiles on the side of one of the players.

What happens next? With great probability, the player, on whose side "accidentally" turned out to have more gold, finds it faster than the others and, almost certainly, quickly drags the found "nearby" to his ship (of course, do not forget about bypassing traps and lengthening the path). At the same time, there are situations when one of the players, on the contrary, got the shore, most of the exits to which are dotted with traps.

So the phrase "but an experienced player is able to use all the objects of the landscape to his advantage" is already half wrong. Yes, experience matters, and that's how it is in most games. But in the Jackal, simple arithmetic is in the form of traps that require you to stay on the field cell up to 5 moves. So the experience fades into the background when the layout of the field is not in your favor.

The imbalance is aggravated by one of the game rules - the player can move the ship only along its coast. Sometimes this turns into a real problem (as in the case of a player who has no luck with the shore).

Again, part of the problem can be solved if you enter one house rule. For several games played in a row, our company got more than “more or less” unsuccessful layouts. Therefore, it was proposed to allow ships (with a pirate on board, of course) to go around the island around. And I must say that with the next single-bank gold-bearing layout, this rule made it possible to reduce the imbalance by moving opponents closer to the chests on the shore of the lucky player. And at the same time, the struggle for the found treasures intensified. True, we had to agree on one more rule, when ships can meet each other, here it’s more convenient for you: we agreed that they fight with the sides and the one who received a hit on the side is moved along the coast by one cell and that they can swim around (in one movement) the enemy ship. BUT as before, there was a need to spend moves on moving to a foreign shore (and this is not close) and the problem was not exhausted.

Based on all of the above, the phrase "In general, except for very extreme cases, randomness practically does not affect the game: everything depends entirely on you." I personally regard it as, sorry, but pure nonsense, an advertising phrase that makes sense only in convincing buyers about the interestingness of the gameplay after purchasing this game. But in this review, I will be direct.

What else does the publisher tell us:

Why is this game so interesting?
“Because it doesn’t require a long study of the rules. You can start playing in a couple of minutes after opening the box. Of course, at first you will need a guide to determine the types of terrain, but the basic idea is “grabbed” literally on the fly.
- Because the game has a very great depth: it can be played endlessly - like chess.
— Unlike chess and other “static” games, the pirate island is new every time. This guarantees interest and variety over many parties.

Again will express my personal opinion, but:
- Learning the rules (if you really learn them) is far from fast, as they explain not only the gameplay, but also the meanings of all special tiles. Of course, the detail is a plus, but not at all a quick mastery of the rules.
— I don't think that the "depth" of the game guarantees endless interest, and I certainly wouldn't risk comparing the Jackal with Chess. Jackal (according to legend) has been around for about 30-40 years. Remember, in the past, in fact, board games with a high random factor or simple, unpretentious adventures were and were mostly popular in Russia. The Jackal reminded me of the gameplay of the games that I happened to play as a child. And I believe that the Jackal does not pretend to be deep and, in principle, should not. Rather, it is an easy adventure game with a lot of luck and a little bit of choosing the best way to explore the island. This may even be the positive side of this game. But the publisher believes that it should be presented differently. Well, that's their right.
— Here I will deviate a bit from the topic and say that there is the so-called Battle Chess (or Battle Chess), the idea of ​​which, by the way, was born here in Russia many years ago. Before the start of the game, the players divide the field in the middle with a fence and arrange their pieces as they wish, according to their "battle formation". After that, the fence is removed and the party begins. The number of field options is huge, you understand. And there is more interest in the game, because. the player already at the beginning of the game greatly influences the gameplay.

Or let’s remember Catan again – the arrangement there determines the relative location of the hexes, and even before the start of the game, players can place their initial buildings in accordance with it in order to decide their interests regarding certain resources and, possibly, decide on a strategy for the game.

In the Jackal, unfortunately, the arrangement of the field is akin to throwing dice in the "dice". And it can affect the entire game, giving one player a huge and, at times, undeniable advantage. Of course, this directly affects the interest in the game and you no longer want to “play endlessly” after a couple of games.

I will say right away that before the first game, we expected something really special from the Jackal, interesting gameplay, romance and a “pirate” atmosphere during the game. But after several games, unfortunately, they were disappointed.

Game Components

There are two editions - Jackal and VIP Jackal.

The VIP version was released first. The artwork is excellent - this is really an undeniable plus of this game. The quality of plastic tiles is good, especially if you look at other Russian board games and feel what they are made of. Pirate figurines are great. Minted coins are great too. And recently, the publisher pleased fans of the game with a re-release of VIP Jackal in a wooden box. I haven’t had a chance to hold it in my hands yet, but I’m sure that it’s done no worse than the rest of the components. And I repeat again: for Russia, the VIP Jackal project is especially noteworthy as an example of high quality, which everyone wishes for our other publishers.

Recently, a budget version of the game without a VIP console has appeared. What changed? The box has become simpler, the tiles are made of thick cardboard, the pirate figures, unfortunately, have been replaced with plastic (hard plastic) chips, and the coins ... But the authors miscalculated with the coins. They are made of steel, which oxidizes over time, and, according to the reviews of many players, it is sometimes unpleasant to play with such coins - I have to agree with them.

The rules in both editions are executed on a solid five.

And how much does it cost?

Price is a separate topic for conversation. The VIP Jackal costs 7,700 rubles from its very release, the regular Jackal costs 990 rubles. on the publisher's store site.

Well what can I say? I wrote about the quality of publications above. But I think many would disagree with the prices. The price of the VIP edition makes the game really exclusive. By the way, this is how it is usually presented by consultants in the MosGry store. What is the reason for this? Probably, first of all, the high cost of producing high-quality components for Russia, and, apparently, the “party policy” of MosGames.

For a budget edition with a defect in the sale of coins, I personally think the price is also too high. But, as they say, "the master is the master." The publisher thinks otherwise.

Who is this game for?

Taking into account everything that was discussed in the previous paragraphs, this game is designed more for children who will not expect an intellectual gameplay from the game, a strong influence of the player on the outcome of the game, but will, as they used to say, play "for fun", i.e. e. for fun and enjoyment. After playing, they will throw chips and run to play the next game.

Well, speaking about the VIP Jackal, I think that it is more suitable as an expensive gift and souvenir than as a game that justifies the cost of exclusive components by its interestingness.


The game is made of high-quality components, which sets a high bar for all Russian board game publishers. The problem with coins in a budget edition, in principle, is solved by replacing them with real coins in denominations of 5 or 10 kopecks.

Despite the quality of workmanship, Jackal's gameplay does not justify the cost and does not captivate players enough to, as the seller assures, "play it again and again." Imbalance can be weakened by house rules and the habit of laying tiles not close to each other.

It is quite suitable as a gift for a child of preschool and school age, or as an expensive souvenir for the "boss" or a person who is familiar with the mechanics of this game from a student's bench.

All the pretentious aura inspired by the publisher around the Jackal - in my opinion, nothing more than advertising. And advertising, as you know, almost always exaggerates and even often creates out of thin air the advantages of a product that in reality is of little interest to many buyers.

The Jackal is one of the most sensational strategies of the 70s. It is filled with the spirit of pirate fearlessness and rebellion, perfect for family pastime, friendly gatherings and parties. It develops logical and strategic thinking, and also allows you to realize the makings of a conqueror.

During the game, you will move around the playing field, discover new parts of the map, find treasures or take them from opponents. The mechanics of the game is to find and drag as many gold coins as possible to your ship. You will be hindered by insidious enemy pirates represented by other participants, as well as mountains, deserts and swamps, and some places will even make you skip a turn. Is it worth talking about the lair of the cannibal, getting into which, the pirate dies? Don't worry, an aboriginal woman in her fortress will be able to resurrect him. The richest pirate who managed to survive in difficult conditions will win.

Jackal is a game for 2-4 people. It is suitable for different ages, but eternal romantics and lovers of sea stories will especially like it. The rules are easy to learn, and additional tiles add unpredictability to the gameplay.


  • 117 chips of the playing field;
  • 4 ships;
  • 12 wooden chips;
  • 37 plastic coins;
  • rules of the game.
  • Video for the board game Jackal Promotion!

  • Reviews for the board game Jackal Promotion!


    Everything completely and Cards in Russian?

    Answer: Yes


    Good game!!! We mainly play together with our 7-year-old son, time flies by! Recommended for a family evening or for friendly gatherings!

    Answer: Be sure to check out the Carcassonne series of games. We are sure you will like it very much! In it, just, it is interesting to play both together and in the company.


    Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! Great family game. My son keeps asking me to play with him. It seems to me that he is ready to hang out behind her around the clock. There is nothing complicated about the rules. New players quickly learn and join the process, so it was very easy for my son to explain the essence of the game to his friends.

  • Piracy

    Piracy is robbery carried out from ships. A pirate is subject to trial and punishment in any country. The most difficult conditions of sea service and a meager salary encourage a sailor to engage in piracy, as it gives a chance to get rich quickly. The pirate is inclined to submit to authority in case of danger of retribution or having accumulated considerable treasures; but as soon as the threat passes or the money runs out, the pirate immediately takes up the old.

    Pirate lifestyle

    At the head of the pirate team is the captain, a man of power and cruelty, since the lack of discipline on a pirate ship threatens with trouble. A pirate lives by the ship's charter. With his hand on the cutlass, he swears he will abide by it.

    Treasure Island

    Island in the Caribbean. It is said that Captain Jackal, who was famous for his cruelty and cunning, buried his vast treasures on a desert island in the Caribbean Sea, and tore the map into small pieces and distributed it to the members of his team. However, these are only guesses, because not a single person who got to that island returned alive from there ... Do not believe it, you can check it on your own skin ...


    Filibusters - sea robbers, acting mainly against Spanish ships in the Caribbean and along the coasts of Central and South America. In addition, they arrange powerful land expeditions, while other pirates prefer sea robbery. Filibusters act at their own peril and risk, not neglecting any prey. The filibusters are dominated by the French, the British, the Portuguese and the Dutch. Pirates of the Caribbean create specially organized communities on land, called "coastal brotherhoods".


    Conquistadors - Spanish soldiers and adventurers, knights of fortune - in a word, pirates. The conquistador craves gold, the only goal is to search for new lands and riches in an unknown world. Most often, the conquistador is an impoverished hidalgo or caballero. Away from Europe, the Spaniard is not subject to either the king or the church. The main advantage of the conquistadors is firearms.

    About the game

    "Jackal" is a strategic board game with unique game mechanics. The secret of the "Jackal" is that the chips of the field fall in random order, thanks to which the game will be different every time! There is no dice in the game, and the result depends more on your logical and strategic abilities, and not on luck. All this makes "Jackal" a truly interesting and exciting game that you want to play again and again! The game is designed for two, three or four players aged 16 and over. The duration of the party is approximately 60-120 minutes.

    Game Composition

    • The playing field - 117 square cells with different designs on one side and the same shirt on the other.
    • Frame - 8 parts for a frame around the playing field.
    • Ships - 4 square cells with painted ships.
    • Sailors - 3 pirates each in red, yellow, black and white.
    • Locals - 3 characters, blue, green and brown, which can be found on the island.
    • Coins - 37 coins of the same denomination.
    • Items - treasure from the Spanish galleon and 10 bottles of rum.
    • Rules - a security with rules that you read.

    Preparing for the game

    Turn over the chips of the field, mix them up and lay them out face down so that you get a real treasure island (according to reliable information, this is a square of 11 × 11 cells without corners). A pre-assembled frame makes this task easier. Place the ships in the center of each side of the frame. Then place 3 pirates of the same color on each ship. Now the teams are assembled, you can start the game.

    For a 2-player game you will need 4 ships: one player will control two teams starting on opposite sides of the island. For a three-player game, you need 3 ships. When playing with four players, you can play two on two (opposite players will be allies) or each for himself.

    Purpose of the game

    The goal of the game is clear as day: to find and drag to your ship as many coins as possible, hidden on the island. Whoever brought the largest number of coins to his ship, he won.

    Treasure hunting rules

    How to walk

    You can only move one pirate or ship per turn.

    You can't skip a move.

    There can be several pirates from your own or a friendly (in a two-on-two game) ship on the same space.

    If one of the inhabitants of the island plays for you (, missionary or), then in one turn you can go either as a pirate, or as an inhabitant of the island, or as a ship.

    How to mine gold

    According to verified data, 17 treasures of various values ​​are hidden on this godforsaken island, including the treasure of the Spanish galleon. If, by turning over the cell of the field, you find a treasure chest, place as many coins on the cell as indicated on it (Roman numeral). But do not rejoice ahead of time! Gold can be considered yours only if you managed to drag it to your ship (in this case, the coin is removed from the playing field to your piggy bank).

    1. It is impossible to beat the enemy with gold in his hands. But if you really want to, you can leave the coin in place and forward to the enemy!
    2. If you, carrying a coin, are hit by an opponent, you go to the ship empty-handed, and the luggage remains in place.

    The same rules apply for treasure from a Spanish galleon.

    How to beat enemies

    Very simple: to do this, you need to move to the cell where the rival pirate is standing.

    1. At the same time, the latter flies to his ship, leaving his luggage in place (if any), and continues the game from there. If there were several enemies on the cell, all of them, beaten, are transferred to their ships.
    2. You can beat the enemy only with empty hands. If you were carrying a coin, you can leave it in place and calmly hit an unsuspecting opponent.
    3. If the enemy dug in the fortress
    4. If the opponent is standing on a spinning cell (jungle, desert, swamp, mountains), you can hit him only if you are one move behind. For example, he is on the number III, you are on the number II.

    Trap, 3 pcs.

    Once in a trap, wait until a friend comes to the cage - only after that you can leave the cage. By the way, this does not mean that you should rescue the lost pirate immediately. He can also wait while teammates complete a combat mission.

    When playing two on two, a pirate from a friendly team can also help out a comrade who has fallen into a trap.

    Fortress, 2 pcs.

    The fortress can contain as many pirates as you like from your own or friendly crew.

    Fortress with a native, 1 pc.

    Cool so cool. You stumbled upon a fortress with a pretty native. Here you can "resurrect" the dead comrades - one per turn. And they are born right here, in the fortress. None of the enemies can poke their nose into the fortress while you are inside. One problem: you can't enter here with gold coins.

    When playing a pair on a pair, a pirate can only revive pirates of his own color. Stronghold Aboriginal does not resurrect pirates if you have three or more characters capable of fighting.

    Treasure, 1 pc.

    Ha! this is a find Treasures from the galleon of the Spaniards who transported gold to Europe are hidden here! One such treasure counts as 3 coins. As you open the cage, immediately put the chest figure on it. Treasure is transferred according to the same rules as a coin, but counts as 3 coins in value.

    Aircraft, 1 pc.

    What is this ruin? It's an airplane! How he got to the island is unknown, but he can transfer any participant with all his luggage to any cell on the same turn. You can use the plane only once per game - then it becomes an ordinary dummy. If you don't want to fly right now - stay on the cage and wait for the right moment (leaving the cage is tantamount to using an airplane). But look both ways: the opponent can take away your right to use this miracle of technology by hitting you and sending you to the ship.

    Carramba, 1 pc.

    Balloon, 2 pcs.

    The balloon will always carry you (along with the coin or chest that you have in your hands) to your ship. And so it will be with everyone who in the future sticks his head on this miracle cell. In a two-on-two game, the balloon carries the pirate to his own, and not to a friendly ship. It is impossible to stand on this cell, the ball acts instantly.

    Cannon, 2 pcs.

    The desire of a pirate to check what is hidden in the depths of the muzzle of a cannon is truly inexplicable. In return for his curiosity, the pirate flies into the sea in the direction of the trunk. Only his own or a friendly ship can save him. Gold, as you know, sinks in water and is out of the game. The most experienced pirates use a cannon to quickly transfer coins to the ship along with them. and be sure to shout fervently in flight. Having fallen under an enemy ship, the pirate dies (see section).

    Lighthouse, 1 pc.

    An old lighthouse was found on the island, after a long climb up the stairs, the pirate who first found this building manages to examine any 4 cells. The beacon only works when your pirate steps on it:

    old rules (Jackal: Treasure Island): you need to turn over any 4 unopened cells, they remain open until the end of the game.
    new rules (Jackal: Treasure Island Lux): you need to turn over any 4 unopened cells, peek at what is there without showing other players, and return to their place in any order.

    The lighthouse only works once per game.

    Ben Gunn, 1 piece

    Old Ben will be happy to join the first team that looks into the light. He was able to keep his gunpowder dry and his saber sharp, making it easy to become another pirate of yours. At the moment of opening this cage, your team gets one more pirate.

    Pirate Ben Gunn is represented by a green token and appears where he was found.

    Missionary, 1 pc.

    A missionary lives in the depths of the island, who teaches the pirates goodness and takes away their sabers and pistols. He plays for the team whose pirate found him first. The missionary does not know how to beat enemies, but he himself cannot be attacked. A pirate on the same space as a missionary cannot be attacked either and loses the ability to attack. The missionary does not enter cells with enemies. If the missionary meets Friday (finds himself on the same cell with him), then both of them will disappear, having become enlightened. Every self-respecting pirate tries to get the holy father drunk: if the latter drinks rum, then he will immediately get a dusty cleaver and become the most ordinary pirate of the same team he preached for before (see cell). As long as the missionary remains a missionary, he cannot carry any weights. A spiritual person, after all. The missionary can open closed cages, but when opening a cage with rum, the effect will be the same as when it is soldered.

    The missionary is represented by a blue token and appears where he was found.

    Friday, 1 piece

    The young native Friday immediately liked the pirates for his reliability and ability to carry heavy things. As soon as you find him, he will play for you and will be able to carry coins like a real sea dog. True, there are three features: first, if Friday is attacked, he starts playing for the enemy. Secondly, he himself is harmless (albeit a cannibal), and therefore cannot attack anyone. Thirdly, he has a weak native liver: if he meets rum (in any form), he will immediately drink it all and leave the game. Friday can open the cages like a regular pirate, but if he opens the cage with rum, he will drink it (if there is a lot of rum, just one bottle). In a word, weak. But Friday is not afraid of the cannibal dad, goes through any cage in one turn and does not fall into pit traps.

    Friday is represented by a brown token and appears where it is found.

    Rum bottles

    • 1 bottle of rum - 3 pcs.
    • 2 bottles of rum - 2 pcs.
    • 3 bottles of rum - 1 pc.

    You found bottles of rum! Rum is such a powerful tool that pirates, at the mere sight of a bottle, immediately become stronger and begin to independently crawl out of pit traps or get out of any labyrinths immediately directly. When the pirate opens the rum cage, the bottles immediately appear on the ship. Rum can be used on your turn by any member of your own or allied team. To do this, you just need to remove the bottle from the ship's stocks. And you can also drink local residents with rum: if you stand on the next cell with Friday or a missionary, you can pass a bottle to them on the same move, from which their life will immediately change dramatically (see cells and).

    Cave, 4 pcs.

    This is the entrance or exit of the cave. Most likely the entrance, which the pirate who looked inside will have to make sure of. Until the friends of the unlucky caver who remained on the surface find a second such cage, the pirate will wander inside and come around. But one has only to find a way out, how - voila! - the one who got lost will appear from it. For example, if a red pirate steps on the entrance to a cave, he wanders in it until the opening of the second passage. The white pirate opens the exit and is transferred to the entrance. The red pirate is on the way out. Once opened, the cave works like a short passage: you can enter the exit and exit through the entrance in one turn. Or vice versa, enter the entrance and exit through the exit. Through a cave with an open entrance and exit, pirates walk without difficulty. If your pirate is standing at the exit from the cave, then the passage is closed for enemies. Keep in mind that the "guard" itself will also pass through the underpass before taking up defense. If several entrances to the cave are open, this can and should be used: a pirate who “dived” into the cave on the same turn “emerges” from any other exit and remains standing on this cell. Until the pirate leaves it, this exit for the pirates of other teams remains closed. To re-enter the cave, you need to get off the cage, and then step on it again. It will take you two turns!

    Jungle, 3 pcs.

    Jungle. Walking around these places without a machete is a big mistake. There are so dense thickets that you can not notice the pirate passing at arm's length. You can't fight in the Jungle, you can't enter the jungle with items, but pirates from different teams can be here at the same time.

    Grass, 2 pcs.

    Hee hee hee, a field with some unknown grass (thanks to the local natives!) caught fire at the moment when you turned the cage over. Now everyone goes pirates of his neighbor. For example, if after you go red, then black, and then white, then the next move goes to the player with black pirates - he goes for the reds, then the commander of the white pirates goes for the blacks, you go for the whites, and your neighbor goes for you. After that, the field goes out, and your neighbor, the Red Commander, makes his usual move. You can’t command someone else’s rum, so if you are thirsty, you will have to wait for your turn.

    The value of the cells of the field from the original add-on

    Dinghy, 1 pc.

    You found a hidden boat in the bush! When this space is opened, place a boat figure on it. It can be worn according to the same rules as a coin. When the boat hits the shore, the pirates will be able to launch it and use it as a ship. To launch the boat into the water, a separate move is not needed: the pirate simply continues to move on it if he wants. The boat can pick up pirates in the water or sink splashing enemies. On a boat and ships, you can sail 2 cells from the coast in order to bypass other people's ships. A boat cannot float without a pirate inside. A pirate knows how to walk on a boat with tacks, that is, diagonally too.

    Cores, 2 pcs.

    Pirates know that cannonballs have many uses: they can be carried around for better physical fitness, they dive deep with them, and, most importantly, they can be loaded into a cannon. When you open such a cell, immediately place one core on it. If you bring the ball to the cannon, then the pirate will not fly to swim, but instead will make one shot in the direction where the muzzle is turned. In all cells in a straight line from the cannon, all items are removed: pirates die, and coins and other things are destroyed. Cores are worn in the same way as coins, that is, you cannot walk with a core in a closed cell.

    Wheelbarrow, 1 pc.

    Commercial pirates know that it is better to carry gold and other items in a wheelbarrow. When you open this cage, place the car figure on it. If a pirate has a wheelbarrow, he can drag two items in it at once (for example, coins or cores). The wheelbarrow itself moves just like coins, it can even be loaded onto a ship. For example, a pirate can carry two coins at once, or two cores, or one coin and one core.

    Question answer

    Frequently Asked Questions on Jackal Rules

    All the pirates died, and the last one is in a trap, what should I do?
    Panic! Now only the enemy will be able to free your pirate, beating him along the way. But in general, take the following tactics into service: if you have one less pirate, try not to run around the closed cells without special need. Leave the honorable duty to explore the island to rivals and pick up everything that is bad.

    Once in the pit, wait for a friend to come to the cell - only after that you can leave the cell (tip the pirate figure to show that he has fallen). The pirate who comes to the rescue does not fall into the pit, but rather helps a friend who has fallen into the pit to get out. Place the overturned pirate figure on its feet. By the way, this does not mean that you should rescue the lost pirate immediately. He can also wait while teammates complete a combat mission.

    When playing two on two, a pirate from a friendly team can also help out a comrade who has fallen into a hole.

    Message bottles

    When a pirate opens a cage with a bottle, the player takes as many bottles as indicated on the cage. Bottles allow you to independently get out of the pits or get out of any labyrinths immediately directly. You can use the bottle only at the end of the turn, that is, first look like one of the pirates or the ship, and then use the bottle to get someone out of the pit (that is, pick up the overturned pirate figure) or out of the labyrinth (move the pirate immediately to the last cell). After use, put the bottle back in the box.

    If there is a pirate with a coin on this space, he cannot be attacked. There can only be one pirate in a bank. If a pirate is standing in a bank without a coin, then the bank is considered an empty cell. If the coin is on this space without a pirate, anyone can come and take it.

    Walking around these places without a machete is a big mistake. There is such a dense thicket that you can not notice a pirate passing at arm's length. You cannot fight in the jungle and you cannot enter the jungle with coins, but pirates from different teams can be here at the same time.

    On this cage, a small but very annoying nuisance awaits the pirates. Someone burns his beard, someone drops a coin on his leg, someone stumbles over a root, and someone just realizes that he is lost. At this moment, the pirate is obliged to swear strongly and in a sea way, otherwise he will immediately get upset and disappear.

    There is an old lighthouse on the island. After a long climb up the stairs, the pirate who first found this structure manages to peep any 4 cells. The beacon only works when your pirate stands on it: you need to turn over any 4 unopened cells, peep what is there without showing other players, and return to their places without changing the direction of the cells. The action of the cells is not performed.

    The balloon will always carry you (along with the coin you are holding) to your ship. And so it will be with everyone who in the future sticks his head on this miracle cell. In a two-on-two game, the balloon carries the pirate to his own, and not to a friendly ship. It is impossible to stand on this cell: the ball acts instantly.

    When opened, it shoots in any direction in a straight line across the entire island (the direction is chosen by the pirate who opened the cage). A pirate who receives a bullet is considered beaten (as in a fight - he goes to his ship). If there are several pirates on the line, only the first one gets the bullet.

    On this cell, you can "resurrect" dead comrades - one per turn. And they are born right here in the sanctuary. None of the enemies can poke into the sanctuary while you are inside. One problem: you can't enter here with gold coins.

    The Sanctuary does not "resurrect" pirates if you have three or more characters capable of fighting.

    The sanctuary can contain as many pirates as you like from your own or friendly crew.

    Each player walks as their neighbor's pirates. For example, if after you go red, then black, and then white, then the player with black pirates goes first - he goes for the reds, then the commander of the white pirates goes for the blacks, you go for the whites, and your neighbor goes for you. After that, the field goes out, and your neighbor, the Red Commander, makes his usual move.

    When the cage is opened, the bear wakes up (place the bear token on the cage of the lair) and bites the pirate who woke him up. The pirate goes to his ship. After that, the bear immediately takes 1 step towards the nearest pirate. The bear walks through all obstacles, pits and labyrinths, ahead of him, without stopping, and also walks through closed cages without opening them. Cells like arrows or ice do not affect the bear either. At the end of each next turn of the player who woke him up, the bear makes one more move. If the bear catches up with the pirate, it will bite him, and the pirate will go to his ship. The bear cannot get on the ship and does not smell the pirates on the ship, so he runs after the pirate who is on land. If all the pirates are on ships, the bear stands still. The bear cannot be attacked. The bear is not affected by abilities (unless otherwise indicated on the ability card). Anyone who is taken out to a cage with a bear is bitten and sent to his ship.

    The bear, choosing the shortest path to the nearest pirate, prefers to go diagonally (example in Figure 1). With an equal number of moves to the pirates, the bear chooses the first pirate as a victim clockwise, counting from the northern point of the island, and goes to him (example in Figure 2). The northern point of the island can be seen in the picture with the layout of the island.

    Picture 1

    Figure 2

    In the depths of the island lives a missionary who teaches pirates goodness and takes away their sabers and pistols. He plays for the team whose pirate found him first (place a missionary token on this space). The missionary cannot carry coins, cannot hit enemies, but he himself cannot be attacked. A pirate on the same space as a missionary cannot be attacked either and loses the ability to attack. The missionary does not enter the cells with enemies, and the enemies cannot enter the cell with the missionary.

    The missionary cannot "resurrect" pirates in the sanctuary.

    Every self-respecting pirate tries to please the holy father: if the latter receives a bottle with a message as a gift, he will immediately take out a dusty cleaver as a token of gratitude and become the most ordinary pirate of the same team for which he preached before (see cell). You can also give a bottle to a missionary from an adjacent cell by coming to it and passing the bottle on the same turn.

    As long as the missionary remains a missionary, he cannot carry any weights. A spiritual person, after all.

    The missionary can open closed cages, but opening a cage with a message bottle will have the same effect as if you handed the bottle to him personally.

    Boom! Bach! When you turn over this cell, the island starts an earthquake! Swap any 2 cells where no one is standing and nothing is lying. You can change the cells of different landscapes - mountains with a beach, for example. You can change the direction of the arrows.

    Devilish luck! Fortress! While you are here, you are safe: you cannot hit a pirate who has dug in the fortress. It's a pity that you can't come here with gold.

    The fortress can contain as many pirates as you like from your own or friendly crew.

    Meaning of the field cells from Ben Gunn's Island add-on

    Old Ben will be happy to join the first team that looks into the light. He was able to keep his gunpowder dry and his saber sharp, making it easy to become another pirate of yours. After you have opened this space, place the green Ben Gunn token on it. Now you control Ben Gunn as another pirate on your team.

    Meaning of the field tiles from the Isle of a Thousand Caves expansion

    Skillful pirates know that it is better to carry gold in a cart. When you open this cage, place the cart figure on it. If a pirate has a cart, he can drag two coins in it at once. The cart itself moves according to the same rules as the coins, it can even be loaded onto the ship and descended from the ship with it.

    This is the entrance or exit of the cave. Once you have opened this cage, knock over your pirate. He was lost in the caves and will be lost until someone finds another such cage. As soon as the exit is found, the pirate who found it is transferred to the first open cell of the cave, and the lost pirate appears at the new exit. Now every time your pirate enters a cave space, he is instantly transported to one of the exits. Please note that you cannot instantly transfer to an open cell of the cave where an enemy pirate is standing. You need to wait until he releases the passage for you. If it is impossible to pass through the cave, treat it as an empty cage.

    The value of the cells of the field from the add-on Friday Island

    Place his token on this square. He plays for you. Friday cannot attack. If he is attacked, he starts playing for the enemy. If Friday finds or receives the message bottle, he is out of the game. If he ends up on the same square with the missionary, both are out of the game. Friday walks through the pits, labyrinths and the cannibal as though through empty cages. Coins left by him with the ogre are out of the game. The bear eats Friday for good.

    The meaning of the cells of the field from the add-on Jolly Roger Island

    This steering wheel is clearly bewitched. When a pirate lands on this space, he moves in the direction of the arrows. At the end of your turn, rotate that square 90° clockwise.

    Roger's helm only turns once per turn, even if the pirate has flipped it multiple times.

    Place a turtle figurine here. She walks after the player who found her. The turtle moves along the outermost squares of the island, clockwise, one square per turn.

    The turtle does not open closed cages. She doesn't attack anyone, nobody attacks her. Cells and abilities do not affect her. The bear doesn't see her.

    Pirates can get out of the water onto a space with a turtle. You can get out if there are no other characters on the cell.

    If the turtle did not appear near the water, it first goes to the outermost cage.

    Meaning of the field tiles from the Tide Island expansion

    Place a palm tree chip here. This cell can be entered as a dummy. And you can spend another move to climb the palm tree itself from this cell.

    When a pirate sits on a palm tree, you cannot fight him. Abilities do not work on him. The bear does not smell him and does not go to him.

    You can’t climb a palm tree with objects - leave everything below. You can not climb a busy palm tree. You can’t get off the palm tree while someone is standing below. Even if it is a friend, a local resident or a bear.

    From the high hill you see the tide coming in. Put the three beach squares in the box.

    You can clean closed and open cells in different parts of the island. The cages must be in water. Close to the cage should not be a ship. There should not be any objects or characters on the cell.

    How to mine gold

    According to verified data, many treasures of various values ​​​​are hidden on the island. If, by turning over the cell of the field, you find a treasure chest, place as many coins on the cell as indicated on the chest. But do not rejoice ahead of time! Gold can be considered yours only if you managed to transfer it to your ship.

    How to wear gold:

    1. Every self-respecting pirate can carry only one coin.
    2. You can only move with a coin in open cells.
    3. It is impossible to beat the enemy with gold in his hands. But if you really want to, you can leave the coin in place and forward to the enemy!
    4. You can't swim with coins. If a pirate gets into the sea with a coin, it sinks (out of the game). The pirate stays afloat.

    1. When a pirate with a coin enters the ship, take the coin and place it in front of you. Now she is yours for the rest of the game, and no one will take her away. It remains to bring more of the following.

    If you are standing on a square with a coin and you are hit by an opponent, you go to the ship empty-handed, and the luggage remains in place.

    How to beat enemies

    Very simple: to do this, you need to go to the cell where the rival pirate is standing.

    1. In this case, the latter instantly gets on his ship, leaving his luggage (if any) in place. If there were several enemies on the cell, all of them, beaten, are transferred to their ships.
    2. You can beat the enemy only with empty hands. If you are carrying a coin, you can leave it in place and calmly hit an unsuspecting opponent.
    3. If the enemy dug in a fortress, then you can’t beat him (that’s why it’s a fortress).
    4. If the opponent is standing on a labyrinth cell, you can hit him only if you are one move behind. For example, he is on the number 3, you are on the number 2.

    All pirates move in turn and move according to the values ​​of the cells. Black goes first, then yellow, then red. After the pirates, a bear walks.

    Bear movement rules are described in the section.

    On this one move in the task is considered completed. A pirate dies if a bear stepped on him, or he fell out of the island (stepped on a cannon, arrow, etc.). On each task card you will find the conditions for completion. Somewhere you will need to meet a certain number of moves, somewhere to save the required number of pirates, somewhere both, and something else, and something else from above.

    When playing two on two in the sanctuary, can you revive an ally pirate?
    No. only resurrects pirates of his own color.

    My pirate enters a square with two pirates from the other team. One of them has the "musketeer" ability. How to play the battle correctly?
    Very simply, that pirate who has no abilities immediately goes to his ship, and whether the musketeer goes depends on the result of the roll. In all such cases, those who have no ability are considered beaten.

    Island 4

    Historical reference


    Piracy is robbery carried out from ships. A pirate is subject to trial and punishment in any country. The most difficult conditions of sea service and a meager salary encourage a sailor to engage in piracy, as it gives a chance to get rich quickly. A pirate can submit to power, in case of danger of retribution or having accumulated considerable treasures; but as soon as the threat passes, or the money runs out, the pirate immediately takes up the old.

    Pirate lifestyle

    At the head of the pirate team is the captain, a man of power and cruelty, since the lack of discipline on a pirate ship threatens with trouble. A pirate lives by the ship's charter. With his hand on his cutlass, he swears he will abide by it.

    The legendary pirate game, one of the most famous strategies in our country. Created at Moscow State University in the 70s, it is filled with the spirit of pirate romance, great for family games and friendly games, perfectly develops logic and systems thinking. If you like to look for treasures, fight pirates, meet crocodiles, look into the cannon and carry gold to the ship, then, a thousand devils, this board game is for you.

    Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!

    Welcome to an almost uninhabited island where the old pirate Jackal has buried his treasures. You have to conduct reconnaissance, and then find and carry to your ship every last gold coin - or other filibuster teams will get ahead of you.

    How to play?

    Ships sail up to the island, from which "competing" teams land. You control three pirates who can move around the island, scout it (“flipping” closed tiles), carry treasures, fight other pirates, or perform special actions such as meeting a native, sitting in a fort or flying in a hot air balloon. The winner is the one who can not only find the treasure, but also drag it to his ship: one of the most interesting strategies is precisely to intercept those who carry the gold (or arrive at a pile of coins when it is poorly guarded).

    Three important points

  • The playing field consists of square tiles placed randomly face down. This means that you explore the island anew every time and can enjoy the game almost endlessly.
  • The combat rules are such that the influence of chance is minimal: the outcome of the battle depends only on your tactical abilities.
  • "Jackal" was originally created at Moscow State University about 30-40 years ago: this is a completely domestic game, designed for the same domestic mentality. And this is felt directly in the gameplay.
  • Pirate romance right in the box

    The game is made with love and imbued with the spirit of pirate romance. Someone will see something from the famous cartoon "Treasure Island", someone - from "Captain Blood", and younger players will remember the "Black Pearl" and Jack Sparrow. One way or another, the pirate theme always excites the imagination and brings interest. Please note that "Jackal-Lux", which is produced in small editions, is made in a very, very stylish way: you will literally feel the excitement of chasing treasures just by opening the box.

    What's in the set?

    • 117 chips of the playing field. As already described, it is from them that an island is assembled, on which serious battles will soon take place.
    • 4 ships that brought pirates and conquistadors.
    • 12 wooden pieces: four teams that decided to land on the island in search of piastres.
    • 37 plastic coins that are used as treasure markers.
    • , from which you will not only find out who the native is and why it is better to go to her than to the cannibal, but also learn a lot of words that a real sea wolf should pronounce in various life situations.

    How is the regular edition different from the deluxe edition and why is it so profitable?

    It's no secret that "VIP-Jackal" was a real dream for many of our players. One had only to show a man a chic box with velvet inside - he immediately became a pirate and began to look for money for the most expensive game of the store (or preferred to regret it all his life). At the request of many players, Magellan released a more economical version, the cost of which is almost 8 times (!) Less. Here are the main points that made the game more accessible:
  • "Jackal" is produced in a new box. It is slightly smaller and slightly thinner, which allows you to take the game on the road. The box itself is very beautiful: the game looks like a great gift even without additional packaging.
  • The playing field is now made of pressed cardboard.
  • Chic figurines of pirates have been replaced with wooden pieces.
  • The coins became just iron circles, and not real pirate piastres. Despite the absence of minting, iron coins for the Russian edition are, nevertheless, something unusual.
  • Who is this game for?

  • For all lovers of pirate romance: now "Jackal" is available to almost everyone!
  • This is a great family game: your child will love the story and the process, and your budget will get a new price.
  • The new box has become smaller: now you can take the Jackal on the train or at the cottage to fully enjoy your holiday.
  • The new "Jackal" is wonderful gift for all occasions- from birthday to any holiday.
  • If you're looking for a gift for an executive, be sure to check out the VIP edition of the game.


    “I love the game! We play two, three and four. They taught friends to play ... now, when they come to visit from the threshold, they shout “Ah yes, Jackal” !!! Time for the game flies unnoticed. »


    “Until a year ago, I thought all board games were either card games like Uno or flip-flop games like Monopoly.
    Last summer, while visiting, a friend suggested that I play the Jackal board game. I was not very fond of board games, but he persuaded me.
    I liked that here you need to think over the tactics of moving around the island, there are many different cells, you can attack your opponents, steal their coins, but what surprised me most of all: there were no dice! I saw the Mosigra logo on the box, went to the site and .. It started.
    Thanks to Jackal, I learned about the existence of really good board games. And I loved them.
    The Jackal itself is quite an interesting board game. But of course it's not perfect. There is a considerable element of randomness here, so you need to play here not for victory, but for fun. The island can be explored, you can find fortresses, an aborigine, crocodiles, an ogre, an airplane, gold on it, you can beat off coins from other pirates, and then try to deliver them to your ship.
    Well, I believe that the main goal of the Jackal is to open the gates to the world of board games for beginners, and he helped me with this. Hope it helps you too. »


    “I encountered the game for the first time 20 years ago, as a schoolboy in a sanatorium, they played every evening. In that version, there was a clause in the rules that players can change them by agreement, which we took advantage of by thoroughly finalizing the game (the main difference was several islands and battles between ships with the possibility of capturing them) Now we play in eight, combining the base game and Treasure Island , getting one mega island (table size doesn't allow making multiple islands :-D)
    A wonderful game, thanks to which we discovered the exciting world of board games and got a wonderful reason to get together more often. »

    I did not immediately understand the Jackal. You go around collecting gold as pirates... Boredom. Then they played with me a second time. And my eyes were opened. It's a constructor! Like Lego, but different. Every time you participate in the creation of the game. At least assemble a squiggle island - a lot of options. And then all the cells cling to each other, and - bang, bang, your pirate jumps for half a map to rob a caravan with enemy gold! The jackal is as simple as it is varied. A little bit of randomness - and a wonderful family game is ready. And the cunning multi-moves, when one pirate grazes another, and he drools over the gold of the third one, makes you remember endgames from chess. He will even have fun - thanks to these ice skating rinks in the tropics and arrows in a circle, in a circle, and into the mouth of a crocodile.

    Ilya, salesperson in St. Petersburg

    First released in 2009.


    People's Choice: Best Strategy in 2012

    People's Choice: Best Strategy in 2013




    Psychological conclusion on the Jackal.

    Psychologist's conclusion

    Extract from the results of using the board games "Broken phone" and "Jackal" in the development of communicative qualities of children of middle and senior school age

    Interim study period: September - December 2014 ( I and II quarter of 2014-2015 academic year).

    Age group and number of students participating in the work: 7 classes (13 years old) - 20 people; 9 classes (15 years old) - 20 people; parents of students - 21 people. In total: students in grades 7-9 (13, 15 years old) - 40 people, parents 21 people.

    The work involved adolescents who are on preventive records, students with behavioral disorders, manifested in the form of negativism, very high anxiety. The guys were invited (in subgroups of 8 people) once a week for 8 weeks to play lessons. Classes with ninth graders were conducted using both games "Broken Phone" and "Jackal". In classes with seventh graders, only the game "Broken phone" was used. At the beginning and end of classes with adolescents, a diagnosis was made of the development of empathy, self-motivation, interaction skills, self-esteem level, anxiety level.

    According to the results of the work carried out with students, it is possible to state an increase in self-esteem in 90% of the participants in the classes. The level of empathy increased in 85% of students. Such an important component for productive work as self-motivation increased in 75% of students who attended classes. In the vast majority (100%), the level of anxiety decreased and interaction skills improved.

    The game "Broken phone" was used in the classroom with parents. In total, there were 5 sessions using the game. Parents noted that after periodic gaming sessions, they had positive changes in their relationships with their children (some of them also had spouses or colleagues), they began to listen more to the interlocutor. There was an understanding of the need to increase free time devoted to children, including games with them. Some of the parents noted an increase in self-esteem, self-confidence, a desire to communicate with others in a relaxed atmosphere while playing a board game.

    Many children and parents have discovered a new kind of leisure - board games.

    After the New Year holidays, the children shared that they received board games as a gift (“Tick-tock-boom”, “Activity”, “Alias”, “Guess who?”, etc.)

    Conclusion:Playing board games "Jackal", "Spoiled Phone" teenagers became more sociable, more tolerant of each other, learned to negotiate and avoid acute situations, resolve conflicts constructively. They have increased: the ability to feel the emotions of another, to put themselves in the place of another person, the ability to empathize, sympathy. Schoolchildren have learned to do without external stimuli and control for a long time, including in difficult and responsible situations. Began to better navigate in a situation of lack of time. I gained confidence in myself, in my strength. The games stimulated not only personal changes, but also changes in thought processes. The concentration of attention has increased, the speed of thinking has increased, the skills of logical and strategic thinking have developed.

    The use of the game "Broken Phone" in classes with parents stimulated parents to improve child-parent relationships, to form a sense of closeness between parents and children, the ability to empathize, understand the feelings of another, trust each other.

    Date of the study: October 2014 - March 2015

    Research methods:

    • Test for the diagnosis of independent thinking
    • Amthauer Intelligence Structure Test
    • Toulouse-Pieron test for diagnosing attention and information processing speed
    • Guilford Imagination Assessments
    • Guilford tasks for assessing divergent thinking
    • Test for the study of intellectual lability

    The study involved: students in grades 7-11 (124 people), aged 13 to 19
    Purpose of the study: The study of the influence of board games on the mental-cognitive processes of adolescents


    As part of the work of the experimental and research site, the work of the circle was organized after school hours for students of the middle and senior levels of schooling. At the circle, students were offered to play various board games, and after 6 months of the circle, the influence of board games on various mental and cognitive abilities was studied.

    Before the start of the game process, in the first lessons, a diagnosis was made to study visual intelligence, independent thinking, divergent thinking, creative imagination, intellectual lability, information processing speed and attentiveness.

    • Nefarious
    • Resistance
    • Abracadabra
    • Comparity Cinema
    • Bet.

    Analyzing the dynamics of various indicators of intellectual abilities, we note the following features.

    Visual Structural Intelligence

    Before the experiment, the majority of students 31.2% had an average level of severity. This level is characterized by the fact that the student can understand the meaning of a schematic drawing that explains the condition of the problem or the presentation of textual material, but finds it difficult to translate verbal information into visual-graphic information. After the experiment, this indicator changed. Most students 28.3% have a good level of expression. This level is characterized by the fact that the child, without difficulty, can independently use graphic material, resort to the use of drawings for a more complete assimilation and understanding of information. The change in this indicator was facilitated by the game Comparity Cinema.

    Structural Dynamic Visual Thinking

    Before the experiment, most of the students had either a good or a weak level of severity (48.8% and 43.8%, respectively). The weak level is characterized by the fact that the child does not know how to "read" the tables, does not understand the meaning of the information presented in a tabular form. If the table is contained in the text, then the child is limited to reading the phrases explaining it. Thinking as a whole can remain static, descriptive. After the experiment, the distribution of this indicator has changed significantly: less than 30% of students have a weak level of severity, and the majority of students have a good level - 55.6%. The change in this indicator was facilitated by the game Comparity Cinema.

    Combinatorial visual thinking

    Before the experiment, 15.1% of the students had a weak level of severity, and after the experiment, this indicator decreased by almost 2 times, and amounted to 8.1% of the students. It is also worth noting that the indicator of a good level of expression for this criterion increased from 47.5% to 52.4% of students.

    Abstract thinking

    As a result of the primary diagnosis, most of the students - 54.1% - have a weak level of abstract thinking, after the study, the result has improved significantly. A weak level of severity is noted in 35% of students, and the majority of students - 58.9% have an average level of severity. A weak level of expression indicates that the child operates only with specific (qualitative representations) images, objects or their properties and is not yet able to single out and operate with their relations. An increase in the overall level of expression among students from a weak to an average level of expression was facilitated by games Comparity Cinema And Bet.

    figurative synthesis

    As a result of the primary diagnosis, the majority of students - 52.4% - have a weak level of figurative synthesis, and after the study, the result has improved significantly. A weak level of severity is observed in 40.4% of students, and the majority of students - 55.6% have an average level of severity. Figurative synthesis - the ability to form holistic ideas based on sequentially incoming, unsystematized, disparate or fragmentary information. Integrity arises on the basis of figurative synthesis, and not logical structuring. It is precisely the general idea that is formed that figuratively combines all the necessary information and therefore needs further logical analysis of its comprehension. Figurative synthesis is one of the main operations of systemic thinking, which is necessary in empirical research (to comprehend diverse and disparate information), when working in new areas and at the intersection of sciences. It is also one of the main components of practical intelligence, allowing you to quickly understand the situation as a whole and choose the best direction for further action. An increase in the overall level of expression among students from a weak to an average level of expression was facilitated by games Bet And Resistance. Also, in addition to the above games, the development of this ability can be facilitated by the game Evolution .

    Spatial thinking

    As a result of the incoming diagnostics, the majority of students - 52.3% have an average level of spatial thinking, 27.7% have a good level, and 4.9% have a high level of severity. After the experiment, the distribution was as follows: average level - 46.8%, good level - 40.3%, high level - 9.7%. Spatial thinking - the ability to isolate the spatial structure of objects and operate no longer with the images of objects and their "external" properties, but with internal structural elements. The game contributed to an increase in the general indicators of the level of expression of spatial thinking. Also, the development of this indicator can be facilitated by such games as Unicube, Bricks, Cubes for All, proposed by B.N. Nikitin, as well as more complex construction games and computer games like Tetris.

    Independence of thinking

    The indicators for this criterion did not change significantly during the experiment, the distribution of the level of severity before the experiment: the greater number of students 47.6% have a weak level, 29.9% have an average level, and 23.5% have a good level of severity. Distribution according to the level of severity according to the results of the final diagnostics: for the most part of the students - 48.4% have a weak level, 31.2% have an average level, and 20.4% have a good level of severity.

    A weak level of independent thinking is characterized by the fact that the child can act only when he receives detailed instructions immediately before work on exactly how to act. If the student was told what to do, but not explained how to do it, then he will not be able to do the work. The student may not be in trouble. If the task literally repeats the algorithm of some activity that he recently performed. If any changes are made to the way of working, then the child may no longer be able to cope. If a child encounters any difficulties, then usually he does not try to figure it out on his own, but seeks help from peers or a teacher.

    divergent thinking

    According to the results of the experiment, there is no strong dynamics of changes in the percentage distribution of responses by severity levels. According to the results of the incoming diagnostics, the distribution of answers by severity levels is as follows: weak level - 50%, average level - 37.9%, good level - 7.3%, high level - 4.8% of students. According to the results of the final diagnostics, the distribution by severity levels is as follows: weak level - 57.2%, average level - 24.2%, good level - 9.7%, high level - 8.9% of students. Divergent (creative) thinking is characterized by the breadth of mental search, the ability to use distant analogies and associations, to find non-standard, original solutions, overcoming habitual patterns and established opinions. Often this property is defined as the flexibility of thinking, the ability to apply a variety of approaches and strategies in solving problems, the willingness and ability to consider the available information from different points of view.

    A weak level of expression indicates that thinking is convergent, linear (the opposite of divergent). The child cannot get out of the habitual patterns of thinking, look at the situation in a new way. “He is convinced” that every problem has only one correct solution. He is always focused on finding this correct result, he does not know how to try and vary various solutions, algorithms of activity. Play can help develop divergent thinking Abracadabra, Nefarius, Imaginarium.

    Information processing speed

    It is worth noting the significant positive changes in this quality, which were identified during the experiment. According to the results of the incoming diagnostics, 41.1% of the students had a weak level of severity. After the experiment, a weak level of severity remained in 35.5% of students, and the majority of students - 42.7% had a good level of severity. The development of the skill of speed of information processing was facilitated by games Bet And Resistance.


    According to the results of the incoming diagnostics, most of the students - 37.1% have an average level of attentiveness, 25% - a good level, 4.1% - a high level, also in a third of the students the level of attentiveness was at an extremely weak level of severity (25.7 % - weak level and 8.1% - pathology level). After the experiment, the level of attentiveness increased significantly, a weak level was observed only in 9.7% of students (the level of pathology was not detected), an average level was 33.1%, a good level was 33.8%, and a high level was observed in 23.4% of students. Games contributed to the development of mindfulness Bet, Resistance.


    Over 120 teenage students aged 13-19 years old took part in the 6 months of operation of the experimental research site Game house. It is worth noting the overall positive impact of the experimental site as on the socio-psychological well-being of students: communication with peers in an informal setting, employment of students after school hours, finding new friends in the circle of peers, relieving psychological stress, emotional relief, a surge of negative stress in a socially acceptable form, and the positive impact of board games on various mental and cognitive processes, as evidenced by the results described above.

    The Jackal app for iPad with the game against the computer, online and on the same tablet with friends nearby.

    I myself met the Jackal when I was a child. I remember that my dad and I played a game that he took from his brother. He said that this game was a hit at the university, everyone played it, everyone liked it. I remember how he later did it himself - from floor tiles. And my mother drew pictures for the game. I still have that Jackal. And we played with the whole family. It was fun and interesting.

    Then I myself entered the mekhmat - and it turned out that no one there knows this game. I brought it with me - and we played again, day and night without a break. I remember that we even occupied a table in the shared kitchen (because the lights are not turned off there at night) and played there. Well, I always kept in mind the idea to release this game.

    Somewhere towards the end of my studies at the university, I came across a desktop Civilization in the Children's World. Made a gift to myself. And we played it for a long time. Gradually, new games were recognized - the market was just emerging. I remember the first Colonizers, Carcassonne, Munchkin, Age of Dinosaurs (Evo). By this point, I didn’t play Jackal so often, but still enough not to forget.

    A few years later, in the process of working on one of the projects, I was looking for an artist, and I came across drawings by Tanya Mayfat. And somehow I immediately realized that I want to make a Jackal with such drawings. We discussed the details, it was great to work with her, because she did exactly what I wanted to see. I felt the project right away.

    concept art

    When the field was ready, I realized that beautiful chips were needed - it would be useless to walk on such beauty with buttons (and in the home version there were just buttons). Tanya drew soldiers - three-dimensional models. I started looking for where to make them, went through all the possible options. As a result, the first edition ordered in China. It was the circulation - because it was impossible to make one set. Plastic fields were made in Moscow. Boxes - at first they were cardboard, and only later we switched to beautiful wooden cases. Actually, Mosigra began with this. In our hands (at that time we were already playing the game with Dima Borisov, my best friend) there were 100 sets of the game, of which I wanted to leave one for myself, one for dad, a few pieces for friends. And what to do with the rest - it was necessary to invent.

    First edition figurines

    We tried to sell games to toy stores, as well as to the online game stores that existed at that time, but no one took the game. Which, however, is not surprising, since it was very, very expensive.

    In the end, we decided to create our own store - and we did. It sold the best games at that time and our Jackal. And everyone immediately liked him. We quickly sold the first edition, made the second one.

    A year later, we decided to make an inexpensive version of the game - this is how the blue Jackal was born. And in this form, he instantly became a bestseller. For a year in a row, this is the best-selling strategy game in Mosigra.

    Regular version figurines

    Later, an addition was released to the Jackal- a bunch of rules that for various reasons did not make it into the first version. Then - an extended version of Treasure Island. There are several more versions in the works now: baby Jackal, new expansion, 6-player game, travel version, etc.

    Sometimes people write to me that the game is too random and unbalanced. That it all depends on the field, which can be unlucky, and you will immediately lose the game. Well, what can I say: I played this game with my dad, and in my whole life I won against him, probably, twice. No matter what field I get.

    house rules

    Sent by San:

    The game takes place on a free-form field. Lay out the island in the form of real peninsulas and islands, or just fantasize. It turns out especially cool if you divide the map into two separate islands with a gap of one cell. The transition from island to island is made with the help of a ship.

    Best of all, such rules work on a “huge” field. Those. the field that occurs when two game boxes are combined. Also, pirates from one box can be repainted and played with more than 4 players, the rules practically do not interfere with this.

    Board game

    Number of players
    2 to 4

    Party time
    From 30 minutes

    Game difficulty

    A miniature version of the game Jackal, which you can take with you to nature, on the road. In this version, you will also have to explore the islands and look for treasures.

    Goal of the board game Jackal

    Collect as many coins as possible.

    Card game Jackal: game rules

    • Shuffle the island and action decks. Place them in the middle of the table so that everyone can reach them.
    • Deal 5 action cards to each game.
    • At the beginning of the game, the players have no coins.
    • The game begins with the opening of the first map of the island.
    • The movement of pirates begins with a white flag. Movement from the red and blue flags only starts if the player has the card data in hand.
    • The task of each player is to get to the treasures on the island, for this you need to use action cards to pave the way to them.
    • If there are no cards, you skip a turn.
    • At the beginning of each turn, you can exchange coins for action cards (1 coin - 2 cards, 2 coins - 3 cards, 3 coins - 4 cards, and so on).

    site - a portal of board games, in which they tried to collect the most popular board games, as well as the latest in the gaming industry. The Jackal Card Game page provides an overview of the game, photos and rules. If you are interested in Jackal Card Game, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with games in other categories with similar characteristics.

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