Methods for clearing the cache on a computer or laptop. We clear the computer cache memory in different browsers


DNS is a domain name service. This system generates correspondences between the textual name of the IP address and its numeric counterpart. When a user performs an action, the information is written to the HDD, and this gives the computer the opportunity to save both time and memory in the future - after all, less resources are required for repeated access. The load on the DNS server is also significantly reduced. However, a large amount of information can slow things down, so DNS memory should be flushed from time to time. Plus, it allows you to free up a lot of space on the hard drive.

So, the DNS flush procedure is pretty simple and is done manually as follows:

1. First you need to click "Start". Then - "Execute". In the line that appears, type: ipconfig / flushdns

In addition to manual ways to get rid of unnecessary files, there are also automated ones. One of the most user-friendly and multifunctional is the CCleaner program. It allows you not only to quickly and easily clear the temporary memory of your computer, but also makes it possible to uninstall programs without consequences, find system errors and fix them, etc.

CCleaner can be downloaded from the official website without any problems. During the installation process, the program allows you to select the language. As a rule, English is set by default, but Russian is on the list, which is very convenient.

Once the program is installed, you can start clearing the cache:

1. Start CCleaner first.

2. Then, in the "Cleaner" tab, click on the "Analysis" button located at the very bottom of the window. The program will start analyzing all files, highlighting unnecessary ones.

3. Once the process is complete, the user will see a list of files that can be deleted. Next to each file type, there will be an amount of memory that it occupies and which can be cleaned up.

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  • How to clear the cache on your computer and speed up your computer
  • How do I clear my computer's cache? Basic ways

Front setting the new operating system is recommended to completely clean the desired partition of the hard disk... If the operating system is currently installed on the disk, it must be formatted.

You will need

  • - Partition Manager;
  • - Windows installation disc.


First, copy all important files to another partition on your hard drive. Pay attention to the fact that all data stored on the computer desktop is located on the system partition. Make sure no important information is left on the local C drive.

Install the Partition Manager program. With it, you can clean up the system partition before starting Windows installation. Restart your computer and open PM. From the quick menu, select the Advanced Mode option.

Find a graphical representation of the desired local drive. Click on it with the right mouse button. Select "Format". In the new window, specify the file system into which the partition will be formatted.

Enter a volume label such as system and click the Format button. After returning to the main menu of the program, find the button "Apply pending changes" on the toolbar. Click it and confirm the start of the data deletion process.

Restart your computer after the corresponding window appears. The Partition Manager utility will perform all the necessary operations in DOS mode.

If you do not want to install programs to format the partition, then just insert the Windows installation disc into the drive and turn on the computer. Choose the option to boot from DVD drive.

Follow the step by step menu to install the system. After a list of available local drives appears, select the one on which the new copy of Windows will be installed. Click the Format button (Windows Vista and 7) or the F key (Windows XP).

After completing the cleaning procedure for the selected partition, continue with the installation of the operating system. It is worth noting that when working with Vista and Seven disks, you can format any partition, even if the OS will be installed on another local disk or hard drive.

When working in internet in cache browser, various elements of the pages enter, speeding up the loading of sites when they visit them again. In the event that the content cachebut it causes incorrect loading of pages or the user wants to delete all information about the visited pages from the computer, you should clear cache.


To remove information from cacheand browsers have the appropriate options. So if you work in the most famous and widespread browser Internet Explorer for cleaning cacheand open the menu item "Tools" and select "Internet Options" - "General". In the window that opens, find "Temporary Internet files" and click the "Delete" button. The uninstallation process may take some time. After its completion, click the "OK" button.

When working in browser Mozilla Firefox open the menu item "Tools", then "Options". In the window that opens, select the "Advanced" - "Network" tab. In the Offline Storage section, click the Clean Now button, then click OK.

In the event that you use the "Opera" browser, to clean cacheand select "Delete personal data" from the "Service" menu. A window will appear in which you can choose which data should be deleted. After that click "Delete" and close the window. You can also clear the cache like this: open: "Service" - "Settings" - "Advanced" - "History". In the window that opens, click the "Clear" button. You can set up automatic cleaning cacheand at the end of the work, to do this, check the "Clean up on exit" item.

If you are using the Google Chrome browser, open the settings by clicking on the wrench icon. Select "Tools", then "Clear browsing data." In the window that opens, mark which data should be deleted, in this case it is cache... Click the Delete Browsing Data button.

Cleaning cacheand is especially useful if you are working on someone else's computer. To prevent anyone from tracing which sites you visit, always clear cache and a log - it stores links to all the pages you viewed.


  • how to clear cache in internet explorer

Cache - a set of pictures, videos, snapshots of pages and other materials from the sites you visited. Each of your visits to a new site is accompanied by a record of such data. When you look again, the loading of Internet resources is faster, since many of the displayed materials are taken not from the Internet, but from the cache. But a large amount of stored information can slow down your work. For this reason, it is recommended to periodically clear the cache. A few simple steps will help you to do this procedure.

You will need

  • - the computer on which you want to delete the cache


If you use Internet Explorer, then to clear the cache, click on the "Service" inscription at the top of the screen and select "Internet Options" from the drop-down list. In the window that appears, select the "General" tab and find the "Browsing history" section. Delete temporary files, browsing, cookies, remembered passwords and data from web forms ».

Another way is in the "Tools" section (clicking on the orange browser icon) from the "Settings" drop-down menu, again "Settings" and the "Advanced" item. Select the "Network" tab, and in it the subsection "Offline storage" and click "Clean up now".

When using the Opera browser, click on the browser icon at the top left of the page. From the drop-down menu, select the "Settings" section, and in them - "Delete personal data". Opposite the item "Detail processing" click on and mark the option "Clear cache". Click "Delete" and "OK".

If your browser is Google Chrome, click on the settings icon ("wrench") at the top right of the page, select "Options" from the menu, and in them - the "Advanced" tab. Select the "Clear Cache" checkbox. In the drop-down box, mark the period for which you want the data. Click "Delete browsing data" and "Close".

For the Safari browser, click on the settings icon at the top right of the page ("gear"). Select the "Reset Safari" menu item and click "Reset".

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Useful advice

Browsers have the ability to configure automatic clearing of the cache when the browser is closed. It is also possible to set a temporary limit on the storage of information about the log of the web pages viewed and about the amount of the saved cache memory.


  • Clear cache and browser history in 2019

After browsing Internet sites in the Opera browser, as in other browsers, a lot of saved information remains - cache and cookies. In some cases, they only take up extra space on the computer's hard drive, but in some they can cause hacking.


Launch Opera browser. To do this, select the "Start" menu -\u003e "All Programs" -\u003e Opera. If there is a program shortcut on the desktop, you can launch the browser by double-clicking on it. You can also double-click the launch file in the program folder in Program Files to launch the application.

There are two ways to clear the cache in the Opera browser. To clear the cache in the first way in earlier versions of the program, select "Tools" -\u003e "Settings" -\u003e "Advanced" -\u003e "History" and opposite the item "Disk cache" click the "Clear" button.

In newer versions of the program, select "Settings" -\u003e "General settings" -\u003e "Advanced" -\u003e "History" and opposite the item "Disk cache" click the "Clear" button. Also here you can specify whether you want to clear the cache after finishing work with the program by checking the box next to the corresponding item. If you open the "Storage" section in the "Advanced" tab, you can delete the cache of specific sites.

To clear the cache in the second way in earlier versions of the program, select "Tools" -\u003e "Delete personal data" -\u003e "Detailed settings", then check the box next to "Clear cache".

In newer versions of the program, select "Settings" -\u003e "Delete personal data". Then click on the link "Detailed settings". Check the box next to "Clear cache" and click the "Delete" button.

Each of you has probably heard that Microsoft operating systems are gradually becoming cluttered and require clearing the cache. This happens for various reasons: for example, the accumulation of temporary files, browser operation, or traces of program installation.

In this article, we will talk about how to clear the cache on a computer or laptop running Windows XP, 7, 8 or 10. You will learn about the types of temporary files, their location and, of course, the cleaning options that we will do manually , using the means of the OS itself or through additional software.

Computer, browser and network caches are of different types. The main ones include:

  • DNS cache. Here the requests of the OS itself and the servers that access it are saved. This type of temporary files is used in order not to waste time on generating a repeated request. The cache is cleared completely only when the DNS is completely updated;
  • Thumbnail cache. The name of this cache is translated as "thumbnail". The British meant caching previews of pictures, icons, etc. As a result, thumbnails of any files are loaded almost instantly. Naturally, such data needs to be cleared sometimes;
  • rAM cache. RAM also stores files to speed up the operation of its components. Sometimes they are not removed and remain hanging, taking up useful RAM;
  • browser cache. If the browser's Web page and all of its elements were loaded anew each time, it would be very time-consuming. In order to speed up the process, the developers have introduced caching of video, animation, images and other elements. As a result, the cache can grow over time and needs to be cleaned.

Before we get down to business, remember: strictly follow our step-by-step instructions. By disrupting its course and removing what came to hand, you can significantly harm the OS up to its complete failure!

We clean up the system

So, let's look at the process of clearing the cache on a computer or laptop with any operating system from Microsoft.

RAM cleaning

Since the reliability and speed of the entire system depends on the correct and stable operation of the RAM, let's start with cleaning it. Moreover, this is done very simply.

  1. First, let's use the services of the universal utility "Run". You can launch it using the Win + R hotkey combination. When the button click field appears in a small window, enter the command below and click OK.

For 32-bit systems:

% windir% \\ system32 \\ rundll32.exe

For 64-bit systems:

% windir% \\ SysWOW64 \\ rundll32.exe advapi32.dll, ProcessIdleTasks

Attention: in order to find out the bitness of your OS, use the hotkey combination Win + PauseBreak.

  1. After the RAM memory is cleaned up, let's add what we started with the task manager. Start it by right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting the desired item from the context menu.

  1. Go to the "Processes" tab (active by default), sort the list by the amount of RAM consumed, select the process you want to stop, thus clearing the memory, and click "End task".

Be careful: before forcibly terminating the program, be sure to save all its data, otherwise they may be lost.

System tools

The instructions that you are reading are given on the example of Windows 10, however, everything can be done in a similar way in other operating systems. "Ten" and earlier versions of operating systems from Microsoft have their own tools that allow you to clear temporary files (cache). It works like this:

  1. We launch our explorer by clicking on the icon on the taskbar.
  1. You can also open "This computer" and through the search.

  1. Right-click on the disk with the installed system and select the "Properties" item from the context menu.

  1. Select the "General" tab and click on the button labeled "Cleanup".

  1. The evaluation of your system partition will begin and depending on how large and cluttered it is, this may take a different amount of time.

  1. Next, set the checkboxes opposite all the items (marked with the number "2") and press the button "Clear system files".

Attention: this algorithm requires the mandatory presence of administrative rights in the user account.

  1. Now again check the boxes opposite the items that we want to clear and click "OK".

  1. A confirmation will appear in which we need to click on the button surrounded by a red frame.

Cleaning starts, the duration of which may vary. It all depends on the amount of "garbage" in the system cache, the speed of a particular PC, etc.

This method is good for its security for the operating system, but it does not completely clear the computer cache. If you want to "dig deeper" read our article further.

Removing garbage from browsers

The browser is one of the most "garbage" places of our computer or laptop. The cache available here is constantly clogged with temporary files. Many of you may have noticed how the browser starts to work slower and slower.

The fix is \u200b\u200bpretty simple. Below we have outlined the sequence of actions for each of the browsers separately. But before you start, remember:

Cleaning is started in any browser by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + Del buttons.


As we already said, you can start clearing the cache in Opera by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Del at the same time. We do this and see a new window in which we should indicate the cleaning interval and what exactly we want to delete.

There are such options:

  • history of visits;
  • download history;
  • cookies and other site data;
  • image cache;
  • passwords;
  • autocomplete data;
  • news data.

Important: before deleting autofill data, please note: passwords will have to be re-entered in the browser.

Google chrome

In the Google Browser, the cleanup looks the same as in Opera. You specify the period for cleaning and select the types of files to delete. At the end, press the "DELETE DATA" button.

Yandex browser

The situation is similar in the popular Yandex Browser. Press Ctrl + Shift + Del, select the period, decide what to erase and confirm all this by clicking on the button marked with the number "2".

Mozilla Firefox

In Mozilla, the window for deleting the cache from the PC looks a little different. However, the principle of its operation does not change much from this. The process is divided into 3 stages, each of which is marked with a number in the screenshot below.

Microsoft EDGE

They didn't come up with anything in the standard Windows 10 browser - the same combination works here as in Opera, Chrome or Yandex Browser.

Internet Explorer

In conclusion, we show the menu for clearing the cache in the Internet Explorer. The same combination of hot buttons is applicable here.

We clean the Temp folder manually

For even more "cleanliness" of our "Windows", you can visit the temporary files storage folder and check if there is anything unnecessary there.

Important: You will need administrator privileges to use the option below.

  1. We open our explorer by clicking on the icon on the taskbar.
  1. We pass along the path:
C: \\ Windows \\ Temp

  1. If a request for superuser privileges appears, we provide them.

  1. Select all files that are in "Temp" and delete them.

Before starting to clean up temporary files, close all programs and save their data.

  1. Confirm your intention to delete system files.

As a result, we only have a few text documents that cannot be deleted.

Clearing DNS cache via command line

  1. Run the command line as administrator. To do this, open the Windows search, enter the word "CMD" into it, click on the result indicated by the number "2" and select the launch item as administrator.

  1. When the black window opens, enter the command below and press Enter.
ipconfig / flushdns

After that, the DNS cache will be cleared in a split second.

Using additional software

Speaking about clearing the cache on a computer or laptop, one cannot fail to mention the programs that exist specifically for this. There are a lot of them and there is no way to list them all. We will also not create TOPs with a bunch of software and a couple of lines of description for each, it is better to take the leader of computer cleaning and tell you about downloading, installing and working correctly.

Our "highlight" is called CCleaner. This is really the best tool that the developers did not burden with unnecessary functions. So, let's start installing:

  1. Initially, download CCleaner by visiting its official website and selecting the "Download Free Version" button there.

  1. On the next page, click on the marked button again.

  1. Select one of the "mirrors" to download CCleaner.

  1. When the installer we need is on the PC, launch it.

  1. In the first step, simply click the button marked in the picture below.

  1. We are waiting for the installation to complete, which, by the way, takes only a couple of seconds.

  1. It remains only to run the program and proceed to clear the cache on the computer.

Installation is complete, let's go to work with CCleaner:

  1. We activate the "Cleaning" tab, set the checkboxes on those items that we want to scan, and press the "Analysis" button.

  1. The scan itself only takes a couple of minutes.

  1. If at the time of the scan one of the programs whose cache needs to be removed is running, CCleaner will offer to terminate its work and continue the analysis.

  1. Was found 20 GB of "garbage", most of it is occupied by the basket, but even without it there is a lot of unnecessary. So, we start cleaning by pressing the corresponding button.

  1. The cleaning itself is even faster than the analysis. We are waiting for the completion of the process.

Done. Your computer is completely free of unnecessary files.


Now you know how to clear the cache on a computer or laptop so that it no longer slows down. And not only the system disk, but also DNS, RAM and browser data. We showed you several ways to clean up your PC at once. We recommend using all methods in a row, and if questions arise in the process of work, ask them in the comments.

Video instruction

How to clean browser cache from all kinds of unnecessary files? This is usually the main reason why the browser loses its performance and performance.

If you clear your browser cache from time to time, you can free up some space on your hard drive in this way, and it also gives the correct display of web pages. It happens, for example, that the site has changed its design, and the old version of the site is issued to us from the cache, which has become irrelevant, not correct, and at the same time updating the web page does not help.
Therefore, the question: "Where is the browser cache and how to clean it?" set by many users of PCs (personal computers) and laptops.

First, let's find out what cache is and what role it plays for the browser.

Why do you sometimes need to clear your browser cache?

Cache or cache (in English - cache, from French cacher - "hide") - a folder with copies of certain data from those Internet pages that you visited.

In other words, the cache is temporary files that the browser saves on the hard drive of the computer for later use in order to speed up its work. In simple terms, these are ordinary files from the Internet. The browser saves them on your hard drive in a special folder so as not to waste time downloading them next time.

For example, when you visit a website, the browser saves some of the elements of this website to your computer. These can be various pictures, style sheets (files used to design a site), video, audio, etc.

When you visit this site for the second time, the browser will no longer download all of the above elements from the Internet, but will immediately show them to you from its cache. This kind of preliminary saving of files to the computer (cache formation) can significantly reduce the loading time of the previously visited page, as well as save Internet traffic.

Considering the above, a completely logical question may arise: if the use of the cache gives such a positive effect, then why is it necessary to clear the browser cache, why is it done? The answer is simple - the cache is cleared in order to unload the computer's memory.

Over time, there are more and more files in the cache, the computer memory is gradually overloaded and this significantly affects the performance and speed of the operating system. Therefore, the cache needs to be cleared sometimes.

Consequences of clearing the browser cache

It is best when the user, after finishing work, exits using the “Exit” button from his mail, from pages in social networks, from online banks and from other sites where there is registration. I wrote in detail about this

Alas, few users use the “Exit” button for each site. Many of them simply click on the red X in the upper right corner of the browser or simply turn off the computer. Therefore, you need to be aware of the dire consequences that can occur after clearing the cache.

Attention! As a result of clearing the browser cache, all logins and passwords for accessing various sites will be automatically deleted. Let me explain what this means. For example, some users open their browser in which they have different tabs open:

  • mailbox with new and old emails,
  • pages on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and Facebook,
  • messenger Whatsapp and
  • etc.

After clearing the browser cache, you will need to re-enter

  • to your mailbox,
  • to your pages on social networks,
  • to your messenger and
  • to other sites.

Let's take a quick look at what it means re-enter to your Yandex mailbox? Not required again. But you have to:

  • open the Yandex website,
  • click on the "Enter mail" button in the upper right corner,
  • enter your username and password.

Unfortunately, many users do not know, do not write down, do not save their logins and passwords, do not know how to recover passwords using the “Forgot your password?” Button.

After clearing the browser cache, all familiar sites will be inaccessible. You will have to open each site "on a new one", enter your login and password for each site!

Passwords and logins can be found in your browser (of course, if you saved them there). First, find them, write them down or save them in some other way, and then clear the browser cache.

After you are sure that you can easily access those sites that you use (you have logins and passwords to enter), you should proceed to the procedure for clearing the browser cache.

All major browsers use individual directories for storing memory caches. The location of these directories is different for each browser. Accordingly, the method for clearing the cache is different for each browser.

Let's look at how clearing the cache is performed in all popular browsers, namely, in the following browsers: Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer.

1 Clear the cache of the Google Chrome browser

Google built its browser based on the Chromium project. There are other browsers based on this engine, for example, Yandex Browser. Therefore, you can clean Yandex Browser in exactly the same way as the Google Chrome browser.

Here is a screenshot and description for the Google Chrome browser version 72.0 (clearing the cache in other versions of Chrome is similar, but there may be differences).

Press the hotkey combination Ctrl + Shift + Delete, after which a new window "Clear history" will appear in the browser (Fig. 1) with two tabs:

  • Basic settings (1 in fig. 1)
  • Additional (5 in Fig. 1).

Figure: 1. Clearing the cache of the Google Chrome browser

In this window you can select the period (number 3 in Fig. 1) for which you want to clear the cache. You should also set the exact parameters for clearing the history by checking the boxes next to those parameters that you need (number 2 in Fig. 1).

You can simply use the parameters that are set in both tabs: “Basic settings” and “Advanced” (1 and 5 in Fig. 1). Having decided on the degree of cleaning, you will need to click on the "Delete data" button (number 4 in Fig. 1), after which the cache will be cleared.

A short instruction for those who DO NOT use hotkeys. Then to clear the cache:

  • In the upper right corner of the Google Chrome browser, you need to click on the menu button (in the form of three vertical dots), select "Settings".
  • In the "Settings" window at the bottom, click on the "Additional" link.
  • Next, we look for the section "Clear history", open it and get into the window shown in Fig. one.

2 Cache in Yandex Browser

The fastest way to clear the cache in Yandex Browser is to press hotkeys Ctrl + Shift + Delete... As a result, the "Clear history" window will appear (Fig. 2):

Figure: 2. Clearing the cache in Yandex Browser

Screenshot in fig. 2 is for Yandex Browser version

To clean up Yandex Browser, we perform three steps:

1 in fig. 2 - you can choose for what period you want to clear the cache;
2 - put the necessary checkboxes, or leave the default ones;
3 in Fig. 2 - click the "Clear" button.

You can do without hotkeys. But then you need to open the Yandex Browser Settings menu, which is located in the upper right corner. The icon for this menu has the form of three horizontal bars. By clicking on this icon, then open “Settings” and at the very end we find the link “Clear history”. By clicking on it, we will see the "Clear history" window (Fig. 2).

3 Clear the cache of the Mozilla Firefox browser

Here is a screenshot and a description for Firefox browser version 65.0 (clearing the cache in other versions of Mozilla is similar, but there may be differences).

To clear the Firefox browser cache, you need to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Delete... These hotkeys are specifically designed to quickly clear the cache.

When you press this key combination, a small window will appear in front of you - “Delete all history”.

Figure: 3. Clearing the cache of the Mozilla browser

Using the drop-down list (number 1 in Fig. 3), you can select the period for which you want to clear the history (cache). We check the presence of a check mark opposite "Cash" (number 2 in Fig. 3).

You can clear the cache without using the Ctrl + Shift + Delete hotkeys. For those who do not recognize, I will give a short instruction:

  • In the upper right corner of the Mozilla browser, click on the menu button, select "Settings".
  • In the left column in the "Settings" window, click on the "Privacy and Security" panel.
  • Find the "History" tab.
  • Click on the "Delete history" button. The “Delete recent history” window will appear (Fig. 3), where we click on the “Delete now” button.

4 Clear the cache of the Opera browser

Here are screenshots and a description for the Opera browser version 58.0 (clearing the cache in other versions of Opera is similar, but there may be slight differences).

1) To clear the cache memory in the Opera browser, the browser must be open.
2) Next, you need to find the "Clear browsing history" window. This can be done if you immediately click on the "History" option (number 2 in Fig. 4).

Other search options for the Clear Browsing History window are to go to your browser's Settings. This can be done in one of two ways:

  • in the Opera browser, press the key combination Ctrl + F12,
  • or click in the upper left corner of the browser on the Opera button (number 1 in Fig. 4). In the window that opens, click on the "Settings" option (number 4 in Fig. 4).

Figure: 4. We are looking for where you can clear the cache in the Opera browser

You will see the "Settings" window of the browser. There (on the left side), click “Advanced” (1 in Fig. 5). And then go to the "Security" tab (2 in Fig. 5) and click on the button "Clear browsing history" (3 in Fig. 5).

Figure: 5 (click on the picture to enlarge). Where in the Opera Settings you can clear your browsing history

3) In the "Clear browsing history" window (Fig. 6), select the period for which you want to clear the cache (number 1 in Fig. 6):

Figure: 6. Clearing the Opera browser cache

We put the necessary checkboxes (number 2 in Fig. 6), noting what exactly we will clean.
Then you need to press the "Delete data" button (number 3 in Fig. 6). The Opera cache will then be cleared.

You can also clear Downloads browser, if you click on the "Downloads" option (number 3 in Fig. 4). If there were a lot of downloads and downloads from the Internet, then an overflowing Downloads folder may have a bad effect on the browser.

5 Cache in Microsoft Edge

Windows 10 has a new browser Microsoft Edge (instead of Internet Explorer, which was in previous versions of Windows 8, 7, XP).

To clear the cache in Edge you should

  • press three keys simultaneously Ctrl + Shift + Delete. The "Clear Browser Data" window appears.
  • We put the necessary checkboxes (or leave those that are there by default) and
  • click on the "Clear" button (1 in Fig. 7):

Figure: 7. Clearing the cache in the Microsoft Edge browser

Screenshot in fig. 7 is for Edge version 42.17134.1.0.

An instruction for those users who don't like to use hotkeys. In this case

  • click on the menu button (2 in Fig. 7).
  • In the drop-down menu, at the very end, click "Options".
  • Among the options we find “Clear browser data” and click on the button “Select what you want to clear”. We will see the window shown in Fig. 7.

6 Clear the cache of the Internet Explorer browser

Here is a screenshot and description for Internet Explorer version 11.0.9600.17959.

Figure: 8. We are looking for where you can clear the cache in Internet Explorer

To clear the browser cache from Microsoft - Internet Explorer, which was used in Windows 8, 7, XP, one of two options will do:

  1. You can use the standard keyboard shortcut combination Ctrl + Shift + Del to clear the browser.
  2. Or, in the Internet Explorer browser, select the "Service" tab and go to the "Delete browser history" item (Fig. 8).

The "Delete browsing history" window will open (Fig. 9):

Figure: 9. Clearing Internet Explorer Cache

We check the presence of a check mark in front of "Temporary Internet files and websites" (number 1 in Fig. 9). Click on the "Delete" button (number 2 in Fig. 9).

Everything, after that the cache of the Internet Explorer browser will be cleared.

When you clean your browser, you may notice some performance gain. In addition, it may be pleasantly surprising to see a little free space on the hard disk.

From time to time, the user is faced with the need to clear the browser cache. In this article, we will consider the question of how to clear the browser cache from the settings of the browser itself, or using a special program to optimize the computer.

What is cache? These are temporary files and other data that are stored in the browser. The cache stores information about the history of visits to certain web pages on the Internet.

What is the cache for? The cache is needed to speed up the loading of website pages. If this page has already been saved in the browser cache, then when you open it again, the web page will be loaded not from the Internet, but from the browser cache, that is, from the computer. Therefore, this site will open very quickly.

But, with the undoubted convenience of using this storage - the browser cache, it also has a significant drawback. The essence of this drawback is that the browser cache is constantly increasing in its volume, especially with active use of the Internet. A large amount of stored data in the cache begins to affect the performance of the browser.

Therefore, the user constantly needs to clear the browser cache, or browsers, if your computer has multiple browsers installed.

This article will cover clearing the cache in the most popular browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer.

How to clear Google Chrome browser cache

To enter the settings of the Chrome browser, click in the upper right corner of the browser window on the button "Configure and manage Google Chrome". Next, in the context menu, select the "History" item, or simultaneously press the "Ctrl" + "H" keyboard buttons.

In the opened "History" tab of the browser, click on the "Clear history ..." button.

This will open the "Clear history" window. In this window, you can choose for what period of time the cache of the Chrome browser should be cleared. The browser cache can be cleared:

  • for all the time
  • for the last 4 weeks
  • last week
  • for yesterday
  • over the past hour

You can also select additional items to clear the cache, in addition to those already selected in the default browser. Just keep in mind that deleting additional elements will lead to the fact that you will have to re-enter data from your accounts if you store your logins and passwords in the Google Chrome browser.

After completing the selection of settings, click on the "Clear history" button.

After cleaning is complete, the cache will be deleted from the Google Chrome browser.

How to clear the Yandex Browser cache

To clear the cache in Yandex Browser, go to the browser settings. To do this, click on the "Yandex browser settings" button.

In the context menu that opens, select the "History" item, and then the "History Manager" item. You can also enter the "History" tab using the keyboard keys, while pressing the "Ctrl" + "H" keys.

Then, in the "History" tab, click on the "Clear history ..." button.

In the "Clear history" window, you can select the required time period, during which you should clear the browser cache. You can choose the following time parameters:

  • over the past hour
  • for yesterday
  • last week
  • for the last 4 weeks
  • for all the time

In this window, you can additionally check the following items: "browsing history" and "download history". The rest of the items, without special need, it would be better not to touch.

After completing the cleaning process, the cache will be deleted from Yandex Browser.

How to clear the cache of the Mozilla Firefox browser

In Mozilla Firefox, the cache from the browser can be deleted in two ways. In one case, the entire browser cache will be deleted in Mazila at once, in another case, the user will be able to independently select the settings for deleting the cache.

First way to remove cache in Firefox

In this case, the entire browser cache will be deleted in Mazila Firefox.

In the browser window, click on the "Open Menu" button, and then click on the "Settings" button. In the "Settings" window, open the "Advanced" tab. Next, open the "Network" tab.

Then, under the "Cached Web Content" section, first click on the "Clear Now" button and then on the "OK" button.

After cleaning is complete, all cache in the Mozilla Firefox browser will be deleted.

Second way to clear cache in Firefox

In this case, you can independently select the parameters for clearing the cache in the Mozilla Firefox browser.

To do this, first click on the "Open Menu" button in the browser window, and then on the "History" button. In the right part of the browser window, a column with a list of the contents of the log will open.

Click in the log on the item "Delete history ...".

After that, the "Delete all history" window will open. Here you can select options to delete browser cache within a specific time period:

  • in the last hour
  • in the last two hours
  • in the last four hours
  • for today

You can also choose advanced options to remove other data from the browser. If you use the automatic input of your usernames and passwords using a browser, then carefully consider the selection of the "Cookies" item. If you delete cookies from your browser, you will have to re-enter your credentials on the sites.

The Mozilla Firefox browser will clear the cache.

How to clear the Opera browser cache

In the Opera browser, you will need to click on the "Opera" button, and then select the "History" context menu item. You can also enter the "History" tab using the keyboard keys "Ctrl" + "H".

In the "Clear browsing history" window that opens, you can select the period for which you will need to clear the browser cache:

  • in the last hour
  • for the last day
  • last week
  • for the last 4 weeks
  • from the very beginning

Please note that the "Delete cookies and other site data" option is enabled by default. This means that after clearing the browser, you will have to re-enter the data from your account (login and password) on the sites.

After completing the settings, click on the "Clear browsing history" button.

As a result, the cache from the Opera browser will be deleted.

How to clear the cache in Microsoft Edge

In Microsoft Edge, go to Settings, find Clear Browsing Data, and then click on the Select what you want to clear button.

After that, the cache in the Microsoft Edge browser will be deleted.

How to clear Internet Explorer cache

In the Internet Explorer browser, click on the "Service" button, in the context menu, select the "Browser options" item. In the "General" tab, in the "Browser history" section, click on the "Delete ..." button.

In the "Delete browsing history" window, you can additionally activate some items to delete the data of the Internet Explorer browser. Take a look at cookies and passwords here as well.

After that, on your computer, Internet Explorer will clear the cache, and temporary Internet files will be deleted from the computer. Then, in the "Browser Properties" window, click on the "OK" button to exit the browser settings.

Deleting cache with CCleaner

You can remove kzsh in the browser using specialized programs for cleaning and optimizing your computer. In the functions of programs for cleaning the system, there are items that relate to clearing the browser cache.

For example, in the popular CCleaner program, these items are already activated by default. In Internet Explorer, this item is called "Temporary Browser Files", and in other browsers - "Internet Cache".

After completing the analysis, click on the "Cleanup" button. You can read more about using CCleaner on your computer on the page.

Conclusions of the article

If necessary, you can delete the cache in the browser installed on your computer. This can be done using the settings of the browser itself, or delete the cache using third-party programs to clean and optimize the system.

Hello friends, today I decided to write this post, as this topic will be interesting to many. In my previous article, I talked about how you can connect to your site using the program.

In this new post, I will tell you how to clear the cache on your computer and make it work 200%. Tell me, how often do you notice that your browser (Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Chrom) starts to freeze? I think that all of you have encountered this problem. So, it can be like viruses, as well as overflowing the cache memory, so in this article, you will learn how you can simply clear it.

Well, friends, since you decided to continue reading this post, then you really have a problem with the cache memory, but I am sure that soon this will not be a problem for you either. Of course, if you see that your computer has started to become severely buggy, then it is quite possible that you need to contact a specialist.

But, if you are sure that your computer's memory is heavily clogged, then you will need to clean it. First of all, it must be said that cache memory is ordinary computer memory that stores temporary files. For example, here you are today, you probably visited a number of sites. So, now, when you click on the "journal" in the browser, then your last sites that you visited will open to you.
So much for the temporary files, which also require memory.

There are several types of such memory on any computer, namely:
1. Regular cache.
2. Memory called thumbnails.
3. DNS.

So, in order to remove all these types of memory that you do not need and which greatly pollute your computer, you need to use different methods. Honestly, they are all very simple, even if you are not very friendly with a computer, you can still master them, I am 100% sure of this.

First, let's remove DNS memory, which is a heavy load on the computer. You need it clean, and so, if you did not even know about it, then most likely it is clogged with you, as, in fact, it is with me.

How to flush DNS on your computer

Kapets, I thought that this is such a terrible name, this is probably the whole book you need to read in order to clear this memory. But, everything turned out to be simpler than simple, I cleared it in 20 seconds and now I'll tell you how to do it. We go to the command line and enter the following command "Ipconfig / flushdns"... If you do not know how to enter the command line, then just go to the search and enter the phrase "command line". If you are correct with the letters, then you will get the following image on your screen.

Well, you must admit that it is very simple, even a schoolboy can handle it. The main thing here is to be careful and not be mistaken with the letters. So now the next memory is called thumbnails. We also need to remove it, because it also interferes with the normal operation of your computer or laptop.

So, to clear this memory, we will need to get into the "Utilities" and there select the disk that we want to clear. We select the C drive and put everything on cleaning, as shown in the picture below.

Now, you've deleted the extra junk that your cache was holding, so I'm sure your computer will already start running, a little faster, but it will take a little more of your time to clean it up altogether.

So, in order to completely clear the cache memory, you will need to create a regular shortcut on your computer. Everything is done like this:
- right-click on your desktop and select "create shortcut";
- then we select the path to our file “% WINDIR% \\ system32 \\ rundll32.exe”, just look that instead of WINDIR% you enter the path to your Windows. Here, look at the screenshot, how I did it:

After that, you can click "next" and name this shortcut as you wish. I will call it "clearing the cache" so as not to be confused with anything, I also recommend you. As you can see, everything is simple and clear, now I will tell you about a program that allows you to clean your computer from various garbage, including it cleans the cache well.

Removing cache with Cleaner

Friends, a very cool program for which I will definitely write a detailed review is Cleaner. It will help you delete all unnecessary files, and also clean up your computer memory.

First, download it, it's very simple to do it, for this go to the search engine and enter download Cleaner... It takes up very little disk space, so you won't even notice its presence on your computer.

And so, to clean up, we need:
1. Start the program.

2. At the bottom of the program, click on the "Analysis" button

3. After that, the program will analyze all the unnecessary on your computer, you will need to click on the "clear" button

4. Everything, the program will do everything for you. By the way, I recommend everyone to clean their computer. I run this program every day to clean up everything that is on my computer.

How often can you clean your computer memory ?!

I can honestly tell you that I clean computer memory almost every day. Moreover, I do this, as a rule, in the morning, since I sit on the Internet until 3-4 hours and very often there is a lot of rubbish from social networks (I communicate a lot), bookmakers (I like to play for money) and so on.

Therefore, I recommend that you also cleanse your memory, at least 1-2 times a week, although you can do, like me, a little more often. If you have any more questions about this program, then ask me them, I will be glad to answer everything.

Why you need to clean your computer:
- you will be able to perform many more functions on it than before;
- the speed of work on your computer will increase several times;
- you will know that there is no junk on your computer.

Well, my readers, this is where I will end this review, I hope you liked it. If you have any questions, then feel free to ask them in the comments, I will be very pleased. All your criticism, considerations, all this can also be poured out in the comments, so I expect your activity. By the way, friends, I am discovering a new type of earnings for myself, namely, if you have knowledge about this industry, then write to me, thank you in advance.

By the way, if it's not difficult for you, you can still watch my short video on this particular topic:

In order not to miss anything on my blog, I recommend you subscribe to my blog updates ... On this topic, how to clear the cache on a computer, I will finish, it seems like a detailed and interesting article has turned out.

On this, let me take my leave, so have a good day, everyone, and I get down to other business. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Yours faithfully, Yuri Vatsenko!

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