How many discussions can you create in a VKontakte group. Rules for creating interesting and discussed VKontakte topics

It should be noted that with the help of discussions, you can significantly increase the activity in the Vkontakte group.

So, how to create a discussion in the Vkontakte group? And how to edit it (change, delete, transfer, etc.)?

How to create a discussion in a VKontakte group

1. Go to "Community Management". Under the Info tab, we will see Discussions:

Choose the type of discussion:

Public - anyone in the group can create discussions. Limited - The ability to create discussions is only available for group leaders.

2. A new "Discussions" section will appear on the group page. In order to add a new topic, click "Add discussion":

3. You will see a form that you must fill out:

We indicate the title of the topic, write the text, add materials: photos, videos, audio, etc. If you want to create a poll, in the "Attach" select "Poll". Click on the "Create Topic" button:

If you do not want to post a topic on your own behalf, check the box "on behalf of the community".

The discussion (topic) can be edited. To do this, click on the "edit" link:

You can change the name of a topic, attach a poll, pin a discussion, close it, or delete a discussion altogether. You can add new materials or delete those that were added earlier.

Discussions can be on the right side, or they can be at the top above the block with entries (immediately after the group description).

To change the location of the discussion block, click on the "edit" link. The following form will appear:

If you want the discussions to be after the group description, check the box "Discussion block above the group news".

And the "Discussions" block will be located after the description of your group.

The discussions are very helpful. In addition to the fact that they help in promoting the VKontakte group, they also often serve to create menus through wiki markup, which is very convenient for subscribers.

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So, today we have to figure out how to create a discussion in the VKontakte group. This is a very important question that, as a rule, only arises for novice moderators. More advanced users are usually aware of this process. Do not be afraid that it will take a lot of your time or effort. On the contrary, everything is extremely simple here.

What it is?

But before adding a discussion in the "VKontakte" group, it is important to understand what this is all about. What is this virtual object that is so interesting to many?

Everything is very simple here. A discussion is a specially designated page for a conversation on a particular topic. Here users can express their opinions, give advice, recommendations and wishes, share experiences and so on. In general, give information regarding the title of the discussion.

In addition, this object is often used as a post where you can ask questions. This happens especially often in public pages dedicated to work or games. Now it's worth talking to you about how to create a discussion in the VKontakte group. This is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.


The first thing to start with is setting up your public accordingly. Without it, you will not be able to bring your idea to life. But what are we talking about?

The thing is that "Discussions" are initially disabled for creation. That is, if you just made a group, then you will have to enable this function. How to do it? Just go to "My Groups" and then click on "Community Management". This line is in the upper right corner of the page that opens. After clicking, a window with several actions will appear in front of you.

You will have to take a close look at the Information section. Now, if you are interested in how to create a discussion in the "VKontakte" group, you will have to find the corresponding line in this place. Set the option "Open", and then save the settings. In principle, little is left to do.

Get to the point

When you are sure that everything is in order with the group settings, you will have to proceed with immediate actions. Sometimes they use programs for "VKontakte". Only doing this is highly discouraged. Why - we'll figure it out a little later. In the meantime, let's try to answer how to create a discussion in the "VKontakte" group.

Go to the home page of your public. There, at the top of the screen, the "add discussion" line will appear. Click on it and see the result. You will be "transferred" to a new page. There it is necessary to write the title of the discussion (its title), as well as the first comment. With all this, the post will be written on your behalf. If you want to write on behalf of the community, then tick this box. The corresponding window is located at the very end of the working panel, under the comment line.

All that remains is to save all the changes. Evaluate the result. Now you can create new discussions in this way. Their number, as a rule, is not limited. But there is another very important point - the removal of outdated or unpopular discussions, as well as the issue of using programs for "VKontakte". And now we will dwell on these topics.

About managing discussions

Sometimes there is a need for quick deletion by discussions. And then the question arises of how to do this. If you want to "cover" all created topics at once, then it is better to implement the idea through all the same community settings. You just need to set the "Close" parameter in the "Discussions" section and save. Now you know how to delete a discussion in the VKontakte group in a radical way. But loyal and reliable.

However, quite often you only need to delete one topic. Or several. To do this, go to the section of all published discussions, and then find the "delete" button there. Click on the one next to your post. And all the problems are solved.

Only many users very often look for different programs for "VKontakte". As already mentioned, it is better not to resort to their help. After all, they often hide the most common virus that hacks user accounts. And then it will be very difficult to regain the community and profile. Thus, it is better to practice several times on standard methods of solving the problem and hone your skills, rather than then suffer and suffer from the issue of regaining access to your own profile.

The place for communication and interaction of people on VKontakte is a group or community. This is a separate page with a list of participants, and all kinds of materials that they publish.

Now I will show you how to create a VKontakte group... We will analyze the main stages, as well as learn how to add materials, create albums for photos, polls, etc.

We go to the "Groups" section.

Here we press the button "Create a community"... A window will open in which you need to write the name of the group. Also put the switch next to the "Group" item.

Then press the button "Create a community"... We will be moved to the general settings menu. Here we need to fill in the following fields:

Fill in all these fields in accordance with your task. When done, click the Save button. You will be taken to your new group.

How to upload an avatar for a group

Let's add a unique picture to make your community more attractive.

To do this, in the block where the avatar will be, click on the link "To upload a photo".

Using the form, select the desired file on your hard drive. Save your changes.

How to create a group discussion

Let's give our subscribers the opportunity to discuss any issue. To do this, you need to add a discussion. On the main page of the group, click "Add discussion".

Fill in the title and description. We also put a tick in front of the item "On behalf of the community"... Click "Create Topic".

The discussion will be created and available to your subscribers.

How to create an album in a group

To create an album, click on the button "Add photos".

Here we press the button "Create album"... A form will open - in it you need to specify the title and description of the album. If necessary, give permission to upload photos only to administrators and moderators. You can also turn off commenting on the album.

When everything is filled in, press the button "Create album".

How to create a poll in a group

To do this, let's go back to our community wall. In the form for creating a new message, click on the "More" icon. Select "Poll" from the drop-down menu.

Indicate the subject of the survey, and the options to choose from. Make the survey anonymous if necessary. Then click the "Send" button.

Video lesson: how to create a VKontakte group


Now you know how to create a VKontakte group or community. We also learned how to style it, make basic settings, and add some elements.

VK communities are equipped with a large number of tools that make life easier for both administrators and ordinary members. One of these tools is discussion, which will be discussed below. Today I will tell you about how to create discussions in the VKontakte group, what actions can be performed with them and what tasks to solve.

What is the purpose of creating discussions?

Today, discussions are used by all both commercial projects and ordinary groups created for entertainment and communication. Their goals and objectives depend on the nature and focus of the community itself.

The main goals are:

The presence of open public discussions shows the potential audience that you are confident in the quality of your product and that you are an open community for communication.

How to create?

First, you need to connect the appropriate block in the community settings:

Open - Allows all participants to create new topics. Limited - allow only the public's management to create new themes. Not to be confused with open / closed themes, which you can configure separately for availability.

Done! A discussion block should now appear on the group's main page. By default, it is displayed in the right column of the VK site. If desired, in the settings, you can pin the "Discussions" block in the middle of the page, above the news.

To do this, all in the same menu, in the line "Main block" select "Discussions". This is done in cases where discussions play a really important role and they need to be made as visible as possible (both for phones and for PC versions of the site).

How to create a discussion in a VKontakte group

Instructions on how to create a discussion on a VKontakte group

Done! Now the "Discussions" block has been modified and it displays our first topic.

To create another theme:

Discussion management

We figured out how to create discussions and new topics. Now let's look at how to manage them.

What actions can be taken:

You can also remove it by clicking on the "Remove Topic" button.

You can also pin the poll to the homepage so that group members can vote without going into discussions.

How do discussions increase group activity?

Increasing group activity is important for any type of community: both for commercial projects and for entertainment. Everyone wants to have an active and engaged audience, and discussions are one of the main tools that can do this.

How to increase the activity of participants through discussions:

  • Create new topics to communicate with your audience. Try to find topics of conversation that will interest your audience the most.
  • Create new open discussions so that subscribers can simply chat with each other on any topic that interests them.
  • Participate in their conversations. Answer questions, ask your own. Show people that you are interested in communicating with them, that you are worried about their problems, and you strive to help them solve them.
  • Create polls. Leaving your vote is very easy. People are much more willing to participate in anonymous polls. They are always interested to see which of the options the majority voted for.


Today we talked with you about group discussions on VKontakte. I told you how to create them, how to manage them and much more. Now you know that this is a useful tool for increasing the activity of participants, for increasing their involvement in the life of the public, for communicating with their audience and getting feedback. Use it in your work. Hope the article was helpful.

Hello dear friends!

Let's talk about another effective tool for VKontakte functionality. Whether your community is young or old, commercial or created exclusively for the exchange of information among like-minded people, it will be useful for you to know how to create a discussion in the VKontakte group.

Add a discussion from your computer

Let's find out how to add categories for communication from a computer or laptop.

Adding to the public

We go to the public. Under the avatar, we find an icon with three dots - this is a menu of available actions. Click.

We choose the first action - "Community management".

In the menu that opens, we find the "Sections" block.

Check if the "Discussions" section is ticked. If necessary, put it and save the changes by clicking “Save”.

Below is the “Main Block” function - here you can choose which type of content will be accentuated.

If you choose the main discussion block, they will be displayed either under the header of the public, or after the goods (if any). It will look like the screenshot below.

By default, the section is on the right, below albums and videos.

If no discussion has been published before, then the section will be displayed exactly like this - with a link, by clicking on which, you can publish the first topic in the public.

The functionality is standard, as for any public message on the wall in VK: you can attach a photo, video, audio, statistics or poll. If you check the "On behalf of the community" checkbox, the new publication will be on behalf of the public.

You can use the search for messages by any word if you do not remember where the information you need is located.

To add a new discussion, click on the blue "New Topic" button.

A functional opens where it is possible to fix the selected heading, and then it will be displayed as the very first one above all the others.

There is also the "Close Topic" function. When using it, viewing will remain available to all participants, but it will no longer be possible to add new comments.

At the bottom left there is a button that you can use to permanently delete the discussion.

Customize the number of categories that will be displayed on the page, and sorting (by update date or creation date). To do this, from the main page of the community, click on the link "edit."

A functional will appear where you can make the necessary adjustments.

After making the changes, click on the "Save" button.

Add to group

The interface for creating an exchange space is slightly different here.

In the same way, we take the first steps - you need to get into the community management through the ellipsis icon. Under the “Settings” sector we find the “Sections” sector we need.

If discussions are turned off, you must turn them on. Choose whether they will be open when the post is available to all contributors, or restricted when only administrators can create them.

Below is the “Main block” function - set the value to “Discussions” there if you want them to be displayed immediately below the header on the page.

As in public, by default the section will be on the right above the contact block. It looks like this.

Creation, sorting, deletion and posting is the same as for a public.

How to create from a phone or tablet?

Open any browser and go to We go to your account, then to the communities. Click on the link "Full version".

After that, it will be possible to add discussions also in the mobile application from VK both from the phone and from the tablet.


I hope this article helped you figure out how to create discussions, edit them and delete them if necessary.

This tool can be effectively used to promote and popularize communities, I recommend using it more actively. People need to leave room to express their opinions.

Of course, you shouldn't neglect moderation. The point is to allow subscribers and simply interested persons to participate in communication and see a live response from real people.

On this I say goodbye. I wish you, friends, to always be open to new opportunities that knock on your doors every day!

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