Battery saver app for tablet. Maximum saving android battery

Battery saving programs can be divided into two large groups: those that require root privileges and work well, and those that require nothing and work so-so. You can actually extend the operating time of a mobile device only if you have access to the very depths of the system, and therefore you need to use the utilities listed in the article.

1. Amplify Battery Extender

Every experienced Android user knows that even when your smartphone is not busy with anything special, dozens of different applications can run in the background. Amplify allows you to look into this "secret life" and put it in order. You can control the frequency and duration of processor awakenings, prevent the most gluttonous programs from starting automatically, block system services you don't need, and much more. The program requires superuser rights and Xposed Framework to work.

2. Greenify

The developers of this application have come up with an original technology that allows you to lull the programs installed on your device so that they do not consume battery power. At the same time, they remain fully functional and can always be used for their intended purpose, which favorably distinguishes this method from freezing with TitaniumBackup. The program requires superuser rights.

3. Servicely

Servicely will help you cope with those annoying programs whose background services constantly wake up the processor and waste battery power. Servicely runs in the background and checks the list of running processes and services at intervals you specify. If it finds those that you added to the block list, it kills them. Simple, but very effective. Of course, Servicely needs root access to manage processes.

What to do if there is no root rights

Root is a rather dangerous thing and is not always necessary, especially for an inexperienced user. In fact, the less you dig into the system, the better your smartphone will perform. Periodically check your application library, remove unnecessary ones and get rid of those that consume unnecessary power. You can calculate the gluttonous scoundrels using the monitor built into the majority of those working without root rights.

Many Android apps are quite battery-hungry. The creators of this operating system are trying to solve the problem globally and make Android smartphones work longer on a single battery charge, but they do not always succeed. Meanwhile, on the Google Play online store, you can find many different programs that will save your device's battery.

This Android battery saver program is completely free. It runs in the background and reduces the activity of your smartphone when you are not using it, for example, it turns off especially "heavy" games. The program is also good because it can find and disable those processes that are not visible in the standard task manager.

There are more "advanced" applications for android to save battery power, and there are also quite simple ones. This program is one of the second - it shows on a special screen detailed information about the battery charge of your Android smartphone and tells you how long the gadget will work in the background and in active mode.

The best battery saver for Android boasts over 100 million downloads. This android battery saver can disable all background processes and show visual statistics of battery usage. And the button "Optimize" will allow you to disable especially "gluttonous" processes.

Saving android battery requires attention from special applications day and night. In the second case, the ideal solution would be the Easy Battery Saver application, which will conserve the power of your smartphone when you are not using it, but have sweet dreams. For especially attentive users, Easy Battery Saver has instructions on how to set up your smartphone to maximize battery life.

This program for saving battery power for android is convenient in that it has several energy saving profiles. They can be easily switched by placing them on the main screen beforehand. And by purchasing the premium version of the application, you can configure the change of profiles on a schedule, for example, at night or on the road, you can automatically turn on the most "gentle" profile.

Battery saving programs for Android analyze different components. Battery Doctor can even control the screen brightness and reduce it. In addition, the application will disable the most power-hungry applications and close those that the user has not accessed for a long time.

This program for saving battery power of an android device is able to turn off all unnecessary processes and applications as soon as the smartphone or tablet goes into sleep mode (immediately after the screen turns off). Amplify can work in automatic mode, independently detecting "unnecessary" applications, or it can be controlled manually.

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Smartphones are quite powerful devices that have functionality and are packed full of features. Unfortunately, these features drain your smartphone's battery. You cannot change the capacity of the battery, but you have the ability to control how much battery power is consumed. If your phone's battery runs out quickly and you don't know what to do about it, we offer you applications that will help you save battery power on your Android phone.

These android apps will help you manage battery drain and thus extend battery life. We offer 5 of the best android apps to help you save your phone battery.

Battery Doctor (Battery Saver)
Battery Doctor is one of the best battery saver apps for android. It can effectively manage and optimize your smartphone by closing applications running in the background, turning off wifi and other network connections, thus extending the life of your smartphone's battery.
This app gives you the ability to impact in real time the various apps on your device that are draining your battery. By clicking on the Diagnostics button, you can find the most gluttonous applications. In this app you will find customizable modes to help you adjust your battery consumption.
The powerful app will tell you how much time is left on the battery. It will allow you to customize the preset profiles, as well as create a new profile according to your wishes. In addition to this, users can set a schedule for operating modes in order to automate the process of saving battery power.
One of the best features of the Battery Doctor app is that it lowers the processor frequency when the device's screen is off. That is, when the phone is not in use, the power consumption is minimal. The app is currently translated into 19 different languages.

DU Battery Saver
DU Battery Saver is one of the most popular battery saver android apps that can extend the battery life of your android smartphone by more than 50 percent.
There are many smart modes and presets built into the app that you can take advantage of and make sure you're using as little battery as possible. This application has an “optimize” button that, with a single click, will close unnecessary applications, unused services and processes running in the background.
DU Battery Saver has a tab that allows you to monitor running processes in real time and view system resources.
The app also has several widgets of its own to provide easy access to settings, and it is supported in 17 world languages.

Easy Battery Saver
Easy Battery Saver is another great battery saver app with a simple interface and powerful settings.
The app has 4 preset modes for saving power: General Battery Saving Mode, Smart Battery Saving Mode, Super Battery Saving Mode and Advanced Mode. As a fifth mode, we would like to mention "Normal mode", which does not make any changes to the life of your battery. There is also a guide to help you understand how to use the app effectively. If you are looking for a simple battery saver app that provides all the effective options for optimizing your android phone, then Easy Battery Saver is what you were looking for.

GO Battery Saver is an excellent android app created by the Go Dev Team for extending battery life. It has one of the most beautiful interfaces we have ever seen in this kind of application. Widget with personalized GUI design increases battery performance. If you want to get all the benefits of the application, install the widget on your home screen. The streamlined design gives users quick access to the vital information they need to effectively extend battery life. This application will calculate how much longer the battery will last and will provide you with a convenient widget.

NQ Easy Battery Saver
NQ Easy Battery Saver is a free app that can be used to extend battery life and speed up your android phone. It allows you to start or stop applications running in the background that consume your battery.
The app has a new setting called Smart Assistant, which can be called up from the screen and, with just one tap, speed up the phone. The app will send you battery level reports, calculating it in real time. It is one of the most creative apps out there to conserve battery power and thus provide the best performance.

. Without a doubt, the weakest point of modern smartphones and tablets is the battery, the capacity of which in today's mobile devices is sometimes barely enough for a day of active use.

Today, we'll look at some of the basic best practices for saving battery power on smartphones and tablets running the Google Android operating system.

So, here is a list of seven main ways to save battery life on Android smartphones:

Reducing the time to automatically turn off the backlight and brightness

Modern smartphones have fairly large screens of relatively high resolution, which, together with the processor that provides the display of images on them, consume the lion's share of the energy stored in the battery.

Therefore, the first and most logical step would be to reduce the screen time to a minimum. During our work with a smartphone, we will not be able to do it, but we are quite capable of reducing the operating time of the screen in rest mode: for this we just need to reduce the time after which the screen backlight will be automatically extinguished.

To do this, you need to follow these steps

2. Select the "Screen" section, and in it the "Sleep mode" item.

3. Decide which time is best for you, guided by the principle: less time \u003d more savings.

The second aspect of savings: screen brightness. Automatic screen brightness adjustment is definitely a very useful feature that is actively used by millions of people around the world. However, it forces the light sensor to work continuously and does not always set the optimal balance of user-friendly brightness and brightness at which maximum savings will be achieved.

Therefore, in some cases it is worth experimenting with this parameter by manually setting its value.

How do I decrease the brightness of the screen?

1. Go to the System Settings section.

2. Select the "Screen" - "Brightness" section.

3. Use the slider to set the screen brightness you want.

Simple wallpapers can save battery power on many smartphones

Using plain wallpaper is a controversial issue in terms of saving battery. Nevertheless, no one will argue with the fact that live wallpapers, the image on which is constantly changing, consume noticeably more energy than wallpaper with a regular, still picture.

In addition, owners of smartphones with AMOLED screens should keep in mind that the brighter and lighter colors are displayed on the display, the more power it consumes. This is due to the fact that each point (pixel) on such screens is a separate LED, which, when illuminated, consumes energy from the battery.

For these reasons, the best wallpaper on AMOLED screens will be just a black background.

Restricting applications from receiving data from the web in the background

The Android operating system is a multitasking system in which many applications run simultaneously, both system ones and those launched by the user.

And if you switch from one application to another, this does not mean that the previous application has completed its work completely: it can work quite actively in the background, receiving, for example, data from the Web and processing it, which consumes a significant amount of energy from battery.

How do I disable unnecessary apps in the background?

1. Go to the System Settings section.

2. In the "Wireless & networks" section, open the "Data connection" item.

3. In the list, find applications that, in your opinion, consume too much data, and by selecting specific ones, disable the ability for them to download data in the background.

Disable unnecessary communication modules

Data exchange via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, LTE and GPS wireless modules requires a lot of energy, and each of the adapters listed above makes a significant contribution to the discharge of the smartphone's battery if you have it turned on around the clock.

Therefore, when leaving the house, it is worth turning off the Wi-Fi module, and turning it on only when you come to work, or in another place where you will connect to the Network via Wi-Fi. The same applies to the NFC module and the Bluetooth adapter, which should be turned on only while listening to music through wireless headphones or speakers and pairing with other devices.

If you do not need your smartphone to know its (and your) location, disable the location mode in the quick settings curtain of your device.

Disable automatic app updates

Automatic app updates are very handy. If our device is connected to a mobile or Wi-Fi network, in this mode it automatically and regularly checks the Google Play Store for the latest versions of applications, as well as games that we installed earlier.

Automatic app updates, especially if done over a mobile operator's network connection, can significantly affect the battery life of our smartphones and tablets.

How do I turn off automatic app updates?

1. Launch Google Play Store.

2. In the Settings section, find and open the item "Auto-update applications"

3. Select one of the items: "Never" or "Only Through Wi-Fi".

Turn off vibration mode

The vibration feedback mode, when when you press the smartphone screen, it responds with a light vibration, a very good thing in terms of ease of use, providing confirmation of pressing virtual buttons and triggering other interface elements. However, in active use, this function may have a noticeable effect on the accelerated battery drain of our mobile devices.

How can I turn off unnecessary vibrations?

1. Go to System Settings, Sounds.

2. Find “Other sounds” here.

3. Disable "Vibration feedback" and, if necessary, "Vibration on call".

Use power saving mode

And, perhaps, almost the most serious and important aspect in ensuring the longest battery life of a smartphone or tablet is the use of the power saving mode, which appeared in the owl time in the Android 5 Lollipop operating system.

This mode significantly limits the number of applications running in the background, dims the screen, turns off some graphic effects, etc., doing everything possible to ensure the longest possible battery life.

You can make this mode turn on on your smartphone automatically when its battery is discharged to a certain level, or turn it on manually if necessary.

How to enable power saving mode?

1. Go to System Settings.

2. Select "Battery".

3. Press the menu button in the form of a vertical ellipsis and select "Power saving mode"

Here you can turn on and off the power saving mode using the switch at the top of the screen, or turn on the automatic mode when the battery level is 5 or 15%

Saving device battery on android - the problem of most users. How to save android battery level and extend battery life.

When using the material posted in this article, you can not only significantly reduce the battery consumption of your android device, but also increase the battery life, and also increase the speed of your phone or tablet as a whole.

In this article we will analyze:

  1. Android battery rules
  2. What affects the battery level of android devices
  3. What program is needed to save Android battery
  4. How to reduce battery drain on android device

Did you know that even if you charge the phone once a day, then in 2 years the battery will keep 80% less?

Battery life is affected by:

  • Accumulator charging
  • Storing the battery
  • Battery and device use and care

See the article where we not only give the most effective rules for using batteries, but also give advice on their practical use:.

Now that you have the necessary program for saving android battery, we will analyze how to reduce the battery consumption of an android device.

4. How to reduce battery consumption of an android device

The theoretical part on saving the android battery is over, let's move on to a practical lesson on the topic: how to reduce battery drain android device.

Some functions can be used through the standard settings of your android, but it's much more convenient when it's all in one application.

1. Setting up the program to save the battery of the android Battery Doctor

  • On the start page of the application, click the "Smart Saving" button. Go here to the "Memory White List" and select only those applications that should always run in the background - they will not close during optimization and auto-completion.
  • Turn on "Auto-Complete Applications" - when the android is blocked, background applications will be closed, except for those that you have selected in the whitelist.
  • Turn on “Turn off Wi-Fi and sync when the display is off” if you do not need to receive notifications from social networks and mail over Wi-Fi when you are not using your phone. To do this, go to "More options" - "Savings when off. screen ".
  • If you have root privileges, you can turn off the launch of unnecessary applications when you turn on your phone or tablet in the "Control autostart" menu and turn on the automatic lowering of the processor frequency when the screen is off in the "Processor control" item.
  • Set up automatic on / off functions by time, for example, at sleep time (brightness, delay, mobile data, Wi-Fi, calls, SMS, Bluetooth, auto sync, sound, vibration). To do this, go to the "Mode" menu, configure the required mode and select it in the "Schedule" item.
  • Add a widget to your home screen. To do this, hold the desktop on an empty spot, in the menu that appears, select "Widgets" - "Battery Doctor saving widgets" (or "Battery Doctor Widget" - more compact).
  • The rest of the settings are optional.

2. Using the program to save battery android Battery Doctor

The main convenience of the Battery Doctor application is that after setting it up, you need a minimum of actions and practically no time wasted.

  • You need to periodically after using applications press the large round button in the center "Economy - Diagnostics" in the application itself and « » or the circle in the home screen widget for quick optimization.
  • Turn on / off the functions to save the battery, while you can immediately see how many minutes you were able to increase or decrease the battery consumption of the android device:
    • Wi-Fi
    • Data
    • Brightness (5 options)
    • Volume
    • Vibration
    • Screen lock delay (6 options)
    • Flight mode
    • Synchronization
    • Bluetooth
    • Auto-rotate screen

To do this, click on the window in the Battery Doctor widget, which displays the remaining work time. You can also switch pre-configured modes here.

  • In the "List" menu, you see what percentage of the battery is used by running applications, and you can turn off or delete unnecessary or gluttonous ones.
  • For fun, you can find out how much battery life this week was able to increase, thanks to the program for saving android battery - Battery Doctor. To do this, on the start page of the program, click under the "Economy - Diagnostics" button on the rectangle, which displays the percentage of the battery charge and the remaining operating time. It also indicates how long your android will last when using various functions, and detailed information about the state of the battery.

3. The rest of the actions to save android battery

Live wallpapers, widgets, launchers, animation

In order to save battery and improve the speed of android:

  • Do not set live wallpaper on your android screensaver. It is best to use a black background or pictures in dark tones - the display uses almost no energy to display black.
  • Try to use as few home screen widgets as possible, especially dynamic ones - they use RAM and display performance.
  • Do not use launchers (shells for android).

Sensors and Indicators

If possible, disable sensors and indicators in your android settings that you do not use (especially if you have a Samsung or LG):

  • gesture control.
  • movement.
  • functions related to the determination of gaze, head position.
  • screen sensitivity.

etc., depending on your device.

Other wireless technologies

Disable when not using features such as NFC, Wi-Fi Direct, S-Beam.

In this article, we have sorted out: why the battery on android quickly runs out, what program is needed to save the android battery, saving the battery of the android device, the rules for operating batteries, which affects the battery level of the android device, how to reduce the battery consumption of the smartphone on the Android OS.

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  • 22 February 2019


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