My kyivstar ua my kyivstar. My Kyivstar Home Internet - Login

My Kyivstar Is a special service created to help subscribers. In fact, it is a self-service system that gives access to all basic functions by a subscriber number. You can replenish your account, change the tariff, find out expenses for a specified period and monitor all Kyivstar profiles at the same time. Let's take a closer look.

My Kyivstar - self-service login

In order to enter the My Kyivstar system, you need to go to the official website of the company. In the description, you can see that the personal account of my Kyivstar service provides the ability to simultaneously manage a subscriber account, home Internet, TV and other services. Click on the login button. This will open a form that you need to fill out.

Self-service service is available to all Kyivstar subscribers, regardless of the form of service. As a login, you need to enter either a phone number or a personal account. The latter is relevant for the Home Kyivstar service and for contract subscribers. For prepayment, respectively, you need to enter a phone number.

The next step is to enter the password. It comes as a message to the subscriber number and is valid for 5 minutes. With every new login attempt, a new password will be sent.

Although it is one-time use, the site provides a "Remember" function. This means that when logging in from one device and further use from it, you do not need to re-enter the password. But as soon as you use another computer or phone to log in, the procedure will be repeated again.

And the last step is to accept all conditions and agree to the rules, including the processing of personal data. That's all there is to the My Kyivstar registration procedure.

Service functionality

Using the My Kyivstar system, you can perform the following actions:

  • control costs;
  • manage services;
  • order financial reports;
  • download a map of Kyivstar stores;
  • determine locations by the subscriber's phone number;
  • download a widget for a mobile phone.

In the menu cost control
you can see the terms of service for the tariff plan and the rest of the packages of accrued services. This includes information about Internet megabytes, minutes, messages.

By managing services, you can create new orders, disable already active ones, and view their status.

By ordering a detailed invoice, you can see not only, but in general all expenses for the specified period. Such a report is downloaded to a computer, or ordered by sending to an email address.

By uploading a store map, you can see the nearest point of the exclusive representative office of Kyivstar at the place of residence of the subscriber. By choosing a specific service center, you can find out its opening hours and all types of services provided.

Mobile app

There is an application for smartphones My Kyivstar. It is analogous to the PC version. It contains full functionality and all the features of the service. The program is adapted for phones based on Android and iOS. You can download it either from the official website of the Kyivstar company, or in the Play Market / App Store.

In some cases, it is even more convenient to manage the service from a phone than from a computer, since there is no connection to a place. This allows you to log in from anywhere with a cellular signal. All you need is Internet access and an optimal tariff plan or service. For example, it will help you stay always online.

Hello, here we will try to answer the most common questions, and a few tricks that 90% of subscribers fall for Kyivstar.

In this topic you will learn:

  • How to get bonuses.
  • How to use bonuses

Little trick

Bonuses are awarded form every 4th day, and they are validBEFORE the 20th! If you have some amount left on your account, on the 20th, everything is written off to zero balance. In system "My Kyivstar" bonus storage periodUnlimited! Therefore, we recommend that you transfer to your phone not the whole amount at once, but 10-15 UAH and replenish the account as you use it. You can transfer bonuses once a day, you can transfer at least UAH 3 per day to your account.


If you have any questions that are not answered here, or any problems with the Internet, please contact the technical support of "Kyivstar" at 460 from mobile, or from landline 0800300460 .

It often happens that when there are problems with the Internet or its absence, subscribers call the numbers of managers through which they applied or to the specialists who directly connected the service " home Internet", with all their desire, the managers will not be able to help you with anything, because they are unable to fix the problem and leave a request for a specialist to come to fix the problem.

Option twoWhen a subscriber addresses a specialist directly, it usually happens like this: "Hello, you visited me two months ago, remember? I have something with the Internet, could you come in in the evening to see what the problem is?" This is the most common mistake made by subscribers. because:

1) With all the desire, the specialist cannot remember everyone, since he has 4-8 applications ONE DAY, the minimum is about 1000 addresses.

2) A specialist can only be sent to you by technical support, having previously fixed the problem, they are transferred to the logistics department, the logistics department makes a route to the specialist, having previously agreed on the time of arrival of the specialist with the subscriber, in which the time for repair / connection is strictly limited.

3) Each visit of a specialist to you is paid by the company, therefore, if your application is not recorded through the technical support of Kievstar, a call to a specialist not paid, consumables (cable, etc.), time to troubleshoot does not stand out .
In this case, if the subscriber insists on the arrival of a specialist, he will have to pay for the call, working time, and consumables that will be spent when troubleshooting the problem.

Most frequently asked questions:

  • How to get bonuses.
  • How to use bonuses
  • The procedure for using bonuses to pay for mobile services
  • How to transfer bonuses from the "My Kyivstar" system to your phone.

How to get bonuses:

Bonuses credited to your bonus account in the system 4th of every month . Their number is equal to the subscription fee paid in the previous month for the service " Home Internet". For example, if you use the "Fast" tariff plan, you will receive 100 bonuses monthly. Note that for the days when the service " Home Internet"Was disabled due to debt, and in the case of an order" Service suspension»Bonuses not accrued .

Check the balance on the service account " Home Internet"And the number of bonuses, you can use the USSD-request * 460 # with Kyivstar and Beeline numbers. You can check the number of bonuses on your mobile account that were accrued for using the "Home Internet" service using the USSD request * 110 #.

The procedure for using bonuses to pay for mobile services.

Bonus fundsreceived in the process of using the service " Home Internet»And transferred to a bonus account for paying for mobile services, have a validity period of 20 days and can be used exclusively for:

  • making outgoing calls to numbers of subscribers of the Kyivstar network and other mobile and fixed-line operators in Ukraine, except for subscribers served on the tariff plans Free Kyivstar, Free Kyivstar 50, Free Kyivstar 35 and Free Kyivstar 35 +, "Free Kyivstar for tablet", for which the possibility of such use of bonuses is not provided;
  • transmission of text and multimedia messages to subscribers of Ukrainian mobile operators and fixed line CDMA;
  • making outgoing calls to the telephone numbers of the Autoresponder service: +38 067 775, +38 067 777, +38 067 2222 775 and +38 067 2222 777;
  • using traditional and WAP-access to the Internet using CSD technology;
  • using the service of WAP-access to the Internet using GPRS technology;
  • using the service of traditional access to the Internet using GPRS and EDGE technology.

During a month, no more than 200 bonuses can be used to pay for mobile services. If the Internet access service is deactivated due to insufficient funds on the account, the ability to transfer bonuses to mobile numbers remains. In the case of activation of the "Suspension of the service", the possibility of transferring bonuses to pay for mobile services not available ... Bonuses accrued to Kyivstar contract subscribers are used after the exhaustion of other bonuses and discounts (if available on the account). Only contract subscribers-individuals and prepaid subscribers can use bonuses for mobile communications.

How to transfer bonuses from the "My Kyivstar" system to your phone:

This process is not at all complicated as it seems at first glance. After connecting, within 24 hours you will receive an SMS-coy login and password to access the "My Kyivstar" system.


The password comes by SMS TEMPORARY is valid for several days, you will need to change it to your password.

Go to the site so it looks like: Enter the login and password that came to your phone. You are in the system " My Kyivstar". You are taken to the confirmation page, where you check your data again, you can add or change your phone number, select a secret question, enter TEMPORARY the password that you received earlier on the phone and your new password (which you came up with) TWO times to confirm.


Your password must not contain more than 2 identical characters!

How to transfer Kyivstar bonuses to your phone

After you have gone through the confirmation process, go to site enter your username and password and the following page appears in front of you:

IN the very bottom the quantity will be indicated bonuses:

How to transfer Kyivstar bonuses to your phone

Select the section above "Services and promotions"

How to transfer Kyivstar bonuses to your phone

Find the section "transfer bonuses" and click on it.

How to transfer Kyivstar bonuses to your phone

Awaiting loading:

After that, a form for filling appears in front of you, enter the phone number to which you want to transfer bonuses, below, the number of bonuses and "proceed"

How to transfer Kyivstar bonuses to your phone

Checking did you enter correctly number and confirm:

How to transfer Kyivstar bonuses to your phone

How to transfer Kyivstar bonuses to your phone

After you have done everything, a confirmation will be displayed and bonuses They will come to your phone within 24 hours. Average time of their transfer to your account from 15 minutes to 2 hours rarely longer. Will come to you SMS notification about what has been received on your account bonuses. verify they can be as written above *110#

To enter the “My Kyivstar - Home Internet” system, users first of all need to open the HTTPS://ACCOUNT.KYIVSTAR.UA/CAS/LOGIN page in their browser, where the registration and login form itself is available. An important fact is that registration in the system is absolutely free and simple, so even a child can handle it. The opened page is available to users in Ukrainian, English and Russian. You can change the language, if necessary, in the upper right corner of the page.

Login to the Kyivstar home Internet system

Now let's go directly to the entrance to the Home Internet system from Kyivstar. To do this, in the window that appears, fill in the proposed fields. In the first field you need to enter your login, which is a personal account, then you need to click on the "Next" button.

After completing these actions, a special password consisting of 4 characters and valid for only 5 minutes will be sent to your number specified in the contract. If during this time you do not have time to log in to the “My Kyivstar” system, the password will become inactive and you will have to perform the previous steps again.

Having entered the verification code that came to the phone, you need to click on the "Login" window, after which you will automatically enter the "My Kyivstar" system. If, for some reason, the login password does not come to your phone, then you need to contact the technical support service of the Kyivstar company at the specified contact numbers on the official website or at the beginning of this article. Also, to enter the Kyivstar Home Internet system, you can use the official application of the My Kyivstar company by downloading it to your device in the application store.

This is how your personal account looks like in the My Home Internet system

As you can see, the account contains all the data regarding your account. The system will also offer you new services available and provide all additional information.

For greater convenience of cooperation and use of services, each user of the Kyivstar company must complete the registration procedure in the system, which is a personal account, “My Kyivstar”. It is worth noting that recently the procedure for registration and logging into the My Kyivstar system has changed, if the new method is difficult for you, then you can consult the company's technical support operators at the contact numbers: 0-800-300-460 or 460, calls these numbers are completely free. If this option for some reason does not suit you, then you can use the instructions that were given above.

Personal account Kyivstar allows you to manage your account and connected services. You can top up your account online right in your Personal Account. You need to click the button: "Replenishment" in the upper right corner of the screen. The system allows replenishment of an account from a bank card and transfer from a personal account to the number of any Kyivstar subscriber. To replenish an account from a bank card, you must click the "Replenish online without commission" tab. Next, we enter the phone number or personal account that needs to be replenished and the card data: number, validity period, owner data and a special code on the back. To confirm the payment, a message will be sent to the phone with a verification code of the operation, confirm the transfer and the account is replenished at the same moment.

In the profile, you can manage personal data, add numbers and personal accounts.

The main cabinet menu contains tabs:

  • tariffs,
  • services,
  • payments and expenses by number,
  • refill,
  • applications,
  • personal settings.

Registration in the cabinet

To register, you need to be a Kyivstar subscriber and have an activated number of this operator. The system is called "My Kyivstar". You can register in your personal account by going to the website at. In the window that opens, enter the phone number, the password for the account will come in an SMS message.

Authorization in the personal account of Kyivstar

After registration, in addition to logging in by SMS, subscribers can log in using their login and password. The login is the phone number. Click on the "Login by personal password" button. The password can be changed. To do this, open "My profile" and select "Change password" in the menu.

Personal account mobile application

The app is available for download on three main sites:

After installing the Application, you need to select the required tab: mobile communications or Internet. Then we register in the system, if we connect for the first time, and if the subscriber uses the My Kyivstar service online, then you just need to enter the phone number and password from the account. When registering, the system asks you to enter your first and last name and password.

After logging in, the main page will open, where you can see the balance, bonuses and costs. If you click on the icon at the top left, a menu will open. The content of the menu is the same as in the Online version: rates and services, profile, payments, reports, terms of use, logout.

In the Android version, you can display the account status and bonuses on the smartphone screen. The widget is installed along with the application and is a convenient addition, since there is no need to request a balance.

Customer support through the cabinet

Subscribers can ask their questions about mobile communications and home Internet through the Online Assistant system. The system is available in the Personal Account. To contact you need to find the section "Feedback", select the image of the specialist. In the chat that opens, we ask the question of interest. The manager's response comes quickly enough. The system is available around the clock. After consultation, the system asks the subscriber to assess the service from 1 to 5 points.

How to disable your personal account

The personal account of the mobile operator Kyivstar can be disabled only together with a SIM card or the Internet. If several numbers are attached to an even entry, then all of them will need to be blocked. There is no separate refusal to use the service.

The SIM card can be blocked temporarily. To apply online, you must select the "Services" tab in the menu and fill out the application. The operation is performed within half an hour. If necessary, the number is also restored upon application.

Security & Privacy Policy

There are a number of rules, following which the subscriber will easily secure his account from fraudsters:

  1. The password to your personal account must be complex. It is better to combine arbitrary numbers and letters in different cases and write them down than to set a simple password.
  2. The password must be unique and not used anywhere else.
  3. Exclude disclosure of the password and access to it by third parties.
  4. Gadgets and PCs must have an up-to-date antivirus installed.
  5. You can not open links that come in SMS from unfamiliar numbers, as they probably contain a virus.
  6. You cannot transfer the access code from SMS to the My Kyivstar system to strangers.

Kyivstar uses the latest technologies to protect subscribers and their personal data. Cloud technology keeps information safe.

Kyivstar, the leading telecom operator in Ukraine in terms of the number of subscribers, is engaged in the supply of mobile services, mobile and home Internet.

A convenient self-service system has been created for subscribers on the company's website - Kyivstar's personal account, by registering in which users can change settings and perform operations in their account without visiting the operator's office.

Personal account features

By connecting and using the Kyivstar personal account service, you make it possible for yourself via the Internet:

  • Leave a request to change the tariff plan.
  • Customize the list of services and change its composition.
  • Find out the status of the main and bonus accounts.
  • Top up the account balance from a bank card online.
  • Recover sim card if you lose your phone.
  • Participate in promotions conducted by the operator.
  • Track information on payments made, expenses and balances.
  • View call history (except for calls to emergency short numbers).
  • Transfer bonuses of the "Home Internet" service to your mobile number.

Terms of use of the service:

  • Subscribers do not pay anything for connecting the service, there is also no subscription fee for a personal account.
  • Payment for the Internet when using your personal account is charged within the framework of the tariff plan.
  • Information about costs in the subsection “Calls for the current month” is paid. The preferential tariff, lasting until the end of the month from the date of registration and the next calendar month, allows you to make requests for 1.06 UAH. In the future, the first request for detailing in a month will cost UAH 5.31, the rest - at UAH 1.06.

Registration and login to your personal account

When entering the official Kievstar website, it is impossible not to notice the yellow button with the inscription “My Kyivstar” in the upper right corner - this is the service of your personal account. A link to your personal account is also presented at the bottom of the site in the list with the heading “Services and entertainment”.

The first step in using the self-service system is to register using a cell phone number, to which you receive an SMS with a password that is valid for entering within five minutes. For users of the Home Kyivstar service, a password and login are issued by the operator at the post office; the personal account of the service from the contract can be used as a login.

Login to your personal account through a browser or application from a mobile device with a Kyivstar SIM card is performed automatically, without authorization.

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