How to search a photo search engine. Google Image Search: How to find similar images




Example: we have a photograph of a landscape, but we do not know what this beautiful place is:

As in the previous versions, we press the button in the form of a camera in the search bar, upload a photo and get the result:

I warn you - this does not always work. For a correct result, this photo or a very similar one should already be in the Google image search database, i.e. be on the Internet, there should also be a description next to the picture on the page. If the sights can be easily recognized (since a well-known place is “known” on the Internet), then with objects the chance of finding a description is almost zero.

If there is no information about the place, we will see a page with similar photos by analogy with the following example.

Previously, the TinEye search engine was strong in this, as I mentioned earlier. But Google Pictures is also not a bastard.

As before, open a search for images from Google, click the camera icon in the search bar and load (for example) a photo of a ginger kitten:

And click the link “ Similar Images". Let me remind you: you can not upload a photo, but indicate its address on the Internet, or simply enter the query “ginger kitten” into the search, move the mouse over the photo and click “ Similar«.

In any case, these actions will lead to a search for similar photos:

Pay attention to the inscription "Similar" above the pictures. This means that this mode is working now. Clicking on the cross on the right will turn it off. Clicking on the picture will open, as it should, an enlarged copy in the background of the site where this picture is located.


Google image searches always work the same way. Depending on what was found, the search page changes. If the result is very successful, when it is possible to accurately identify the name of the photo and find information on it, we are redirected to the text search page (as in the case of searching for a sightseeing).

In fact, the search site tries to predict what we really need. Sometimes successful, sometimes not. There is virtually no difference between the above examples. The search is always the same, we just look at different places of the search and click the links we need. I just gave the most "contrasting" examples, so you shouldn't look for the button "Find similar photos" or "Find a person by photo". They are not here. The search is always one. It all depends only on what we are looking for.



How to find a similar picture or photo on the Internet? - It's very simple! Let's start with why it is needed, and who might need it?

There are three main options: First - you want to check if someone is using your author's graphic work (photograph, drawing, diagram) without your permission on their web resource.

Second - whether someone is appropriating other people's laurels by participating in some creative competition held on the Internet or in reality.

Third - the most peaceful :) - when personally you may need a picture similar to another to use it for your needs (with or without the author's indication). For example, on some site you liked a certain picture, but it was either watermarked, or small in size, or was subjected to graphic processing. Practice shows that both the first and the second option are much more common.

You can use one or more of the following sites to find similar instances of this picture or photograph:

1. Web service

This is a Canadian site (City of Toronto). The picture can be uploaded to the site from your computer or simply provide a link to it:

The search is carried out quite quickly, and literally in a few seconds the search result is displayed on the page: the number of sites on which similar images were found, their size and links to the site and directly to the image.

2. Extension for Mozilla Firefox browser " Who stole my pictures? "

This extension must be installed first. Home page - Allows you to search for copies of images using services: Yandex.Kartinki,, , and

To search, just click on any picture with the right mouse button and select an item in the context menu " Search image on Yandex.Pictures" or " Search image on"

3. Web service

Much weaker than the previous ones, focused mainly on foreign sites. The search time is not long.

And for dessert: Multicolr Search Lab service - to search for images of a specific color / shade - You need to left-click on the color palette on the right, instead of gray squares, thumbnails of pictures of the selected shade will be displayed:

4. You ask: "Where is in this list of Google services?"

Google still has this service very imperfect. I would say - a pitiful excuse. We are waiting for the normal.

Consider how to find a photo on the Internet from a photo.

Thanks to a few simple search techniques, you can always find the object of interest in the picture, site or forum for its placement.


The function of analyzing similar or identical images can be useful in completely different situations.

Cases when you may need:

Analysis of primary sources

Since the original source of the image is indexed by the system before the pages with the copied one, you can find it in Google and Yandex.

In the results, you should pay attention not to the category "Similar photos", but to the section "Mentions on the Internet".

Thanks to the ranking of pages in Google, you can easily find the real source of any image, regardless of the social network or forum on which it is located.

Despite the huge number of banks and search engines for graphic content, we recommend choosing standard Google and. These systems implement the most accurate algorithms known to date. In addition, they look for graphics not only in their own database, but also check all sites indexed in the system.

To use Google for this, just follow a few simple steps:

  • Select the camera icon in the field and specify a direct link to it or select it in the memory of your device;
  • Click on "Search";

  • The Google search result will show similar photos, mentions on other sites and forums (you can find the original source here). If a public person was depicted on it, in 99% of cases he will recognize the correct name and surname, and will also offer to read short information;

To narrow the scope, you can specify additional parameters. To do this, in the displayed results, click on the "Tools" button.

It is at the top of the page, just below the text line.

Then select the period for the image to be mentioned on other sites and the preferred option (only similar images or a certain size of the graphic).

Works similarly system from Yandex:

The updated Yandex operation algorithm offers the user several options at once for what is shown in the desired picture.

Also, you will be able to access all possible extensions of the object. As in Google, users have the opportunity to look at sites where the picture is found.

Search for an item by photo

On the World Wide Web, we often come across images of interesting gadgets and objects, however, it is not always possible to remember the name of the object.

To quickly find out the name of an item on it, just use the systems described above from or Yandex.

The image below shows an illustrative example of finding an item using only one picture.

Google immediately identified the subject of the object and found an online store where you can buy such a product. The exact name of the subject is also indicated on the results page.

If you find an unknown object not in the form, but in real life, you can simply take a picture of it, and then carry out an analysis from the image.

When doing it, try to choose a neutral background. This will make it easier for the system to identify the subject.

Sometimes the need arises. For example, you have a photograph and you need to find it in high resolution in order to print or put as wallpaper on your desktop. Searching for similar images on the Internet is not an easy task without using special services. In this article we will look at several ways that will allow you to quickly find similar photos on the web.

Few people know, but the Google search engine allows you to search for similar images on the Internet. To do this, go to and go to the "Pictures" section. This page can also be accessed by following the link.

After you have entered the Google Pictures page, you can start searching for similar images. In order to select an image for search, you need to click on the icon in the form of a camera.

In the window that opens, you can specify a direct link to the desired image or download an image from your computer.

Also, you can simply drag the desired image into the browser from the desktop or any folder. When you start dragging and dropping the selected file, the browser displays a "Drag and drop image here" message. The file with the desired image must be dragged directly onto this text.

After these manipulations, the search results will be loaded.

In order to view the found similar images, you need to click on the corresponding link in the search results.

As a rule, there are a lot of similar images found. In order to find a suitable picture, use the sorting functions that are located on the left side of the page. You can sort pictures by publication date, size, color, or type.

Using the service

If the search for similar images in the Google search engine did not give any results, you can use other solutions. For example, the online service

As in the previous case, in order to find similar images, you need to download the original image. To do this, you need to provide a direct link to the picture or upload a file from your computer. The simple drag and drop feature also works.

After the images for the search are loaded, the service displays the search results for similar images. There are three ways to sort the results: Best Match, Most Changed, Biggest Image.


Directly drag an image from any web page to the search bar In the same way, you can drag into the search bar any picture or one that is open in a graphics editor or viewer on your computer.

Enter the link with the image address. If you want to find others websitefor s where there is a picture you have already found, copy its address. To do this, right-click on the image and select "Copy Image URL". Then open Google Images and click on the camera icon in the right corner of the search bar. A field for entering the address will appear in the window that opens. Paste the link into it from the clipboard using the Ctrl + V command or through the context menu (opened by right-clicking).

Upload the file from your computer to the search box. To do this, click the same icon with the camera image and click the Download file link. Click the "Select File" button and specify the directory in your documents. The search robot will offer you images that match yours or, if they are not available on the web, similar images. The search results page will display not only found images of various sizes and similar images, but also a list websites related to the photo you selected.


Image search may not work correctly in all browsers. This option is available to those who use Google Chrome, Internet Explorer (version 8 and later, Firefox version 3.0 or higher, or Safari version 5.0 and later.

Helpful advice

The principle of image search is based on computer vision technology. The system selects the most suitable text description for the selected image, and then searches for images with similar key expressions.


  • Google Help: Image Search

If your brother is missing, or life has long separated you in different directions, you can find a relative. For this, it is not enough to sit back and wait for a miracle; we must act. Situations vary, but search methods are usually the same everywhere.


Write a statement to the police, enter your full personal data brother, passport number, registration address, special signs, phone numbers of friends. Remember the clothes of the missing, in which he left. The application must be made at the place of disappearance brother, but it is also possible at the place of residence, from where the police officers will send him by mail to the desired department.

According to your application, the orientation towards your brother will be transferred to all districts, checks of hospitals in your city and neighboring cities will begin, signs of the missing person will be announced to all posts, information will be given in the media.

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