Changing folder properties in windows 7. Basic settings for displaying files and folders in Windows

Many users are looking to improve the functioning of File Explorer, and more. This can be done through the settings of the folder parameters. In this article, we will consider how to open folder properties in Windows 7, 8, as well as the inclusion of these options, and what parameters are worth attention.

Where to find folder properties in Windows 7, 8

Folder properties can be opened in several ways. Consider them and choose the best one:

2. The method is to use search. Click the Start button, enter "folder options" in the search form and select the first item found.

In the figure eight on the desktop, you can press (logo key) + W to call the search curtain. Select "options" to strip away all unnecessary, type "folder options" and press Enter.

3. In Windows 7 explorer click "organize", then select "folder and search options" (left). There is an alternative way to open folder properties, press Alt to display the hidden menu, press "service" and select "folder options" (right).

4. In Windows 8 Explorer, visit the View tab. Then press the "Options" button.

After using one of the methods, you will see the Windows 7, 8 folder properties window containing tabs: "general", "view" and "search". In different versions of the OS, the window looks almost identical, but in 8 options it is slightly larger.

Description of useful parameters

The General tab (picture above) displays a limited set of configurations. Here you can set the folder to open in the same or a separate window. You can choose to open files and folders with one or double click.

The View tab contains many options. What options to use, the user decides for himself individually. I recommend paying special attention to these folder properties settings:

  • Always display icons, not thumbnails - this option is useful when you work with large volumes of files and folders. If your computer is slow to load thumbnails, enable this option.
  • Hide empty drives in a folder - If you insert a blank USB flash drive or other removable disk, it will not be displayed in the explorer, which can cause confusion. It is highly recommended that you uncheck this option.
  • Hide extensions for registered file types - disabling this property shows file extensions. It will help distinguish regular files from viral ones. There is malware that specifies two extensions, for example, filename.doc.exe. If enabled, you will see only filename.doc and treat it like a normal text file. Uncheck this option.
  • Use checkboxes to select items - makes it possible to mark elements with the mouse. Setting is equivalent to holding Ctrl followed by clicking on the selected items. This property is useful when you need to follow up.
  • Hidden Files and Folders - Contains two options that show or hide items with appropriate attributes.

The Search tab contains options for finding files and folders. The default configuration works very well. If you are not satisfied, then experiment with the available options to improve the result.

Do not forget after all changes in the folder properties, click OK to save.

How to enable folder properties

Sometimes there is a situation that the parameters of folders on Windows 7, 8 cannot be opened by the methods listed above. This is due to the fact that the virus blocked the ability to open, or the administrator has restricted your access to this component.

To fix the problem, check your computer with an antivirus program. Get administrative access and use the following methods to enable:

1. Press Win + R, copy gpedit.msc and press Enter (it does not work in all editions of Windows). In the Group Policy Editor window, go to User Configuration, then to Administrative Templates, then to the Windows Components section, and to the Windows Explorer subsection.

On the right side, find the item responsible for the folder settings (shown in the image), double-click on it with the left button. In the new window select "disable" or "not set" and click OK. Folder options in Windows 7, 8 will again become available in Explorer.

Those who do not want to change the registry can download ready-made reg files. The archive contains 2 files Vkluch.reg (enables) and Otkl.reg (disables). Extract and run Vkluch.reg to enable folder properties in Windows 7, 8 click "yes" everywhere. Restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Now you know what they are folder properties in Windows 7, 8how to open and enable them in case of a virus attack. Experiment with the configuration options and find the one that is generic.

Changing the properties of folders allows you to customize their appearance, search, display of hidden and system elements, display of file extensions, and much more. But in order to make these adjustments, you must first go to the folder settings window. Let's see in what ways you can accomplish this task in Windows 7.

Although we often use the more familiar term "Folder Options" inherited from Windows XP, in Windows 7 it is more correct to call this setting "Folder Options".

There are global folder settings and individual directory properties. It is required to distinguish between these concepts. Basically, we will describe just the transition to the global settings. There are several ways to go to folder settings. We will talk about them in detail later.

Method 1: Arrange menu

First, let's consider the most popular option for opening the "Folder Options" in Windows 7 - through the menu "Arrange".

Attention! Despite the fact that you go to properties in a separate directory, changes made in the "Folder Options" window will affect all directories of the operating system.

Method 2: Explorer menu

You can also go to the tool we need directly through the menu Explorer... But the fact is that, unlike Windows XP, this menu is hidden by default on the "seven". Therefore, you will have to perform some additional manipulations.

Method 3: keyboard shortcut

You can also display directory properties using the keyboard shortcut.

Method 4: Control Panel

You can also solve the task set before us using the Control Panel.

Method 5: the Run tool

You can open the directory settings window using the tool "Run".

Method 6: command line

Another option for solving the problem is to enter a command through the command line interface.

Method 7: Apply Search in the Start Menu

This option assumes using the search tool through the menu "Start".

Method 8: Entering an Expression into the Explorer Address Bar

The next method is probably the most original of all of the above. It involves the introduction of a specific command in the address line Explorer.

Method 9: go to the properties of an individual folder

If earlier we considered the possibility of switching to the general folder settings window, now let's figure out how to open the properties of a separate folder.

As you can see, folder properties can be global and local, that is, those that apply to the system settings as a whole and to a specific directory. The transition to global settings can be done in quite a few ways. Although not all of them are convenient. It is most convenient to switch from Explorer... But the properties of a specific directory can be accessed in only one way - through the context menu.

In previous Russian-language versions of Windows, the folder settings interface was called "Folder Options". In the Russian localization of Windows 7, this interface received an unusual, but more accurate name - Folder Options, which is why users who first installed Windows 7 are at first a little confused.

Where are Folder Options in Windows 7

There are several ways to open Folder Options in Windows 7:

1) Open Control Panel ("Large icons" view), then click Folder Options;

2) Open any folder, click Organize and select Folder and Search Options in the menu that appears;

3) Open the Start menu and type the phrase folder options in the search bar, then press Enter.

Setting folder options

Tab Are common

1. In the section Browse foldersthe user can choose how the subfolders on the computer will be opened - each new folder in the same window as the previous one (by default in all versions of Windows) or each in a new window.

2. In the section Mouse clicks you can configure the opening of all files and folders with one mouse click instead of the standard two. If you choose to open in one click, then the folders will be highlighted when you hover the mouse pointer, and open when you press the left mouse button.

3. In the section Navigation area the display of the folder tree in Windows Explorer is configured. If you check the Show all folders checkbox, then the Navigation Pane will display all the folders on your desktop, including the Trash, Control Panel, and your account folder. If you check the Automatically expand to current folder box, then the Navigation Pane will display all the folders that contain the folder you are viewing. Navigation area is a special panel located on the left in each folder. The Navigation Pane acts as a command shell, providing quick access to folders, quick execution of various operations - such as copying, deleting, archiving files and folders, etc.

Tab View

Zhere you can adjust the display settings for all folders on your computer.

1. In the section Folder view you can apply the icon display style of a specific folder to all folders of the same type. For example, if you open a folder with mp3 files, which the system has identified as a folder with music, and configure the display of shortcuts in it in the form of a table, then thanks to the View tab, you can apply the style of its presentation to all folders with music. To do this, click the Apply to folders button. In the future, you can always undo this operation by clicking the Reset folder view button.

2. In the section Extra options several options are available. To enable this or that parameter, mark it with a tick or select the required value from the offered options.

2.1. Always display icons, not thumbnails... If you enable this option, only icons are displayed in Windows Explorer and never thumbnails (for example, in folders containing photos and videos).

2.2. Always show menu... If this option is enabled, a standard menu (File, Edit, View, Tools) will appear at the top of all folders on your computer. If this option is disabled, then the standard menu in folders will not be displayed, but you can always call it if you press the Alt key.

2.3. Display full path in title bar... This option only works in the Classic theme and replaces the display of the open folder path in the address bar with the classic one: C: / Program Files / Common Files /

2.4. Launch folder windows in a separate process... If you enable this option, then each folder opened in a new window will be launched in a separate process.

2.5. Use Sharing Wizard... This setting allows you to securely share files and folders over the network. If you have never shared files and folders and do not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow to do it without compromising security, we strongly recommend that you leave this option enabled.

2.6. Use checkboxes to select an itemin. If you enable this option, then when you select files and folders, check marks will appear on their icons. Checkboxes are enabled to make it easier to select multiple files with just one mouse.

2.7. Display drive letters... If enabled, drive letters and labels are displayed in the Computer folder. When disabled, only disc marks (titles) are displayed.

2.8. Show file icons on thumbnailx. If this option is enabled, then when option 2.1 is disabled, an icon will be displayed in the right corner of the thumbnail on each graphic file and video file.

2.9. Show view handlers in the view pane... If this option is enabled, the preview area displays not only thumbnails of graphic files, but also the contents of other files, for example, text documents. The preview area in Windows 7 is turned off by default, and if you want to turn it on, open any folder and click the Show preview area button.

2.10. Display a description for folders and desktop items... If this option is enabled, then when you hover the mouse over a file or folder, a tooltip appears with information about that file or folder.

2.11. Show file size information in folder hints... If this parameter is enabled, then when you hover the mouse over a folder, information about the size of the files attached to it will be displayed. If you disable this option, then only the folder creation date will be displayed in the tooltips, which reduces the load on the hard disk. This parameter becomes meaningless when parameter 2.10 is enabled.

2.12. Display compressed or encrypted NTFS files in a different color... If this option is enabled, the names of compressed and encrypted files will be displayed in blue.

2.13. When entering text in List mode... If this parameter is assigned a value. Highlight the entered item in the list (default), then when you open a folder, you can simply type the name of an item on the keyboard, and if an item with this name is in the folder, it will be highlighted. This is a very handy function when you need to find a file in a folder where several tens or hundreds of items are stored. The function works not only in the "List" mode, but in all display modes of elements. You can also configure this function so that when you type the name of an element, the text is immediately entered into the search bar of Windows Explorer - to do this, select the value Automatically enter text in the search field.

2.14. Hide protected system files (recommended)... If this option is enabled, the service files and folders required for the functioning of Windows 7 will not be displayed even if you enable the display of hidden files and folders on the computer (option 2.16).

2.15. Hide extensions for registered file types... If this option is disabled, then its extension will be displayed at the end of the name of each file. The extension indicates that the file belongs to one or another file type (for example, MP3 files have the .mp3 extension). Most of the file types are automatically detected by the operating system as matching certain programs. These types of files are called registered and their extensions are hidden by default for easy display.

2.16. Hidden files and folders... If you choose the value Don't show hidden files, folders and drives, then all elements in the properties of which the "Hidden" attribute is activated will not be displayed.

2.17. Hide empty drives in the Computer folder... If enabled, empty (new) drives will not appear in the Computer folder.

Tab Search

Here you can configure search parameters for all folders on your computer.

1. Section What to look forshould be configured based on how search indexing is configured on your computer. You can choose one of two values:

1.1. Indexed Locations... If this value is selected, then non-indexed locations will be searched only by file names, while indexed locations will be searched by file name and content. Searching the contents of files is important when you need to find a word or a piece of text, and you don't remember or don't know the name of a text document. Do not select this value if you want to always perform full text searches.

1.2. Always search by filename and content... We recommend that you select this option if you have disabled search indexing. However, with a large number of files on your computer, full-text searches in non-indexed locations and files can take several hours.

2. In the section How to searchfour options can be enabled or disabled.

2.1. Include subfolders in search results when searching in folders... If this parameter is enabled, then the search will be carried out not only in the folder that is currently open, but also in all folders that it contains.

2.2. Finding partial matches... If this parameter is disabled, then the search will be performed only by a complete match with the query. For example, if there is a file on your computer called "Windows 7 - Impressions and Facts.txt", then if the Search for partial matches option is disabled, you can find it by queries "Windows", "7", "impressions", "facts" and even for queries such as Windows 7 facts. If partial match search is enabled, you can find this file even for queries such as "Win".

2.3. Use language search... If enabled, Windows 7 will try to use the morphological features of the language when entering a search query. Judging by our small tests, Windows 7 still has problems with the Russian language. For example, you can't find a file named "Oak.txt" if you enter the query "oak". Therefore, language search can be turned off for now in order to save system resources.

2.4. Do not use index when searching for system files in folders... If this option is enabled, the system files will be searched for the first time every time, which slows down the search process. When indexing system files is disabled, it is better to enable this parameter.

3. Section When searching in non-indexed locations - two options are available:

3.1. Include system files... If this option is disabled, system file searches will not be performed.

3.2. Include compressed files... If this option is enabled, then the search will be carried out not only in ordinary files and folders, but also in the contents of those archives that Windows 7 can open by its own means.

The peculiarities of working with folders are not only in the ability to open them and see the contents. It is enough to hover the mouse pointer over the object and press the right mouse button, and a drop-down menu with the necessary items for work will immediately appear.

You can do a lot of useful things with a folder using these menu items:

  • open, in particular - in a new window;
  • configure shared access to a folder on the network;
  • recreate the previous version if the creation of system restore points is enabled;
  • add to one of the existing libraries, or create a new one;
  • four ways how to create an archive with a folder;
  • send by e-mail, fax or transfer to a specific location on your hard drive;
  • cut / copy / create shortcut / delete / rename;
  • change the properties of a specific folder.
  1. When you click on the last item, a window of general properties of the directory (folder) will appear.

    There are only two things you can do here. Firstly - (hidden), this is necessary so that it is impossible to see the folder, however, with certain system settings, it can still be detected. Secondly, to make the contents of the folder available to other users only for reading, they will not be able to modify the files.

  2. There is also a button "Others", by clicking on which, you can observe the menu for changing other attributes of the directory - archiving, indexing, compression and encryption.

  3. The "Folder ready for archiving" field is a parameter for the system and PC administrators, the presence of a check mark means that this directory has not yet been backed up.

  4. Indexing - if you select this option, the folder will be added to a special database, which will make it easier to find it in Windows, if necessary.

  5. Compress folder - this item should be selected if there are many text files in the folder, and the total volume of the folder is really large. The entire contents of the directory will then take up less space without sacrificing performance.

  6. Encryption - setting a folder, according to which, even if the hard drive is stolen, it will be very difficult to read the contents. Only folders that have not been compressed can be encrypted. The setting is made after editing your own account - in relation to the encryption parameters of files and folders.

  7. The "View" / "Settings" tab allows you to change the picture that represents the directory, choosing from the collection of standard pictures (1), or from a separate file (2), or restore the default picture (3).

  8. The "Previous Versions" tab provides the ability to restore the folder in the form and state that was recorded by the Windows checkpoint.

Access rights settings

Here you can define who can view, modify, and delete the contents of this folder.

  1. When you select the "Share" button, a new window will appear where you can determine who should be allowed to interact with the directory files.

  2. By default, only the PC administrator and the owner who created the folder have all changes and access. If you want to open the view to all users, select the "All" value in the upper list. You can also define one specific user or create a new account in the system.

  3. The "Advanced Settings" button will provide access to the resource not only for individual users, but for entire groups.

    Caution! You need to clearly understand what goals you need to achieve when changing access rights, since as a result of rash actions, you can prohibit yourself from any interaction with your own folder.

  4. Password protection of the directory will be possible after appropriate configuration.

  5. The continuation of setting up access to the folder is the "Security" tab, in which you can change both the owner-creator of the directory and his access rights.

And here you need to be careful not to lose the ability to manage the folder.

Folders settings

However, there are other ways to change folder properties.

Although in this case it will not even be possible to open the virtual memory file, sometimes you may need to access the hidden resources of some programs, so it is better to disable the ability to view hidden data, but keep in mind the method of opening access.

How to open access in Windows 8 and 10

Access in Windows 8

Access in Windows 10

A similar function for opening access to system objects (in Windows 7 "Folder Options") in the tenth version of the system is the "Explorer Options" option.

Advice! It is not recommended to constantly work in the operating system as an administrator. It is best to log in as a simple user, without the ability to make critical changes, as required by most Linux-like operating systems. In this case, the risk of damaging the system will be much lower.

Other useful features

Show data about the size of folders.

This is important, since sometimes it is difficult to quickly estimate how much more information will fit on a particular medium (for example, a flash drive).

If you need to disable cache thumbnails, you will have to check the corresponding item.

Now, instead of images of graphic files, only faceless standard images of files will be displayed.

This will save some space on the hard disk of the PC, but if the workstation is needed specifically for editing images, then there is no point in disabling caching, because on the contrary - it reduces the search time for the necessary data, but you need a decent amount of RAM, otherwise the system will "slow down".

If you select the option to highlight compressed and encrypted NTFS files with different colors, you can find out where these file types are located. The system cannot compress some system data and encrypted folders, however, reducing disk space may be required for comfortable work. In some cases, it is advisable to unencrypt certain large directories and compress that folder.

Often not everyone understands what this function is. It should be clarified that the system has a special service to facilitate data retrieval. It manages a special database on the hard disk, if a folder or file is involved in the indexing program, the service will offer this object during the search when the name of the directory or file is similar to the data the user is looking for.

It makes sense to partially enable indexing if you often have to search for certain files, for example, music or video. Then all folders with similar content need to be indexed.

Comment! On weak PCs, indexing can slow down the system speed.

The service is turned on and off in the corresponding list of system services, called Windows Search.

Optimal folder settings will lead to more productive work. However, you need to be careful when modifying system settings and periodically create system restore checkpoints.

Watch the video on setting properties of folders and files.

Video - Folder Options in Windows 7

How easy it was in windows XP. This function was called "Folder Options" and was in three clicks. Those who are accustomed to this name on windows XP do not immediately find these properties in windows 7 for the first time. Why is it necessary to rename everything and hide it so deeply? And if you look at it from the other side, what would I be writing about now?

And so, you bought a computer, installed it, created it just in case, taken_to * from site * taken from site now let's get down to improvement and comfort (is there such a word?).

Now let's quickly customize the look of the folders. There are three options for accessing the Folder Options.

The first way

Open any folder, at the top left click on "Organize" \u003d\u003e "Folder and Search Options"

Second way

A special way for fans of windows XP (I'm also a fan) is again "Arrange" \u003d\u003e "View" \u003d\u003e "Menu bar".

This is our handy XPish menu bar. And here we already have "Help" and "Service" with "Folder Options".

Third way

Let's go: "Start" \u003d\u003e "Control Panel", some of them are habitually looking for the toolbar in windows 7, sorry, now this is the "Control Panel" by flight 🙂 taken from lady- * win.ru_taken * from site ... and here again confusion or "Wealth of choice"?
There are two options to get to our parameter on this tab.



This was all the third method, branched into two options. Are you confused?

Well, this is our cherished window. I set myself the following parameters: "Open with one click" - it's hard for me to get extra clicks. I looked, some of them were banging on the mouse with might and main - "... two clicks or five, even does not open." Well, let them knock, and we will open folders and files with one click.

I have “underline signatures” only on hover, otherwise this underline looks clumsy on the screen, it seems to me so.

View tab

Here taken from lady-w * in.ru_ taken from the site this "Apply to Folders" button transforms the look of folders in one fell swoop. You can choose how all folders will be displayed in one viewport from the following list: "Content", "Tile", "Table", "List" ... "Large icons" ...

Before clicking on the "Apply to folders" button, close this "Folder Options" window altogether. Go to your working folder and configure.

My choice is "List", this view accommodates a lot of files in one overview window. From "Large Icons" I look at pictures. Well, yes, I have to constantly switch manually because the "List" is more important to me.

We chose to display the files, go back to "Folder Options" and press our cherished button taken from * taken * from site "Apply to folders". Now you have all-all folders will be displayed as you like.

So, what is still important for us on the "View" tab. Most likely, there is one check mark that interferes with normal operation, which needs to be removed. Hide extensions for registered file types - uncheck the box. Who even thought of hiding anything from us?

But in the lines "Hide files protected by the system" and "Do not show hidden files and folders", let the checkmarks remain. We will sometimes remove them for a while for business. Some people ask "How to see hidden files and folders?", And now you know.

These were the main, practically vital "Folder options", the rest of the parameters taken * from * site_taken from site you can expose at your discretion. If something is not clear, ask in the comments, I will be happy to answer. Next time I'll tell you about and

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