Why Twitter is needed and how to use it. Social network Twitter

(Twitter) is currently one of the most popular in the world. The number of new members is measured in tens of thousands every day. What caused such a great popularity? How to use this social platform? What opportunities does it offer? We will talk about all this in this review article.

1. History of Twitter

The social service Twitter was first launched on March 21, 2006. The first public message left by founder Jack Dorsey appeared that day. It looks like this: "Setting up my twttr" (English "Setting up my Twitter"). Initially, the service was planned to be used as a platform for the exchange of short messages between employees of the Odeo company, which specializes in software development. The message was supposed to be 140 characters long. The architecture of the website provided for instant publication of messages from users who subscribed to the email creator's account. The public version was first presented in June 2006. Two years later, the billionth message was recorded.

Today Twitter is a social network that gives account owners the ability to leave short messages up to 140 characters long on their page (the limitation reappeared in 2012). Those wishing to register here see Twitter not only as a social network, but also as an excellent opportunity to distribute advertising.

The great popularity of this site is also due to the large number of famous personalities who have official accounts. At one time, the world was tempted to register a Twitter page to find out more about the thoughts of their idols. Everyone has the opportunity to quickly find a famous person by typing his initials or nickname in the search. Newsletter subscription allows you to receive the latest information about posts posted on the pages of celebrities.

In addition, Twitter has grown into one of the most powerful news platforms. Thanks to a simple, but at the same time effective system of hashtags, everyone has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with various information that may arouse interest.

2. How to register with Twitter

In the "Design" section you can also customize your own theme. The interface looks like this:

There are no design restrictions as such. However, we recommend that you refrain from posting images that are too explicit or that might offend other users.

Now let's look at a small instruction on how to use Twitter, its features and advantages.

4. Twitter capabilities

4.1. Finding information by hashtags

Hashtags are keywords that are put directly into a user's post. With its help, other users can quickly find interesting information.

To find the information you need, you must use the search bar located here:

A pound sign (#) is required before entering a keyword. After it, the search keyword is entered. There should be no space between the sign and the word. For example, we enter the hashtag #downhill. Here's what we got:

4.2. How to Retweet

Retweet, in fact, is an alternative to repost on social networks VKontakte, Facebook, and so on. The essence of this opportunity lies in the fact that a user places a post on his feed from another user, showing it to his readers who have subscribed to their account.

The most common way to retweet is by using the dedicated key below the post. Let's look at it with a specific example.

We are on the Twitter page of Downhill rider Aaron Gwin. We liked the post left on the page and we want to retweet it to our page.

Select the "Retweet" icon and click on it.

The following window will appear. Click on the "Retweet" button.

The retweeted post has appeared on your page.

4.3. How to add a Twitter follower

There are two ways to become a reader of a specific user. The first, and perhaps the most common, is to subscribe to a person's account proposed by common interests. There is a special column for this, located on the right side of the site. Clicking the "Read" button automatically turns you into a follower (reader) of the selected user.

There is also a second way. We are looking for a person who interests us. After that, go to his personal page. On the right side of the page is the Read button. Clicking on it automatically subscribes your account to the selected user.

4.4. Viewing a list of your followers

On the page you can see the list of your followers, i.e. those who subscribed to you. I wrote a separate article about how you can attract users and become popular on Twitter.

Have you decided to start a "trendy" Twitter? Or decided to start reading "trendy" people on Twitter? To be honest, it makes absolutely no difference to me, this is your own business, but can I convey the process to you in this lesson twitter registration or not, there is a difference. And I can, because there is nothing difficult about it.

Today it will be my job to show you how to sign up for Twitter. But first, a few words, what exactly is "this" Twitter?

Twitter is essentially a social network or blog where you can write short messages and exchange them with other people. To be more precise, people who follow you will see your messages in their news feed. For your part, you can also subscribe to various people according to your interests, and see their messages in your feed.

The most popular was to write on Twitter to various celebrities, take at least Dmitry Medvedev, Pasha Volya, or the same well-known Misha Galustyan. It is more logical for such people to write on Twitter, since they will easily have an audience who will read them. But ordinary users most often can only honor their idols, and simply interesting people. Well, or if you are not some kind of celebrity, but simply not an unknown person on the Internet or in real life, then of course, by creating your Twitter account, it will not be very difficult for you to gain subscribers, and people will read you.

After registering on Twitter, you will be able to write tweets (small messages up to 140 characters), and your subscribers will read them, you will also be able to subscribe to various people, and see in your feed all the messages (tweets) that they write on their Twitter.

Attention! It should be said right away that registration on Twitter is freeme, so do not fall for the tricks of not honest people.

What is the most common Twitter feed?

Well, to be honest, there is a lot of nonsense on Twitter, usually from their own lives. But if you follow normal people, I do not mean those who do that, that they constantly post tweets, about where they are going, what they have eaten, and how good the weather is. No, I mean people who actually tweet something useful, and this information can be an additional source of knowledge. Of course Dima Medvedev will not write nonsense on Twitter, so if you are interested in "following" him, then feel free to subscribe to him.

I hope I have conveyed the basic essence of Twitter to you, and the rest you will understand already on the way. Let's start creating a Twitter account.

Registration on Twitter

Go to the site https://twitter.com and immediately here I have to please you, because register on twitter this is not a difficult process, although now you will see for yourself.

On the main page of the site, we need to select the Russian interface language and fill in some fields with our data: enter your full name, email address and come up with a password. After that, click the "Register" button.

On the next loaded page, we need to check our data, come up with a username, or leave the one suggested by the system based on our email address. After that, press the button " Create an account».

Enter the verification code.

Congratulations, Twitter registration is complete. Click "Next ".

In order for news of interesting people to appear in your feed, you must first subscribe to them using the proposed options, or by finding them by initials through the search.

Now to enter Twitter we need to use the first login form on the main page. You need to enter your username, password and click the "Login" button.

Signing up on Twitter is only half the battle, now we need to verify our email address as indicated in our account.

To do this, we need to go to our mail and follow the special link in the letter sent to us by the Twitter service.

Accept thanks for confirming mail.

We also need to subscribe to at least a few people for tweets to appear in our feed. To do this, I suggest using the search by entering your last name or login, if known.

After going to the page of the found person, in our example it is Galustyan, you need to click the "Read" button.

Thus, we subscribed to him, and now all his messages that he writes on Twitter will be displayed in our feed.

This very second, after subscribing to Galustyan, I was offered to subscribe to three more people who are similar in activity, of which Pavel Volya and Ivan Urgant are interesting to me, I click "Read".

Now go to the main page by clicking on the house icon in the upper left corner.

And you will see in your feed several recent messages (tweets) of those people who have already followed.

Now the most reasonable thing would be to subscribe to all the "little people" that we are interested in, and log in once or twice a day and read new tweets.

I myself do not write to Twitter, because, frankly, there are no subscribers, but I read it, since I am subscribed to 35 people. But if suddenly, everyone who signs up on Twitter after reading this article subscribes to my account, then I will start writing, and the first thing I will start to publish there are links to my new lessons, articles and video tutorials on the site. By the way, here's my Twitter.

People cannot exist without society and communication - these are one of the main human needs. Nowadays, everyone who has access to the Internet probably has accounts in any social networks. Communication brings people pleasure, so the developers are trying to make this process faster and more comfortable, trying to diversify the functionality of their products.

This article will focus on the development of Twitter Inc, which has become so popular that it brings its creators an income of about $ 50 million a year.

This " money generator"Is Twitter, which today is not inferior in popularity to its social counterparts, although it is so different from the familiar to everyone Facebook, VKontakte and the like.

On Twitter, users have the opportunity to both exchange messages of 140 characters, and to blog by publishing posts that do not exceed the established limit, which is why it was called "microblogging".

Why does the leading microblogging service have this name? It's very simple: communication between users of this resource is very similar to how birds chirp among themselves, making short sounds, similar to how people send each other short messages and publish tweets.

Twitter in translation means "twitter". The developers decided that it was a good name and settled on it. Which was reflected in the choice of the logo, which depicts the bird:

It should be noted that registration without e-mail is impossible - this is a required field. Then you need to click on the "Register" button:

2. After filling in the above fields, the service offers to select a username ( nickname), after which you need to click on "Registration":

  • Acquaintance with Twitter - the page provides a brief description of the functionality and purpose of this social service;
  • Interests - the user must choose topics of interest to himself: news, sports, music, etc .;
  • After areas of interest have been selected, Twitter offers the most popular and interesting pages. After reviewing them, the user can delete those that he does not like;
  • Uploading a photo - a photo can be uploaded both from the file system, and you can take a picture using the camera of the gadget used, whether it be a phone, tablet, or laptop;
  • Search for acquaintances. Twitter offers to find friends through other resources: Gmail, Yahoo, etc .;
  • The last step is to confirm registration by means of a letter sent to the user's e-mail box.

After completing all the points described above, you can start to conduct your microblogging and correspondence with friends, as well as explore all the possibilities of the Twitter service. Registration in Russian greatly facilitated the creation of an account for a domestic audience, which ensured an increase in the number of users of this resource.

Login to your account

In order to log into the created account, you must go to twitter.com and enter in the appropriate fields the e-mail address and password specified during registration:

After clicking on the "Login" button, you will be redirected to Twitter (My Page). Registration was successful if there were no problems entering.

Signing up to Twitter through other networks

Recently, to speed up registration on various resources, it has become popular to use social networks, through which you also log in. However, registration on Twitter via VK, Facebook and others is not possible. You can register only using a standard form with an email address.

Can I read Twitter without registering?

A large number of Twitter users, to some extent, owes to movie and music stars, government officials, just public people who have opened accounts on this social network and post interesting moments, as well as news from their lives, which is extremely interesting for fans. Therefore, you can read the tweets of idols, and ordinary users, without bothering yourself by creating your own page within the service.

You can also search for people on Twitter without registering, just go to https://twitter.com/search-home# and in the search bar, enter the name and surname of the person of interest, but since he may have a lot of cracks, it is better to use a nickname, then Twitter will give the only correct result:

Programs for registering twitter accounts

Twitter is not only a means of communication, but also a tool for promoting and advertising brands, doing business, promoting sites and blogs. Not every webmaster knows how links from Twitter influence the indexing of a site in a search engine, but they actually have a colossal effect.

The more links, the faster indexing occurs. This is why there are programs for the massive creation of Twitter accounts. Twitter registration is free, which makes it easy, but quality software costs money. One of the most popular is RegTwitt, with which you can create accounts, customize them, post links, retweet, etc.

Thus, Twitter is an alternative to the bored Vkontakte and Facebook with their ads ( besides, and a competitor, so registration on Twitter through VK and other social networks is impossible), and acts not only as a tool for the rapid dissemination of information and communication, but also as a tool for brand promotion, blog, website, business and advertising campaigns.

Good bad

a service on the Internet, a social network for microblogging, with the help of which subscribers publish short, up to 140 characters, messages to their news feed, follow the messages of other users in their feeds in real time

Information about the Twitter service, what Twitter is and how to use it, history of the creation and development of the Twitter network, Twitter ratings and statistics, technologies used in Twitter, activities, financing and acquisitions of Twitter corporation, known uses of Twitter and criticism of the Twitter network

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Twitter is, definition

Twitter is a well-known online service through which users exchange public short messages, or tweets, about what they consider important and interesting, up to 140 characters long. On Twitter, you can also track other users' posts in a similar format in real time and exchange private messages between subscribers. This message format is called microblogging.

Twitter and its creators

Twitter is online service for (micro) blogging. Why micro? The message is limited to 140 characters.

Twitter is a microblogging service in which everyone who registers can write short messages to their news feed. Anyone who subscribes to your feed begins to follow you - read your messages in his own.

Twitter is microblogging service, a kind of social network that allows you to communicate with friends / acquaintances or follow (read) someone's records.

About Twitter

Twitter is a microblogging service that allows you to open your own microblogging and write short text messages there. Each such text message is called a tweet (from the English tweet). The size of a single tweet is limited to 140 characters, including spaces.

Twitter microblogging service

Twitter is service for public exchange of short (up to 140 characters) messages using a web interface, SMS, instant messaging or third-party client programs. The publication of short notes in blog format is called "microblogging". The service is free of charge. The use by SMS is charged by the operator according to the user's tariff plan.

Twitter ismicroblogging service. A unique platform where everyone exchanges short messages up to 140 characters long. All messages are accumulated by the service in real time. Now you can attach an image, video, geotags to short messages (tweets), share links to any pages.

Twitter is the ability to follow the latest news in real time and maintain your own activity feed - that is, to post publicly what seems most interesting, useful and important right now.

Twitter revolution

The Internet today is not only a global social network, but also an effective tool influencing the formation of the views of young people, including political views. provided by social networks played an important role in the so-called. arabic spring. In the Arab Spring, most activists used social media as a key tool in expressing their grievances against the ruling regime. Activists used Twitter to spread information to organize protests, and YouTube to show it to the world.

Such concepts as "twitter revolution" and "revolution through social networks" firmly entered the scientific circulation precisely after the events of the Arab spring.

About Twitter revolutions

On April 21, Time magazine published a list of the 100 most influential people of 2010. The first place in it is occupied by Wael Gonim, an Egyptian who created a Facebook page on the social network, where he urged his compatriots to go out into the streets with protests. Nobel laureate and former IAEA director Mohammed ElBaradei describes Wael as follows: “He quickly realized that social media, especially Facebook, emerged as the most powerful communication tool for mobilizing and ideas. By insisting that the regime will only hear citizens when they exercise their right to peaceful demonstration and civil disobedience, Wael helped initiate the call for peace. The answer was a miracle: the movement, which began on January 25 with thousands and ended with 12 million Egyptians, overthrew Hosni Mubarak and his regime. What Wael and the young Egyptians did like wildfire spread throughout the Arab world. "

Twitter revolution - what is it?

Protests against the results of the elections in Moldova and in 2009, anti-government demonstrations in Egypt and Tunisia in 2010, demonstrations in Libya, Yemen and Morocco in 2011 - during all these events, social networks, primarily Facebook and Twitter, were used to coordinate activists. Not surprisingly, journalists and scientists alike are talking about a new phenomenon - the Twitter revolution.

The term Twitter revolution was coined by Yevgeny Morozov, an American researcher of Belarusian origin. He applied this expression to the massive protests of Moldovan youth against the results of the 2009 parliamentary elections.

Twitter revolutions and tech

Twitter revolution in Chisinau 2009

Riots in Chisinau - the 7 April riots in the Moldovan capital Chisinau, which began after the April 2009 parliamentary elections. The riots were preceded by a rally of the Moldovan opposition on 6 April.

Open sorce is still reaping the rewards of his passion. Jack's software is now used in many taxi companies. In 2000, Dorsey moved from Missouri to California because he was tired of working for his uncle.

In California, he started a courier and passenger service company. In the same 2000, Jack Dorsey registered a LiveJournal account. If this had not happened, then, perhaps, Jack continued to run his small company.

LiveJournal was then young and not yet popular (as it is now) service. And then the registration of users was carried out by special invitations. Jack liked LJ. Soon the young programmer got the idea to make LiveJournal more "alive". And for that, you just needed to add one feature - the ability to publish your thoughts in real time.

But the idea went into the box. And Jack was thrilled to work on new projects. He remembered his idea in 2005, when he was an employee of Odeo Inc.

Prototyping the Twitter service in 2005

Odeo Inc has shown interest in text messaging services. This brought Dorsey to the company. The company had not the best times, but it was strong, so new projects and ideas were required.

Dorsey shared with his colleagues the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a service that would help people always be online. With the help of this server, it was possible to know about classes and finding friends. Jack wanted to make adding new entries faster and easier. Therefore, the emphasis was on short text messages and mobile phones. Hence the limitation in message length (up to 140 characters).

The idea was approved. And two weeks later, a prototype of the service was created. Everyone was delighted after seeing the working model. The service was simple but complete. The testing of the service began in a closed mode. There were about 50 users.

Biz Stone had a tough weekend during testing - repairs, rearrangement of furniture. And at a certain moment, the mobile gave a signal. Looking at the display, Biz learned that Jack was currently resting in Napa and sipping wine. Then Stone was inspired by this idea.

Launching Twitter

The service was named Twttr (from Twitter - to twitter). The service was opened at Twttr.com. This also happened because the Twitter.com domain was already taken.

But things were really bad for Odeo. the company had to constantly undergo layoffs. The service was launched, but there was no success. Users just dabbled, because they did not understand why and who needed all this.

The first Twitter investor

Months have passed, but nothing has changed. Only Twitter.com was bought by Odeo and Twttr turned into Twitter. Initially, the project had one and only one. It was the IT guy and Evan Williams. Williams was one of the founders of Odeo.

And in order to support Twitter, Williams, Dorsey and Stone and some other employees formed Obvious Corp. and acquired Odeo and all of it, including Odeo.com and Twitter.com - with investors and shareholders. Twitter became a separate company in April 2007.

Twitter boom in 2006-2007

The service began to get on its feet in 2006-2007. More and more people were following Twitter: they commented on their every step.

Twitter's real triumph came in 2007 at the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival. During the event, Twitter usage increased from 20,000 tweets per day to 60,000. “The Twitter folks have cleverly placed two 60-inch plasma screens in conference halls solely for streaming Twitter messages,” Stephen Levy told Newsweek. "Hundreds of viewers followed each other through constant tweets." The reaction at the festival was very positive. Blogger Scott Beale said Twitter is "absolutely rul". Social software researcher Dana Boyd said Twitter "took over" the festival. Employees of Twitter Inc received the Festival's Web Award marked “We would like to thank you in 140 characters or less. And we just did it! "

At this festival, Dorsey was presented with an award and excellent publicity for his brainchild. The service was gaining popularity. And after the 2007 event (WWDC and MTV Music Awards), Twitter began to be talked about all over the world.

A huge number of people wanted to try Twitter in action. The developers were simply not ready for such an influx of people, so the service was only operational 98% of the time.

The growing popularity of Twitter

The developers managed to get rid of technical problems completely only in 2008. 2008 was a pivotal year for Twitter. The service continued to grow, gain in popularity, and entered a phase of change. Twitter has new investors. And Twitter Inc, led by Jack Dorsey, spun off from Obvious Corp.

Twitter has a lot of useful features - RSS feed, chat, message links, etc. And public interest only increased with each.

In 2007, about 400,000 tweets were sent / quarter. That figure rose to 100 million tweets posted per quarter in 2008. By the end of 2009, there were 2 tweets / quarter. In February 2010, Twitter users were sending 50 million tweets a day. In the first quarter of 2010, 4 billion tweets were posted. As of June 2010, there were about 65 million tweets being sent every day, which is the equivalent of about 750 tweets per second.

Twitter breaks records during notable events. For example, during the 2010 World Cup, fans wrote 2,940 tweets per second during the Japan-Cameroon match on June 14, 2010. The record was broken again when 3085 tweets / sec. published following the Los Angeles Lakers' victory in the NBA Finals on June 17, 2010. On June 25, 2009, when American singer Michael Jackson died, users updated their status with the words "Michael Jackson" at a rate of 100,000 tweets per hour. On April 11, 2010 Twitter got an application developer - Atebits company. Atebits has earned a Design Award for the Tweetie Twitter client for Mac and. The app, now called Twitter and distributed free of charge, is the official Twitter client for the iPhone.

According to the administration of the service as of September 2011, the number of registered Twitter users exceeded 200 million. At the same time, in January, about 250 million people visited the service every month, and in September - already 400 million, while about 100 million registered users visit the service at least once a month.

Updates to Twitter.com in 2010

On September 14, 2010, Twitter Inc began redesigning the site, including an updated logo. On September 24, 2010, a new version of the site was launched, which allowed users to watch videos and photos directly on the site and, in general, enriched the user's interaction with Twitter, making it faster, easier, and more functional.

On October 4, 2010, Evan Williams announced that he was stepping down as CEO. Dick Costolo, former chief operating officer of Twitter Inc, took over Williams' chair. But Williams stayed with the company to "be completely focused on manufacturing strategy."

On August 4, 2011, the old interface was completely disabled and everyone who used it was transferred to the new one, launched back in 2010.

On December 8, 2011, a new interface for the web version and applications for iOS smartphones and called Fly Twitter was launched.

In 2012, Twitter Inc acquired Dasient, a developer of protection for online ad networks.

The Twitter service is currently

Over the past year, the service has had many nice additions, such as normal search. They have already tried to buy this constantly growing dot-com. Facebook was offering half a billion for Twitter for its shares. But the service management refused this offer. Rumors circulate online that the company is in talks to buy Twitter.

At the moment, Twitter is in third place in popularity among social networks. Only Facebook and MySpace will overtake it. The annual user growth is 1382%. This indicates an opportunity to lead this top.

Twitter Ratings

According to Alexa Internet, Twitter is ranked as one of the 10 most visited websites worldwide. Daily user counts vary from study to study due to the fact that Twitter has not released the number of active accounts. In February 2009, Compete.com ranked Twitter as the third most used social network with 6 million monthly unique visitors and 55 million monthly visits.

In March 2009, Twitter was named "Fastest Growing Site" by Nielsen.com. Twitter is growing at 1382% annually, growing from 475,000 unique visitors in February 2008 to 7 million in February 2009 (followed by Zimbio with a 240% increase and Facebook with a 228% increase). However, only 40% of Twitter users continue to use it after registration.

Fast growing Twitter site

Network statisticsTwitter

Some SEO-optimizers use the Twitter service for faster indexing of website pages in search engines.

Criticism of the Twitter service

Twitter.by - Belarusian twitter community

geektimes.ru - site about the high-tech industry

dpage.ru - support for sites, ideas and people

tadviser.ru - site about business and IT technologies

timesnet.ru - information site about business and finance

habrahabr.ru - resource for IT professionals

academia.edu - information and educational portal

lime-tele.com - information and news site about social networks

civilfund.ru - website of the Civil Society Development Fund

diplomat.am - information and analytical website of Diplomat.am

cyclowiki.org - information and encyclopedic resource Cyclopedia

expert.ru - information and news site Expert

mpst.org - site of the Interprofessional Workers' Union

Ua - Forbes online business magazine

tjournal.ru - information and news site

twitwi.ru - blog about Twitter

voprosik.net - site with answers to questions

bodrumnews.tv - news site about Turkey

gazeta.ru - information and news website Gazeta Ru

lookatme.ru - information and news portal

cybersecurity.ru - portal of high technology and science news

info.sibnet.ru - information and news site

Links to Internet services

forexaw.com - information and analytical portal for financial markets

Google.ru is the largest search engine in the world

video.google.com - search for videos on the Internet via Google

translate.google.ru - translator from Google search engine

Ru is the largest search engine in Russia

wordstat.yandex.ru - a service from Yandex that allows you to analyze search queries

video.yandex.ru - search for videos on the Internet through Yandex

images.yandex.ru - search for images through the Yandex service

Links to application programs

windows.microsoft.com - the site of the Microsoft corporation that created the Windows OS

office.microsoft.com - site of the corporation that created Microsoft Office

chrome.google.ru - a frequently used browser for working with sites

hyperionics.com - site for the creators of the HyperSnap screenshot program

getpaint.net - Free imaging software

etxt.ru - site of the creators of the eTXT Antiplagiat program

Article creator

vk.com/panyt2008 - Vkontakte profile

odnoklassniki.ru/profile513850852201- profile in Odnoklassniki

Facebook.com / profile.php? Id \u003d 1849770813- Facebook profile

Twitter.com/Kollega7- Twitter profile

plus.google.com/u/0/ - profile on Google +

livejournal.com/profile?userid\u003d72084588&t\u003dI - blog in LiveJournal

Many novice users are wondering why you need Twitter. Social networks around the world are developing very quickly. In just a few years, a large number of various sites have appeared on the Internet. Each has its own pros and cons. Some are intended for ordinary communication, some are primarily for the exchange of textual information. What about the Twitter page? Why do users need it?


What page are you talking about? The thing is, Twitter is a generation. It has won the hearts of many users. It is itself a somewhat non-standard "social network" that allows you to send small text messages, SMS, photos over the Internet.

In general, the word twitt in translation from English means "to chat" or "tweet". The main advantage (or feature) of the site is that all information on the user's page is in the public domain. Why is Twitter needed? To conduct your microblogging and exchange short messages!

Distinctive features

Each social network has its own advantages and disadvantages. What makes the site under study stand out from the rest? The point is that it does not look like the usual social networks. Why do you need Twitter and how to use it? To understand this, first you need to decide how good the proposed resource is. The distinctive features of "social" will help to judge this characteristic.

Among them, at the moment, there are:

  1. Fast messaging and notification of new information to subscribers. Here, publications are spreading faster than on all other social networks.
  2. All posted materials are open to users who have their own Twitter account.
  3. You can make a so-called "tweet" in an instant. Such mobility delights users. You don't need to write posts for a long time. You can share messages and information almost anytime, anywhere.
  4. Fashion is another advantage. It is fashionable to be a Twitter user now. Therefore, many are interested in this social network and use it, even if in fact there is no urgent need for it.

Perhaps these are all the main advantages that can only be identified. What else is important to know about this social network? How to use it?

Twitter Rules

Why is Twitter needed? To communicate! There are some rules for understanding the principle of publishing so-called "tweets". In fact, everything is very simple.

First of all, the user must register (about the principles of registration a little later). After that, he will have his own account. It takes a few minutes to complete your profile. Further, a person can log in to the proposed social network at any time, and then leave a short message in his microblog.

Remember that people can write a variety of posts. You don't have to be limited to words only. Additionally, the "tweets" are inserted:

  • images (most often);
  • links to various sites;
  • photographs (even just taken);
  • event announcements;
  • video.

Accordingly, you can make Twitter interesting, varied and engaging. What elements should every user who plans to create a page on the studied social network be familiar with?


Now it is clear why you need Twitter, and what you can do if you have an account on this site. There are some terms to help you get comfortable with this social network.

"Tweet" is the first concept to be aware of. This is the name for short messages that are left in the studied social network. "Tweets" - posts in the microblog.

"Follower" is a subscriber. He represents a user who has a Twitter account. A person subscribes to the page and sees news from a particular user in his update feed.

Twitter Rules

Regardless of the version of Twitter (there are mobile and regular), the social network has a number of its own rules that must be followed. We are talking about the features of registration, as well as the use of the page, and about the behavior towards users.

What items are required? In the vastness of the microblogging being studied, you will have to adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is forbidden to impersonate another person. A user who decided to create a "fake" page (fake) may be permanently blocked.
  2. The private information of third parties, as well as their personal files (for example, photos), cannot be published. This is a violation of the law not only in Russia, but also in other countries.
  3. Calls for violence and rebellion, as well as threats, are prohibited. Applies to both own "tweets" and "retweets".
  4. No copyright infringement. Criminal liability is not excluded.

What else is important to know? Some are interested in how to communicate correctly with their subscribers. There are no clear rules in this regard. But users, especially successful ones, offer their own method of behavior.

How to deal with followers

There are certain rules of etiquette recommended on Twitter. Or, as they say, behavior. The point is that, in principle, there are no restrictions on this social network - it is important not to publish threats, insults and calls for violence.

But you need to communicate with followers somehow. What do successful users recommend? Among the basic rules of communication are:

  1. Respect for culture and etiquette. It is recommended to thank subscribers for "retweets". Also, you need to pay attention to those who read the user account.
  2. It is worth doing "retweets" when the message is liked. There is no need to be ashamed, it is for such publications that the studied social network was invented.
  3. A lot of "tweets" in a short time is bad. It is recommended to refrain from this phenomenon. It is better to publish posts regularly, with small pauses.
  4. Spam and social media ads are discouraged. On Twitter, this rule also applies.

There are no more restrictions and essential tips. Maybe update Twitter regularly. Some users register here just because it's trendy and then forget about their account. You won't be able to collect many followers this way.

About registration

Now you should pay attention to the registration process. This is a mandatory item that allows you to access site resources. On the Twitter page, registration will take only a few minutes. It is important to remember that one user cannot have a huge number of accounts. One person - one profile.

  • username;
  • phone for binding;
  • email;
  • invented password on the English keyboard.

You do not need to indicate both mobile and mail. One thing is enough. The second option is most often chosen. Then you can register several profiles, but preferably under different names. Only one account can be linked to one phone number or mail.

After filling out the previously indicated fields (all of them are required), you need to confirm your profile on the Twitter website. Registration will be completed after entering the confirmation code or clicking on the link that came to your email.


That's all, nothing else is needed. It remains only to fill out your profile, put an avatar and save the changes. Twitter is ready to go! If you have problems downloading data, you can use a special application for phones - Mobile Twitter. It allows you to quickly manage your social network account with maximum comfort.

Should I register here? It is recommended to use this page if the user likes to share the latest news and events from his life. Why is Twitter needed? To exchange just short messages. You should not create an account here if the person is not used to constant communication.

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