Download the program for images. Photo viewers: which is better

It goes without saying that after saving photos to the hard drive of a computer or laptop, you want to see them on the screen (we are not talking about editing now). This is where the legitimate question arises about which photo viewers to use. It is clear that each program has its own flavor.

Types of photo viewers

In general, if you initially wonder what kind of photo viewers are, it can be noted that applications of this type are conditionally divided into two main types: ordinary "viewers" (from the English viewer) and viewers with the ability to edit photos, create special effects, view in slideshow, etc.

Surely it is clear that watching photos, say, with automatic frame change, and even accompanied by your favorite music, is much more pleasant than just looking at the photo, and even constantly pressing somewhere to select the next frame.

Windows standard photo viewer

Needless to say, all Windows operating systems have their own graphics viewers. For example, as in some minor versions, the standard Windows 7 photo viewer is available either when called from the main menu, or from the context menu when right-clicking on a graphic file, or when directly invoked with a double-click (by the way, this option is enabled by default).

In the standard version, it turns out that double-clicking on the file opens it exactly with the standard image viewer. Some users don't like this. This is understandable, because there are very few opportunities here. The most you can do is rotate the photo or scale it. However, this program was not originally designed for anything else.

You can, of course, use the "Picture Manager" that is available in the installed Microsoft Office tools, but this is not an option either. Anyway, nothing special can be squeezed out of this application. It's much more fun to use third-party photo viewers that have a lot more features and functions.

Most popular utilities for viewing photos

If we talk about the most interesting and most popular programs among users, it is worth noting utilities such as ACDSee, FastStone Image Viewer, Picasa, Irfan View, XnView, etc.

Each utility has an interesting enough set of functions for working with photos or any other graphic files. As a rule, the basic set of utilities differs insignificantly. But there are some specific features.

So, for example, FastStone Image Viewer is suitable not only for viewing photos, but also for reducing their size, as well as for subsequent archiving into one file and sending by e-mail.

Picasa is best suited for creating all sorts of playful collages and parodies, especially since there is a fairly extensive database of templates for this, which can be downloaded even from the Internet in the user community.

The last two programs from the list are created in the image and likeness of the ACDSee application, which supports the maximum possible number of multimedia formats. In addition, when viewing, say, graphic content, you can set the image to automatically fit the screen. It should be noted separately that there is even support for Adobe Photoshop filters.

The XnView application looks interesting. Its main feature is that it can not only display photos, but also view documents of other formats, video and even audio. And everything is completely free.

What's better?

It's really hard to talk about which photo viewers are the best. If you take at least the above applications, it becomes clear that each of them has its own unique capabilities. But in general, if you take purely graphics, many professional computer users and photographers believe that the best photo viewer currently is ACDSee.

In terms of processing graphic material, this program has the maximum potential. Moreover, there is even support for accessing the ACDSee Online online storage (albeit only in the Pro version, which you will have to buy). But that's not even the point. What exactly to use, the user decides for himself. It is best to try to work with several utilities in order to conclude later which is better, more convenient, more functional in each specific case.

Many users, when familiarizing themselves with the new OS from Microsoft, found that Windows 10 photos are viewed through the Photos program. But in Windows 8, Microsoft offered a choice between the photo viewer and the Photos tool.

Why did the developers relieve users of the ability to view common graphic formats through a more convenient and functional program?

Many Windows 10 users are starting to look for third-party products that are more suitable for them, knowing that Photo Viewer only works with TIFF and TIF formats. Therefore, today we will consider how to add this tool to the "Default Applications" section and the "Open with" dialog, where the program is initially missing.

More advanced users try to specify Photo Viewer as an app to open pixelated images through the Program Mapping tool, but again, the app is only available for the above TIFF / TIF. Can the photo viewer be specified as a viewer for other image formats as well? Naturally, it's easy to do.

1. Call the registry editor by executing the "regedit" command in the search line or in the text line of the "Win + R" command interpreter.

2. Go to HKLM / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows Photo Viewer / Capabilities / FileAssociations.

Here you will see a couple of options with the name of the image formats that are allowed to open with the photo viewer.

3. Using the right button, call the context menu of the free part of the space of the right frame of the window and select the creation of a string parameter (REG_SZ).

4. Enter its name as ".jpeg", and set the value to "PhotoViewer.FileAssoc.Tiff".

We carry out all the same operations for the other formats (.jpg, .gif, .png) that you want to open through a more convenient image visualization tool.

5. We call "Parameters" by means of Win + i.

6. Go to "System" → "Default Applications".

8. In the left frame with the list of programs, click on "Photo viewer", then on the icon with the inscription: "Select default values \u200b\u200bfor the program."

9. Check the boxes next to the required formats.

11. We call the context menu item "Open with" on one of the selected image formats.

Windows Photo Viewer appears.

12. Specify the tool as the default image opening tool.

Alternative method

For beginners who do not want to dig into the wilds of the Windows 10 settings repository, we recommend using the WinAero Tweaker utility.

  • After launching the application, we move to the last item of the available tweaks "Windows Accessories".
  • Click on the "Activate Windows Photo Viewer" button.

The result will be the same in both cases.

The modern development of computer technology has led to the fact that there are more and more graphic images using specific formats. This is especially due to the fact that each manufacturer of cameras (especially SLRs) tries to take photographs in its own format (although, universal formats are also present). And sometimes a question, choose and download image viewers, is very relevant. Today there are quite a large number of programs that allow not only viewing, but also editing graphic files and objects. For now, we will focus only on viewers. In the modern computer world, there are a great many of them, as well as the file formats with which they can work. Among the most common formats are JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG, BMP, ICO and some others. If you look at it, there are built-in graphic viewers in any operating system. Even if we take into account even such a file manager like FAR, which to a certain extent resembles Norton Commander, it also has a graphics preview function, despite the fact that it is a kind of add-on in the form of DOS - a system for Windows. Recent operating systems in the Windows family have a built-in program that opens graphics by default. However, it should be noted that Microsoft's previewer may not work with all types of images. In this case, it is much more convenient to use special programs that recognize the maximum number of formats. It is no secret that every camera manufacturer, in addition to the usual standard JPEG format, can use its own file format to save photos in the camera's memory or on a removable card in order to reduce the size of the saved file and save disk space. When viewing such images, most likely, you will have to use exactly the apparatus on which this photograph was taken. Converting an image from personal to public can take a long time. This is where programs come to the rescue that are able to recognize an image, even if this file has a different extension. Such programs allow viewing graphic files even if they are renamed. Let's say in some Commander you changed the file extension from .JPG to .TXT. The program will not detect the difference between the formats, although the system will indicate that the latter is, after all, a text file (although, in fact, it does not apply to such). You can download such programs for viewing images on our website. It seems that the use of the standard Windows graphic file viewer is becoming more and more irrelevant. On our site you can download free programs for viewing images.

The image viewer for Windows 7 is installed with the system and does not require additional configuration. To start viewing the image, you just need to double-click the left mouse button on the photo icon. An application window will open in front of you and the desired picture will be shown.

The program window contains basic tools that allow you to manage settings and set basic parameters for the image.

If you want, you can enlarge or reduce the size of the photo using the mouse wheel or the magnifying glass icon at the bottom left of the screen. Click on the zoom icon and left-click the area you want to zoom in. To zoom out, click on the arrow next to the magnifying glass icon and select “Zoom out”, then in the same way select the desired area with the left mouse button.

To go to the next picture in the images folder, click on the arrow to the right. To view the previous picture, click on the left arrow. The central button allows you to start playing a slideshow from the images in the catalog in full screen. To print a picture, use the "Print" button at the top of the program window. If you want to delete a picture, use the cross-shaped button in the lower right part of the program window. Confirm the delete operation by clicking on the "Yes" button in the dialog box that appears.

Opening through alternative programs

You can view Windows 7 photos through alternative photo viewer apps. Their advantage is the ability to use a wider range of tools for viewing and editing. Among the most multifunctional programs are Picasa, ACDSee, FastStone Image Viewer, XnView, IrfanView.

Programs can scan the file system for photos, and then sort them into categories, apply filters, change colors and create small slideshows.

Study the proposed programs and download them to your computer by visiting the official website of the developer. Run the file received for installation. Complete the installation by following the instructions in the app. After completing the procedure, right-click on the photo you want to view, and then click "Open with". In the list, select the program that you installed, and then click "OK". You can start viewing and editing the image.

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  • Picasa
  • ACDSee
  • FastStone Image Viewer
  • XnView
  • InfranView

There are several types of programs designed to work with images. The first group allows you to view photographs and drawings, but at the same time it is almost impossible to change anything in the image; using programs from the second group, you can edit graphic documents.

You will need

  • -Program for viewing images;
  • -graphics editor.


To open and view the image on Microsoft Windows, use an image and fax viewer. This is a standard program that is installed with the system. With its help, you can not only open and view the image, but also transfer photos from digital cameras or a scanner to your computer.

To open an image using an image and fax viewer, right-click on the image file. From the drop-down menu select the item "Open with", then click in the submenu once with the left mouse button on the item "Image and fax viewer".

You can also independently install any of the image "viewers" from the disk or download it from the Internet. For example, FS Viewer allows you to open an image with one mouse click and view it in full screen mode. All such programs have a “magnifier” tool that allows you to zoom in on the details of the image. Zooming in or out of detail does not affect the size of the image itself.

To open an image not only for viewing, but also for editing, install a graphics editor on your computer. In Windows, the Paint graphic editor is quite primitive. It is suitable only for minor adjustments to drawings and photographs, but it is impossible to achieve special effects in it.

Have you switched to the new Windows 10 operating system, but didn't like viewing photos through the new program? Then let's return the good old standard "viewer" as in Windows 7 or 8.1.

Downloading the standard photo viewer in Windows 10 from previous versions will not work, and why, because it is already in the system. You just need to activate it.

The standard photo viewer for Windows 10 is already installed in the system, you just need to use it!

Where is it located - Windows 10 Photo Viewer? And how to set it as the main one for viewing a photo? Go!

How to open pictures in Windows 10 through preview

We make changes to the registry.

1) Start - Service Windows - Run (or by holding down the Win + R keys). We write regedit - we call the Windows registry.

Attention! The registry is an important element of Windows. Do not change anything unnecessary here. For every fireman, we recommend making a Windows restore point (backup).

2) Once in the registry window, go to the folder:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows Photo Viewer / Capabilities / FileAssociations

There are only 2 image formats added for the photo viewer: tiff and tif.

3) Right-click on an empty space and select New - String parameter. We sign the name.jpeg

4) Click the left mouse button twice on the created name and in the Value field enter: PhotoViewer.FileAssoc.Tiff
Next OK.

5) Create names as in paragraph 3 for other types of files, namely for: .jpg, .png, .gif and any others, for example .ico and .bmp. All have the same value: PhotoViewer.FileAssoc.Tiff
As a result, you get the following picture:

Setting up Photo Viewer in Windows 10

6) Start - Settings (or Win + i) - System - Default applications - Set default values \u200b\u200bfor the application (link below).

If there is no Default Applications item in the list, then in the search box on the top left (Find parameter) write Applications and the required item will appear in the drop-down list.

7) On the left in the list of programs, select Windows Photo Viewer and click Select defaults for this program.

If you have a slightly different window (the usual list of programs), then find the Photo Viewer in it, click once and select Manage. Then select the required program for all file formats.

9) Now click on any image in the .jpg, .png, .gif or .jpeg format with the right mouse button - Open with - Select another application (or select an application).
Select Windows Photo Viewer from the list and tick Always use this application.

The bottom line. In such a simple way, in 5-10 minutes, you can permanently install the standard Photo Viewer for Windows 10, which was in Windows 7 and 8.1.

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