HP laptop entering safe mode. Asus system recovery

Greetings to ASUS notebook owners!

"Asus System Restore" is a typical question for a search robot coming from those who have a laptop from ASUS on their laps. How to run ASUS System Restore if the machine won't boot? This is a more complex question than the classic rehabilitation procedure, but still, we will consider both options. If you forgot, then this procedure is necessary to perform a rollback, that is, the PC returns to the working state in which it was most recently.

Classic Windows function

ASUS System Recovery can be launched using a standard utility in the Windows kernel. The changes made are rolled back automatically when the computer restarts. This method can be used both while working in the operating system and through safe mode. Let's start with the simplest.

Go to the command Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - System Restore. The first window of the program will appear, where we are asked to select a restore point automatically or look for other options.

For example, let's choose the automatic option, as shown in the following screenshot.

Launching the asus system restore looks exactly the same as it does on any other computers. This refers to a procedure launched through the operating system. As soon as you click on "Finish", the PC will shut down and this process will start. The final rollback of the registry to a normal state will be completed after a reboot. I draw your attention that the laptop will turn on more slowly than usual, this can explain the fact that Windows returns to the state in which the PC was during the creation of the checkpoint.

Before starting ASUS recovery using the method described above, please remember that there are times when Windows does not boot at all. You turn on the PC, and instead of a welcome screen, an extinct display looms before your eyes. How do we take advantage of fast recovery, as described in the previous chapter? Very simple, that's what Safe Mode is for.

Safe mode starts in the first seconds of computer operation. As soon as the asus logo appears, we begin to zealously click F6 or F8. As soon as the menu appears, as in the upper screen, select the "Safe Mode" option, and then wait for the operating system to load. By the way, this mode is needed specifically in order to start Windows in tandem with basic services. Thus, we will get a more or less working Windows, from where we can then launch the "return" of the system, as in the previous chapter. We start the "rollback process" boldly and again wait for the computer to restart and get a stably working system.

Factory settings

Surely, you already know that with laptops there are more problems than with stationary computers. There is another method for system recovery on ASUS notebooks, which returns the operating system to factory settings. Accordingly, you do not have to install drivers for the connected hardware. In this case, we will focus on notebooks with ASUS logos.

Asus system recovery (recovery) starts in the same way as safe mode, but we will only click on the F9 key. Small amounts of memory (up to 30 GB) are blocked on the HDD of ASUS notebooks, which are used by the system as a "life raft". This section can neither be deleted nor formatted. You can get rid of it only after replacing the hard drive on the laptop, although I'm not sure if this is exactly what we need now.

So, we launched a "rollback" of the system using the F9 key. We will see the following menu.

Select Windows Setup, then press Enter.

With the choice of language, everything is clear, so let's move on.

Several warning messages will pop up stating that the software used can only be used for ASUS laptops. By the way, all the data on the screw will disappear forever, so do not forget to copy it to the spare partition. (If your system is out of order, you can still recover your data. How to do it is described) Select "Restore Windows to the first partition", as in my example.

The main process will be presented as follows.

Windows will reboot several times and ask for some data. Calmly enter the necessary information, then continue to observe the automatic operation of the computer!

As a result, we will find ourselves at a familiar point, as in the case of

Actually, that's all!

Turn off Boot Booster!

Finally, I'll tell you about Boot Booster. This is a special feature that speeds up the loading of the operating system. If all the procedures described above have not brought a positive result, then you will have to turn off Boot Booster. We go into BIOS (the F2 or Del key, depending on the device model and BIOS version), then go to the BOOT section and look for the Boot Booster function. Change the position from Enabled to Disabled. We save the changes and reboot. Now everything will work as it should!

ASUS System Restore is quick to launch and does not require professional assistance. Happy work!

In the process of using laptops from different manufacturers, users often encounter various problems and errors. Safe mode allows you to load only the necessary components or restore a previous system state. This article will talk about how to start a laptop from Lenovo in Safe Mode.

How do I enable Safe Mode?

The process of entering the boot mode selection menu is different on different operating systems, so it will be appropriate to list all the methods.

Windows 7, XP.

At the time of turning on the Lenovo laptop system, you need to press the "F8" key. Next, a special menu should appear on the screen. You can choose any of the suggested modes and start downloading.

Windows 8, 10.

When turning on the system, you must press the "F8" button or use the combination "Shift + F8". A menu with a choice of boot options will appear on the screen. This option should be used only if there are problems with the computer and cannot get to the Lenovo laptop desktop.

Another way is to use the msconfig utility. You need to go to its interface and select the "Download" tab. Next, in the "Boot Options" field, check the "Safe Boot" and "Minimum" items. After saving the changes to the settings, a window will appear prompting you to restart your Lenovo laptop. It is worth noting that the system will always start in safe mode, so after fixing system problems, you must disable the option in msconfig.

On Windows 10, the F8 key method does not work. You need to use the msconfig utility.


It's easy to enable Safe Mode on a laptop, so you can start it at any time and try to fix errors in the device.

What is it for?

Sometimes, after installing new software or as a result of viruses, the normal operation of Windows 7 is disrupted. Due to the abnormal behavior of the OS, it is sometimes quite difficult to detect and eliminate the cause of its occurrence. This is where Safe Mode can help (in non-Russian versions of the system, it is called Safe Mode). In some situations, Windows 7 automatically enters it during its startup after the PC freezes. However, more often than not, the user himself has to boot Windows 7 in Safe Mode. What is this mode, and how to start it?

Safe Mode is designed to diagnose and find out the cause of abnormal OS functioning. It differs from normal system startup in that applications and drivers installed after installing the operating system will not be loaded. At the same time, it becomes possible to remove a virus, or an application that cannot be removed in the usual way, or a driver that conflicts with other hardware.

1st way to boot into safe mode

When you turn on the PC, you need to press and hold the F8 key without waiting for the OS logo to appear. In some laptop models, one of the function keys F1-F12 can be used for this. In this case, a menu of additional boot options appears on the screen, which looks like:

The first three options refer to the desired option, but the first one should be selected - highlighted in white in the picture. This is done with the arrow keys, after which you need to press "Enter". The system will start up, after which a black window with a resolution of 640 × 480 pixels will appear, and in the corners of the window there will be an inscription “Safe Mode”.

The above method is valid only if only one OS is installed on the PC. Otherwise, in order to launch Safe Mode, you will need to press F8 twice. The first press will result in a bootloader message about choosing a bootable system. It should also be selected with the arrow keys, press Enter and immediately press F8 again. The above window will appear with additional launch options.

Second way to start Safe Mode

This method can be used when Windows 7 is already loaded. It consists of performing the following steps:

There are two ways to enter Safe Mode on classic Acer notebooks and on Aspire series devices. The first method deals with the case when the laptop does not work properly, but still boots. The second is designed for the situation when the system does not start at all, errors and other troubles appear. Let's consider both methods in relation to the Windows 10 operating system.

Method one

If you can boot your Acer laptop, turn it on. Wait for the download to complete, and then enter the word "MSCONFIG" in the search bar for all programs.

Open the found utility. The "System Configuration" window will appear on the monitor, in which you need to go to the "Download" tab.

At the bottom of the window, you need to check the box next to the "Safe Mode" line, save all changes, and then restart the laptop. If you think that your inept actions can harm the device, ask for help in professional setup and repair of laptops, our experts are ready to help you in any situation.

After the performed manipulations, the device will automatically boot in safe mode, as you wanted. As soon as the need for this is exhausted, you will have to open MSCONFIG again and return the "System Configuration" window to its original form.

Method two

If the device does not boot, then you need to find a bootable disk with Windows 10. Make all the settings as before installing the OS. Language parameters do not need to be changed.

In the next window, you need to click on the "System Restore" line, as shown in the photo.

From the Select Action menu, select Diagnostics. Then, in the window that opens, click on the "Advanced options" button, and then select "Command line".

A black window will open. In a specially designated place, you need to enter the command "bcdedit / setadvancedoptions true" and press "Enter". Then close the window and click "Continue".

The device should reboot. Boot the laptop in normal mode (not from disk), and a menu for choosing boot methods will appear on the monitor.

Select the mode you need and get to work. To disable this feature, you need to reboot from disk and enter the value "bcdedit / deletevalueadvancedoptions" in the command line.

In Windows7, there are two ways to get into Safe Mode:
1) Entering Windows 7 Safe Mode at system startup.
2) Entering Safe Mode from the Windows 7 environment (from a running OS by changing the boot in System Configuration).

Entering Windows7 Safe Mode at system startup.

Turn on the computer and press the F8 key several times while the system boots, if the welcome window (Windows 7 logo) appears, then you did not have time to press the F8 key, in which case you need to wait for the system to boot and turn off the computer again and at boot, press again F8 key. When trying to get into Safe Mode, you need to consider:
- On some keyboards, the function keys F1 - F12 are always disabled by default. To enable them, you must press a special key (usually Fn) and while holding it press the F8 key.
- If you have two or more operating systems on your computer, use the arrow keys to select the one you want, and then press the Enter key.
- Num Lock must be off to use the arrow keys on the numeric keypad.
In the window Additional download options choose “ Safe mode"And press the" Enter».

After a few seconds, the system will boot into Safe Mode.

Entering Safe Mode from Windows 7.

Press the button " Start"And in the search bar write msconfig and press the " Enter»

In the opened window system configuration, go to the tab "" check the box " Safe mode"And choose" Minimum».
For reference:
Safe Mode: Minimal - Boot the Windows graphical user interface (Windows Explorer) in safe mode, running only the most important system services. Networking components are disabled.
Safe Mode: Another Shell - Boot the Windows command line in safe mode with only the most important system services running. Networking and GUI are disabled.
Safe Mode: Active Directory Recovery - Boot the Windows GUI in safe mode, running only the most critical system services and Active Directory directory services.
Safe Mode: Network - Boot the Windows GUI in safe mode, running only the most important system services. Networking components included.
Without GUI - The welcome screen is not displayed during Windows startup.
Boot log - All information regarding the boot process is stored in the% SystemRoot% Ntbtlog.txt file.
Basic video - Boot Windows GUI in minimal VGA mode. This mode loads the standard VGA drivers instead of display drivers appropriate for the computer's video hardware.
OS Information - Displays the names of the loaded drivers during system boot.
Make these boot parameters permanent - Changes made to system parameters are not tracked. You can change the settings later using System Setup, but only manually. If this option is selected, you will not be able to roll back changes by selecting Normal Startup on the General tab.

After that, you will be prompted to restart your computer to get into Windows7 Safe Mode. If you want to boot into safe mode now, click "", if you want to do it later, select " Exit without reboot"And the next time you reboot or turn on your computer / laptop, automatically boot into Safe Mode.

The next time you boot Windows7, the system will boot into Safe Mode.

In order not to boot in safe mode, you need to go to the system configuration again and uncheck the previously checked boxes.
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