Is it possible to restore the basket. An easy way to recover files deleted from the recycle bin

Read where are stored, how to view and find deleted files in the "Recycle Bin"... Ways to restore them or destroy them irreversibly. Deleting files is a fairly common activity that helps users clean up unnecessary files and free up extra space on a variety of storage devices. The deletion process is really important and necessary, otherwise very quickly any storage will be full, and there will be no place to store really important data. We are confident that every computer user has used this method to clean up additional free space.


  • Introduction

    Having received an unusually wide distribution, modern computer devices have become part of our daily use. We use them for our daily purposes: from solving office problems, applying in the professional field and ending with organizing leisure time and spending time playing various games.

    Regardless of the type of computer device, be it a stationary personal computer, portable laptop, mobile smartphone or tablet - the main condition for its full functioning is the mandatory availability of modern software.

    The most popular, today, software from the corporation fully reveals all the internal capabilities of computer devices Microsoft - operating system "Windows"... It allows you to easily process huge amounts of data in a split second without causing system crashes and malfunctions, and has a nice interface.

    Naturally, in order to complete all assigned tasks, in "Windows" there are special system files involved for the correct operation of the operating system and installed applications. Additionally, there are a lot of user files used for work and play. All files take up a certain amount of space on the user's storage device. And as needed, the user processes and moves them, and in case of further loss of the need for such files, deletes them.

    Deleting files is a fairly common activity that helps users clean up unnecessary files and free up extra space on a variety of storage devices. The deletion process is really important and necessary, otherwise very quickly any storage will be full, and there will be no place to store really important data. We are confident that every computer user has used this method to clean up additional free space.

    However, as is often the case, by mistake or other reason, users can accidentally delete useful files. And in this case, the question immediately arises, where exactly the deleted files are moved. This question is especially relevant for users who accidentally deleted a file with important and necessary information. And they start to wonder where it is and if it can be safely recovered.

    So what happens when you delete a file from your hard drive? Where can I find it, what actions can I take with it, and how can I restore it? We will try to answer these questions in our article.

    Where are deleted files moved and how to recover them

    Note: The process for deleting files from different types of storage devices may differ. Therefore, we are going to show you where the deleted data will end up only after it has been deleted from your hard drive or flash drive.

    The following information will be useful if you are currently interested in where your files are deleted (images, photos, video files, various types of documents, etc.). We'll talk about the location of deleted files mainly for two situations. Then we will show possible ways to recover such files using the built-in function of the operating system. "Windows" and third party software.

    In the most recent version of the operating system Windows 10As in its earliest versions, there is a standard preinstalled tool responsible for deleting and storing deleted files selected by the user. It is called "Basket" ("Recycle Bin" in the English version) and is a certain reserved area of \u200b\u200bspace on the hard disk of a personal computer, on which deleted files are temporarily located.

    Removing files from the hard drive

    Option 1: Deleting files normally using "Baskets"

    When you plan to delete a file from your internal or external hard drive, you often choose one of the following methods:

    a). Select the file and press the button "Delete" on keyboard.

    b). Select the file, then right-click on it and, in the pop-up menu, click the section "Delete".

    After performing any of the above actions, the system will automatically open a window "Delete a file"in which she asks you to confirm whether you really want to move the specified file (or group of files) to "Basket" or not.

    Obviously, the file you chose to delete will immediately move to "Basket"as soon as you press the button "Yes"... Your file has now been deleted. If the situation has changed and you need to get your file back, then, at this stage, the file recovery process will not cause you any difficulty until you clean "Basket"... But we will talk about this option a little later.

    How to recover a deleted file from "Baskets"

    Discover "Basket"using the method you prefer (for example, double-click the icon "Basket"located on the desktop). Now select the desired file (files) / folder (s) you want to recover and right click on it. Then, in the pop-up menu, select the section from the list of actions "Restore"... Or press the button Restore Selected Objectslocated in the section "Recovery" tabs "Tools for working with the basket".

    Then the selected file (or folder) will be returned to its original storage location, in which the file was located before deletion. And now you can go there to check the recovery result.

    Option 2: Permanently delete the file

    If you want to permanently delete a file / folder, then you will mainly use the following methods:

    a). Open file explorer "Windows" or another file manager and select the required file / folder and then simultaneously press the keyboard shortcut "Shift" and "Delete" on keyboard.

    b). Discover "Basket", right-click the desired file / folder and, in the pop-up menu, select the section "Delete".

    from). Right click on the icon on the desktop "Basket", and then select a section from the context menu.

    After that, a certain file or folder will be completely deleted, and you cannot find it anywhere on the computer by conventional means. "Windows"... However, a file deleted by one of the described methods does not disappear forever. Actually, the contents of the file remain in place, only the corresponding information is marked by the system as invisible and the file is no longer displayed. Thus, a deleted file can be easily recovered if you have a professional tool for recovering deleted files available.

    How to recover a permanently deleted file

    In this case, you will need to use third-party file recovery software. In the world computer information network "The Internet" a large number of different recovery tools are presented, with different characteristics and capabilities. They are easy to use, do not take up much space (there are also data recovery tools that do not require installation on your computer) and quickly recover a high percentage of deleted files.

    You can use free applications or install a paid version of data recovery software. In the first case, you do not incur additional financial costs and get a product that is completely ready to use. The main disadvantage of this choice is the limited amount of recoverable data and a very low percentage of usable files recovery.

    When using the paid version, you get the entire set of internal tools of the program that allow you to recover deleted data in full. We prefer to use the program "Hetman Partition Recovery" - the main product from the company Hetman Software... It successfully recovers permanently deleted files, data cleaned by third-party software and lost after cleaning "Baskets"... The percentage of recovering deleted files is quite high, the program works as a step-by-step assistant and does not cause any difficulties even for a novice user.

    Deleting files from a flash drive

    If you do not need the file on the flash drive, then naturally you will delete it. However, to your surprise, you will find that the same prompt window "Delete a file" is displayed regardless of which method you use to delete the file: select the section "Delete" in the pop-up menu, press the button "Delete" on the keyboard or do a joint keystroke "Shift" and "Delete" on the keyboard for permanent deletion.

    As it becomes clear from the above image, any file deleted from "USB stick", bypasses "Basket" and is cleared forever.

    To recover deleted files from a flash drive "USB" exactly the same algorithm is used as for recovering permanently deleted files from a hard disk. Data recovery software easily solves such problems.

    What is irreversible (irrevocable) deletion

    Have you heard the phrases "Irreversible deletion" or "Permanent deletion" quite often, but do you know what exactly will happen to your deleted file? And if you don't know the answer to the question, then don't worry, everything is extremely simple.

    The general meaning of deletion

    First, we need to explain how the file (data) is stored on the computer's hard drive. In fact, all data in files or folders is stored in a hierarchical structure.

    Large files will be split into separate data segments before being saved, after which they will be stored in multiple memory locations. This happens directly at the moment they are saved to your computer's hard drive, flash drive or any other storage device.

    The system then generates parameters indicating the location, size and other necessary information about this file. When we open the file on the computer, the system acts according to the recorded parameters to extract the data.

    In other words, the file is divided into two parts during storage - content and parameters. Both normal deletion and permanent deletion will erase only the corresponding file parameters, so the system will not recognize its contents after deletion. The file will no longer appear in the file explorer "Windows" or other file managers due to the lack of parameters, but will remain available for recovery by professional programs.

    Erase files completely when needed

    When you really need to destroy some confidential or personal data, then you need to go to the location where the contents of the files are stored, and overwrite it several times using random data. After such an overwrite, the files will be lost forever and no one can restore them.

    For this purpose, you need to use any free third-party application that is presented in abundance on the information network "The Internet"... The algorithm for using them is quite simple and straightforward, and will not cause you much difficulty.

    Sort deleted files into "Basket"

    When "Basket" contains a large amount of deleted data, it can be difficult to find a specific file. To facilitate the user's work, in "Basket" there are all the basic sorting elements that are available in the usual file explorer "Windows"... Using them you can sort the data "Baskets" by original location, deletion date, size, item type, etc.

    The main sorting elements that might interest you are "Original location" and. Discover "Basket"by double-clicking the icon on the desktop, and in the ribbon of the main window menu, go to the tab "View"... In section "Structure" choose a way to display deleted files "Table"... All items will be displayed in a tabular form with detailed information about each of them. Or press the keyboard shortcut together "Ctrl + Shift + 6" to quickly navigate to displaying deleted files as a table directly.

    When you click on the name of any column with the right mouse button, you can call up a pop-up context menu, which contains a list of all possible table columns that you can add or, conversely, disable from being shown in the table of deleted files.

    By selecting a section More details, at the very bottom of the menu, you will open a window "Selecting columns in a table", in which you can customize the display parameters of the columns at your discretion.

    When you hover the mouse cursor over the name of the column, a black arrow of the submenu appears, which directly depends on the number of places from which the files located in "Basket"... As you can see in the image below, there are two of them in our example. You can sort by any of the options provided.

    A similar situation occurs when using the next column. Click the black arrow that appears when you hover the mouse cursor over the name of the corresponding column and open the sorting options window. Select the option you want and the sort will be done immediately.

    Additionally, you can left-click on the name of the required column, and the table will be sorted alphabetically in the column "Original location" and by the time of deleting files in a column in forward or reverse order (when pressed again).


    Basically, when you delete a file from your hard drive (both internal and external), it will be sent to "Basket", which will give you a second chance if you need to recover an accidentally deleted file. However, there are a number of reasons when you cannot find a deleted file in "Basket":

    a). You directly delete the file by pressing the keyboard shortcut together "Shift" and "Delete".

    b). You clear the contents yourself "Baskets".

    from). "Basket" a certain maximum size of disk space is allocated for storing deleted files, and when it ends, the system automatically overwrites old files with new ones.

    d). You changed properties "Baskets" and activated the cell "Destroy files immediately after deletion without placing them in the trash".

    Summing up a short summary

    Where do deleted files go? In fact, they are not completely cleared from your storage device. Only relevant parameters (such as file size and file location) are removed, and the actual content of certain files still exists. You simply lose access to remote files. They remain invisible until you use a special tool to restore them or overwrite them with new data.

    What Happens to Files Deleted from a Flash Drive "USB"? Files deleted from "USB devices" ("USB stick", "USB memory stick" etc.) do not fit in "Basket"... Instead, all corresponding file parameters are immediately erased after they are deleted from "USB devices"... Therefore, you also need a professional data recovery tool to find it and return it back if the need arises.

  • Such an unpleasant surprise as deleting the necessary file is familiar even to very experienced users. With one light, as they say, a movement of the hand destroys the information that, in principle, should not be deleted. If she went to the basket, it means almost nothing. Basically, the file just moved under the trash can icon.

    If we consider this in principle, there is a file transfer from storage to an ordinary folder on a local disk. Gets it out, i.e. return to the desktop, easily. It is much more serious if a file or folder is removed from the recycle bin. And the keys are pressed in tandem Shift + Delete. The basket has nothing to do with it: the file was deleted, bypassing it, without first placing it in the basket.

    You can also restore a file deleted from the trash. But since the operating system does not have such a function or capability, it is necessary to take a special program as an assistant.

    An easy way to recover files deleted from the recycle bin

    Everything that will now be discussed should be outlined and taken as a guide to action:

    • You must use the Recuva program. When installing it, you cannot use a local drive, from which you will have to recover deleted folders and files. This is a prerequisite or an ironclad rule.
    • After running the program and seeing the main window, you must click "Next". Another window will appear. In it, you should select those files that you want to recover.
    • The next step is to select the location of the deleted folders and files. In the next window that opens, you will be prompted to enable in-depth analysis. It must be enabled - the program may not find the deleted file if there is only a simple mode.
    • And now the search for the deleted file will begin. It will end with a window where there will be possible files for recovery.
    • The point will be set after all the pictures have been marked with the checkboxes and the "Restore" button is activated. Now in the window that appears there will be a place to save the file that has just been reanimated.

    There is also a file recovery option

    Handy Recovery does an excellent job of recovering files deleted from the recycle bin. It is called an easy-to-use tool that works great on MS Windows. But even if one of the programs does not use the Recycle Bin when deleting files, Handy Recovery will help you find and restore them. This program reanimates files that were deleted using Shift-Delete, in DOS mode, past the recycle bin.

    It is not a problem to restore those files that were deleted from various external media: floppy disks, zip disks, flash-ki. Recovers the program and files that have been deleted from the archive folders - they are usually deleted immediately, without moving to the trash.

    Another good thing about Handy Recovery is the ability it provides to view the disk in the usual mode, like in Windows Explorer. The only difference is that when viewed, both regular and deleted files will be visible.

    This program is able to search and sort by file type and name, it shows the probable possibility of successful recovery for each individual file. And already recovered files can be written to any disks that fit the computer system.

    Recuva and its capabilities to help revive the file

    This is a free small utility specifically for recovering accidentally deleted or lost files during a software glitch or error. It helps to scan the storage medium that the user has selected. And after scanning, Recuva “announces” the entire list of those files that have been deleted. And each of them will have its own parameter - with a name, type, path, the ability to restore. In addition, the status will be indicated. For example, overwritten, cannot be restored, partially overwritten, absolutely intact.

    And a special filter system will identify unnecessary files by marking the necessary ones with checkboxes. There is also a preview function. This is useful for deciding whether a specific file is needed or not.

    Additional options - you can choose the mode of displaying the information that was found: a simple list or a tree, with a catalog structure.

    If the utility is used Recuva

    Here are some more features, more precisely - the main features of Recuva:

    • Recovering not only files deleted from the recycle bin, but those that were deleted from flash drives, MP3 players and other mobile devices;
    • Active field for searching with the name of the searched file or its extension;
    • The ability to recover files of all types - office documents, graphics, music, videos, etc.
    • Recover files from a memory card - (SmartMedia, Secure Digital, MemoryStick, Digital cameras, Floppy disks, Jaz Disks, Sony Memory Sticks, Compact Flash cards, Smart Media Cards, Secure Digital Cards, and others;
    • Recover files from external ZIP drives, USB drives and Firewire;
    • Multilingual interface with Russian translation.

    In contact with

    Files and folders that we delete end up in a special section of the computer. It is called "Basket".

    The Trashcan is an icon on the desktop (on the screen). Everything that we erase from the computer goes there. This means that all deleted folders and files can be recovered. Or you can remove them completely.

    Open the "Trash". You will see files and folders that were deleted some time ago.

    To restore file / folder from "Recycle Bin", that is, return to the computer, you need to right-click on it. A list of commands will open, from which you need to select the "Restore" item.

    After that, the file (folder) will disappear. This means that he returned to the place from which he was once removed. That is, if the folder was previously in "Documents", then it will return back to "Documents".

    But what if you don't know where the deleted file was before ?! Then you need to click on it with the left mouse button and look at the very bottom of the open "Basket".

    The place from which it was removed is written here. This means that if you restore the file, then it will return there. In my example, the deleted folder will return here: Local drive D → Music → Music.

    Please note: only those files and folders that have been deleted from the computer can be restored from the Recycle Bin. If you erased them from a CD / DVD disc or from a flash drive, then you will not be able to restore them this way. In the case of CD / DVD discs, the information is erased completely - it is impossible to return the deleted one. And in the case of flash drives, you can try to recover the data using a special program (read about this below).

    How to completely delete a file or folder

    A little higher I said that all files and folders that we delete from the computer are not erased forever, but go to the "Trash". If you are sure that they are no longer needed, then you can remove them completely. To do this, in the "Recycle Bin", right-click on the file or folder that you want to erase, and select "Delete" from the list.

    The computer will ask if you are sure of your decision.

    Click "Yes" and the computer will erase the file forever, and if you click "No", it will leave it intact.

    How to recover files deleted from the Trash

    If you deleted a file from your computer and from the "Recycle Bin" or erased information from a flash drive (camera), then, in order to restore it, you will need to use a special program. There are several such programs. I suggest using the free Recuva. You can download it here.

    Open the downloaded file. A window will appear in which you need to click on "Run".

    Then click the orange Install button.

    The program will install in about a minute. Remove the checkbox from the "View release notes" item and click on "Run Recuva".

    The program will open in Russian. And also on the Desktop, that is, on the computer screen, an icon will appear to launch it.

    At launch, we are immediately offered to restore files. Click "Next".

    A window will appear prompting you to select a file type (pictures, music, documents, etc.). This is for convenience. Initially, the universal type "All files" is selected.

    Now you need to select the location from which the file was deleted. If the file has been deleted from the Recycle Bin, memory card (flash drive) or from Documents, select the appropriate item. If, for example, it has been deleted from Local drive D, then select "In the specified location", click on "Browse" and select Local drive D.

    Or you can specify "Unknown for sure", then the program will search the entire computer and devices connected to it, which can be quite long.

    After that, Recuva prompts you to start your search or enable in-depth analysis. Click "Start".

    The search will begin, after which the files that the program can recover will appear. Place the bird next to the one you need - to do this, click on the square next to it. Then click on "Restore ..." (bottom right).

    A small window will appear. Select the location where you want to send the recovered file and click the "OK" button.

    If everything is in order and the file is restored, a small window will appear that will inform you about it.

    Voila! Now you can open the location where you restored the file and check if everything is in order with it.

    Alas, not all files can be returned. This happens for many reasons, for example, the file was deleted too long ago. You can try other data recovery software or invite a data recovery specialist.

    In this article, you will learn:

    • how to recover deleted files using the EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard;

    • how to return the Cart back to the Desktop;

    • how to restore a deleted folder to your hard drive;

    • how to recover all deleted files from recycle bin area to computer.

    When you delete a file through Explorer or another file manager, it is placed in a special staging area of \u200b\u200bWindows - the Recycle Bin. However, this area on the disk is present in any normal operating system with a graphical interface: Windows, Mac OS or Linux. The recycle bin (or recycle bin, as it is called) can be installed even on a mobile phone running Android or iOS.

    In this guide, you will learn about 2 ways to get data back to your hard drive using popular resuscitators. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard and Handy Recovery.

    One way or another, deleted files are stored in the Recycle Bin for a certain time until one of two situations occurs:

    1. You are emptying the System Trash because there is no free space left on your hard drive

    2. The Recycle Bin uses limited space to store "erased" data. When there is not enough space, old files are simply overwritten with newer ones over existing information without the user's knowledge.

    Thus, Windows "trash can" plays the role of a kind of intermediate clipboard, backup space on the HDD. If you decide that you still need some valuable files, you can "rummage" in the system Recycle Bin, dig out directories, folders, erased items from there, and quickly restore them. As a result, you get a file that seemed to be lost forever.

    Sometimes you look in the Windows Recycle Bin - and there is nothing useful there: in fact, only useless "garbage"! Chances are, you just emptied the Windows System Recycle Bin and valuable files are actually gone.

    Well, we will look at ways to restore the Trash, later in the text.

    How to recover files in the Trash

    Before the worst happens, you still have a chance to restore, reanimate files from the destroyed directory, from the emptied Recycle Bin. The process of returning erased data is quite simple.

    1. To get started, you find a file or folder by going to the Trash

    2. Then find the deleted file or folder you are looking for

    3. Click on the element with the right mouse button, select the "Restore" option through the context menu.

    Can I recover files deleted from the Trash?

    From time to time, you can empty the Trash to free up disk space. But do you think that files cleaned in this way will be quite difficult to recover? For this, you will already need special programs for recovering files, and not two clicks of the mouse. Therefore, I advise you to always think about what actions you are doing, especially when it comes to cleaning up the Trash.

    When a file is deleted from the Recycle Bin, many users think that it is sent to / dev / null and it is impossible to recover deleted files in the future, even with the help of resuscitation programs. Even the Windows operating system gives a message saying, “Deleting a file from the" Trash "will delete the file / folder permanently from your computer." However, in reality this is far from the case. I think that my article is also read by experienced users who do not believe what the operating system tells them and can do what is incomprehensible to mere mortals. So, listen to me carefully.

    "Windows" (or another OS) changes one character in the file table, after which the file and folders are simply not displayed in Explorer, My Computer or another file manager. However, now we can get any program for recovering files using the functionality as intended. Basically, any resuscitation program from this category will be able to scan your hard drive and perform effective recovery of deleted files from the Recycle Bin. I will advise you a time-tested effective toolkit. First of all, we are talking about such a well-known utility as EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard.

    How to Recover Trash or Deleted Folder Using EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard

    Data Recovery Wizard is an excellent and effective program that has helped me more than once in finding files from the Trash. I used it under Windows, and in fact, it restored everything that I cleared out of my stupidity. One of the key features of this program is that you can quickly look at the files, that is, make a preview of them, before actually restoring. This can save you a lot of time, especially if there were a lot of files in the Recycle Bin and they all ended up, as they say, under distribution. Next, read my guide on how to recover deleted files from the Trash using the EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard.

    Step 1. Download Data Recovery Wizard

    You can download the program in the catalog on this site, on torrents or, of course, on the website of the Recovery Wizard manufacturer. Only there it is paid; but if there is a little money, why not support the guys who made a good recovery program? The free version will work too, so feel free to download it.

    Step 2. Launching the program

    Run EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, select the types of deleted files you want to recover from the recycle bin. Then click “Next” to continue the procedure for restoring files and folders in the next step.

    Step 3. Select disk

    Select the drive, partition of the hard drive where you lost the file, click the “Scan” button. The program will quickly scan the selected source in search of files deleted from the Recycle Bin (everything here depends on the size of the source; please be patient). By the way, if you have erased an entire section of the disk, you can use the software option “Find Lost Disks”. Then click “Scan” and wait.

    Selecting a disc with erased files and folders

    Step 4. Recovering deleted files and saving the received data to disk

    After scanning, you can preview the desired deleted files in the Recycle Bin for recovery and then select one or many items to save to disk.

    Tip of the day... I strongly advise you to save files and directories NOT on the disk where the files for resurrection from the Recycle Bin are located. Copy them to another section: this will avoid overwriting data, which, in fact, is still at the recovery stage (and not the fact that it will turn out well - although we will not talk about sad things). It is very easy to mistakenly erase the information needed for reconstruction.

    application EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard: who seeks will always find

    I hope this lesson helped one of the readers answer an internal question: "How to recover deleted files or folders from the Trash": photos of kittens, favorite movies about love, or an abstract on the topic of finding erased files in the Trash.

    I must tell you that there are a bunch of other ways to get deleted files back from the Trash. As a last resort, if the EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard did not help you, try any recovery program from the one I created specifically for visitors to the website. Take a look at other sections of the site: I have already repeatedly told you how to restore the Trash.

    How to recover files deleted from the Recycle Bin using the Handy Recovery utility

    If you have emptied the Recycle Bin or deleted several files from it, then you still have the opportunity to return these "thrown in the trash" files. To do this, follow a few simple steps in Handy Recovery application.

    Handy Recovery will help you learn how to get back deleted folders and files from the Trash in Windows

    When choosing a drive, select the one that contained the files before they were moved to the Windows Recycle Bin. Explorer will display only the system Recycle Bin, but in fact files that have been moved from another drive are stored in various system directories. That is why it is so important to specify the correct drive for data recovery from the Recycle Bin.

    After selecting the desired drive, click the "Analyze" button. Upon completion, select the "Recycle Bin" folder in the appeared Handy Recovery window. It contains files and folders that you can recover deleted files in the usual way using the "Recover" button on the toolbar or a similar reconstruction command from the context menu. You can restore a deleted folder in the same way as a file.

    If you do not see the files in the specified directory, you can go to the advanced analysis of the hard disk file system in Handy Recovery.

    Let's go further. If you still do not find the items you are looking for after an advanced analysis, try looking for files in the system folder belonging to the Trash. The folder name depends on the OS and the theme of the disk file system. For example, for Windows 2000 and XP, the folder is named "$ RECYCLE.BIN".

    Advice: even if the deleted file is located inside these folders, not matching its original name, try to identify it by its extension (it always remains), size, or its internals (which can be found out through the preview).

    In the process of working with a computer, we have to regularly delete files. Therefore, it is not surprising that sometimes there are situations when the files we need are deleted by mistake. In most cases, we can restore them from the Trash, but if after deleting the Trash was emptied, then the situation becomes more serious. The problem appears how to recover files deleted from the recycle bin.

    To solve this problem, you have to resort to. In this article, we will demonstrate how this is done using the example of the Recuva program. This program is completely free and has a very simple and intuitive interface. Therefore, it is ideal for less experienced users.

    Step # 1. Launch the Recuva program and click on the "Next" button.

    Immediately after starting the Recuva program, you will see a file recovery wizard. If you click on the "Next" button, the program will continue to work in the "Wizard" mode. Whereas when you click on the "Cancel" button, the standard interface of the Recuva program will open. If you have little experience in, then it is better to click on the "Next" button and use the wizard. It is this option that we will consider in this article.

    Step # 2. Select the file type.

    The next step is choosing the file type. You will be presented with a list of the most common file types. Select the type of files you want to recover. For example, if you deleted photos, then select the "Pictures" type, if you deleted Word / Excel documents, then select the "Documents" type. If you need to recover files of different types, or the file type you need is not in this list, then select the "All files" option.

    Step number 3. Choose a location for storing files.

    Next, you need to indicate where the files that we want to restore were stored. If you remember exactly the folder where the files were located, then select the "In the specified location" option and use the "Browse" button to select the folder where the files were previously deleted from the trash can. Specifying the exact location of the files should make them easier to recover.

    If you do not remember in which folder the files were located before you deleted them from the basket, then select the "In the basket" option. In this case, Recuva will search for all files that have been deleted from the recycle bin.

    Step # 5. Start searching for files.

    This completes the setup, and the program will ask you to click on the "Start" button.

    After clicking on the "Start" button, disk analysis will start. The time it takes to search for files deleted from the recycle bin depends on the speed of your hard drive and the settings that you specified earlier.

    After the analysis is complete, a list of found files will appear.

    Step # 5. Recover files deleted from the recycle bin.

    Once the files are found, we can restore them. To do this, you need to check the boxes opposite the files you need and click on the "Restore" button.

    After that, file recovery will start. The time it takes to recover files depends on their number, size and speed of your hard drive.

    After all deleted files have been restored, a window will appear with information about the number of recovered files and the elapsed time.

    As you can see, the files deleted from the recycle bin were recovered without any problems. At the same time, only a couple of minutes of time was spent on recovery.

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