How to recover a deleted account. How to restore a page on Instagram

Forgot your password for your Instagram page? Can't find how to restore or reset it? This step-by-step instruction will help you recover the password for your Instagram page. It is easy to restore it, but it is worth knowing some basic things. Here we will show you how to do it on your phone and computer.

Recover Instagram password on your phone

Sometimes we forget the username or password from our account on social networks or mailboxes. Let's look at the example of a mobile application for Android (iOs everything happens the same way). Run the application on your device, on the login page, click on the link under the "LOGIN" button (example in the photo above).

The easiest step for recovering your Instagram password: on the application login page (as shown in the photo above), click the link “Forgot your login information? Help with login. " Then we get to the page of the password reset method, see password recovery via Facebook later. Enter your Instagram username or email. the address or phone number associated with your account.

The system will show the photo of the account you want to restore, and possible ways: email. mail, sms message, through your Facebook account (read how to enter your page). We have chosen the SMS message option, a link to reset the password will be sent in the message if you select “Send email. letter ", a letter will be sent to the mail with a link to reset the password.

Note: If you do not have access to email. address, you don't remember it, etc. click "Need more help?" and fill out a support request to resolve your issue.

We open mail on a computer or any gadget and find a letter from Instagram, you can go directly to your account, or change your password, for this click on the blue button on the link "Reset password", then enter the new password twice and click on reset password.

After you have created a new password, click the reset password button. After that, the page will be refreshed and you will be congratulated on resetting your password. Now you can enter your profile, both from a computer and from a mobile device, by entering your username and password. (If you have linked a phone number to the page, you will receive an SMS with a code that must be entered in a special field after the password has been reset).

How to recover your Instagram password from a computer

In order to recover your password from your computer, you need to open any browser and go to. If you remember your username and password, enter them in the login window, to recover your password, click "Forgot your password?".

Enter your name on Instagram or the email address associated with your account, you must check the box that you are not a robot and click on reset password.

Note: If you specified a mailbox to which there is no access, or it does not exist, you will not be able to recover the password.

A letter will be sent to the mail, where you need to follow the link to reset your password and enter a new one.

Recover Instagram password via Facebook

In order to recover a password or a page on Instagram through Facebook, your page must be linked to an account on a social network. Otherwise, this method will not work.

To check if your pages are linked, you need in the settings

Recently, Instagram has started to be frequent with innovations. And any updates on Instagram are usually accompanied by massive glitches and network problems. This is such a familiar process that for some time I did not pay attention to the most important mistake of recent weeks: "Sorry, there was a mistake."

Recently, another type of the same error has been common, when Instagram does not write any problems, but you still cannot log into your account.

In the article, I have collected all the known solutions to the problem with logging in to Insta account on the phone. They drove.

Solutions to the "Oops, an error occurred" problem on Instagram

Option 0.

Use another phone. Most likely it will not help you, but there is a small chance. The biggest chance that this method will help - take the phone on which you have already managed to log into your Insta-account. Very often the problem is related to the fact that Instagram “doesn't seem to believe you”. Therefore, the chances from an old phone are higher.

Option 1.

The first thing you should do is try to log into Instagram using Facebook. Obviously, this method is only suitable if you have linked Facebook to Instagram in advance. We cook sledges in the summer, right? The combination of the two networks is extremely useful not only for Facebook itself, which can better target ads to you and earn additional billions of dollars, but also protect your account from hijacking and ... And it will allow you to enter your profile if you catch the error "Sorry, there was an error." ...

Again. You received a similar error - try to log in through the profile linked to your Insta-account Facebook. Personally, this option helped me today and I entered one of my profiles.

Option 2.

It's okay, but what if you haven't linked your Instagram and Facebook accounts? And then I can start lecturing you about the importance of security and all that nonsense, remind you of the situation with backups that no one thinks about until the moment they need it. Just what for? We solve problems as they come.

In case of the problem "Sorry, there was an error", you can go to the web-version in Instagram, but it does not allow us to link Facebook. Therefore, of course, you can flip through the tape, but it won't help us with anything.

It's time to remember about. If you didn't know, you can use Direct on a laptop (only if you don't have a Mac) for a long time and without dancing with a tambourine. The program looks like this:

In Instagram under Windows 10, you can log in without any problems, even if your account caught a known error. I checked it on three problematic profiles and everyone was able to log in. Yes, the sample is not the most extensive, so if you suddenly have a problem with this, write about it in the comments to the article, if it's not difficult for you.

After we logged into our account using the application for "Windows", we run to read the direct and respond to all clients, and only then go to the settings and look for the item "Friends on Facebook". We connect our Facebook profile, wait a bit, congratulations, the problem is almost solved.

With trembling hands, with happiness and anticipation, we take the phone and press the coveted Login with Facebook button.

It helps in most cases, but alas, not for everyone. Let's figure it out further.

Alternative option.

Some users do not have the opportunity to use the client for Windows 10, or this method did not work. Readers shared another way in the comments: they download any VPN client for their phone, use it to open Instagram with a choice of a country (in a VPN application) from neighboring developed countries (Germany and so on). When Instagram launched us, we link Facebook to the profile, the problem is solved.

Important! VPN can only aggravate the problem, catch the confirmation of the profile by SMS without the possibility of login.

Option 3.

The following actions are a bit like the dances of the Indians who tried to make it rain. Sometimes it coincided, which further convinced the Indians that there is a certain correct ritual and procedure for action, thanks to which it is possible to stop droughts. Well, they danced until Columbus made a mistake on the mainland. I got carried away with something.

We return to the web version of Instagram. Anticipating the question, yes, it exists and is located at We log in, go to the settings and below we notice the line "Temporarily block my account." Feel free to press, do not worry, the profile will not disappear. Zuckerberg won't let his user go so easily :)

Next, we select "problems with the entrance", because of which you want to commit sacrilege and abandon Instagram for a while, agree and block. Then you can finally chat with your family, walk the dog and even drink some foam. You do not touch your account for the next 2-3 hours, no matter how much you want it.

The account is returned from the temporary blocking only using the login in the application. Which will be successful. I do not fully understand the mechanics of this magic, but they work for the vast majority of users who are faced with a problem.

Option 4.

Congratulations, you are the chosen one, since the past methods did not work for you. So, on the authorization screen, we are looking for a subtle inscription "help with the entrance." On the next screen, we select the top option, which does not completely fit into the screen.

There we enter the email address to which the account is registered and select "Send an email". We check the mail, we find the following envelope:

This is a very important letter! Here carefully. Click on the big blue button and get a question from the system, with which you can open the link: Chrome, Instagram and so on. We select Instagram, if we have not done so before, and click “use this choice always”. Congratulations, you are logged into your profile.

Option 5.

Reset to factory settings of the phone, i.e. full zeroing. I do not believe in efficiency, but sometimes the stick will shoot. On a couple of forums, there were reports that the chakras opened in people and Instagram let them into itself after a complete reset of the phone, i.e. clearing ALL information. Think three times.

Option 6.

Remove Instagram app and reinstall. This method really helps a small part of users.

Option 7. The last one.

Wait 14 days. 14 days is a magic number, and even without any magic. Therefore, if you cannot log into your account now, use another device on which you are already logged into your profile and wait 2 weeks. It always lets go after that.

The bottom line.

Login problems go deeper than a simple system glitch. I hope the great Marketer will save us from the worst scenario, but for now, I recommend that you link your Instagram and Facebook accounts in advance, so as not to experiment with login later.

Not every user is able to immediately understand how to return their profile on Instagram and how to restore the page if all the information necessary for this has been irretrievably lost. That is why it is important to think in advance about the consequences of deletion and store important information in a safe place. If you adhere to these simple rules, then there will be no problems and difficulties with using a social photo network.

At the same time, imprudent, rash actions can lead to the final loss of the opportunity to return the account and the publications on it. The only salvation in such situations may be the support service, but often even Instagram consultants are unable to help the person who contacted and return the previously deleted page to him. Therefore, when deciding to deactivate, you should carefully weigh all the negative and positive aspects of your plan, so as not to make an extremely offensive and unpleasant mistake.

The first thing to mention is related to the recovery of a completely deleted account. And in this case, nothing positive and positive can be said, since the developers of the social network have not provided for a single effective way to restore the page.

The only way to solve this problem is to re-register and create a new profile. But all subscribers, likes, photos and publications will remain on the destroyed page, so the only way to save the necessary and important files is to transfer them to a cloud drive, phone or computer in time.

In a word, in this case, everything depends only on the actions of users and the prudence of the owners of photos and videos. The Instagram administration will not be able to help, no matter how much they want to apply.

Restoring a temporarily blocked page

It is a little easier to deal with difficulties for those users who are looking for how to return a temporarily blocked Instagram profile and restore the page for future use. In such situations, you should take only 1 simple action: log in to the system using your account.

Naturally, this requires you to remember your login and password, without which it is impossible to regain control of your account after a temporary blocking. In order not to waste time on recovering and remembering secret combinations, it is worth writing them down on separate sheets, which will lie in a specially designated place for this.

Usually, after performing these actions, the profile is instantly returned to the rightful owners, and they again have the opportunity to publish new posts.

How to restore a page on Instagram if you forgot your password from your phone

Sometimes even correctly entered combinations do not lead to the desired result. Often, those who want to return an account must admit that they have forgotten their username and password. In such cases, the most reasonable way to solve the difficulties that have arisen is to restore the password.

To return to Instagram, you should:

  1. enter the site or open the mobile application;
  2. click on the inscription offering to help with the entrance;
  3. wait for the new tab to load and choose a convenient way to receive information (Facebook, email, cell);
  4. enter the information required for recovery (nickname or SIM card number);
  5. wait for the letter to be received by e-mail; SMS messages or links to Facebook;
  6. follow the link received;
  7. select a new combination for authorization;
  8. enter, specifying the changed data.

It should be noted that those who enter the photo network through the application should do without email. Getting help via SMS will be faster and easier. But the most efficient way is to use Facebook.

What to do if you forgot your phone number

No matter how offensive it may sound, but sometimes users are deprived of the opportunity to regain control over the page, because they cannot use the phone linked to their account and have long forgotten their email address. The situation is no better in situations where the SIM card was lost.

Those who want to figure out how to restore an Instagram page if they have forgotten their password and nickname should contact the support specialists. Only they have the ability to restore profiles when all existing methods of returning control are unavailable and useless.

But it should be remembered that in order to get the desired result, people who ask for help will have to prove that they are the real owners of the page. This may require personal information, including a photo. A complete list of required information will be listed by the operators themselves.

It is worth remembering that situations when even consultants refuse to help are not uncommon. This happens especially often after uninstalling the application and permanently deactivating the account. Therefore, the utmost honesty and courtesy should be shown. This is the only way to count on success.

Rules and nuances

Taking back control of a profile is not the most pleasant procedure and should be avoided. It becomes especially difficult if you forget your password and login. In such cases, the likelihood of success is drastically reduced, and in order to gain access, you will have to seriously try, proving your support operators to be right. Therefore, in order not to face troubles, it is worth sticking to the following rules:

  • you do not need to delete your account, if there is even a small chance that it will be needed in the future, it is better to use blocking or just temporarily not log into it;
  • you need to store combinations for authorization in a safe place, preferably by writing them down on a piece of paper;
  • you cannot transfer important information to strangers;
  • it is worth updating the antivirus in a timely manner;
  • it is important to be sure to follow Instagram's terms of use in order not to be blocked for violations;
  • it is necessary to take responsibility for filling in personal data, as they may be required later.

If you adhere to these rules, you won't have to think about how to restore Instagram if you deleted the page. As a last resort, you can ask your friends for help. They may have saved a photo that contains the data they need. Additionally, you can try to guess the nickname and receive an informational message by mail. But it will be extremely difficult to achieve what you want in this way.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Vasily Blinov and I continue to reveal all the possibilities of instagram. Today I have prepared for you simple step by step instructions how to register on instagram from your phone and computer.

In fact, you can register in Insta only through the official mobile application. It is possible to enter the instagram site through a browser on a computer only into an existing account. But there is one way how to register from a computer, I will tell about it later.

Registration on Instagram

  • For iPhone (iOS)
  • For Android
  • For Windows Mobile

For example, I will show screenshots from my iPhone, smartphone for Android and Windows, unfortunately, I do not have it yet. All applications are essentially the same, with only minor differences, so it's okay.

Step 2. Launch the application and choose the registration method. You can automatically register via Facebook.

Step 3. You can register via email or phone number, just switch the tab.

Step 4. Enter your phone number or email.

Step 6. Follow some friends or just skip this step. If you click "Connect to VKontakte", then Instagram will show you your friends from VKontakte.

Step 7.That's it, the account has been created, now it remains to register and configure it.

For more information on how to use Instagram, read the next article.

If you have any questions, something does not work or an error occurs, then write about it in the comments to this article.

How do I register from a computer?

As I said at the very beginning, it is impossible to simply create an Instagram account through a computer. But there is one way out how to run a mobile application on a computer or laptop. To do this, you need to install the Android emulator "BlueStack" in Russian.

For detailed instructions on installing the emulator and launching Instagram for a computer, see. There, everything is also laid out in steps, 5 minutes and you will register without a phone. Everything is very fast and there is nothing complicated about it.

A little later I will post a video with instructions.

Let me remind you, if something does not work out for you and cannot register, then write in the comments and we will help you solve the problem. Good luck!

Having many accounts on various Internet resources, each user may face the problem of accessing his personal page. Often, such problems arise when the password for the account is entered incorrectly. For those who already have a registered account on the Instagram social network, information on restoring access to the account may be useful. And in this step-by-step guide with photos, we will show you three ways to recover your password to your Instagram account on your phone (tablet) and computer.

Step 1

How to recover password using username or email address on your phone (tablet)

Start by downloading the Instagram app and on the login page, click Help Login.

Step 2

In the “Change password” section, select “using your username or email. addresses ".

Step 3

The next step is to enter the name or email address that you used to register your account. Then press the "arrow".

Step 4

Now we press the line “Reinstall using email. addresses ". After that, an email will be sent to your mailbox to confirm the password change for your Instagram account.

Step 5

The next step is to go to the list of messages in the mailbox. For this I used the Opera browser. Open the post from Instagram and click the Change Password button.

Step 6

Now enter your new password twice and click the Reset Password button.

Step 7

Step 8

Account access restored.

Step 9

How to recover password using Facebook account details on phone or tablet

Now we will consider the possibility of restoring access to an Instagram page using your Facebook profile data. This method will be relevant to those users who registered on Instagram using the Facebook login. Start by clicking "Login Help"

Step 10

The next step is to choose the "using Facebook" password recovery method.

Step 11

Now you need to log in to your Facebook account, to do this, enter your username and password to the Facebook page, then click “Login”.

Step 13

Access to your Instagram page has been restored.

Step 14

How to recover password on a phone or tablet using a phone number

If you registered on Instagram using your phone number, then this password recovery method is for you. Start by clicking on the "Login Help" line.

Step 15

The next step is to choose the method of changing the password "using SMS".

Step 16

First, select the country code by clicking the box at the beginning of the phone number.

Step 17

In the window that opens, you can start entering the country code manually or select a country from the list.

Step 18

Now enter your phone number and click the arrow.

Step 19

A password reset link was sent to the specified phone number. Click "Ok" and go to the folder with messages on the phone.

Step 20

Step 21

The next step is to select the application with which the link will be opened. I select "Instagram" and press the item "Only now" this will allow making a choice during the next clicks on the links.

Step 22

Now enter your new password twice and click the checkmark.

Step 23

The password was changed and access to the Instagram page was restored.

Step 24

How to recover a password on a computer

In this method of password recovery, you need to go to the site in the browser

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