There is no Skype connection on Windows XP. Failed to establish Skype connection. What to do

How often do users encounter such a problem when trying to enter Skype for communication: "Unable to establish connection"! Especially recently, when manufacturers have disabled the ability to work with old versions of software, this problem has begun to bother many users.

Why can't Skype connect?

If, when you try to log into your Skype account, it turns out that for unknown reasons the program cannot connect to the server, the most difficult thing is to figure out the reasons for this, because otherwise you will not be able to enter the program.

The global and main reason is not receiving a response from the server. This means that when you register in the Skype system, it sends a request with information about the entered username and password to the server to receive a response to the question: "Is there such a user and did he enter his password correctly?" If such a connection is interrupted or your device simply could not establish a connection, a similar error pops up.

Reasons why Skype does not start:

  1. The device you are using has an old version of Skype.
  2. The program is not allowed (blocked) by antivirus or firewall.
  3. There is a problem with the internet (connection lost) or internet settings.
  4. Your ISP does not allow Skype.
  5. The program has a critical failure (error).
  6. Failures of the official developer's server, where all user data is sent.
  7. Virus programs, malfunctioning operating system.
  8. No internet connection.
  9. Old data interferes with work.

To check this version, just go to any website in your internet browser. If you confirm this option, call the provider.

How do I fix the connection when I sign in to Skype?

All of these reasons can manifest themselves one by one or act together. What to do if the connection fails to be established?

Ways to establish a connection:
1. To solve the first problem with the old version of the program, you need to download the latest existing one. To do this, go to the official Skype website ( and download it for free.

2. If you use the program from a computer and you have a new antivirus, check if it blocks your program. Disable protection temporarily and try again to login.

When blocked by a firewall - Windows built-in defender - disabling it will also help determine this.

To do this, go to the "Control Panel", then - "Windows Firewall" ("Firewall") - "Enabling and disabling the firewall" - "Disable Windows Firewall".

3. If your browser is Internet Explorer, try resetting its settings. You need to do it like this:

  • Close all programs, files and folders.
  • Launch your browser.
  • Press the Alt key on your keyboard.
  • Select "Tools" from the menu bar.
  • Find the "Internet Options" item.
  • In the "Advanced" tab, click the "Reset" button.
  • Check the box "Delete personal settings" and click on reset again.

4. If you use Skype not at home, but in the office, in the enterprise, be aware that IT specialists may, as part of company policy, restrict the use of certain non-work-related applications for their employees. This program is often among them. Here you have no right to change anything except work.

You can also check for usage restrictions (it doesn't matter from your employer or your firewall) using this link: Here you can find out if the program can log in. Even if nothing works from that site, the problem is not restricted access. If you have access to at least one of the servers, the problem is not in this area.

5. If you suspect that the program has crashed, a critical error, turn off the device, restart it and try again. If it doesn't work, reinstall the messenger.

6. In case of malfunctions in the server of developers and Skype owners, you can find out only by checking all the previous options for possible breakdowns. However, there are some third-party services that can help with this verification. Here is one of them: By going to this link, you can check the health of the servers and finally understand what the problem is and why the connection could not be established. If this information is confirmed, you will not be able to do anything until the program servers are fixed.

7. Another solution may be to delete the following files: "% appdata% \\ Skype \\ shared.lck" or "% appdata% \\ Skype \\ shared.xml". This will help if some files are corrupted (for example, configuration files or databases). These objects are located in the folder with the installed program. In most cases, it is located in the program directory on the C drive.

8. If the time is critically short and there is no way to check each of the versions of possible errors, just use the browser program at this link:

9. If the problem is an invasion of viruses, clean everything with a good antivirus.

10. If the operating system does not work properly, you will have to reinstall it.

11. There is also a possibility that the computer writes about the impossibility of logging in when your Internet router is incorrectly configured or the settings are lost. Why this happened is unclear, but you can try to reconfigure. To do this, go to any browser except Opera and enter your address in the address bar (it is written in the documents for the router or on the device itself).

Enter your username and password, click "login". Next, you need to find the items "Firewall" - "Virtual servers" and click "Add" (the names of the items may be slightly different for different routers). Next, you will need to enter a name - "Skype" or any other. And in the "External" port field you need to enter the number of the new port, for example, 4960. Save the entered data by clicking on the appropriate button (for example, "change", "save" or "Ok").

Open Skype, menu "Tools", sub-item "Connection problems". In the port use field, write the port previously specified in the router settings.

In this case, enter "4960". After saving the new settings, try to see if the program comes into the program again.

12. If the problem is a pile of old data that prevents the program from working, you need to clear the hard drive from it. For this:

  • Go to "Start".
  • Click "Run" or instead of both items, you can press the key combination "Win + R".
  • Next, in the window that appeared, enter "% appdata% \\ skype".
  • When the computer displays the found results, delete all files from the found folder. It is usually called "Skype" and is located in the "Roaming" folder, and this folder, in turn, is in "AppData" ("Application Data").

If you don't want to delete all the files, you can cut only this "shared".

  • Exit Skype: click its icon in the tray and then - "Exit" or "Exit".
  • Make sure to log out. To do this, you need to open Task Manager or Task Manager and see if there is "Skype.exe" in the processes. If the process is active, end it.
  • In the folder on the C drive "Programm Files" find the "Skype" folder and create a shortcut to the "Skype.exe" file on the desktop.
  • Right-click on the created shortcut and select "Properties" - the "Shortcut" tab.
  • After the text opposite the word "Label", the path will be indicated in quotation marks. After them, write "/ legacylogin".
  • Click "Ok" and go through this shortcut.

If you are using the Linux operating system, one of its versions - OpenSUSE, Skype also often does not connect. The solution is the same as in other cases. Upgrading to the latest available version should help.

How to uninstall a program

If you nevertheless decide to try uninstalling Skype, you can do it through the "Control Panel" - "Uninstall Programs", but better - using special utilities. For example, Ccleaner or Revo Uninstaller.

When using these programs, you can be sure that no residual files will be on your computer after “goodbye” to Skype. Just download one of the above utilities. Next, you need to install it like any other program. Next, you will need to start checking, analyzing or directly cleaning and wait a little. Only then can you start installing the new version of Skype.

How to install a new program

Anyone can install Skype after uninstalling the previous version. To do this, you just need to go to the official website of the company or immediately follow this link:

This process does not take long, and it is completely free. The rest is simple. Find the completely downloaded file in the downloads and run it by double-clicking on it - the installation will start. Don't forget to put Russian.

The same can be done by going to "Help" in the Skype window, and then - by selecting "About Skype". There you can see the versions.

In the window that opens, you need to find the year of the version of the program that you have installed. If the year is not current, the version is out of date.

Unfortunately, the latest version is not always workable on a specific device. So if you fail, download another one. According to user reviews, this one is successful on the Internet today - "".

How to clean from viruses

Any workable antivirus program usually manages to clean the device from viruses. Of the latest recommended free utilities, Dr.WebCureit stands out.

After downloading from the official free resource, run the installer (click the executable file "... exe") by double clicking and start working after the process is complete. When opening a new program, click the "Start Test" button.

To get rid of the problem with access to a well-known messenger, you will have to check the possibility of problems one by one, since you will not be able to tell for sure right away what the problem is.

Skype failed to connect, what should I do?

Hello, friends. In this article, we will try to solve such a frequently asked question as - it was not possible to establish a connection in Skype.

Dear visitors, today on 09.21.2015 there was a malfunction in the Skype program around the world, as its official representatives said. Therefore, if someone else does not work, then try the tips from the article, and if it does not help, then follow the news in the program

Today 09.22.2015 officially, according to the statements of the Skype developers, the problems with the program have been resolved. Therefore, Skype should start working as before, if there are still problems, try to uninstall and reinstall Skype or download the portable version, in general, everything is described in the article below.

Well, it seems that the problems with Skype all over the world are over, but still from time to time it cannot establish a connection. In general, if you need to know how to properly install skype, then read the article free skype installation. But let's move on to our question.

Immediately, we note that 90% of the cases why Skype cannot establish a connection are as follows:

  • An outdated version of skype to uninstall and then install a new one
  • Errors occur due to built-in or external firewall (firewall) or antivirus, which just need to be disabled during the installation of the program
  • Viruses and a malfunctioning Windows operating system
  • If all of the listed and detailed methods below do not help, then use the portable version of Skype, it is also written about it below

Skype update

Let's start with the outdated version. The fact is that very often it is because of this, for example, that it is either impossible to log into the system with your username and password, or it is not possible to establish a connection.

In this situation, you need to check for program updates in this way: Skype - help (at the top, the last menu item) - check for updates.

Thus, you can get a new version and try to do the early steps again, perhaps the problem that was there will disappear.

Removing Skype

If the previous method did not help, then you need to try to remove skype completely.

They are needed because in the process of removing a program or utility, their residual files often remain, which can subsequently interfere with the work or installation of a new program.

Also, it will not be superfluous to find out how you can safely and simply clean the system - we clean the C drive.

And so, in order to solve a considerable part of the problems with the Skype connection, we do:

  1. Removal as described above
  2. Installing a new version
  3. If the second point did not help, then you should download the portable version of Skype, this is the version that you do not need to install, but you can immediately start
  4. Setting up a firewall (firewall) and antivirus, which can simply block skype

Now let's take a closer look at each of the points, so we can understand in more detail the problem - why the skype connection could not be established.

With the deletion it is clear, it is better to try to delete it correctly, as described above, as it is more likely to solve the problem.

The only thing I would like to note is that when you delete Skype, all correspondence will be lost. So, either copy what you need or should save it, how to save the message history can be found at the link provided above.

Skype installation

In order to install a new version of the program, follow this link ( copy, paste into the address bar of the browser and press enter) to the official site to download it. Or write in any search engine - install skype.

Once you download it, run it, the installation will begin.

Viruses and error-prone Windows prevent Skype from establishing a connection

If you are not sure if there are viruses in the system, then you definitely need to scan it and clean it from them. It is better to do this in safe mode using the free Dr.WebCureit utility. If you do not know how all this is done, then either contact us or ask your friends.

Plus, your Windows may not be working properly. There can be many reasons for this, ranging from viruses to her advanced age. To eliminate this reason, you need to reinstall it and immediately install a good antivirus. Again, if you have any difficulties with this, then contact us.

Portable version of skype

If during the installation there were problems and it was not possible to install, then you should use the portable version, that is, the one that does not need to be installed, but you can start immediately, you just need to download it.

To do this, write on the Internet in the search engine "skype portable download".

We warn you that you can download something from the Internet only when you have a high-quality, working antivirus installed.

Configuring the firewall (firewall)

As for the last point - setting up a firewall (firewall) and antivirus, here, it is worth advising to disable the antivirus during installation, and turn it on when finished.

Also, if you have a high-quality antivirus product installed, then you should disable the built-in firewall (firewall). It will be quite safe, because a reliable antivirus can do this much better.

Disable firewall

The built-in firewall (firewall) can be disabled by this path: "start" - "control panel" - "system and security" - "Windows firewall" - on the left there will be an item "enable and disable Windows firewall" here you need to select "disable firewall" everywhere.

That is, the point is that during installation, both built-in and external security programs are disabled. Then you can immediately turn it back on.

Summing up, let's say, in order to resolve the issue - it was not possible to establish a connection in Skype, you should:

  • Update or remove the old version and install the new one.
  • During installation, disable the anti-virus protection and the built-in OS firewall, or disable it altogether if you trust your antivirus.
  • Clean the system from viruses

Thanks for your attention. We hope we helped you with the question - the skype connection could not be established. You can also familiarize yourself with this Internet resource, as well as leave your comments below.

Good afternoon, dear readers and subscribers, today we will continue to solve the next problems with the Skype messenger with you. A little background. Not so long ago I was on vacation and after visiting my next relatives I was asked to look at their computer with the wording that something was wrong there. Having started diagnosing the patient, it turned out that in the application Skype could not connect from the servers, when entering the correct username and password, I tried to log in under my account, the effect was the same. Below I will show how you can solve this and continue using this utility, the quality of which is getting worse and worse every month, but this is already a question for Microsoft.

Why skype writes failed to establish a connection

As I usually write to you, you need to understand the cause, and only then eliminate the effect. You will not find a definite answer, so I will give my list of possible options:

  • You have an outdated version of Skype
  • Problems with internet connection or DNS servers.
  • Blocked ports or the program itself in the firewall or antivirus

What errors look like when trying to log in

There are two flavors of this problem.

  • Failed to establish a connection, it looks like this

  • Sorry, we couldn't connect to Skype. Check your internet connection and try again.

How do I fix the connection error?

Well, now let's move from words to deeds and fix the access error. Although I still advise you to take a closer look at other programs, of which there are a lot.

Internet check

The first thing to do is check the internet connection on your computer. It's easy to do, open your browser and try to open the site and go through the pages there, see the result. If everything is fine, go to the next point, if not, then try to reset the Internet Explore settings, in short, the Windows operating system to access the Internet takes the exit settings from IE settings from the proxy server item, and if it is empty then it will go further through the default gateway configured on your network card. It is logical that if Skype tries to use it, then the problem may be in it, in order to verify or deny this, you can reset Internet Explorer settings, I can also recommend a free utility for fixing an Internet connection called "Complete Internet Repair", in in many cases this helps to resolve the error that skype could not establish a connection to the server.

I also give a list of Skype servers, it can be useful for checking availability.

Installing the latest version of Skype

In 90% of cases, the connection error problem appears in the old or clumsy version of skype, I can give a recent example that users updated to Windows 10 Creators Update and when they started Skype they saw that they did not have enough VCRUNTIME140.dll or msvcp140 dll library that were present in fresh versions. And now updating to them helped to cure errors. In the case when it was not possible to establish a connection to the server, reinstalling and updating to the latest version will fix everything, there are two solutions to the tattoo:

  • Update and authorization windows scap, for this in the top menu click "Help or question mark" and select

The search for a fresh version will start, if it is found, then you will need to click "Install new version".

If it shows you that you already have the latest version of the program installed, then I advise you to download the latest version in a separate distribution kit and reinstall it.

Checking Windows Firewall

In a world where viruses and ransomware are raging, users tighten security and sometimes overdo it, as a result of which many programs cannot work normally and your skype says that it was not possible to establish a connection to the server. The quickest way to check is to turn off Windows Firewall for a couple of minutes.

We will disable it through the command line, since this is the fastest method, for this we open cmd as administrator and enter the command:

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

As a result, the standard Windows firewall will be disabled, if you need to enable it, then change the parameter off to on.

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on

Reinstalling Skype and cleaning up the trash

For example, in Windows 10, I met that Skype cannot establish a connection due to the fact that some of its database files are damaged. In such cases, it was removed and the corrupted files were manually cleaned up. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Remove Skype, here you can use the classic method, through "Programs and Features" in the Windows Control Panel

You can use specialized programs such as Ccleaner, they also allow you to do this, in addition to clean the registry from garbage. As soon as you uninstall it, you still need to clean up some files, since they can only be removed manually. They are located in the% appdata% \\ Skype folder

  1. % appdata% \\ Skype \\ shared.lck
  2. % appdata% \\ Skype \\ shared.xml

Probably a virus

Very often, the reason for the lack of a connection to the server in skype is a banal virus that can specifically block the connection, using various methods, simply by registering the left servers in the hosts file.Therefore, I strongly recommend that you take the time and scan your system at least AdwCleane r.

In continuation of the topic with antivirus, try to disable it for a while and check whether it will have an effect or not, since they also have very cruel security settings. If someone does not know, then Skype works on the torrent principle, using the P2P protocol, which means that it makes a huge number of connections, for antivirus it can be a bell


I hope my note helped you resolve the issue that skype could not establish a connection to the servers and could not log in to it, if you have any questions, I am waiting for them in the comments.

While working with Skype, you often get a message about the impossibility to establish a connection. Appearing at an inopportune moment, the message breaks the connection, preventing the conversation from ending. Getting Skype back to work is easy. You need to understand the causes of the problem and follow the sequence of actions.

Reasons for the error

After entering the username and password, these data are sent to the server for verification. After confirming the data, the server informs the program on the computer that the data is valid and authentication has been completed. If a connection error occurs, it means that the program cannot synchronize with the server, and does not let the user into the network.

Among the reasons for the lack of connection are the following:

  1. The version is outdated and outdated.
  2. The program is being blocked by the Windows firewall.
  3. The computer is not connected to the network.
  4. The provider has blocked Skype.
  5. The program server is not responding.
  6. The program crashed.


I will analyze the cases in which a malfunction occurs in Skype.

Checking your internet connection

The first thing to do if Skype failed to establish a connection is to check the network connections. Launch any browser and try visiting any site. In the absence of the Internet, we see a corresponding message.

Checking the program version

Microsoft regularly releases updates for its product. The company is interested in users using only new versions of the product. Therefore, older versions are unstable and often crash. Information about the current version is available in the "Help" section. In the pop-up window, click "About Skype".

In addition to the version, the manufacturer indicates the year the update was released. Versions released last year are considered out of date.

The update is made through the official website. Go to and click "Download".

Disable Firewall

Another reason why Skype says "Connection failed" is Windows blocking. Firewall is the standard protection found in all versions of Windows. It blocks suspicious activity from the network. A firewall is a useful application, but it also affects the stability of useful programs and applications. In particular, it can cause Skype crashes. To test the influence:

Disable antivirus

It has a list of programs that it blocks, or prohibits access to the Internet through them. Skype is sometimes one of them. If this happens, add the program to the antivirus exclusion list, and access to the network will be restored.

Router settings

Skype crashes are caused by improper router operation. To eliminate this possibility, do the following.

Attention everyone!

By far the most efficient way is to install Skype version 6.14. You can find it on the Internet. Almost everyone is helped by uninstalling the current version and installing 6.14 instead.

Judging by the frequently appearing posts and statuses on social networks, after the next update of Skype, people began to experience difficulties logging into the program. Someone solves the problem by reinstalling the program, someone cleans the profile, and someone helps a detailed analysis of the situation and the solution of the problem.

The day before yesterday I saw a trouble happened to one of my old and good acquaintances - Skype stopped simply connecting, on the program screen at the entrance it was displayed "Failed to establish a connection to the server." Reinstalling the program from the program archive on her computer did not help, in the end I decided to help. :-)

I have a huge ten-year practice of fixing similar problems with Microsoft Windows of all versions, so I approximately knew and understood what to do. Just two weeks ago, one of my colleagues had a similar problem, who was helped by cleaning the computer with CCleaner and then reinstalling Skype. But here everything was more complicated.

If the method described in this article did not help you, but you are ready to pay for my time to solve the problem with your computer, contact me by mail, through the feedback form or comments on this note.

For a small fee, I will try to solve your situation.

To begin with, Windows XP was installed, which, as many people know, since April 2014, is no longer supported by Microsoft. Well, it is not supported, and to hell with it, we don't care. Only I was wrong ...

Step 1 - backing up your message history

Like any normal person, my friend was very worried about the safety of the correspondence, which is understandable - after all, these are colleagues, partners, and friends with acquaintances. Therefore, I first had to save the entire history from the chats.

This is done simply.

  • Open the "Start" menu - "Run", enter% APPDATA% \\ Skype there and press Enter.
  • A directory with Skype files opens, in which you need to find an element with your login, go into it and copy the main.db file to the desktop, this is the history of the program.

In fact, I would recommend keeping the entire Skype directory in general, just in case, and then deleting it from this very% APPDATA%. If reinstalling the program helps, then we will simply replace the new folder with the one that we saved in the previous step and all your settings will be saved.

Excellent! There is a backup copy, you can mess around ...

Step 2 - removing Skype

The next step I decided to remove the old version of Skype and clean up all traces. To do this, I used the latest version of my favorite program for cleaning garbage in Windows - CCleaner. We go to the official site, download it and install it.

Then we launch the program, go to the "Service" - "Uninstall programs" section, find Skype in the list and click "Remove". It will take a few minutes.

Now you need to clean the registry of your computer using the same program. Go to the "Registry" section, click on the "Search for problems" button and delete everything that will be found.

Step 3 - installing Skype

Well. Now you need to download the latest version of Skype from the official website. There are two options - download the full version (offline), or the installer via the Internet. Everyone chooses what he likes best, I chose the second option.

We save the file to your computer, wait for the download and install as usual.

I want to say that at this stage most of the problems are solved and it is possible to calmly enter the program. But not everyone is lucky ... :-)

Failed to getprocaddress for GetLogicalProcessorInformation

Yes, such an unpleasant error may occur after installing and running the program. As far as I was able to find out, this only happens on computers with Windows XP Service Pack 2, which has long been outdated and it is time to update it.

Going to the official Microsoft website, I quickly downloaded the latest Service Pack 3. Installed, rebooted and ... the problem was fixed! Skype is working.

Step 4 - Returning the chat history

Once the program has started, you need to quickly exit it and then move the main.db file back to% APPDATA% \\ Skype \\ your_login \\. Answer yes to the question about replacement. After that, the entire history of correspondence, chats and dialogs will be returned to your Skype.

Additions and notes

Note 1. I did not describe that I had suspicions of viruses in my computer, which were confirmed after checking my computer by Dr.Web CureIt. Then the installed Nod32 was removed and the latest version of Kaspersky Antivirus was installed.

Note 2. The% APPDATA% path will not work on all Microsoft operating systems. The surest way is to search for the word "Skype" in the C: \\ Application Data \\ and C: \\ Users \\ directories.

Note 3. Using a proxy server when connecting to Skype may help you, but only for a while. If none of the above helps, in the skype login window there is a menu "Connection problems" or "Connection settings", in which you can specify an available proxy server and use it.

A week ago, something happened to my skype. I worked in the morning, turned off my laptop while I was going to lunch, came back, but Skype does not turn on. An inscription appears: "The connection is not established."

I tried to reboot my laptop, update Skype, but these actions did not bring the desired results. I deleted the old version of Skype, but the new one did not want to be installed.

I go back to the old version, and there "the connection is not established." Began to ask friends and acquaintances, what could be the reason? How to make Skype work? They offered a variety of options, but, alas, none of them worked, the more I have already tried most of them.

Alexander Gruzov came to the rescue (turn on heroic music here! :)) Sasha very quickly figured out what the problem was and remotely helped me (I am in Arkhangelsk, and he is in Moscow)

We tested several options for why Skype does not connect (from suspicions of viruses, errors in the system and other trifles). As it turned out, the problem was that there are no more automatic updates for this version of Windows. Alexander, installed the updates, downloaded the new version of Skype, and voila - Skype is working again. Everything was done quickly and clearly.

It was possible, of course, to dig and understand all this myself, but I adhere to the principle that everyone should do their own thing, and it is better to save your time and turn to a specialist if you do not understand something yourself. Sasha, thank you very much for your prompt help!

Irina Koryakina,

Other reasons for the inoperability of Skype

These options are found on the Internet, I have already checked some of them and made sure:

Old version of Internet Explorer or it is damaged.

Solution: upgrade to the latest available version for your operating system, or install Skype 6.14.

White screen when starting skype.

Solution: Add the / legacylogin parameter to the Skype shortcut and try again.

If you want to thank me for the material - you can do it here :-)

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl + Enter.

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