How to clear memory on android samsung galaxy. How to clean your Android phone from unnecessary files

Each smartphone has a limit on the installed memory. Part of it is used by the system resources necessary for work, the rest of the space is allocated for programs downloaded by the user, photos, video, audio files. The more actively you use your smartphone, the faster all free memory fills up, and it becomes necessary to clear it. To understand how to clear the phone memory on Android, you need to understand its types, understand where the system files are stored, what internal and external resources can be used for your information.

Types of memory on android

A modern gadget on the Android system is a small computer, which has all the modules inherent in this device - a processor, permanent and random access memory, a power supply. There are built-in and external drives for storing used programs. Built-in consists of read only memory and random access memory. External - connects additionally in the form of an SD card.


The storage chips that reside on the main board are called on-board memory. Read-only memory (ROM or ROM), a memory chip (RAM or RAM) are mandatory for the operation of the device. ROM size is one of the main characteristics of the device. It determines the number of programs, applications, and other user information that can be placed on a smartphone without involving additional devices. RAM affects the speed of simultaneous execution of multiple programs.

External storage

Connecting an external storage device (SD card) can expand the capabilities of the gadget for storing user files and additional programs. For this purpose, the device has a special slot (or connector), which can be hidden under the cover of the device or brought out into the end panel. The dimensions of external drives have several standard sizes, which depend on the manufacturer and volume. The size of the memory of external drives can be selected for the user's tasks, his needs for storing audio, photo, video, texts, additional programs.

Operational (RAM)

The random access memory chip is part of the built-in memory. Its volume is divided between system programs and user-run applications. The larger the amount of RAM, the more of it can be used to run and continuously run multiple programs in active mode. If there is not enough RAM for the operation of all launched programs, the system has the ability to reserve part of the read-only memory for operational tasks. When the device is turned off, all information in the RAM is erased.

Read only memory (ROM)

The placement of all the main system programs of the smartphone or tablet of the android system, the programs installed by the user is carried out on the permanent storage device. Part of its volume is occupied by system files, which are accessed by the processor of the device when turning on, turning off, restarting, and other user actions. The remaining volume when purchasing the device is free for the goals and objectives of the buyer. When the device is turned off, all information is saved on the ROM.

How to find out how much memory is

You can determine the used volume of the built-in and external storage by performing a few simple manipulations with the device:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Go to the "Memory" section
  3. We see its total volume, the list of partitions, the amount of free space.
  4. To determine the free amount of RAM and ROM, press the "Menu" button.
  5. We see what part is occupied by system modules, the cache - temporary files, various executable programs. At the bottom there is a button indicating how much volume is free and available at the moment.

How to clear memory on android

Every user of an Android system device is faced with the need to obtain additional memory. This happens when you try to install a new application - the device displays a message that there are not enough resources, asks for permission to remove some installed programs in order to free up space on the android. There are several ways to free up space - you can delete content on the android, transfer some programs or information from internal devices to external ones, copy information to a computer or use cloud services.

Internal and external

One of the main methods that provide an opportunity to clean the memory of an android phone is to transfer programs to an external card. Pictures, videos, music, files that do not participate in maintaining the functionality of the device can be subjected to such transfer. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. We open the Explorer.
  2. Go to internal memory
  3. Selecting an object to transfer
  4. Hold your finger on the object you want to transfer for a couple of seconds.
  5. Click the scissors icon to cut the file
  6. Go to the MicroSD section
  7. Insert the cut object with the "Paste" button
  8. We do this with all objects.

If you are having difficulty cleaning your device, use the ES Explorer file manager. Open the program, the side menu, select the "Tools" category, the "SD Card Analyzer" function. After that, a memory scan will take place, and detailed information about all objects on the gadget in different categories is displayed. And the whole list is completed by the function of global clearing of the cache, duplicates, commercials, gallery thumbnails, which can be configured to run in automatic mode.

System memory

Freeing up system memory is done by clearing RAM and ROM. In order to unload RAM and permanent memory manually from unnecessary processes that slow down the work, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Menu button to open a list of running applications.
  2. Click the broom icon to close them all at once.
  3. Open the phone settings, section "Applications", subsection "Working".
  4. It is necessary to select items that can be stopped without losing the performance of the device. You can remove some of the preinstalled applications you do not need.
  5. We press the "Stop" button for each such program.
  6. Go to the list of applications using the cache by clicking the icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  7. We stop unnecessary applications.

Using built-in application features

In order to clean your Android phone from unnecessary files, you can use the built-in functions of the Android system. All basic operations for setting up and managing the device are in the settings section. After clicking the "Settings" icon, a menu opens with the "Memory" section. It provides an opportunity to see its entire size, download programs for various purposes, evaluate free space, decide whether to clean up in order to free up space for new programs.

Clearing the cache

The area of \u200b\u200bpermanent storage that is occupied by temporary files or files modified by programs to speed up work is called the cache. It often contains unnecessary fragments related to deleted or rarely used programs. In order to run the program that deletes the cache, you must perform the following steps

  1. Go to settings
  2. Go to the "Memory" section
  3. Click on the "Cash" button
  4. We confirm the deletion of the cache objects.

What is stuff in android memory

Many users find a large amount of memory called "Other". These are the files of installed applications. They can be deleted by checking the boxes and then clicking the trash can icon. To facilitate this process, you can install the Clean Master utility. It will show you what is occupied by the storage space and help you clean it up. To clean the device itself, the following steps are required:

  1. We go to the section "Miscellaneous"
  2. Marking applications whose files you do not mind deleting
  3. Click the trash can icon to delete data.

Transferring Files to an SD Card

Moving objects from internal memory to SD card is possible using File Manager. After opening this utility, you will find yourself in a window with two sections: "Device" and "SD-card". Having opened the "Device" section, we see the contents of the internal memory, we find the objects necessary for moving. Mark the desired file or folders with check marks, click the "Move" icon in the lower left part of the application. By clicking on the SD card section, open the contents of the card, select the appropriate folder to save and paste it.

Clean up android memory using computer

Your personal computer can be used as an external storage device. To transfer items from phone to PC, follow these steps:

  1. We connect the device and the computer using a USB cable
  2. On the computer, open the explorer, go to the contents of the device
  3. We cut and transfer all files, except for those that support the device's performance.

Transfer apps to external storage

To fully complete the task of transferring applications to the SD card, you must obtain root administrator rights. If you already have root access, you can do this by installing the Link2sd utility. Most applications are automatically installed into the internal memory of the device, and without administrator (root) rights, the transfer will be difficult. In the Play Store, you can install the Android Assistant application, which contains 18 tools for controlling Android. To transfer from this utility, follow these steps:

  1. Launching Android Assistant
  2. Opening the "Toolkit", select the item "App2Sd"
  3. Opening "Maybe", we see a list of applications available for transfer to the SD card
  4. After selecting the desired item, open "Application Information", and transfer by clicking "To SD-card".

How to free memory on android using special programs from "garbage"

There is a simple and functional tool for cleaning android from garbage - the Clean Master utility. Launch Clean Master, select "Trash" and "Clean" in the settings menu. The utility will then offer advanced cleaning. This procedure must be performed carefully, choosing the files to delete, so as not to accidentally delete the necessary system files and programs. It is possible to set up automatic cleaning of the device from unnecessary files on a schedule.

Another program that provides a quick cleaning of Android is CCleaner. Its unique algorithm analyzes the number and size of files and removes only unnecessary data for the user. The program offers two main tabs - "Analysis" and "Cleaning". After analysis, the application will display the level of free device memory with an approximate calculation of free space after cleaning.

Using cloud services

Using various cloud storages, you can not only clear the internal memory of the android device and free up the SD card, but also access files from any device connected to the Internet. One of these free services is Yandex.Disk, which can be downloaded from Google Play. For this:

  1. Install Yandex.Disk
  2. Press the button "Upload file", select the desired item on your gadget
  3. After downloading, you can delete the file from your phone, it will remain on Yandex Drive.


There are four reasons why the phone is not working smoothly or in the way you expect it to be:

2. No slot for additional microSD memory.

3. The device is infected with a virus.

4. The user of the device is in an area with a low signal level, which leads to a discharge of the battery, as the device is constantly searching for a signal / network.

For the fourth option, we have already solved it earlier. For those who have built-in and additional memory full of files and other data, we can advise you to free them by transferring files to other devices or by backing up to any available cloud storage. Also, automatically backing up media files and clearing cached data from installed apps would be your best option.

File manager

File manager apps can come in handy when it comes to organizing or storing files / data; especially downloaded files from emails, social networking sites, blogs and others. The most recommended file manager is ES File Explorer. This app works in tandem with many cloud services such as Google Drive, Box, SkyDrive and Dropbox to provide an efficient way to organize your data.

One of the cheapest cloud storage options is iDrive, which offers 50GB of storage for just 0.99 cents per year.

Cache management

Every time you install an application on an Android device, a folder is created to store user settings, images, files and logs. For example, every time you view an Instagram video, the data is cached (stored) on the device so that the next time you try to view the same content, the video will load faster. But let's ask ourselves, how many times are we going to watch the same video?

We conclude that in order to win extra space. Also, users can set to clear the cache on a schedule. Effective apps such as 1 Tap Cleaner or Clean Master can be used to increase storage space.

App 1 Tap Cleaner is a one-click solution for cleaning cache / saved files using a widget. After installing the application, users will be able to see the use of individual application caches; this way, content and log files can be cleaned up accordingly. Using 1 Tap Cleaner, users will be able to uninstall apps without having to enter the Play Store.

Clean Master App is a simple app that allows the user to clean up cached files; in addition, it can clean up files larger than 10 MB. Additionally, it has an option to close applications that are not in use.

Backup automation

If the Android device has a huge amount of photos, videos and music albums, users can schedule an automated backup to the cloud service. Not all files will be needed on the device at any given time. If using cloud services is not an option, then users can transfer their files to computers in order to get additional space on the smartphone.

Samsung smartphones have powerful functionality and large system memory. But as they use the device, many owners are faced with the problem of slow operation of many functions, with a long load of the phone itself and the Internet. As a rule, each user installs various applications and programs on his smartphone, from time to time the system carries out an update, and at one moment the message "Not enough memory" appears in front of the user. It's good if you can increase the system memory on your model, because this way you can get a lot more free space and delay the moment of "cleaning". But this is only for a short period of time.

It is important to remember that independent intervention in the system of your smartphone without certain skills can lead to malfunction of the device. If you need qualified assistance from specialists, contact a specialized Samsung smartphone repair center.

Several ways to free up system memory on Samsung phones

So, if your Samsung smartphone is running low on system memory, then there are several ways to get extra space. All of these methods are suitable for Android phones. Naturally, the easiest way is to uninstall unnecessary programs and not worry again.

The first way is with the explorer

You need to go through a special explorer on your smartphone, select all the files you don't need and transfer them to the trash. In this case, you should act very carefully, because through carelessness you can delete a really important utility, thereby depriving you of the opportunity to call or transfer files. Restoring the program is possible, but it will take quite a lot of time and effort.

The second way is using Root rights

Upon obtaining Root rights, the cleaning process will become elementary. If you already have these rights, then through the same explorer you can delete unnecessary files. To do this, select the Root Explorer mode and clean up. Once again, we want to emphasize, be careful when removing important programs so as not to damage the system of your smartphone.

The third way is with the Clean Master program

There is another way to clear system memory. Here the user can resort to using a special program that will control the update process and help the system work. One of the most popular of these utilities is Clean Master. Just go to the market, download the program and install it on your smartphone. This program is easy to use and greatly simplifies the process of cleaning the system and RAM. You will be able to select files you do not need, put a lock on updating any programs.

Also, don't forget to check your smartphone for viruses. It is possible that it was they who caused the memory to fill up. After the virus is eliminated, the system memory is freed up. And remember how important the system memory on your device is, do not litter it with unnecessary programs and applications, and then your smartphone will not have to be cleaned of garbage.

There are a lot of phones on android: samsung j1, j2, j3, j5, nokia lumiya 620, 640, 530, lg, samsung galaxy s5, lenovo, zte blade, alcatel one touch, 6016x, prestige, asus, micromax, tele2 mini, fly , htc desire, alkatel, fly, lumiya 520, nokia 5330, nokia 5230, c5, huavei, sony xperia, s2305, lenovo, samsung duos, huawei w1 u00, phillips and so on.

All these phones have memory and, unfortunately, in most devices there is very little of it, and at any time you can receive a message from the system that the memory on the phone is full - fortunately, you can clear it.

Seeing the name of the 4 ways to clear the memory in an android phone, you may wonder if one is not enough?

The fact is that there is not one memory in an android, but several can be said: internal, external memory card, SIM cards and the so-called cache.

In general, android, like any operating system, has its pros and cons. Many of the shortcomings of this system relate to trivial functions that, it would seem, are not important, but only until then the system does not start to be capricious.

One such disadvantage is the lack of storage space for applications. It often happens that after installing several applications, it fills up completely.

Then, the logical solution is to remove unnecessary programs. We delete applications until finally it turns out that the memory is cleared, but this method cannot be said - quickly and correctly.

So, for example, if you are a gamer, then most games create "save levels". As you might have guessed, a dozen of these files take up a lot of space.

Unfortunately, when you delete the game itself, the "save" is not deleted. Some applications work in a similar way. How do I clear this data?

You can go to the settings and select "Delete data", but after a while, if you do this constantly, so to speak manually, it is very annoying.

By far the best solution is to use special applications that have been created for this purpose. A very good example is an example. ACCleaner.

A phone that stores a lot of data on the device usually receives a message about insufficient space in the internal memory after a while. Android device users can solve this problem in several ways.

Many android phones have a microSD card slot. Only not all models support cards with a capacity of 64 GB and 128 GB, but usually 32 GB. Therefore, it is worth checking the specifications of the device before buying.

NOTE: if there are pictures in the record, they will be made on a Samsung Galaxy phone with android 6.0.1.

How to properly clear the memory card in an android phone

In the settings, you can check the data that is taking up most of the memory space - unnecessary applications, games and multimedia.

If you want to completely clear the memory of the memory card, then it is best to format it - you can use the computer or in the phone itself.

However, you can also delete unnecessary files from your computer.

How you can clear the cache memory in an android phone

In the settings of each application, you can clear the cache memory. Unfortunately, after a while, this space will be filled up again and this process must be repeated.

Because it is quite time consuming, you should arm yourself with an application that will automate this process to some extent.

Many apps of this type can be found in the official android app repository or on Google Play.

In older models, memory is often partitioned into separate sections to store user data, system memory, and application data.

Therefore, the system may show you that there is free space, but when installing applications, it will write that there is not enough memory.

A similar message may appear with multimedia data if you take too many pictures, record videos, or store a lot of documents and music.

How you can clear the RAM in an android phone

It is easier to do this while floating You just need to reboot your device and the RAM will clean itself.

The same thing happens in a computer, laptop or tablet - the principle is the same: turn off and turn on the device.

How to clear memory of garbage in an android phone without deleting anything

It is impossible to clear memory from garbage without deleting anything, but temporary files always accumulate in the phone.

If this garbage is removed, then everything stored in the phone will remain intact, and the free space will increase significantly.

You won't even notice anything, all programs, games, photos, and so on will remain as they were. Who will do this procedure for the first time, I recommend

How can you clear SMS memory in an android phone

Over time, you can accumulate thousands of old SMS (if you do not clean your phone from SMS from time to time).

I came across this and you can believe me that deleting one by one SMS is not the best option.

It is best to clear the memory of SMS with the application "History Eraser - Privacy Clean" - everything will be deleted quickly.

This app will erase your android history data, clear phone, search, call history, delete saved passwords, text messages, clear cache and delete the list of most frequently dialed numbers.

This is a good vacuum cleaner for additional memory. One click is enough to remove all hidden files and get more free space and free memory.

Program for clearing memory in android phone

On the phone, you have to take care of the system and applications that you install and remove junk in a timely manner.

Most of the garbage is in the application cache. Clearing it doesn't speed up your phone, but it saves storage if you're short of it.

At the same time, cleaning applications that you often use is not recommended, because they will take longer when working.

However, if you've installed dozens of programs that you don't use on a daily basis, you could end up with hundreds of megabytes of redundant.

It is possible to clear the memory cache in individual applications, but it is best to use the application.

At the same time, you have the ability to delete messages from memory, call history, clean browser, search history, Gmail, Google Play, etc.

How to get more internal storage on an android phone

Over time, the internal memory (system memory) in your Samsung Galaxy phone, like any other, becomes less and less, and the device works more and more slowly.

Let's see how to get more storage in your phone. The phone generates a lot of data cache.

To clear data cache with android tools, go to settings and select application manager.

If you see three vertical dots (depending on the android version), then click on them and select "Sort by size".

Then you will see that the largest file will be the first in the list - so they need to be cleaned.

NOTE: Google Play Store also offers several applications that can automatically destroy cache files: CacheCleaner and CacheMate are fast and convenient.

Another way to move apps to SD card. To do this, insert an external SD card into your phone and move them.

How to move and then download directly and install applications on the SD card. Good luck.

The Android operating system in various modifications is an ultra-modern and popular shell widely used in portable mobile devices of leading brands. It doesn't matter which version of the platform your smartphone, tablet or e-reader is running on: sooner or later you will start wondering how to free up memory on your android without deleting super-necessary and important files, accumulated photos and videos. This harsh reality - functionality extended for the comfort of users (animated wallpapers, super-fashionable interface, working with videos hosted on YouTube, etc.) automatically creates an acute shortage of free space. Is it possible to clear memory on android without purchasing flash cards? My answer is yes.

The pop-up warning about full memory on every save is terribly annoying. Which way do the owners of portable mobile equipment generally go, wondering how to free up memory on an android? They start frantically cleaning cookies, throwing applications on the card, permanently deleting videos and photos. If a smartbook or tablet is used for work, then they think about budgetary ways of how to increase memory on an android by buying a flash card. But this is a temporary solution. After the "mechanical" increase, the free space is also rapidly filling up and the question of clearing the memory on the android again becomes an edge.

But the real way how to increase memory on android without deleting anything at once for 1GB exists! It has been tested on several Samsung devices and no changes have occurred except for freeing up memory.

Algorithm in two clicks to quickly clear and increase memory in Samsung, running on Android:

1. Open settings, memory tab. Find folder "other files"

2. Open it and safely remove all the debris in it. Including files of the same name with popular applications (for example, like mine - vkontakte, its deletion did not cause any damage to VK).

I suspect that something else disappeared after such a procedure, maybe some accidentally downloaded music or videos. But nothing is missing from those saved in the corresponding folders of galleries, videos, etc. not detected. That is, if a pop-up message prevents you from quickly saving something important and relevant, my way of how to free up memory on an android in just two clicks by selecting all the files in the "other folders" folder will definitely come in handy!

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