Where is the blacklist in the classmates of the mobile version. Blacklist in classmates

Chatting with people via social media isn't always fun. Therefore, the Odnoklassniki website has such a function as "Black List". It so happens that a person was rude during communication, and you. But what if the person was sent there by mistake? It is necessary to "pull" him out of there. This article provides detailed instructions on how to do this.

How to remove from the blacklist

There are two ways: on the page itself and through a button.

On the page

To remove a person from an emergency situation, it is not necessary to go to other sections. For this you need:

Through the button

In order not to scroll the page with the wheel, you can use the main menu under your name.

Remove from blacklist from phone

You can remove a person from an emergency not only from a stationary computer, but also from a mobile phone.

One small nuance: when you unblock a friend or guest, he will still not be able to enter your page for 24 hours. He can only do this the next day.

Important! When you remove a person from the emergency, he can again comment on your page and send you messages. Therefore, before removing it from there, think: do you really need it?

If something is not clear you can watch the video.

Thus, you can remove everyone who is on this list. But you won't be able to remove everyone at once. Each will have to be removed separately. This, of course, will take some time. But if it's really necessary, then it's worth it. In my opinion, all the nuances of this issue have now been revealed, and you can read about how to make a closed profile in Odnoklassniki. Have a nice day everyone.

Blacklist in Odnoklassniki is a function that allows you to protect yourself from unwanted users. They will not be able to view your page (including photos, news, topics, gifts, etc.), write you messages and make video calls, that is, access will be completely closed. For some, this function may seem useless, but most people use it and are very glad that there is such an opportunity.

Black list in Odnoklassniki. Where is he located?

You can enter the black list from the main page of your account. Find the "More" link, point to it and go to the "Black List" section. A window will open in front of us with a list of all the users you added to it, if, of course, there are any. If they are absent, the window will open, but will be empty.

Black list in Odnoklassniki. How do I add users to it?

There are 2 ways to add an unwanted person to the blocked users list.

1. Go to the "Messages" section and find a correspondence with this friend. If you have not communicated with him before or have already deleted the dialogue, then this method, alas, does not suit you. As soon as the required person is found, move the cursor to the upper part of the window, and then click on the icon of the crossed out circle.

In the window we confirm our action and enjoy the tranquility.

2. This method is suitable for those people who have not previously communicated with an unwanted user. We go to the page of the ill-wisher, under his avatar, select the link "Complain". If your hatred is so strong, then you can choose any item that you see fit. But most importantly - put a tick in front of the phrase "Add user to the black list".

"Classmates". Black list. How to delete?

If you need to restore a person's access to your page and unblock him, then you have to visit the "Black List", find the desired user, move the cursor over him, and select the "Unblock" function in the drop-down menu. Then confirm your choice.

"Classmates". Bypassing the black list - is it real?

If you are in the place of the blocked user, then you can only sympathize, since nothing can be done to restore access to the page of the desired person.

The only way to chat with him or find out any information is to go to the social network from another account. If this is not possible, then patiently wait for the person to change from anger to mercy.

The blacklist in Odnoklassniki is a universal opportunity to personalize your profile, while setting your own privacy, defining which of the users can have access to your page and who cannot. If you have a desire to close your account from prying eyes, from users who are not in your friends list, then it makes sense to use a paid function that allows you to close the page. And the method that we told you about in this article will only be useful when you need to block specific people.

Where is the blacklist in Odnoklassniki - a person who is bored or rude often has a similar question, and in this article we will give an answer to it.

In our time, a social network is not a luxury, but a necessity. Many people, having mastered Odnoklassniki or VKontakte, advertise services, get acquainted, develop spiritually and materially. However, there is a downside "side of the coin" - in particular, some people are completely unaware that they can be too persistent, intrusive or even rude.

Indeed, as practice has shown, with the help it is possible to solve many problems. A user included in the emergency will stop writing personal letters to you, viewing your information, commenting on photos and videos, and even giving you gifts. By the way, it can be as simple and easy as adding to it. You just need to know how to find the blacklist in Odnoklassniki.

Emergency in the regular version

So, how to view the blacklist on Odnoklassniki in the regular, not mobile version? If you do not know how to enter an emergency, do as follows:

  • Go to the social network and log in.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of your page and find the "Change settings" link.

  • Here you should find the emergency and click on this item.

If later in the application you click on Emergency, then you will see all those people whom you have ever blocked. Here you can both open their profile, if it is not closed, and remove them from the emergency.
However, where can you find the same emergency in the mobile version? To do this, you should act in a slightly different way:

  • If you do not know how to find an emergency on your phone, open the mobile application and log in.
  • Next, go to the menu located on the right above your photo.

  • In the menu, we find the item emergency and click on it.

We click on Emergency and look through those who have ever been added by you to the "enemies". Here you can also remove a person from the ban by simply selecting him and pressing the "Unblock" button. At the same time, the person will be removed from the emergency, which will allow him to write you all kinds of letters, view your photos, personal information and much, much more. However, at the same time it is worth considering whether you need it, and will history repeat itself?

Where is the blacklist

Hello, friends! Communication in our life with other people is very important. And if in the real world, having quarreled with a person, over time you start communicating with him and make peace with him, then in the social network the user who bothers you can simply be added to the black list.

About that, I have already told. After that, he will not be able to send you messages, visit your page, comment on photos, and so on. But what if you added a person there by mistake, or brought in your friend because of some silly quarrel?

In this article, we will figure out where the blacklist is in Odnoklassniki, and how you can remove a user from there, including using the mobile version of the application.

Return a friend from the blacklist

To remove a person from the blacklist, first we will answer the question of how to find and view him in Odnoklassniki. This can be done in two ways.

Please note that after you delete your friend, the person will not be able to access your profile for another day. That is, it will not be possible to go to your page, send a message, view and rate a photo, or leave a comment.

Method 1

You can open it in Odnoklassniki using the button located at the bottom of the page with your profile.

To do this, go to your page and scroll to the very bottom. In order not to turn the mouse wheel, find the "End" button on the keyboard and click on it. At the bottom of the page you will see many different links, click on the appropriate title.

After that, you will see all the people that have been added.

In order to return a user, move the mouse cursor to him and select "Unblock" from the drop-down menu.

You will see the next window in which you need to confirm the removal of the selected user from this page. Click Remove.

Method 2

You can see it in Odnoklassniki in another way. To do this, on your page under your name, find the "More" button and click on it. Select an item with a suitable name from the drop-down menu.

As already described above, you will see all the people who have been added to it. To pull out a friend, move the cursor to him and select "Unblock" from the menu. Confirm your action by clicking "Delete".

Where is the blacklist in the mobile version

If you use the mobile application to log into Odnoklassniki, then go to your page. Then open the side menu by clicking in the upper left corner on the button with the image of three horizontal lines.

Select "Settings" from the menu and click on them.

Click at the top of the page on your name to go to your profile settings.

By clicking on it, you will see the users who were added there.

We remove a person from the black list from the phone

In order to remove a person from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki from your phone or tablet, open it, as described in the paragraph above.

Then find a friend, and on the contrary, click on the button with the image of three vertical dots. One single item "Unblock" will appear. Click on it.

Confirm that you are going to unblock the user of your choice.

For example, I immediately received a message from a friend whom I removed from the blacklist, which was sent by him when his access to my page was blocked.

That's all. I think you managed to remove a friend or any other person from the blacklist, either by logging into Odnoklassniki from a computer or using a mobile application on a phone or tablet.

Any social. the network provides an opportunity to stop communicating with an unwanted person by adding to the so-called black list. There is a similar opportunity in Odnoklassniki. By clicking the block button, you limit the person's ability to view, comment on photos, write messages to you.

Sometimes mistakes happen. In an emergency, you can send a close friend or you made peace with someone with whom you previously did not want to communicate. What if this happened? Can I undo an action? Let's consider ways to return a user from blocked to the rank of full-fledged friends and try to answer the questions posed.

How to find emergency situations on the Odnoklassniki social network

To view the black list and everyone who is in it, just follow a few simple steps:

  • Go to your page, scroll through it to the very bottom.
  • Open other functions, go to the blacklist by clicking on it.
  • A window will open, a list of those people to whom you have denied access to the page will appear.

How to remove a person from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki if you made a mistake

You can return a person to full-fledged friends at any time, everything will depend only on personal desire.

  • We carry out all the actions described above, open a window with photos of those people whose access to the page is restricted.
  • Hover the mouse cursor over the photo of the selected client and select the unblock option that appears. This is the bottom line of the list.
  • Click on the button, confirm the restoration with the button to remove from the emergency.

That's it, a person got the right to write you messages, leave comments, rate photos and much more. Now he is a full-fledged friend and you can communicate with him completely calmly. We managed to remove all restrictions.

How to remove from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki, the second method

  • Hover the cursor over the "more" item located on the main page.
  • In the window that opens, select the ES item.
  • We are looking for a photo of the person you want to return as friends.
  • Press the unlock button.

The user has been restored to the status of your friend.

There is a kind of small limitation, a friend removed from the blacklist will not be able to immediately enter into correspondence with you or perform other actions within 24 hours. After a day, full access will be restored.

How to remove from the blacklist on Odnoklassniki in the mobile version

You can also delete, add users in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki. To do this, go to the mobile version of the site, open your page, go down below. There is an item "other sections". A window opens, click on the "black list" button. Select the blocked user and click the "unblock" button. That's it, the user has fully restored his rights, he will be able to send messages in a day, leave comments.

Clear blacklist completely

You will not be able to clear the emergency situation in a few clicks, each user will have to be restored separately. If there are a lot of blocked users, it will take a long time. The size of emergency situations in Odnoklassniki is not limited and many users can be placed there.

The administration does not allow disabling the emergency completely. Before restoring a person to the whitelist, you should think very carefully if he is worth it. You may soon have to send him back forever and stop all communication with him.

Social blacklist networks, a rather useful thing, it allows you to get rid of annoying users, people who are simply unpleasant to you personally. But sometimes it turns out that having quarreled, we send people close to us there, or simply make a mistake. For this, there is an opportunity to get a person out of there and continue to communicate with him. We tried to tell you how to do this in a fairly simple way.

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