Free disk recovery program. CDCheck - a program for reading, viewing and copying damaged disks

You will need

  • -A computer;
  • Disks
  • - several drives;
  • SuperCopy program;
  • -program BadCopy;
  • -program Nero;
  • -program Alcohol;
  • -cleaning wipes;
  • -freezer.

Instruction manual

A disc is a fragile thing to become unreadable; a couple of scratches is enough for it. First, make sure that your drive can actually read the detected drive. The optical storage medium is in the form of a CD-ROM, CD-RW, CD-R, or DVD-ROM, DVD-RW. All these formats are different, the drive must match the storage medium. Check the available discs on other equipment.

If the drive is displayed but on a PC, try the following:
- use special programs. For example, SuperCopy, BadCopy. Please note, basically this software can only skip damaged areas. This helps if you are trying to recover a disc with movies or music, games will not work.
- polish the disc with a silk or cotton cloth. Make sure that no new scratches appear. Make movements starting from the center, smoothly moving to the edges, but not along.
- wipe the disc with a special cloth. These anti-static wipes are sold in computer stores.

Place the disc in the freezer for about thirty minutes. Wrap it in a bag so that moisture does not collect. This is why it helps: the cooling of the cooled disk takes longer, the drive manages to read the information. The main thing is not to overexpose the disk in the freezer, the disk will become more fragile, it may break.

Create a disk image using programs such as Alcohol or Nero, copy files already from the image. Virtual system will force drivesode to treat information more carefully. Try it from disk using Slow CD, Nero Drive Speed. Disks can be read at different speeds, these programs are used to determine the speed.

Wipe the disc with a soft cloth and detergent. This helps if the disc is very screwed up. Remember, you can not wipe the disc with acetone, gasoline. After such wet cleaning, the disc must be dry.
Wipe the dry disk with a cloth moistened with vegetable. Oil does not conduct electricity, it is not as liquid as water, moreover, it will remain in a scratch. Even corrupted data can recover.

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Try inserting a CD into another drive, it happens that one drive reads information, the other does not.

Useful advice

Use a combination of all disk recovery methods.

Perhaps everyone who stores any information on drives, sooner or later they encounter such a problem when the computer cannot open them due to numerous scratches and other damages. Often, such disks are immediately sent to the trash, but do not rush, you can try to recover the lost information and overwrite it on another medium. Several simple ways will help you to do this.

You will need

  • - damaged disk;
  • - cotton or silk fabric;
  • - special antiseptic wipes;
  • - soft cloth and detergent.

Instruction manual

First of all, check if your drive can even open and read the detected drive. If not, then do not immediately go into panic, check this disk on another computer. Next, check the media for damage in the form of scratches. If cracks, chips, or other serious damage are found on the disc, do not try to open it on the computer. Otherwise, due to the speed of unwinding, it can simply crack in the drive, and you will have another problem in the form of fragments, which then need to be removed from the drive.

If the computer detects a disk but doesn’t open it, try using special programs such as BadCopy or SuperCopy. But keep in mind that they can only skip damaged sections of the disk. This property will help when restoring audio and video files. As for the games, here this method is ineffective.

Try polishing the media with cotton or silk. This should be done in the direction from the center of the disk to its edges, but in no case in a circle. Try to do everything very carefully so as not to damage the disk even more. Instead of fabric, you can use special anti-static wipes, which are sold in any computer store.

Another somewhat unusual way is to put the damaged disk for half an hour in the freezer, after wrapping it in a plastic bag, which will prevent the ingress of destructive moisture. The medium cooled in this way will take longer to heat up and during this time the drive will have time to read all the information you need from it. However, be careful not to overexpose the disc in the refrigerator, otherwise it will become brittle, which will subsequently lead to its breakdown.

To open an unreadable disc, wipe it with a soft cloth and a mild detergent. This will help clean the disc of fingerprints or stains. After this procedure, wait until the disk is completely dry.



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Reading, restoring and copying data from a damaged one is one of the most common tasks when working with removable media. The number of proposed solutions is huge, but, when trying to systematize, they all come down to a limited set of action algorithms.

Instruction manual

Try using a soft cloth (silk or cotton) to polish drive. It is not recommended to use circular motions, the movements from the center to the edges are considered correct.

Wipe the disc with a special anti-static cloth and insert it into another drive (if possible).

Put the damaged wild in the freezer for 30 minutes, after wrapping it in a bag. Repeated attempts to read a damaged sector lead to heat. drive, which causes a change in the refractive index. A chilled drive is less susceptible to heat, which may help resolve the problem.

Try using software (SuperCopy, BadCopy) to replace the values \u200b\u200bof bad sectors with zeros or try to create an image drive  using specialized applications (Alcohol, Ahead Nero).

Use utilities like Nero Drive Speed \u200b\u200bor Slow CD to change (slow down) the reading speed. drive  or download the specialized Non-Stop Copy program, which does not require installation and is freely distributed on the Internet.

Unzip and run the Non-Stop Copy application.

Follow the procedure for quickly copying a damaged drive. At the same time, unreadable sectors drive  marked as broken without stopping the copy process.

Go to the drill process, during which the program determines the exact boundaries of the unreadable sector of the damaged drive  or select the option of fine detail if there are several damaged grids.

Complete the damaged repair procedure. drive  copying bad sectors. By default, the application makes five attempts to copy each damaged fragment.

Use the option to restore the entire directory containing one or more bad sectors using the specialized script nscopyd.bat, which is part of the Non-Stop Copy program.

Call the main menu of the operating system by pressing the "Start" button and go to the "Run".

Enter the value "name_" drive: Program files
scopyd.bat "" name_ drive: to_copy_folder "" name_ drive: path_to_copy_save_path_ and confirm the execution of the command by clicking OK.


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The situation when it is not possible to play the CD normally disk  or copy data from it, familiar to many users. It is especially unpleasant if some unique files are recorded on the disk - for example, an archive of photographs. You can try to restore an unreadable disk.

You will need

  • - soft cloth;
  • - Toothpaste;
  • - information recovery programs;

Instruction manual

Most often, readability is affected by scratches on the disk and various contaminants. Cheap disks are most susceptible to failures; their low price is explained by the low quality of the protective coating. If the disk has stopped reading or you cannot read all the information, carefully examine its working surface. Remove any dirt with a soft cloth slightly moistened with water.

To remove shallow scratches, use a simple method that gives good results. Apply toothpaste to a damp cloth and polish the area of \u200b\u200bdamage. There are subtleties: you need to polish across the scratches. Most often, scratches go along the recorded tracks, so you need to polish with movements from the center of the disc to the edges. If the disc is badly scratched, it can take up to half an hour to do this. Then rinse off the paste, rinse the disc, dry it, wipe it with a soft rag and try to play it.

If the disc is still not readable or you do not want to polish it, resort to special utilities. One of the best in this regard is the AnyReader program, download links you can find on the Internet. After downloading the program, install it and run it. In the window that opens, the recovery options will be indicated, usually the first one is needed - “Copying files from damaged media”. Select this item and click "Next."

The program will open the disk, mark the files that you need to save in the list of birds, and click "Next" again. In the new window, specify the folder where the recovered files will be saved. Click "Next." File copying starts. After its completion, the report will indicate information on whether it was able to copy the file completely.

For data recovery, you can use other utilities: Max Data Recovery, File Salvage, NSCopy. IsoBuster provides good results, allowing you to extract information from the most problematic disks. Its disadvantage is slow operation. This program is convenient to run at night - by morning the disk image will be created.

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Almost always, in order to maintain privacy, when entering passwords, the corresponding programs instead of the entered characters display unreadable characters - "asterisks". However, if you see these same stars in the password entry field, this does not mean that this field is really placed password. Often, such stars do not hide anything, but carry a purely informational function - to let you know that when you enter password  will be hidden from prying eyes.

Instruction manual

Discard the intent of the asterisk in web pages received from the server. In the vast majority of cases, passwords are not transmitted by the server to the user's browser. You can verify this by opening the source code of the page received by your web browser - it will not have a password either in clear or encrypted form. Through the Internet, passwords are transmitted only in one direction - from the browser to the server.

Use any specialized application program that can read passwords in open windows of other programs. As part of service components of the operating system, there are no such tools. It would be strange if the decryption program were in one set with the programs that provide password security. The right program is easy to find on the Internet - for example, it may be Pass Checker. The program consists of six files (including a help file) with a total weight of only 296 kilobytes and does not require installation. You can immediately launch files to the hard disk or removable media by double-clicking on the Password.exe file.

Open the program whose stars you are interested in. Then place the Pass Checker window above the open program and left-click the skull image onto the field with the hidden asterisks  with a password. This field will be highlighted with a flashing frame, and in the Pass Checker window, opposite the window text inscription, the decoder will place password  in its unencrypted form. This password  can be copied and used as you like.

Click the Help button in the bottom row of buttons if you want to use more sophisticated methods of decrypting passwords. In addition to the simplest one described in the previous step, the program provides two more options. Despite the English interface, Pass Checker help is written in the language, so there will be no problems.

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It happens that important documents, dear to the heart photographs, videos and other information stored on a DVD-ROM, is inaccessible to reading or viewing. There may be several reasons for this: for example, your disk is physically worn out, made of low-quality material or scratched. And read or copy the necessary files  from damaged drive  it doesn’t work, even though they are displayed in the explorer of the operating system.

Instruction manual

Use special programs that directly, without using standard Windows tools, read information from DVDs. These utilities more than once try to read the damaged part of the disk, continuing this process even after the read errors occur, and as a result “pull out” the information in its original form. And if it doesn’t work, then many of these programs simply change the unread sectors to zeros (though, at this point in the document, some kind of defect may appear). Of course, you most likely will not achieve the ideal recovery, but it is still better than losing data permanently.

Download, for example, CDCheck. This is one of the popular and uncomplicated programs. Checking DVDs in detail, it identifies damaged files and restores them. To ensure the operation of the program, highlight the corresponding document, and then click on the "Check" button and specify the folder into which you want to copy information.

Damaged or lost data from unreadable (poorly readable) disks can be restored using the AdCopy Pro utility. Selecting the desired mode (it depends on whether the file is displayed in the operating system, but cannot be read, or the data in Windows Explorer is invisible at all), click on the “Next” button, and the process will start. True, this will take a lot of time, because the information will have to be restored separately in each folder.

Another program - IsoBuster - will help you recover lost data stored on a bit DVD. To do this, run the utility and insert a disk into the drive, after which its layout will appear in the panel on the left and the files on the right. If you could not find them, you need to run the command to search for missing files and folders.

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Very often as a result of mechanical wear or various damage disk  becomes unreadable, and the computer categorically refuses to open it. To deal with this nuisance, you can use several simple methods that will repair damaged media and help you save important information from imminent death.

When everything is OK with the drive, but there is a scratched BlueRay / DVD / CD disc that you really need to read, then try sanding the disc with a soft cloth. Grind necessarily from the center to the edges! This will polish the most dangerous ones - longitudinal scratches, because they match the tracks. I tried a special device for cleaning discs, but I didn’t feel any benefit, I better do it myself

Special programs, such as the paid or free Roadkil’s Unstoppable Copier, do a good job of reading bad drives. There are also others, but the essence is the same: choose what and where to copy. Programs try to read the bad sector many times with various parameters, and if all else fails, they simply skip it and move on. In this way, you can save everything that is possible.

As a rule, for audio and video losses are not noticeable, or at least something will remain on the memory. If the program files are in the scratched part, then they cannot be restored to a healthy state. The files will be saved on disk, but when you start the program you will receive error messages, well, the truth is only if really important files are damaged, and not auxiliary ones.

Unstoppable Copier Program

To read information from a damaged disk, you need to download and install Unstoppable Copier. True, there is no separate version for Windows 10, but the version for Windows 8 works great. In the main window of the program you need to choose which file or folder to copy, and where. On the "Batch mode" tab, you can select several options:

During copying, you will see how many bytes of information are corrupted. From the settings I will note the following:

  • Best recovery<->  The fastest recovery. With a large number of bad sectors, the process of reading a disk can drag on for many days. In this case, I advise you to move the slider.
  • Automatically skip corrupted files. Note if your goal is to keep the maximum number of completely complete files.
  • Display in the context menu. So that you can call the program by right-clicking on folders and files in Explorer.

If everything worked out or, on the contrary, it didn’t work, leave a comment, we will discuss!

Have you ever had a situation when in the process of copying files from an external medium (CD or DVD disc) the computer interrupted the process and gave an error?

Unfortunately, this happens quite often, especially if the disk is constantly “in use”.

Over time, such a disk becomes jammed (in small scratches) and therefore it is quite obvious that during copying or opening a file we can see a message like this:

Sometimes in such a situation the ordinary wiping of the disc from the transparent side saves, but if the disc is worn out very much, then this does not help. But it so happens that the disk contains unique information that we would not want to lose ... What to do in this situation?

In this situation, a rather interesting program can help us out. SuperCopy, allowing you to copy information from damaged media (you can download the program). During copying, the program determines the damaged parts of the file (which cannot be repaired) and replaces them with zeros, while maintaining the structure and size of the file, which in turn allows this file to be subsequently launched.

If you believe the author of the program, then we can copy files even from disks in which a hole has been drilled !!! I personally have not experimented in this way, but I can assure you that the program quite often helped me out when no other methods helped.

It is important to keep in mind that when replacing a damaged code with zeros, we end up with a partially broken file, which of course will differ from the original, and the probability of its opening depends on the degree of damage to the medium. This is if copying documents. If we copy the film, then as a result, when watching, we almost do not notice any violations (except perhaps small image shifts in some areas). But it's still better than just ejecting the disc, right?

Another example: our favorite disc with a huge collection of music may simply not be copied by the disc burning program due to an error in one single file. In this situation, we can sacrifice one song to save everyone else by copying all the files to the hard drive using Super Copy, and then burning them to a new drive.

In general, this program can help us out even in seemingly hopeless situations, so let's get started with its development without delay. The program is quite simple, so even a child can easily deal with it.

File readme.chm This is a small help file that describes the principle of the program and the subtleties of its settings. In principle, the program settings can not be touched (it will work anyway), but keep in mind that sometimes using the other copy options, we can achieve a better result. Therefore, I still recommend that you read this file (especially since it is small), because these points are not described in this lesson.

The second file is the program itself, which, by the way, does not require installation - just click on the file SuperCopy.exe  and run it:

Let's try ... Push the menu item File  and select the top item:

After that, we find the desired file on our CD-drive and select it. Next click File - Select a file to saveto indicate the location to copy:

Having chosen a place on a disk we press the button Save:

As a result, we get the filled fields Source  and Receiver  and we can start copying by clicking the appropriate button:

After that, the copy process will start. If for any reason we need to interrupt it, then this can be done through the menu item Copy - Start / Stop:

During copying in the area Indication  blue color indicates good (working) sections of the file, red color indicates “broken” sections, and green color indicates the section that is currently being processed:

The copying process can take quite a long time (depending on the file size), so when you start copying a large file, be patient.

When the copying is completed, the program will give a small report on the work done:

Backup and data recovery programs - 6

Copying Damaged CDs and DVDs   drives

CD and DVD  discs are gradually becoming a thing of the past, and they are being replaced by other more convenient and capacious media, to which all the old stuff is carefully transferred. Unfortunately, when copying information, we often encounter a damaged disk that lay for a hundred years in the far corner (well, if not in the sun), and nostalgic memories do not allow us to immediately throw it away. However, when you try to copy a disc, reading error... Now, for us, it is a matter of principle to restore ancient photographs or videos from this disc - and the search begins for the corresponding programs, of which there are a great many. The descriptions, as usual, praise them and guarantee the restoration of almost chopped, and then glued to the "moment" drives.

From a wide variety of programs to copy damaged disks, I liked a small free utility File salvage  (File Savior) Softella. It does not require installation, has a minimum of settings and a simple interface. Size 210 kb. You can download the ZIP archive from the corresponding page of the developer's site or.

Without further ado, I will quote the annotation from the developer's site:
"Program File salvage  Allows you to save the movie or the desired file from a scratched or poorly readable disc. A unique opportunity - you can save the file using several drives. Several algorithms are automatically applied to restore files, progress is continuously displayed as a percentage. "

After downloading, unpack the archive. It is advisable to create a separate folder for it, since the restored file is automatically saved on the hard disk in the same folder where the program is located. Run the program File salvage  and see the original interface in the form of a lifebuoy - Fig. 1

Fig. 1.Copy Disk Corrupt Program File salvage

For uninviting haste everything is simple: select a file on a CD or DVD disc ( Source file) and press the button Start. You observe the progress of the process, which is displayed on the chart as a percentage, and at the end of it, admire the restored file on the hard disk. I remind you that it is saved in the same folder where you unpacked the program File salvage.

And our curious friends, of course, will press the button with their playful fingers Advanced ...  A more interesting window will appear - Fig. 2:

Fig. 2.Thin file recovery settings
  Here you can experiment with various settings and modes for copying damaged records, but I want to warn you that there will be no miracles anyway. Even if you manage to push the old vinyl into the drive, you won’t get rid of the sand on the record. In addition to the described utility for copying damaged disks, Softella also offers other small but interesting programs, for example, Light alloy  - universal player for MP3, AVI, DVD, etc., as well as Gamux  - classic chess and Russian checkers (8x8 with ladies). You can familiarize yourself and download them on the company's website.


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Cdcheck - Works with all files - on hard or CD, floppy. Another innovation is the comparison of a CD-ROM with a copy located on the screw (it performs bitwise comparison of data on a CD with its copies on a hard disk.

DeadDiscDoctor 1.0 - utility for copying files and data from damaged sources. Programs made to suppress (input / output error and file path error). the utility reads the file in 15kb blocks and when the device (CD-ROM, for example) gives an error, the block size decreases by tens of times, everything repeats, and so on until the block is read without erors. If the block size reaches a minimum, then the utility skips one byte and starts reading from the next. After a successful reading, the block size increases tenfold and so on until it reaches a maximum of 10 kb.

File Salvage 2.0- A utility for reading damaged and damaged disks from a group of programmers Light Alloy.
file Salvage utility can copy any damaged data and files from any media. Unreadable clusters are replaced by zeros. During the reading, you can stop the process and then restart it, even on another drive.

Non-Stop Copy v1.03  - the utility allows you to copy damaged data and files from any media, and unreadable sectors are replaced with zero bytes. Also,
trying to recover information from bad sectors. the utility does not use any methods of reading information, as a result of which it will work correctly on any types of storage media and on any data systems supported by the operating system.

Roadkil's Unstoppable Copier 2.2  - A utility that recovers data from damaged hard drives, CDs, floppy disks, floppy media.

Skopin FileCopier  - during my testing, he showed himself not quite on the good side. When copying a good disk, the speed was very slow - I counted a blank disc with a movie in 13 minutes. When copying a damaged disk, the processor load was 100. I did not wait to finish copying.

Super Copy2.1
  - A very simple utility that reads any disk in 20 minutes with large data loss, an ideal utility for fast copying and if the quality does not matter to you.

Interface language: English Russian
The size: 5.02 MB
Medicine: Present

Attention! If you agree with everything written above, click Downloadto download this file. These materials are collected in the free distribution and on the Internet, and are intended for informational purposes only. All rights to programs, films and other content belong to their authors. The site administration does not bear any responsibility for the further use of these files. If you are a developer of the software presented on this resource and consider that the placement of any files violates your copyrights, then we will delete the links to these files.

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