Radar detector rating: talkers or helpers? Radar detectors with built-in GPS modules. Main characteristics and parameters of models

Radar detectors for cars have long been used by motorists to provide early warning of the use of mobile or stationary radars by traffic police. A device called a radar detector is designed to suppress the signals emitted by radars. Such devices are prohibited by Russian law, therefore, in the future, the concept of radar detector will be considered as a synonym for radar detector. If a car enthusiast decides to buy this device, then first you need to figure out how to choose a radar detector for a car.


A car radar detector is a passive receiver that receives the radar signal. In this case, the device sends a signal to the driver, but does not suppress the detected radiation. The antiradar, depending on the model, operates in a certain wavelength range and at a limited distance. Such electronic devices are not prohibited for sale and use in Russia.

Radars have gone through many updates and enhancements over the past 20 years. The simplest devices worked in the X-band, which corresponds to 10.5 GHz. Modern radars used in Russia emit pulses in the K-band (24.15 GHz) or in the low-power sub-band K-Pulse. Laser meters, which determine the speed of vehicles thanks to a laser beam, look apart. The range of radiated waves is within 0.7-1.0 microns.

Radar types

To consciously approach the choice of a radar detector, you should know about the main types of speed meters. They are of three types:

  • devices with constant radiation;
  • devices with pulsed radiation;
  • low-power radars.
    1. The first class of radars constantly irradiates objects, choosing from the general traffic flow a car exceeding the set speed. The radiation time interval is 0.1-1 second, and the actual measurement range is limited to 500 meters. This type of radar is outdated and is already quite rare among state inspection officers.
    2. Pulse devices appeared on the territory of Russia in the late 90s. Today it is the most popular class of speed meters in the traffic police. Vehicle speed is determined in 0.03-0.3 seconds with an accuracy of 95%. The pulse duration is about 60 ms.
    3. Laser radars pose the most serious threat to motorists who exceed the speed limit. The laser beam is very narrow, so the radar detector will only work if it hits the emitted spot accurately. But the reflected signal will already give information to the traffic police officer about the speed of your car. Only the best premium radar detectors can beat the laser beam.

Today, according to statistics in the Russian Federation, about 50% of speed meters are mobile complexes (Chris-P, Arena, Strelka-M, MultaRadar S580, etc.) and 50% of radars are stationary (Strelka-ST, MultaRadar (Robot), Cordon). Therefore, when choosing a radar detector, it is important to pay attention to the "capabilities" of a particular device in relation to the types of meters.

Basic parameters of radar detectors

When choosing a radar detector, it is very important to know what characteristics of the device you need to pay attention to. Only with this approach will it be possible to choose a device useful for the driver, and not a fashionable toy. The main parameters of the radar detector are:

  • determination of the entire spectrum of modes and ranges of radars;
  • signal detection range limit;
  • signal processing speed;
  • the percentage of the definition of real emissions to false alarm;
  • quality and durability of the device;
  • availability of additional options.

Price categories of radar detectors

Depending on the set of these properties, three price categories of radar detectors can be distinguished. The manufacturer's popularity is also of great importance for the cost of devices.

Budget models

The budgetary anti-radar category includes models that cost up to 5 thousand rubles. Many goods of Russian and Asian origin fall into this niche. The most famous of them are brands:

  • Mystery;
  • Crunch;
  • Street Storm;
  • RadarTech;
  • Sho-Me;
  • Star;
  • Supra;
  • Stinger.

This group of radar detectors also includes the simplest models of such well-known world manufacturers as Whistler and Cobra. Cobra RU 745CT becomes an example of a high-quality and functional device.

Radar detector Cobra RU 745CT

Low-cost devices are manufactured using relatively cheap technologies. This leaves a negative imprint on the reception range and functionality of the radar detector.

Average price category

Anti-radar models worth 5-12 thousand rubles fall into the middle ground. Here the following manufacturers occupy the leading positions:

  • Cobra;
  • Whistler;
  • RadarTech;
  • Street Storm.

Each company has interesting and unique developments, but the brands Street Storm and Cobra are the most popular in European countries and Russia.

Radar detector Whistler PRO-99ST RU GPS

Among specific models, Russian motorists fell in love with such radar detectors as:

  • Cobra RU 955CT;
  • Street Storm STR-9900EX GL;
  • Street Storm STR-9000EX GP One;
  • Street Storm STR-9540EX GPS;
  • Whistler PRO-99ST RU GPS;

Premium models

The top class of radar detectors includes three world-famous brands.

Radar detector Escort 9500ix

1. Escort. For the Russian market, the current models are:

  • Passport 8500X50 RU;
  • 8500Ci PLUS;
  • MAX RU;
  • 9500ix;

They are unconditionally leading both in quality of workmanship and in detection range.

Beltronics V928iS radar detector

2. Beltronics. The Beltronics brand has become popular not only for its outstanding performance, but also for its affordable price. The new leaders in terms of reception range are the following models:

  • Beltronics RX968S-B;
  • Beltronics RX968S-R;
  • Beltronics V928iS;

The only limitation is the lack of software updates in our country. If a new type of radar appears, then it will not work to configure the anti-radar for it.

3. Valentine One. One of the best radar detectors in the US is the Valentine One V1. The device has the best combination of reliability and reception quality. Thanks to the two horn antennas, the device provides a virtually all-round view. Unfortunately, Valentine One radar detectors are rare in Russia, since they are not able to detect some of the local radars, and we do not service the devices.

Radar detectors with GPS

Some radar detector models have useful additional options. So the presence of GPS allows the anti-radar not only to detect mobile traffic police posts, but also to receive information via the satellite about stationary cameras installed on a given route.

Many stationary radars with photofixing cameras emit nothing. Therefore, conventional radar detectors do not react to their presence. Thanks to the GPS radar detector, it is also possible to determine the operation of laser emitter radars.

The Russian market has a fairly rich selection of radar detectors. Among the goods, there are outdated samples that will not benefit the car owner. If a car enthusiast knows how to choose a radar detector, he will be able to choose a high-quality and efficient device in the appropriate price range.

Updated: 06.01.2019

Sooner or later, every driver faces the question of choosing a radar detector, of course, the best one for his car. In order to choose the best radar detector for a car, you need to decide on the desired basic characteristics, the presence of a GPS module and additional functions, and build quality.

First you need to understand the terminology.

The role of the radar detector is to inform the car owner about the presence of speed meters (radars) ahead. The sale and use of radar detectors is not prohibited by law in all CIS countries.

Antiradar is an active suppressor of any radiation to which it is tuned. As soon as a signal of the desired frequency is detected, the jamming mode automatically starts to work, emitting a very strong signal with noise and interference. When the anti-radar detector is on, the traffic police inspector will not be able to fix the speed of the vehicle, as its measuring device will not work correctly. The use of this device is prohibited by the laws of many countries, and in Russia it is punishable by a fine of several tax-free minimums and the seizure of the device.

In the CIS countries, only radar detectors, popularly called anti-radars, are officially allowed. They will be discussed in this article.

A radar detector is a radar signal detector that informs you that it sees signals in the frequency ranges it is targeting within its radius of operation. In other words, a radar detector is a passive receiver of signals of a certain type, warning of their appearance in your path. The radar detector is able to detect signs of operation of both mobile and stationary traffic police posts and report it with sound or light.

Radars are based on the Doppler effect. The frequency of the reflected signal from the vehicle is compared to the outgoing frequency.

The advantage of anti-radar over radars is that the second processes the reflected signal, and the first - the direct one. That is, the radar detector detects the radar much faster than it can record the speed of the car.
Also, the advantage of radar detectors over radars lies in the measurement distance.

Radars are able to work at a distance of 400-800 meters, and a radar detector can detect a signal at a distance of 1-5 km.

A good detector should support all ranges of modern radars, be able to find laser waves and short pulses from radars operating in POP mode. The anti-radar function will be useful to turn off individual ranges to reduce false alarms.
It is also helpful to purchase models with a USB service port to update the device software.

When choosing the best detector, you should focus on:

  • processor performance, which affects the processing speed of the received data;
  • automatic muting functions (when approaching the radar, the sound signal decreases and turns off);
  • adjusting the brightness of the display (for convenience at night);
  • equipping with russified sound effects;
  • attractiveness of design.

The price of a device directly depends on the number of functions embedded in it and on the popularity of the manufacturer's brand.

Signature radar detectors

differ from the standard in the ability to process the incoming signal. The received signal is analyzed by the number and length of pulses, duty cycle, frequency and other characteristics and compared with the data (signatures) embedded in the device.

While anti-radar manufacturers keep false alarms to a minimum by decreasing the sensitivity of the sensors, then signature devices are supposed to detect only specific radiation sources. Simply put, these models respond precisely to radars.

Another difference of signature models stands out - this is the ability not to work at all as a radar detector, but to navigate the loaded bases of cameras and radars using GPS. This completely eliminates false alarms, but also does not warn about a mobile post with a radar. In addition, on many signature devices it is impossible to independently update the firmware, only in service centers. Also, these models are relatively expensive.

Main characteristics and parameters of models

For the correct choice of a good radar detector, you need to pay attention to the following data:

  • number of supported frequencies;
  • the ability to detect the "robot" and "arrow" radars;
  • the ability to latch POP and F-POP signals;
  • function of switching modes city-highway;
  • the ability to detect mobile radars Instant-On;
  • the presence of a satellite navigation system GPS.

GPS function in radar detector

The GPS module built into the device is able to fix the places of interference and block their coordinates in the future. It is also possible to enter the coordinates of interference and stationary radars, video cameras and cameras manually or download from the Internet via a USB port. In all, this function is standard.

Range designation

Radar detectors operate in multiple bands. For effective operation, the gadget must pick up the same frequency at which the device of traffic police posts works.

The first models sold operated in the X range. In the modern world, this range is already obsolete, since most of the traffic police radars operate in and Ka. However, several detector firms make devices that support both the modern K-band and the legacy X-band.

The K-band is a newer, more modern invention with a usable frequency of 24150 MHz. Models operating at this frequency have much smaller dimensions and range, 1.5-2 times higher than the range of a detector operating in the X-band.

Ka-band is used in the latest models, which are rarely found in Russia. Their parameters are similar to the K-band, but more advanced. The influence of household or other interference on the device is also excluded.

Ku-band is popular in Europe, but absolutely not in demand in Russia. in virtually all of Europe, most radars operate in this range. In Russia, it was planned to introduce such devices, but problems arose with satellite television operating at the same frequency. As a result, there are no detectors operating in the Ku-band in Russia and never will be.

The L-band is a device that allows you to detect the operation of a laser device from traffic police officers. Laser radar (lidar) is a motorist's nightmare. It captures information at such a speed that it is quite difficult to defend against it on the road. The operation of such devices is fixed by a radar detector of any range, but, unfortunately, too late. The radar detector will warn about the laser operation when it has recorded the readings, and it no longer makes sense for the car owner to reduce the speed. Only a model operating in the L-band is capable of effectively resisting the lidar.

Firms producing radar detectors

There are a lot of firms producing anti-radar detectors. It is worth choosing the most famous with the best indicators of price and quality.

Company nameDescription
Cobra The largest mobile device company. It occupies more than half of the European and American markets for the production of radar detectors. The company is constantly developing new and improved devices and is not going to stop there.
It has a huge lineup, where both expensive devices and cheaper models are presented. The devices are of excellent quality, have an impressive range, are balanced and compact. At the moment, they are introducing a model adapted to work in Russia.
Sho-me A well-known Korean company in Russia. Many drivers know her as an excellent manufacturer of xenon lamps. Several years ago, the company began producing radar detectors, many of which have become very popular in Russia.
The products of this company pleasantly surprise with quality and functionality at a fairly adequate price.
Orion SPb Russian manufacturer. Their radar detectors are of good quality, but they are somewhat limited in functionality. At the same time, minor flaws are more than offset by an extremely low price. They are not leaders among the manufacturers of radar detectors. The company's products are not particularly in demand among Russian drivers.
Escort American company specializing in the production of automotive electronics. Created over 25 years ago. The radar detectors of this company are recognized as one of the best in the world in the rating of manufacturers. It is a little upsetting that the products of this company are very expensive and have practically no budget options.
Beltronics A pioneer in the creation of devices, which are now commonly called antiradars. The best devices produced by this company have repeatedly received prestigious awards at world exhibitions. All radar detectors of this company are manufactured only in Canada.

Rating of the best radar detectors:

ModelBest featuresRangesRadar detectionGPS, station base radarsPrice from (rub.):
SHO-ME G-700STRaccording to the ownersK, Ka, Ku, X, Ultra-K"Arrow", "Robot"yes3 400
TrendVision Drive-700with gps navigatorK, Ka, X, Ultra-K, Ultra-X"Arrow", "Robot"yes5 350

More and more new products are appearing on the automotive market, which sometimes surprise with their functions and capabilities. Many of us have heard of antiradar. Someone was simply surprised and decided that it would be nice to get such a thing someday. Someone bought and installed a device a long time ago and are enjoying the benefits of driving with it.

If you also decided to purchase such a necessary thing, then let's figure out how to choose a radar detector for a car in the mind!

What do you get after purchasing a radar detector?

In any place of your location, provided the device is on, you will be warned about being in the range of the traffic police radar. Thus, the money that you spend on the purchase of a radar detector will pay off hundreds, or even thousands of times. Experienced motorists call this "saving on fines." Rough but really honest comparison.

I hasten to please you with the fact that such a device can be bought in modern car dealerships, they are very affordable. There are different models with different capabilities and are designed, respectively, for different wallets.

Devices for every taste

Basic classifications of radar detectors

They consist of four components:

  1. The first and main classification of radar detectors is the branching into active and passive variants. The legislation allows the use of only passive radars, since active ones do not easily record the presence of a radar, but they also interfere with it. Contrary to the temptation that some motorists have, I recommend refraining from installing such a tool, since otherwise you will be forced to pay a fine significantly exceeding the amount that you would have to pay for a possible use of speed.
  2. The next criterion is a factor that directly affects the efficiency of the device - frequency. Dependency is established in direct proportion.
  3. Filtering signals. This indicator is also desirable at the highest level, since a poor-quality device for this indicator will not distinguish the signal you need and pass off any interference as a danger. And vice versa - at the right moment it can fail.
  4. Design. Of course, this criterion cannot be called the most important, but some manufacturers inflate the price precisely due to this indicator.

Here is some basic information that answers a bit the question of how to choose a radar detector.

Main models of the most popular manufacturers

Here are some of the brands that are popular with today's drivers, according to a study by a popular automotive magazine:

1. Mystery MRD-410VS (average price 3,300 rubles). This model with a laser receiver detects "Strelka" and "Robot" radars.

Mystery MRD-410VS (score - 4)

According to the reviews of motorists, among the shortcomings, many false alarms were noticed and the recognition of the "Robot" system occurs at a close distance from the camera (50 meters), which is already unacceptable.

2. Neoline X-Cop 8500 (price RUB 7,800). On the plus side, there is a GPS that works well.

Neoline X-COP 8500 (score - 3)

There are enough shortcomings: poor anti-radar, late detects police radars, poor audibility and visibility in the sun, many false alerts, especially in the K-band, the price is too high.

Video: setup and operation of Neoline X-COP 8500.

3. RT Pilot 11R (price RUB 9,000). It has not the highest sensitivity among the tested models, but it responds perfectly to a laser signal. The interface is inconvenient. According to reviews, the price is too high.

Radartech Pilot 11R (score - 3.5)

Radartech Pilot 11R review.

4. Street Storm STR-9520EX (9 800 rubles).

Street Storm STR-9520EX (score - 4)

It is quite simple even for a beginner to understand the principle of operation of such an anti-radar, but there is no need to talk about high sensitivity.

Video: test of the Streetstorm STR-9520EX radar detector and the Robot and Avtodoria complexes.

5.pro-99ST Ru (16 800 rubles). High level of sensitivity, but very modest filtering ability.

Whistler Pro-99ST Ru GPS (rating - 4.5)

Features of Whistler PRO-99ST Ru.

6. SilverStone F1 X330ST (average price 2 800 rubles).

SilverStone F1 X330ST (score - 5)

As for this model, the lack of a GPS-module can be called almost the only drawback. The rest of the components - sensitivity, filtration and, importantly, the price - are at a high level.

Video: test radar detector SilverStone F1 X330ST.

7. Supra DRS-IG68VST (6 200 rubles). Korean radar detector with perfect technical qualities.

Supra DRS-IG68VST (score - 4)

The appearance, which does not correspond to the brilliant work of the device, is very surprising. Unfortunately, this model looks really cheap.

Review of the radar detector with GPS - SUPRA DRS-iG68VST.

Additional functions of radar detectors

Man by nature is predisposed to creating devices capable of performing a variety of, and sometimes contradictory functions. An example of this are our phones, tablets and other devices, which over time have been equipped with many functions other than their original one. The same goes for radar detectors.

Therefore, answering the question of how to choose a radar detector for a car, think - do you need devices with additional functions ?! Publication

A radar detector can rightfully be attributed to the number of indispensable car gadgets, along with video recorders and GPS navigators. This simple device can save the car owner more than once from receiving a seemingly inevitable “letter of happiness”. If you like fast driving on the verge of the permitted speed - buying a radar detector will help you avoid unplanned expenses.

There is quite understandable confusion among users associated with the name of these miraculous devices. You should not mistake radar-detectors with antiradars in tune with them for one thing, since the principle of operation and the internal architecture of these gadgets are fundamentally different. Antiradar is a powerful modulating device designed to amplify interference in a certain frequency range or to "interrupt" signals sent by direction finding radars. In turn, radar detectors are designed exclusively for capturing radiation emanating from such direction finders, without damping or "interrupting" it.

Today on sale you can find many radar detectors from different manufacturers, including such popular brands as: Sho-Me, Cobra, Neoline, SilverStone, Street Storm, Whistler, SUPRA and others. Each model differs from a number of others in terms of cost, technical characteristics, as well as recognition of various radiation ranges. It is very difficult to understand all the subtleties and such a variety of proposals.

The selection of goods was based on the following criteria:

  • Functionality and characteristics of the radar detector
  • Cost (value for money)
  • Device popularity
  • Reviews from real users
  • Expert opinion.

The best radar detectors for detecting the Strelka radar complex

Technologies for video recording of speed violators are growing every year. Recently, the newest Strelka-type radar systems have appeared on the roads. The complex consists of two parts - a wide-angle camera and the radar itself. Features of the camera allow you to measure 4 lanes at once in both directions and at a distance of up to 350 meters! That is, the driver may not see the camera and do not have time to slow down, as a protocol will already be drawn up for him.

The ability to recognize Strelka-type radars is an indisputable advantage of a radar detector, since not all modern models are capable of detecting such complexes. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the three best models that should notify you about the approach of the Strelka radar complex.

5 Neoline X-COP 4200

Good ergonomics. Nice design and responsive display interface
Country: South Korea
Average price: 4 790 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

According to the glorious tradition of the Neoline company, the X-COP 4200 model appears to users in the form of the most ergonomic car radar detector with a magnificent external design. Its profile is a complete and accurate identification of radar systems, on which the main operational emphasis was placed. Detection of cameras and single radars of standard ranges of operation lacked several relevant (at the moment) protocols, however, the sensor for capturing laser radiation (800-1100 nm in length) still got into the general device.

As noted by users, the indisputable advantage of Neoline X-COP 4200 is a very informative LED display containing several color gradations with a corresponding sound accompaniment of the warning system. Of course, with such characteristics, the device deserves to be included in the rating, but it is beyond its strength to compete for the leading place.

4 SilverStone F1 Monaco

Best Brand High Accuracy Radar
Country: South Korea
Average price: 6,080 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Another popular model is the SilverStone F1 Monaco radar detector. The device does an excellent job of detecting many known radar systems.

The radar detector is also equipped with a GPS receiver, it can work in the Ku band. There is a "Auto" mode for automatic selection of the sensitivity level. The SilverStone F1 Monaco uses digital radio signal processing and uses a DSP for this purpose. The use of digital technology allows for multiple signal processing algorithms and improves RFI filtering.

User reviews

Advantages: favorable price, excellent signal reception (catches everything!), Minimum of false alarms in the city, good design, thoughtful voice prompts, build quality.

Disadvantages: there are some questions about the freshness of the firmware, not quite convenient buttons.

3 Playme SOFT

Optimal set of functions and capabilities. High degree of reliability
Country: China
Average price: 9 290 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A good option for a car antiradar at an average cost, containing the necessary optimum of expansion modules and functions in order not to lose relevance over the next 3-5 years. Playme SOFT is a faithful assistant in getting rid of unnecessary fines, based on a laser detector and a digital signal processing system. Its characteristic is flawless operation in detecting 360-degree radar complexes, accompanied by timely voice notification commands.

The operating temperature range of this device varies from -20 to +70 degrees Celsius, which is standard practice for all currently produced radars. There is an energy saving mode, which is required in case of autonomous operation or a generator malfunction. The anti-CAS function has been implemented, which protects the device from the impact of collision sensors. And, finally, it is worth noting the advanced options for user settings, the presence of an LCD display and the declared durability, which impressed even experienced users a lot.

2 SHO-ME Signature Lite

The minimum percentage of false positives (7-10%)
Country: China
Average price: 5 460 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

This gadget for cars was released in 2017, and in the shortest possible time managed to gain fame as a solid "fighter" with fines and violations. Personal "feature" SHO-ME Signature Lite - digital signal processing, accompanied by the presence of a DSP module (improving noise filtering) and a VCO oscillator, which increases the selectivity of the radar. There is a whole range of supported detection systems (Strelka, Avtodoria, etc.), as well as a scattering of standard radar bands (K, X, Ka, etc.).

As another method of combating false alarms, SHO-ME Signature Lite integrates the signature analysis function, thanks to which the number of radar “misfires” was reduced to a record minimum (about 7-10%). Coupled with the low price, pleasant appearance and the presence of a whole list of custom settings, this model becomes a real candidate for leadership in the category.

1 Sho-Me G-700STR

Best price
Country: China
Average price: 5195 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

In the list of the best radar detectors, we simply had to include the most popular Sho-Me G-700STR device. This radar detector detects many modern radars, including Strelka, Robot, Avtodoria, Chris, Gyrfalcon, Arena and so on. Works perfectly in the ranges: K, Ka, Ku, X. Can independently choose the optimal operating mode of the receiver: sensitivity level, set of filters. This will be especially useful if you move around the city and on a suburban road equally often.

The device is completed with GPS with the ability to indicate points of false alarms. The low price is a huge plus for the Sho-Me G-700STR. In terms of price-quality ratio, in the budget price segment, this is one of the best deals for today.

Of the minuses, we would note the lack of support for the F-POP standard. That is, the G-700STR may have problems detecting pulsed radars, such as Berkut or Iskra. In this case, you will have to purchase another, more expensive device.

Reviews of car owners about Sho-Me G-700STR are overwhelmingly positive. The detector perfectly picks up ambushes, updates the database in a timely manner, and has excellent voice guidance. Many people note the excellent design, thoughtfulness of functionality and affordable price.

Negative reviews in an insignificant amount are associated with rare calls under warranty (common to all devices) and frequent false alarms (you just need to install beacons for false alarms).

Video review

The best inexpensive radar detectors with GPS: budget up to 10,000 rubles.

It is difficult to overestimate the usefulness of the GPS receiver built into the radar detector. With the help of GPS, the device can notify the driver when he is approaching a stationary radar, which is included in his memory. And, on the contrary, in places of false alarms, the car owner can save the mark by coordinates so that in the future the radar detector does not emit an empty signal.

GPS is an indispensable assistant for detecting the well-known AVTODORIA radar complex, which measures the average speed of a car on a certain section of the road. Antiradar cannot pick up the Avtodoria signal, since such radars do not emit signals, but simply photograph the license plate, receiving a light signal from the car itself. It is possible to determine the location of Avtodoria only by obtaining a database on the location of these complexes. For such purposes, a GPS receiver is needed, which signals the approach to the radar, based on coordinates from the database.

The quality of GPS performance depends on how often the radar database is updated. Here are three of the best GPS radar detectors.

4 Prestige RD-202

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country: China
Average price: 2 850 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Stagnation in terms of appearance befell the Prestige RD-202 somewhat unexpectedly, but it was crowned with a natural qualitative growth of the technical side, confusing consumers completely. It just so happened that connoisseurs of a beautiful wrapper turned their backs on a car gadget, but those who remained showed remarkable wisdom in choosing. Despite the rather meager (by today's standards) number of detectable ranges (Ultra-X and Ultra-K), this radar works perfectly with Strelka and Robot complexes, promptly informing the driver about the approach to the checkpoint. By the way, it is the notification and the accuracy of the action, according to user reviews, that are the strongest side of this installation.

Of the pleasant features of the Prestige RD-202, it is also noted that it can be placed on a torpedo (by means of a mat) or mounted on a windshield (with suction cups). In spite of the bulky and ugly body, the information display turned out to be very successful, somewhat brightening up the paucity of the view for such a profitable device.

3 Whistler 119ST +

Best for the number of standards supported
Country: Philippines
Average price: 5190 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Whistler 119ST + is a radar detector with gps, which is one of the best in terms of the number of supported standards in the budget price segment. For a little more than 5,000 rubles, you get a device that performs well when detecting radars in Ultra-K (Berkut, Iskra-1), Ultra-Ka, POP modes. When buying a Whistler 119ST +, the car owner receives a pre-installed database of radars and cameras, including the AVTODORIA complex - a system for measuring the average speed of a car on a certain section of the road.

The device can operate in the Ku band (frequency 13450 MHz) - this function is useless for Russia, since we do not use radars operating at this frequency. But in Europe and the Baltic states, on the contrary, the Ku band is actively used, so the Whistler 119ST + radar detector will be more useful there.

User reviews

Advantages: Captures cameras and radars well, gps works great. Affordable price, good quality, easy installation.

Disadvantages: Too frequent false positives, reacts even to shop doors. There is a speed threshold for gps, which is not clear how to turn off.

2 Artway RD-200 GPS

The cheapest radar detector with GPS function
Country: China
Average price: 3,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Despite the “cheapness” marked in the nomination, Artway RD-200 GPS is a very functional car device that makes the most of all the advantages of add-on modules. In his arsenal - a whole selection of current radar ranges, up to Ultra-X (Ka) and POP, as well as the three most common tracking systems.

As a nice bonus to the already good stuffing, Artway RD-200 GPS offers consumers a high-quality LED display without any difficulties of adaptation. There is a digital signal processing unit, which is a rarity for models of this price level. In this situation, quality problems could be expected, but user reviews indicate the high adaptability of the radar detector even to harsh operating conditions. Therefore, by the will of technological research, this model is becoming one of the most preferred in its segment.

1 Sho-Me G-1000 STR

Best functionality
Country: China
Average price: 6300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Sho-Me G-1000 STR is an improved model of the popular Sho-Me G-700STR radar detector, which we talked about at the beginning of our review.

This radar detector with gps is distinguished by support for the POP standard, that is, the radar detector will pick up many more cameras operating in pulse mode. There is an OLED display. The camera database and software are updated without connecting to a computer.

Other nice features include the "Auto" mode, disabling individual ranges (to reduce the likelihood of false positives). There is DSP - a digital signal processor, the advantages of which we have already discussed. The device comes with adhesive tape for attaching the anti-radar to any convenient place without damaging the car interior.

The cost of Sho-Me G-1000 STR is 6,000 rubles, which is not so much for a device with similar functionality.

Users of this device are very positive about the quality of the G-1000 STR. There are no problems with capturing most of the radar systems. The settings are clear and convenient. The GPS receiver is working correctly.

Conclusion - Sho-Me G-1000 STR is one of the best radar detectors with gps in the price-quality ratio.

The best mid-range radar detectors: budget up to 20,000 rubles.

3 Whistler Pro-80ST RU

User selection
Country: Philippines
Average price: 13 990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Radar detector of the middle price segment, not very impressive in performance, but distinguished by an interesting design. According to user reviews, there is nothing disgusting in this model - the array of claims presented mainly concerns the suction cups, which lose their ability to compress over time. As for the direction finding of signals, there are also no complaints about the Whistler Pro-80ST RU: the radar is configured to determine (in fact) four ranges: K, Ka, X and POP.

Alas, this is the end of almost all functions of the device. Someone might say that the introduction of fewer "chips" has a positive effect on reliability, and they will be right in their own way. But why, then, do other manufacturers manage to provide radars with additional functionality, and instill such a quality that a number of premium models can envy? A very significant question for Whistler, even despite the general love of users.

2 Neoline X-COP 5700

Excellent ergonomic performance
Country: South Korea
Average price: 9 790 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The company Neoline, which is very rich in good radar detectors, did not hesitate to present users with one more solid gadget representing the X-COP series. Outwardly attractive, this model combines good functionality and successful operational features. It is worth dwelling on the latter in more detail. Neoline X-COP 5700 implements a tight control system that is responsible for the most comfortable driving. So, to turn off the sound indication, you do not need to be distracted by the radar and look for the volume control - you just need to move your hand in front of the device display and enjoy the silence in the cabin. As for the technical characteristics, the 180-degree angle of view of the detector is very remarkable. The radar is capable of receiving signals from the K, Ka, (outdated) X bands, as well as tracking laser radiation (in the 800-1100 nm range).

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning the function of automatic priority selection between the GPS database and standard detection - this is especially useful in cases where the road is "littered" with radars with a special algorithm of operation.

1 Street Storm STR-9540SQ

The richest functionality
Country: South Korea
Average price: 10 900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

It so happened that in the entire line of STR-gadgets for cars from Street Storm, the most tenacious was not the most advanced, but no less cool model 9540SQ. With a cost high enough to scare off potential budget buyers, this radar detector skillfully compensates for its excellent performance. It does an excellent job of alerting about the appearance of POP, Instant-On, Ultra-X (with Ka and K) range radars, as well as complexes such as Strelka, Cordon, Avtodoria, and Robot, within the range. A superheterodyne receiver is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the response, which is tuned to the ability to exclude the response to individual wave sources.

It is noteworthy that the Street Storm STR-9540SQ viewing angle is 360 degrees, which adds confidence and invulnerability in terms of preventing violations of traffic modes on highways and city roads. The series of advantages is completed by a pleasant design and a clear information display, which gives information in symbolic form.

The best premium-segment radar detectors: budget up to 50,000 rubles.

3 Escort PASSPORT Max

High degree of reliability
Country: Canada
Average price: 43 990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A premium radar, in which you can write down two important positive properties: amazing survivability and excellent performance. The fall in its ratings began after a sharp rise in prices (almost doubled). Before the rise in price, it cost a little more than 24 thousand, which was quite acceptable for such a device. The current price level imposes on it slightly different requirements, which this radar, alas, is not able to withstand.

It is impossible to say that Escort PASSPORT Max is disgusting in appearance, but it is also impossible to call it beautiful. According to users, the unsightly appearance is compensated by some phenomenal indestructibility, which we noticed earlier. Even with tough use, the device (namely the mounts) does not lose its tenacity and stability. The radar detector regularly notifies the driver of the approach to the sources of standard (K, Ka, X) radiation or laser direction finders. Also noteworthy is the constant synchronization with the GPS-base, which includes the location of many "cunning devices" broadcasting in fundamentally different ranges. It cannot be said that such a set is worth a lot, but it is definitely a high level.

2 Whistler Pro-3600ST Ru GPS

Optimum performance
Country: Philippines
Average price: 44 690 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A device that does not fundamentally differ from the third contender for the title of the best, but has some advantageous features that the Escort PASSPORT Max lacked so much. Among the basic functions of Whistler Pro 3600 Ru, one can note the fixation of standard ranges with the addition of a special mode for detecting a short-term POP signal, as well as the ability to synchronize GPS.

The main differences begin to appear at the stage of inspection of the appearance and viewing of the warning possibilities of the radar detector. It is modular (the receiver is installed under the hood, while the indicator remains in the cabin), but it is made somewhat neater than the competitor. As for notifications, when you turn on the voice signal function, you can configure the radar to broadcast in Russian, English, Ukrainian and Kazakh (!) Languages, which undoubtedly increases its value both in the domestic Russian market and abroad.

1 Neoline X-COP S300

Best price
Country: South Korea
Average price: 25 990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Yet another worthy representative of Neoline still reached the title of the best radar detector in the premium segment, and, it should be noted, deservedly so. The symbiosis of low (relative to the rest) cost, style and functionality literally disarmed users, who immediately drew attention to the new product of 2017.

The main value of Neoline X-COP S300 is far from decorative functions, and not even an extensive list of direction finding radiation (which is not true). This detector works perfectly with special radars such as Strelka, Robot, Cordon and Avtodoria, regularly reporting on the approach to them. Significantly facilitates the ability to capture such signals by the signature analysis function, which reduces the number of false alarms. In general, Neoline X-COP S300 is guaranteed to be worth its money and is one of the most interesting radar detectors in the entire automotive market.

How to Pick a Good Radar Detector

As with any category, choosing a radar is far from easy. In order not to be mistaken and subsequently not to be disappointed in the purchase, we recommend that you pay attention to the following parameters:

Radar view... There are three fundamentally different types of radar detectors: monoblock, combining a receiver and an indicator under a monolithic body; modular, in which the receiver is carried out under the hood, and the indicator remains in the car; combined, simultaneously performing the functions of a GPS navigator, a video recorder, or both.

Range... The safety of money in your wallet, if you like high speed, largely depends on the frequency of the perceptible range. Modern radar detectors detect X, Ka, K-bands, as well as numerous variants of pulsed and intermittent (short-term) signals such as POP, F-POP, Instant-On, Ultra-K, etc.

AvailabilityGPS-module, with the help of which the radar detector can notify the driver about the presence of radars and cameras operating in fundamentally different frequency ranges on the road section.

Definition of complex radars... At the moment, there are four types of radars in Russia: Avtodoria, Robot, Cordon and the relatively new Strelka complex. The ability to detect them is a serious addition to the functionality of detectors, and the position from which it is worth starting from in the first place.

Signal filters... Filtering of received signals is necessary in order to reduce the influence of third-party interference on the receiver. Such interference forces the device to give false signals, misleading the driver and once again distracting from the real situation on the road.

Mount type... There are three types of mounting for radar detectors: with suction cup brackets, Velcro or with a sticky mat. The third option is often inconvenient, since it can take up useful front panel space. The first and second options are more popular.


It should be noted right away that a radar detector and a detector radar are different devices. It is forbidden by law to use anti-radar on the territory of the Russian Federation, but motorists habitually call detector radar anti-radar. Antiradar is a device for "jamming" the frequency at which police radars work.

Radar detector 2017 which is better, reviews, prices, rating and characteristics of radar detectors

This review presents radar detectors 2017, reviews on the TOP 5 best models, including:

  • 2 budget options for radar detectors up to 5,000 rubles;
  • 2 options in the middle price segment from 5000 rubles, one of them is a 3-in-1 registrar;
  • 2 premium models from 9,000 rubles, one of them is a 5-in-1 DVR.

The following are short descriptions of rated anti-radars. Under each of the descriptions there is a button to go to an extended overview of anti-radars with technical characteristics, numerous reviews, prices. We will also answer in detail such questions: how to choose the right radar detector or radar detector 2017, which is better, reviews, prices this year.

No. 1 in the TOP budget accessories up to 5000r in 2017


A good choice among the listed anti-radars in the rating (except for the premium class), based on the quality / price ratio. Equipped with an eye-pleasing display with color indicators and adjustable audio levels. There are two modes of operation "City" and "Track". Support for the most common ranges, including detection of a laser radio signal with a range of 1.5-2.5 km at 360 degrees. I was pleased with the DSP filtering built into the radar detector.

During testing, INTEGO showed good results in identifying the most common Strelka-ST radar, the alert was triggered at a distance of 3.1 km. Voron showed the best results among survey participants with a price of up to 5000r, when finding laser speed meters (10 out of 10). It is also worth noting the clear setup, not complicated connection and installation of the device on the windshield. The product won in the category "Best in terms of price / quality ratio" at the competition "Autoelectric 2017." Check out the detailed description: technical data, reviews, prices, where to buy, the advantages of Voron.

# 2 in the TOP 5 budget accessories up to 5000r in 2017

Inexpensive classic radar detector with a heterodiode receiver and a DSP (Digital Signal Processor) module that filters incoming radio signals. The antiradar detects Strelka from long distances without interruption; it also has a built-in good option for circular scanning of laser radars.

After checking the radar detector, it turned out that this model does not have the function of adjusting the alert volume level depending on the distance to the source, therefore, as soon as the model emits a signal, it is better to immediately slow down for insurance. SilverStone F1 Fuji has a number of disadvantages, but in its price segment up to 3000 rubles it is the best model. Read a detailed review: specifications, reviews, prices, where to buy, a description of options, functionality.

No. 1 in the TOP 5 of the middle price segment from 5000 rubles in 2017

Next in line are models from 5,000 rubles with support for the Global Positioning System. GРS is the advantage of Sho-Me G-800 STR, as the search is carried out in the database of mobile points and stationary speed meters, video fixation points. Another good option for Sho-Me G-800 STR is the calculation of scanning devices that operate in pulsed mode (Ultra-X, Ultra-K). There is also support for frequency bands used outside of Russia, improved protection against false alarms Intelligentanti-falsingalgorithm. The developers have provided an extended radio detection unit.

The disadvantages include the overpriced (in some stores, 7500 rubles are higher in 2017) and when compared with the Voron, the G-800 STR has an advantage only in the GРS, which sometimes does not work stably, and also requires updating the database with firmware. The test revealed the following disadvantages: weak suction cups, as well as cases when this model did not detect the laser radar (9 out of 10). Check out the rest of the options in the extended description of the Sho-Me G-800 STR.

No. 2 in the TOP 5 of the average price budget from 5000r in 2017

Video recorder 12 in 1 with radar detector - DVR FC-950

The review of detectors includes one of the best "combine" video recorders on the OS Android DVR FC-950, since for a relatively low cost the developers were able to implement several devices in the model at the same time (GPS navigator NAVITEL, recorder, radar detector, capabilities of OS Androyd (multimedia and applications) , motion detector and G-sensor).

In the previous rating, where reviews of popular DVRs of 2017 are presented, detailed information on this model is provided, for review, follow the link.

The built-in radar detector is similar in functionality to the Voron model, but the DVR FC-950 still surpasses INTEGO products in terms of the radio signal detection range and variety of ranges. Strelka-ST was found at a distance of 3.1 km and this is appropriate if you look at the cost of the model.

A laser-type radar detector module is installed in DVR FC-950, it captures the range of various video surveillance and speed fixing systems. We are talking about laser radar systems: Ka, Ku, Crees-P, X, Cordon, Robot, Crechet, Strelka, etc.

When checking the laser stationary speed meter DVR FC-950 "caught" 9 times out of 10. These are smoothed out by the disadvantages: good built-in GPS, as well as three devices in one for a small price. Look at the photos below for the model's appearance.

No. 1 in the TOP 5 of the premium segment from 9000 rubles in 2017

The X-COP 5700 model antiradar belongs to a professional grade radar detector, the range of which is higher than the other rating devices under consideration. I was pleased with the good stability of signal filtering, a technological function is built in - control using hand gestures. The function of displaying the distance to the scanning source has also been added as a bonus. We note the automatic switching of the GPS mode to the detector antenna.

Testing was carried out with base firmware, so it is possible for this reason that automatic switching from G.P.S did not always work. The disadvantages include a glare at the display, which is located at an angle of 15-20 degrees to the driver. Constant checking of firmware and their installation (at least once a month), as well as a smaller angle for a laser radar, when compared with other models, interferes. The cost is overpriced (about 10,000 rubles in 2017) due to additional options that need to be configured correctly and then get used to them. Click on the button to see the technical parameters, photos, reviews, as well as find out the cost.

No. 2 in the TOP 5 premium segment radar detectors from 9000r in 2017

5 in 1 Radar Dash Camera - Cardinal G5 (Best in 2017)

Model Cardinal G5 - the second 5-in-1 DVR with built-in radar detector contains: G.P.S navigator, HD 1080 recorder, anti-radar, good GPS tracker, G-Sensor. The radar detector works in 360 degrees antenna / GPS modes. The model detects all modern radars, as stated by the developers at a distance of up to 2 km, this is not enough even for a professional driver. The filter of extraneous radio waves is comparable to the "Voron" described above. An SD card of 10 protection level for 16 GB is supplied as a bonus. The internal structure is made of aircraft-grade aluminum, the G sensor protects against information loss during shock and shaking.

The main reason why Cardinal G5 is included in the TOP is a gps tracker that keeps track of the vehicle's movement with an accuracy of 0.5 meters. The tracker is useful in controversial situations in an accident, as well as in moments when it is required to prove to the traffic police that the speed dropped before the sign. During the check, Cardinal G5 coped with laser radars without comment. Detailed information with technical indicators, reviews, price is presented below the link.

Voron model (INTEGO FALCON) - description of parameters

The developers of Voron radar detectors have taken care of the user friendliness, as well as the reliability of the case made of durable plastic. A minimum of control buttons, as well as a convenient volume control located on the side, will simplify the use of the antiradar to a minimum. The buttons are on the top, but unlike the previous model, it does not require effort to press. An antenna with a speaker is also located on the top cover. The image on the display does not deteriorate in sunlight, the brightness is adjusted through the menu.

The antiradar kit includes a power adapter, as well as suction cups for mounting, instructions in Russian. Voron comes in black and gray colors as shown in the last photo. In our review, the radar detector earned the mark as the most convenient and ergonomic among the rating representatives, as well as one of the best in terms of stability.

Receiver parameters
Bands, GHz K 24.150 ± 100
Ka 33.890 ~ \u200b\u200b34.11
Ku 34.190 ~ 34.410
X 10.525 ± 25
yes, 800-1100 nm, 360 degrees
DPS yes
Voice announcement built in
Receiver type superheterodyne / digital
Storing settings yes
Modes "City"
Disabling ranges there is
Other options
Screen LED
Brightness adjustment there is
Dimensions 70x99x32 mm
Weight 130 g
Power consumption 220 mA
Working temperature -20 +70 ° C
Manufacturer / Language Korea / Russian

Voron video review (INTEGO FALCON)

What is the price and reviews for Voron (INTEGO FALCON)

The presented reviews for this model were taken for 2017 from a good resource YandexMarket. Comments reflect the absence of flaws in this radar detector, since the product line of this manufacturer is distinguished by its reliability, ease of use, as well as price / quality ratio. According to the overall rating, as well as the Voron estimates, this is the best choice, as it is the most popular and in-demand 2017 of the majority of radar detectors.

BONUS for site visitors:

Note that due to the popularity of the Voron radar detector in 2017, our partners have provided a discount promotion, so you have the opportunity to purchase an excellent device at a minimal price. Read the details by clicking on the link to the website of the official online store.

Model SilverStone Fuji F1 - description and specifications

The Fuji F1 model will not spoil the interior of the car, as the miniature size with a streamlined body design gives the anti-radar increased ergonomics. Four control buttons are located on the top, so when the case is installed on the suction cups, it happened that the mounts could not withstand the force of the hand when pressed, therefore it is preferable to put this model on the front panel of the car. The display is not sensitive to light, the surface of the body is matte, but some elements are glossy. The appearance is presented by photographs from all angles.

Detector parameters
Bands, MHz K 24050 - 24250
Ka 33400 - 36000
Ku 13400 - 13500
X 10475 - 10575
Definition of laser signal yes, 800-1100 nm
Laser detector angle 360 °
Scan Modes Ultra-K, POP
Receiver type superheterodyne
Signal handler digital
DSP yes
Modes "City", levels - 2
Disabling ranges there is
Other features
Screen lED LED
Brightness adjustment yes
Dimensions 68x101x28 mm
Weight 110 g
Power consumption 225 mA
Working temperature -20 +70 ° C
Manufacturer / Language South Korea, Ѕіlvеrѕtоnе F1 / Russian

Silver Stone Fuji F1 video review

What are the reviews and ratings for Silver Stone Fuji F1 in 2017?

Below are the reviews of 2017 from YandexMarket. As you can see from the statements and comments Fuji F1 is a good option among budget detectors without unnecessary settings and bells and whistles. The average cost of the model in Russia is 3000 rubles.

Sho-Me G-800 STR review - specifications and photos

The Sho-Me G STR model differs in construction and design from the previously considered models, and according to users it is less attractive among the presented detectors. The body is made in a rectangular angular shape with minimal rounding of corners. On the left there is a wide sound level control, as well as a USB input, a power connector.

The buttons located at the top are placed too close to each other, so it is not very convenient to press them while driving. In the photo, the Sho-Me G-800 STR looks massive, but holding the radar detector in hand, it turned out to be standard for this type of radar detector. The surface of the plastic is matte, the display is pleased with the good light transmission for the perception of inscriptions.

Receiver parameters
Bands, MHz K 24050 - 24250
Ka 34300 - 34940
Ku 13400 - 13500
X 10500 - 10600
Detector module for laser devices yes, 800-1100 nm
Laser detector angle 360 °
Scan Modes Ultra-K, POP
Signal receiver superheterodyne
Handler type digital
DSP yes
Modes "City"
Determination of coordinates GPS, base of posts, saving marks of false positives
Detection protection VG-2
Disabling ranges individually Supports
Other options
Display OLED display
Brightness adjustment Yes
Dimensions 68x101x28 mm
Weight 121 g
Required current 250 mA
Working temperature -20 +70 ° C
Manufacturer / Language Korea / Russian

Overview video on Sho-Me G-800STR

What are the prices and Reviews from the owners for the Sho-Me G-800 STR model in 2017

Customer reviews of this device are taken from otzovik.com for 2017. Of the negative assessments, only the overpriced is found, as well as periodic failure of the filtering of radio signals in hot weather. Before purchasing a radar detector, it is recommended to study the rest of the owners' comments. This radar detector costs from 6,500 to 8,000 rubles in 2017, depending on the region and supplier.

Description and characteristics of Neoline X-COP 5700

A series of products from Neoline of the X-COP series is radically different in appearance from standard antiradars. Thanks to the individual case design, which is made with an emphasis on the large display. There are massive and reliable fasteners in the form of two suction cups. The flexible bracket allows the radar detector to be fixed even when mounted on a panel. Separately, it is necessary to note convenient navigation buttons, as well as a clear display of characters on the display. The body material meets all expectations, there are no gaps, the assembly is done with high quality.

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