When a subscriber is blacklisted what he hears. Service Tele2 "Black List

Personally, I somehow never really thought about this, since I am not a particularly ardent fan of social networks. But nevertheless, in today's article this is exactly what I wanted to talk with you.

Hello. Let's deal with our question.

To begin with, I would like to remind you that before that I wrote about how to add a person to the black list. If you missed this article, you can see it.

Most recently, I saw one person scanning something in his contact there. “What are you doing?” I asked, this person. “I’m watching who added me to the black list,” I received in response.
  "Wow, but how can I check it," I thought.

But this is all done very easily, using an application called Blacklist & Hidden Friends.  To go to this application, just click on its name.

And so you are thrown to the VKontakte website. Now click - "run the application." And such a picture will open before you.

  Using this application, you can see a list of those people who have added you to the black list, and you can also see hidden friends from a user.

Scanning has begun. Completely in this application, I did not understand, but judging from the text that was written, I concluded that this application first searches only among friends of your friends. It takes about one minute.

  Then it starts to scan further. I’m watching the scanning process, probably it is so, as it still finds people.

  And now let's try to see hidden friends, which user. We take a link from any user, for example, I’ll select this girl.

  I waited, waited, but nothing happened. Then I tried another person, but also all to no avail. There are probably no hidden friends in these people.

  Try scanning someone from your friends. If something works out, then write in the comments.

Sincerely, Alexander!

    If you called a person and instead of long beeps or melodies you heard short beeps in the handset, as if the subscriber busy quot ;, then perhaps your phone number was put on blacklist quot ;. Try to call the person back several times at different times, and if the situation repeats, it means that he is not talking to another subscriber, but entered your phone in his blacklist quot ;. True in some models of phones, even being in the blacklist You can write SMS to the subscriber. Try to send SMS and write to the person everything that you think about him. Or you can just call from another phone number.

    It happens that you don’t want to receive calls from anyone. Add the subscriber to the black list - and then the thoughts begin and what does the subscriber hear on the black list? Quot ;. In fact, if you dial the person who entered your emergency number, then there will be no beeps. Or they will, but you can’t get through. So if you call 3-5 times, but you can only hear the beeps (or they don’t exist at all), it means that the subscriber has entered your number in the emergency.

    P.S:  Bring a friend to the emergency and ask him to call you. Then just do not forget to remove a friend from the emergency.

    I threw the numbers into the black list several times. The owners of these numbers said that they could not get through, that my number was busy all the time.

    This is exactly how it is possible to find out that your number has been blacklisted (by dialing the number and at the same time hear short beeps or even their absence).

    This situation several times in a row immediately hints that your number appeared on this list.

    If you suspect that the subscriber has blacklisted you on his phone (constantly busy or unavailable), try to take another phone (from friends or from home). Call from your phone, then from someone else, then again from your.

    If there are beeps from another phone, and a call is not available from your phone or a “ busy” signal is heard, then with a high degree of probability we can assume that you have been blacklisted.

    As such, there is no service to find out who has put your phone number on the black list! But you can check it in other ways. If there is a suspicion that you were blocked, call this number, the call will be dropped, and you will not hear anything there, you simply will not be able to get through. Take another phone and call this number, if the beeps go, then you are definitely on the black list.

    When we are added to the emergency, then we can not find out about this soon, if at all. The fact is that to check if only your phone number is on the black list of another subscriber, there is only one way - it is simple. You need to make a call - if the beeps go, you are not in an emergency, but if you can’t get through, it is very likely that you were brought into the emergency. To verify this, repeat the call a little later - if nothing changes, then yes, your number is on the black list.

    I checked on my phone how the blacklist works. I took my landline number, blacklisted it and called from it, usually as soon as the number is dialed, you will immediately hear beeps, as if the subscriber number is busy. Therefore, the easiest way to check is to take two phone numbers. First, you make calls from the first number, the first number we just check whether it is blacklisted or not, we call the desired subscriber, if twice when the phone rings. Then we make calls from the second number, and then there are normal beeps, then we can conclude that the subscriber does not want to communicate with you and put you on his black list.

    it happens that you call a person once, two, ten, one hundred and he’s all busy. he can’t hang up the phone at all. so this is the black list. But you can also put it on the black list so that it is always turned off. SMS come, but it also happens that they don’t come. And you don’t even see SMS, they are saved in drafts or in some separate folder (my girlfriend had it) I send her SMS, but she didn’t even know. Once I found which then the folder and we laughed for a long time.

    The first signal that you have been blacklisted will be that when you call the subscriber will constantly sound short beeps. Most likely you are already in an emergency. The sure way is to check, try calling the subscriber from another number.

    In order to find out if your phone number is on the black list of a particular person, you just need to call him. If you get through to him without any problems, then your number is not blacklisted. If during a call to the checked subscriber you cannot reach him (there are no beeps, the call is reset), then your number may have been added to the black list. In order to verify this, you need to try calling the subscriber again at another time of the day. For warranty, it is recommended to call the verified phone number from another mobile phone. If there are beeps when calling from that number, then you are on the black list.

Difficult but possible.

There are a lot of programs that block incoming calls and messages. Both already preinstalled initially in the phone, and third-party developers that are installed by the users themselves.

Usually, when a call is made, when the caller’s number is blocked, the usual one regular beep starts first and only then the busy tone. And so constantly. You can check by calling, for example, 2-3 times per hour at different times of the day.

To understand whether SMS is blocked is very problematic. There are no visible results. A delivery message arrives. But it does not say that the message is actually delivered to the recipient. This is simply the response of the mobile operator’s server that the message has been received. But it is already blocked by the program in the phone immediately after receipt.

Third-party programs, such as BlackList, still have a journal of rejected calls and SMS. Other programs have the ability to configure the dial tone that the caller hears from the blacklist. So, you can put a normal beep or a signal that the subscriber is not online.


How do I understand on a call that you are blacklisted by a subscriber?

Blacklisted subscribers simply will not be able to get through to someone who entered them in this list.
  In order to determine whether the number is blacklisted, you just need to dial the subscriber several times. If short beeps are constantly heard (busy) or the subscriber is unavailable, and in some cases the following phrase is heard in the handset: “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber”, then most likely it is. Some on phones do not have a second line and sometimes the subscriber is just busy, talking on the phone for a long time.
  To check this, you need to dial from another number and if the calls are free and the subscriber can pick up the phone, you should dial from your number again. If the situation with short beeps repeats, then the subscriber actually entered the phone number of the caller in the black list.

Sometimes it happens that when you make a call, the dial tone breaks and the network fails. In some cases, this may also indicate that the number is blacklisted.

On a call it is impossible to guess about getting into the "black list".

After all, the caller will hear the usual long beeps (and not short), that is, there is a connection, but as if the subscriber is not picking up the phone. It just happened to me, my friend mistakenly added my number to the black list. I’m calling, he doesn’t answer, I think I left the phone at home, and I myself am on the street. This happened several times, I did not think about the black list. And then he calls himself and takes offense that I have not called for a long time. I reply that I called then, then he looked at the missed ones, there he wasn’t. Then he opened his blacklist, there my calls were visible. So, by the call you won’t guess that you are on the black list.
  If you want to know, then call another number or send SMS. Then your “hater” will answer you anyway. Here then find out why you annoyed him that you were included in the black list. Or maybe by mistake, like me.

You can find out about being in the black list in other ways, but it is impossible to call

The blacklist is the ignore list, in which certain details of a person are entered, further identifying him as a person who is automatically denied access to any action or service.

You will need

  • - phone.

Instruction manual

  • If it seems to you that a certain person has included you in the ignore list on your phone, call the number you need. If you constantly hear short beeps or the phone is simply unavailable, most likely this means that you have been blacklisted for some reason.
  • Immediately after calling from your number, call the same subscriber from another phone. If the beeps are normal, then your phone number is definitely listed in the list of ignored incoming calls. You can also just ask a person a question directly.
  • If you don’t have the opportunity to check whether your phone number is blacklisted using a call from another phone, simply send an SMS message to this person by pre-setting the delivery report in the corresponding menu of the mobile device and setting the minimum waiting period. If the delivery report arrives almost immediately, most likely the person’s phone is turned on and your number is blacklisted. If you receive a message with information that your SMS cannot be delivered at the moment, most likely, the phone of the subscriber you are interested in is really turned off or at the moment in its location there is a bad signal level of the cellular network.
  • If you want to know if you have been blacklisted by a person on the VKontakte social network, look at his page and, if you see a complete restriction of access to information (the inscription "The user chose to hide data"), most likely you are added to this list. At the same time, the buttons for sending a message and adding it to the list of friends on the site are not available to you.
  • In order to find out if you are blacklisted by credit organizations in connection with certain violations of the rules for using the borrowed funds provided to you, make a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories. Find your personal data there - if “Bad credit history” appears next to your name, it is quite possible that your applications in banks will not be approved, at least in the near future.
  • In this article you will learn how to activate, deactivate the blacklist service on Tele2, how much it costs and most importantly, how you can trick it and get through to the subscriber.

    In this article I will talk about the Tele2 Blacklist service, how to connect, disconnect, configure, and also how to get around its limitations. To be honest, I have little idea of \u200b\u200bthe usefulness of this service. I even think that it is useless. It’s better to configure the service with. So, if you think that the service is really useful and you use it yourself, then share it with everyone through the comments in the form below. Perhaps you can convince me :)

    Okay, let's get down to business. I think you know that the service allows you to block incoming calls and SMS from any phones, but for this service you need to activate the black list and then add numbers to this black list. By the way, blocked calls cannot be tracked later. Each major telecom operator has a similar service. Connect Blacklist at Tele2  There are three ways:

    Add number to blacklist:

    1. * 220 * 1 * phone number # call. For example, * 220 * 1 * 89123456789 # call. Please note that with this command we will block calls from 89123456789, but SMS will come. It is not yet possible to ban SMS messages from mobile phones on Tele2.
    2. SMS are blocked only from service numbers. For example, sending SMS to number 220 with the text 1 * EGOZA  we include a ban on receiving SMS from the EGOZA service. Of course, no one will call you from the EGOZA number. By the way, in this way you can also add a mobile number to the black list, for example, send SMS to number 220 with the text 1 * 89123456789 You turn on the ban on receiving calls from 89123456789.

    Remove number from blacklist:

    1. * 220 * 0 * phone number # call. For example, * 220 * 0 * 8912456789 # call.
    2. SMS to number 220 with the text 0 * service name or phone number. In general, by analogy with the connection.

    Find out which numbers are blacklisted * 220 #. After you type this command, you will receive an SMS from phone number 220 with a list of numbers that are on the black list.

    There are three ways to disable a service:

    How much does the Tele2 blacklist cost?

    Connecting Adding a number to the list Subscription fee, rub per day
    Arkhangelsk 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Belgorod 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Bryansk 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Vladimirskaya 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Vologda 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Voronezh 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Jewish AO 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Kaliningrad 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Kaluga 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Kamchatka Krai 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.50 RUB
    Kemerovskaya 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.50 RUB
    Kirovskaya 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Kostroma 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Krasnodar region 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Republic of Adygea 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Kursk region 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Lipetsk 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Magadan 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.50 RUB
    Murmansk 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Nenets Autonomous Okrug no service
    Nizhny Novgorod 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Novgorod 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Novosibirsk 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.50 RUB
    Omsk 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.50 RUB
    Oryol 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Pskov 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Rep. Karelia 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Rep. Komi 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Rostov 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Ryazan 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Leningradskaya 0.00 rub $ 1.50 $ 0.90
    Sakhalin 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.50 RUB
    Smolenskaya 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Tambov 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Tverskaya 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Tomsk 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.50 RUB
    Tula 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.50 RUB
    Udmurt Republic 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.30 rub.
    Chelyabinsk 0.00 rub $ 1.50 0.50 RUB
    Evekinsky AO no service

    How to bypass the Tele2 blacklist?

    As you know, the SMS you send will be delivered anyway, so if you can’t reach the person and they say that he is outside the network, then you are probably on the black list. If you include an SMS delivery report on your phone, then clearly determine whether the subscriber is on the network or not. If it’s online, but you can’t get through, it means your number has been blacklisted. What can be done next.

    Just call from another phone, now everyone has a mobile phone, or even two. Tele2 has a limit on the number of numbers on the black list - up to 30 pieces. So you can definitely get through :), but whether they answer you or not is another question. Therefore, I believe that this service is useless, you can get around it very, very easily. If a person does not want to be called, you can simply not answer the call, turn off the phone, put the phone to silent mode, change the number, finally ...

    You can also try to activate the service ““, in which case your number will not be immediately added to the black list, but if your number is on the black list, then Anti AON will not help.

    That's all, I'm waiting for your opinion on this service, is it needed?

    Best regards, Alexander Bolshakov.

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