How to make money on affiliate programs is my experience. Earnings from $ 500 per month on Affiliates

And again, Hello friends !. Today I want to talk about such an important topic for every person as making money on the Internet.

Also, at the end of the article I will announce the names of the winners in the monthly competition "Most Active Readers". Do you want to be in their place too? Then.

In the meantime, let's get back to the topic. You can make money in different ways, I wrote about some of them, and now, I want to discuss in detail how to earn money on affiliate programs!

This way of making money will suit everyone, even if you do not have your own website! Although its presence will help to organize a source of passive income for many years, thereby greatly increasing your income!

It is not difficult to make your site, read the detailed one and go ahead! For money, the content of the site costs about 2,000 rubles. per year, that is, 166 rubles. per month, which is available to everyone!

By the way, taking this opportunity, I want to say thank you very muchthat you read my articles and participate in the life of the blog - it is much more interesting with you than without you! You are great fellows

What are affiliate programs (affiliate programs)?

Many people are interested in what is the essence of affiliate programs and how they can make money?

Let's take a closer look at making money on affiliate programs. For example, one person, let's call him Petya, creates his own information product "How to create a website from scratch", in the form of a DVD. Petya plans to sell it via the Internet, say, 3000 rubles per copy.

I think that soon such a product will start to enjoy popularity and will be sold in large quantities. To sell his author's course, Petya starts advertising on Yandex and Google, and starts making money.

How many copies of his information product can Petya sell? Yes, it is possible, but if someone else helps him, then sales will increase many times, and the profit of our Petit will also.

Therefore, our information businessman decides to. Its essence lies in the fact that he invites other people to sell his product and have a good percentage from each sale, for example, in the amount of 30% (although it is better to set 40-50%).

Everyone benefits from the affiliate program. And Petya himself, his income is growing inexorably, and his partners, who do not need to rack their brains over creating an information product, but only need to recommend a ready-made course, and earn 30% from each copy sold without any effort, which is 900 rubles.

Isn't it a great prospect? I will tell you a secret that making money on affiliate programs is the most real and highly profitable business on the Internet, which everyone can do, but not everyone sees its potential ...

Affiliate programs are very effective, and of the total number of sales, only 20% are realized by the info-businessman himself, and 80% are sold by his partners. It is good for everyone, both the author and the partners.

How affiliate programs work!

For some reason, some believe that making money on affiliate programs is a myth. That you can't earn anything on them, and if you can, then quite a bit. In fact, this is not the case. In more detail, about how much I earned on affiliate programs, I'll tell you below. Now let's take a look at how affiliate programs work.

Let's say you liked some product or service and you want to recommend it and make money on it. How to find out if the author has made an affiliate program? It's very simple \u003d) Usually the link for registration in the affiliate program is located in the basement of the site, that is, at the very bottom. If you did not find a link there, then you just need to write to the author and ask!

Some authors of their courses, for some reason, do not use such an effective tool ... From time to time I come across fairly high-quality and curious materials, but they do not have an affiliate program ... This is a huge minus for the authors of these works! Agree with me ?! Well, okay, let's move on ...

A person who wants to become a member of the affiliate program must register, after which he receives a personal link leading to the information business man's website.

Now, you need to tell your impression, opinion, course review and give people a link! If someone clicks on your link and buys the course, you will receive a percentage of the sale. It's that simple!

The next question is how a person can offer their link to other people on the Internet? It would be nice to have your own website, on the pages of which you could recommend an information product, then you won't have any problems at all.

But what if a person does not have his own blog or website, and in the near future he is not going to start creating it? You shouldn't be upset, as there is a way out of this situation. We will talk about this below.

Earnings on affiliate programs if there is no website!

If you do not have your own website, but you want to make money on affiliate programs, then you can compose an advertisement containing your affiliate link and run ads on Yandex or Google. Naturally, this method is paid, but also the most effective!

Firstly, you do not need to spend your time and effort on creating and maintaining a website. And, secondly, only people interested in the information product you proposed will click on your link, there will be a higher probability that they will make a purchase, and interest from the sale will begin to enter your account.

But, the effectiveness of an advertising campaign depends on the quality of the advertisement itself! Therefore, in order not to drain money down the drain, you need to learn how to correctly use the Yandex.Direct or Google AdWords systems! Professionals on contextual advertising make just a lot of money, of course, I myself am far from that level ...

As you can see, making money on affiliate programs is quite real and there is nothing difficult in organizing it. I just want to warn you right away that such "affiliate programs" will not always bring you good profit.

This is due to the fact that over time the number of partners increases, more and more people acquire this technique, and pirated copies begin to appear. Few people want to pay money for something that can be downloaded for free.

Earnings on affiliate programs with your own website

If you are a webmaster and have your own blog or website, on the pages of which you share your experience and valuable information with your readers, then you have many opportunities to make money on affiliate programs.

For example, your site is hosted on a hosting that you are quite happy with, you are satisfied with both the quality of the services provided and the price for them. In this case, you can write a useful article in which you can recommend other users to use the services of this provider, and place your affiliate link in the article. With the registration of each new user, interest will be credited to your account.

The same applies to advertising services and mailing lists. All these services will be used by other webmasters and information businessmen. It turns out that with a one-time writing of an interesting article and specifying an affiliate link in it, you will receive monthly passive income, the amount of which will constantly grow.

Useful tips for choosing an affiliate program:

  • You must be sure of the quality of the recommended course, manual, e-book, etc., so I advise you to first personally verify the quality of the materials! Agree, if you recommend bullshit, then readers' trust in you will disappear!
  • Try to select affiliate programs closely related to the theme of your site. I have seen such stupidity more than once - let's say a website on the topic of cooking and the author publishes an article-review about any software, script and other nonsense ...
  • Make customers buy through your affiliate links! Don't be greedy, share your commissions with your customers, or offer a great discount! I myself use this approach and it really works!
  • It is not at all necessary to write huge reviews about what a good course Vasya sells and how you like it \u003d) It is enough just to write about your news and in between times, briefly, tell about the course, express your opinion ...

I hope that my advice will be useful to you, and you can also make good money on affiliate programs.

Examples of my affiliate income:

Of course, someone earns several times more, someone less, but my numbers are ... Whether it's a lot or a little, it's up to you to decide, everything suits me personally!

Affiliate programs with which I work:

  • Partner of Alexander Borisov
  • Azamat Ushanov's affiliate program
  • Evgeny Popov's affiliate program
  • Affiliate program of the plugin "Social Castle"
  • Affiliate program of the school "Netology"
  • I'll add more later ...

Results of the competition "Most Active Readers"

Well, friends, another month has passed, how quickly time flies ... It's time to announce the winners! Who are they, the most active and creative? See for yourself
Who recognized himself on the screen - he is the winner! Congratulations to dear friends! Moloriki, in a word! You can find out who earned how much by visiting the page -

You will learn what types of affiliate programs are and how to make money on them without having your own website and without investments. How much can you earn this way and which affiliate programs will bring you the maximum income?

29.05.2018 Elena Zaitseva

Earning money on affiliate programs is a transparent and effective way to receive remote income on the Internet. Almost every owner of their own site sometimes or regularly posts referral links.

But I, for example, do not have my own site. Does this mean that I will not be able to earn on affiliate programs? To unequivocally answer this question, I studied in detail the possibilities and prospects of earning income from referral programs without my own Internet portal. Read what I got - the information is the most reliable.

Is it possible to make money on affiliate programs without a website

The essence of an affiliate program is simple - you need to advertise a third-party product or service so that a person wants to take advantage of your offer.

The terms of individual partner services do not require the purchase of products. Enough, for example, registering on the site or subscribing to a blog.

It seems that the best place to link is your own website. But this is not the case. The key role is played not so much by the site as by the presentation of information and the attractiveness of the offer itself.

Making money on affiliate programs without your own website is real. The main thing is to motivate the user to follow a link, purchase a product or use a service.

There are alternative ways of placing an affiliate link outside your own internet portal. Attract users for free through social networks and forums, or invest your own funds in contextual advertising or recommendations from famous bloggers.

An illustrative diagram of the affiliate program:

Remember the main thing - the offer must be unique and interesting in itself. Otherwise, all efforts to promote it will be in vain.

Which affiliate program to choose

When I became convinced of the possibility of promoting affiliate programs without my own website, I began to study the second most important question - what exactly to offer.

Having analyzed the “market” of referral networks, I have identified 2 main groups.


The potential for activity is huge. Advertise clothing, footwear, baby products, home appliances, personal care products, and any other items. Nearly all merchandise referral programs pay as a percentage of the income earned as a product is sold.

It will be great if, before offering others, you manage to try the product yourself - so your story about the real merits of the product will be sincere.


Such referral programs are aimed at selling copyright webinars, trainings or courses. Also, some companies through a network of partners invite to conferences and seminars.

When choosing an information product for promotion, give preference to unique offers that cannot be obtained for free or for less money.

Informational referral networks are quite profitable. Often companies pay up to 70-90% of their value for the sale of their information products.

How to make money on affiliate programs without a website - 6 ways that work

Having your own website does not guarantee effective promotion of affiliate links. I analyzed the reviews of people who make money on referral networks and came to the conclusion that it is possible to get good income through alternative channels.

Among all the options for making money on affiliate programs without a website, I have identified the 6 most effective ones.

Method 1. Contextual advertising

Method 2. Teaser advertising

Method 3. Social networks

Every person, according to statistics, uses at least one social network. This means that the number of potential buyers of a service or product in the Russian market is at least 146 million people (data at the end of 2017).

Use your own account for promotion, and post a link in thematic publics. This can be done both for free in the "Discussions" section, and for money. In the second case, the advertisement will be published on the community wall, which will significantly increase the reach of the audience.

Method 4. Postings on thematic forums

Placing links in the relevant sections of various forums is one of the most common ways to draw attention to your proposal.

In this case, it is necessary that:

  • the link looked natural - do not publish it immediately at the beginning of communication, it is better to do it after 2-3 messages;
  • the advertisement was not intrusive - too many messages of the same type will alienate members of the forum;
  • the comment did not contradict the rules of the site - for non-observance, the administration will delete the message and block the profile.

It is also advisable to communicate on the forum and on abstract topics. This will increase the confidence of members of the forum in the owner of the account, which means that it will increase the number of clicks on the link and ordered goods or services.

Method 5. Buying sponsored posts

Another option is to order an article from a popular information or entertainment website. Choose resources with the same or similar theme to your proposal. So the coverage of the target audience of potential buyers will be wider.

The disadvantage of this method is that you will have to pay for a post or article with a recommendation. The price range is 1-10 thousand rubles or more.

Method 6. Email newsletter

Sending offers by mail is a labor-intensive and not always effective option. Emails often end up in the "Spam" folder, and the rest will be of interest only to individual users.

More information about affiliate programs is in this video:

Review of TOP-3 affiliate programs for making money without a website and investments

There are thousands of referral programs. Choosing an affiliate program is not easy - you need to take into account the percentage of deductions, conditions for receiving payments, the provision of promotional materials, etc.

To make it easier for you to start making money on referral programs, I analyzed the market and prepared a short overview of 3 worthy affiliate programs.


The service has been uniting companies and publishers since March 1, 2010. At the time of publication, 1,595 affiliate programs were being promoted through Admitad.

Personal manager, transparent statistics and much more are the indisputable advantages of admitad


  1. Various opportunities for promotion - promotional codes, banners, optimization codes and other effective tools.
  2. Exclusive programs - more than 150 advertisers do not cooperate with other services.
  3. Personal manager - each publisher receives a personal consultant who will promptly provide the necessary assistance or give instructions.
  4. Transparent statistics - the analysis is presented in a clear and detailed form, thanks to which the promotion becomes even more effective.

Payments are weekly. There are 4 ways to withdraw money - bank cards, WebMoney, PayPal and epayments.


The service makes it easier for publishers and entrepreneurs to enter the e-commerce market. ApiShops helps to create online stores selling mark-up products.

No need to register a legal entity, worry about accepting payments or delivering products. All these issues are handled by ApiShops.

You don't need capital to create an online store. But to attract buyers, either material costs are required for advertising, or temporary ones for promotion in free ways.

Where is the Elephant?

Affiliate network "Where is the Elephant?" brings together entrepreneurs and partners who are willing to advertise goods or services for a fee.

The service provides active assistance in promotion.

An incomplete list of tools to increase sales:

  • banners;
  • buying traffic;
  • deep links;
  • promotional codes;
  • promotions, etc.

Make money both by selling goods or services of advertisers and by attracting users to the project.

The minimum withdrawal amount is 500 rubles.

How much can you earn

Income from affiliate programs depends on your activity and the effectiveness of submitting referral offers.

But not everyone has such a positive experience. Many people fail to effectively organize the presentation of information - they lack activity, knowledge, ingenuity or patience.

But with well-established work, the monthly income is at the level of 50-70 thousand rubles. This is exactly the conclusion I made after analyzing the reviews of experienced users of various affiliate programs.

And can still make a website?

The effectiveness of alternative ways to promote referral programs does not exclude the benefits of your site.

Despite the ability to attract customers from social networks or thematic forums, your own Internet portal gives the highest percentage of clicks on the recommended link.

With effective promotion with your own website, the return will be higher, and the costs of its creation and maintenance will quickly pay off.

The owners of their own Internet resources themselves determine when and what links to publish, with what text to surround them and how to present information. If you create your own Internet portal, you can continue to use alternative promotion channels or not - you will already have an incoming stream of potential customers.

You can create your own website from scratch for free - many design services offer ready-made templates. Be sure to think about it.


Is it possible to make money on affiliate programs without your own website? I can give an unequivocal answer - yes. There are at least 6 options, all of them effective and quite affordable.

(3 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

In this section we present you with an article by our author and expert on affiliate programs Igor Krestitin, in which you will learn the most popular schemes for affiliate earnings, as well as how to make the first money on affiliate programs for a beginner from scratch.

    • Introduction from the editor
    • Step-by-step algorithm of affiliate earnings for beginners
    • 2 main advantages for beginners who are just learning to make money on the Internet
    • What is better to advertise in affiliate programs
    • How and on which sites to advertise the affiliate program on the Internet
    • How to earn 50,000 rubles guaranteed on affiliate programs
    • What traffic is best for affiliate programs
    • Watch the author's video about making money on affiliate programs
    • What to do right now to earn in affiliate programs from 50,000 rubles in the next 45 days

You've probably noticed that there are many businesses out there. And I always had a question: how, using these businesses, can I make my own?

The following conditions have always been important to me:

  • sitting at home on the couch \u003d)
  • no product procurement and cold calls
  • without a million start-up capital

And, ideally, traveling, making time for family and friends. And I found a scheme for such a business - this is earnings on affiliate programs

Introduction from the editor

Lifehacker's editor-in-chief, Andrey Merkulov, in his recent video told how he feels about affiliate programs and showed his start scheme if he didn't have a team, but had a burning desire to make money on the Internet.

Step-by-step algorithm of affiliate earnings for beginners

Choose a business (direction) in which you yourself are already buying

Those. in fact, you yourself are already the target audience, and it will be easier for you to look for clients. 2nd reason - you proved with your own money that the product is being sold / bought.

Ideally, if you take a training project (infobusiness) in which you yourself study. Why? There are products with a very low cost, which means you can get more money from this \u003d)

Case - 25,000 rubles from the sale of information courses

For example, i got about 25 thousand rubles from one sale at most \u003d)) and there may be more than one such sales per month \u003d))

Agree on an affiliate program with a business

Partnering means agreeing on the delivery of traffic ("leads") to this business.

2 options for connecting to the affiliate program

  1. if you already have an affiliate program - just connect to it, register an affiliate account and start pouring traffic
  2. if there is no affiliate program - set up your own affiliate program for business (for example through tds systems like keitaro)

From experience, it is easier for beginners to choose the 1st option, because this is done very easily, in 3 minutes \u003d) For example, here is an affiliate program (by the way, a very good affiliate program, on which I (Igor) earned more than ten thousand :-))

Start PR and drain traffic through an affiliate link

So, let's say you signed up for an affiliate program. Now you should take your affiliate link and start promoting it.

2 main advantages for beginners who are just learning to make money on the Internet

“Dummies” always have a lot of questions and little money in order to build a full-fledged structure of an online business - traffic + sales + order execution... In affiliate programs, everything is much simpler - since you only need to generate traffic.

  1. The partner organizes the entire sales process, collection of applications, dialing, reminiscent of letters - those. professional affiliate managers will sell
  2. The partner provides a service or delivers a product for you

What is better to advertise in affiliate programs

In information partners that sell courses, it is better to promote a free product / offer (because people are more willing to respond to a free product than to a direct sale).

In product affiliate programs that sell physical goods (Chinese business, cpa networks) it is better to advertise the landing page right away.

How and on which sites to advertise the affiliate program on the Internet

In the beginning, it's best to use free and inexpensive advertising channels.

Example of Free Advertising Channels

  1. Your Youtube videos with an honest review of the affiliate product
  2. Your articles on the site with a product review (it is optimal to start your own mailing list to interact with subscribers)
  3. Torrents
  4. Social media posts
  5. Adding a target audience to friends (in different social networks)
  6. Personal recommendations offline

Cheap ways to advertise

  1. Buying inexpensive posts in public VKontakte
  2. Different ways of lead generation
  3. Buying episodes in paid emails
  4. Targeted advertising on VKontakte
  5. Advertising in the Yandex advertising network (a lot of hot traffic, but the cost depends on the topic)

Also pay attention to our inexpensive seminar - 50 ways to make money on the Internet.

Advertising on the resources of your friends and acquaintances and partnership with them for%

If you have friends with your traffic channels, you can choose an affiliate program for them and negotiate advertising with them

  1. with a very big discount for their
  2. advertising for% of sales

Algorithm of quick money on affiliate programs without your own website

  1. you agree with the owner of the affiliate program about increased commissions, provided that you place on well-known sites (make a list of sites beforehand)
  2. learn about the second level affiliate programwhen you can bring partners and receive% of affiliate earnings, if any, register a separate advertising account for the partner using your affiliate link (the partner is assigned to you)
  3. you negotiate with your friends about advertising placement for a percentage or with a big discount

For example, I made this arrangement with a friend who had a newsletter. I just wrote letters for her and selected an affiliate program, and he sent it to his database. And the profit was divided in half \u003d) by the way, so I earned my first 70 thousand rubles per month \u003d)

Reverse traffic monetization

It is also important to consider an interesting life hack, which I call "reverse traffic monetization"

For example, when I did an advertisement in a group on the theme "Simoron", I, investing 200 rubles, received about 3,000 rubles. Just because I found a really live group and gave people what they were interested in (namely, teaching "simoron" or "fulfillment of desires")

How to earn 50,000 rubles guaranteed on affiliate programs

I have a coaching in which I help you earn the first 50,000 rubles, while guaranteeing under the contract (!) That you will earn them. Sign up for the program at this link

You can, of course, postpone and look for the best, simple, fast and proven methods on the free Internet, or you can accept my offer without risk (!), Since you are guaranteed to earn more than the cost of this program or get all your money back, without any conditions.

Few people give such a guarantee for educational programs, because much depends on the student, and not only on the teacher. But our scheme is so proven that we took this step.

What traffic is best for affiliate programs

The best traffic is the one that you know at least a little.

It is likely that you have already studied something about advertising channels and you have some experience - you got clicks... Tune these channels first.

For example, some time ago I sent traffic via Youtube to my old health product, but I got very little from it - about 5 thousand a month (a subscriber brought about 2 rubles).

Then, just by starting to pour traffic through Youtube to another, more profitable topic, I managed to earn more than 100 thousand rubles (a subscriber brought about 20-30 rubles).

Watch the author's video about making money on affiliate programs

What to do right now to earn in affiliate programs from 50,000 rubles in the next 45 days

If you want to be entrusted in steps, in the format 1 - 2 - 3, up to a result of 50,000 rubles in 45 days on affiliate programs (from scratch), then click on the link right now!

Many people know that in mid-June I organized a week of discounts for popular information products of popular bloggers and information businessmen. This business was specially in honor of the opening of my second blog, a small holiday, no matter how, everyone needs gifts ... If anyone is not aware of this event, you can read this article. Or see the promotion page itself here.

This promotion was made for two reasons:

2. Earn extra money on affiliate programs.

The second reason will be discussed in more detail in this article. Did I manage to make a lot of money? What did I do, what was right and what was wrong? About this and not only below, you are welcome!

A week before the opening of the second blog, a great thought struck me, why not hold some interesting action on this? Without thinking for a long time, I decided to organize a week of discounts for popular information products.

I immediately began to contact the popular ones through the support service and "ask" to make me a coupon with a 30% discount for two weeks. "Why not?" They thought. "After all, this is good for me and for him." Indeed, information businessmen do not lose anything; on the contrary, they receive profits, although not in full.

I wrote to six information businessmen whom I trust, from whom I study personally, and all of them, all six answered me positively! They all made a 30% discount for exactly two weeks, as I asked. I thought that this time would be enough for me to “cut the dough” a little ...

Then I chose several of the most interesting and important products from one author (2-3 pcs.) And in total I got 16 courses with an awesome discount. I created a special page (I talked about how it is created in my free course "How to create a video course: from A to Z") and posted all these courses on it, beautifully designed. I also made an offer that those who buy at least one course will receive gifts from me in the amount of more than 900 rubles.

And after the page with the courses was ready and the week of discounts had already begun, I started doing free PR (advertising) for my page. I am going to write more about how to promote courses for free and for free in one of the following articles, so I recommend.

After free PR for one week gave me only two sales, and then a course for 500 rubles, I decided to donate some money for paid advertising.

As the saying goes, “you need to invest money in any business, otherwise there will be no results,” and rightly so! For a long time I didn’t think about which type of paid advertising to choose, and made my choice on the "Subscriber base mailing".

I didn't have to look for a person who would send me a mailing list for 1000 rubles (within these limits I was looking for), since one blogger I knew advised me to do this with a base of about 6000 people. Just imagine this figure! I was personally very happy and decided that this figure would be more than suitable for me.

I contacted the author of the mailing list, he sent me screenshots so that there would be no misunderstandings and we agreed on a certain date. I wrote an interesting selling text, which I asked to click on the "Buy" button. Then it was sent out, and on the first day more than 500 people came to my selling page.

And in the next two days there were about 300 visits ... BUT, there were no sales ! "How so, what was the problem? " - you ask. This will be discussed below.

For a long time I myself did not understand what I was doing and why there were no sales as such. I analyzed my letter, which I sent to my database - everything is fine! Having analyzed the selling page, I also came to the conclusion that it is not ideal, but it should work! The paid mailing letter was also attractive and said “Buy a product”. But then what's the problem?

After that, I began to study a lot of information on info-business from experienced practitioners, and I understood, realized and learned a lot. Therefore, soon (in a month or two) I will organize a similar action, but I will already correct all the mistakes and will do everything right.

It turns out that I spent a lot of time and effort on this action, I also paid 100 rubles, and in the end I earned about 500 rubles. It turns out that I went not even to a plus, but to a minus. But you shouldn't get upset, it didn't work the first time, it will work later!

1. If you are going to make money on affiliate programs, you should warm up your audience as best as possible before selling any affiliate product (this also applies to the author's product).

2. For the purchase of a product, promise interesting gifts, discounts, etc. And it is natural to keep the promise!

»With a prize fund of $ 1,111!

By following all the steps sequentially from this scheme, even a person who does not know all the technical subtleties of the Internet business can earn money here.

In order not to miss other ways to make money on the Internet,.

So, first, let's figure out what an affiliate program is? Affiliate program - this is your special link, by clicking on which the client makes a purchase, and you get your percentage of this sale. Everything is simple here. Someone already has their own product, and you just sell it and get yourself a certain percentage in your pocket.

And I'm sure that you immediately had questions: "How to sell this product on the Internet?" and "How to attract customers?"

Well, it's time to answer the question:

How to make a newbie on the Internet on affiliate programs


A niche is a topic in which you want to develop. How to determine this? Take a pen and paper and write down what topic you are interested in promoting. Do it now! In which topic it will be interesting and comfortable for you to develop.

This is necessary in order to choose the one that is close and interesting to you from the tens and hundreds of thousands of courses that are sold on the Internet today.


We enter the word in Yandex search VIDEO COURSES and go to the site you like.

For example, we go to the site Next, based on the niche that you have identified, we select the category you need. For example, I will choose the heading Business, Job, Career.

The affiliate program itself must be chosen according to the following characteristics:

The product you want to promote must have correct name... This means that the name should attract and sell. Example: "Selling Articles" is an average title, without intrigue and attractiveness. And the name "How to sell articles on autopilot" is closer to the goal, there is specifics and immediately there is a desire to learn about "autopilot". In other words - this name is somehow catchy.

For example, from the heading Business, Job, Career - I chose the course.

The promoted product must have competent cover... This is a beautiful, professional 3-D picture cover. There are covers that are done "on the hood" in 10 minutes. They are immediately visible. And there are covers made of very high quality, they look presentable and demonstrate the result that this course gives.

The cover of the chosen course looks presentable and professional.

Must be high-quality selling page of this product. How it looks and what it should be I wrote.

You can evaluate the selling page of the selected course yourself.

It should be free mini-course (video), which introduces the future buyer to the content of the paid course and shows all the benefits. In other words, the person sees how the material is being presented. He sees that he can really solve his problem. And it is with such a presentation of material that sales are made much more efficiently.

Must be good commissions, 15% - 50%... This is the same percentage that you receive from each sale of the selected product.

The possibility of increasing commissions after the set number of sales. For example, you had 40%, and after 10 sales it will be 50%! In fact, this is a good motivation for a beginner and not only.

It should be flexible commission payment schedule.

After you have chosen an affiliate product, we register in its affiliate program. In our example, we scroll down the entire sales page and click the link.

Next, on the proposed page, fill out the form in which we enter our data.

After that, we already go to your partner account, select our partner product and studying his .

There may be sales letters, sales tips, strategies, banners, etc. You study all this and choose the best methods from those materials that you like. And also copy and redo sales letters (if any).

There is one great service . We go to it and select the DIRECTORY tab.

And from the presented thematic catalog, choose your niche, i.e. the topic you selected in Step 1... For example, select COURSES AND GUIDES from the ELECTRONIC COMMERCE tab.

Then you will be presented with a list of mailing lists from which you will have to choose the best one.

For example, I chose the newsletter "The best ways to create and promote a business online", wherein 9025 people... This mailing list has a good title (fits our example) and has a lot of subscribers.

In this step, you have to agree with the owner of the mailing list you found to advertise your affiliate product in his mailing list. And these negotiations should go with the maximum benefit for you. You need to get your way. It is necessary to write so that this author will answer you.

Here's a quick outline of quality negotiations:

Write what you want (i want to advertise such and such a project ...)

Write what it will give to subscribers of the newsletter (with this product your subscribers will get this and that ...), write a specific and clear benefit.

Write about the terms of cooperation. Offer some kind of barter or money. Barter can be some kind of high-quality service or something else. If you have nothing, then you offer money accordingly. But before that, ask the author how much it will cost.

Constant cooperation. After all the above recommendations, write: "I am very pleased with our cooperation and I am sure that it will be long-term and successful. The fact is that I am determined to work with serious people for a long time and fruitfully ..."

Write something like this or your own way. You need to make it clear to the author that you are a reliable person and work with the same reliable people all the time.

While you wait for an answer, let's move on to the next, most important step.


This stage is the most important for making money on the Internet through affiliate programs. It also has its own rules for writing such a letter.

Below is an example of a sales letter scheme:

Title... You are writing an intriguing headline. For example: "How to get $ 1000 in two months quickly and easily."

Leader-paragraph.What it is? Already in the letter itself, in the first paragraph, write: "Link for the impatient".

Motivation + link. Here you draw in front of a person some terrible and terrible picture of what will happen to him if he does not click on this link. Write in detail, in numbers and emotionally. Fear-based motivation is the most important thing!

Closing for action. This is an important point! At the end of the letter, you need to write an aphorism phrase about action and decisiveness. You write something like this: "Business is natural selection. Only the fastest and the most decisive win here. The slow and the weak die and drop out of the game. Therefore - ACT!"

Click, click, choose, act, improve your life, etc. Write calls to action that you need to complete right now. And after the call, give again your affiliate link. And at the very end: "Respectfully so and so"... This is exactly the pattern of a sales letter. You probably received such letters on your mailbox. Choose one of your favorites and customize it for yourself.

In order to see the output of your sales letter in the author's mailing list and track orders, you need to do the following points:

Ask to send a screenshot (screenshot) about sending letters.

Track the number of conversions by your affiliate link. Track conversions in your partner's personal account.

Calculate sales conversion. This item must be done always and necessarily. This will help you see the whole living picture of whether your investment has paid off or not. What have you achieved, etc.

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