The best vinyl players: review and photo. Top turntables

Listening to vinyl has regained popularity: even the chains of stores of household appliances and electronics have included records in their assortment. World-class music artists are not limited to CD and iTunes releases, but also allowing fans to listen to the album on vinyl. The subject itself is of interest not only for young people with a weakness for retro aesthetics, but also for experienced audiophiles. And there are at least three reasons for this.


The fundamental difference between listening to a record and playing a CD is in the music reproduction technology itself. When recording vinyl, the sound wave is converted into an electrical impulse, after which a special machine literally draws a graphical representation of the impulse on the original disc. Matrices are stamped from the original disc, and plates are stamped from them (algorithms may vary somewhat). During playback, the reverse process occurs: the turntable removes the sound from the vinyl, and the phono stage, amplifier and acoustics convert it back into a sound wave.

Be sure to make a reservation: vinyl in terms of sound is not a step forward, but a step to the side. This format, of course, has certain advantages, but they will all be of value to the amateur.

Yes, digital bypasses vinyl in the accuracy of the reproduced sound and the width of the frequency range (if we consider high-definition digital format). But adherents of analog players are not convinced by this, and here's why.

“It doesn't matter how high the sampling rate is: all the information provided by an analog recording cannot be encoded,” commented Eliot Van Buskirk, the difference between digital and analogue.

The original analog signal can be depicted as a continuous wave, consisting of an infinite number of physical points, and a digital signal even at the highest sampling rate, as fans of analog sound are convinced, consists of a limited number of coordinates. We suggest reading more about the differences between analog and digital sound.

Vinyl lovers describe the sound as warm, although professionals tend to avoid such vague wording. However, there are the most tangible explanations for such abstract concepts.

Firstly, the oscillation of the needle height and detonation from the running motor causes vibration in the sound of the recording. This defect does not irritate record lovers. On the contrary, many believe that it "animates" the player, demonstrating the influence of mechanics on the music playing.

Secondly, warm sound is directly related to the reproduction of low frequencies. Pitchfork journalist Mark Richardson characterized the so-called warmth of vinyl as sloppy bass. The fact is that the abundance of low frequencies negatively affects the width of the grooves and sound engineers are forced to carry out additional operations to change the track when recording a composition on a disc.


Passion for vinyl inevitably awakens the passion of a collector in a person. Music lovers are proud of both expensive turntables and accessories and records, the price of which is also high relative to other audio carriers (however, there are well-known “Melody” records or imported records from unpopular publishers, which are easy enough to purchase for little money). Rare and exclusive editions are the main high-income vinyl gourmet collectibles.

With the massive arrival of torrent trackers and the ability to legally purchase songs for a small fee, the value of music has dropped significantly. The hunt for rare and expensive records returns this value to music lovers.

Playing records isn't just listening to music. This is a real hobby, which includes, in addition to pressing the Play button, dozens of different rituals: dusting the turntable, washing records, changing needles, upgrading and preventive maintenance of devices. Listening to vinyl itself can be attributed to the ritual process: from unpacking an envelope with a record to contemplating the operation of a mechanical turntable.


When you burn a CD, the output is exactly what you expected. Vinyl tends to directly affect the sound. Many artists present alternative versions of mixing compositions for vinyl, include various bonuses and exclusives on the records.

Jack White's Lazaretto album released with hologram on LP

By choosing an analogue format, the listener rescues the temptation to switch or rewind the playing song. And that's an essential plus of vinyl when it comes to concept albums. Listening to a release from start to finish has a positive effect on the level of involvement of the listener and, therefore, on the sense of satisfaction received from the album.

What to look for when buying a turntable?

First of all, it is worth considering that one player is not enough to listen to vinyl. The set of necessary devices looks like this: a player, phono stage, amplifier, speakers. Without them, there will be simply nothing to reproduce the records.

Many non-professional turntables have a built-in phono stage. This model is worth taking if you do not expect to upgrade your vinyl audio system in the future.

There are turntables that combine everything you need to play records. We do not recommend paying attention to them. The fact is that all inclusive players are usually of a very low class, and the prices for acceptable quality electrophones are very high. The black list of vinyl music lovers is headed by budget turntables from ION, WATSON, Crosley.

Save on choosing your turntable wisely. Remember: buying a budget device without making sure of its quality, you run the risk of ruining your records.

  1. Plane washer (platter, pancake) - the disk on which the record is placed.
  2. Tonearm - the lever to which the cartridge with the needle is attached.
  3. Counterweight - A weight that allows you to balance the tonearm and adjust the downforce of the stylus.
  4. Anti-skating - adjustment of the shear force compensator.
  5. The cartridge (phono cartridge) is one of the most important parts of a turntable, responsible for reading music from a record.

Key factors when evaluating a turntable


A good turntable should have a decent weight. As a rule, devices weighing less than 7 kg are intended for the most discerning audiophiles. In particular, the turntable must be heavy. Some modern manufacturers began to make pancakes and tonearms out of carbon. Carbon is a relatively light material, so such turntables can maintain quality even while being lightweight.

Adjusting needle pressure and anti-skating force

The presence of these options indicates the high class of the player.


There are two types of cartridges: ½ ”and T4P. The first type implies a high-class device and the possibility of upgrading the player. The disadvantage of these cartridges is the complexity of the adjustment: if an amateur is able to correctly adjust the balance of the tonearm and the downforce of the needle, then the help of a professional may be needed to correctly align the cartridge according to the template. T4P cartridges are easier to use: they are single bolt and have the same weight, downforce and needle drop.

Needle sharpening type

As a rule, spherical needles are installed on budget options. Experienced vinyl lovers usually prefer elliptical needles. There are other options for sharpening needles.

Replaceable cartridge

A quality turntable should support needle and cartridge replacement. After purchasing the device, the cartridge should be replaced: as a rule, the players are initially sold with budget (and in the case of buying a used device - worn out) components. It is also worth taking care of the availability of replaceable elements, since they are not universal.

The physical principle of the cartridge

There are two types of heads: MM and MC heads. We will not delve into the nuances of the operation of these types of cartridges, just say that the vast majority of audiophiles prefer MC-heads because of the softer and more detailed sound transmission. Most of these heads, unfortunately, do not support needle replacement, so the entire cartridge will have to be replaced.

Turntable drive

There are three types of drive: direct, belt (belt) and roller. This characteristic is responsible for the mechanical principle by which our faceplate moves when playing a record.

The direct drive is great for scratching and other DJ stuff.

Music lovers, on the other hand, often give preference to a belt drive: in most cases, it provides a more uniform rotation of the disc and a lower knock coefficient.

The roller drive is the least common due to the high vibration transmitted to the disc from the motor. However, there are examples of high-quality players with a roller mechanism, the operation of which does not cause any complaints, and all types of drives have their fans.

Which is better to take: new or used?

The cost

In terms of value for money, second-hand devices have a significant advantage. The lower bar of the price range of high-quality turntables for advanced vinyl connoisseurs will be about 30 thousand rubles. Used devices of similar quality can be bought for half the price. By the same analogy: a used turntable for 7 thousand rubles can match the characteristics of a new one for 15 thousand.

With 30 thousand rubles, you can purchase a device that meets the quality standards of new players for 80 thousand rubles or more.

These comparisons are very arbitrary, because in the market for used devices, a lot is decided by chance, and the price of players in capitals and regions can differ significantly. But the opportunity to purchase a high-quality device, while significantly saving money, is a fact that gives the victory in this round to used devices.


The development of vinyl players reached their peak in the 70s of the last century. This is the case when newer does not mean better. The old-fashioned players did not affect the globalist tendencies: devices from Germany were assembled by pedantic Germans, from Japan - by responsible Japanese. No craze for Chinese components and Malaysian assembly. Two is zero in favor of used devices.

Ease of use

By purchasing a new unit, you are guaranteed a replacement or return for your player. There will also be no problems with repairs: manufacturers offer service and the necessary components.

If your chosen used non-Technics turntable with a Lifetime Motor Warranty or a high-end Japanese turntable designed to last for years, then you may be in trouble after purchasing the unit. Reanimating a used turntable can be difficult. Not only will it almost certainly have to be cleaned and lubricated after purchase, but also the necessary components (cartridges, needles, capacitors) can be compared in price with the purchase itself.

How do I choose a used turntable?

If you are a beginner or hobbyist in the vinyl world, ask a professional to help you verify that the unit is working properly. This will protect you from being cheated by an unscrupulous seller.

The Soviet turntable is an object of nostalgia for school music lessons, but not always a decent device for home playback. No matter how unpleasant it was to admit it, but in the field of audio technologies, domestic developments lagged far behind the world's hegemons. There are also quite good Soviet players: "Elektronika B1-01", "Elektronika EP-060", "Elektronika-001". But the prices for these devices are noticeably higher.

When choosing a Soviet player, you should pay attention to the numeric index in the title. If the first digit is 2 or 3, then the device belongs to the second or third class, respectively. These turntables are suitable for music lovers who collect old records, but are unlikely to satisfy the needs of an advanced audiophile.

The most important factor when choosing a device is appearance. If the player is badly frayed by time, worn out, and there are cracks and chips on the case, this directly indicates the inappropriate attitude of the former owner to the device.

Do not try your luck: problems may not be limited to cosmetic defects.

Grasp the arm handle where it attaches to the stem and gently move it from side to side. Backlash? Do not take.

When purchasing a Japanese device, pay attention to the plug of the player. If it belongs to type A, then it is quite possible that the device was created for the Japanese market. The voltage in the Japanese power grid is 100 V, unlike domestic 220 V, so do not forget to purchase a step-down voltage transformer (it is inexpensive).

If there is an opportunity to listen to the turntable before buying, do not miss it. At the same time, ask the seller what accessories are suitable for this device and how difficult it is to get them.

What players deserve attention?

Turntables for beginners

Turntables for beginners - anyone interested in the subject, but not enough to think about upgrading their home audio system in the next couple of years. There are many such devices, the range of prices among them is small, the characteristics are also similar in general terms. The absence of an adjusting weight in the tonearms and the presence of a built-in phono stage in the players indicates a low class of devices. You shouldn't expect anything supernatural from this class of players, but they will not spoil the records.

The turntable has a die-cast aluminum platter for stable rotation, belt drive, auto-stop function and push-button start. MM cartridge included.

The main advantage of the Sony player is the presence of a USB interface for recording records to a computer. Also, manufacturers put the presence of a diamond needle, which is less subject to wear, among the main advantages.

Quality turntable for inexperienced music lovers from the masters of sound from Pioneer.

Mid-range players

More solid machines for those who decided to take vinyl seriously. The category also includes used devices, the prices of which can vary greatly.

High quality belt-driven turntable from German manufacturer Dual. The lightweight platter provides mobility, and the minimal tonearm settings make the unit a good choice for beginners and hobbyists alike.

One of the clones of famous DJ models from Technics. This model differs from previous turntables not only with direct drive, but also with the ability to play records at a speed of 78 rpm. The cover is not included in the basic package.

Technics SL-1200MK5.

The price for this range of players varies greatly in the used market. By opting for vintage Technics, you are guaranteed a high quality build and component: many of its turntables are covered by Technics with a lifetime warranty. Most of these models became popular among DJs and spawned many clones. They do not have a built-in phono stage. Special attention should be paid to such players as Technics SL-1100, Technics SL-1200, Technics SL-1600, Technics SL-2000 and their modifications.

Music lovers with experience speak in awe of the Japanese firm Micro. The reason is not only in decent Japanese build quality, but also in the ideal price-performance ratio, which puts Micro devices on a par with much more expensive turntables. The DD-7 is an excellent Micro Seiki with an attractive price tag in the used market.

JVC Victor QL-A7.

Another range of Japanese vintage direct drive turntables. Some QL-models have automatic control, which is not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage. The more automatic mechanisms on board the device, the more elements that can break.

Is it worth it?

It is impossible to fit in one article all the nuances that should be taken into account when buying and setting up an audio system for listening to vinyl. Get ready that in the process of using the player you will have new and new questions, and the information that you have to study will be typed on a weighty book volume.

Vinyl is a hobby that requires involvement in the process, tangible cash investments and the lion's share of free time.

More than a dozen thousand rubles will be spent only on the purchase of the necessary technical equipment, the cost of servicing vinyl players is also high (unless you own a high-quality device that does not need repair). Note that we have not even touched on the cost of the records themselves.

Despite all the disadvantages of this hobby, the answer to the question "Is it worth it?" - definitely worth it. Passion for vinyl will return the value of music for you, give you incomparable sensations and give you an additional meaning of existence. With one caveat: if this hobby really suits you.

In writing the article, Lifehacker was assisted by a professional consultant - sound engineer, collector of vinyl players and records, administrator of the Vinyl Codes community Vadim Markov.

Seven of the best turntables for the home: two in each price range and one unattainable ideal.

The choice of musical equipment is always subjective, but based on this rating of players, you definitely will not miss - these are outstanding representatives of their price category.

For 26 years of existence of the hi-fi salon Diez on Marata 40 (EliteHiFi is our online store), we have listened to dozens of models of vinyl players. From budget turntables for those who just comprehend vinyl, to the best in the price / quality category. From premium turntables for sophisticated audiophiles, to hi-end one-off pieces - the crowns of technological thought.

Some models immediately occupied the TOPs, others gradually won the hearts of listeners. Some had aggressive marketing policies, while others were popular thanks to the recommendations of lucky owners.

Year after year, we accumulated experience, learned from mistakes and made discoveries, thanks to which the most familiar and beloved records began to sound in a new way.

We have compiled the TOP-7 turntables in different price categories to help determine the choice both for beginners who have just got acquainted with the magic of vinyl, and for discerning connoisseurs who want to take it to the next level.

Stay on budget: inexpensive turntables

Classic in appearance, the Teac TN-180BT turntable is remarkable in itself: one name TEAC is a guarantee of quality and uniqueness, and in any price category, and the technical equipment of this model makes it desirable for any beginner music lover.

It is completely ready to use and does not require complex manipulations with the connection, which is ensured by the presence of a built-in phono stage and, of course, a Bluetooth transmitter, thanks to which you can listen to music using wireless headphones or speaker systems equipped with a Bluetooth receiver. That is, there is no need to buy expensive Hi-Fi components, just Bluetooth headphones or compatible speakers!

The model is designed for beginners in the field of analog audio, but it cannot fail to please sound aesthetes, this is TEAC! The turntable has been carefully designed and factory tuned. It is reliable and will serve you for a long time.

The rotation speed is electronically controlled, that is, if your collection has vinyl that is not only modern, but also retro, the turntable will easily switch to 33/45/76 rpm. The model uses a belt drive, which guarantees a minimum of vibrations. The Teac TN-180BT is equipped with a useful hitchhiking function that will return the tonearm to its place after listening, and a damped microlift will help you select a track on the record and clearly lower the tonearm to the right place.

An excellent purchase for those who would like to get a modern and easy-to-use model with good sound characteristics for a small amount.

There are a huge number of those in the world who are just starting to join the magical world of vinyl or just want to try how it all works. The AT-LP3 does an excellent job with its main task: it gives you the opportunity to listen to your favorite recordings in a lively and warm vinyl sound!

The AT-LP3 has a minimalist design in a classic style, the body is made of non-resonant plastic. The player is equipped with a belt drive and has a built-in switchable phono stage.

The turntable is automatic and extremely easy to operate: the Start and Stop buttons start playback, bringing the tonearm into position and stop, returning the tonearm to its place. There is an auto-stop function.

The AT-LP3 can be used in manual mode and has a hydraulic lift control of the tonearm that allows the stylus to be gently lowered onto the record. It supports playback of records at 2 speeds: 33 1/3 and 45 rpm for which a special adapter is included in the kit.

Turntables in the category price - quality

LP turntable Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit SB

44 000 R

Vinyl disc player. Speed: 33, 45 and 78 (optional) rpm. Backing plate 300 mm, acrylic. Ortofon 2M Red head. Dust box included.

The player will attract attention primarily with its appearance, which allows it to look more expensive than other models in the same price category. The lacquer finish of the case is presented in classic black, elegant white and stylish bright red.

The model is a continuation of the famous Debut Carbon model, which has proven itself well in the mass market, but in order to improve the sound, the device has been seriously changed.

The tonearm of the turntable is made of resin impregnated carbon fiber - a part that came in this price category from a higher one. The platter is made of acrylic and is less prone to resonances than the metal discs of the simpler Debuts. In addition, due to the introduced technical changes, the rotational speed of the disk has become more stable. By the way, the speed 33/45 is electronically controlled. The device is equipped with a high-quality MM-pickup Ortofon 2M Red.

Fascinatingly light sound of Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit SB, its technical equipment and attractive modern design make the player a bestseller and allow the happy owner to be proud of his purchase, made for a relatively modest sum!

Table made of dense, heavy, vibration-damping MDF, covered with piano lacquer. The low-noise, high-torque motor, by means of a neoprene belt, rotates the massive, high-inert die-cast aluminum disc with high precision and effortlessness.

The direct rotary tonearm with microlift and replaceable shell (for upgrade lovers) is equipped with one of the most popular in the world Audio-Technica AT95E VM cartridges with patented double magnet technology back in 1967, which improves bass reproduction. High-quality built-in MM phono stage with the ability to turn off.

ADC Texas Instruments 16 bit / 48 kHz with USB-B output for connection to a computer. Natural, immersive, rich analog sound. Teac TN-300 is recommended for purchase by both beginners and experienced vinyl users.

Hi-End turntables for the sophisticated listener

Vinyl player
Clearaudio Concept MM

129 000 R

LP player. Clearaudio Concept table + Verify tonearm + Concept MM head. Speeds - 33 1/3, 45 and 78. Belt drive. Disc made of black polished acrylic, 30 mm thick.

Concept was voted the best turntable of 2009 by the British magazine What Hi-Fi? This modification of the player is supplemented with an MM-cartridge, hence the two new letters in the name.

Concept MM does not require any additional movements on the part of the buyer: plug it in and listen! Everything is already set and adjusted at the factory! The solid design without sharp corners and the weight of the player of 7.5 kg do not give rise to doubt that this is an expensive and impeccable thing in terms of sound. The “Made in Germany” label only adds to its significance, given that all Clearaudio products are hand-assembled and all employees are top-class hi-fi specialists. The sound made us happy with its purity, clarity and precision in details - in the already familiar recordings we heard nuances that we had not noticed before ..

The choice between rotation speeds (78, 45 and 33.3 rpm) is carried out using a switch that is attached to the lower left corner of the turntable table. The turntable is equipped with a belt drive, Verify tonearm on a special magnetic bearing that eliminates friction and an elliptical needle. The tonearm and cartridge can be replaced if desired - Clearaudio has provided the ability to tune any model with branded parts. And this year the company released a Concept upgrade kit that will make the player sound even better by making the disc heavier and introducing some technical innovations that Clearaudio has not stopped working on.

A real masterpiece of design and a gift for those who like to place bright accents in their home! But the attractive design alone does not stop there. It is a near-perfection technical product and, of course, a first-class warm vinyl sound. In short, it sounds as good as it looks!

Note the good dynamics and detail of the sound. The recording is perceived as multifaceted and multifaceted, with interesting details, but without undue corrosiveness.

Compared to the previous model, the Thorens TD 2035 is slightly heavier, but even a slight difference in size has a positive effect on the drive's performance. The player is equipped with a proprietary belt. Rotation frequency: 33/45, electronic switching.

The turntable is mounted on special feet that effectively absorb various external vibrations, which ultimately ensures stable rotation of the platter. That is, the turntable can be placed anywhere, although its brilliant design certainly requires decent framing! Finish color - to your taste: white (matte), transparent, red, blue, yellow, black.

Unattainable ideal

Clearaudio Statement turntable

The huge (1.25m high) 350kg Clearaudio Statement can be summed up in one word - perfection. This fantastic alien guest, a masterpiece of vinyl architecture for producing an out-of-the-world, unearthly sound, was made by wizards from Clearaudio according to the “Cost no Object” principle, which is familiar for a closed High End club - the price does not matter.

Statement - Clearaudio's "report" that 40 years of experience in creating the best vinyl players, more than 60 patents for inventions and improvements in structural elements, parts and assemblies merged together and embodied in this monumental creation. The following are involved in the development and manufacture of such piece exhibits: extremely precise mechanics and precision production with tolerances not up to tenths of a millimeter, but up to thousandths of a micron. All materials used are of only one quality - the best, such as “tank wood” (Panzerholz). The upper part of the platter (on which the plate is placed) is not mechanically connected to anything! It is set in motion ... by a magnetic field!

This vinyl king is crowned with a magnificent crown - the unrivaled TT1 tangential tonearm, which tracks the soundtrack along the same path and with the same precision with which the cutter cut it when making the master disk.

freedom of choice

The design of a turntable is as important a selection criterion as its sound. The more beautiful the turntable, and the better it fits into our interior, the more we love it. Design, workmanship, sound quality and price are interconnected.

If you buy a turntable just to listen to your favorite music in the background, without getting hung up on the nuances of sound, then any, even the most inexpensive, model will suit you. In addition, most of them are equipped with automation, a phono stage, and even an ADC with USB.

If you are an experienced music lover who understands and picks up the difference in sound, but not burdened with an ultra-high budget, then models from the price / quality category are what you need. There are some successful models in this price niche with a built-in phono stage and ADC, but to achieve the highest possible sound quality, it is better to buy these components separately.

For those who do not accept compromises, who need the highest quality sound and unique design, Top Hi-Fi and High End models have been created.

Archive of models from the TOP-7 for 2017

Teac's highest status as a world leader in the finest audio components for sound recording and reproduction obliges Teac to be just as careful when it comes to turntables.

Unlike most of its competitors, the younger Teac TN-100 is a full-size hi-fi component with a high-quality MDF base, and despite its stunningly low price, it looks not like a plastic toy, but like a real hi-fi turntable.

The sound also evokes extremely positive emotions - this is really the best budget turntable for the home. The built-in ADC from Texas Instruments with USB-B connector allows you to connect the Teac TN-100 to a computer and turn your favorite songs into MP-3 files, and the obliging hitchhiker will automatically stop rotation at the end of the side of the record and return the tonearm to the stand.

LP turntable Pro-Ject Debut Carbon (OM10)

Ortofon OM10 head. Dust box included. Speed: 33, 45 rpm (manual switching). Belt drive. Backing disc: 300mm metal with felt mat

Seven of the best turntables for the home: two in each price range and one unattainable ideal.

The choice of musical equipment is always subjective, but based on this rating of players, you definitely will not miss - these are outstanding representatives of their price category.

For 26 years of existence of the hi-fi salon Diez on Marata 40 (EliteHiFi is our online store), we have listened to dozens of models of vinyl players. From budget turntables for those who just comprehend vinyl, to the best in the price / quality category. From premium turntables for sophisticated audiophiles, to hi-end one-off pieces - the crowns of technological thought.

Some models immediately occupied the TOPs, others gradually won the hearts of listeners. Some had aggressive marketing policies, while others were popular thanks to the recommendations of lucky owners.

Year after year, we accumulated experience, learned from mistakes and made discoveries, thanks to which the most familiar and beloved records began to sound in a new way.

We have compiled the TOP-7 turntables in different price categories to help determine the choice both for beginners who have just got acquainted with the magic of vinyl, and for discerning connoisseurs who want to take it to the next level.

Stay on budget: inexpensive turntables

Classic in appearance, the Teac TN-180BT turntable is remarkable in itself: one name TEAC is a guarantee of quality and uniqueness, and in any price category, and the technical equipment of this model makes it desirable for any beginner music lover.

It is completely ready to use and does not require complex manipulations with the connection, which is ensured by the presence of a built-in phono stage and, of course, a Bluetooth transmitter, thanks to which you can listen to music using wireless headphones or speaker systems equipped with a Bluetooth receiver. That is, there is no need to buy expensive Hi-Fi components, just Bluetooth headphones or compatible speakers!

The model is designed for beginners in the field of analog audio, but it cannot fail to please sound aesthetes, this is TEAC! The turntable has been carefully designed and factory tuned. It is reliable and will serve you for a long time.

The rotation speed is electronically controlled, that is, if your collection has vinyl that is not only modern, but also retro, the turntable will easily switch to 33/45/76 rpm. The model uses a belt drive, which guarantees a minimum of vibrations. The Teac TN-180BT is equipped with a useful hitchhiking function that will return the tonearm to its place after listening, and a damped microlift will help you select a track on the record and clearly lower the tonearm to the right place.

An excellent purchase for those who would like to get a modern and easy-to-use model with good sound characteristics for a small amount.

There are a huge number of those in the world who are just starting to join the magical world of vinyl or just want to try how it all works. The AT-LP3 does an excellent job with its main task: it gives you the opportunity to listen to your favorite recordings in a lively and warm vinyl sound!

The AT-LP3 has a minimalist design in a classic style, the body is made of non-resonant plastic. The player is equipped with a belt drive and has a built-in switchable phono stage.

The turntable is automatic and extremely easy to operate: the Start and Stop buttons start playback, bringing the tonearm into position and stop, returning the tonearm to its place. There is an auto-stop function.

The AT-LP3 can be used in manual mode and has a hydraulic lift control of the tonearm that allows the stylus to be gently lowered onto the record. It supports playback of records at 2 speeds: 33 1/3 and 45 rpm for which a special adapter is included in the kit.

Turntables in the category price - quality

LP turntable Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit SB

44 000 R

Vinyl disc player. Speed: 33, 45 and 78 (optional) rpm. Backing plate 300 mm, acrylic. Ortofon 2M Red head. Dust box included.

The player will attract attention primarily with its appearance, which allows it to look more expensive than other models in the same price category. The lacquer finish of the case is presented in classic black, elegant white and stylish bright red.

The model is a continuation of the famous Debut Carbon model, which has proven itself well in the mass market, but in order to improve the sound, the device has been seriously changed.

The tonearm of the turntable is made of resin impregnated carbon fiber - a part that came in this price category from a higher one. The platter is made of acrylic and is less prone to resonances than the metal discs of the simpler Debuts. In addition, due to the introduced technical changes, the rotational speed of the disk has become more stable. By the way, the speed 33/45 is electronically controlled. The device is equipped with a high-quality MM-pickup Ortofon 2M Red.

Fascinatingly light sound of Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit SB, its technical equipment and attractive modern design make the player a bestseller and allow the happy owner to be proud of his purchase, made for a relatively modest sum!

Table made of dense, heavy, vibration-damping MDF, covered with piano lacquer. The low-noise, high-torque motor, by means of a neoprene belt, rotates the massive, high-inert die-cast aluminum disc with high precision and effortlessness.

The direct rotary tonearm with microlift and replaceable shell (for upgrade lovers) is equipped with one of the most popular in the world Audio-Technica AT95E VM cartridges with patented double magnet technology back in 1967, which improves bass reproduction. High-quality built-in MM phono stage with the ability to turn off.

ADC Texas Instruments 16 bit / 48 kHz with USB-B output for connection to a computer. Natural, immersive, rich analog sound. Teac TN-300 is recommended for purchase by both beginners and experienced vinyl users.

Hi-End turntables for the sophisticated listener

Vinyl player
Clearaudio Concept MM

129 000 R

LP player. Clearaudio Concept table + Verify tonearm + Concept MM head. Speeds - 33 1/3, 45 and 78. Belt drive. Disc made of black polished acrylic, 30 mm thick.

Concept was voted the best turntable of 2009 by the British magazine What Hi-Fi? This modification of the player is supplemented with an MM-cartridge, hence the two new letters in the name.

Concept MM does not require any additional movements on the part of the buyer: plug it in and listen! Everything is already set and adjusted at the factory! The solid design without sharp corners and the weight of the player of 7.5 kg do not give rise to doubt that this is an expensive and impeccable thing in terms of sound. The “Made in Germany” label only adds to its significance, given that all Clearaudio products are hand-assembled and all employees are top-class hi-fi specialists. The sound made us happy with its purity, clarity and precision in details - in the already familiar recordings we heard nuances that we had not noticed before ..

The choice between rotation speeds (78, 45 and 33.3 rpm) is carried out using a switch that is attached to the lower left corner of the turntable table. The turntable is equipped with a belt drive, Verify tonearm on a special magnetic bearing that eliminates friction and an elliptical needle. The tonearm and cartridge can be replaced if desired - Clearaudio has provided the ability to tune any model with branded parts. And this year the company released a Concept upgrade kit that will make the player sound even better by making the disc heavier and introducing some technical innovations that Clearaudio has not stopped working on.

A real masterpiece of design and a gift for those who like to place bright accents in their home! But the attractive design alone does not stop there. It is a near-perfection technical product and, of course, a first-class warm vinyl sound. In short, it sounds as good as it looks!

Note the good dynamics and detail of the sound. The recording is perceived as multifaceted and multifaceted, with interesting details, but without undue corrosiveness.

Compared to the previous model, the Thorens TD 2035 is slightly heavier, but even a slight difference in size has a positive effect on the drive's performance. The player is equipped with a proprietary belt. Rotation frequency: 33/45, electronic switching.

The turntable is mounted on special feet that effectively absorb various external vibrations, which ultimately ensures stable rotation of the platter. That is, the turntable can be placed anywhere, although its brilliant design certainly requires decent framing! Finish color - to your taste: white (matte), transparent, red, blue, yellow, black.

Unattainable ideal

Clearaudio Statement turntable

The huge (1.25m high) 350kg Clearaudio Statement can be summed up in one word - perfection. This fantastic alien guest, a masterpiece of vinyl architecture for producing an out-of-the-world, unearthly sound, was made by wizards from Clearaudio according to the “Cost no Object” principle, which is familiar for a closed High End club - the price does not matter.

Statement - Clearaudio's "report" that 40 years of experience in creating the best vinyl players, more than 60 patents for inventions and improvements in structural elements, parts and assemblies merged together and embodied in this monumental creation. The following are involved in the development and manufacture of such piece exhibits: extremely precise mechanics and precision production with tolerances not up to tenths of a millimeter, but up to thousandths of a micron. All materials used are of only one quality - the best, such as “tank wood” (Panzerholz). The upper part of the platter (on which the plate is placed) is not mechanically connected to anything! It is set in motion ... by a magnetic field!

This vinyl king is crowned with a magnificent crown - the unrivaled TT1 tangential tonearm, which tracks the soundtrack along the same path and with the same precision with which the cutter cut it when making the master disk.

freedom of choice

The design of a turntable is as important a selection criterion as its sound. The more beautiful the turntable, and the better it fits into our interior, the more we love it. Design, workmanship, sound quality and price are interconnected.

If you buy a turntable just to listen to your favorite music in the background, without getting hung up on the nuances of sound, then any, even the most inexpensive, model will suit you. In addition, most of them are equipped with automation, a phono stage, and even an ADC with USB.

If you are an experienced music lover who understands and picks up the difference in sound, but not burdened with an ultra-high budget, then models from the price / quality category are what you need. There are some successful models in this price niche with a built-in phono stage and ADC, but to achieve the highest possible sound quality, it is better to buy these components separately.

For those who do not accept compromises, who need the highest quality sound and unique design, Top Hi-Fi and High End models have been created.

Archive of models from the TOP-7 for 2017

Teac's highest status as a world leader in the finest audio components for sound recording and reproduction obliges Teac to be just as careful when it comes to turntables.

Unlike most of its competitors, the younger Teac TN-100 is a full-size hi-fi component with a high-quality MDF base, and despite its stunningly low price, it looks not like a plastic toy, but like a real hi-fi turntable.

The sound also evokes extremely positive emotions - this is really the best budget turntable for the home. The built-in ADC from Texas Instruments with USB-B connector allows you to connect the Teac TN-100 to a computer and turn your favorite songs into MP-3 files, and the obliging hitchhiker will automatically stop rotation at the end of the side of the record and return the tonearm to the stand.

LP turntable Pro-Ject Debut Carbon (OM10)

Ortofon OM10 head. Dust box included. Speed: 33, 45 rpm (manual switching). Belt drive. Backing disc: 300mm metal with felt mat

The model has already become a legend. Technical solutions unavailable from competitors in this price category: carbon tone arm with all necessary settings; heavy cast metal platter; the set is not the cheapest head corresponding to the class of the player; Gold-plated output connectors and removable cable, replaceable; heavy body made of high density MDF. It is with this model that it is reasonable to begin acquaintance with the analog format - gramophone. Available in seven colors.

Main characteristics:

Body material - MDF

Backing plate material - aluminum alloy

Cartridge included - Ortofon 2M Red or Ortofon OM10

Weight - 5.6kg

The model for the lowest possible budget has a built-in phono stage, automatic control, a cartridge installed at the factory, a dust cover.

Main characteristics:

Body material - plastic

Backing plate material - aluminum

Tonearm - straight, aluminum tube

Cartridge included - DSN-85

Weight - 5.5kg

A very balanced player with an amazing price-performance ratio. The quality of the arm and drive allows the use of MC-type cartridges, which are more expensive than the turntable itself. This model is fully capable of revealing the superiority of vinyl sounding over digital formats.

Main characteristics:

Body material - MDF

Backing disc material - combined MDF / vinyl

Tonearm - straight, carbon tube

Weight - 7.7kg

A turntable with an original technical solution from the heyday of vinyl - suspended on three points of the sub-chassis. When used in conjunction with the Audio Note cartridge and arm, the resulting sound is superb, typically analog warm and emotional.

Main characteristics:

Body material - MDF

Platter material - acrylic

Tonearm - not supplied

Cartridge included - not included

Weight - 6kg (without tonearm)

Image solution from the authoritative German company Clearaudio (prototype - model Clearaudio Emition). Matte white acrylic cabinet design with an elegant cutout in the front, inspired by Marantz components. With a striking design, the turntable has an excellent price-performance ratio and solid sound properties. The set includes a solid cartridge corresponding to the class of the player.

Main characteristics:

Body material - acrylic

Tonearm - straight, aluminum tube

Cartridge included - Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood

Weight - 9kg

The turntable is built with the award-winning Pro-Ject components. A freestanding motor and a casing of three vibro-decoupled plates are solutions that allow the use of an MS-type cartridge of a serious level.

Main characteristics:

Body material - MDF, sorbo dampers

Backing disc material - acrylic

Tonearm - straight, carbon tube

Cartridge included - Goldring Eroica LX

Weight - 8 kg

Simple yet eye-catching design, ultra-rigid monolithic aluminum chassis, heavy (6.3 kg) aluminum platter, freestanding high-precision AC synchronous motor with special power supply and control system, twin belt drive. The turntable is designed to work with the classic SME tonearms.

Main characteristics:

Body material - aluminum

Backing plate material - aluminum

Tonearm - not supplied

Cartridge included - not included

Weight - 12.8kg

Outstanding design, outstanding performance. 14 kg platter (incl.bearing), carbon acrylate mat, twin synchronous motor with external power supply, dazzling smooth carbon acrylic plate, 3 finely threaded dowel feet for precise positioning, axial Alu clamp, extra heavy feet for direct or dampened turntable mounting.

We talked about the advantages and disadvantages of vinyl as a way to listen to music. Today I will talk about how to choose a turntable. I'll say right away that I'm not going to talk about audiophile players, limiting myself to an affordable entry level (up to about $ 600 in our area).

Basic terms

In the following picture, you can see the main components of a turntable:

    Platen (table) - a disc on which a record is placed while listening. As a rule, it has a large mass, which allows stabilizing the rotational speed of the plate due to inertia. Usually a rubber or felt mat is placed on top of the faceplate to avoid damaging the plate.

    Tonearm is the lever to which the cartridge is attached.

    The counterweight is an integral part of the tonearm. This is a weight that allows you to balance the tonearm and adjust the downforce of the stylus.

    Adjusting the shear force compensator (or, in a simpler way, anti-skating).

    Pickup head (cartridge). The most important part of an analog audio system. It is the cartridge that reads the audio track, so the playback quality mainly depends on it. I plan to devote a separate post to cartridges and needles.

Immediately, it is worth understanding and remembering the main thing: a vinyl player must have replaceable cartridge, adjustable counterweight and anti-skating setting... Otherwise, you cannot buy it. Many very cheap turntables (for example, Audio-Technica AT-LP60, Denon DP-29F or Pioneer PL-990) have a cartridge as part of the tonearm, so their sound is basically impossible to improve in the future. Some turntables allow you to change the head, but do not have an adjustable counterweight. This means that you will have to buy the same cartridge all the time, and if it is suddenly taken out of production, the turntable can be thrown away.

However, there are exceptions to any rule. For example, the need for adjustable counterweight and anti-skating does not apply to turntables designed for T4P cartridges (more on this below).

New or vintage?

The main question that aspiring vinyl lovers ask is: is it worth spending money on a new turntable or can you buy something old and inexpensive? As usual, there is no single answer to this question.

The new technique is good in that it is new and if any problems arise, you can contact the service under warranty.

The old technique is good primarily for its cost. For the price of a new entry-level turntable, you can get a very good turntable from the 70s or 80s. In addition, older turntables generally offer users a higher level of comfort. This is primarily due to the fact that the maximum level of quality when playing vinyl was achieved already in the early 70s, but at the same time manufacturers had to somehow sell new models of turntables. That is why hitchhiking players, fully automatic players (with hitchhiking and automatic needle feeding), etc. have become popular. Today turntables are mostly bought by analogue fans, for whom full manual control is an attractive part of the overall experience.

It should be understood that old players are usually already 25-40 years old, so they need at least preventive maintenance: cleaning, lubricating and replacing electrolytic capacitors. If you can do it yourself - well, if not, then the cost of maintenance / minor repairs can sometimes be comparable to the cost of the turntable itself.

Another point: there is a possibility that when you buy an old turntable, you will receive a high-end cartridge in the load. True, he will almost certainly need to change the needle, and good needles for old good cartridges are not cheap. This is also worth considering.

If you decide to purchase a vintage turntable, then you should pay attention first of all to the simplest models, devoid of complex automation and digital control circuits - simply because many of the microcircuits used in old turntables have long been discontinued, so if the automation fails repairs will be almost impossible. On the other hand, late turntables stuffed with electronics are usually mechanically very simple, which is also a plus.

Drive: direct or belt drive?

By and large, all turntables are divided into two types [^ 1]: with direct drive (when the table is mounted directly on the motor axis) or with a belt drive (when rotation is transmitted using a rubber belt).

Direct drive turntables tend to pick up speed faster and are suitable for scratching and other DJ stuff. Belt-driven turntables accelerate more slowly, but usually provide better rotation uniformity (less knock) and less rumble.

Of course, there are exceptions to all the rules, there are very good direct drive players, there are bad belt drives. But if I bought a direct drive turntable today, it would definitely have:

  • quartz speed stabilization ...
  • and / or a linear motor with a large number of magnetic poles.

The main disadvantage of turntables with a belt drive is the need to periodically (every few years) change the belt, because the rubber eventually loses its elasticity and the player starts to "howl". In my opinion, this is quite possible to live with.

Cartridge support: 1/2 inch or T4P?

A standard turntable cartridge attaches to the tonearm with screws and has mounting holes 1/2 '' apart:

All is good, but these cartridges have a wide variety of geometries, weights and requirements for downforce. As a result, once the cartridge is installed on the player, it must be set up correctly. And if tonearm balancing and tracking force adjustment is an even more or less straightforward and straightforward procedure, then cartridge alignment with a template is a great activity for people with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. In this case, incorrect alignment of the cartridge leads to a noticeable deterioration in sound quality.

As a result, in the 70s, some manufacturers under the strict guidance of Matsushita (Technics) ran out of patience, they scratched their heads and came up with the T4P standard (aka P-mount). Cartridges of this standard have the same weight (6 grams), the same needle drop (15 mm), the same downforce (1.25 g). They simply slide into the jack on the tonearm and secure with one screw:

Thanks to this, T4P heads do not need to be aligned, after installing such a head in a compatible turntable, you do not even need to balance the tonearm and adjust anti-skating. Actually, such turntables are usually devoid of tonearm adjustments.

It would seem that T4P has no disadvantages, only advantages. Alas, everything is not so rosy: the range of cartridges of this standard is extremely small and includes mainly entry-level heads, although some of them are very good.

As a result, in my opinion, a T4P turntable is a good choice for lazy music lovers, and a regular turntable with a standard cartridge is for those who plan to upgrade and improve their system in the future.

Tonearm: straight or S-shaped?

The two most common types of arm today are straight and S-shaped. Straight tonearms usually are lighter and therefore better compatible with today's entry-level audiophile cartridges, all of which are lightweight and highly responsive. S-shaped tonearms usually have a high to medium weight and are therefore better suited for rigid cartridges that require high downforce (such as the excellent Denon MC cartridges, for example).

In my opinion, a straight, lightweight tonearm is by far the best choice.

Soviet turntables are available in the secondary market in large quantities and, as a rule, cost a penny compared to branded counterparts. However, in the general case, it is not worth buying them due to the fact that in general all non-military products in the USSR were made with the back left foot, and the quality of the element base is simply disgusting.

At the same time, individual Soviet turntables, successfully "licked" from good foreign models, were very good. First of all, it is, of course, "Electronics B1-01", which is seamlessly drawn from Thorens TD125 and equipped with a good Soviet copy of the legendary English tonearm SME 3009. Also, for example, "Electronics EP-060" 120-pole motor. If these players are prevented, you can get a very good sound.

Unfortunately, good Soviet turntables on the secondary market cost the same as imported turntables, so I don't see much point in buying them.

But what deserves attention is the Soviet heads, among which there were very good ones. For example, the GZM-043 is a Soviet copy of the Shure M75ED (to the point that you can use Shure needles with it). ГЗМ-055 is a complete analogue of the excellent Ortofon VMS20E MkII cartridge, manufactured in Riga under the Ortofon license. At the same time, you can still find new GZM "from old stocks" at rather ridiculous prices in the secondary market.

Indirect signs of a good vintage turntable

There are a lot of good vintage turntables in the world, you can't list everything. There are also a lot of bad ones. In my opinion, the following indirect signs make it possible to distinguish a good turntable from a bad one:

    Wooden plinth. Wood, especially valuable species, is a rather expensive material; it was not translated into bullshit.

    Using all sorts of tricky materials. For example, some turntables have a base made of mineral chips embedded in plastic. This material is very similar to the artificial stone from which kitchen countertops are made. As a result, the turntable is heavy and insensitive to vibration and resonance.

    Vibration isolation. In good turntables, the platform on which the tonearm and faceplate are mounted is suspended in the case and isolated from vibrations and engine rumble (this, of course, does not apply to direct-drive turntables, therefore they have special requirements for the quality of the engine).

So what to buy?

In my opinion, of the new inexpensive turntables, the best choice is Project Debut Carbon, which is equipped with a very good carbon fiber tonearm and also comes with a very decent Ortofon OM10 cartridge. This is a very simple, fully manual model that sounds very good and can be upgraded in the future.

As I said, there are a huge number of vintage turntables in the world. Personally, I would buy any of the following turntables without hesitation:

  • any CEC model (Chuo Denki) with wooden skirting and belt drive;
  • any Denon with an electronic tonearm;
  • virtually any Dual roller model as well as select direct drive models (eg Dual 701 and 704);
  • almost any Pioneer (not counting the late plastic crafts);
  • any Sony PS-X line with the first digit of the index older than 5 (for example, PS-X65, although there are about a dozen of these models in general);
  • any Technics SL-1x00 line and some models of the SL-Q line (SL-Q2, Q3, Q33);
  • any Thorens with a TP-16 or TP-22 tonearm, heavy platter and wooden plinth;
  • any Trio / Kenwood model with wood or composite skirting (starting from KD-2055).

Although this list is far from complete.

Next time we will talk about cartridges. And it will be even more interesting.

[^ 1]: There are also roller-driven turntables, but they are now so rare that you can forget about them.


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