How to change VKontakte username and password. How to change username and password in classmates (forgot lost to find recovery)

Every person has changed their data on the Internet at least once. It is not strange, because everyone can forget the password, create a new mailbox, or simply want to change the data, since the old ones have become known to someone else. Experienced users usually have no problems with changing their password or login, but for beginners it may seem quite difficult, because finding the desired function is not so easy. In addition, relatively recently, the procedure for changing the login has been slightly changed, which may cause confusion.

How to change your Vkontakte login: instructions

To change your registration data on Vkontakte, you must find the item "My settings" in the menu on the left of the page. By going to it, you will see a page with a list of settings at the top. You need the General tab - that's where the button you want is located. Scroll down the page until you see a blue Save Email or Change Phone Number button. Please note that to change your username or email, you will not need to specify the old ones, so it's okay if you forgot them. But you simply cannot change the password without entering the old one.

If you decide to change your e-mail address, just enter the required data in the corresponding field and click "Save e-mail address". After that, to confirm the changes, you will need to go to the mail and wait for the confirmation letter. After receiving it, click on the corresponding link, which will send the data on the change of the e-mail address. After these actions, your login will be the address of the new e-mail box.

How to change your Vkontakte login if you need to change your mobile phone number? In this case, the procedure is even simpler than with an e-mail. In the above settings menu tab, click on the blue button labeled "Change phone number". You will be presented with a window in which you will be asked to select the code of the mobile operator of your country, as well as enter the phone number. After filling in all the data and confirming the changes, an SMS message with a code should be sent to the number you specified. This code must be entered on the Vkontakte page to confirm the changes. After this simple operation, your username will be changed.

The changes associated with the new VKontakte design are described at the end of the article.

How to change the password in VKontakte

To do this, just go to the settings in the menu on the left and on the first tab "General", scrolling down the page a little, you will see a special column "Change password", enter first the old password, then twice the new password and click the "Change" button.

How to change your login login

The login can be either the phone number that you linked to your account, or the mailbox address (optional). Thus, to change your username, you need to change your phone or e-mail. After changing your email, you will receive a confirmation email. This can be done on the same page where the password is changed.

By changing the phone number, you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code. Your further actions depend on whether you have access to the old number. If there is no access, the answer to the question of how to change the number is a little more difficult - you will have to wait for the changes within two weeks. But if you don't want to wait that long, you can fill out a special form to prove that the page really belongs to you and to speed up the process.

If you have access, you will need to get and send the confirmation code again, but from the old number. You will understand exactly where you need to press, as soon as you start the replacement procedure, read carefully the system messages and press the necessary buttons.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to change your nickname in VKontakte, then, alas, you will not find it. The columns "Patronymic" and "Nick", which previously existed in this social network, have now been abolished. However, this can also be done very simply, but there are some nuances.

How to change the VKontakte address

This feature can be useful if you often share a link to your page on other social networks and other resources. In addition, having changed the address to a simpler and more memorable one, you can communicate it to your friends in real life so that they do not have to look for you for a long time by name, surname or other data.

When registering, each user is automatically assigned an ID number and the combination of numbers is not always easy to remember. You can change it to some word or other combination of Latin letters and numbers, you can also use the "_" sign.

This is done in the same place - in the settings on the first tab "General", under the security settings. Enter a new address and click "Borrow address" if it is free. This action will also need to be confirmed with a phone number and a code.

You might be interested in information on how.


after a recent design change on Vkontakte, the settings have moved to the right. Click on the arrow next to your avatar in the upper right corner of any page, select "Settings" and under the "Page settings" section you will see the information when you last changed your password, and on the right the "Change" button. Here you can also change the page address.

Today, each user has the ability to change his own and password in almost any Internet service where he is registered. Changing such data requires user authorization on the resource itself and takes no more than five minutes.

You will need

  • Internet access, computer.


First of all, it should be noted that when changing login and password, the login itself cannot be changed, since it is used to authorize the user on the resource. If you want to change your username, you can only change the user's display name. To do this, you need to follow a series of specific steps.

Authorization on the site. Go to the site, enter your login in the specially provided form and. After you go through identification, you should go to the personal section on the site (this menu can be designated as: my account, user profile, personal account, my profile).

Once in your personal account, follow the link "Profile settings". In the window that opens, you can set a new password for the account, and also change the display name of the user. In this section, you can also set an avatar for your account and issue a signature. In the personal account, the user has the ability to specify contact information and their subsequent editing. To perform such actions, use the appropriate forms and links in the profile settings section. After making all the adjustments to the account, save all settings and wait for the page to refresh.

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Today, almost all Internet users have accounts on various social networks. We spend quite a lot of free time on these sites - we communicate with friends, colleagues, view and comment on photos, do business.

This article will focus on security. You will learn how to change the password in Odnoklassniki, and learn how to do the same operation with a phone number and login.

As you know, quite often pages on social networks are hacked by hackers. Of course, this may not affect the average user, because, as a rule, attackers are interested in the accounts of famous personalities. However, if a massive attack is made, then your page may be at risk.

How to change the password in Odnoklassniki?

To specify a new password for logging into your Odnoklassniki account, you will need to follow a few very simple steps. It should be noted that it is recommended to change the password at least once a month. When doing this, do not use a light combination of numbers or letters. Remember that a complex password also includes special characters.

So, here is an algorithm of actions that will help you change the password for your page in Odnoklassniki:

    on the page that opens, you need the "Password" item, hover over it and click "Change";

    write down the current password in the corresponding field, enter a new one and confirm it;

Now you know how to change the password in Odnoklassniki, therefore, by setting a complex combination of characters, you can significantly increase the security of your account.

How can I change my login in OK?

Changing your Odnoklassniki username is as easy as changing your password. However, here your actions will be slightly different. Login can be any word or phrase, but most often people indicate their E-mail address or mobile number.

So, refer back to the "Change settings" section. In this case, you need to move the mouse pointer to the item "Login" and click "Change". Now you need to request a special code that you will receive via SMS. Enter it in the appropriate field, after which you will be asked to indicate a valid password and a new login. The final stage is saving changes.

By the way, if your browser is configured to automatically remember passwords, you will need to log out of your account and log in again, specifying a new password and login.

How do I change my phone number?

Of course, "linking" an account to a mobile number has its positive aspects. Firstly, in the event of an attempt to enter your page unauthorized, you will be notified about this, and secondly, you can configure the notifications that you will receive on your mobile.

You already know how to change your username and password in Odnoklassniki, so you can easily do the same operation with a phone number, you just need to remember the sequence of actions:

    open the "Change settings" section;

    refer to the item "Phone number";

    enter your mobile number and enter a 6-digit code;

    confirm your actions by clicking the corresponding button.

That's all! The phone number has been successfully changed. As you can see, this procedure will not take much of your time.


So, now, knowing how to change your password in Odnoklassniki, as well as your mobile number and login, you can significantly improve the security of your account on this social network.

VKontakte users sooner or later ask themselves the question: how to change the VK login? In fact, this is not difficult. Login is either the email address to which your page was registered, or the mobile phone number to which the account is linked. In both cases, you need to go to the settings and make the necessary changes there.

How to change the VKontakte login if the page was created for an email account?

You can easily change your e-mail, to which the account is registered. Open the settings window and select the "general" tab at the top. After that, go down to the bottom of the page and find a field called "Your email address". Enter a new e-mail in an empty line and save the changes. For the process to go through quickly, the user must have access to both old and new mail.

How to change the VKontakte login if the page was created for a phone number?

In this case, everything is just as easy: again go to the settings and on the "general" tab look for a field with the name: "Your mobile phone number". By clicking "change number" you can enter new data and then save the changes. Again, for the procedure to be successful, both numbers must be available to you, as they will receive messages with a confirmation code.

How to change the VK login if there is no access to the old phone number or e-mail?

If you don't have a password for your old mailbox, and your mobile phone has been lost, don't worry. In this case, you can also change the login, although this will take much longer.

You will be provided with a questionnaire where you will need to fill in the following fields:

  • the username that you intend to use in the future;
  • current login;
  • country and year of registration of the VK page;
  • comment, where you indicate information about the loss of access to the phone or mail.

If you do not remember any of the information from the above, then you can leave the fields blank, but then there is less chance of changing the login. Vkontakte will also request an image of your identity document and a photo with you against the background of a completed questionnaire. Next, you send an application, and if the VK administration approves it, your login will be changed.

Such a procedure, how to change the VK login, is available to absolutely any user and is not quite complicated. Now you know how to do it.

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