How to disable muting in skype. I'm talking on Skype from my phone with a lot of noise. How to remove microphone hiss on Skype. Problem - skype can't hear me - solution

Can be a real problem when communicating via Skype. They occur to both novice and experienced users. Communication turns into a series of intermittent sounds, a dull hum and systemic echoes. This leads to a desire to quickly close the client and forget about his existence. Situations where Skype mutes other sounds are common. The solution to the question, in fact, is not difficult. To do this, you will need to spend a minimum of time and have certain knowledge.

To figure out how to fix them yourself is real. You need to be aware of the existence of the following ways to troubleshoot the indicated malfunction in the messenger.

Muffled sounds

Usually, the reason lies in incorrect system settings, which will not be difficult to correct on your own, without the involvement of a specialist.

To this end, you will need to perform the following actions:

Obviously, these simple manipulations are simple and straightforward. They allow you to quickly and efficiently eliminate the problem. It is advisable to perform the above procedure in advance, before starting work with Skype, which will make it impossible for the corresponding "defect" to appear during communication.

Quiet sound

Dialogue with an interlocutor using Skype can become a real disappointment for you, since it is almost impossible to hear a person due to insufficient volume. In this case, the speakers and system settings are turned on at maximum power.

The situation can be corrected in an elementary way, for which it is recommended to perform the following steps:

There is nothing complicated in this procedure, even a schoolchild can deal with it. It is recommended that you perform the appropriate check immediately after installing Skype, which will save your nervous system from excessive emotional stress during communication.

A common situation is when the subscriber does not hear incoming calls. This leads to a breakdown in communication, the loss of your own time to call a person, inconsistencies in the schedule. The problem can occur as a result of unintentional or ad hoc changes in Skype settings.

You will be able to cope with these difficulties on your own, for which it is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

After that, the volume should return to normal. In most cases, this is enough to continue normal communication.

Computer system sounds

During a conversation with a person, characteristic system sounds may occur that interfere with speech recognition. , you usually don't want to continue it, which leads to annoyance and frustration in Skype.

It turns out to be easy to stabilize the sound, guided by the following instructions:

These actions always lead to a positive effect of eliminating extraneous computer sounds.

The above methods are relevant in situations where the problem lies precisely in the Skype settings. Often the installation of a third-party application can be the cause of the muffled sound, which means that the sequence of necessary actions may be slightly different. In all other respects, it will be possible to fix the malfunction on its own with minimal loss of time, vitality and nerves.

If you are faced with a problem that there is a very quiet sound on Skype, then there can be many options for solving it. As well as why this situation arose. For example, some complain that Skype drowns out all other sounds on the computer, others that they cannot hear the interlocutors well, and there are those who say that they cannot hear them. Each of these options must be solved by different methods, which we will now consider.

Skype "mutes" other programs

If you are faced with the fact that Skype is jamming all other sounds on the computer, then it is quite easy to fix it. Although some users prefer to set the settings this way. To fix the situation for users with Windows XP and 7 is simple:

Those who have the "Eight" installed will need to do approximately the same actions. However, as we remember, there is no Start menu, so you need to go to the Control Panel by opening the Button Miracle panel. Performing these actions will lead to the fact that the program will not drown out extraneous sounds, for example, music that will play simultaneously with the user's work in it. But there are other situations, for example, how to change the sound in Skype if it is too quiet.

Changing the sound volume

There are two ways to change the sound volume in Skype: both on the computer and directly in the program. In the first case, we take the following steps:

  1. We open.
  2. Click on Sound in the list that opens.
  3. Go to the Recording tab.
  4. Select the default microphone.
  5. Open the Levels tab.
  6. Move the slider to the right side, adjusting the volume as needed.
  7. We confirm the changes by clicking OK.

Now let's look at how to add sound in skype. To do this, go to the program itself. Next, we perform the following actions:

Default parameters

If the problem arose after you changed the settings in the program, then you can return everything to its place in just a few minutes. To do this, go to the program and go to Tools. After that, we do the following:

  1. We select Settings.
  2. Go to the Sounds section.
  3. We click on the "Return parameters ..." button.

Here, if you wish, you can change the ringtone. If you wish, you can listen to the set sound by clicking on the corresponding command. After restoring the default settings, problems with low sound usually go away.

Note! It happens that there is no need to change the volume of the speakers in Skype. The reason for the bad sound can be quite simple and can consist in adjusting the sound on the computer, for which you just need to click the speaker icon in the system tray on the taskbar.

As you can see, how to increase the sound on Skype is not a big problem if it is related to the settings of the program or computer. Of course, the reasons may lie in something else, for example, in the work of speakers or. In such a situation, you will need to check what exactly is wrong with these devices, it is quite possible that they are out of order, and you will have to replace them.

If all of the above did not help, then try reinstalling Skype or updating it to the current version, because there is a possibility that there was a conflict between the program and the system.

The article will give advice on how to prevent Skype from drowning out other sounds.

Many users of the popular messenger “ Skype»Complain about sound problems. The fact is that during voice or video calls, the program “ Skype»Perceptibly mutes all other sounds involved on the computer: games, music, movies, system and other program notifications.

Sounds can be muffled either completely or partially, but in all cases this causes unnecessary inconvenience. What to do in this case? How to make Skype»Not muffling other sounds on your computer? Let's talk about this in our review.

How do I prevent Skype from muffling other sounds on my computer?

Let's consider this issue. Some users believe that “ Skype»Specifically mutes all other sounds on the computer. In fact, this is a misconception. IN " Skype»There is no such function, at least we still cannot find it.

In addition, the normal operation of this messenger does not in any way affect the computer software, including those related to audio. You can use the camera, microphone, sound card, but without any damage to the system.

Rather, the opposite is true - it is the operating system that can affect the work of Skype and other programs. When you are on Skype, " Windows»May simply turn down the volume of other sounds, for example, if you are listening to music at the time. This is done to make it more convenient for you to conduct voice communication.

Most often, this function helps users not to be distracted by extraneous sounds and to hear their interlocutor well. For example, you relax and watch some interesting film, and at this moment a relative calls you. You want to quickly answer the call without turning off the video, and the system provides you with its service automatically, simply by turning down the volume in the player.

But not everyone wants to use this service. Many people would like to turn off the mute function when working. Skype". Maybe someone needs to play computer games during a Skype conversation and perfectly hear what is happening in it. Moreover, if you play as a team and talk in “ Skype", You are thinking of a great strategy.

Configure the system so that " Skype»Did not muffle other sounds, of course you can. To do this, do the following:

  • Through the menu " Start"Go to" Control Panel»

We go to the "Control Panel"

  • Next in a new window, as shown in the screenshot. This will create more convenience for our further actions.

Customize the display of the list as large icons

Customize the display of the list as large icons

  • Find in the list of system settings the item " Sound"And click on it

Click on "Sound"

  • A system window will open, in which you need to go to the tab " Communication»

Go to the "Communication" tab

  • Note how this setting is configured in your case. If the jackdaw is on to muffle or turn off all sounds, then when Skype is working you will get the appropriate result.

  • Check the box " No action required”, Or adjust as you see fit. Press on " OK". That's it, problem solved.

Adjust the sound volume as you see fit

Adjust the sound volume as you see fit

Video: How to make "Skype" not mute the sound when calling ??

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