Why is Twitter needed and how to use it. Social network Twitter. Using Twitter to Promote Your Business: For Beginners General Tips on How to Use Twitter

A Twitter post is only 140 characters long. It seems like it's easy to keep short notes all the time. But in fact, this is a rather difficult task. Especially in those cases when it is necessary not only to write the required number of letters, but also to attract an audience to your account.

How to post on Twitter

Do you have a personal Twitter profile? Do you want to attract traffic and please your audience with quality content, but don't know how to create useful and interesting posts? We bring to your attention some effective tips that you need to apply in your work. And it's very easy to do it!

Write concisely and clearly

In the social network Twitter, users have the opportunity to create entries of 140 characters. But few people know that the "free window" should not be filled to capacity. The shorter the text, the more likely it is to be noticed and studied with genuine interest.

It is even worse when a novice user or an inexperienced marketer expresses himself through abbreviations and abbreviations. It looks terrible. Forget about this habit once and for all. The reader wants to perceive information easily and naturally, and not to google incomprehensible characters at every step. State the essence of things as briefly as possible.

Short tweets are:

  • The ability to distinguish yourself from the "gray mass";
  • A great way to generate interest in the public;
  • More retweets as netizens will be able to comment on the post.

Contact the CA

An appeal to users can be contained both in the tweet itself and in the title. What's the point? Your message begins with a direct address to the public. It is noteworthy that this should not be done in general (to all subscribers), but personally to the target audience. If you have published a book about tourism, take this news to travelers. A person immediately recognizes himself in this, and is much more willing to read the text.

Businessmen! Don't repeat the mistakes of Bill Gates (link)

Who said that you can't use little tricks to attract the attention of the audience? Dilute your text with words that will intrigue and make the person concentrate on your tweet. “The long-awaited news!”, “Hurrah!”, “It happened!” And so on.

It's done! Copywriters shared the secrets of success (link)

Hooray! ABV is organizing an unprecedented raffle! (link)

Show your surprise

Also use words that express feelings of delight and sincere surprise. “Wow!”, “Wow!”, “I am absolutely delighted!” And so on. Agree, such tweets are excellent “food” for all inquisitive people. They simply cannot remain indifferent to the records of jubilant authors.

Always keep your target audience in mind when choosing these "tricks". Some slang expressions may not be understood by adult users. Will have to replace them with something else.

Ask and intrigue

You can’t even imagine how much modern social network users love easy and original questions. Learn to be interested in the right way, and success is guaranteed to you.

Do you make these ridiculous mistakes when speaking in English? (link)

Can you call yourself a happy person? (link)

Add bait words to your tweet

In this example, the tweet contains the word "why". It encourages the user to be curious. It can also be used in the affirmative form. Other options: "this", "these".

Why You Shouldn't Start an Office Romance

This jewelry will win the heart of the most demanding lady (link)

Be an expert, share useful information

The expanses of the World Wide Web are teeming with articles like "5 Mistakes", "10 Habits", "15 Ways", etc. But the Internet is oversaturated with such articles for a reason. They are really interesting and are in great demand among readers. Write unique articles? Share them with your audience.

How to learn English in 2 months (link)

10 healthy habits that will make your life brighter (link)

Use the power of reviews for good

If a huge number of people say that the product is of high quality and practical in everyday life, you will surely believe them. Is not it? And if an influential and successful person advises something sensible, the audience will definitely pay attention to it. Reviews can work wonders. Don't exclude it from your tweets.

We already have 30 thousand subscribers! Join now! (link)

8 thousand people have already tried the new treatment method and got the result (link)

Create an "urgency" effect

People can weigh this or that decision regarding the purchase of a product for a long time, since the demand is great, but the supply is even greater. To speed up this process, remind the public that there is very little time left before the end of the action. No need to stretch the validity of tempting bonuses. Otherwise, you will have to stock up on inhuman patience.

Only today! Two books for the price of one! (link)

Urgently! Read this now if your hair health leaves a lot to be desired (link)

Last day! Participate in the car raffle! (link)

Warn of danger

Don't be afraid to tweet like this. Yes, they are a little intimidating at first. But showing concern for your audience is a laudable thing. Inform the public of the danger that awaits them. Just remember that any information of this type must be verified. Otherwise, you run the risk of being branded a balabol, and henceforth it will no longer work.

Write in 1st person

Tweeting in the first person is fine, especially if your persona is of genuine interest to the public. Share your experience and your point of view on various issues, give advice. But remember that you are responsible for your words and actions.

This is the best album I've listened to this year! (link)

How I got 1 million followers on YouTube (link)

These tips helped me get rid of depression (link)

Use the Copywriters' Favorite Words

There are times when it is very difficult to come up with something of your own. Even when it comes to writing a tweet on a social network. Is there a creative crisis? Then use words and phrases that are popular among copywriters. Templates and clichés used with a sense of proportion have never hurt anyone.

  • Is free
  • New
  • Secret
  • Effective

Is Twitter already part of your social media marketing strategy?

If not, then it's useless :)

Twitter is the only marketing tool with which you can promote in real time. More and more small businesses are using Twitter because it is completely free and effective promotion tool.

Below is a list of all the features of Twitter that you can start using in your business and get amazing results.

About Twitter

Twitter is a short messaging system that allows you to send messages (tweets) up to 140 characters long to people who follow you (followers).

Messages can include links to any resources (blogs, Internet pages, documents, etc.), as well as attach photos and videos. If one picture is worth a thousand words, then you will benefit significantly more from posting it than from a message limited to 140 characters.

People follow (follow) your Twitter account, and you can follow others too. This allows you to read messages (tweets), reply to them, and easily share tweets with other readers (this is called retweeting).

What is unique about Twitter?

In the world of social media, Twitter falls under the category of microblogging because it allows you to send short, unattached messages.

Twitter partially resembles other popular social resources (for example, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, VKontakte and YouTube). However, there are a number of features that distinguish Twitter from the following sites:

Facebook (Facebook). The length of a tweet is similar to the length of a Facebook status. However, Facebook has a filter, and on Twitter, each tweet appears in the news feed of readers.

Pinterest (Pinterest). Twitter allows you to upload photos and comment on other tweets. But on Twitter, the sharing feature for a posted photo is much clearer than it is on Pinterest.

LinkedIn (Linkd-In). The length of the tweet is the same as in the Linkd-In status. However, if Linked-in is based on a trusting relationship (or mutual agreement), you can follow anyone on Twitter, even strangers. This is convenient because you can find potential buyers there.

Google+ (Google plus). The length of the tweet is the same as in Google Plus status. You can group followers and conversations on Twitter just like you can on Google Plus.

YouTube (Youtube). Videos can be added to Tweets. However, Twitter does not have the ability to create an entire video channel or group videos for easy searching and commenting.

Now let's find out How can Twitter be useful for your business?

#1 STEP ONE: Make your brand presentation

Creating a Twitter account of your own profile is the main step in mastering Twitter. This gives you the opportunity to spread the word about your business to all Twitter users.

It is important that the look and feel of your profile on Twitter is the same as on other sites. This will make it easier for people to identify and trust you. Use the same account names and brand images for Twitter as you would on other web pages.

1) Choosing a username on Twitter

There is nothing more important to your Twitter business than a well-chosen account name. It appears next to all your tweets and is used to identify you and be found by all Twitter users.

Example of a business page on Twitter: the brand name is the same as the name of the site on the Internet.

Choose either your own name (ideal for sole proprietorships) or a company name. Avoid punctuation marks - this will make it easier to type your company name on mobile devices.

If your company name is already taken by someone, select a similar one.

2) Profile picture

Twitter offers two different images to build your profile image. For your business, you need to use both of these options. Upload photos in your profile settings.

The user's Twitter photo is a square-shaped photo next to every tweet sent from your account. You can use either the company logo or your own photo.

An example of a profile using the user's personal photo.

Note: Most small companies do this by opening an account under the company name, but adding a personal photo as the user picture. This will make your twitter account more personal and distinctive.

3) Header image

The header is a huge background image where you can also give information about your company. Just like the Facebook page image, the header photo appears at the top of your page.

An example of a header image that reflects the essence of the company's brand.

There is also the possibility customize background, which readers will see when they visit your Twitter page. You can create a graphic image that harmonizes with the brand logo. Upload this image from the Appearance section in User Settings.

An example of a small business page with a brand in the background of a Twitter profile.

#2 STEP TWO: Build a Strong Base

It is very important that you complete your Twitter profile completely. Each option gives you the opportunity to provide more detailed information about the company, which will positively affect your business.

Be sure to take into account the following three options in the "Profile" section in the settings.

Location, website address and information about yourself are an important part of your business, interesting for all Twitter users.

Location. Tell people where they can find you. But do not forget that you can also be visited by people from other cities, regions, countries who do not necessarily need to know your area. Provide them with details so that they can easily find you.

Website address. Share a link to your site with readers. Give them your website or blog, along with a dedicated Twitter homepage. This is a great opportunity to provide additional information to those Twitter users who have shown interest in your company.

Personal information. You only have 160 characters to tell people who you are and what you do. Leave the mission of the company and tell us better about the benefits that you can bring. Write lively, bring something personally "of yourself" to make the page live its own life.

Twitter has strict rules against so-called "aggressive followers" and "aggressive following flow," so be careful, take your time. You do not want your account to be blocked in the first week due to suspicious activity.

Note: Your Twitter experience is shaped by who you follow, not who follows you. Be careful when choosing which pages to read, and then the impression will be more than pleasant.

your buyers,

Your business partners, suppliers, customers, manufacturers, etc.

Your competitors or equivalent products

Trade organizations in your industry

Companies in your area

Companies of your friends and acquaintances (your professional circle)

Twitter helps you find them by checking email addresses.

Use the "Find Friends" option on the "I'm in the know" page to find friends through your address book.

#4 STEP FOUR: Start writing

Twitter has a slightly different style of communication than other social networks. It is a kind of smorgasbord where ideas and snippets of proposals are quickly served. A little messy, but fun.

Do not grab everything at once, test the soil. Look at others. And start when you feel confident. Start writing only when you understand what's what.

There are five types of tweets in total:

1. Tweet. A message that is sent to everyone who reads you. This is the classic way to communicate on Twitter.

A tweet is a short message that you send to all your Twitter followers.

2. Answer. A message that is sent in response to a received message. The response is public, with a Twitter username. Such a message will appear in your tweet feed and will be available to everyone who reads you and your interlocutor. It will also appear on the mentions page.

An example of a response is a message written in response to someone else's tweet.

3. Mention. A post in which you mention another Twitter user.

The mention tweet contains only a link to the Twitter username, but is not a response to that user's previous tweet.

4. Direct message. A message that you personally send to another Twitter user. It can only be sent to one of your readers.

This is a private message sent to someone who follows your Twitter.

5. Retweet. A message written and sent by another Twitter user that you share with your followers. Sharing tweets on Twitter is very easy.

A retweet is a message sent by someone else that you share with your readers.

#5 STEP FIVE: Write smart

After you understand the types of tweets, you will certainly be visited by the question: what should I write about on Twitter?

The answer depends on the type of your company. It's usually best to find a middle ground between what your target audience wants to hear and what should help promote your business. For most entrepreneurs, the best response will be those messages that emphasize how your product or service can be useful to consumers.

There is a whole science behind how to write Twitter headlines. Experiment, write the same thing in different styles and see what resonates the most. With only 140 characters, you have to give weight to every word you type.

Over time, the quality of your tweets will improve and you'll be able to build a solid readership on Twitter. In the meantime, get ready to take a step back and decide on a plan for communicating on Twitter. You need to decide which topics will help attract potential buyers. Also post your tweets at exactly the time when the most users are logged into the system.

If you have already mastered Twitter at the user level, then go to, in which we will tell you how to promote a company using Twitter tools.

This material is an updated translation of the article

I'm new to Twitter. How to get started?

We will assume that you already have a Twitter account (s) (you registered them yourself or bought them somewhere) and now you need to start promoting them and filling them with content. Below we will tell you step by step how to do it correctly and safely.

Basic concepts

  • Account- Twitter page of the form http://twitter.com/MY_ACCOUNT. MY_ACCOUNT (aka login) the user receives during registration. Login can contain only latin letters, numbers and "_" sign. Each account is unique. You can enter your account either by entering your login and password, or by e-mail (specified during registration) and password.
  • Account ban– blocking (suspension) of a Twitter account for one reason or another. The owner of the account can log in to such an account, however, tweets of a blocked account are not visible to other users.
  • Followers- those twitter accounts that you follow. The value of the number of followers is displayed in your account.
  • Followers (readers)- those twitter accounts that follow you. The value of the number of followers is displayed in your account.
  • tweet- a message up to 140 characters long, inclusive, which the owner of the twitter account places on his twitter account. After a tweet is posted, it is added to the account owner's feed and also appears in the feeds of the followers of that account. The number of tweets is displayed in your account.
  • Tweet ID- a unique (within the Twitter service) numeric value that allows you to distinguish one tweet from another.
  • retweet- transferring a tweet from another account to your feed. The retweet becomes visible to all followers of this account.
  • Replay- public appeal on behalf of one account to another account. The replay is visible to all followers of this account.
  • DM (direct message)- a private message that only the sender and recipient can see.
  • Follow- increase the number of those whom you read.
  • unfollow- reduce the number of those you read.

What is Twitter for?

Twitter is commonly used for three things:

  • That, in fact, for which it was created - for communication, traffic to the site, etc.
  • For SEO activity.
  • For monetization (which does not exclude the first two points of this list).

In the first case, you will need a live audience interested in what you write about. For example, if you have an account for an online store of goods for car enthusiasts, this means that you will need readers who are car owners. From lovers of, for example, pets, most likely you will not receive any communication, no transitions to your site, or retweets.

In the second case, everything is not so categorical. Here, usually, the task is to drive new pages into the index of search engines with the help of Twitter and / or to raise the page higher from the TOP by low-frequency queries. The live audience is not important here, the number of followers is more important. But here, too, you need to understand that if all your followers are bots, then such an account can simply be ignored by search engines.

How and with what to fill a twitter account?

Before the start of promotion, Twitter accounts need to be prepared - set a non-standard avatar, change the background, fill in the "About Me" field and then start filling it with content.

Content refers to the posting of tweets, as well as such activity as replays and retweets. For each of these actions in the program Twidium Accounter there is a project with the same name. There is also a project that allows you to quickly change the avatar, background, description, etc. in a whole group of twitter accounts. You can get acquainted with each of the projects by reading the help for the program:.

How to promote a twitter account?

The promotion of Twitter accounts is understood as an increase in the number of readers (followers). In addition to the obvious way - to talk about your wonderful Twitter account everywhere, there is a purely technical way called "mass following". Its essence is to find and follow Twitter accounts that are close to your account in terms of topics. After receiving a request for "friendship", the account owner will come to you. If you have an interesting account, then he will follow it in response.

The search for thematic accounts and their following is handled by our program Twidium Inviter. In the process of working in your account, the number of accounts that you read will first grow. After a while, the number of people reading you will start to grow. Then you can unsubscribe from those whom you no longer want to read. IN Twidium Inviter this process is called "Unfollowing".

You can read about how to safely promote Twitter accounts in our manual on the page.

Tweet. If you want your followers to know what you are doing right now, then post a tweet. Keep in mind that you are limited to 280 characters, otherwise, if you exceed this limit, you will not be able to send a tweet.

  • Characters will be counted automatically. The number of characters left will be shown in gray, after 10 in red, and then when you get to zero, a big red minus will appear.

Use hashtags. A hashtag is a word preceded by a pound sign, # . Hashtags make it easy to find the right word. Read the guide on how to use hashtags on Twitter.

  • Some trends contain hashtags on their own, allowing users to discuss something all over Twitter.
  • A good example of the use of hashtags is when everything related to a particular football team is tagged with a hashtag with its name.
  • Gain followers (subscribers) . Your Twitter can be private or it can be public. If you want to get as many followers as possible, then you need to try and make interesting and topical tweets. Also, don't underestimate the power of following other people's twitters - you can often get followed for following you. And don't forget to express respect to your readers. In this sense, you have all the cards and funds in your hands - even with tweets, even with blog posts, whatever. You can even use the #FF (#FollowFriday) mechanism - this is when you send a tweet with a small list of your followers under the #FF hashtag, as if sharing them with other Twitter users. Such lists are often quoted, which means that your name will be mentioned more often. However, this mechanism has been going out of fashion lately, and in itself it looks like spam, so ... In other words, users can be recruited with the help of simple retweets, which are a kind of recognition and are often rewarded in the same way.

    Check messages from your followers directed to you personally. Click on the “@Mentions” link to see if there are any replies to your tweets. When you send a tweet, include the username after the @ sign - this will create a mention of it. Example: “@username” mentions the Twitter user username and your entire tweet will show up on their @Mentions page.

  • Come up with your own style and timing for sending tweets. Twitter, like many other social networks, can very well be addictive and waste your precious time. Therefore, it is better to immediately decide how much time you will spend on it and how many followers you intend to collect. You should not give up everything and everything in pursuit of users - this is a matter of quantity, not quality, and the benefit of it is not a penny. Instead, focus on the quality of your tweets and followers so you don't get frustrated by the frequent unfollowing of your Twitter (which happens and there's nothing you can do about it). And if you feel like you're starting to spend too much time on Twitter, pause and come back to it later.

    • A number of scientific studies have shown that a person can be part of a group of 150-200 people without problems. If the group is larger, then the connections between its members are no longer so effective and productive. Do not forget about this in pursuit of followers!
  • 304 million monthly active users is a good reason to promote your company on Twitter. Low labor intensity, ease of use and instant transfer of information make this social network an excellent platform for business. But it, like other social networks, must be used with intelligence and imagination.

    "Secret" has chosen several microblogs - Russian and foreign - whose experience needs to be adopted in order to win customer loyalty.


    It's hard to find a more witty and rowdy Twitter account for a Russian company than Aviasales with its 13,500 followers. As one public news publication taught us all, the best way to get the attention of a subscriber is to joke. As Aviasales teaches us, at the same time, you still need to remember to follow the trends. The company's Twitter is very responsive to events, whether Peskov's watch or Saakashvili's appearance in Odessa offering to buy air tickets. Click-through here is more important than aesthetics, which is better left for Instagram: for example, Aviasales promotional announcements are accompanied by funny illustrations, not really caring about their compliance with beauty standards. Aviasales has mastered the art of creating viral posts on Twitter perfectly well.


    How to tweet if the company sells toilet paper? What posts to make and how to attract subscribers? The task is not an easy one. The Charmin brand did it. Firstly, he invented characters for himself - a party of bears, and secondly, they did not feel ashamed of their own destiny. There are few abstract posts in the account - they mostly joke about hygiene, generously arrange emoji with toilet bowls and constantly focus on the softness and strength of the material. 67,000 followers is not bad for a toilet paper brand. Be more fun, be open and look for ways to please your audience with your product - here are some tips for those who also want to sell toilet paper, condoms or something like that.

    The Dolphins

    The Dolphin pub in England used an interesting scheme to attract subscribers to his Twitter: he started a microblog of a real dolphin and posts jokes and witticisms on his behalf, not embarrassed in terms. The dolphin either starts sentences with the exclamation "Fuck!" spreads a photo of an outdoor advertisement with the face of David Guetta, who has a member growing above his eyebrow. It's no surprise that this twitter has amassed far more followers than official account pub: 26,000 versus 3,800 followers. But people, subscribing to The Dolphin, know that he is directly related to the pub of the same name - if only because he does not forget to constantly write about alcohol. Great move, even if you're not named after an animal - if you come up with a similar storyteller, success is guaranteed.

    Google Russia

    There are, of course, several times fewer subscribers here than in the western branch - 1.7 million versus 12.2 million. But it's still interesting to see how an IT company manages to promote its services and services, which, it would seem, are already the most popular . Even if your product is leading the market, do not relax and follow the example of Google. The company, along with abstract tweets, does not forget to find new twists even for its most famous products - for example, offers"33 Ways to Start an Interesting Story with Google Search." Google also reminds that maintaining the corporate identity in everything is a fundamental task, so all illustrations for tweets are drawn separately and form the company's identity.

    old spice

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