Cartoons quiz. The locomotive from Multyashkovo. Game program-quiz based on cartoon fairy tales

Game quiz


Goal: Formation of children's interest in positive cartoons through play.


1. Expand children's knowledge of the world of cartoons;

2. Promote the development of a sense of team cohesion, responsibility in children;

3. Promote creative, logical thinking, the development of intellectual activity.

Age: 6-7 years old

Equipment: Keyboard, mouse, speakers, video screen, movie projector, presentation to the topic, whatman paper, blank sheets of paper, cube, musical design.

Quiz progress

LEADING. Hello guys! Today we are gathered here to travel to the wonderful world of cartoons. Good and kind cartoons. Do you all watch cartoons? We'll check it out today. Let's split into teams.

You guys need to answer my questions and complete my assignments. For each correct answer and for each correctly completed task, you will receive five pieces of the puzzle. The winner is the team that picks up the most pieces and makes the picture faster. It is also necessary to name the fairy tale that will be shown in the picture. Do you understand the task? Now let's choose the team that will answer the questions first. Here is a cube. You've probably seen one before and played with it. Which team has the highest number, that will answer the questions first.

So, our first assignment.

It is called 1 "Warm up »

1. What is the name of the cat from Prostokvashino?

2. What is the name of a cat that was friendly to mice?

3. What was the name of the onion boy?

4. What is the name of the girl with blue hair?

5. What was the name of the old woman's rat Shapoklyak?

6. What was the name of the girl who got to the Emerald City?

7. What was the name of the cat's cow Matroskin?

8. Which heroine got her name from her beanie?

Well done boys! According to the results of the first competition, the __________ team wins and receives five puzzle pieces.

We continue our game. 2 "Make up words"

Each team receives cards with the name of the cartoons. Your task is to form as many words from the title as possible. You are given three minutes of time.

1. "Holidays in Prostokvashino"

2. "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat"

So guys, time is up. Let's read the words. Team _________ won. They had more words. You receive five puzzle pieces.

So you guys did a good job. And now our next task. It is called 3 "The Magic Chain"

For each team, I offer several fairy-tale events that need to be arranged in the correct sequence.

1. Arrange in order of priority the heroes that Kolobok met on the way:

c) bear

(correct answer: hare, wolf, bear, fox)

2. Name what and in what order did the old woman ask the fish?

b) become a noblewoman

c) become a queen

d) trough.

(correct answer: trough, house, become a noblewoman, become a queen)

Well done. The winners get their pieces. And now a little physical education. (doing exercises, to the music)

Now I will ask the teams to take their places again. We continue our game.

The next task sounds like this: 4 "Guess"

Which of the heroes is superfluous in this row?

1) From the cartoon "Koloboks are conducting the investigation."

1) Kolobok
2) Pechkin +
3) Kolbochkina
4) Bulochkin

2) From the cartoon "Gena the Crocodile and His Friends"

1) Cheburashka
2) Lev Chandr
3) Monkey Anfisa +
4) Shapoklyak

Well done! And from which cartoons are the extra characters?

You already have a lot of details!

Continuing our quiz?

3. Who wrote the tale of the adventures of Cipollino?

Gianni Rodari

4. Which country is Cipollino's homeland?


5. What was the name of Cipollino's father?


6. Which of the heroes of the tale had an incredibly fat belly and excellent appetite?

Baron Orange

7. Whom did Cipollino help to free the parents from the zoological garden?


8. In the prison where Cipollino was sitting, he delivered letters ...

Spider Chromonog

9. What was the name of Cipollino's girlfriend?


10. The most recent and stupid tax imposed by Señor Pomodoro was the tax ...

On the weather

11. What was erected on the site of the castle after the expulsion of Senor Tomato and Baron Orange?

Children's palace

12. I am a cheerful Cipollino.
I grew up in Italy -
Where oranges ripen
And lemons and olives,
Figs and so on.

"Who wrote the lyrics to this song?"

Samuel Marshak

5 "Questions"

1. What was the name of the tavern in A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino"?

Tavern of three minnows

2. What were the names of the daughters of the hostess in the Russian folk tale "Kroshechka-Khavroshechka"?

One-eye, Two-eye, Trig-eye

3. What was the length of the boa constrictor in G. Auster's tale "38 parrots"?

4. How old was the Tsar Maiden in P. Ershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse"?


5. How many nights did Aibolit treat the unfortunate African animals in K. Chukovsky's fairy tale?


6. What denomination coins did Carlson like the most from A. Lindgren's fairy tale?

5 era

7. The Banks family from P. Travers' fairy tale "Mary Poppins from Cherry Street" lived in house number ...

8. "I don't want to be a black peasant,
I want to be a pillar noblewoman! "
How much was this desire of the old woman from "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"?

The third

9. How many years, according to the tale of H. H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid", do mermaids live?

300 years

10. The name of which fairy tale does not exist?

Two from Prostokvashino

11. Who sang that "you cannot be famous for good deeds"?


12. Who has become the hero of the cartoon "Kitten from Lizyukov Street"?

The hippopotamus

13. What cartoon character said: "Guys, let's live together!"?

Leopold the Cat

14. "I am a Water One, I am a Water One, would anyone talk to me ...". What cartoon is this song in?

"Flying ship"

15. Brother Rabbit asked Brother Fox not to throw him ...

Into the thorn bush

16. What was the name of the main character of the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino"?

Uncle Fedor

6 "Favorite Passages"

1. "If you want cake, you want ice cream! And he paints fences!"

"Vovka in the distant kingdom"

2. "Everything here is mine! And the table is mine, and the refrigerator is mine, and everything in the refrigerator is also mine."

"Bobik visiting Barbos "

3. "Have a rest - in! Sour cream - in! Fish - in!"

"Return of the Prodigal Parrot"

4. "Well, we have eaten, now we can sleep! ... Well, we have slept, now we can eat!"


5. "I'll sing right now!"

"Once upon a time there was a dog"

6. "Let's be afraid together, eh ?!"

"Kitten named Woof"

Well, that ended all the questions. And now we proceed to your picture, who is faster and more correct. Time has passed, guys.


1. V. Nikitina, "300 best games for children's parties", Moscow, 2006

2. N.E. Shchurkova Game techniques, Moscow, 2007.

3. V.I. Rudenko "New school KVNs and competitions", Rostov-on-Don 2005

4. Scientific - methodical journal "How to entertain guests", Kurgan 2007.

5. Magazine "Pedsovet";

6. Magazine "Classroom teacher"

7. I.G. Sukhin "800 riddles, 100 crosswords";

8. Internet resources.

9. Book "Holiday at school";

Quiz with answers for younger students

Quiz "Good is stronger than evil in reality and in a fairy tale"
goal: To summarize the knowledge of children from famous domestic cartoons.
1. Expand the horizons of children in the field of animation.
2. To develop interest in domestic animated films.
3. To form primary ideas about good and evil, standards of good and bad behavior.
Equipment: a multimedia projector, a chest or a box with fabulous objects (a needle, an invisible hat, a golden egg, a pea, a mirror, an arrow, a shoe).
Hello guys! The book is the best thing that a person has ever created, because it teaches us, educates and leads us through life. We all love to read fairy tales. With the help of fairy tales, we get to know the world, learn to distinguish between good and evil, truth and falsehood ... They always have many exciting adventures, and in the end, good always triumphs over evil. We can also learn about the victory of good over evil from your favorite cartoons, on which your moms and dads grew up. And you, too, enjoy watching them. It is very important that many cartoons are based on well-known fairy tales (The Snow Queen, Cinderella, The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio, Mowgli, The Adventures of Cipollino and many others.) They all teach to be kind, honest and fair.
And now we will hold an interesting quiz and take a trip to the fabulous city of our favorite cartoons. I hope that you remember the cartoons well and that you can easily cope with the following tasks.
Leading: "Complete the name." A game for warm-up, involving children in a game situation. I say the first word of the name of the fairytale hero, you continue.
Koschei the Deathless
Vasilisa - the Wise
Elena the beautiful
Sister - Alyonushka
Brother - Ivanushka
Tiny - Havroshechka
Ivan Tsarevich

Finist - Clear Falcon
The Snow Queen.
Exercise 1.Guess the cartoon and the name of the hero from the description.
A sweet, hard-working girl who turns from a grubby into a real princess. (Cinderella from the fairy tale of the same name "Cinderella")
A jar of jam helped this hero, according to his own statement, to get rid of the high temperature (Carlson. "Kid and Carlson")
This little boy grew up among wolves. He has many friends: the bear Baloo, the panther Bagheera, the boa constrictor Kaa and others (Mowgli from the cartoon "Mowgli" of the same name).
A fabulous girl with unusual hair, who loved to educate everyone (Malvina. "The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio").
This “beast unknown to science came to our country in a box of oranges and settled first in a telephone booth. Then he found many friends and all problems were resolved (Cheburashka, "Gena the Crocodile and His Friends").
This boy is very independent, economic, and loves animals very much. He moved from town to village and organized his own farm there. His friend was engaged in photography. (Uncle Fyodor, "Prostokvashino").
This hero was going to go to school, and then become an artist, but his plans were almost ruined by five gold coins and suspicious friends. (Buratino, "The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Buratino").
Assignment 2. "Magic chest". There are fabulous objects in the chest, you need to guess them according to the description.
With this item, you can make a variety of things, and you can even kill me. (Needle).
This thing can hide you if you put it on your head. (Invisible hat)
Because of this item, did grandfather and woman cry after the trick of the little animal? (Golden testicle)
She tossed and turned all night because she disturbed her sleep? (Pea)
This subject told the truth to the queen. He said that there is a more beautiful girl in the world. (Mirror)
And this object flew right into the swamp and fell near the frog? (Arrow)
Did she lose her at the ball? (Shoe)

Assignment 3."Association". The guys are the next task for quick wits. Tell me, have you come across the word "association"? In our case, these are words that evoke in the mind of a person the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work in which they were encountered. Try to guess the cartoon by association with words.
Crocodile, friends, birthday, toy. ("Gena the crocodile and his friends").
Africa, sun, shark Karakul, darkness, whale, doctor. ("Dr. Aibolit").
Field of miracles, jacket, coins, puppet theater, log ("The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio").
Geese, boy, home escape, travel, flight. ("Niels's Wonderful Journey with Wild Geese").
Ballerina, soldiers, tin, fireplace, ditch. ("The Steadfast Tin Soldier").
Little girl, toad, mouse, swallow, elf. ("Thumbelina").
Shard, Laplanlia, queen, mirror, eternity. ("The Snow Queen").
Sea, wind, magic drink, pain, prince ("The Little Mermaid").
Task 4.The next task is called "How Much?"
How many fairy-tale heroes were drawn by the turnip? (Six)
How many months did you sit by the New Year's fire? (Twelve)
How many animals went to Bremen to become musicians? (Four)
How many eyes does Bastinda have? (One)
How many kids did the wolf kidnap? (Six)
How old was Uncle Fyodor when he learned to read? (Four)
How many times did the old man ask the goldfish? (Five)
How many gold coins Karabas-Barabas gave to Buratino? (Five)
How many heroes offered Thumbelina to marry? (Four)
How many monkeys are the length of a boa constrictor? (Five).
How many years did the sleeping beauty sleep? (One hundred).
How old is crocodile Gena? (Fifty).
Conclusion: Guys, you all did a good job, and this suggests that these cartoons are loved by you. After all, they instill in us the correct ideas about good and evil, teach good behavior, respectful attitude towards people, responsiveness, decency and honesty. Well done!

Presentation on the topic: Quiz "Good is stronger than evil in reality and in a fairy tale"

"We are little children" - which movie is this song from?

“Tryam! Hello!"
"Mary Poppins, goodbye!"
"Adventures of Electronics"
"Love Formula"

"Oh, the guards get up early," the guards sang in this cartoon... Which one?

"The Bremen Town Musicians"
"About Vera and Anfisa"
"Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena"
"Alice in Wonderland"

"Lullaby of the bear" - what is it cartoon?

"Walking Leopold the Cat"
"Santa Claus and Summer"
"Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything"
This lullaby was sung to her Umka by his mother, a polar bear.

"Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes!" Where did this passionate call come from?

"Plasticine crow"
"Flying ship"
"Merry carousel"
"Treasure Island"

"Song of the Cucumber" - where does this singing masterpiece come from?

"Well, wait a minute", issue 7
"The Adventures of Ogurechik"
"The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

In what cartoon sang the master's favorite: "Man is a friend of a dog!"

"Bobik visiting Barbos"
"Once upon a time there was a dog"
"Blue puppy"

Is it true that the song "Terribly Interesting" was first performed in the cartoon "38 Parrots"?


"Song of the Medunitsa" - from where?

About "Little Red Riding Hood"
"Dunno from our yard"
"New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti"

Where does the song "We will survive this trouble" from?

"Summer of Cat Leopold"
"About Vera and Anfisa"
"In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians"
“Tryam! Hello"

"Bad weather" - where does it sound, remember?

"Mary Poppins, goodbye!"
"Big secret for a small company"
"Patchwork and Cloud"
"Bang bang, oh-oh-oh"
“Half a year - bad weather, half a year nowhere at all” - this, of course, is about Foggy Albion. Sing a song in the movie "Mary Poppins, Goodbye!"

Quiz based on Pushkin's tales

1.According to the testimony of A.S. Pushkin himself, fairy tale I told him about Ruslan and Lyudmila ...

Poet Gavrila Derzhavin
Eugene Onegin
Cat Scientist
Nanny Arina Rodionovna

2. What was the name of the groom of the main character of the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin "About the dead princess and the seven heroes"?

"And the groom went to her - the prince Elisha."

3. In AS Pushkin's tale "About the priest and his worker Balda" the priest hired Balda to work ...

In the church
At the market
By ad on the Internet
In the tavern

4. Ruslan, celebrating the victory over Chernomor, from Pushkin's fairy tale "Ruslan and Lyudmila" ...

Put him in jail
Appropriated his kingdom
Decorated his helmet with his long beard
Drank his supply of wine

5. What song does the squirrel sing from the fairy tale "About Tsar Saltan"?

"Whether in the garden, in the garden"
"There is no other world better"
"There was a birch tree in the field"
"Oh, frost, frost"

6. How many times the Old woman from the fairy tale of AS. Pushkin "On the Fisherman and the Fish" sent the Old Man to the Golden Fish?

4 times
7 times
2 times
5 times

7. Is it true that in the tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes, the princess fell asleep in eternal sleep after eating the pie?

She took a bite of the apple.

8. In order to wake up sleeping Lyudmila, Ruslan:

Touched her
Splashed living water on her
Kissed her

9. In the cartoon "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" there is a character that is not in fairy tale. Who is it?

Shamakhan king
Voivode Polkan
Wizard Merlin
The fabulist Boyan

The locomotive from Multyashkovo. Game program-quiz based on cartoon fairy tales

The hall is decorated with tree branches, artificial trees, flowers. The chairs are installed one after another, imitating the seats in a train carriage. On the walls there are posters with the names of the stations: "Multyashkovo", "Otvechaikino", "Velichaikino", "Sostavaykino", "Vybiraikino", "Otgadaikino".


Hello my dear travelers! Who wants to take a train today? What is a steam locomotive? Quite right, this is the ancestor of the electric locomotive. The locomotive is driven by steam. Let's hook our imaginary train to a steam locomotive and go on a journey. Take a seat!

But how will our train go without a driver? Who wants to be a train driver?

As I see, there are many who wish. But we only need one driver. Let's do this: whoever gives the right answers to my questions more than others will become a machinist. (For correct answers during the game, children receive candy.) Only, mind you, there are no sweets yet!

Warm up

Station "Multyashkovo"

Questions for choosing a driver:

1. Remember the name of the cartoon about the little train that loved flowers? ("The locomotive from Romashkovo".)

2. Who, sitting on the roof of the carriage, played the accordion? (Crocodile Gena.)

3. Who is in the cartoon "Well, wait!" fell out of the car, and who went on? (The wolf fell out of the car, and the hare drove on.)

4. How many mice did the fairy need to turn into handsome horses to get Cinderella to the royal ball? (Six mice.)

5. Who remembers the number of the race car in which the wolf chased the hare? (№ 13.)

6. What cat likes to ride a bike and sings about it? (Leopold the Cat.)

7. Where did the lion Boniface go to rest on vacation? (To Africa.)

8. How much horsepower did the Mitya tractor from Prostokvashino have? (Twenty.)

9. Who came to our country in a box with oranges? (Cheburashka.)

10. Who has never been to Tahiti, and asked everyone: "Have you been to Tahiti?" (Parrot Kesha.)


Who has more sweets? Let's count! So you will be a machinist! (Introduced by the driver.) Attention! Go! (Cheerful music sounds, children stamp their feet, "the train goes".) What interesting sounds I hear in a moving train: puff-puff, ding-ding, tu-tu ..

Let's reproduce them. I ask all travelers to do what I will call: top-top (stomp); clap clap (clap); knock knock (knock on chairs); so-so (children try to reproduce, but this is an impossible action - a hitch, laughter). Slap-slap, shirk-shirk, clap-clap, knock-knock, one-two (laughter), three-four, arms wider, legs wider, turned their head, looked at their neighbor, smiled, turned and again: top-top, knock-knock, clap-clap. (The last action turns into applause.)

While we stomped and clapped, our train arrived at the Otvechakino station.

Station "Otvechakino"


How difficult it was for our driver to lead the train alone! He urgently needs an assistant! We'll find him now. The one who has more sweets as a result will help our driver.

Questions for choosing an assistant driver:

1. What is Chunga-Changa? (Island.)

2. What is the name of the famous collection of short cartoons? ("Merry Carousel".)

3. What did the usual stick become for the hare in the cartoon? (A lifesaver.)

4. What did the bear use as a slingshot, driving game away from the “tops”? (Stump.)

5. What is the name of the cartoon about pets-musketeers? ("The Dog in Boots".)

6. Who got his own tail for his birthday? (To Eeyore's donkey.)

7. What did the little Raccoon pick at the pond? (To sedge.)

8. In which cartoon is the black mark awarded? ("Treasure Island".)

9. Whose girlfriends are leeches and frogs? (Water.)

10. How many episodes are there in the cartoon "Just you wait!"? (Twenty two.)

12. The first film of this world famous animator appeared in 1928. Who are we talking about? (About Walt Disney.)

13. Who was the first Walt Disney film about? (Mickey Mouse film "Steamboat Willie".)


Here he is, the winner! You will be the driver's assistant. Get the whistle! Whistle and start the train. In places! Go! We are approaching the station "Velichikino".

Station "Velichikino"


Let's remember what they called someone in cartoons.

1. Name a space pirate from the Mystery of the Third Planet cartoon. (Veselchak U.)

2. Who is the owner of the magic lamp? (Aladdin.)

3. What was the name of the doctor who treated with eggnog and chocolate? (Aibolit.)

4. Name friend Aha. (Oh.)

5. What was the name of the smallest gnome? (Vasya.)

6. Who was invited to dig potatoes? (Antoshka.)

7. What is the name of the most famous brownie. (Kuzya.)

8. What is the name of the monkey with which the girl Vera was friends? (Anfisa.)

9. What was the name of the captain of the yacht "Trouble"? (Vrungel.)

10. Who is always in a hurry to help? (Chip and Dale.)

11. Who in the cartoon based on the tale of Charles Perrault is called the headdress? ( Little Red Riding Hood.)

12. What was the name of the boa constrictor from the cartoon "Mowgli"? (Kaa.)


Who answered most correctly among us? Here's a little red riding hood for you - you'll be a dispatcher. Where is the driver's assistant? Why doesn't he whistle? Attention! Go! Shouldn't we sing a funny song? (The phonogram "Songs of Friends" sounds to the verse of S. Mikhalkov "We are going, going, going to distant lands ...", the children sing along.) Here is the station "Sostavaykino".



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Station "Sostavaykino"


Let's split into two teams. Now each player from the first team will receive a strip of paper on which a part of the phrase from the cartoon is written. The rest of the phrase will be with someone from the other team. Who will be quicker to make a two-part phrase?

Fast music sounds. Children make up phrases.


1. "We built, we built, and finally we built."

2. "I am a poet, my name is Tsvetik, from me to all of you greetings."

3. "And in parrots, I am the mountain-a-azdo longer!"

4. "Owl, open up, the bear has come!"

5. And here we indulge in buns. "

6. "Eat, daughter, dietary egg."

7. “We are of the same blood! You and me!"

8. "The bird talker is distinguished by intelligence and ingenuity."

9. "I have a thought, and I think it."

10. "I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud, I am not a bear at all."

11. "This is an Indian national hut, called a wigwam."

12. "Guys, let's live together!"

13. "Well, Chumadan, wait a minute!"

14. "I live like a toadstool, but I want to fly."


Who is our fastest and smartest? You will be the controllers of our train. Here are the bandages on the sleeves. Check if we have any "hares" on the train. It's time to move on. Tu-tu! Go! (Music.)

Station "Vybiraikino"


Here is Vybiraikino. Guys, do you know well the new Russian cartoons about heroes? I am asking about this for a reason, because now we will focus on them. I will ask you questions and offer you three possible answers, you just need to choose the correct one.


1. What did the Serpent Gorynych not know how to do from the cartoon "Dobrynya Nikitich"?

a) fly; +
b) spitting fire;
c) lie.

2. What was the name of the messenger, the disciple of Dobrynya?

a) Ivan;
b) Kolyvan;
c) Elisha. +

3. In what "gambling" game did the merchant Kolyvan beat the heroes of the cartoon "Dobrynya Nikitich"?

a) in cards;
b) lotto; +
c) chess.

4. What kind of "miracle horse", which does not need to be fed, did the messenger Elisey get to Dobryna Nikitich?

a) the humpbacked skate;
b) donkey;
c) camel. +

5. Who went on a hike with Alyosha Popovich in the cartoon "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent"?

a) mothers and nannies;
b) grandfather, woman and Ryaba chicken;
c) grandfather, grandmother and bride Lyubava. +

6. What gift did Alyosha Popovich receive from the hero Svyatogor?

a) a talking horse;
b) a heroic sword; +
c) running boots.

7. What phrase did the talking horse of Alyosha Popovich Julius often repeat?

8. What popular wisdom was especially appreciated by the hero Ilya?

a) signs; +
b) proverbs and sayings;
c) jokes.

9. What was the magic power of the horse of Ilya Muromets?

a) in the bridle;
b) in the mane; +
c) in the hooves.

10. Who did the merchant Krivzha turn into in the cartoon "Prince Vladimir"?

a) into a hare;
b) a wolf;
c) into a bear. +


Who turned out to be the best connoisseur of new Russian cartoons? He will become an important head of our train, and shoulder straps on his shoulders! (Attaches shoulder straps with the inscription "the most important boss".) Chief, command the dispatch. Why isn't the assistant driver whistling? Go! Tu-tu! (Music.)

Station "Otgadaikino"


We arrived at the Otgadaikino station. I know that you all love solving riddles. This station is full of them. We listen and guess.

Riddles about cartoon characters, fairy tales:

Guess without a clue,
Who likes to climb everywhere?
Who sings songs merrily
And he loves sweet honey very much? (Winnie the Pooh.)

She is familiar to all children
And he lives in the forest with the dwarfs,
But not at all a sweet tooth.
Her name... (Snow White.)

Who doesn't want to be friends with anyone
And always delivers mail?
Who is the eternal grumbler in the village?
He is the postman. It... (Pechkin.)

He is a cheerful little boy
But not a bully at all.
I pulled the key out of the mud
Wooden... (Buratino.)

This beast of daredevils
Cunning brave men.
In a hat, with a saber in his hands
And in huge boots. (Puss in Boots.)

They don't know tired
They sing songs
Undoubted talents. (The Bremen Town Musicians.)

She was entrusted with "hello"
But there is no "hello" with her.
Lost - ah-ah-ah!
Who is this? Answer me! (Monkey.)

He dreams of a puppy
A friend flies into his window,
He is a guest of all Stockholm roofs,
And his name is ... (Kid.)

Who is faster than a monkey
Dashingly rides the vines
And screams pretty creepy.
Because you grew up in the jungle? (Mowgli.)

From mom's bedroom
Lame runs out
And wash everyone's filthy
Forces with water. (Moidodyr.)

Who turned green with longing,
I sang a sad song
That he wants to fly:
Got sick of the swamp? (Water.)

He is a friend of animals and children,
He is a living being
But such in this world
There are no more.
Because he is not a bird
Not a tiger cub, not a fox,
Not a kitten, not a puppy,
Not a wolf cub, not a groundhog.
But filmed for a movie
And known to everyone for a long time
This cute little face
And it's called .... (Cheburashka.)


Well done! All who answered correctly become honorary passengers of our train. There is only one station left, which we haven’t been to yet. Forward. (Music.) So we arrived. The station is called "Announcement".

Station "Objavayikino"


Think guys, which of the heroes of your favorite cartoons could say such words about themselves (or submit an ad in a fabulous newspaper)?


I am a very cute pig
I even seem to be a pig.
But an adult and a child know
That I am very faithful in friendship!
I will never leave my friend
I follow Pooh on his heels.
We are not afraid of rain or blizzard,
Not even the Heffalump himself. (Piglet.)

I live above all
On a sunny roof
There is my pretty little house.
For a cup of tea
I am inviting you -
Bring the jam with you. (Carlson.)

I'm not alone in the family -
The third, unlucky son.
Everyone who knows me
Calls him a fool.
I do not agree in any way -
I'm not a fool, but a kind person. (Ivan the fool.)

We decided to ride
With the breeze in the car.
They said the truth in the cartoon:
We ourselves created it.
After all, there is no such thing anywhere,
He drives on gas water! (Cog and Shpuntik.)

I'm an old woman anywhere:
And smart and young.
With me everywhere is a rat
By the name of Lariska. (Shapoklyak.)


So our multitravel ends. Now the locomotive will again take us to the station "Multyashkovo", from where we started our journey. Driver's assistant, blow the whistle! Dispatcher, announce the train departure! We all listen to the song and sing along.

The song "Merry Journey" to the melody "Songs of Friends" (see the minus one above).

We're going, we're going, we're going! And we all feel good!
The guys would like to ride more!
But time is already running out, it flies like an arrow,
And the fast train is ready to take home!


So we arrived again at the station "Multyashkovo". Here is the final test. Guess which cartoon these frames are from?

The presenter demonstrates illustrations or slides from cartoons, the children guess. The game ends with the presentation of prizes and watching a cartoon.

Valentina Krutakova
Quiz "Cartoon Connoisseurs" for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren

Equipment and materials:

Sweet prizes, medals for all participants, winner's medal quiz, tokens.

Course of the lesson:

(leading - educator)

Hello guys. Today we will play with you. Our game will not be simple, but intellectual. I invite you to take part in cartoon quiz... What do you think it is for quiz, what is it about? (children's answers).

I will ask you questions about cartoons, and you will answer questions quiz, receive tokens for correct answers. At the end quiz we will find outwho of you knows best cartoons and their heroes... The one with the most tokens among you will be the winner of our game, cartoon connoisseurwill receive a prize. And all participants will receive incentive prizes.

Questions quiz:

1. What were the names of three heroes from the famous Russian cartoon? (Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets, series cartoons about heroes).

2. What words did the cat Leopold say to mice? ( "Guys let's be friends!").

3. What is the name of Cheburashka's friend (Crocodile Gena).

4. In what cartoon the main characters - little people who are engaged in the repair of various kinds of equipment and technology? ( "Fixies").

5. What is the name cartoon, whose main character is called Masha, and different stories happen to her? ( "Masha and the Bear").

6. What was the name of the talking horse in the series cartoons about three heroes? (Julius).

7. Remember and name cartoonswith numbers in their names? ( "Three heroes on the distant shores", "Ali Baba and 40 robbers", "38 parrots", "12 months", "Flower - seven-flower", "101 dalmatians", "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs", "3 little pigs" and etc.).

8. In what cartoon 4 heroes - turtlesand they are all superheroes? ( "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles").

9. In this cartoon the main character is a superhero. He can rescue those in trouble, fight evil, climb walls, fly, weave a web. Going to the next business, he wears a special suit with an image of an insect, the name of this insect is also in the name cartoon. ("Spiderman").

10. What is the name of the fat mouse, who loves cheese, from cartoon"Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers"? (Rocky).

11. In a series of these cartoons metal structures turn into robots, come to life, perform different actions, fight against enemies. ( "Transformers").

12. What are the names of the heroes cartoon"Smeshariki"... (Losyash is an elk, Krosh is a hare, Hedgehog is a hedgehog, Nyusha is a pig, Barash is a lamb, Kopatych is a bear, Kar Karych is a crow, Sovunya is an owl).

13. What is the number of spotted puppies from the famous cartoon about dalmatians. ("101 dalmatians").

14. In what cartoon the father had 3 daughters, each of them asked the father to bring her a certain gift from the city? ( "The Scarlet Flower").

15. Name a famous (and loved by your parents as a child) cartoon about the wolf and the hare. ("Wait for it").

16. In this cartoon the main character is a veterinarian doctor. He treated animals, reached the sick on an eagle, on a whale, etc. ( "Dr. Aibolit".)

17. What are the specialties of people who come up with and make cartoons? (screenwriter, director, artist - multiplier, voiced by their actors).

18. In this cartoon the main character is green, with a large head and belly. He fell in love with Princess Theona, married her, lived in a palace, and helped Theona rule the country. ( "Shrek").

19. In this cartoon protein throughout cartoon was looking for a nut. ("Ice Age").

20. The protagonist of this cartoon - boy, a man raised by the jungle and beasts. ( "Mowgli", "The jungle book").

21. In this cartoon, based on the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen, the evil queen bewitched her brother, separated him from his sister. The little sister searched for him for a long time, went through a series of tests, was able to find her brother and melt the ice (shards of ice, mirrors) in his heart. ( "The Snow Queen").

22. In this cartoon the action takes place during the life of cavemen. According to the plot, it was many, many millions of years ago. ( "The Croods").

23. In what cartoon the horse turned into a magic horse and fulfilled wishes, helped its master? ( "The Little Humpbacked Horse").

24. What is the name of the hero who asked the fish to fulfill wishes, saying such the words: "By the pike's command, at my will"... (Emelya from cartoon"By magic").

25. In what cartoon junior the king's son threw an arrow into the swamp? What is the name cartoon and the name of the king's youngest son... ("Ivan from cartoon"Princess Frog").

26. What is it called cartoonin which the main character is a turtle named Selly? ( "Move your flippers").

27. The heroine of this cartoon lost her gold shoe at the ball. What is this cartoon and what was the name of the main character? (Cinderella from the same name cartoon) .

28. What was the name of the big black cat - the panther from cartoon about Mowgli? (Bagheera).

29. How many sons are in fairy tales and cartoons visit my father? (3 sons, usually the eldest is a smart fellow, the middle one is so and so, junior is a fool).

30. In what cartoon heroes - animals of Africa? ( "Madagascar").

31. What heroes pulled the vegetable in the garden? ( "Turnip", heroes: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse).

32. In this cartoon the grandfather and the woman had trouble - the mouse broke a golden egg, which it touched with its tail, dropping it to the floor. ( "Ryaba Chicken")

33. The protagonist of this cartoon - a wooden boy, cut out of log by Pope Carlo. What was this boy's name? (Pinocchio, "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino").

34. In a series of these cartoons various stories are shown, which contain warnings, instructive and informative stories. The host of these stories is a superhero. State his first and last name. (Arkady Parovozov and the same name animated series) .

35. Remember and name the plasticine cartoons. ("Last year's snow was falling", "Plasticine crow", screensaver "GOOG night kids").

36. What are the names of children's TV channels on which cartoons? ("Children's", Disney, "Carousel").

37. What is the name of the most famous American multiplierwho gave the world Scrooge McDuck and other famous mulheroes? (Walt Disney).

38. Who was the artist - multiplier beloved Soviet cartoon"Wait for it?" (Kotenochkin).

39. What are the heroes of the Soviet cartoon singing a songlying on the sand, with in words: "I lie in the sun, I look at the sun, I lie and lie, and I don't look at the lion cub ..."? ( cartoon"Lion Cub and Turtle").

40. What is the name of a bear who loved to eat honey, was friends with Piglet, sang the song "I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud, I am not a bear at all, how good it is for me, a cloud, to fly across the sky." (Winnie the Pooh from cartoon"Winnie the Pooh and everything - everything - everything").

41. This insect is a girl. She walked around the field and found some money, bought a samovar for it and had a tea party. One of the guests, a mosquito, saved her from a spider. Who is it about and what is it called cartoon? (The main character is a fly, cartoon"Fly Tsokotukha").

42. In what American cartoon king's wifeafter drinking a magic potion turns into a bear? ( "Brave").

43. The heroes of this cartoon - donkey, rooster, dog, cat were driven out by the owners. They all set off to travel wherever they looked. This cartoon was filmed based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. ( "The Bremen Town Musicians").

44. In what cartoon the cat was able to deceive the cannibal, eat him, impersonate the subject of the Marquis Carabas? ( "Puss in Boots").

45. Remember and name the name cartoon, in which the main character is a little girl who emerged from a seed, with whom various adventures and incidents: she was stolen by toads, she lived in a hole with a mouse, she was almost married to a mole. A swallow saved her and took her to the land of elves. ( "Thumbelina").

46. \u200b\u200bIn which cartoons and fairy tales there was a wicked stepmother, her 2 daughters, a stepdaughter? ( "12 months", "Cinderella", "Morozko").

47. What time is the carriage in one of the cartoons turned into a pumpkin, coachmen into mice, and a gorgeous dress into rags? (At 12 o'clock, cartoon"Cinderella").

48. In this cartoon the hero hatched from an egg. He was not like all the birds in the yard, he was ugly and "Ugly"... Over time, he turned into a beautiful bird - a swan, everyone admired him. What is this cartoon? ("Ugly duck").

49. The main characters of this cartoon - pigs, each of whom built a house for themselves. What was the name of the piglets and what is it cartoon? (Nif Nif, Naf Naf, Nuf Nuf, cartoon"Three piglets").

50. What cartoon hero flew to us from the moon? (Luntik from cartoon"Luntik and his friends").

51. What are the words wolf from cartoon"Wait for it"shouted to the hare when the hare deceived him? ( “Well, hare! Wait for it!").

52. In what cartoon was Uncle Fedor one of the main characters? ( "Adventures in Prostokvashino").

53. What are the names of the heroes cartoon"Luntik and his friends"... (Luntik, caterpillars Vupsen and Pupsen, Pchelenok is a little bee, Mila is a ladybug, Kuzya is a grasshopper, Uncle Shnyuk is a spider, Baba Kapa is a big old bee, Deda Sher, Shershulya is a hornet, Roots Korneevich is a worm), Ellina is a butterfly ...

54. A fabulous man with a propeller on his back. (Carlson).

55. What is Carlson's favorite delicacy? (jam, buns).

56. In what city did Dunno live with friends? (In Flower City).

57. What are the names of the dogs that flew into space? Russian cartoonists filmed the cartoon of the same name. (Belka and Strelka).

58. What was the name of the housewives who lived in the apartment of the girl Masha? (Kuzya and Nafanya).

59. What was the name of the postman from cartoon about Prostokvashino? (Postman Pechkin, Igor Ivanovich).

60. In what cartoon did the monkey and the parrot measure the length of the boa constrictor? (38 parrots).

61. What animal did the Viking tame? (Dragon's cartoon"Train your dragon").

62. From what cartoon these words: "Let's be afraid together?"? (Of cartoon"Kitten named Woof").

63. The largest animal of cartoon"Ice Age". (mammoth).

64. What did the cat Matroskin call his cow? (Murka).

65. What color was Malvina's hair from cartoon about the golden key? (purple).

66. Who got Winnie the Pooh stuck in the doorway? (at the rabbit, when l left the guests, overeating honey).

67. What was the name of the sea princess - the little mermaid from cartoon"Mermaid"? (Ariel).

68. What a hero cartoon about Prostokvashino filmed animals from a photographic gun? (dog Sharik).

69. The boy is an onion. (Chippolino from cartoon"The Adventures of Cipollino").

Lesson summary:

So ours has come to an end quiz... You were all great, answered questions well quiz, gave examples, helped each other. I see you know and love cartoons and you know their heroes... Let's count the number of tokens you earned. The one with the most of them wins the game, he is the best cartoon connoisseur(awarding)... Keep on looking further cartoons, you can draw your own, develop your interest, vision, memory. Bye.

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