Household items that need to be cleaned every day. Body cleansing: when is it needed and how to do it correctly

Few people like to wash the bathroom and toilet, but the question of how to clean the toilet regularly arises from housewives. After all, this plumbing product is most polluted due to many factors. In addition to its main purpose, and, accordingly, staining with feces, rusty and dark stains, limescale often appear on the inner surface of the toilet, microbes accumulate and multiply under the rim.

To simplify the cleaning process, you need to understand how to properly wash the toilet, and how you can clean it quickly and efficiently. Moreover, in addition to store-bought cleaning products, you can use a variety of homemade tools that can cope with the task of cleaning no worse than expensive powders and liquids. It is also important to know how to prevent the appearance of dirt, which will help to always keep it clean.

Reasons for the appearance of deposits on the surface of the toilet

Before you figure out how and how to clean the toilet bowl from stone and plaque, you need to understand why it gets dirty so quickly and often. Moreover, ugly dirty tracks appear not only under the rim and on free surfaces, but even where there is always a certain level of water. There are several reasons for the appearance of deposits:

  1. Hard water. It is its composition, which is supplied to houses and apartments, that affects what color the inner surface of the plumbing becomes. Even if the water seems clear there, the ceramics gradually turn yellow and red.
  2. Rust. Poor water quality can cause rusty streaks to build up on your plumbing. As a rule, they arise if the pipes have not been changed or cleaned for a long time, and it is difficult and long to wash them out.
  3. Urinary stone. The composition of human urine and faeces also influences the color of the inside of the toilet. Thorough flushing after itself and regular cleaning of the plumbing will minimize this contamination, but over time it will still show up.

The reason for the permanent appearance of dirty marks can be the use of metal brushes or coarse abrasives, which scratch the surface of the faience and provoke deposits in these scratches. It is better to use a strong detergent, but apply it with a soft brush.

Hello, friends. In this tutorial I will show you how to clean your computer from junk and unnecessary files. It's no secret that all the rubbish that is on our computers does not bring any benefit to our system, and in some cases, on the contrary, it can cause the computer to slow down and various glitches.

Let me show you how you can clean your computer from junk and unnecessary files in a few simple steps.

Cleaning the Registry and deleting unnecessary files

Using the free CCLEANER program, we can remove a huge amount of junk. Download the latest version from the official website:

Install CCleaner program and run it. Go to the Registry tab, make sure all the check boxes under Registry integrity installed and after that click Search for problems.

After a few seconds, all unnecessary entries will be found. To clean them, click Fix and in the window that opens Fix marked.

Now open the first tab - Cleaning. Here you can see which checkboxes are in the section Windows and Applications... I usually leave everything by default and click Analyze.

Upon completion, we see a list of all files ( trash) that you can delete. Their size is also indicated (almost 1 gigabyte). Click Cleanup to delete the whole thing.

System Disk Cleanup: TEMP folders, Disk Cleanup

On the way to the next step, we need clear TEMP folders, in which temporary files are stored, and perform "Disk Cleanup", which allows you to clean your computer from unnecessary files using standard system tools. Some functions have already been performed by the CCLEANER program, but I assure you a manual check will not be superfluous!

Open the Computer section, then the system drive (C :) and the following folders: Windows - TEMP.

The contents of the TEMP folder can be completely deleted. This is where temporary files are stored and are of no use. If errors appear, for example, " These files are used", then we just click" Skip all. "Usually it is impossible to delete the minimum number of files!

Windows has another temporary folder and the easiest way to get to it is the following way. Click Start and enter% TEMP% in the search bar. The Temp folder appears in the found.

In Windows 8 and 10, search can be launched with a keyboard shortcut WIN + Q.

You need to open the found folder and clear the contents!

After clearing the TEMP folders, do not forget to "clean up disk" using standard system tools. To do this, right-click on the system disk and select "Properties".

On the General tab, there is a Disk Cleanup button. We press it to analyze unnecessary files.

After a couple of minutes, the program will offer to delete a certain number of files. We set all the checkboxes and click "OK".

If you recently updated the system, then in this window you will see an additional button "".

Click it to delete the temporary files that were downloaded to update Windows.

Important! If you have little space on the system partition, then I advise you to read my lesson:. There I told 10 cool tricks for cleaning the system disk

Scanning your computer for viruses: Dr.Web CureIt

One of the important steps in cleaning your computer from unnecessary files - this is of course the same. To do this, you don't need a utility from Doctor Web! Download the latest version from the official website.

Start Dr.Web CureIt ( does not require installation) and after accepting the agreement, click "Continue" and "Start verification".

The system will be scanned for malware in about 15 minutes. If viruses are found, the program will offer to neutralize them.

Removing old and unnecessary files is not enough to clean your computer. Don't forget about autoloading, which can also get clogged with various rubbish!

We return to the previously installed CCleaner program and go to the "" section. Here we will see all the programs that run with the computer. I advise you to select unnecessary software and click the "Turn off" button.

I refer to unnecessary software as all programs that are not used immediately after turning on the computer. They can be started manually when needed.

Removing unnecessary programs. 2 ways

If you decide clean your computer from junk, then many programs can become unnecessary if you just think about how often we use them? Some users install everything in their system without hesitation. It's time to analyze the software and clean your computer of unnecessary programs.

This can be done, for example, using standard system tools by going to Start - Control Panel - Uninstall a program.

After starting Revo Uninstaller, you will also see a list of all programs and clicking on any of them calls the "Uninstall" function.

But here, immediately after removing the program, we are offered to search for the remaining traces. Select "Moderate Search" and click "Next".

The remaining items in the registry will be found first. Select what is indicated in bold and press "Delete".

And at the next step, the program will find the remaining files and folders. They also need to be selected and click "Delete".

Removing duplicates

From time to time, the same files may appear on your hard drive. Today you downloaded the movie, and six months later you forgot about it and downloaded it again, you download music, then you lose it, you upload pictures from your phone to your computer several times. All this leads to the accumulation of duplicates on the computer.

It is very difficult to manually search for identical files, so let's use a special program.

We return to the already familiar CCleaner program and open the Service section, the Search for duplicates tab. There are many different parameters here that you can customize to suit your needs. For example, I am not configuring anything, I just press "Find".

After a few minutes, the search for duplicate files will be completed. After carefully studying, I see that I have a couple of identical videos on my computer that you can safely delete.

I am not going into details here, because the program found a lot of files and it takes a lot of time to analyze it to remove all the junk. But I think the essence of this function is clear!

Up to this point, we figured out how to clean the computer from garbage in Windows itself, using standard and third-party programs. But don't forget that the computer and laptop also need to be cleaned from the inside.

Do not forget to look inside the system unit at least once a year and clean it from dust, as well as apply new thermal paste to the processor. Monitoring the temperature of components will also not be superfluous. On this topic, I advise you to read my tutorial:. Using the knowledge gained, you will know if your device is overheating or not!

Now you know how to clean your computer from unnecessary files, junk and programs. That's all, thanks for your attention, I wish you good luck!

The main cause of most diseases is slagging of the body. Various harmful substances are deposited and, accumulating, provoke malaise, frequent colds, drowsiness and excessive fatigue.

To directly prevent such unpleasant phenomena, regular cleaning of the body should be carried out. Experts recommend paying attention, first of all, to the intestines. After all, it is through it that various harmful substances penetrate inside. Many people do not really want to go to the doctor and think about how to quickly and effectively cleanse the intestines at home.

In fact, in cleansing the intestines, three main stages can be distinguished: food regulation, the use of enemas and sorbents, and the colonization of healthy flora. One or more of the following symptoms indicate the need for bowel cleansing:

  • bad smears;
  • white coating on the tongue and bad breath;
  • violation of the correct regulation of the intestine (there is no stool for 1-2 days);
  • general lethargy, weakness, visible lack of sleep and fatigue on the face;
  • problem skin on the neck, chin, around the mouth.

Read more about the steps and methods of bowel cleansing below.

A few words about the dangers of toxins

Before proceeding with cleaning, you need to understand the essence of the problem.

A very slagged intestine can contain up to 25 kilograms of slag stones. Such formations gradually decompose, releasing decay products, called toxins, which subsequently enter the blood. In turn, the blood carries all substances throughout the body. Once in tissues and organs, toxins provoke the occurrence of dangerous diseases.

In addition, growths form in the polluted intestines, lumps of mucus and mold appear. For this reason, any person who wants to maintain their own health and prolong youthfulness needs to know how to properly cleanse the intestines and follow the right techniques.

This article describes effective ways that you can not only cleanse your intestines without leaving your home, but also lose weight. During cleaning, you need to take care of your teeth and the entire oral cavity, avoid unnecessary bacteria, fungi, infection through unwashed food.

General rules for direct bowel cleansing at home

  1. Balanced diet. The diet must include fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs. Honey is also very useful.
  2. Limiting the use of fatty, flour and sweet foods.
  3. Eat fish and lean meat at least once a week.
  4. In food, you should observe the measure. Practice fractional meals 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  5. Drink plain clean water every day (at least two liters). Melt water has a healing effect. Mineral and sparkling water can be used only as a supplement to the above two liters, but not replace them.
  6. Do not provide procedures for temporary or permanent discomfort. These include pain during menstruation, toothache and others, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Each more or less serious cleansing of the body should begin with the large intestine. It will not be superfluous to use an enema or a monitoring procedure for cleaning the intestines.

The proper functioning of the intestines can be achieved with the help of an infusion of oats. To prepare such a product, you need to pour ground oats with water and insist for three to four hours.

A good cleanser is a mixture of carrots and spinach: during the day you need to consume a mixture of 300 grams of carrot juice and 200 grams of spinach.

The best way to solve constipation problems is to eat foods containing protein, as well as yogurt and kefir.
Video: bowel cleansing

Products, means and preparations for bowel cleansing

What do you eat during bowel cleansing?

  • Broccoli
  • Beetroot
  • Spinach
  • Apples (green and red)
  • Berries (blueberries, gooseberries, lingonberries, strawberries and raspberries)
  • Avocado
  • Flax seeds
  • Celery seed
  • Grapefruit
  • Legumes
  • Cress
  • Aloe vera
  • Lemon
  • Fruit juice
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Garlic
  • Green tea

What should NOT be eaten during a bowel cleanse?

  • Oil
  • Cottage cheese
  • Meat (pork, beef, sausages, sausages, deli meats, veal, fish, canned meat)
  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettes
  • Cakes
  • Bakery products
  • Biscuit
  • Sugar
  • Ice cream
  • Sour cream
  • Mayonnaise
  • Steak sauce
  • Salad dressings
  • Chocolate
  • Ketchup
  • Non-alcoholic or energy drinks
  • Nuts

# 1 Bowel cleansing with apples

To improve the condition of the body, you can spend a fasting day on fresh fruits. They will need at least 2 kilograms. During the day, you need to eat only apples, herbal tea and mineral water can be an addition. It is recommended to organize a similar method of bowel cleansing once a month.

# 2 Cleansing with porridge

Porridge provides an opportunity to remove all excess from the body (food debris, fecal stones). In addition, this use of such a dish helps to strengthen the walls of the entire gastrointestinal tract and even heals their damage. A good porridge can be prepared according to the following recipe. You need to take equal parts of rice and oats, the total amount of which should be 1 cup. After washing all this, you need to cook the porridge, if necessary, you can salt it. Do not add oil.

Cereal porridge is a good cleansing agent. It is necessary in the evening to prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. flax seed, the same amount of bran and 3 tbsp. "Hercules", fill it with warm water. In the morning, you can add honey, dried fruits, nuts to taste and eat porridge on an empty stomach.

# 3 Cleaning with decoctions

Take a tablespoon of coltsfoot and hops, add a couple of tablespoons of calendula. Brew with a glass of boiling water.

# 4 Bran cleansing

Carrying out this cleansing course is quite long. Its duration will be one month. You need to take two tablespoons of bran three times every day before meals. Drink the bran with plain clean water. By the way, this way you can not only cleanse the intestines well, but also reduce weight.

# 5 Colon hydrotherapy with salt solution

It is necessary to prepare a saline solution of the correct consistency. Put 1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water. For an hour and a half you need to drink 10-12 glasses of such a solution. The liquid will have a powerful laxative effect. All harmful substances will quickly come out.

It is recommended to drink the salty solution until it comes out as clean as it was originally. There is a certain nuance: the water should be slightly saltier than blood. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved. This cleaning is best done in the morning on an empty stomach. After completing the procedure, a light breakfast is allowed. Porridge, vegetables or fruits will do.

# 6 Peeling with vegetables

Organize a vegetable fasting day. You need to eat 2 kilograms of vegetables. Any other products are excluded entirely. You can drink it with still mineral water.

Better on this day to eat vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, bell peppers. The addition of greens and green apples is allowed. This option is also perfect for cleansing the stomach, which is closely related to the intestines.

An excellent option would be a vegetable salad made from the listed ingredients. You can salt it and season it with vegetable oil.

# 7 Cleansing with an enema

With poor analyzes, the use of enemas is necessary. Better to do them early in the morning. The temperature of the liquid should be 30-35 degrees.
Enema can be done using Esmarch's mug. It is commercially available; if necessary, such a device can be bought at a pharmacy. The body should be filled with at least 2 liters of water.

Today there are different recipes for enemas that can be used. But it will be quite enough to carry out the usual procedure using simple heated water.

Some people decide at once for a whole series of procedures. For example, three to four enemas are given with water in one week. However, some experts do not recommend this intensity, as it leads to the leaching of beneficial bacteria from the body.

# 8 Fresh cleaning

Cleansing should be carried out no more than 1 time per month. You can make peaches, apples, or citrus juices. Throughout the day, you should drink at least two liters of juice (of course, in several doses). You can't eat anything. In addition to fresh, it is allowed to drink water (mineral water without gas and ordinary clean).

This method also helps a lot, including to conduct. Keep in mind that your gut is functionally strongly connected to your liver. Therefore, it is advisable to clean them together.

# 9 Cleansing with dried fruits

You need to take 300 grams of dried apricots, figs and prunes. Grind everything and mix with aloe (100 gr.) And honey (100 gr.). You will get a very healthy and tasty mass. You need to eat a few tablespoons of this mixture twice a day. The duration of the course is only 10 days. During this period, you must drink plenty of water. The mass can be stored in the refrigerator.

# 10 Cleaning with juices and kefir

On the first day of cleaning, you should do an enema on an empty stomach. Then, until the evening, drink only kefir. You can eat a small slice of Borodino bread. In the morning of the second day, also give an enema. After that, you need to drink various freshly squeezed juices. The third day is dedicated to a separate vegetarian diet (only vegetables, fruits, juices, herbs). This method of treatment can be used once a month.

# 11 Cleansing with flax seeds

A tablespoon of flax seeds should be boiled in a liter of water for 20 minutes. Then cool the broth, add a couple of tablespoons of mustard oil (1 tsp mustard powder, mix thoroughly with 200 grams of olive oil). Introduce the agent into the intestines in the evening using Esmarch's mug.

On the second day, the volume of the cleansing enema should be increased by half a liter. The third day - 2 liters. water, two tablespoons of flaxseed, the same amount of mustard oil. On the fourth day, you should take a break. Then you need to repeat the three-day cleaning and again organize a break of 1 day.

# 12 Cleaning with fir water

Treatment solution: pour 500 gr. boiling water 2 handfuls of fir needles, let it brew for half an hour under the lid. After that, the infusion must be filtered and taken in an enema. It should be warm, not hot. The agent must be kept in the body for 3 minutes.

The course of treatment lasts a week. First, you should use half a liter of infusion, on the second day - 1 liter, the third - a break. On the fourth day - one and a half liters of infusion, then a two-day break. Seventh day - 2 liters (maximum dose). Re-cleaning with fir water is carried out again in a month, then you need to add it for a month, gradually increasing the interval between cleaning to six months.

# 13 Using sorbents

Sorbents are classified as medicines, so it is wiser to take them with the permission of the doctor, increasing the fluid intake by not yet half a liter per day. The course of treatment with their use should not exceed 2 weeks.

The following sorbents are usually used: polysorb, silikogel, activated carbon, enterosgel, and others.

7 Day Natural Colon Detox Diet Plan for Complete Detoxification

Due to numerous requests from our readers, LadyWow magazine together with a dietitian have drawn up a weekly bowel cleansing diet plan for its complete detoxification. The plan is presented in the form of a table below.

Explanation of the table:

  • Drink as much clean drinking water as possible throughout the day;
  • The “Snack” column in the table means that if you are hungry between meals, you can take a snack.
  • Very important! ONLY on the first day at 7 am, mix 2 tablespoons of unrefined sea salt (do not use table salt) with 250 ml of warm water. Drink this solution. After drinking salt water, you may feel headache, nausea and even vomiting after about 1 hour - after all, salt water removes all toxins. Since this process is fast, you will start going to the toilet more often.

Table: 7 Day Natural Colon Detox Diet Plan for Complete Colon Detoxification

Day Breakfast (8.00) Lunch (13.00) Dinner (19.00) Snack (between meals)
Day N1 1 glass of freshly squeezed vegetable juice + 1 avocado + half a glass of raspberries. 1 bowl of stewed vegetables + a cup of mashed vegetable soup 1 small banana + half a cup of raspberries + one apple. 1/2 cup raspberries + 1 apple
Day N2 1 glass of fresh apple juice, as it flushes out all toxins, stimulates intestinal motility and improves the general condition of the digestive system + 1 bowl of green salad. 1 green apple + 1 cup of raspberries + 1 cup of fresh carrot juice (no sugar) + 1 plate of chopped green leafy vegetables. 1/4 avocado + 1/2 cup mango (or pineapple) + 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper + 1 cup blueberries + 1/2 kiwi. 1 medium cucumber (eat it raw) + 1 cup freshly squeezed juice
Day N3 1 cup raspberries + 1 pear + 1 cup pineapple + 1 teaspoon flax seeds. 1 bowl of fresh vegetable soup + 1/2 avocado + 1 orange + 3 celery stalks. 1 banana + 1 cup raspberries + 1 tablespoon flaxseed + 1/2 cup steamed broccoli 1 apple + 1/2 cup cooked green beans.
Day N4 Eat a plate of green salad made from: peas, spinach, broccoli + 1 apple + 1 cucumber + 2 carrots. 1 apple + 1 cucumber + 1 bunch of celery + 1 teaspoon of ginger + 1/2 bowl of spinach. 1 glass of water + 1 cup of hot vegetable soup + 5-6 broccoli sprouts + 1 raw carrot. 1 cup raspberries + some prunes This will help you flush out toxins from the colon.
Day N5 Consume 1/2 papaya fruit + 1/2 banana + 2 tablespoons of flaxseed (ground). 1 cucumber + 1 handful of cilantro + 1 tomato + 1 raw medium beet. 1 cup fresh orange juice + 1 cup berries + 1/2 cup steamed brown rice (boil) Drink a glass of water before bed. 1 banana + 1 small apple.
Day N6 Add 1 tablespoon of flaxseed (finely ground) to 1 cup of water. Stir well and drink. After 30 minutes, eat a fresh green apple, not a red one. Next, eat a plate of green lettuce. Drink a glass of freshly prepared vegetable juice (any) + eat a plate of raw vegetables + 1 fruit (any) after 10 minutes. Prepare flaxseed infusion (1 tablespoon of flaxseed powder in a glass of water) and drink it 30 minutes before dinner. Then, after 30 minutes, eat a plate of green salad or hot vegetable soup. 1 avocado + 1 cup raspberries.
Day N7 1/4 cup spinach + 1 banana + 1 cup blueberries + 1 tbsp a spoonful of flaxseed. 1 pear + 1 glass of grapes + 1 pomegranate + 1/2 beets + 1/2 carrots. Eat 1 cup stewed cabbage + 1/4 cup green peas + 1/2 cup broccoli + 1 cup raspberries. 1 apple + 1 cup of green grapes.

Prevention of slagging for pregnant women

It is necessary to think about the correct and, most importantly, careful cleansing of the body during the period when they begin to plan pregnancy and during its course. There are many different techniques, up to the most radical ones that require medical control. This article will provide information on gentle and gentle ways to cleanse your intestines at home.

To prevent slagging, pregnant women should not eat:

  • fatty foods;
  • cocoa and any of its derivatives (chocolate butter, candy, chocolate);
  • excessively salty, sour, spicy;
  • mushrooms;
  • fresh yeast products;
  • peas;
  • pastries with lots of butter cream.

It is good for pregnant women to eat the following foods:

  1. vegetables (especially cucumbers and potatoes);
  2. fruits: apples, pears, etc.;
  3. berries: cherries, grapes, cherries, etc.;
  4. milk products;
  5. lean meat, fresh fish;
  6. dried apricots, raisins, prunes;
  7. dried fruits compote.


With proper nutrition with a cleansed intestine, both a pregnant woman and an ordinary woman will feel lightness, notice an improvement in the condition of the skin, sleep, and feel a surge of strength and vivacity.

Any of these methods of cleansing the intestines at home have their advantages. It is wiser to give your preference to such a technique, the use of which will bring the least discomfort. If the intestines are cleaned regularly, then all processes will normalize, good health and an attractive appearance are guaranteed.

Regular cleaning of your washing machine will not only keep it looking its best, but also keep it running efficiently. The fact is that washing machines tend to accumulate:

  • Fungus and mold in the sealing gum and, accordingly, the appearance of unpleasant odors;
  • Scale on the heating element;
  • Residues of powder, rinse aid and other additives inside the machine;
  • Dirt and small things in the drain pump filter;
  • Rust and sand in the filter in the inlet hose.

Therefore, over time, you may notice that your clothes (especially light-colored ones) after washing have ceased to shine cleanly, as they were before. And external dirt that quickly covers the door, countertop and protruding parts of the car spoil the view of the room.

How often do you need to clean the washing machine from scale and dirt? Optimally - once every 2-3 months. If you have a pet at home or you often wash woolen things in a typewriter, then major cleaning should be done more often.

From this material you will learn how to properly clean the washing machine in the complex, namely:

  • How to clean the drum of the washing machine, and most importantly - the heating element;
  • How to clean a pump in a washing machine (drain filter);
  • How to clean the tray and powder receiving compartment;
  • How to clean the inlet hose filter;
  • How to remove external dirt on the car body and door.

And at the end of the article you will find some tips for the prevention and care of your helper.

Step-by-step instruction

Well, shall we begin? To make the instructions clear, we decided to test the theory in practice and cleaned the Bosch washing machine. Looking ahead, we present you a photo of the result.

Step 1. Cleaning the drum and heating element of the washing machine from scale

At the first stage, we need to clean the inside of the machine, namely, remove mineral deposits on the heating element and drum. How to descale a washing machine? The secret of all methods is simple and the same:

Since scale consists of magnesium and calcium salts, it is necessary to act on it with organic or inorganic acids. What acids are there in every home and are they worth nothing? That's right, ordinary vinegar or citric acid.

Method 1. How to clean a washing machine with vinegar and soda

You will need:

  • 2 cups alcoholic white vinegar (preferred) or regular vinegar 9%
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Sponge with a hard side.

To get a 9% bite, we diluted 70% acetic acid essence with water in a ratio of 7: 1

What should be done:

Combine baking soda and water in a small bowl, add the baking soda mixture to your machine's detergent tray, and pour the vinegar into the drum. Run the machine idling at the highest temperature and for the longest time.

Method 2. How to clean a washing machine with citric acid

Cleaning your washing machine with citric acid is even easier.

You will need:

  • 1-6 packs of citric acid. How much citric acid to pour depends on the volume of the washing machine and the degree of its pollution.

What should be done:

Add citric acid powder to the laundry detergent compartment. Run the machine at the maximum temperature and operating time.

How much citric acid to pour - 1, 2 or 6 packs at once, depends on the volume of the washing machine and the degree of its pollution

Step 2. Cleaning the cuff (sealing gum)

Hooray! The machine has finished self-cleaning and we can start washing the sealing gum. This dark and humid place loves to accumulate dirt and mold, so it must be especially carefully cleaned. This can be done with any cleaning agent, such as Pemolux or soda. If you see too much mold, which also exudes a strong unpleasant odor, then take a more powerful remedy, for example, Domestos, Duckling, Komet (pictured) or Whiteness. But keep in mind that it is too often undesirable to use chlorine-containing products, otherwise it threatens rubber deformation.

What should be done:

Apply a little of your chosen product to a damp cloth or sponge, gently pull the rubber towards you and wipe the metal part of the case.

Also remember to clean the rubber cuff itself in the same way.

Most of the dirt accumulates in the lower part of the hatch, but its entire circumference should be cleaned.

Be careful not to pull the rubber too hard to avoid damage. Finally, wipe the entire cuff clean with a damp cloth.

Step 3. Clean the tray (container / tray / dispenser)

Find the instruction manual for your machine at home or on the Internet for instructions on how to remove the detergent dispenser. Most often, you can do this like this:

  • Pull the tray out until it stops. If you see that a blue / blue part is built into its middle compartment (in modern Bosch, Samsung, Veko, etc.) typewriters, then you need to press it and pull it with force while supporting the container itself.

  • If there is no blue / blue part in the tray of your typewriter (this is often how trays in Indesit typewriters are arranged), then you just need to pull the tray towards you and down, then slowly pull it out completely to the right and left.

As soon as you take out the tray, most likely, you will see the following picture - powder residues have accumulated in its compartment. Dispose of these build-ups with any cleaning agent and wipe the compartment clean. Keep in mind that this must be done carefully so as not to damage the rubber tube.

It was not easy to clean the powder compartment, as there were a lot of hard-to-reach places, small protruding parts and depressions covered with rust. We deliberately did not bring the result to the ideal, this work is too laborious. But you can do it more cunningly: generously sprinkle all the walls of the compartment with a cleaning agent from a spray bottle, leave the plaque to soak for a couple of hours, and only then start manually cleaning.

  • A mixture of vinegar and soda;
  • Pemolux and other household chemicals;
  • A mixture of hot water, vinegar and baking soda.

Cover the container with the agent of your choice and leave / soak it for 30 minutes, or preferably a couple of hours.

Next, start cleaning it with a sponge and a toothbrush (it is especially needed for cleaning hard-to-reach places). Finally, remove any leftover products, wipe the tray dry and insert it back (most often you just need to insert it into the compartment and close it).

  • If you have a dishwasher, you can wash the tray in it. The rust may not go away completely, but it will be much easier to remove it after cleaning in the dishwasher.

Step 4. Cleaning the washing machine filter (drain pump)

It's time to clean the drain pump filter. If you run the filter hard, the machine will sooner or later refuse to drain the water, because of which it will go up and may break out. Fortunately, cleaning your washing machine filter is very easy.

You will need:

  • A container that is suitable for height, for example, a baking sheet in an oven.
  • Towel or rag.
  • A flat screwdriver or any solid flat tool (if needed).

What should be done:

  1. Open access to the filter, which is usually located at the bottom of the case.
  • In some models of washing machines, the filter is simply covered with a small panel. If this is your case, then you can open it, if necessary, pry it with a flat screwdriver as shown in one of the following photos.

  1. So, you see a closed filter. Before unscrewing the lid, lay a towel on the floor and place a container under the drain to collect water (in our case, it seemed superfluous). Please note that up to half a liter can pour out!

The pallet in our case turned out to be superfluous, since water was pouring completely past it. Therefore, we released the liquid directly onto the towel, periodically turning it over, while opening and closing the lid.

  1. Unscrew the lid counterclockwise and remove all accumulated debris and dirt from the hole: it can be coins, hair, wool, toothpicks and other trifles.

As you can see in the photo, in our case there was very little debris in the filter.

  1. Wipe the hole, close it, and reinstall the decoration panel.

Step 5. Cleaning the water inlet filter

In addition to the drain pump filter, each washing machine has another filter - this is the inlet hose filter. Over time, this filter becomes clogged with rust and sand, then a failure occurs - the machine refuses to wash and reports that water intake is not possible.

  • If all the previous procedures need to be carried out regularly, then the stage of cleaning the filter in the inlet hose can be carried out less often, for example, once every six months.

You will need:

  • An old toothbrush;
  • Pliers or pliers.

What should be done:

  1. Turn off the cold water tap to the washing machine (required!).
  2. Turn the machine around to access the rear. At the top right of the case, you will see the inlet hose.
  3. Unscrew the hose nut counterclockwise. Look inside the hole, see a small filter with a mesh? Remove it with pliers or pliers.
  4. Clean the filter in water with a toothbrush;
  5. Replace the filter and screw the inlet hose clockwise tightly.
  6. Open the access of cold water to the machine by turning the corresponding tap.

When you're done, you can also wipe down the back of the machine, then unfold it and put it back in its usual place.

Step 6. Clean the case and door

Well, that's all, the inside of the car is clean and ready to go! You just have to bring out the external beauty: wipe the control panel (especially the protruding buttons), wash the door from the inside and out, wipe the top and side panels.

And a little about prevention

  • Use just as much powder, bleach and conditioner as you really need (see the manufacturer's instructions). After all, excess detergents do not enhance the result, but simply settle and accumulate inside the washing machine.
  • Always remove small items from pockets to avoid clogging the drain filter.
  • Try not to delay starting the machine if you have already thrown dirty things into the drum. Well, take out clean things immediately after washing and send them to dry.
  • Try to keep the machine open at all times to prevent mold from building up in the machine.

The health of every person depends on how well his body can cope with harmful substances that have entered the body. Latent dangers threaten from all sides. Harmful substances are hidden in prescription and non-prescription drugs, food additives, polluted air, processed products, and it is almost impossible for a resident of the modern world to avoid them. Liver works her best to protect her person from the adverse conditions of the world around her, and a little friendly help won't hurt her. But how to do that?

What is the liver and why is it so important

Most of the harmful substances enter the human body through ingestion and inhalation. Others pass through the skin, while still others come from bacteria or are released by dying cells. It helps to get rid of these harmful substances liver, the largest gland in the human body. It breaks down harmful substances and removes them from the blood before they can have a significant effect on the body. But liver not only filters and purifies the blood, it also metabolizes nutrients and drugs to provide the body with some of the most important proteins for its function. Therefore, it is so important to keep healthy liver and do not subject it to undue stress. But exactly liver puffed over a stormy weekend. She works around the clock to process fatty foods, neutralize alcohol and compensate for haphazard medication. It is not surprising that it works for wear and tear.

Signs your liver needs a cleanse

If a person has one or more of the following symptoms, it means that they liver can no longer operate at full capacity and needs purgee. And if there are five or more symptoms, you need to see a doctor, and the sooner the better.

Heartburn, belching, nausea, bitterness in the mouth

High blood pressure

Increased irritability, anxiety, anxiety, depression

Chronic fatigue

Slow metabolism, inability to lose weight

Skin that is too oily or too dry, acne, poor wound and scratch healing, bruising

Fortunately, liverand you can help make money again. If, with a moderate number of symptoms, apply cleansing the liver at home, you can feel better in just a couple of weeks.

Preparing to cleanse the liver at home

It is believed to clean liver it is necessary at least once a year, and in case of "unplanned" deterioration of work liverand more often. However, this procedure is not easy - to cleansing the liver you need to prepare properly.

Visit doctor. Although at first glance it seems that the procedure cleansing the liver completely safe and harmless, it is not. Some of the recipes offered by traditional medicine cannot be used for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, diabetes, and the development of acute inflammatory diseases. It is also not recommended to carry out liver cleansing during treatment for infectious diseases (including colds). Therefore, before purgeoh, you should contact the official medicine, check for blood levels liverintramural enzymes, do an ultrasound scan and undergo all examinations prescribed by a doctor.

If there are contraindications to purgeno, you can safely start preparing.

Diet. All week before cleansing the liver it is necessary to adhere to a special diet that contributes to the restoration of functions liverand. The first step is to remove the following foods from the diet: white bread, sugar, salt, spicy, fried and fatty foods. You should completely eliminate alcohol and stop smoking. What can you eat? Vegetable soups, white meat (poultry and fish), cereals, vegetables and fruits with a low content of fatty acids (bananas). You can use honey instead of sugar with tea. Drink freshly squeezed juices, especially vegetable juices. When determining the list of permitted and prohibited foods, you can use diets called "table number 5" or "table number 7"; they are prescribed for those suffering from diseases liverand patients.

Of course, at first it will be hard to get used to plentiful, but unleavened food, but then the person will be rewarded with a feeling of unprecedented lightness in the whole body and a surge of vivacity. This is a sign that the body is ready for the coming cleanse the liver.

Purgation. A couple of days before the start purgeand liverand you should proceed to an equally important part - purgee intestines. Preferably before starting purgeand drink a laxative, make a course of cleansing enemas. Also, an enema is done after the end purgeand liverand in order to efficiently and quickly remove the withdrawn from liverand substances.

Ways to cleanse the liver at home

One of the most common problems of a modern person is stagnation of bile in the intrahepatic ducts, which can cause an increase liverand in size and even diseases such as fatty hepatosis and liver fibrosis. Therefore, the main goal in cleansing the liver is to normalize the flow of bile so that harmful substances are quickly removed from the body.

Folk remedies for cleansing the liver at home

Liver cleansing with the help of medicinal herbs. In folk medicine for liver cleaning herbs that have a choleretic effect are used - these are burdock and dandelion roots and milk thistle seeds. Although there are many myths surrounding milk thistle, there are laboratory studies that prove that milk thistle (aka milk thistle) helps with liver health and is free of side effects. Animal experiments have shown that silymarin, the active ingredient in milk thistle, protects the liver from damage. Milk thistle is also known to reduce liver inflammation, and turmeric extract protects it from damage. However, the lack of clinical data hinders the prescription of these drugs in mainstream medicine.

Milk thistle for purgeand the liver is used in two forms - seed oil and oil cake remaining after extraction, or meal. To cleanse the bile ducts of the liver, a person takes 2.5 tablespoons of milk thistle oil, lies on his right side and heats the left upper quadrant of the abdomen with a heating pad for a couple of hours.

To reduce the likelihood of bile stagnation, milk thistle meal and oil can be consumed every day before meals if desired.

Also on the shelves of pharmacies you can find choleretic preparations - ready-made mixtures of medicinal herbs that have choleretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. They can be used for liver diseases. As a rule, such collections include sandy immortelle, yarrow, peppermint, coriander, chamomile, marigolds and tansy.

Cleansing the liver with the help of magnesia (magnesium sulfate). In addition to a laxative, magnesium also has a choleretic effect. For purgeand the liver is taken powder of magnesia, 1 tbsp. l. the drug is dissolved in half a glass of water and drunk on an empty stomach. Then the person lies down on their right side and places a heating pad on the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. You need to lie down for at least one and a half hours (which can be difficult, since the laxative effect of magnesia is quite strong). This procedure - taking choleretic drugs with simultaneous warming up of the liver area - is widely used in official medicine and is called "tyubage".

Attention! In the presence of gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, with inflammation of the pancreas, it is dangerous to warm up the liver - you can provoke internal bleeding, which can even lead to death.

Liver cleansing using mineral water. The easiest way purgeand liver - buy a few bottles of mineral water with a choleretic effect. Since most of the mineral waters on the shelves are carbonated, this gas is for purgeand the liver must be released; for this, the bottle cap is unscrewed and left to stand for several hours until the gas has completely disappeared. When the preliminary preparations are made, the actual purgeand.

A person lies down on his right side, puts a warm heating pad on the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and drinks a glass of mineral water heated to 40 °. You need to drink at least three glasses with a break of half an hour.

Cleansing the liver with oats. One of the favorite traditional medicine - liver cleansing using a decoction of whole grains of oats. It is prepared as follows: a glass of oats is poured with a liter of hot water and infused for 10-12 hours in a warm place (you can put a pot of broth in the oven, or you can use a thermos). To enhance the effect, you can add a teaspoon of chopped lingonberry leaves, birch buds or rose hips to oats. After the broth is filtered through a fine-mesh sieve or gauze and taken two to three times a day, half a glass before meals. Nice addition to about purgee liver oat broth - a wonderful complexion.

Liver cleansing olive oil and lemon juice. One of the most popular ways to cleanse the liver - and perhaps the most unpleasant. For cleaning, take half a glass of extra virgin olive oil (or cheaper oil - flaxseed, sunflower or corn) and half a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice. A person lies down on his right side, takes a heating pad and every 15-20 minutes drinks one tablespoon of the mass and one tablespoon of juice. All liquid must be drunk within one and a half to two hours. After that, you need to go to the toilet, and if you don't feel like it, you should apply an enema.

Great doubts about the effectiveness of this method are caused by the statements of many traditional healers that the formations coming out of the intestines are gallstones. In fact, it is just a substance formed in the intestines from oleic acid under the influence of lemon juice. If desired, the same stones can be created independentabout the means at hand. Whether it is worth doing with your own hands growing incomprehensible formations in your intestines is up to you to decide.

Cleansing the liver with a radish. The old Russian way of cleansing the liver has not yet lost its effectiveness. For him, 10 kg of radish are taken, the vegetables are washed and, without removing the peel, are scrolled through a meat grinder. The resulting gruel is squeezed out, the result should be about three liters of juice. The juice is stored in the refrigerator and a tablespoon of juice is drunk each time before meals. Radish juice shows the best results in combination with the diet described in the preparation section.

Liver cleansing using beets. To cleanse the liver using this method, you should prepare in advance a special liquid - beet kvass. To do this, you need to take several large beets, cut them into cubes and place them in a three-liter bottle. Add a few tablespoons of flour, 500 g of sugar there, close tightly and leave in a dark room for two days. Then you should add 700 g of raisins, 4 cups of sugar, half a glass of water to the bottle and leave to ferment for a week. The contents of the vessel must be mixed regularly, every day. The resulting liquid is taken half an hour before meals three times a day.

For a full course of liver cleansing using beet kvass, three liters of the drink are required. It works great when combined with physical activity, especially running. With diabetes, you should not use it.

Should you take supplements when cleaning your liver at home?

In recent years, the market has been flooded with biologically active substances that supposedly can cleanse the liver and remove all "toxins" and "toxins" from it. Supplement manufacturers often state that their product must be taken daily for the liver to function properly.

True, doubts are raised by the fact that during certification, manufacturers of dietary supplements are only required to prove the safety of their product for humans and whether the conditions for its manufacture comply with sanitary standards. The question of the effectiveness of the drug itself is simply not raised. The composition of dietary supplements, the degree of their purity, the strength of the impact - all this is not controlled in any way. The instructions accompanying the dietary supplement, as a rule, indicate the method and dose of application, but almost nothing is said about the active substance.

In the best cases, the study involved the main medicinal substance, but by no means the complex effect of all the substances contained in the supplement. Sometimes it happens that they can even interfere with the assimilation of each other by the human body.

Whether it is worth taking these same dietary supplements every day to maintain liver health, whether to limit oneself to a one-time intake after the excesses allowed on the eve - the question remains open. And, most importantly, it is not known how dietary supplements will affect an already diseased liver.

Prevention of liver diseases

Liver cleansing - not a panacea; it alone is not enough for liver health. To prevent the occurrence of liver disease, you should also observe the following preventive rules.

Do not abuse alcohol, stop smoking. And this and that negatively affects the cells of the liver and can even lead to its diseases.

Try not to gain weight. To maintain a healthy body (and the norm, according to nutritionists, is a body mass index from 18 to 25), you need to eat right, eat semi-finished foods, fatty, fried and sweet foods in moderation, and exercise. Obesity poses an increased risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Avoid situations in which you can get viral hepatitis. This includes both drug use and unprotected sex with casual sex partners. It is also undesirable to get tattoos in tattoo parlors, where there may be doubts about the quality of the paint.

Consider possible risk factors. If a person in the family had relatives who suffered from liver disease, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations. Often, hereditary liver diseases wait for years without causing the slightest symptoms before they unfold in full force.

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