Search for people on skype without registration. How to find someone on skype: basic techniques for working with search and contacts

Novice users (or even experienced PC owners) may come across a seemingly unusual Skype interface. How to find a person here, even if he gave his nickname? We explain in detail the different methods below.

How to find a person in Skype - add a new contact

  • To add a new person to your list of friends, communicate with him via voice, video communication, or text messages, go to the “Contacts” menu, which is located in the second tab from the top, immediately after the “Skype” item.
  • Inside “Contacts”, hover the mouse cursor over the first sub-item of the “Add contact” list, in the pop-up menu, click “Search in the directory”. This action moves the blinking cursor to the search bar, where you will need to enter the information about the person that you know (name, city, phone, email or nickname in the service itself).
  • Depending on the accuracy of the query, the search result can be extensive or precise. Select the desired user from the resulting list with the results, click on his nickname, in a new window (in the middle), click on the big blue button “Add to contact list”.
  • In the small window entitled “Request subscriber data”, you should leave an indication of who you are (so that the person will quickly recognize you and add you to the list of friends), or leave a standard greeting.
  • Click "Send" and wait for the user to enter the program and see the request.
  • To speed up adding to friends, you can notify a friend of your desire through another service, by email or in social networks. Until the recipient of the greeting accepts your request, their account will always be “Offline” (even if the person is online). This precaution guarantees users more security and privacy.

Some of the nuances in using the program will help you find the right people faster, work more efficiently with Skype. As mentioned above, the program can produce many results for your request, with the same names and place of residence. If you cannot decide which of them is the desired subscriber, just right-click on the most suitable nickname and select the item "Personal data" from the menu.

It is easy to find additional information here that will allow you to find out if the person you are looking for is in front of you, or should you look further. Be sure to fill out your Skype profile to make it easier for your friends to find you.

The program also makes it possible to add friend requests automatically. To install this feature, go to “Options” (gear sign) and select “Add automatically”.

How to find someone on Skype by phone number

It is extremely convenient to communicate with users whose phone number you know. Thanks to him, you can be in touch even when the person does not log into Skype. To find a subscriber in Skype by phone and create a contact for him, go to the “Contacts” menu, then select the “Create contact with phone number” command. Dial the number here, save it and you're done - it's easy to contact your friend from anywhere in the world.

An interesting fact - even if a person does not have Skype, he can be invited to chat through this program. To do this, go to “Contacts” -\u003e “All” and select “Invite friends to Skype”.

We are looking for a person in Skype by name, surname, phone number, city and country. Add a person as a friend. Let's find out why sometimes there are problems with finding people.

How do I find a contact on Skype? Many users are asking this question. Let's discuss how to find a new contact on Skype. It's very simple. But first of all, it should be said that if the program does not find contacts, then you need to update it. Thus, the problem will be solved. Also, if the application does not search for contacts of people, the problem may be that the account has not been online for more than three days. In this case, it will not be displayed in the search results. So how do you search for contacts?

However, as you can see, just a name is not enough, as it will be very difficult to switch to the desired person in this long list.

How do I find someone on Skype by first and last name? You just need to enter this data into the window.

Finding a person by last name in the new Skype is easy. Enter the last name into the window and immediately see the result.

Now all that remains is to wait for the user to confirm that you are his friend.

And here is a video tutorial on how to find friends on Skype.

So, we figured out how to search for people on Skype. So you can find your old acquaintances, friends, colleagues. But not everyone wants to look for acquaintances - many want to make new acquaintances. It is helpful to expand your social circle sometimes. Especially for those who are often online and love to communicate.

Search by phone number

Let's take a look at how to find someone on Skype by phone number.

In fact, unfortunately, this cannot be done in the new version of the program.

If the digits of the number are not present in the login or email address, then it is unlikely that you will be able to find someone.

However, try searching by phone number in search engines, such as Yandex and Google. Perhaps in the contacts, where the phone number will be indicated, there will be a Skype login, the name or surname by which it will be possible to reach the desired acquaintance.

If you enter a phone number in the search box, you are unlikely to find anyone.

It's not a fact that the right person will be found, but you can try. In the old version of Skype, there was a special search by phone number, there you could find a person more likely.

Search by city

How to find a person on Skype by city, which is known? In the new version, this is also problematic. Try to search the Internet using known data search engines - data for searching in Skype - first and last name, Skype login or email address.

Search by country

To find a person by country, try the algorithm already described above. Looking for contact details through search engines.

Search problems

But some users have unexpected problems. For example, people cannot understand why they are not looking for contacts.

This is most likely due to the fact that an old version of the program is installed. Therefore, if you understand: I cannot find a person, you should install the new version. This has already been discussed earlier. How do I know a person's Skype when the search isn't working? That's right, no way. Therefore, you need to act if you want to find the "address" of the desired acquaintance. Moreover, the problem is solved very easily.

Many people are interested in whether there is an advanced search in Skype. People want to use just such a search, because it is very convenient. So that you can search on Skype around the city, for example. The bitter truth is that today it is only available in the old version of the program. In the new one, the advanced search is not provided. But we need to be glad that there is at least such a search for people on Skype. Finding a person is more difficult, of course, but still possible. Finding Skype users like this is better than nothing. But if you have previously used the old version, then it will probably be difficult for you to get used to such inconveniences. It remains to be seen why the developers made such a search for subscribers. And if some problems still arise with him, then it becomes generally offensive. For example, search results may not load. But we've already looked at why people search doesn't work in Skype. You already know what to do in this situation. It will not be superfluous to note that there is a program for finding contacts in Skype. It is called VKSkypes... It is very convenient to use it, you can try it.

Who is online?

How can I find people online in Skype? You just need to look into your contacts and see who has a green icon opposite the name. It means that a person online.

You can also use the service, which helps you search for users online ( Find online Skype users) worldwide. Also, using this service, you can find new friends on Skype.

Now you know how to find people on Skype who are online. It's not difficult at all. But the main thing is that you learned how to find people in Skype and add them as friends. And whether they are online or not is not so important. You can find a user, add him, and chat with him later when he comes. The person may be busy.


Try to find the address of an old friend you haven't spoken to for a long time. He may be looking for you too, but cannot find you. In general, Skype exchange is a good thing. You just need to do this in advance.

Want to see friends of friends? Be aware that this is not possible on Skype. Only by cunning and workarounds can you get this information.

How to find a person in Skype if you have just registered and still have not really figured out the settings of this application? Compared to previous versions of the program, the search function has been greatly simplified, and if earlier in the process a lot of windows were opened, now everything happens in a more ergonomic workspace. Depending on what information you know about a person, there are several ways to find friends.

How to find a person on Skype by login, first name and last name

Search by first and last name:

  • Open the app and go to the "Contacts" section.
  • In the list that appears, click "Add contact".
  • Select the "Search Skype Directory" option.
  • After these steps, a small search box will appear on the screen, in which you can enter the last name and first name of your friend, relative or new colleague.
  • If the surname is common, then finding a person on Skype will be quite difficult, and given that not all users put a real photo in their profile, there can be a lot of results.
  • In order to narrow the query, you can try to specify the country and city of residence, but remember that a person could provide false information about himself, or not add it at all. Therefore, you should try a variety of options for finding contacts in Skype.

The most correct way in this case is to search by login, knowing the real data of your friend. By entering a person's nickname into the line, you will see a significantly reduced list of users, from which it will not be difficult to choose the required surname or first name.

After you have found the interlocutor, you should add him to the list of contacts - for this, click on his name and select the appropriate inscription. After the contact details of the subscriber are requested, the person will receive a notification from you and accept your application.

How to find someone on Skype via social networks

If you are an active user of social networks, then this method will be very useful. It will allow you to import the data of all friends who have a Skype login in their profile. To do this, run the "Import contacts" command and wait for the download to complete.

After the program will offer to go to one of the social networks and the software will begin to analyze the list of your friends. All found people can be added to the address book. Since this function is fully automated, you are unlikely to have any problems with it.

Many Internet users are familiar with a program called Skype. This is a convenient messenger with which users can not only exchange messages and files, but also make video calls. Novice users of the program often think about how to find a person on Skype. Next, we will try to understand this issue. The task at hand is elementary. It is easy to master even for novice computer users.

Search methods

How do I find someone on Skype? There are several options that can help you achieve your goal. The algorithm of actions will change depending on the chosen layout.

Today you can add contacts to Skype:

  • by confirming the add request;
  • through the quick search bar;
  • using the Skype directory.

In addition, in the implementation of the task, users can use various data. Namely:

  • surname and first name;
  • phone number;
  • the age of the user;
  • city \u200b\u200band country where the interlocutor lives.

Another way to answer the question of how to find someone on Skype is to use Facebook search. This layout is rarely used. Therefore, we will not focus on it.

Search the directory

Finding a person on Skype by last name can be problematic. Especially if the user has no more information about the friend. Nevertheless, a person can use the surname when searching for interlocutors through the built-in directory.

To do this, you have to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Log in to Skype using your username and password.
  2. Go to the "Contacts" menu. It is located at the top of the application window.
  3. Select "Add contact ...".
  4. Click on the line "From the Skype directory ...".

Now the user has to specify the data about the person he wants to add as a friend. How do I find someone on Skype by phone number? You can simply indicate the appropriate combination in the appeared window of the reference book and click on the "Find" button.

By filling out the information search request form, the user will start scanning Skype data. After processing the request, the user will be shown all contacts that match the specified data. Now you just need to select the desired interlocutor and click on the "Add to contact list" button in the messaging log.

Quick search

But this is only one of the possible scenarios for the development of events. How do I find someone by their first and last name on Skype? If the previously proposed algorithm of actions did not satisfy the user, he can go the other way. For example, use the quick search bar.

Under such circumstances, you have to act like this:

  1. Go to the messenger using your name.
  2. Above the list of contacts, click on the button with the plus image and the person's profile.
  3. In the line that appears, write the last name and first name of the user. You can type here a nickname or phone number, which will be used to search for the interlocutor.
  4. Select with the cursor the contact you want to add as a friend. The search results will appear in place of the Skype contact list.
  5. Click on "Add to list ...".

Search among recent friends

How do I find someone on Skype? We have already familiarized ourselves with the main options for implementing the task. You can find a person among recent interlocutors. This technique is almost never used in practice.

To use it, a person will need:

  1. Open Skype window.
  2. Click on the "Recent Conversations" button. It is located above the contact list.
  3. In the appeared field, find this or that interlocutor yourself. The choice will be limited to a few previous conversations.

Social networks to help

How do I find someone on Skype? The next trick is to find friends on Facebook. The method almost never occurs in practice among Russian users, but it is necessary to know about it.

Instructions for bringing the idea to life will be as follows:

  1. Enter the messenger.
  2. Go along the path "Contacts" - "Add" - "Search on Facebook".
  3. Log in to Facebook.
  4. See a list of friends you can add.
  5. Click on the nickname of the selected person.
  6. Click on the profile picture with "+". This option is responsible for adding to friends.

Now it is clear how to find a person on Skype and add him to your contact list. Best of all, the search is carried out through the nickname of the interlocutor.

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