Disabling Protect protection in Yandex Browser. How to remove Search protect from Windows OS

Computer security experts call the Search here toolbar a "browser hijacker". And, of course, not unreasonably. The application is distributed through spam mailings and free software installers. It is installed on a PC “quietly” without asking the user whether he actually needs his “services” or not.

Search here is written in all installed browsers as an extension. As a rule, it "lives" in the C / Users / / AppData / Roaming / directory in the "DefaultTab" folder.

Changes the home page ("search results" is displayed instead of the string for queries from Google or Yandex). It also monitors the actions of the computer owner in the process of Internet surfing, collects personal information (visited sites, cookies, targeted requests, etc.), redirects to malicious sites.

It is definitely necessary to get rid of such a "search engine". And the faster the better. Who knows what "surprises" he can bring. Logins, passwords, credit card numbers - all this may end up in the possession of the creators of the malicious toolbar.

To remove search here, follow these steps.

Cleaning the operating system

First of all, before restoring browser settings, try to completely remove the application from the OS.

It is advisable to perform this procedure using Revo Uninstaller or a similar utility designed to remove programs. Since it is equipped with a "deep cleaning" function: it removes all files and registry entries related to the intrusive toolbar.

  1. Run Revo Uninstaller.
  2. Check the installed software directory, especially the New Programs (recently installed) section, for suspicious applications. In most cases, Search here is disguised as DefaultTab and DefaultTab Chrome (a separate "solution" for Google Chrome).
  3. Click on the icon with this name with the right mouse button. Select "Delete" from the menu.
  4. Wait for the system analysis to complete, select the Advanced scan mode and click Scan.
  5. Next, Revo Uninstaller will offer to remove all files and registry keys remaining after removal Search here. Agree with the recommendations of the utility, mark all found items and click the "Delete" button.

In the absence of special software for uninstalling applications, use the standard Windows tools:

1. Open "Start" then "Control Panel".
2. Click on "Uninstall a program" (section "Programs").
3. Find the “DefaultTab” icon in the list of programs. Select it with a mouse click (left button).

4. Click "Uninstall / Change" in the top menu.

Restore options in browsers

Internet Explorer

1. From the "Tools" menu, select "Add-Ins".
2. In the "View and manage IE add-ons" window, click the "Toolbars ..." option.

3. In the list of connected extensions find "DefaultTab Browser Helper" (this is the search here!). Right-click on its name and activate the "Delete" item.
4. Close the window, go back to the "Tools" menu. Go to Internet Options.
5. In the "Home" section ("General" tab), remove the link to the "Search here" service. Enter the address of a trusted search engine (for example, google.com or yandex.ru).
6. Click "Apply" and "OK" (buttons are located at the bottom of the window).
7. Restart IE. The toolbar should disappear.


1. From the Tools menu, open Add-ons.
2. Activate the "Extensions" tab.

3. Opposite the extension named "Default Tab" (as well as other suspicious extensions), click the "Remove" button.
4. Restart Firefox.
5. In "Tools" (section of the main menu) click "Settings".
6. In the subsection "General", in the "Home page" option, remove the link to "Search here" (if any). Enter the address of a trusted search engine.
Tip for advanced users! To quickly restore FF settings, you can use the special SearhReset extension.

Google chrome

1. Select "Settings" from the browser menu.
2. Activate the "Extensions" section by clicking the mouse.
3. Click the "Trash" icon opposite the "Default Tab Chrome" extension (the name may vary).
4. Go to the "Settings" section (on the same page).
5. In the "Initial group" block, click the "add" function.

6. Move the cursor over the "Search here" link. Click the cross icon and then OK.
7. In the "Search" block, click the "Manage search engines" button. In the same way, remove all third-party links, leaving only the address of the search engine used.
8. Click Finish.
9. Restart Google Chrome.

Preventing Windows after removing a toolbar

Having adjusted the work of the browsers, clear the file system and the Windows registry with the CCleaner program (it will clear the cache, Internet browsers, and remove software "junk" from their directories). And then check your PC for viruses with a special curing utility - (for example, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or Dr.Web CureIt!)

All the best and enjoy your PC!

This article will tell you what and how to do to remove Search Protect from your computer (in some cases, the virus is called XTab). In the process, we will use a special scanner program that will significantly simplify the search and cleaning of the system from the threat. Before we start, I offer a little help to figure out what we are dealing with.

general information

Search Protect is an application that is most often installed via downloaders: you download something, and when you start it, you do not pay attention to hidden items marked with checkmarks (most often they are also well hidden from view), as a result of which you get one or a dozen "advertising" programs. SP is one of them.

It replaces the start pages (and sometimes in several ways at once, for reliability) with its own, in order to display additional advertising. This software belongs to the category of AdWare - malicious ad modules, so it can be ignored by many antiviruses. they are aimed at fighting a different type of threat.

In its earlier versions, when clicking on the Search Protect icon in the tray, nothing happened, only the inscription "Click to configure" appeared. But now the creators have added a window with options, actually allowing you to choose a default search engine. Still, there's no need to keep it on your computer.

Primary removal

First, let's remove the program in the usual way:

1. Start → Control Panel → Programs and Features (For and above).

Start → Control Panel → Add or Remove Programs (For Windows XP).

2. Find Search Protect in the list, right-click on it and select "Delete".

3. Select "Continue uninstall".

4. Put a checkmark in front of the item "Revert to my original settings". Click "Uninstall".

This is the ideal scenario. It will only have to scan the system for traces of work, but now the start pages of the browsers have returned to normal, and the application itself has been removed. Now let's consider the possible "BUT".

Can't uninstall through Programs and Features

In this case you need to run the uninstall.exe file yourself (With administrator rights) from the folder where Search Protect is installed. Most often, the virus is located at:

On 32-bit systems, the C: Program Files folder, and in it folders:

  • XTab or .XTab;
  • Conduit;
  • SearchProtect;
  • MiuiTab;
In 64-bit systems, everything is the same, just look for C: Program Files (x86) (relevant for Windows 7 and Windows 8).

If there are no such folders, and it is not clear where to look, then go to the point of getting rid of traces: the program that we will use will tell you where the virus lies.

Start pages did not return

So, you removed the program, but after starting the browser, the picture remains the same. First of all, check the properties of the shortcuts from which the browser opens.

1. Right-click on the shortcut and select Properties.

2. Look at the "Object" field: if it contains any link starting with "http: //" or "www", then delete everything that comes after ".exe". Do the same for all browsers you use.

If the shortcuts are in order, then there is one option: manually delete the start pages. For detailed instructions on the example of Chrome, Firefox, Opera and IE, see.

Getting rid of traces

Step 1. Delete leftover files.

After installing the program, update the databases and click the "Start scan" button. After completion of work, you will see a list of found threats and their location.

If you have not removed Search Protect manually yet. did not know in which folder to look for uninstall.exe - now when you see where the main files are, first do this, and then repeat the MWB scan, and only then use it to delete what remains.

Send all files to Quarantine, then restart your computer.

Step 2. Returning start pages.

The program works with 3 browsers:
  • Google Chrome;
  • Internet Explorer;
  • Mozilla Firefox;
For Opera and other products, alas, you have to do everything manually (the link to the article with instructions was already mentioned above).


Unlike its counterparts, Search Protect can be easily removed from the system, without particularly trying to gain a foothold in it. The only problem that requires manual verification is the "Object" field in the properties of browser shortcuts. All the rest of the work can be entrusted to the uninstaller and scanner program.

Everyone knows that the Internet today brings many threats to users of modern computer systems. From there come viruses and worms, keyloggers and advertisers, spies, and even browser hijackers. Let's dwell on one of these. This is the Chrome Search virus. Not every user knows what it is, so questions often arise related to its removal. Let's try to figure out what's what.

Chrome Search: what is it?

In general, virus threats of this type are usually classified as hijackers of Internet browsers. And it doesn't matter which one is installed in the system or is used by default. The worm is embedded in all programs of this type and is almost an exact copy (even in terms of the interface) of threats like Delta Saerch, which work according to the same principle and are disguised as Google Search.

Chrome Search is a virus that is a small program in the form of an add-on (and often invisible in the browser) that replaces the search engine, making it difficult and sometimes even impossible to work on the World Wide Web. This happens due to constant redirects (redirects) to potentially dangerous sites or specific resources offering to purchase something. Not everyone knows how to remove Chrome Search completely, although, in principle, there is nothing complicated here.

System Impact and Internet Surfing

Now a few words about how the virus affects the system. Of course, there is no obvious threat in terms of modifying operating system files. However, if you take a closer look, you will find that the replaced search engine is able to track user queries on the web, as well as use personal information to transfer to third parties. And this is an extremely undesirable moment. The fact is that in most cases the user simply will not know that his name and surname, login or password will be used to commit illegal actions. And if the computer also stores card or account numbers with unencrypted codes, there is nothing to say. At one point, money may simply disappear. Therefore, now we will discuss how to remove Chrome Search. In principle, the proposed instruction is applicable to almost all threats of this type.

Preparing to uninstall

So, before us is the Chrome virus from the computer this malicious program? This is easy enough if you know what action to take.

Before starting to remove the virus directly, you should pay attention to several important points. First of all, if you notice the presence of a threat, you must immediately close all running browsers and stop downloads. The second condition is the forced termination of the process responsible for the operation of the virus.

To do this, go to the Task Manager either using the standard Ctrl + Alt + Del combination, or by typing taskmgr in the Run menu bar, and then find the desired name Chrome Search among the active processes and services. As already understood, you first need to terminate the process by performing a forced termination. Now you can start eliminating Chrome Search virus directly. How to remove this unwanted component from your computer will be shown below. The only thing that should please the majority of users is that the program itself is not hidden from the user, but, without hiding, is presented in the list of installed applications.

How do I remove Chrome Search from Control Panel?

So, since the virus does not even think of hiding from the eyes of the owner of the computer terminal, to begin with, we use the simplest standard method.

We go to the "Control Panel", where we select the section of programs and components (in the XP version this is the installation section and For convenience, we sort the installed applications by date, after which we find the Chrome Search program in the list. Now all that remains is to activate the standard uninstallation process and wait for it to finish.

Registry scan and browser actions

However, the solution to the problem, how to remove Chrome Search, is not limited to this. The fact is that the native Windows uninstaller is not particularly rich in capabilities. It is because of the negligence of this service that files and system registry keys that cannot be deleted from its point of view may remain in the system.

Now we need it. It is called by the regedit command, which is written in a special menu bar "Run" (Win + R). After entering the "Editor", immediately, just in case, you should create a backup copy using the export command from the file menu.

Now we use search so as not to search for what we need in all branches and not to waste time. To do this, press the keys Ctrl + F, and in the query field enter the combination Chrome Search (the search system can also be called from the main menu "File"). We delete all detected results immediately. Then, using the same type, you can search for residual files and folders in any file manager (for example, in the standard "Explorer"), but, as practice shows, in most cases this is not required. Well, perhaps, if the virus is too deep in the system, and the user did not pay attention to the change in the search bar and the start page in time.

Finally, one more important action. Launch the browser you are using and change the start page to either a blank (about: blank) or whatever you need. Further, if a shortcut is used to launch the browser, for example, located on the "Desktop", delete it, and then create a new one. It remains to check the system for performance. We reboot the system and look at the browser. If everything is fine, you can delete the previously created copy of the system registry, and instead create a copy already cleared of traces of the virus.

We save time and effort

In principle, you can act in a slightly different way to save time and effort: immediately after the appearance of the virus and activation in the system, you can restore the system from a checkpoint to an earlier state. In some cases, this procedure will help, but, mind you, this does not always work.

It's worth trying anyway. However, as practice shows, it is better to apply the above methods, but use more powerful third-party utilities rather than built-in Windows tools.

The iObit Uninstaller software package should be especially noted here. How do I uninstall Chrome Search using it? There are two options here. In the first case, the program first launches the built-in system uninstaller, and then searches for leftover objects, including files, folders and registry entries, after which it offers to remove all components, which, naturally, saves the user from having to perform actions in the editor. In the second option (if the virus program for some reason does not appear in the list of installed applications), the Forced Uninstall function is used. The application searches for non-displayed programs, and then performs the removal using its own uninstallation tools and subsequent search. But you still have to perform the actions with the browser.

What is Searches-poisk.ru?

Appearance on all web browsers shows that the browser hijacker has entered the computer. It is a computer infection that immediately changes the settings of all browsers. It sets itself up in such a way that it can be loaded when users open their browsers. This is actually not a typical browser hijacker that installs itself as the home page, search engine and new tab page. Usually users do not even see Searches-poisk.ru installed on their browsers because it immediately takes them to other third party pages or opens websites with advertisements, surveys, technical scams and similar unreliable content.

SpyHunter Anti-MalwarePlumbytes Anti-Malware

These redirects can be stopped just by going to implement Searches-poisk.ru removal, so don't wait any longer because nothing is going to change if you don't take action. This article will tell you more about Searches-poisk.ru and why this browser hijacker should be removed as soon as possible. In addition to this, more information about Searches-poisk.ru removal will be provided there, so read this text to the end.

What does Searches-poisk.ru do?

Searches-poisk.ru is a browser hijacker, as you already know, so you shouldn't find it shocking that it applies changes to Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox after it successfully logs in. After that, it starts redirecting people to suspicious pages and showing their advertisements. Leave these pages right away and do not click on the ads that you see, because you could download malicious software on your computer. Users who ignore what we are talking about should also be aware of the fact that their privacy may be violated also because they could be really dangerous websites that have the sole purpose of stealing personal information. You can make a promise to leave suspicious websites immediately, but honestly, this does not guarantee your safety. Thus, this should remove Searches-poisk.ru from your computer completely. You will only be safe when this browser hijacker is gone.

SpyHunter Anti-MalwarePlumbytes Anti-Malware

How is Searches-poisk.ru distributed?

I don't know much about the entry to Searches-poisk.ru, but it is very likely that it appeared on the computer because you recently installed software from the Internet. No, this application has not downloaded this browser hijacker on your computer. It is more likely that Searches-poisk.ru joined together with him in the same bundle. In other words, the grouping method was used to propagate it. This is not one infection that spreads in bundles, so go to install a legitimate anti-malware application to protect your computer. You need to do this next after you completely remove Searches-poisk.ru from your web browsers.

How to remove Searches-poisk.ru?

You can remove Searches-poisk.ru from browsers manually, but be prepared for some difficulties that may arise during the process. You can of course remove Searches-poisk.ru easier too. It's automatic. In this case, your one and only job is to install malware removal and scan your computer with it to erase all computer viruses lurking on it. An automatic tool will erase bad software from your system very quickly.

Find out how to remove Searches-poisk.ru from your computer

Searches-poisk.ru management

1. Step 1. Remove Searches-poisk.ru from your computer

1.1. Windows 8 & 10

Right-click in the lower left corner of the screen. IN quick access menu, press the button on control panels and then click on uninstall program

1.2. Windows 7

Go to Control Panel and click on uninstall program to uninstall software.

1.3. Windows XP

To find Control Panel in Settings, click the Start button. On control panels click the button Add or remove programs.

1.4. Mac OS x

Please select annexes in the menu and then find the Searches-poisk.ru application. Drag the app to trash or right click on it and select move to trash. Right click on the trash can icon and select empty trash.

2. Step 2. Remove Searches-poisk.ru from browser

2.1. Remove app from Internet Explorer

2.2. Restore Internet Explorer home page if it was changed by an application

2.3. Reset browser

2.4. Quit Google Chrome app

2.5. Reset Google Chrome home page and search engine

2.6. Reset Browser

2.7. Remove applications from Mozilla Firefox

2.8. Restore home page if changed

2.3. Reset browser

2.10. Remove apps from Safari (for Mac OS x)

2.11. Reset Safari

2.12. Remove Searches-poisk.ru from Microsoft Edge

Site Disclaimer

site is in no way linked, sponsored, owned or affiliated with any malware developers or distributors referenced in this article. We do not promote or support any kind of malware. Our aim is to provide information about potential computer threats so that users can safely detect and eliminate the malware. You can do so by following the manual removal guides or using anti-malware tool to aid you in the process.

The article is only meant for educational purposes. By using this website, you agree to the disclaimer. We do not guarantee that our removal guides will be able to solve your computer malware issues. Because malware changes constantly, manual removal does not always work.

Hello, friends! You know what the search Protect program? Do you know if it threatens the security of your computer? No? Then let's dwell in more detail and figure out what and how!

Search Protect Conduit (this is its full name) comes, like all malicious applications, mostly with free software. After you have installed a program downloaded from the Internet, Search Protect by Conduit copies its files to your computer.

The typical name of such a file is cltmng.exe... This file copies the key to the Windows 7 registry, so the application appears at system startup. You can see this process Windows Task Managerand Search Protect will hang in the tray.

What does this app do on? Its main task is to change the settings of your browser "for yourself" in such a way that you cannot open the site you need. You will be redirected to sites with prohibited content or viruses. It will also consume a considerable amount of memory, which will negatively affect the performance of your system.

How to uninstall Search Protect

To remove Search Protect from your computer, first open the Windows Task Manager. This can be done with a keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc... In the "Processes" tab, look for cltmg.exe and SPTool64.exe or SearchProtection.exe and click "End Process".

Now you need to search your computer for the following files:

  • cltmng.exe
  • SPTool64.exe
  • SPVC32.dll
  • SPVC32Loader.dll
  • SPVC64.dll
  • SPVC64Loader.dll

Open the explorer and enter each file in turn in the upper right corner. If the search engine finds them, then delete them.

Then check if Search Protect is in "installed programs". For this:

  1. Click on "Start".
  2. Open the "Control Panel".
  3. Go to the "Programs and Features" section.
  4. We are looking for in the list of programs " Search Protect by conduit"(Sometimes hiding under the name MiuiTab).
  5. Right click and select delete.

We look for the folder and delete:

  • C: \\ Program Files \\ searchprotect \\

To remove Search protect from the registry:

Search Protect removal on Windows 7 is coming to an end.

Now let's move on to browsers:

For Internet Explorer

  • Open IE, then go to Tools \u003e\u003e Add-ons Management.
  • Click on Toolbars and Extensions.
  • Remove all programs related to Search Protect.
  • Select the item "Search for suppliers" and click "Disable Offers".
  • From the menu "Service" \u003e\u003e "Internet", select the tab "General".
  • Enter “Google.com” or any site's default home page.
  • Click on the "OK" button.

For Mozilla Firefox

  • Open the browser and go to the "Service" \u003e\u003e "Add On" menu.
  • Select “Extensions” \u003e\u003e Search Protect and remove.
  • Reset Service Page Options \u003e\u003e
  • Change home page on Google.com.

For Google Chrome

  • Open Chrome and click Customize Icon.
  • We select "Functions" and one "Basic".
  • Change the Google.com home page.
  • Click on "Manage Search Engines".
  • Choose Google as your default search engine.

Changing the target line:

  1. Right-click on your browser icon.
  2. Open "Properties".
  3. Tab "Shortcut".
  4. We are looking for the line "Object".
  5. Delete everything written after .exe
  6. Click OK.

How to remove search protect? Resolved!

Now you know how to remove Search Protect manually and completely free of charge, how to remove the program from startup, registry and tray. I hope my article helped you with this and now your computer is not under the threat of malware. Safe Internet for you and fast processor work !!!

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