VKontakte settings: easily customize your page in steps. How to set up privacy in a contact

You can go to the "settings" section from any page of the VKontakte social network. In the menu on the left, select "Settings". This menu is always shown (not visible only when viewing photos), regardless of whose page you are on or in which section.

By default, the General section opens. The section is indicated at the top of the page as bookmarks.

"Additional services". The checkboxes here are those services or buttons that are shown in the menu on the left. If you uncheck the box, the button will immediately disappear, if added, it will appear. The number of functions depends on which groups you are subscribed to or which applications are running. The more active the user is, the more functions (that is, possible buttons) can be.

"Wall settings". If you check the box "Show only my posts", then only your posts will be shown on the main page ("My page"), the rest will disappear (those that are already there will also disappear). In the item "Disable commenting on entries", you can accordingly prohibit commenting on any entries on your page (but you can add entries).

"Change Password". To change the password, you must enter in the first field the password by which you enter your VKontakte page. In the next two fields, enter a new password (same password in both fields). The password must not match any of the previous passwords. After filling in all the fields, click the "Change password" button.

"E-mail address". In this section, as the name suggests, you can add your email address for various mailings, messages, notifications, notifications, and the like. So that the social network VKontakte reminds of itself everywhere and everywhere. Enter your email address and click the "Save address" button.

After that, you need to go to the specified mailbox and confirm the binding. The letter from "VKontakte" will contain a link that must be followed.

The next section is to change the phone number to which the page is linked. Press "change phone number", a window appears for entering the number. Enter your mobile number (10 digits, without a code +7 or other country code) and click "Get code".

An additional field for entering the code appears. The code comes to the phone within a few seconds, from the number +79087590365. The code is a five-digit number (at least at this time - September 4, 2014). Enter the code in the line with the inscription "Confirmation code" and click "Send code". If the code has not arrived, we send a request for another code sending to your phone - press the line “Send code again”.

This is a very rash point from my point of view. If you do not log out of your profile in an Internet cafe, for example, then anyone can link your profile to their phone.

"The security of your page." If you point to “just (Russia, Chrome Browser)” in the “Last Activity” item (you may have a different entry), then you can see the IP address of the last visit to your VKontakte page.

Your current IP address is

By clicking "more" in the same line, in brackets, you can see all the latest activity - all visits to your page.

If you click "End all sessions", the page will close if it is open on another computer (your page will not close).

"End all sessions" - the item just described, closes the page if it is open on other computers.

"Confirmation of entry" - triggers if you go to your page from a new browser or someone else's computer. To enter, you will need to receive a code in the form of SMS to the cell phone to which the page is linked. Safe, but very inconvenient (except for inveterate conservatives and opponents of everything new). An additional disadvantage to this function is if you forget your password, it cannot be restored via your phone... You can read more information by hovering over the question mark (?).

"Your page address". The first line contains your profile number, it may be needed when restoring a page without a phone number (if the phone is lost or the SIM card is blocked, or other incidents). The second line contains the email address of your page, which can be changed. To change the address, select the text in this field, and "http://vk.com" will not be selected, only "id123456789" will be selected, each user has an individual number. Instead of the selected text, we type our address, you can use Latin letters, numbers and the underscore "_". If this address is not occupied, then the button "Borrow address ..." will appear (where instead of dots there will be your address). Simple words have been used for a long time, well, there are a lot of users.

To change the address, you will need to confirm the code (the code comes via SMS, free of charge). In the confirmation window, click "Get code". You can receive SMS to another phone number, for this we press "Change number" (go to).

In the line that appears, enter the received code - 5 digits, SMS came from the sender "VKcom" and the number +79023869110.

This article will help you customize your page so that your information is only available to people who are trusted by you.

What does my VKontakte profile look like?

With the help of the privacy settings, you can independently design the sections of your profile as you want. To do this you need to go to "Settings", "Privacy". Basic information can be shown. This will help friends and acquaintances to find you, find out the date of birth, etc. For children, of course, it is advisable not to disclose all information about themselves. It is not difficult to find and add friends and classmates, visits of strangers to your page are useless.

Who should I show photos on which you have been tagged?

An important point is to decide who to show the photos or videos in which you have been tagged. It's easier with photos, you can change the privacy for them at any time, but with videos it's a little different. You can of course change the privacy, but if this video is online for a while, many users will be able to view the recording during this period. So it is better to initially restrict access to the video and allow viewing to a certain circle of people. You can open access at any time.

Which sections can I share?

Open access to lists of groups and gifts most likely will not harm you. What about the other functions?

1. If you open access to other people's records on your page, your personal information may become known to many, which is not always good.

2. Allowing everyone to leave notes on your wall threatens to one day receive negative information, in one word garbage.

3. You can not restrict the receipt of messages from someone, invitations to groups, but the consequences of this will be unlimited receipt of spam and invitations to unnecessary groups and clubs.

How to look at your profile from the outside?

After customizing your page, you can see how it looks and how others will see it. This is possible using the button "See how other users see your page". Thus, you can correct everything and avoid accidentally disclosing information that you do not want to show to anyone.

Some information about the "Black List"

At any time, you can prevent a user from writing messages and comments to you if this person does not suit you as an interlocutor. This is done very simply using the "Settings", "Black List" function.

The social network VKontakte is the largest in Europe and the seventh in terms of the number of users in the world. As of 2017, 410 million people are registered on the site. It is inevitable that such a large site could potentially be a breeding ground for scammers and intruders. Despite this, those who want to register are not decreasing, and those who want to hide their personal data, every day, is becoming more and more. And the reasons for such a "conspiracy" can be very different.
The overwhelming majority of users take part in various discussions and groups, comment on photos and videos, share their own emotions and impressions, and are active. But it is possible that the user will want to abstract from prying eyes.
The site administration took into account the likelihood of such a desire among users and included the appropriate settings in the site's functionality.
If you do not want to advertise your personal information, in this article you can learn how to hide your Vkontakte page.

Quick navigation:

What can be hidden on the VK page

So, on the page you can hide the following from outsiders:

  1. Photo, video and audio recordings.
  2. List of groups in which you participate.
  3. Entries on your page.
  4. Presents.

Also, the opportunity is given to choose users who can leave comments for you. You have the opportunity to limit the list of those who can invite you to a group, community or friend, send you a message or just visit your page. You can also choose who can read your comments and posts. There is no function on the site that would hide your page completely and from everyone.

Privacy setting process for hiding a page

To produce hidden VK pages, complex actions are not required, everything is very simple.

In the upper right corner, click on the thumbnail of your avatar. In the window that opens, click on the item " PRIVACY».

From your computer, you can get to the privacy settings section by following the link - vk.com/settings?act\u003dprivacy

Here you will find many things that may be useful to you.

  • Completely, stop contacting all users of the site. To do this, you need to select the answer "nobody" in each paragraph of the section "contact me". (Cm. ).
  • Practically completely, hide from others all information and all content on your page. To do this, in each paragraph of the "my page" section, select the answer "only me".
  • Prohibit view your page for everyone who is not registered on VKontakte. To do this, in the "other" section, in the item "who can see my page on the Internet", select the answer "only to VKontakte users".
  • Hide from the list of your friends and subscriptions up to 30 people. To do this, in the section "my page", in the item "who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions", click on "all friends" and select names.
  • Hide friend's page. To do this, in the "my page" section, in the "who sees my hidden friends" section, select the category you need.
  • Hide interesting pages. To do this, in the section "my page", in the item "who sees the list of my groups", select the item you need.

Please read the paragraph and answer carefully before changing the setting.

Right there, in the privacy settings, you can limit the list of users who can view the basic information of your page, your photos, audio and video, your records. You can limit the list of people who can post or see posts on your page. If you need to reopen the audio recordings (see).

At the very bottom of the page, you will find the “See how other users see your page” function, which will allow you to make sure that the settings you made are correct.

Details in privacy settings

If you want to hide the page completely and from everyone, then, unfortunately, there is no such function on the site.

If you use everything that is available in the privacy settings, all the same, some items will be available for viewing by other users, namely:

  • Photo on the profile picture;
  • Date of birth, language, country (if specified);
  • Your wall (except for records of other users);
  • Photo Album Content "Pictures on my wall" and "pictures from my page".

If you do not want to share even this information, you may well leave incorrect information about yourself, fill in only required fields during registration. You do not have to post your personal photo on your avatar, and you should not leave posts on your wall if you do not want to share them with other users.

You can hide the Vkontakte page, entirely and completely, only from individuals.

That is, you must specify each user whose access you want to deny individually. The number of such "locks" is not limited.

You can block access to your page by clicking on the small square button under the user's avatar and select "block user".

If the blocked user is your "friend", then, first, you need to remove him from friends.

You should know that if in the privacy settings you select the answer "no one" or "only me" in each item, and no activity on your part is recorded within a three-month period, your account may be deleted from the resource by the administration.

VKontakte has been created.
Let's get down to setting up the VKontakte page... Note an important point that there are two types of VKontakte pages: a personal page and a public page. The work of VKontakte begins with setting up a personal page.
, thanks to which each user can display or hide this or that information, or allow access to it to a certain circle of visitors to his page.
To complete the settings, you must log into your account by entering your username and password.

The screenshot shows how the page looks after registration. To make it look more attractive, you need to add a personal photo, which will further represent the user and serve him avatar... In order to add a photo, press “Add photo” (section A). After clicking, a window will open asking you to select and upload an image (1). Then click "Select file" - the computer explorer will open, allowing you to find and download the required image (2).

After loading the selected image, the thumbnail settings window opens. The thumbnail will represent the identity of the account owner throughout the VKontakte network, or rather, will be used in news, personal messages and comments. Moving the corners of the image, we achieve the desired size.

After adjusting the image and thumbnail, first of all, we will make the settings from the item “ My settings», Which is located in the vertical panel on the left (section B). This section assumes more personal settings. Here, the owner can change the password, contact information, and also decides who and what material is allowed access, and who is even blacklisted.

In the "General" section

it is possible to configure the following parameters:

1. In "Additional services" you can select those tabs that will be displayed in the vertical panel on the left (section B). All bookmarks marked with checkboxes will be displayed in this area.

2. In "Change password" you can change the existing password. This procedure is recommended to be done periodically in order to avoid hacking the account by ill-wishers.

3. In the next paragraph, you can change your email.

4. In "Your phone number" you can change the phone previously linked to your account.

5. And in the last paragraph of this section there is an opportunity to give a more meaningful meaning to the link to your page. When registering, each account is assigned a personal identifier, it has a numbered form. At this point, the digital number can be changed to some name that represents the identity of the owner.
Come up with a name in advance, it is entered in Latin letters. If the name is available, the message "Borrow address ..." and your name will appear. We save the changes. After the changes, a link with your new name will be displayed in the browser address bar.

In the "Privacy" section

you can mark the categories of visitors who will be provided with this or that information on the page. This section is the most private and therefore everyone must decide for himself: who he allows access, and who limits.

In the "Alerts" section

select which notifications and by what means the user wants to receive.

In the section "Black List"
In the "Mobile Services" section

you can find out the conditions and select operators that provide access to VKontakte from mobile devices.

In the section "Balance"

So, we have executed " My settings»(Private settings). We'll talk about more general page settings in the next article.

This article will help you customize your page so that your information is only available to people who are trusted by you.

What does my VKontakte profile look like?

With the help of the privacy settings, you can independently design the sections of your profile as you want. To do this you need to go to "Settings", "Privacy". Basic information can be shown. This will help friends and acquaintances to find you, find out the date of birth, etc. For children, of course, it is advisable not to disclose all information about themselves. It is not difficult to find and add friends and classmates, visits of strangers to your page are useless.

Who should I show photos on which you have been tagged?

An important point is to decide who to show the photos or videos in which you have been tagged. It's easier with photos, you can change the privacy for them at any time, but with videos it's a little different. You can of course change the privacy, but if this video is online for a while, many users will be able to view the recording during this period. So it is better to initially restrict access to the video and allow viewing to a certain circle of people. You can open access at any time.

Which sections can I share?

Open access to lists of groups and gifts most likely will not harm you. What about the other functions?

1. If you open access to other people's records on your page, your personal information may become known to many, which is not always good.

2. Allowing everyone to leave notes on your wall threatens to one day receive negative information, in one word garbage.

3. You can not restrict the receipt of messages from someone, invitations to groups, but the consequences of this will be unlimited receipt of spam and invitations to unnecessary groups and clubs.

How to look at your profile from the outside?

After customizing your page, you can see how it looks and how others will see it. This is possible using the button "See how other users see your page". Thus, you can correct everything and avoid accidentally disclosing information that you do not want to show to anyone.

Some information about the "Black List"

At any time, you can prevent a user from writing messages and comments to you if this person does not suit you as an interlocutor. This is done very simply using the "Settings", "Black List" function.

You yourself set the restrictions on your page. Remember to be careful when working with privacy features to avoid negative consequences.

The main social network in Runet "Vkontakte" was created by a team of real professionals. Therefore, a huge number of various settings and functions will please any user. All settings on the site In contact with, are useful for certain actions. There are no empty settings, which are practically unnecessary and hang for show. But, of course, the most popular and popular settings for the Vkontakte service are privacy settings.

What are privacy settings in contact?

These settings are responsible for rather specific functions, namely for user access to certain parts of your page. They are very broad and multivariate. It includes both many categories of users and many categories that can be hidden from the bottom. Moreover, there are even functions of partial hiding.

As already mentioned, there are quite a few of them. First, you should clarify what categories of users are. When you add a person to this or that person, he immediately acquires the “friend” status. This means that we already have two categories of users: friends and non-friends. There is a third group - friends of friends. The main one, of course, is the "friends" group. It is this that we can divide into an infinite number of categories.

Contact's own friend categories :
1. Relatives
2. Close friends
3. Colleagues
4. Friends at school and university.
But besides them, you can create countless of your own groups of friends. The system allows you to easily and freely move friends from one category to another. Also, any user can be in several categories of friends at the same time, even if in all at once.

What privacy settings can you configure on your contact account?

The Vkontakte service has presented a lot of privacy settings to its users. But each of them has its own clear function. In the settings, we can specify what actions the user can perform. More precisely the category of the user. We can prohibit all users from performing actions at once or only those who are not in the friends list. And of course we can prohibit the execution of actions of the FRIENDS category. Such as relatives, friends at school and so on. Thus, we can select a group of favorites and open some functions only to them. You can create a whole network of privacy settings, with dozens of groups and a specific set of capabilities assigned to each group. So, what actions can we edit.

1 ... Group invitations.
2 ... Viewing the lists of groups.
3 ... Meeting invitation.
4 ... The ability to write private messages.
5 ... Viewing photos.
6 ... View friends lists.
7 ... Viewing the wall.
8 ... The ability to post messages on the wall.
9 ... The ability to leave graffiti on the wall.
10 ... Page view.
11 ... Viewing gifts.
12 ... View the wish list.
13 ... Viewing addresses.
14 ... The ability to comment on the status.

Is it only in the settings that you can hide your page from viewing?

You can edit certain functions not only in the settings. That is, in the option that we see on the left edge of our account. You can also do it directly. That is, close a certain album of photos from viewing, and so on.

So if you have firmly decided to protect your page from unwanted viewing as much as possible, we advise you to work closely with the privacy settings of your account in contact.

Unfortunately, most of the project participants have a rather vague idea about them. From which an unfortunate situation arises, users simply do not know what control methods they have, perhaps they are missing something convenient, something that can greatly facilitate their life and pastime in the project. Indeed, for many of them it is enough to know the very basis in order to spend time on the network, but knowing more, they would spend it more efficiently.

We decided that it was time to stop with such situations and created a series of articles that will tell you, explain and explain in detail all the functions to which the site users have access. And most likely, many of them may interest you quite strongly and will become part of your everyday life in the future. After all, now a person spends so much time on a social network, why not make this time as convenient and comfortable as possible for him? Let's get down to it.

Settings in the social network Vkontakte

Most of the described functions are located in this section. Not all, but many. For some reason, the users of the project do not devote this moment not as much time as it deserves. In fact, there are many interesting and interesting possibilities there. We will begin to disassemble them in no particular order, explaining in detail all the disadvantages and advantages, methods of operation and the like.

Appearance settings in the social network Vkontakte

In fact, the section is still very empty. The administration and developers of the project may be in the future, and they are going to fill it, but so far there has been no movement in this. Although the section has been decorating your page for six months already. So far, there is only one function that works with font size. With one click, you can increase the size of all printable elements in the project.

This is perfect for those who are not used to straining their eyes to read something. Especially true for laptop owners, as their monitors are usually much smaller than those of personal computers. What can we say about netbooks and tablet PCs. They usually use this function. In general, there is nothing complicated there, you just need to click on the checkmark, that's all. The font can be increased by only one unit and decreased, respectively, also by only one. There are only two options. If you want to seriously tackle the settings for the appearance of your account, then for this you will have to install additional software unrelated to the Vkontakte developers. Simply put - left.

Therefore, you should understand that performance may be disrupted due to poor-quality execution of the program code, due to the protection settings of the Vkontakte project itself, and so on. True, sometimes it really turns out to be a good idea to adjust the external settings of the site, and it becomes more convenient and suitable for a specific user, more individualized, or something. You can even put some kind of background instead of the usual blue and white. True, as practice shows, over time it quickly gets boring and users strive to return the project to its original appearance.

Regional settings in the social network Vkontakte

This is also a rather narrow function, which we can also find in the settings section. In general, regional settings are meant to be language settings. Although in some projects this concept is applied much more broadly, but here, too, they have not brought it to mind a bit.

Thus, we have the opportunity to choose the language of the system. And by the way, there are quite a few options. They are unlikely to be very useful for our users, except for the sake of a joke, to see how funny and sometimes ridiculous sections in the style of "my messages" sound in some Mordvinian, and so on. Although, the developers did not bypass the section with their creativity and their sense of humor. And we decided to make some additions there. And they consist in the fact that there is an option to put the pre-revolutionary and Soviet language. This is the same Russian, just significantly outdated. With his inherent turns of speech, which we saw only in fears of films or in books. Quite funny and adds a touch of irony. Just perfect for cheering yourself up.

True, some connoisseurs like this, since the pre-revolutionary language is very ornate and beautiful, it has its own aesthetics. In addition, many users of the project grew up during the Soviet era, so the manner of Soviet speech brings them a kind of nostalgia, so they set such regional settings for this reason. In general, great work from the developers of the Vkontakte site. We put the five.

Read the continuation of our cycle, and you will learn about the mass of new and interesting possibilities, the existence of which, perhaps, you did not even know.

You can go to the "settings" section from any page of the VKontakte social network. In the menu on the left, select "Settings". This menu is always shown (not visible only when viewing photos), regardless of whose page you are on or in which section.

By default, the General section opens. The section is indicated at the top of the page as bookmarks.

"Additional services". The checkboxes here are those services or buttons that are shown in the menu on the left. If you uncheck the box, the button will immediately disappear, if added, it will appear. The number of functions depends on which groups you are subscribed to or which applications are running. The more active the user is, the more functions (that is, possible buttons) can be.

"Wall settings". If you check the box "Show only my posts", then only your posts will be shown on the main page ("My page"), the rest will disappear (those that are already there will also disappear). In the item "Disable commenting on entries", you can accordingly prohibit commenting on any entries on your page (but you can add entries).

"Change Password". To change the password, you must enter in the first field the password by which you enter your VKontakte page. In the next two fields, enter a new password (same password in both fields). The password must not match any of the previous passwords. After filling in all the fields, click the "Change password" button.

"E-mail address ". In this section, as the name suggests, you can add your email address for various mailings, messages, notifications, notifications, and the like. So that the social network VKontakte reminds of itself everywhere and everywhere. Enter your email address and click the "Save address" button.

After that, you need to go to the specified mailbox and confirm the binding. The letter from "VKontakte" will contain a link that must be followed.

The next section is to change the phone number to which the page is linked. Press "change phone number", a window appears for entering the number. Enter your mobile number (10 digits, without a code +7 or other country code) and click "Get code".

An additional field for entering the code appears. The code comes to the phone within a few seconds, from the number +79087590365. The code is a five-digit number (at least at this time - September 4, 2014). Enter the code in the line with the inscription "Confirmation code" and click "Send code". If the code has not arrived, we send a request for another sending of the code to your phone - press the line "Send the code again".

This is a very rash point from my point of view. If you do not log out of your profile in an Internet cafe, for example, then anyone can link your profile to their phone.

"The security of your page." If in the item "Last activity" you point to "just (Russia,)" (you may have another entry), then you can see the IP address of the last visit to your VKontakte page.

Your current IP address is

By clicking "more" in the same line, in brackets, you can see all the latest activity - all visits to your page.

If you click "End all sessions", the page will close if it is open on another computer (your page will not close).

"End all sessions" - the item just described, closes the page if it is open on other computers.

"Your page address". The first line contains your profile number, it may be needed when restoring a page without a phone number (if the phone is lost or the SIM card is blocked, or other incidents). The second line contains the email address of your page, which can be changed. To change the address, select the text in this field, and "http://vk.com" will not be selected, only "id123456789" will be selected, each user has an individual number. Instead of the selected text, we type our address, you can use Latin letters, numbers and the underscore "_". If this address is not occupied, then the button "Borrow address ..." will appear (where instead of dots there will be your address). Simple words have been used for a long time, well, there are a lot of users.

Accounts can see uploaded pictures, a map with pictures, shared data and lists with friends. Close these categories from all or some of the users will help vkontakte privacy settings. Let's explain where they are located and how to use them. To get into privacy on the resource:

  1. Tap the photo of ava on the right in the Vkontakte header.
  2. From the submenu, select the settings section
  3. In the submenu on the left side, expand the item "privacy ...".

Here you will find 4 large areas for editing: page data, posts, contact me, etc. In all subcategories, you can choose who to show sections about yourself. If this is your first time in this area, you will see that in all sections, data visibility is open for all Vkontakte users. To fix this, tap the link labeled as indicated in the image, choose the option that suits you. VK allows you to hide all photos, saved pictures, audio recordings, basic data, comments, location of photos, lists of communities, friends and subscribers.

All this can be closed in the subcategory "My Page .." What cannot be hidden? Posts and photos on the wall, which are left by you, a section with videos and likes on photos and posts. In order not to show the contents of the wall to anyone, you will have to delete everything at once. And the location of the photo is removed separately on the map. How to remove it, we write ... You can also place clips in a separate album and adjust visibility in the "Videos ..." section. We will explain below how to do this.

How to change the privacy settings of Vkontakte

Change VK privacy settings can also be found in the subcategories "Contact me ..." and "Other". In the first area, specify from whom you want to receive messages, invitations to events and applications and publics, as well as what type of notification. In the "Other ..." area, it is easy to customize the page visibility and sending notifications about life events.

Anyone can view the page with basic settings. To fix, specify only people from VK. The default notifications also contain a list of all sections. This means that if you add a song, friend, photo, people from the friends list will know about it. The settings are saved automatically, you do not need to click anywhere. To make sure everything is configured correctly, Click on the link to view the page. Look at your profile through the eyes of another person.

Where are the privacy settings of Vkontakte

Now you know, where are the main VK privacy settings. Also in any section there are additional visibility functions. Let's open the video clip area to show how it works. If you want to remove some videos from public access, create a new album:

  1. Tap the button on the right above all the rollers
  2. Name the album whatever you like. Go to it.
  3. Tap the "Edit ..." tab
  4. Note the visibility of the clips.

Go back to all the videos that you added. Hover over the right corner of the clip. You will be presented with an icon with additional options. Click on it. In the new form, select “add“ title ”to the album. Open the created one and uncheck the added videos section. The clip will only be available to those who are visible in the new album. If you want to , we advise you not to hide all sections on the page.

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