How to make money on Instagram without investing a dime: schemes for beginners and advanced users. Work on Instagram: the main ways to make money at home How to make money on comments on Instagram

By 2018, the number of registered Instagram accounts had crossed the 1 billion mark. Such popularity is largely due to the ease of use of the service, its various functions and useful updates that developers regularly delight their users with.

However, not everyone uses Instagram for its intended purpose - just to share photos and videos with friends. For many, this is a place where you can earn money. And make good money. This is a great platform for sales, advertising, promotion. Those who are already earning money here do it without investment, without rent, without many years of training.

Before you learn how to make money on Instagram, we recommend that you read the article >>>

One of the best ways to make money on Instagram today is to host a Giveaway.

Check out our article and find out how you can earn 1,500,000 rubles per week and how much 1 subscriber of your account costs!

An approximate list of ways to make money on Instagram is given in the table below. However, read the article to the end. We have described a lot of nuances and subtleties of each method.

Ways Who can earn How long does it take for the first earnings How much can you earn
Bloggers with an audience of 300,000 or more subscribers Week 1 from 60 000 rubles
Earning on sales Everyone who knows how to set up targeted advertising Earnings after completing the task of setting up ads From one to several tens of thousands of rubles
Profile advertisement Account holders with more than 5 thousand followers Earnings immediately after placing an advertising post in the profile From 5 to 300 thousand rubles per post
Sale of goods and services Brand owners who sell their products/services offline.

Brand owners who sell products/services on the website.

Anyone who has something to sell.

First earnings after the sale of goods / services Up to hundreds of thousands, depending on what you sell
Account promotion Smm-specialists Earnings every month/week/two weeks From 20 to 80 thousand rubles per month
Accounts sale Everyone who has a profile with a large number of followers Earning after sale From 10 thousand rubles to 2-3 million
affiliate program Earnings after clicking on the link From several hundred to several tens of thousands of rubles per day
Likes and subscriptions Every Instagram user Earnings after completing the first task Up to 100 rubles per day

How to make money on Instagram advertising? Targeted advertising for Instagram stores

Instagram posts are 2.5 times more likely to be clicked on than other social networks. Understanding this, many bloggers use the service in order to earn money from advertising. You can too if you are the owner of a selling store or any business.

Regular account holders can also earn on ads, but not targeted ones. More on that later, since targeted advertising is only suitable for commercial projects.

Most of all bloggers earn on Instagram on their popular accounts. We recommend reading the articles

Advertising is an integral part of Instagram. Without it, there is nowhere, because the competition among business profile owners is simply huge. In just a couple of clicks on Instagram, you can find almost any page. An online store selling clothes is not a problem. Insurance company please. A team of repairmen - just wish.

So how do you make yourself known and stand out from the competition?

You can create a cool profile, come up with an original brand name, publish interesting posts every day, but if no one knows about you, all this does not matter at all. To understand how to make money on Instagram from advertising, a detailed guide will not hurt. Let's start with targeted advertising.

How to make money on Instagram with targeted advertising? Detailed guide!

  1. The first thing to do is to create a landing page.
    Any offline business can be transferred to Instagram and buy advertising on it to increase sales.

The page should have high-quality photos of your services and a detailed description.
Don't forget about competition.
Every business today has competition, so to succeed you need a marketing plan.

  • Next, you need to create an advertiser account and set up ad impressions.
    In order for advertising to work and sales to increase, it is necessary to make a high-quality advertising post and correctly set up impressions among the target audience.

How to create a selling page for a shop on Instagram?

It all depends on what kind of business you want to promote. If you have a clothing store, you need to arrange high-quality product photography and upload new materials daily!

It is the system that matters! In order not to disappear from the feed of subscribers, you must make posts every day (a photo with a detailed description) + upload information to stories.

Stories is a powerful feature of a social network. You post a story and it's in the TOP for 8 hours! Then it is deleted permanently. However, the advantage of stories is that almost everyone sees its content. Users view stories 90% more often than regular posts.

Two tips!

  • If you are a clothing retailer, you need a model to take competitive photos.

If your team does not have such a person who would understand Instagram technologies, we recommend that you find an employee online through a freelance exchange. For example, the exchange is a popular freelance platform.

6 rules for maintaining a selling account on Instagram

Your page plays a decisive role in the success of your business on Instagram. If you want to earn money, follow these rules:

  1. Create a profile. Choose a username that matches the brand name. Post a high quality profile photo. Ideally, a themed image with a logo. Fill in the section about yourself: tell us who you are, what you do and what you can offer. Please provide contacts where you can be contacted.
  2. Consider every post. In order for your page to be constantly active, publications must appear on it every day. Better yet, twice a day. But posting anything is not necessary. Content should be of the highest quality.

Our goal is sales, and in order for a product/service to want to be bought, it is necessary to present it/her correctly. Each post should be dedicated to a specific product, service, promotion, interesting offer. Try to present your assortment in the most favorable light. Tell under the photo why this particular product/service should be purchased by your subscriber, what are his/her advantages.

  1. Use Stories 100%. Don't underestimate the power of Instagram's Stories feature. You can use it to tell your audience about interesting promotions, contests, to get involved through games. And in Stories Highlights or pinned Stories, it is easy to place a catalog with goods/services, ordering instructions, and contacts to contact you.
  2. Communicate with the audience. In order for your subscribers to have a desire to buy a product / service, they must begin to trust you. Communication plays a big role in this. Ask your subscribers questions in every post, in stories, reply to messages in Direct. Let them know that their opinion is important to you, that you strive to be useful. Always thank for the purchase and post reviews of satisfied customers.
  3. Call to action. Many people do not make a purchase for one simple reason - because they are not pushed to do so. It is not enough to post a photo of a product / service, to tell how wonderful he / she is. You need to encourage the user to take an action - in this case, a purchase:

"Contact us via Direct/WhatsApp/number to place an order."

"Leave a comment if you want to place an order and we will contact you."

  1. Engage subscribers. When you already have a lot of followers and clients, maintaining an Instagram page is much easier. You just need to keep publishing new products/services and remind you of the ways to contact to place an order. But if you're just starting an Instagram business, it's important to get your first followers and gain their trust. Can be used for this:
  • Promotions and special offers:

"Order a product in our online store for 1000 rubles and get a 10% discount on your next purchase". So you can encourage them to try the product / service and make another purchase so as not to lose the discount.

  • Games and competitions. We remember that our goal is sales, but we also do not forget that in order to start selling, you need to get the location of your subscribers.

Great way to play.

"The first person to guess what's in the box wins (the name of the prize is your product/service)." The winner will have the opportunity to try the product / service and make sure of the quality. And this means that he can tell his friends about you, write a review that you can show to other subscribers in order to gain their trust.

How to make money on Instagram advertising? Detailed guide for personal account

But the goal of the account owner is to make money by placing ads on their page.

Who can earn from advertising?

This means that before you dream of making good money on advertising on your Instagram account, you need to create a page that people want to subscribe to, comment on and like.

How do I start earning ad revenue on my account?

To receive an order for advertising in your profile, again, the most important thing is to ensure that advertisers choose you. If you have thousands of subscribers, you might find it very easy to get an ad order. No matter how. There are many like you, with thousands of people.

  1. Inform on your Instagram page that you are ready to cooperate with advertisers. If you have a lot of "live" subscribers, including business profiles, someone will definitely be interested. Don't forget to include a way to contact you.
  2. Find a blogger yourself who has a profile theme similar to yours, and agree with him on mutual advertising. So you will not earn, but you will get even more subscribers, and those users who are already subscribed to you will understand that they can contact you for advertising.
  3. Use ad exchanges. The fact that Instagram is one of the most effective platforms for advertising is no secret to anyone. But the problem of finding bloggers by advertisers and advertisers by bloggers remains relevant.

Advertising exchanges act as an intermediary between them. You can find those who want to promote their profile much faster by turning to specialized services such as, for example,,,

It is important to study well the page that you are going to mention in your profile. Unconvincing advertising will have no effect. And this means that you will no longer be contacted.

An advertising post must be developed based on the specifics of the advertised page. If you are required to mention an online store / beauty salon, it would be wise to take a photo that shows them from the best side. Suitable:

  • an image of any interesting/relevant/unusual product/service that/which is sold in a store or in a salon;

  • your photo with the product or in the process / after the service has been provided to you.

As you understand, in order to know how to make money on an Instagram account, you need to have at least minimal knowledge in Internet marketing and promotion.

If you are required to advertise on your page for a particular product/service/promotion, the promotional photo must have an image of what it is about. In this case, posting a photo of the store itself or, even worse, the wrong product / service / promotion is not a good idea.

A photo is the basis of an advertising post. But that is not all. Equally important is the text that you place under it. It is not enough just to write “go to such and such a page” and provide a link to it. It is important that the ad does not look obvious. It can be said that you have used a product/service, were very satisfied and want to recommend it/her to your subscribers. Great if that's true.

You can write that this online store / souvenir shop / beauty salon / restaurant belongs to your friend / acquaintance / relative, and you want to help him in promotion.

  • Photo and text complement each other. The text says what is shown in the photo.
  • The photo is of high quality, without watermarks, if it is not the name of the advertised brand.
  • The text is literate, catchy, containing a link to the advertised page.

Creating an advertising post correctly is very important. But it is even more important not to lose the trust of your audience because of advertising. Do not advertise what you yourself would not use / do not consider to be of high quality and useful. Having once advised your subscribers on a product/service/page that is nothing special, you risk losing part of your audience and, therefore, the opportunity to make money on advertising in the future. You should also not overdo it with the number of ads on the page.

How much can you earn from advertising on your own Instagram account?

As a rule, an advertiser, before contacting a blogger, studies the statistics of his page. If the audience is live, the number of likes and views on publications is at least 10% of the number of subscribers. If this is the case for you, the benchmark is already going to the number of subscribers. The larger the audience, the higher the cost of advertising.

5-10 thousand subscribers - up to 5 thousand rubles.

10-20 thousand subscribers - up to 10 thousand rubles.

20-50 thousand subscribers - up to 20 thousand rubles.

50-100 thousand subscribers - up to 50 thousand rubles.

100-999 thousand subscribers - up to 150 thousand rubles.

A million subscribers and more - up to 300 thousand rubles.

And you can also make your own blog from Instagram, no worse than on the YouTube channel!

The algorithm for making money on a blog is the same as on advertising in a personal account. But by creating a block, you take on additional responsibility - you promote a special brand in the form of your name.

You can focus on your beauty or some talent.

Any active user of this social network knows how to make money on a blog on Instagram.

It's not just about knowledge, it's about personal ability. After all, not everyone can be a public person and charge thousands of people with energy and desire to watch you every day.

To create your own blog, you definitely need to be a bright and talented person at the same time.

Be sure to have a stress-resistant psyche. Many viewers will try to piss you off, embarrass you and put you in a not the best light.

The owner of a blog on Instagram must go live to chat with subscribers and answer their questions.

At such moments, you will be especially watched and caught on every word. Therefore, if you are not a cheerful person, you have no sense of humor and you are demanding of people, then your own Instagram blog is not for you.

Popular Instagram blog ideas:

  • review of cosmetics;
  • training in crafts, needlework;
  • travel;
  • philosophy, conversations on life topics;
  • celebrity parodies.

How to make money blogging on Instagram?

Of course on the ad! If you are a charming person with a multi-million audience, advertisers will start reaching out to you! In the worst case, you will have to run after them yourself. To learn all the intricacies of earning income from a blog, return to the section

make money on instagram from photos

How is this related?

  1. Increasing the activity and coverage of the page will allow you to monetize your account in any way.
    It's simple - you add photos, be sure to optimize them with hashtags, a detailed description, and as a result, gain views, likes and new subscribers (mostly thanks to hashtags).
  2. Having promoted your Instagram, you can start monetizing it. Add advertising, sell products or organize earnings through affiliate programs.

How to use hashtags to increase sales on Instagram?

Hashtags are formatted with a keyword preceded by the # symbol

Such an entry will be clickable and by clicking on it, the user will be able to see all the publications that are marked with this hashtag.

If you are careful, when you open any post on Instagram and scroll through its description, you will see a huge set of hashtags that are relevant to this post.

And users often intentionally search for information on the hashtag. For example, a person wants to find a public about sports nutrition. It is much easier to choose an option not by name, but by hashtags.

And if you were looking for information on how to make money on Instagram in photos, then here is the answer.

Pay attention to the photo below.

Example 1. How to make money on Instagram from photos.

Using a very popular hashtag, we could easily find a public whose owner obviously knows how to make money on Instagram from photos.

We opened the first photo in the store and saw a well-written description.

Detailed description of the price, goods and how to order goods. Hashtags at the very end.

Example 2. How to make money on Instagram from photos.

Here is a similar example, but with a different tag.

Try and find the material you need on Instagram by tag.

Note! For high-quality promotion, you need to take into account the popularity of tags! You can come up with a complex tag, as a result, no one will follow it.

You can select popular tags on the sitewebsta. me.

Earnings on affiliate programs

The essence of the method is to promote affiliate links in your account and receive money for it.

Who can earn?

Every Instagram user can use this method of earning.

How to make money on Instagram with affiliate programs?

To get money on an affiliate program, you need to register in one of the affiliate programs (you can have several), place a post in your profile, consisting of a recommended image and a link to the selected offer from those provided by the affiliate program.

From each person who followed the link from your Instagram page and bought a product / product, you receive a percentage or a fixed amount.

The best affiliate programs for making money on Instagram

There are a lot of affiliate programs on the Internet, and they pay good money for attracting traffic.

RWe recommend you to study the article >>>

– here is everything about choosing an affiliate program and how to get started.


Name Minimum amount for 1 lead Minimum withdrawal amount 600 rubles 800 rubles 550 rubles 1000 rubles 450 rubles 2000 rubles
Admitad 450 rubles 450 rubles
letyshops 75% off purchases 700 rubles

In each of them you can go through a hassle-free registration. Choose the right offer, create your referral link and start earning. Here is a list of some offers from the ad1 affiliate program:

In this type of earnings, the main thing is to learn how to make selling creatives. To get your audience interested, follow the link and buy the product.

You can peep creative ideas using the servicePubler. A very powerful assistant.

How much can you earn?

How to make money tailoring on Instagram? Detailed guide

To begin with, it should be noted that the idea of ​​promoting your tailoring business on Instagram is the right decision.

If you make great clothes, all you need to do is create a sales page and promote it.

  1. Create an account with a "speaking" name. For example, Anna, tailoring children's clothing to order "
  2. Create a description, indicate your location, ways of cooperation, your strengths.
  3. Add contact details for operational communication (phone, WhatsApp). This will instill confidence in your followers.
  4. Add quality photos! Remember that they are the ones who will sell your product!
    If the photos are bad or unattractive, don't post them.
  5. To understand how to make money on Instagram tailoring, it is enough to study the profile of a competitor. Gather a list of pages and start analyzing them. You have to be better than them, otherwise you will fail!
  6. Use programs for beautiful photo processing. See the table of the best programs below.
  7. Use hashtags. How they work, we have described a little higher.
  8. Post EVERY DAY!
  9. Upload stories every day!
  10. Take pictures of yourself in your clothes. Ask your friends to try it on and upload a review on Instagram with a link to your page.

Be sure to share a piece of yourself with subscribers! They should get used not only to your goods, but also to you. You must become a friend to your audience. Occasionally tell stories and share personal photos. Ask for advice and take surveys.


Name Availability Description
Facetune Paid Powerful editor. Even bad photos are transformed into beautiful photos.
Perfect365 Free Large set of filters and useful features.
Pixelmator Paid Mini photoshop in your phone. Convenient and intuitive interface.
Snapseed Free One of the most powerful free photo editing apps.
MOLDIV Free with in-app purchases An application with good functionality for basic processing.

Posting regularly is important! Your page will be considered commercial, which means it must be constantly in full view.

There should be at least 2 posts per day. Posts should be of high quality and unique.

Also, in order to make money on tailoring on Instagram, you need to use such a promotion method as advertising.

To understand how to make money on tailoring on Instagram on advertising, go back to the beginning of the article. It describes all the nuances of maintaining a selling account.

Earnings on the promotion of accounts

Business on Instagram is a real gold mine. But not everyone has an idea of ​​​​how to maintain a profile in order to earn money on it. Due to the high competition in almost any niche, it becomes necessary to stand out and retain your audience. And it's not enough to just post. That is why smm-specialists involved in promotion are in demand.

Who can earn?

Only those who really understand this can earn on the promotion of Instagram accounts. Most business profile owners trust only smm-specialists who can confirm their qualifications with a certificate. But if you have already managed several accounts before, you can confirm your qualification by the statistics of these accounts and such parameters as the number of subscribers, likes and comments they have.

Even if you haven’t done promotion, but you feel that you have the ability, you can create your own account, fill it with quality content, gain a large number of subscribers, achieve good audience engagement and offer your promotion services. Your promoted account can confirm that you can really cope with this task.

How to make money with an Instagram account?

The algorithm for making money on promoting accounts on Instagram is as follows:

  1. You find a client and discuss all the details with him - how many subscribers are required, what kind of engagement is needed, etc.
  2. You are given the data to log into your account, you go in and proceed.
  3. You publish posts, negotiate advertising with bloggers or set up targeted advertising, work on errors in your profile, and format it correctly.

Account promotion can be both temporary and permanent work. It is enough for someone to gain a certain number of subscribers, but for someone it is important to constantly increase their number and maintain audience engagement.

You need to look for clients on freelance exchanges and message boards in social networks. networks.

How much can you earn?

Earnings depend on:

  • the number of tasks performed;
  • their specifics;
  • account topics;
  • the amount of time it takes to complete all tasks.

For a month of work as an SMM manager, you can earn from 20 to 80 thousand rubles.

Earn money on Instagram by selling accounts

Promoting a new profile on Instagram takes a lot of time. Therefore, many users buy already promoted pages with a large number of subscribers, adapt them for themselves and lead further. Of course, if the theme of the page changes, the number of subscribers may decrease. But after all, there is still a chance that most of them will stay with you.

If you have one or more Instagram profiles, you can sell them for a bargain price.

Given the growing popularity and the number of people who want to have a business or a personal blog on Instagram, this type of income can be considered very promising!

How to make money on instagram by selling accounts?

To make money on Instagram using this method, it is enough to find a person who wants to buy an account from you. Having decided to sell, you can place an ad on your pages on social networks or any other sites where there is a large audience.

There are even specialized services for the sale / purchase of accounts. For example,,,

It's great if you can find a person who wants to take your page further without changing the subject. In this case, there are high chances that all subscribers will remain in place.

How much does an Instagram page cost?

Unlike other ways to make money on Instagram, you can only earn once by selling accounts. Well, or as many times as you have accounts.

But you can get from several thousand to several million rubles, depending on the subject of the profile and the number of subscribers.

An account with an audience of up to 20-30 thousand people costs up to 10 thousand rubles.

A page with up to 100 thousand subscribers can be sold for 10-50 thousand rubles.

For a profile with up to 500 thousand subscribers, it is easy to get 100-300 thousand rubles.

On a page that generates income from advertising or sales, which is subscribed to from 500 thousand to several million people, you can earn up to 2-3 million rubles.

The answer is no!

This is the easiest and least profitable way to make money on Instagram. Its essence is that you register in services that pay for likes and subscriptions to pages, and perform various tasks.

This method seems tempting to many, because it is very simple! Hence such a frequent question: how to earn real money on Instagram for likes?

Who can earn?

Unlike other methods, you do not need to have a large number of subscribers or special skills to make money on likes and subscriptions. Anyone who has an Instagram page can earn money.

How to earn real money on instagram for likes?

The algorithm of actions for earning on likes and subscriptions is quite simple:

  1. Register for one or more services:,,
  2. Complete open tasks.
  3. You receive money that can be spent on promoting your page or withdrawn to an electronic wallet / bank card.

How much can you earn from likes on Instagram?

You can earn no more than 50 rubles a day on likes and subscriptions on Instagram. And only if there are a lot of open tasks, and you work on several services at once. Basically, for one task like "subscribe to a page" or "like" they pay 1 - 5 rubles.

The development of modern technologies provides ample opportunities for doing business. One of them is making money on Instagram, but finding a way to earn and withdraw money is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

For the first time, a social network was considered as an alternative source of income in 2015. Within three years, new opportunities and ways to implement them appeared, which made it possible to develop business in the social network. You can advertise everything - someone else's products, cafes, restaurants, bars, festivals, clubs, cities, etc.

How much can you earn on Instagram?

The advantage of doing business in Insta is the absence of investments of own funds. Passive profit is the most cost-effective investment of time and effort, as noted by modern bloggers. Payback in this case will not be instantaneous, because. it manifests itself more quickly in the case of an investment of initial capital.

Basically, earnings are based on:

  • blogging (30,000 subscribers - 500 rubles / post);
  • subscribers (no exact information available);
  • advertising (50,000 subscribers - 1,500 rubles / post);
  • photos (similar to blogging);
  • likes (less than 500 rubles per day);
  • comments (as for likes).

The most common way to make a profit is advertising. On your account with it, you can earn in different ways, it is impossible to find a definite answer. The amount is made up of the individual items:

  • specific requirements of the advertiser;
  • profile popularity and number of followers;
  • the purchasing power of users subscribed to the Instagram page;
  • advertising effectiveness;
  • quality and quantity of publications.

The amount varies from 5,000 rubles per month to several hundred thousand rubles per post.

Earnings on Instagram on subscribers and likes

With a large number of subscribers, the income from the Instagram page increases. It is impossible to determine the exact amount, because it all depends on the target audience, activity and other factors.

This method does not bring much income to the user if he himself is engaged in putting likes, subscribing to users and commenting on photos. On the other hand, the low cost of the service allows you to promote your own page in the same way without incurring large material costs.

Who pays money for likes and why?

People and companies are willing to pay for "hearts". This is due to the fact that the post becomes more popular as the number of likes and comments to it increases. It climbs up the feed of friends and unfollowed users on the page.

On average, the company is able to offer 1-5 rubles per action, so earnings per day will be 100-200 rubles. The minimum cost of a like is 20 kopecks, on average it fluctuates around 50 kopecks.

A comment is more expensive - from 1 to 5 rubles, and a subscription - about 1 ruble.

Where to begin?

First you need to register on one of the services:


You can register on them without investing money and make a profit on the first day. In addition to tasks for Instagram, there are ways to make money on other social networks.

After registration, the user takes the task and completes it. This can be liking, commenting on posts or subscribing. As soon as the task is completed, the money is credited to the account.

Exchanges of likes and subscriptions: money for completing tasks

To work on the exchange, you will need to attach an Instagram account. The most popular services are:

  •, where there is an optimal task for each user;
  • is a similar service, but here you can complete tasks for Facebook and Twitter;
  • has an original approach to the issue - you need to accumulate points, which are then converted into money;
  • Cashbox promotes websites and applications through social networks.

It is important not to overdo it, so as not to get banned. The administration carefully monitors the rules, so you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of use in advance if there is a need for artificial cheating.

Often on the exchanges they offer to write a comment under a certain post. It does not take much time, so it can bring a small amount in a few minutes. The most popular exchanges are,, they have not only a link to the desired post, but also the comment itself, which must be published. Other sites offer tasks for liking or subscribing to pages.

How to make money on Instagram with photos?

The popularity of the profile allows you to get the first money for uploading photos. For this you need:

  • find a client on the stock exchange or on your own;
  • determine the cost of advertising;
  • take a high-quality photo of the advertiser's product;
  • post a photo on your page.

Earnings on advertising

This type of earnings is more suitable not for beginners, but for advanced users. It assumes the presence of a large number of subscribers. Popular personalities can afford to set any amount they see fit. An ordinary blogger can also earn money, the amount most often depends on the advertiser.

How much can you earn?

The first significant enough money will begin to flow when the public gains 20 thousand subscribers. In this case, earnings per month can be up to 5000 rubles. If the number of users interested in the page exceeds 50 thousand people, at the end of the month you can get 5-10 thousand rubles.

  • 250,000 rubles - Ksenia Sobchak;
  • 200,000 rubles - Olga Buzova;
  • 100,000 - Katya Clap;
  • 70,000 - Alena Vodonaeva;
  • 50,000 - Anastasia Volkova.

To achieve such results, you need to invest time and effort in your profile.

Selling posts through advertising exchanges

The most popular exchanges are:


Here you can see how much the advertiser offers for one post on the network. The advantages of such solutions are access to advertisers, with whom you can later switch to personal communication.

With the help of the exchange, you can get additional income, but when placing ads on your page, you need to remember that a large number of them can lead to mass unsubscribes from users. Content marketing must be done carefully to maintain the quality and attractiveness of the public.

A guarantee of payments is also provided, so each party complies with its obligations after the conclusion of the transaction.

Working directly with advertisers

Most often, the advertiser himself addresses the user in order to publish advertising. If there are not many subscribers at this moment - about 1000, then we are more likely to talk about barter. Those. the user receives a service or product, after which he publishes a positive review about it, attaching a link to the advertiser. If there are a lot of subscribers, then they often offer money for a post.

Earnings on holding Giveaway contests

Giveaway allows you to receive gifts in exchange for a certain user action, most often a subscription. You can also like and repost the post, take and post a photo. Small and valuable prizes are raffled off depending on the number of sponsors and their investments.

Depending on the conditions of the competition, income is determined. For example, attracting 10 sponsors who pay 1,500 rubles each will allow you to earn about 10,000 rubles per draw.

Earnings on other people's accounts

One of the types of work at home that can bring decent wages. It is able to generate income when the user already knows how to attract an audience, promote pages and is ready to offer his services to companies or private users.

Maintaining and promoting other people's accounts for money

They earn money by promoting accounts, which is due to the ability to get a lot of subscribers. This requires proper page promotion, which is what SMM specialists do.

The main tasks of Instagram managers include:

  • advertising your account on the pages of other users and placing their ads on your own site;
  • promotion using new and proven methods;
  • planning and creating high-quality content that can keep the interest of existing subscribers and attract new ones;
  • registration of a company or individual account.

Training for these duties will require 1-2 months, and the profit will be 5-20 thousand rubles per month. If you have experience and the ability to quickly promote the page, this amount can be assigned by the manager himself, and not by the employer.

Making money selling accounts

In this case, the ability to promote accounts is also important. At the same time, the creation of an instaprofile does not begin from the moment the page is ordered for a specific audience, but the creation of a public for sale. Provided that the user has enough time to promote and recruit live subscribers.

The advantages are:

  • receipt by the buyer of a promoted account and a visible result;
  • the possibility of selling to a person who will be engaged in advertising;
  • the opportunity to earn on your own account before the sale.

How to withdraw money from Instagram?

Depending on the method of earning, the principles for withdrawing funds from Instagram may also differ.

The use of affiliate programs, services for boosting likes and subscriptions, advertising campaigns and other services involves the withdrawal of funds using standard and common payment systems, or electronic wallets. These include WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi, etc.

Selling goods and services allows you to choose the best and most convenient way for the page owner to receive funds. They can be transferred to a card, account, electronic wallet, etc.

For many, Instagram is associated with earnings, but often the ways of monetization are not obvious. In any business sector, the basis of sales is communication. Potential customers often gather on social networks where they can buy your products or services, you just need to learn how to sell correctly. In this review, we will list all kinds of ways to make money through Instagram.

Business account development

You can sell not only other people's goods, but also your own. To do this, you need to design your page and talk about the product. Instagram is great for representatives of the visual spheres. Analyze your activity and increase audience engagement. With the correct development of the account, sales can only come from the social platform.

In the article “How to make money on Instagram with followers”, we talked about the amount of earnings on advertising posts for public, about creating various activities for a personal blog: publishing books, holding events and consultations. And also about selling an account: who needs it and how to do it right.

How to make money as an SMM specialist

There are many courses on the Internet where you can gain the skills of an SMM specialist. In the era of social networks, this is in demand, and there are not enough people who can promote Instagram profiles in a quality manner.
What a specialist can do:

  1. Analyze the current situation: what works in the profile and what is ineffective and it is time to replace to achieve the goals.
  2. Work out a promotion strategy for a specific profile: advertising, material, mass following and more.
  3. Create a portrait of the audience for further filtering of mass following bases and for displaying targeted advertising.
  4. Maintain a content plan: distribute content by headings and types, search and prepare material in advance, publish on time. And also follow the comments, answer user questions, resolve conflict situations, remove negativity, remove spam.
  5. Brand image formation: how many positive and negative reviews it has. This also includes the reputation of the brand, increasing awareness.
  6. Find opinion leaders, collect a database, filter, get in touch, negotiate cooperation.
  7. Conduct contests and promotions.
  8. Gaining an audience: mass following and mass liking. Follow targeted people and unfollow later. Like potential customers to attract attention. And avoid negative consequences from Instagram: blocking certain actions or banning an account forever.
  9. Analyze competitors. Understand the effectiveness of their ideas and improve your own.

Some SMM specialists also do other work that is not related to their direct duties:

  • search for photographers;
  • writing texts for posts;
  • cooperation with the media;
  • organization of events.

How to start a career as an SMM specialist:

  1. Learn how to promote on Instagram.
  2. Find clients who will trust their projects.
  3. Regularly maintain accounts and perform their duties.

How much can an SMM specialist earn on Instagram? Salary depends on workload and knowledge. The market is not fully formed. If you are doing content and promotion in one account, it can cost up to 30,000 rubles per month. Calculate if there are several accounts - 3 or 5. The main costs are your time and the funds allocated for self-education in this area. The social network is constantly changing, and a lot of new features are added every year, the number of inefficient promotion methods is increasing.

Creation of services and applications for Instagram

A great option for programmers who want to connect their activities with Instagram. In Google Play and the App Store, you can find examples of applications for working with a social network, most of which solve a clearly defined task.
It will be more expensive to create and maintain a service, but the income from it will be more.

Examples of services for Instagram:

And there are also services for downloading photos, planning an Instagram feed, and reposting. Just look at your set of tools and you can already guess what task you will help users solve.
Popular applications on mobile platforms:

  1. Download photo from Instagram.
  2. View the avatar in a larger size.
  3. Create collage.
  4. Cut one big picture into several parts.
  5. Ribbon layout.
  6. View non-reciprocal accounts.

How you can make money on Instagram as a programmer:

  1. Find a problem that you will solve.
  2. Assemble a development team.
  3. Start service.
  4. Engage in its promotion.

Let's say you've developed an app that costs $20 to download. Just 500 downloads per month will bring the project a profit of 100,000 rubles.
Look at service rates. Let's say a subscription costs $500 per month. 500 users per month is 250,000 rubles.
To calculate the cost of developing an application, you need to consider:

  • essential elements;
  • supported platforms;
  • number of hours for development;
  • design for the user;
  • command structure;
  • tasks that are not directly included in the development: testing, analysis, design);
  • project support after implementation.

Approximate estimate: from 150,000 rubles.

Service development will cost much more: from one million. This already includes the salaries of the team, the cost of minimal functionality and the implementation period of several months. But just developing a service is not enough - you need to regularly maintain it, fix bugs, add new features, and listen to user complaints. This will take from 100,000 rubles. per month based on estimates.

Content to order

Another opportunity to make money on Instagram is to help with content creation. Photographers organize portrait or product photography to create high-quality visual material. Earnings - from 3,000 rubles. in an hour.

An important detail for any profile is image processing: remove pimples, diversify colors, or simply adjust the photo to a single style. For this you can take from 100 r. for one image.

Video and cinemagraphs are another influential type of content that conveys more emotion than a snapshot, and this is where videographers can get involved. Shooting, on average, from 2,000 rubles per hour. Equipment, plot, composition are taken into account. Installation is considered separately and added to the cost.

Another direction is shooting stylization. For example, food stylists are very popular with restaurants and cafes, which are tasked with capturing the atmosphere of a place. On average, it costs from 5,000 rubles. for filming.
The current trend of Instagram is design. If you are a designer, you can try developing a corporate identity for accounts. You can earn an average of 5,000 rubles per profile.

How to make money on Instagram with likes

Earnings on likes are small - you can replenish your mobile phone balance or buy ice cream. There may be a limited number of daily tasks, so it is recommended to work on multiple platforms and use accounts from different social networks. You can earn a decent amount by spending a lot of time. We wrote more in “How to make money on Instagram with likes”.

How to start making money on Instagram from scratch using services:

  1. Register on any platform for completing assignments.
  2. Complete orders regularly and get rewarded.
  3. Participate in referral programs and bring your earnings to passive.

The method is suitable for all beginners and not only for Instagram. Consider the design of your profile. Advertisers sort performers according to various criteria: gender, age, number of entries, number of subscribers.

Partnership programs

When it is not possible to sell your own products, CPA networks come to the rescue. You can choose any product that you are ready to offer to others and advertise it. Examples of such networks:

  • admitad.

On the platforms, you can get acquainted with detailed information and choose any offer. From purchases you will receive a percentage.

Summing up

So how do people make money on Instagram? You can create applications and services that solve specific user tasks. The implementation and promotion of the idea will require initial investments.

Photographers, stylists, make-up artists create custom content for Instagram.
The market of SMM-specialists is not fully formed. By investing in training, you can help blogs and brands grow their profile. A promoted account is monetized by publishing advertising posts and expanding products and services.

Not only SMM specialists can help with page development. It is enough to register on earnings services and receive rewards for likes, subscriptions and comments. Choose any method and monetize your page.

If you love photography and love Instagram, I have good news for you. Today, almost anyone can start earning on this social network. Below I will show you five main ways to make money on Instagram with followers, and you can choose what is right for you.

You can have a thousand subscribers or a hundred thousand - it doesn't matter. Each of these methods ALREADY brings people hundreds of thousands of rubles a month. What are you worse? That's what I think, nothing. And then let's get down to business.

How many followers do you need to make money on Instagram?

You can often hear such questions - “I have 2000 subscribers, how much can I earn?” Or - "I have 10,000 subscribers, what can I expect?"

In fact, if you want to know how many followers you need to earn decent money, then there are two answers to this question - short and long.

The short answer is "much less than you think." The main thing is not quantity, but quality. That is, a thousand active subscribers is better than a hundred thousand "twisted" bots that do not show themselves in any way.

There are reasons for this - the low level of competition (so far), the nativeness of advertising (invisibility), and a couple more. We'll talk about this in more detail some other time. For now, let's move on to a longer answer.

How much can you charge for advertising?

Forbes once conducted research among the so-called "influencers" on Instagram to find out how much they earn. According to them, almost all of these influencers - people with a large number of subscribers - charge $ 200-400 for one advertising post in their feed. We are talking, of course, about Western Instagrammers.

But if the opinion leaders in the West are the same as in Russia, then they certainly overestimate their value in such polls. That is, in reality, everything looks something like this - they charge around $ 150 for one sponsored post, but once they were offered 300, and in the end they agreed on 250.

I am not kidding. Every time when it comes to money and the level of earnings, people significantly inflate the numbers. But even a hundred dollars per post is not bad.

Do you think that everything in Russia, as always, is much worse and smaller? And here it is not. I personally know several popular channels where the placement of an advertising post costs from $ 200. And I know this for sure, because we paid this money. And there are more expensive ones.

It all depends on what niche you work in, how many competitors there are, and what exactly you offer to buy for your subscribers. If you really want a lot of money - here's a "simple" recipe for you.

An example of a "golden" niche

Make your Instagram a "success story" about how you lost weight or got pumped up. There is a huge audience in the topic of beauty/health. Almost 100% of people want to look their best. In addition, there are many products in this niche that you could offer. Add also that in Russia there are not so many really promoted channels on this topic yet.

This is what is called the "golden niche". One Western Instagrammer made just such a channel. And now, according to him, he earns £500 on a “bad day”. And he earns only on the placement of advertising posts. And this is just one of the five main ways.

And let's, by the way, move on to the five main ways to make money on Instagram.

Top 5 ways to make money on Instagram with followers

Method #1 - Affiliate Programs

This is one of the most common ways to make money online in general. You find products on your topic, get your affiliate link, and then promote it through social media posts.

Every time someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. It sounds simple, but in fact there are a number of complexities.

Firstly, on Instagram you can’t just post some links. You can put one active link in your profile description - and that's it. You won't run away. Yes, you can still put links in the photo description, but they will be inactive.

That is, people will have to manually copy them and open them in the next tab. And I have very big doubts that everyone will want to copy your affiliate "refer" along with the link. Thus, earning from affiliate programs here can be difficult. Maybe that's why most Instagrammers prefer regular ads.

Method #2 - Sponsored Posts

Everything is much simpler here. You receive money immediately from the advertiser. And it doesn't matter to you - how many sales will be completely from your advertising (and whether they will be at all).

The only difficulty is that you need to have quite a lot of followers before someone wants to place their advertising posts with you (by the way, in the Instagram world they are usually softly referred to as “sponsored posts”).

If in the case of making money on affiliate programs, you can start with at least a hundred subscribers, then here you will have to “stomp” first, and only then “pop”. Another interesting fact. In fact, any advertisement in any source should be marked accordingly.

But in the West, which is much more developed in terms of various legal things, there have already been several major scandals on this topic. Well-known brands fell into circulation and were forced to pay huge fines for ads on Instagram without proper tags.

Method #3 - Promoting your business

Of course, owning a business is the most profitable activity. There are usually two types of posts here:

  1. Happy customers with our product;
  2. Backstage life of the company.

If you are promoting some of your product or services, then you may have few subscribers, and still you can make good money from them. Here, the caption to the photo plays a very important role. It is the text that will sell what you want to sell.

At the same time, you need to learn to be not very intrusive so that your text does not sound exactly like explicit advertising. And this can be achieved in different ways. I recommend reading my article on this topic. There I tell one real case from my practice.

Method #4 - Selling Photos

If you are a professional photographer (that is, if you have a camera), then you can sell your creations directly through your account, without resorting to the intermediary services of various photo stocks.

The mechanics here are very simple. You take a cool photo, add a watermark to it, and post it in your account with an offer to buy this photo if someone likes it. But here again we are dealing with an undeveloped legal field.

People in Russia do not like to buy photos, because they can simply be “pirated” from each other through Yandex Pictures or simply from websites. Theoretically, for this they can impose a large fine or even jail. But in practice, I have never heard of such a thing.

And how much do you charge for one photo? How many will you sell in a month? In my opinion, this way of earning is “for growth” for us.

Method #5 - Selling Your Account

This is also an interesting option, which is not so often used yet. You can promote the channel to a certain level, and then offer to buy it.

It is clear that the cost of your account will depend on the number of subscribers and their activity. But there is an approximate order of prices that you can focus on. Here, for example, is a screenshot of one of the most popular exchanges for buying and selling social media accounts.

As you can see, they are asking for about 1 US cent for each subscriber to your account. If you have 20,000 subscribers, you can set the price to $200. If 200,000 - then already $ 2,000.

But keep in mind that serious earnings on the sale of accounts require a serious approach. That is, you will have to make your own small business, where many people will promote several accounts for sale in parallel.

By the way, such activity is also, of course, illegal. But there is no precedent for account sellers to be punished in any way. Yes, and there is no punishment for this yet.

Perhaps only in a couple of years, when each person at the time of birth will be sewn into the brain of a unique ID for direct connection to the Internet, which by that time will become one big social network ... Then yes. In the meantime, you can safely buy and sell followers as you please.

What do you need to do right now

The most important thing at the start of any business is to gather your thoughts. Define two things for yourself:

  1. Yes, I really want to make money on Instagram with followers;
  2. I want to earn in this particular way.

After that, all your actions should be aimed at development in any one specific area. Advertising means a set of the maximum number of followers. Own business means a set of the most targeted and active. Affiliates means that first we select a list of suitable affiliate programs, and then we “sharpen” our account for them.

Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (squeezed from personal experience over 10 years =)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novoselov

Working on Instagram is more than real, given the growth rate of the social network. With an increase in the number of users, the prospects for extracting financial profit from the depths of the media platform are also expanding.

Bloggers are content with one source of income or a combination of ways. However, a huge audience of subscribers has a vague idea of ​​​​how to get a stable and long-term method of earning.

People believe that the chance to earn money falls mainly:

  • Insta celebrities who have gathered a fan base;
  • profile owners who practice direct advertising;
  • contingent engaged in the promotion of a personal brand.

To dispel the doubts of inexperienced service participants, let's look at ways to get a margin. You'll learn that you don't have to post photos that show the owner of the page.

Entrepreneurs have been “hanging out” on Instagram for almost 5 years - they understood the effectiveness of product promotion. Although newcomers to the business tend to think mostly about how to make money on Instagram, and not take care of developing an account. We will pay attention to the methods of extracting profit from the site in question.

We list the types of employment that do not require effort, but take time. They are designed for beginners or teenagers studying at school:

  • putting likes under publications;
  • subscription to user pages;
  • placement of images in your personal account;
  • writing paid comments.

A little more complicated, but also within reach are the following options for how to make money on a social network:

  • creating good, "catchy" texts, since not all account authors have literary talent. Sometimes the design of the correct, inviting content for short videos is in demand;
  • editing videos for placement in Stories. Some bloggers do not know how or do not have the time to structure the footage or borrowed material. Installation is required from a hired person - profile promotion is at the discretion of other specialists J


How to make money on Instagram with likes and followers? The Bosslike platform pays for social activity and allows you to exchange the accumulated funds for electronic banknotes. The minimum that can be withdrawn is 100 rubles, and the prospects for income are in the region of 3 hundred "wooden" per day (2-3 hours of productive labor). Registered participants can earn money by watching videos remotely and completing surveys. There are also other types of customer-sponsored work.

VKTarget has a minimum withdrawal amount of 25 rubles. Prompt payment - after 2 days the margin is credited to the account. Distinguish tasks:

  • posting comments;
  • liking publications;
  • subscriptions to people's profiles.

The scope for earning in VKTarget is huge, but the rates are low. Up to 300 r. beginners who work hard for at least 2 hours a day.

On subscribers

Qcomment offers a job on average for 5 "wooden" and a minimum wage commensurate with Bosslike, 100 rubles. Participants interested in how to make money on Instagram can fish out up to five thousand rubles a day. There are plenty of orders and advertisers on the stock exchange. The reward for selfless work comes quickly. Transactions arrive promptly in the afternoon.

A worthy working resource for receiving money is CashBOX. Connect your account to the profile of Insta and other messengers. Such a move expands the area of ​​potential profit sources.

You can not only subscribe to ForumOk for payment, but also perform a number of other works. The prospect of tangible earnings for freelancers.

On posting a photo

Traveling the world visiting memorable places? Then earning is not surprising! Become a photographer - publish the captured content on specialized portals. It is possible to delegate authority by the following method:

  • search for a person for whose account it is supposed to create a gorgeous photo shoot;
  • discuss prices with the client and the details of the task;
  • take care of creating relevant and decent images for the blogger during the voyage;
  • accept reward.

Now let's briefly analyze how to make money on Instagram through the Foap platform, one of the giants of photo stock sources:

  • creating an account in the specified service;
  • downloading a portfolio of selected masterpieces of fine arts, applying for implementation.

If the consumer liked the picture, you get $5. The number of sales of 1 picture not limited by the system is available.

How can you make money on Instagram

Another way to start earning income is to monetize your own skills. We are talking about creating digital products that require working with profile visitors. The method is relevant for subscribers with a base. Then you don’t have to sweat from scratch over the development of the channel’s reputation.

Take the time to analyze the niches in which account holders operate in order to choose the direction of movement. Pay attention to the ads ordered by people who are promoting on the social network. For tips on how to make money on Instagram, dig into the needs of your followers. Do your research to find out what issues your potential clientele is adopting.

After clarifying the described nuances, proceed with the implementation of the intention and remember that information products allow you to be content with 1 thousand - 100 thousand rubles. per month. A wide range of "exhaust" is argued:

  • the ability of a person to present goods to people and, accordingly, earn money;
  • the intensity of advertising in the Internet space corresponding to the subject of the promoted product;
  • the costs and quality of the selection of outsourcing specialists who take on the role of marketers, etc.

Without investing money at home

Convert your own professional skills into making money "on the spot" J Legal or psychological consultations are in demand in the media. If desired, you can adapt personal specialization to receive profit.

The method really does not require investments, except for the requirement of competence in the promoted field. How to make money on Instagram on consultations?

  • win potential customers by providing free recommendations;
  • take care of the proper design of master classes online;
  • create a portfolio containing positive user feedback.

To succeed at home, they are also engaged in the implementation of someone else's equipment. After 2-3 days, the first offer arrives with the intensity of posting goods from 2 to 4 pieces per day.

Make a subject of publications about goods and services. Dilute the content of advertising pages with entertaining or educational information. With sufficient attention to promoting a profile without investment, it will be possible to earn a reputation and reach a decent level of sales.

What are the job openings on Instagram?

The way to earn money in the field of SMM is suitable for those who understand the topic and do not want to work hard. The social media manager must:

  • create an account;
  • work on the content plan of the promoted project;
  • apply software during promotion;
  • promote the assigned brand;
  • purchase promotional materials.

Before making money on Instagram, they are looking for employment in SMM, having previously paid attention to promoting the account. Enter data about the cost and type of support provided. But in general, in a month it is possible to “cut down” from 5 thousand to 20 thousand rubles. A couple of similar clients, diligence - and a comfortable existence is provided J

Giving marketing advice is valued by companies that like promotion on Insta. The niche is not completely filled, which allows you to find suitable customers. Having taken a vacancy, there is a chance to earn 20-70 dollars per hour. When preparing a schedule of actions for promotion, there is a chance to get positive feedback from people. Prefer communication by e-mail direct appeal to customers.

How to use Instagram from a computer

It's time to consider well-known applications that facilitate interaction with the media platform:

  • Onlypult produces delayed publications. Upload up to 40 accounts to the database. When thinking about how to make money on Instagram, to optimize your efforts, post on your computer at the same time in different profiles;
  • Storiesads provides access to the design of advertising content in Stories. The application also creates videos in portrait orientation. Templates come to the rescue when editing movies for social media. networks;
  • Canva is in the photography business. Put your favorite presets and edit the description along with other elements of the post;
  • Preview - Plan your Instagram makes changes to the footage. Thanks to the functions of the application, high-quality images are obtained at the output.

Is it possible for a beginner to earn money from scratch?

Inexperienced users will succeed in implementing client profiles. However, you need to pay attention to education in matters of SMM. Engage in the study of courses, books and other self-development in terms of social media marketing.

Let's warn newbies about the futility of cheating followers when selling pages:

  • the success of commerce is determined by the activity of a real audience, and not "dead" subscribers;
  • if you are interested in how to make money on Instagram without investment, forget about cheating - an artificial increase in the number of fans requires investments;
  • the contingent went experienced and easily defines profiles “stuffed” with a paid base of followers.

The stack of responsibilities can be distributed between two or three professionals. But this is true for organizations of medium and large scale - small companies will be pulled by one person.

It will take about 2-3 months to parse the instructions for action. Then the necessary skills are learned in the "battle". The return on SMM is at least 10 thousand "wooden" - the cost is indicated for one client's personal account.

How much can you earn on Instagram

The burning question: how much is it? Do not be upset if you do not belong to celebrities from a social network, in which the price of a link is calculated in tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles. There are other ways to achieve well-being through Insta.

Being engaged in blogging, it is realistic to count on 100 thousand - 2 million rubles. per month. Earnings are more modest in figures of 10 thousand - 150 thousand rubles. In general, there are many methods of how to make money on Instagram. Nevertheless, the basic profit is determined by advertising, the sale of promoted goods.

People who keep diaries claim the following types of profit extraction:

  • selling products using your own accounts;
  • placement of advertising content.

The use of the chosen scheme of earnings a priori means the need for constant filling of the profile. It is also necessary to check the promoted funds, products, etc. from personal experience. Since this increases the credibility - otherwise, subscribers will quickly "peck" that the blogger is pursuing purely mercantile interests in making money...

How not to get divorced?

  • refrain from participating in suspicious actions promising "mountains of gold";
  • monitor the content of inviting descriptions. An ad rich in errors, extraneous spaces, numbers mixed with letters should immediately arouse suspicion. Using the described manipulations, the scammers masked posts from Instagram robots;
  • do not start getting acquainted with how to make money on Instagram without putting a “cure” for phishing links (lure to scam sites, etc.);
  • verify the authenticity of the profile of a known member in order to avoid further "surprises". Next to the initials of the star, a blue tick is required - then it makes sense to trust the draw.
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