How to enter a closed profile in classmates. How to make access only for friends in classmates in order to close a profile from strangers: a step-by-step guide

Hello! Today I will tell you how to make access only for friends in classmates, both paid and free. I know that many people do not want everyone to look at their photos, write them messages and rate them, but only want to communicate with friends. Of course, you can add all unwanted individuals to the black list, but this is very stupid, difficult and inconvenient in this case. Let's make it easier.

In order to make the profile available only to friends, you can use the free method. To do this, you need to follow a couple of steps:

Unfortunately, here you can only hide some information from strangers. For example, you won't be able to hide your photos or videos, notes or holidays. If this is important to you, then there are only 2 ways:

  • Block specific people. But as I said before, this is a very bad and useless way.
  • Get a private profile to expand the functionality of the publicity settings. Actually, this will be discussed further.

How to create a private profile

This method is more productive, but it's really paid. But in defense of its paid access, I would like to say that it costs quite inexpensively (at the moment, 100 rubles) and is given forever.

To enable a private profile in classmates, you need to do the following:

At the very end, it remains only to re-enter "My settings" - "Publicity". You will see for yourself that the functionality has expanded, and new elements have appeared, such as the ability to view photos and videos. Now you can make access only to your friends in classmates whom you trust, in all respects.

I think. that one hundred rubles is not such a large amount if you want to hide your data from strangers. But there is one loophole, thanks to which you can completely restrict access to the page, figuratively speaking, for free.

How to close a profile in classmates for free?

In fact, it is simply impossible to close a profile for free, but there is one loophole, thanks to which you will not need to spend your money. True, there is one condition: you must have a Sberbank card and are connected to the "Thank you" bonus program, thanks to which you will receive points for purchases in stores. Then you can either pay with these points or pay off part of the price.

And here is a pleasant surprise. If you have a Sberbank card and you are connected to the bonus program, you can pay with “Thank you” bonuses in this social network. 100 OK will cost you 150 "Thank you" bonuses at the moment. Perhaps I will use these bonuses, otherwise I have already accumulated a lot of them, but I do not spend. To do this, you need to enter your attached phone number and click "Exchange".

How to make access for friends from the phone?

The number of users of the mobile version of the social network classmates is growing steadily every day. Therefore, let's take a look at how to close a profile on your phone.

In fact, it is no more difficult than performing the same action on a computer. All you need is to log into your account on your smartphone and click on the OK icon in the upper left corner, then select the "Settings" item, or immediately select "Closed profile".

There we choose again "Public settings" and we act according to the same scheme as for the computer version. If you wish, you can also top up your balance by 100 OK and have fully functional options for granting access forever.

Of course, if you have any problems with this, then you can always activate the lower version by clicking on the corresponding link. And then work as with a regular page.

I think that now you understand how to make access only for friends in classmates and exclude unauthorized persons from viewing photos on your account. Well, this is where I end .. Do not forget to subscribe to my blog, as well as to all my publics on social networks. Good luck. Bye Bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

How to make Odnoklassniki just for friends? People want to hide personal information from users so that they do not view the data. To do this, you will have to spend time and money.

There are several reasons for closing a profile:

  • The person does not like to spread additional information.
  • There are people viewing the page and you don't want to.
  • You want to share data and materials only with your friends.

It is necessary to use a special tab to completely close the profile and exclude its subsequent viewing by unauthorized people.

How to make a private profile in Odnoklassniki only for friends


  1. In the first step, find the settings section in the menu.
  2. Go to the "Privacy" tab.
  3. Move the checkboxes to the second column.

This way you can hide only the master data, while leaving most of the page open for viewing. How do you close it completely?

When you have funds on your balance for calculating within the social network, you can proceed to the procedure:

  • On the main page in the menu there is a tab "Closed profile".
  • Click on the item and confirm your decision.
  • Pay 50 OK for the service.
  • There is no subscription fee, you pay immediately for the entire period of use.
  • After the operation, you can close your profile.

The process takes a few minutes and does not cause problems. The service allows you to completely hide all information from users of the social network, except for your friends.

Of course, the paid option for such an option is a certain drawback. But this is the only option, how to make access only for friends in Odnoklassniki. You still have no alternatives. Using the privacy setting, you can hide only a small part of the information, while all other data will remain available.

You have learned how to restrict the viewing of your page by unauthorized persons on a social network. Initially, take care of a sufficient amount of OK, and then you can proceed to the procedure. Top up the balance is offered in ways convenient for users.

In any projects on the Internet, you can always find places that have not been completed or overlooked by the developers, hackers call them holes. Everyone's favorite social network has some interesting loopholes. Using these hidden opportunities, you will stand out from the crowd and become more interesting and unpredictable for your friends: smile :. Today we will reveal some secrets in Odnoklassniki. For many, it will be tempting to use the provided social media tricks.

1. How to enter Odnoklassniki from a computer so that the entrance from the phone is displayed?

When entering the site from a mobile phone, an inscription appears under the avatar mobile... You can do the same by logging in from your home computer. This requires the system to recognize the mobile phone connection (WAP connection). It is enough to enter the link in the address bar of the browser:

In this case, upon entering, the design and functions of the site will be as in the mobile version.

The old version of the phone is available when imitating Odnoklassniki's WAP and entering the following link in the browser address bar:

2. How can I find out a friend's birthday and the date the profile was created in Odnoklassniki?

Another secret advantage is the WAP connection. Thanks to it, it is very easy to find out the user's real birthday and the time when the profile was created: smile :. The trick on how to connect to the mobile version of WAP on the Odnoklassniki website is described above in paragraph 1.

We go to the friends section of the account and select the person whose information we want to know. In the menu, click on Application form and we have the required data:

3. How to view a closed group?

You need to send a request to join the group. An invitation will come where the links will be available To accept, Reject and Group view... This last function is a trick and is needed to view the group, without accepting or rejecting the offer. In this case, you will not be a member of the group and can easily view it, but only if you are not in.

4. How to get many 5+ ratings?

The most banal and effective method is to pay for the service (see the example of invisible payment and with help) and get the opportunity to give 5+ marks. Next, look for friends who are now on the site and give five plus points to as many friends as possible. Now all that remains is to wait for a response. According to statistics, more than half reciprocate: smile :.

Both in real life and on the Internet, we all come across inadequate people. To protect your personal Internet space from them, the Odnoklassniki website has developed closed profiles for the site. If your profile is closed, then only users who are friends will be able to get to your page, view photos, comment on them, and rate them.

For your safety, as well as from annoying prying eyes, you can close your social network profile. This is done in two ways - paid and free. With our step-by-step instructions, it will only take you a couple of minutes.

Close profile for free

This is done in your profile settings. To do this, you need to go to the "Settings" section.

After you get to the settings section, in the left column, select the "Publicity" section.

All items in the subsections "Who can see" and "Allow" mark in the column "Friends only" and click "Save".

These simple actions will help you avoid collision with unwanted people, negativity and spam. But complete safety and protection of the profile in Odnoklassniki is possible only with the help of a paid profile closure.

Paid private profile

To ensure yourself complete protection from unwanted visits and actions, you need to use the site's paid service to close your profile. This is a very productive activity and is not very expensive in terms of cost.

Payment is made in OKs, the specialized currency of the site. For the service you will need to pay 100 Okov. This is a one-time payment, and after that your profile will always be closed.

Let's figure out how to do this. This is also done in two ways:

  1. In the section "My settings", in the subsection "Publicity" (in the same place where the profile was closed in a free way) in the middle of the page there will be information about the closed profile, here click "Connect".
  2. In the upper right corner, click on the miniature avatar with an arrow (in the same place where you went to the "Change settings" section) and click "Close profile", and confirm your desire.

In both cases, a window will open in front of you, where you will be asked to pay for the service.

If you have enough funds on your account, the service will be activated and you can always use it. If there are not enough funds, the account can be replenished without any problems through:

  • Mobile phone;
  • Payment terminals;
  • Bank cards;
  • Electronic money.

How to close access to the OK profile from the phone

If you use modern portable gadgets to access the Internet and use the mobile version of Odnoklassniki, you can also close your profile there. Paid and free methods are also available for application users. This is done easily, as in the full version of the site:

  1. To completely close the profile on a paid basis, log into your account, click OK in the upper left corner and click "My Settings" in the menu that opens. On the opened page, in the "Functions" section, click "Close profile". Confirm your decision and pay for the service 100 OK.
  2. Restricting access to your page is also done through "My Settings". In the "Settings" section, find the "Publicity Settings" section and go there. Then mark all shown positions in the column "Friends only" and save the changes.

It is quite easy to navigate the Odnoklassniki website, which means that you will not have any problems providing access to your page only to your friends. Chat with your friends and have fun!

Hello visitors to our site. The social network Odnoklassniki is well-known and popular in our country. Many people use it to communicate with their acquaintances, relatives, friends, make new friends, join various groups according to their interests, share their photographs, videos, etc. How, in Odnoklassniki, you will learn from early articles. Today we will look at the basic and interesting settings that will make your visit to this social network more enjoyable.

So let's go over the main parameters first.

Basic settings Odnoklassniki

To go to the main parameters of Odnoklassniki settings, you need to enter the site using your username and password. In your account on the left under the main photo there is a block with a set of options.

We choose " Change settings". We get to the settings page, divided by groups.

The very first - The main... Here you can change your personal data (login, email address, password, phone number). To change this or that parameter, move the cursor over the required element and press “ Edit».

For more reliable protection of your profile, it is recommended to make active double protection... Place the cursor on this parameter and click on “ Enable».

This option enables double control over your account. When you enter the Odnoklassniki website, you will now enter not only your username and password, but also a special code in an SMS message sent to the phone number specified in your account. Formed so to speak Double protection of your profile.

This group contains 2 blocks of settings: Who can see- indicate to whom you give permission to view your age, your games, groups, etc., for example, do you want your age to be available only to your friends? Just move the radio button on this line to " Only friends". Now your age will be a mystery to the rest. 2 block - Allow... Here you set to whom to invite you to the groups, mark in notes, in photos. Since I do not like to play online games, I set a parameter that prohibits me from being invited to games. After the changes, do not forget “ Save».

In this category of settings, you specify the events about which you want to receive email notifications. In this case, any event marked here with a tick will not pass by you.

Visit history... Here you can always track your visits to Odnoklassniki.

A photo... You may have noticed in your feed that images in the .gif format (animation), popularly also called "gifs", begin to play automatically. If you don't need it, go to this section of settings and uncheck

Video... To cancel autoplay of videos, just go here and remove the activity of this option.

Third Party Applications... When registering on sites, they are often asked to log in using an account from any social network. This saves a person not to create a login, come up with a password. We simply select the desired network and go through authorization on this portal. Fast and convenient.

So, in this section of the settings, a list of all those resources on which you were authorized using Odnoklassniki is presented.

Black list... From the name itself, it is clear that this list contains the people you have blocked. We will learn how to do this below.

Conversation settings

Most of the time in Odnoklassniki we spend talking with our interlocutors. And this correspondence can also be somehow changed for yourself. We open the message window, select the contact for whom we want to change the settings, click in the upper right corner on the gear icon, this panel will open in front of us, consisting of 2 blocks of settings: correspondence and a browser.

In the first block, we can block the interlocutor, thereby he will go to the known "black list", we can also hide our correspondence from the general list, which is located to the left of the message field; we can completely delete our correspondence. If you check the "Do not disturb" checkbox, then we will not hear the sound notification when we receive a new message from him.

In the second block, we can set the display of a notification in the browser. This means that when the interlocutor writes a message to you, no matter what page you are on, you will see a pop-up window in the lower right corner of the browser window, in which the contact's name and text will be indicated. Here you can set a sound notification about new messages.

Alternatively, you can add a third party to your correspondence. To do this, just click “ Add interlocutor". Then you will be prompted to select a contact from your friends list and add it. Thus, the communication will take place in the composition of three people.

It is also possible to create a separate correspondence with the required number of people. Click on " Create a chat", In the window that appears, select the interlocutors separately and press the button" Add to". You can add multiple people.


All actions of our friends are displayed in our feed. By default, the actions of all acquaintances are shown.

Separately, you can see popular, discussed news from friends. If you have the closest and dearest people, add them to Favorites, then you will immediately find out all their latest news. To add, click the plus sign.

On the tab “ Friends»In the feed, you can see all the actions of a particular person. Something similar on the tabs " Groups"And" Games».

If for some reason you do not want to see in your feed what this or that person is doing, you can simply remove him from your feed. To do this, go to his page

Let me finish with this. I hope this article will help you to make your time on the Odnoklassniki social network more comfortable. If you missed something, share in the comments. Until then, good mood and see you soon.

If you want the audience to cry, you have to accumulate a thousand tears in yourself. And if you want the audience to laugh, you have to accumulate a thousand smiles in yourself.

Vladimir Zeldin

My respect and respect for the departed great man Vladimir Zeldin

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